Mastering the Art of Negotiation: Strategies Used by Dallas Board Certified Personal Injury Attorneys for Maximum Settlements

Thursday, February 8, 2024

In the competitive world of personal injury law, negotiation skills can make all the difference when it comes to securing maximum settlements for clients. Dallas personal injury attorneys are well-versed in the art of negotiation, employing strategies that consistently yield favorable outcomes.

From meticulously preparing their cases to employing persuasive tactics in negotiation sessions, these attorneys have honed their craft to deliver exceptional results. By mastering the art of negotiation, they have achieved remarkable success in obtaining the compensation their clients deserve.

In this article, we delve into the strategies employed by Dallas Board Certified personal injury attorneys to achieve maximum settlements. We explore the importance of thorough case preparation, effective communication, and knowledge of the legal landscape. Additionally, we uncover the crucial role that negotiation skills, such as persuasive techniques and the ability to adapt, play in ensuring successful outcomes for clients.

Whether you are a fellow attorney looking to enhance your negotiation skills or an individual seeking legal representation, understanding these strategies can guide you towards a more successful resolution in your personal injury case.

Join us as we unlock the secrets behind the success of Dallas personal injury attorneys in negotiating maximum settlements.

The importance of negotiation in personal injury cases

Negotiation is a fundamental aspect of personal injury cases. It is the process through which parties involved in a dispute attempt to reach a mutually agreeable resolution without going to trial. In personal injury cases, negotiation allows the injured party to seek compensation for their injuries and damages from the responsible party or their insurance company.

Successful negotiation can lead to a favorable settlement, providing the injured party with the financial compensation needed to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages incurred as a result of the accident. By avoiding the lengthy and costly process of litigation, negotiation offers a more efficient and expedient way to resolve personal injury disputes.

Dallas Board Certified Personal Injury Attorneys

Understanding the goals of negotiation in personal injury cases

When entering into negotiations, it is essential to understand the goals that both parties aim to achieve. For the injured party, the primary objective is to secure a settlement that adequately compensates them for their injuries and losses. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and any other damages resulting from the accident.

On the other hand, the responsible party or their insurance company’s goal is to minimize their financial liability. They may attempt to downplay the extent of the injuries or argue that the injured party was partially responsible for the accident. Understanding these differing goals is crucial in developing effective negotiation strategies that can lead to a successful outcome.

Preparation and research for successful negotiation

One of the key strategies employed by Dallas personal injury attorneys is thorough preparation and research. Before entering into negotiations, attorneys gather all relevant information and evidence related to the case. This includes medical records, police reports, witness statements, and any other documentation that supports their client’s claim.

By meticulously preparing their case, attorneys can confidently present a strong argument during negotiations. They are armed with a comprehensive understanding of their client’s injuries, the circumstances surrounding the accident, and the applicable laws and regulations. This preparation sets the foundation for a successful negotiation, allowing the attorney to negotiate from a position of strength.

Dallas Board Certified Personal Injury Attorneys

Building strong relationships with opposing counsel

Building strong relationships with opposing counsel is another effective strategy employed by Dallas personal injury attorneys. While attorneys may be adversaries in the negotiation process, maintaining a professional and respectful relationship can benefit both parties. By fostering open lines of communication and mutual respect, attorneys can create an environment conducive to productive negotiation.

Establishing rapport with opposing counsel can lead to more amicable discussions and a greater willingness to find common ground. Attorneys who prioritize building relationships can often achieve better outcomes for their clients by encouraging cooperation and collaboration during negotiations.

Effective communication techniques in negotiation

Effective communication is a critical skill that Dallas personal injury attorneys utilize to their advantage during negotiations. Attorneys must be able to clearly articulate their client’s position, present their case persuasively, and respond to counterarguments effectively.

Listening actively to the opposing party’s arguments and concerns is equally important. Attorneys who actively listen can address the other party’s interests and demonstrate their willingness to find mutually beneficial solutions. By employing effective communication techniques, Dallas personal injury attorneys can create an atmosphere that promotes constructive dialogue and facilitates the negotiation process.

Dallas Board Certified Personal Injury Attorneys

The power of leverage and using it to your advantage

Understanding the concept of leverage and utilizing it strategically is a key strategy employed by Dallas personal injury attorneys. Leverage refers to the advantage or influence one party has over another in a negotiation. In personal injury cases, leverage can come from various sources, such as strong evidence, compelling witness testimony, or the threat of litigation.

Dallas personal injury attorneys leverage these factors to their advantage during negotiations. They use the strength of their client’s case to assert their position and negotiate for a favorable settlement. By effectively leveraging their advantages, attorneys can exert pressure on the opposing party to reach a settlement that meets their client’s needs.

