How to Tell If a Truck Driver Is Driving Recklessly?

Friday, July 29, 2022

Truck drivers have a legal duty to drive safely and prudently. They must obey stringent federal laws in terms of truck inspections, cargo loading, braking techniques, rest breaks and more. Breaching any of these rules or regulations, either negligently or intentionally, could cause a deadly truck accident. In 2017, fatal accidents in the U.S. involved 4,657 large trucks. Keeping an eye out for reckless truck drivers in Texas could help you avoid a serious accident. Always keep your distance from a reckless trucker and call 911 to report the issue if you see the warning signs. If you were the victim of a big rig accident, speak to a Dallas truck accident attorney to learn about your options.


No commercial truck should ever exceed the posted speed limits in Texas. Speed limits vary state to state but should be clearly posted alongside the roadway. Some highways have different maximum speeds for passenger cars and commercial trucks. Texas has some of the highest speed limits for truckers (up to 85 miles per hour), but truck drivers should still not exceed a speed that is reasonable and prudent for driving conditions. This may mean slowing down considerably lower than the posted limits in bad weather.

A speeding truck driver may be engaging in this dangerous practice due to road rage or to meet a tight deadline. There is no excuse, however, for reckless truck driving.


It is extremely dangerous for a commercial big rig to tailgate or ride close to the bumpers of other vehicles. This is one of the common causes of truck accidents. Large trucks require more time to come to complete stops than smaller passenger cars, increasing the risk of rear-end collisions. Prudent truck drivers remain a safe distance away from the vehicles they are following to prevent these accidents.

When a big rig crashes into the back of a smaller vehicle, the collision can be fatal for the occupants in the car. The big rig’s tires may ride up over the back of the passenger car (an override accident) in a way that crushes the vehicle and the passengers inside. If not, the impact could crush the smaller vehicle or send it colliding into other cars or careening into oncoming traffic. If you see a truck driver tailgating another driver, this is a reckless driving behavior that could cause a fatal accident.

Improper Passing

Unsafe lane changes are a significant cause of fatal truck accidents. It is a truck driver’s responsibility to safely and prudently switch lanes when it is safe to do so, only after signaling the intent to merge and waiting until the lane is clear. No Zones (significant blind spots) can make it difficult for a truck driver to tell whether a lane is clear before merging. Truck drivers must take extra caution while keeping this fact in mind.

If you notice a large truck weaving between lanes of traffic, changing lanes excessively, passing people using the shoulder of the road, honking to force other drivers out of its way, cutting other drivers off or merging on top of other vehicles, the driver is guilty of reckless driving. These are reckless driving behaviors that could lead to a serious sideswipe accident, underride collision or override collision.

Red-Light Running

Violating any traffic law is a sign of reckless driving in a trucker. One of the most common signs of a bad or dangerous truck driver is red-light running. If you see a trucker run a red light or roll through a stop sign, you have witnessed reckless driving. Make a note of the trucking company’s name and the registration number of the truck (posted on all truck cabs). Call the trucking company to issue a complaint about a dangerous driver. If the reckless truck driver appears to be putting other people’s lives in danger, call 911 to report the incident as well. Hire an attorney to help you prove your case if you get into a crash with a truck driver you suspect of reckless driving.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:38 am

Texas Bus Accident Lawyers

Thursday, July 28, 2022
Every year in Texas, thousands of people are killed or seriously injured in Texas bus accidents. Tragically, many of these accidents are the result of negligent, reckless Charter bus and Tour bus drivers and their employers. Whether you are a passenger on a Charter bus, Tour bus or in a motor vehicle or pedestrian, you entrust the bus driver and bus company with your loved ones’ safety and well being. An accident caused by a bus company is among the last thing you would expect. Yet, when a bus accident happens, the consequences can be significant, both emotionally and financially. Our legal system has in place a mechanism to ensure that the costs of bus crashes are borne by those at fault. Experienced Texas bus accident lawyers can help you determine if you have a valid claim for your injuries, and, if so, how to maximize the recovery from all negligent parties.

Bus Accident Statistics

Buses are often thought of as a safe alternative to flying for large groups traveling across the country, in the state of Texas, or even just across town.  But the number of deadly Texas bus accidents in the news are proof that travel by bus is not always guaranteed to be safe. In each of the years from 1990 to 2001, there were between 50,000 and 63,000 bus crashes in the United States. Between 1991 and 2004  somewhere between 15,000 and 21,000. In 2015, 4,311 buses were involved in fatal crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that between 2000 and 2007, 1,093 fatal bus accidents have occurred, resulting in 1,315 fatalities and 3,471 injuries. This translates to about 137 bus-crash related fatalities a year. The number of people injured because of careless bus drivers and bus companies is much higher.