Understanding the value of your case and negotiating from a position of strength

Dallas personal injury attorneys understand the value of their client’s case and negotiate from a position of strength. They thoroughly evaluate the damages their client has suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They also consider any long-term effects or future medical treatments that may be required.

By accurately assessing the value of the case, attorneys can establish a realistic settlement range and negotiate with confidence. They are well-prepared to counter lowball offers and advocate for a settlement that reflects the true value of their client’s injuries and losses.

Overcoming common challenges and obstacles in negotiation

Negotiation in personal injury cases can present its fair share of challenges and obstacles. Dallas personal injury attorneys are skilled at navigating these hurdles and finding creative solutions. They are experienced in handling difficult opposing counsel, insurance adjusters, and complex legal issues.

Attorneys employ various strategies to overcome challenges, such as remaining calm and composed in the face of adversity, seeking clarification when needed, and exploring alternative options for resolution. By anticipating and addressing potential challenges in advance, Dallas personal injury attorneys can effectively navigate the negotiation process and achieve favorable outcomes for their clients.

Conclusion: Mastering the art of negotiation for maximum settlements

Mastering the art of negotiation is crucial for Dallas personal injury attorneys seeking maximum settlements for their clients. Through thorough preparation, effective communication, and leveraging their strengths, these attorneys consistently achieve remarkable results. By understanding and implementing these strategies, you can enhance your own negotiation skills or seek legal representation that will guide you towards a successful resolution in your personal injury case. Remember, negotiation is not solely about compromise; it is about advocating for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve.

Posted by mockingbird at 1:29 pm

From Highs to Lows: The Spectrum of Verdicts and Settlement Sums in Personal Injury Claims Across Dallas

Thursday, February 8, 2024

In the realm of personal injury claims, justice is far from being a one-size-fits-all concept. The varying nature of incidents, the severity of injuries, and the overall circumstances surrounding each case make for a wide spectrum of verdicts and settlement sums. And when it comes to Dallas, you’ll find yourself immersed in a vibrant city where personal injury claims take on all forms, from highs to lows. From multi-million-dollar awards that make headlines to more modest settlements that still provide much-needed compensation, the range of outcomes can be as diverse as the city itself. As victims seek justice and rightful compensation, understanding the factors that contribute to these varying outcomes becomes crucial. In this article, we explore the spectrum of verdicts and settlement sums in personal injury claims, shedding light on the factors that come into play in Dallas and highlighting the importance of skilled legal representation. Join us as we dive into the world of personal injury claims in the heart of Texas.

Understanding personal injury claims

Personal injury claims arise when individuals suffer harm or injury due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party. These claims seek to hold the responsible party accountable and obtain compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial damages incurred by the victim. Personal injury cases can include a wide range of incidents, such as car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, product defects, and more. Dallas, being a bustling city with a high population density, sees its fair share of personal injury claims each year.

From Highs to Lows: The Spectrum of Verdicts and Settlement Sums in Personal Injury Claims Across Dallas 6

Factors that influence the outcome of personal injury claims

Several factors come into play when determining the outcome of personal injury claims. The strength of the evidence, the credibility of witnesses, and the skill of the legal representation all play a significant role. Additionally, the severity of the injuries, the impact on the victim’s life, and the long-term effects are also taken into account. Insurance coverage, available resources, and the willingness of both parties to negotiate or go to trial can also influence the outcome. It’s important to note that each case is unique, and the combination of these factors can lead to varying verdicts and settlement sums.

Types of verdicts and settlements in personal injury claims

Verdicts and settlements in personal injury claims can be categorized into two main types: compensatory and punitive. Compensatory damages aim to compensate the victim for their losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. Punitive damages, on the other hand, are awarded in cases where the defendant’s actions were particularly egregious or intentional, serving as a form of punishment and deterrent. The amount awarded in compensatory damages is typically determined by the extent of the victim’s injuries and the financial impact it has had on their life, while punitive damages are more subjective and can vary greatly.

Average settlement sums in personal injury claims across Dallas

The average settlement sum in personal injury claims across Dallas can vary significantly depending on the specific circumstances of each case. However, it’s important to note that personal injury claims in Dallas have seen a rising trend in recent years, with higher settlement sums being awarded. This can be attributed to several factors, including increased awareness of victims’ rights, improved legal representation, and a growing emphasis on holding negligent parties accountable for their actions. While there is no definitive average settlement sum for personal injury claims in Dallas, it is not uncommon to see settlements ranging from tens of thousands to millions of dollars.

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Male doctor bandaging foot of female patient in hospital

Factors that contribute to high verdicts and settlements

Several factors contribute to the occurrence of high verdicts and settlements in personal injury claims. One influential factor is the severity of the injuries sustained by the victim. Catastrophic injuries, such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or permanent disabilities, often result in higher settlement sums due to the significant impact they have on the victim’s life. Another factor is the strength of the evidence and the ability to prove negligence or fault on the part of the defendant. Skilled legal representation plays a crucial role in building a strong case and presenting compelling evidence to support the victim’s claim. Additionally, the reputation and track record of the legal team representing the victim can also influence the settlement negotiations and potentially lead to higher verdicts or settlements.

Notable personal injury cases in Dallas with high settlements

Over the years, Dallas has seen several notable personal injury cases with high settlements. One such case involved a construction worker who suffered severe injuries due to a defective scaffolding collapse. The victim’s legal team successfully proved that the construction company was negligent in ensuring the safety of its workers, resulting in a multi-million-dollar settlement. Another case involved a major car manufacturer facing a class-action lawsuit for producing vehicles with faulty airbags. The victims, represented by a skilled legal team, were awarded a substantial settlement sum to compensate for their injuries and the potential risks they faced due to the defective airbags.

Factors that contribute to low verdicts and settlements

While some personal injury cases result in high verdicts and settlements, others may end with more modest sums. Several factors can contribute to low verdicts and settlements in personal injury claims. One significant factor is the comparative fault or contributory negligence of the victim. If the victim is found to have contributed to their injuries in any way, their compensation may be reduced accordingly. Additionally, the type and extent of the injuries can also impact the settlement sum. Minor injuries that require minimal medical treatment or have a short recovery period may result in lower settlements. Lastly, the financial resources and insurance coverage of the defendant can also play a role in determining the final settlement amount.

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People with home safety concept

Notable personal injury cases in Dallas with low settlements

While personal injury cases with low settlements are less prominent in the media, they still occur in Dallas. One such case involved a slip and fall accident in a local grocery store, where the victim sustained minor injuries and incurred minimal medical expenses. Despite the negligence of the store in maintaining safe premises, the settlement sum was relatively low due to the limited damages suffered by the victim. Another case involved a rear-end car accident with minor property damage and no significant injuries. The settlement in this case was lower than anticipated due to the lack of substantial damages and the defendant’s limited financial resources.

The role of attorneys in maximizing verdicts and settlements

In personal injury claims, skilled legal representation is essential to maximize verdicts and settlements. Experienced attorneys understand the complexities of personal injury law, the tactics used by insurance companies, and how to build a strong case on behalf of their clients. They gather evidence, interview witnesses, consult with experts, and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure their clients receive fair compensation. Attorneys also play a vital role in presenting the victim’s case in a compelling manner during trial, effectively advocating for their client’s rights and maximizing the chances of a favorable outcome.


Personal injury claims in Dallas encompass a wide spectrum of verdicts and settlement sums, ranging from high awards that make headlines to more modest settlements that still provide much-needed compensation. The outcome of these claims is influenced by various factors, including the severity of injuries, strength of evidence, and the skills of legal representation. While there is no definitive average settlement sum, Dallas has seen a rising trend in higher settlement amounts in recent years. Skilled attorneys play a crucial role in maximizing verdicts and settlements, ensuring that victims receive the justice and compensation they deserve. As personal injury claims continue to shape the legal landscape in Dallas, understanding the factors at play becomes increasingly important for both victims and legal professionals alike.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:37 am

File a Shoulder Impingement Claim with a Board Certified Personal Injury Lawyer

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
File a Shoulder Impingement Claim with a Board Certified Personal Injury Lawyer 12

Suffering from a shoulder impingement injury can be both painful and debilitating. Whether it was caused by a car accident, a workplace incident, or a slip and fall, you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering. But navigating the legal process can be complex and overwhelming. That’s where the expertise of a board-certified personal injury lawyer comes in.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about filing a shoulder impingement claim. From understanding the causes and symptoms of the injury to gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies, we’ve got you covered.

Meet our expert, [Lawyer’s Name], a highly experienced personal injury attorney with a deep understanding of shoulder impingement cases. With a track record of success, [Lawyer’s Name] is dedicated to fighting for the rights of injury victims and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.

Don’t let a shoulder impingement claim derail your life. Arm yourself with the knowledge and guidance necessary to navigate the legal system effectively. Let’s dive in and help you get the justice you deserve.

Understanding shoulder impingement injuries

Shoulder impingement is a common injury that occurs when the tendons in the shoulder become irritated or inflamed. This can happen due to repetitive overhead motions, such as those performed in sports like swimming or tennis, or as a result of an accident or fall. The condition can cause pain, weakness, and limited range of motion in the affected shoulder.