Cases of Tour Bus and Charter Bus Accidents

 There are many reasons why a bus may get into an accident. Some of the most common reasons include:
  • Negligence on the part of the bus driver
  • Negligence on the part of the driver of another vehicle
  • Speeding
  • Alcohol or drug Use
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Mechanical problems
  • Improper maintenance
  • Distracted driving such as cell phone use
  • Inadequate training
  • Inadequate supervision

 Common Tour Bus and Charter Bus Accident Injuries

 Some of the most common injuries individuals sustain when involved in a bus accident include:
  • Whiplash and spinal cord injuries
  • Fractures
  • Sprains to the muscles
  • Brain injuries
  • Trauma to the head
  • Paralysis
  • Crushing injuries
  • Damage to nerves
  • Internal injuries
  • Cuts, bruises and burns

 What Damages Can I Recover After a Charter or Tour Bus Accident?

One of the most common questions asked of a Chart bus or Tour Bus accident attorney after a bus accident is in regard to what damages can be recovered. If you or a family member has been injured in a Charter Bus or Tour bus accident, you may have a claim against the driver of the bus, bus company and other third parties for:
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Impairment of earning capacity
  • Life care expenses
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium (the services of an injured spouse)
  • Punitive Damages
  • Wrongful death Damages

Who May Be Responsible for Your Injuries?

Because of the many ways a bus crash can happen, the question of who is responsible for injuries and other damages depends upon the circumstances of the accident. Early in the case it is important for your lawyer to identify certain parties, such as the owner of the bus, the company that operates it, and the company responsible for making repairs and maintaining the bus in a safe mechanical condition. Finding an attorney who will locate all potential responsible parties is crucial. Some of those your lawyer may identify as parties responsible for your injuries include: The Bus Company – A bus accident may occur because the bus company sends a defective bus out on the road with faulty brakes, a shaky steering column or overused tires. The company’s actions in hiring unqualified drivers, maintenance people and other personnel, or in negligently training or supervising them may also contribute to the cause of an accident. In addition, the company may be found at fault for a bus crash and passenger injuries caused by its failure to make or enforce adequate safety procedures. Bus Maintenance Companies – If the bus company contracts an independent company to maintain the vehicles in a safe mechanical condition, that company may be sued independently for negligent maintenance that causes a crash or accident. Affiliated Cruise Lines and Tour Operators – Owners and drivers of these buses can be held liable for driver negligence in an accident. When a bus trip is part of a package offered by a tour service, the service itself may be liable for damages to passengers when a crash occurs in an affiliated tour bus. Bus Driver – Accidents are often caused by the driver’s negligent operation of the bus. Drivers may violate traffic controls, fall asleep at the wheel or have their attention diverted by non-driving-related distractions. Bus drivers involved in a crash can be held personally responsible for the injuries sustained by the passengers. As a practical matter, however, the companies employing the bus driver, and their insurance companies, will typically be held financially responsible for bus crashes and resulting injuries. Drivers of Other Vehicles and their employers – Owners and drivers of other cars, trucks and other vehicles may be held responsible for injuries caused by negligent or reckless driving. A driver’s employer may also be held liable for an accident if the driver was operating the bus while performing work duties. Manufacturers of the Bus and/or its Parts – A bus manufacturer that sends a defective vehicle from the factory to the marketplace subjects passengers to unreasonable danger and potential harm. As a result, the bus manufacturer can be held responsible for damages when a crash occurs. Likewise, the manufacturers and retailers of defective bus parts that may have caused the bus accident could be liable for the injuries to the passengers.

What Qualifies as a Bus for Purposes of a Bus Accident?

The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards define a bus as any motorized vehicle capable of carrying more than 10 passengers. The category includes school buses, large vans used for public transport, church buses, municipal transit buses, many airport shuttles, tour buses, trolleys, and interstate carriers, such as Greyhound buses. Most of these are considered “common carriers” under the law, and are therefore subject to state and federal licensing requirements and other regulations, but it is state law that will determine if bus companies and others are liable for compensating a passenger for injuries sustained in a crash. There are many Charter and Tour bus companies operating in Texas and just some of the few that have been involved in collisions include:
  • Greyhound Bus Company
  • Gogo Charter Bus
  • Charter Bus Company
  • Echo Transportation
  • Cowtown Charters
  • Tornado Bus Company
  • First Class Tours
  • Star Shuttle & Charter
  • OK Tours
  • San Antonio Charter Bus Company
  • Roadrunner Charters
  • Coach USA
  • Concord Coach Lines
  • First Transit
  • Megabus
  • Thruway Motorcoash
  • Trailways Transportation System
  • Capital Metro
  • Loan Star Coaches
  • Prompt Bus Charters & Tours
  • Central Texas Party Bus
  • El Expreso Bus Company
  • Clark Travel
  • Kerrville Bus Company
  • Continental Bus Lines & Charters
  • Houston Charter Bus Company

Selecting Texas Bus Accident Lawyers

It is important that the lawyer you hire is experienced and capable of navigating the state and federal laws and regulations governing all types of bus service providers, and that your attorney can determine if violation of those laws caused your accident or made your injuries or other damages worse. It is very important for a lawyer handling these cases to ensure that all potential sources of compensation are pursued, whether fault lies with the bus’s manufacturer, the bus company that hired an unqualified mechanic, or the driver of the tractor-trailer that rear-ended the bus. It is also important for Texas bus accident lawyers to retain investigators and well-respected experts to investigate the causes of your crash. If it appears that your accident may have been caused by a dangerous road condition, your attorney will need to hire expert civil and traffic engineers to pinpoint those road deficiencies. Competent and reliable lawyers will invest the necessary resources and efforts to ensure that your case is resolved for its maximum value. Such attorneys will hire the necessary investigators and experts, visit the location of the bus crash, take images of the scene, conduct tests where necessary, find and interview witnesses and investigate prior complaints or claims that have been made against the responsible parties. Aaron A. Herbert has extensive experience handling personal injury claims involving buses and recovering substantial settlements and verdicts for his clients injured in bus accidents. You will incur no attorney fees, court cost, or legal expenses unless you recover. Time to file is limited by Texas law, so call today to protect your right to the compensation you deserve. Call 24/7 (210) 435-7968 or toll free to (855) 655-HURT.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:43 pm

How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Monday, July 25, 2022

In Texas, the civil justice system works by giving injured accident victims the chance to seek compensation for their losses from negligent parties. If you were recently injured in an accident as a result of someone else’s negligence, that person or party may owe you compensation. You need to understand how much your personal injury claim is worth before you resolve your case. Obtaining an accurate case evaluation can help you demand a fair amount during settlement negotiations. To speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer in Dallas, give us a call. Free consultations offered.

What Are Compensable Losses?

Before you can understand the value of your claim, you must understand the definition of a compensable loss. In a personal injury case, compensable losses are damages you suffered due to the defendant’s negligence or recklessness. They can refer to past and future economic and noneconomic damages. They can also refer to punitive damages, or an award specifically meant to punish a defendant for gross negligence. The average injury claim in Texas involves several types of compensable losses.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Out of pocket costs
  • Property damage
  • Lost quality of life
  • Loss of consortium or wrongful death damages

The specific compensable losses you can claim depend on the circumstances of your individual case. A lawyer in Texas can help you create a full and accurate list of all the damages you suffered due to the defendant’s actions. From there, your lawyer can help you demand a suitable settlement award to cover the extent of your losses. If a settlement does not properly reimburse you for your losses, your lawyer can take the case to trial instead.

How to Calculate the Value of Your Personal Injury Claim

To evaluate your damages, you and your lawyer will need to analyze what the accident and your injuries have cost you financially, physically and emotionally. This will take an in-depth look at how the accident has impacted you. Your lawyer may start with an overview of all your economic losses. You and your attorney can add up your economic damages using receipts, bills, invoices, pay stubs, medical records and other such documents. Then, your lawyer can help you calculate your noneconomic damages using an appropriate method.
There are two basic ways a jury will calculate noneconomic damages, or pain and suffering. The first and most common is the Multiplier Method. With this method, the jury will multiply your total amount of economic damages by a number that represents the severity of your injuries. The second method, the Per Diem Method, multiplies a daily amount (often equivalent to the victim’s daily wage) by the number of days the victim will reasonably experience pain and suffering. A lawyer can help you estimate an appropriate amount to claim in noneconomic damages during your case.

What Factors Can Affect the Value of Your Personal Injury Claim?

Many different factors can change how much you receive from an insurance settlement or injury lawsuit in Texas. The amount of medical treatment you will need throughout your lifetime due to the accident, for example, can determine how much someone owes you in past and future health care costs. The amount of money you used to make at your job before the accident can impact your lost wage claim. Many other factors, such as your age, health, and the amount of pain and suffering you endured, could also affect the value of your case.
Liability is another issue that could impact the value of your case. If you can hold two or more parties liable, you can increase your chances of securing full compensation for your losses. If the other party is disputing liability, however, this could reduce your compensation. The comparative negligence defense in Texas could reduce your award amount by a percentage equivalent to your fault for the accident. It can be difficult to understand the value of your personal injury claim. The best way to obtain an accurate estimate is by speaking to an attorney.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:21 pm

What Do I Do When Another Driver Has an Accident in My Car?

Tuesday, July 19, 2022
It’s bad enough to crash your own car and have to take responsibility for the damages, but when someone else has an accident in your vehicle, you can feel trapped. Loaning your vehicle to a friend or family member seemed harmless at the time, but now you have to face the consequences of a collision. Luckily, car insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver. However, someone else crashing your car can lead to your premium going up and having to pay a hefty deductible. Here’s what to do after someone else has an accident in your vehicle.

Call Your Insurance Company

F The first step after a friend or family member causes an accident in your car is to call your insurance company. The company will tell you who your policy includes. Typically, insurance policies cover people in your household automatically, as well as friends if you give them your permission to drive the car. However, some policies have an excluded list that describes certain people the insurance company will not cover. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, the driver’s insurance company, and the damage to your vehicle, your company will handle the situation in a variety of ways. If the driver suffered an injury in the crash, his or her own personal injury protection (PIP) policy would cover the costs. Unlike liability coverage, PIP policies cover the driver first and the vehicle second. If the driver does not have this protection under his or her policy, he or she could claim it against your own PIP coverage.

Find Out Who Will Pay for Damages

In a common scenario, where you and the driver both have car insurance, both companies may foot the bill for the accident. Your car insurance would serve as the primary coverage, and the driver’s insurance would be secondary. If the vehicle’s damages exceed the coverage limit on your policy, the driver’s insurance would step in and cover the remaining balance. Your own insurance coverage would pay for all damages if:
  • The driver did not have insurance
  • An excluded driver borrowed your car
  • Someone stole and crashed your vehicle
Remember, if the accident wasn’t the driver’s fault, the other involved driver’s car insurance would cover damages and your personal insurance wouldn’t change. Arm yourself with information in these situations by speaking with your insurance company and finding out what your policy covers. If you don’t have the right type of coverage, you may end up paying for damages out of pocket.

Speak to an Attorney Regarding Liability Issues

When someone else crashes your car, it’s possible for victims in the accident to hold you liable for damages. While this may not seem fair, it does make sense in certain scenarios. A party may hold you responsible for injuries and property damage even if someone else was driving your car. Such a situation might include you knowingly letting an intoxicated person operate your vehicle, letting an unlicensed driver take your car, or if issues relating to the car itself caused the crash. If, for example, the car’s badly maintained brakes failed while someone else was behind the wheel, the courts may hold you, the vehicle’s owner, responsible for a crash. Liability issues can be complex when a crash involves a vehicle owner and separate driver of the vehicle. Speak with an attorney if you believe you might end up in court regarding a car accident lawyer – whether you’re the driver or someone else was.

Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future

Dealing with car insurance companies and liability problems resulting from an excluded driver crashing your car can be a major headache. If there’s even a small possibility of a friend or family member driving your vehicle, include him or her on your insurance policy.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:36 pm

Guide to Sharing the Road With Semi Trucks

Monday, July 18, 2022

Semi trucks are critical to the country’s economy. Commercial big rigs transport millions of tons of goods across the country each year. Traveling alongside large trucks, however, can come with certain safety threats to the average driver. The great size and weight disparities between a semi truck and a passenger vehicle mean the latter almost always suffers the greater damages. In 2017, semi trucks were involved in 4,657 fatal accidents in the U.S. As a driver in Dallas, learning how to safely share the road with semi trucks could save your life.

What Are Semi Truck No Zones?

A semi truck’s No Zones describe areas on all four sides of a commercial truck that passenger vehicle drivers should avoid. No Zones are a truck driver’s blind spots. A semi truck’s blind spots are enormous. A general rule to follow is if you cannot see the truck driver’s face in the truck’s side mirrors, the driver cannot see you. Do your best not to hover in the No Zones.

  • 20 feet to the front of the truck
  • 30 feet to the rear of the truck
  • One lane to the left of the truck
  • Two lanes to the right of the truck

While it may be impossible to completely stay out of a truck’s No Zones, do not hover in them for longer than is necessary. Instead, maneuver out of the No Zone as quickly as you safely can. Hovering in a blind spot puts your life at risk. Every second you spend in the No Zone could put you at risk of the semi truck merging on top of you.

What Is the Safest Distance? How to Safely Pass a Semi Truck

The safest distance to stay away from a semi truck is at least outside the parameters of its No Zones. Try to keep at least one lane away from a semi truck to the left and two to the right. When passing a big rig, maintain a safe speed. Do not drive overly fast to accelerate past a semi truck. Keep both hands on the wheel and drive in a straight line. The weight and size of the truck can create wind tunnels on its sides that may pull at your smaller car. Try to keep your vehicle’s path straight.

Pass the semi truck as quickly and efficiently as you can without speeding. Always pass on the left-hand side of the truck, not to the right. The left lane on a highway in Texas is the passing lane. Passing from the slow lane can confuse a truck driver and increase your risk of a No Zone accident. Only reenter a lane in front of a semi truck when you have put at least 20 feet between your vehicles. Merging any closer to the truck could lead to a rear-end collision. Semi trucks cannot stop as quickly as smaller vehicles.

What to Do If Involved in a Semi Truck Accident

Every year, thousands of people suffer serious injuries in semi truck accidents. You are not alone as the victim of a collision with a big rig in Dallas. Stay calm if you are involved in a semi truck accident. Get to a safe place to wait for the police to arrive. Call 911 and report any injuries if no one else has already done so. If you can, take photos and collect other information from the scene of the accident. This includes the names of other involved drivers, the name of the trucking company, the truck’s Department of Transportation number and license plate information.

Get medical care for your injuries immediately. Keep copies of your medical records to use on your claim later. Once you are able, contact an attorney to help you file a truck accident claim. Your insurance claim will require details such as the types of losses you suffered and their values. A lawyer can help you fill out claims paperwork and file it with the correct party. If the insurance company denies a fair settlement for your semi truck accident, use a lawyer to take the company to court. A truck accident lawsuit could end in fair compensation for your losses.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:25 am

7 Causes of Fatal Car Accidents in Dallas

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Serious car accidents involve a wide range of physical and emotional consequences. In some cases, injuries caused by an accident results in a fatality. In fact, car accidents cause roughly 1.25 million deaths every year. With so many car accidents being avoidable in nature, this figure is preposterous. Fatal car accidents do not just impact the driver involved – they impact the driver’s friends and family, too. It is crucial to understand how to prevent unnecessary fatality, but to do this, we must first look at what causes fatal car accidents.

Distracted Driving

Dallas Car Accident Lawyer

Distracted driving is one of the biggest causes of car accidents overall. Distracted drivers remove their focus from the roadway, resulting in easily preventable accidents caused by the driver not being completely aware of road conditions. Different forms of distracted driving that commonly cause accidents include:

  1. Road rage – Road rage is not the first immediate response when considering what causes car accident fatality. However, road rage is a huge distraction for some that habitually choose to focus on their anger versus their driving. Angry drivers tend to operate their vehicle more recklessly than calm drivers. For instance, angry drivers tailgate, brake check, and even speed to prove a point or make the other drivers angry. This can cause brutal, albeit unintentional accidents.
  2. Texting – Texting and driving remains a dangerous issue. Texting not only means the driver’s hands are not both on the wheel – it also means that the driver must read text. Though this is an obvious aspect of texting and driving, it is the big cause of accidents in these cases. Reading takes focus and brain power that a driver should be using to operate their vehicle. Moreover, the reaction time it takes for a driver to look up from their phone is significant when trying to avoid a collision.
  3. Using the phone – Though hands-free technology has helped drivers prevent accidents, many drivers still manipulate their phone for various reasons during transit. Using the phone for directions, to make calls, and to play music are all seemingly harmless, but in reality, this can be extremely dangerous.
  4. Drunk driving – Drunk driving is dangerous because it involves the ultimate form of distraction – impairment. Drunk driving reduces your reaction time, reduces your ability to detect changes on the roadway, and prevents you from properly discriminating different traffic and driver-related contexts. For instance, a drunk driver might hear cars honking without realizing that they are the driver that is holding up traffic. Drunk driving causes fatal accidents because drunk drivers are altogether unpredictable, some even passing out at the wheel. If a drunk driver causes an accident, our Dallas drunk driving accident attorneys can help get the victim and family compensation they deserve.

Traffic violations

Basic traffic violations can cause serious injury in the right (or wrong) context.

  1. Speeding – Speeding creates a speed differential between you and other cars. The bigger the difference, the more severe the impact is. Speeding is fatal to both parties involved in an accident.
  2. Not wearing a seatbelt – Even if your trip is short, wearing a seatbelt can prevent death in car accidents. Without a seatbelt, a passenger could eject from the car, become pinned between crushed car pieces, or severely hit their head on the windshield, causing brain/head damage. Seatbelts are mandatory for good reason.
  3. Running red lights or stop signs – This form of negligence can be fatal for the same reason that speeding is fatal. When cruising through an intersection at a high speed to beat the light, you can cause a fatal collision that injures other cars that are just beginning to accelerate. This difference in speed is fatal for car T-boned in the middle of an intersection.

Accident-caused fatalities are often preventable, making their prevalence altogether unnecessary. Play your part in keeping Dallas’ roadways safe by maintaining focus and operating your vehicle safely.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:20 pm

How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Claim?

Sunday, July 10, 2022
In the aftermath of a car accident in San Antonio, you could be dealing with many expenses. You may have serious injuries that require thousands of dollars in medical care, as well as the costs of repairing damaged property and making up lost wages. If you are curious as to when you might receive a settlement check from an insurance company, look at the average timeline of a claim in Texas.

1-2 Days: You File a Claim

After an accident, you should initiate the insurance process right away. Some insurance companies have deadlines to file, such as 72 hours after the accident, while others simply request that claimants file as soon as possible. Aim to file your initial claim within one to two days after the accident. Then, focus on getting medical care and following your doctor’s treatment plan while you wait for a response.

15 Days: The Insurance Company Responds

Insurance Company ClaimAn insurance company will have no longer than 15 days from the date of receiving notice of a claim to acknowledge its receipt in writing and commence an investigation, according to Texas Insurance Code Section 542.055. at that time, the insurance company will also be required to request all statements, records and forms it believes it will need from the claimant.

15 to 45 Days: Insurance Investigation and Decision

The insurance company’s investigation of your accident and the losses you are claiming is typically the longest part of the insurance process. Under Texas Insurance Code Section 542.056, an insurance company has no more than 15 days after it has received all items and statements required to notify the claimant in writing of claim acceptance or rejection. If your claim involves possible arson, the insurance company has 30 days to make its decision. If the insurance company has a valid reason why it cannot accept or reject a claim by the deadline, it must notify the claimant that it needs additional time and explain the reason. In this scenario, the insurance company will have no more than 45 days from the date it notifies the claimant to accept or reject the claim.

5 Days: The Insurer Releases a Check

If the insurance company accepts your claim, it must release payment of the claim within five business days of notifying you of the acceptance and receiving your signature on the liability release form. Upon the release of the check, expect your payment by mail within no more than two weeks.

Note: Timelines Vary

All in all, the insurance process can take anywhere from one to three months or longer to complete in Texas. If your claim does not encounter any complications, expect your settlement check within about one month of filing a claim. If, however, your case involves liability disputes, catastrophic injuries or injuries with lengthy recovery times, expect it to take longer. Although it is not common, you may need to take your personal injury case all the way to court for a fair result in San Antonio. This might be the case if the insurance company in charge of your claim is denying liability or refusing to offer a satisfactory settlement. If you need to file a personal injury lawsuit, the legal process could take significantly longer than an insurance settlement. A lawsuit can take one year or longer to resolve in Texas. Your exact timeline will depend on several factors, including how soon you can get a court date in your jurisdiction and whether you and the defendant settle the case before it goes to trial. For more information about the insurance process in Texas, including how long your settlement might take, consult with a personal injury attorney. Hiring an attorney may enable you to speed up the settlement process, as your lawyer will know how to communicate and negotiate with an insurance claims adjuster. A lawyer can also represent you during an injury trial in San Antonio, if necessary.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:30 pm