If you suspect you have a shoulder impingement injury, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A doctor will be able to diagnose the injury through a physical examination and may order additional tests, such as an X-ray or MRI, to assess the extent of the damage.

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Fitness woman suffering from shoulder injury while exercising. Copy space background. Side view of upset fitness woman with pain in her shoulder. Woman in workout cloth holding hand and having Shoulder pain with red focus

Causes and symptoms of shoulder impingement

There are several potential causes of shoulder impingement, including overuse, trauma, and underlying anatomical issues. Overuse occurs when the tendons in the shoulder are repeatedly stressed or strained, leading to inflammation and irritation. Trauma can result from accidents, falls, or sudden impacts that cause damage to the shoulder joint. Anatomical issues, such as bone spurs or abnormalities in the shape of the shoulder joint, can also contribute to impingement.

The symptoms of shoulder impingement can vary, but commonly include pain and aching in the shoulder, especially when reaching overhead or behind the back. You may also experience weakness or a loss of strength in the affected shoulder, as well as limited range of motion. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important to consult with a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis.

Seeking medical attention for shoulder impingement

When it comes to shoulder impingement, seeking prompt medical attention is crucial. A healthcare professional will be able to assess the severity of your injury, provide appropriate treatment, and document your condition for potential legal proceedings.

Upon visiting a doctor, they may recommend conservative treatment options, such as rest, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications, to alleviate your symptoms. In more severe cases, your doctor may suggest corticosteroid injections or, in rare instances, surgery to address the underlying issues causing impingement.

Remember, documenting your medical treatment is essential when filing a shoulder impingement claim. Keep a record of all medical appointments, diagnoses, treatments, prescribed medications, and any other relevant information that may strengthen your case.

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Senior medic and sick patient attending health checkup visit in cabinet, receiving prescription paper to buy treatment and medication after appointment. Disease report at consultation.

Why you may be entitled to compensation

If your shoulder impingement injury was caused by someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may be entitled to compensation for your pain, suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other related damages. Personal injury laws vary by jurisdiction, but in general, you must be able to prove that another party’s negligence or intentional actions caused your injury.

For example, if you were involved in a car accident and the other driver was at fault, you may be able to pursue a claim against their insurance company. Similarly, if you suffered a shoulder impingement due to unsafe working conditions, you may have a valid workers’ compensation claim against your employer.

To determine your eligibility for compensation, consult with a board-certified personal injury lawyer who specializes in shoulder impingement cases. They will be able to evaluate the details of your situation and guide you through the legal process.

Finding a board certified personal injury lawyer

When it comes to filing a shoulder impingement claim, having the right legal representation is crucial. A board-certified personal injury lawyer with experience in shoulder impingement cases can provide the expertise and guidance needed to navigate the complex legal system.

When searching for a lawyer, look for someone who has a proven track record of success in personal injury cases, specifically those involving shoulder impingement. Ask for referrals from trusted friends or family members, and be sure to research potential lawyers’ credentials and past client reviews.

During your initial consultation with a lawyer, be prepared to ask questions about their experience, success rate, and approach to handling shoulder impingement claims. Remember, finding a lawyer who is not only knowledgeable but also empathetic and responsive to your needs is essential for a positive legal experience.

File a Shoulder Impingement Claim with a Board Certified Personal Injury Lawyer 18
Happy couple came to an agreement with their insurance agent in the office. Men are shaking hands.

Gathering evidence for your shoulder impingement claim

To build a strong shoulder impingement claim, it is essential to gather and preserve evidence that supports your case. The more evidence you have, the better your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries.

Start by collecting all relevant medical records, including diagnostic tests, treatment plans, and invoices. These records will help establish a link between your shoulder impingement and the incident or conditions that caused it. Additionally, gather any photographs of your injury, the accident scene, or any other visual evidence that may support your claim.

Eyewitness testimonies can also be valuable evidence. If there were any witnesses present at the time of the incident, try to obtain their contact information and ask if they would be willing to provide a statement regarding what they saw. Their accounts can help establish liability and strengthen your case.

Lastly, keep a record of any financial losses you have incurred as a result of your shoulder impingement injury. This may include medical bills, lost wages, and any other out-of-pocket expenses directly related to your injury.

Filing a shoulder impingement claim: Step-by-step process

Filing a shoulder impingement claim can be a complex process, but with the right guidance, it can be navigated effectively. Here is a step-by-step overview of the typical process involved in pursuing compensation for a shoulder impingement injury:

1. Consult with a personal injury lawyer: Schedule an initial consultation with a board-certified personal injury lawyer who specializes in shoulder impingement cases. They will evaluate the details of your situation and determine the best course of action.

2. Investigation: Your lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess the strength of your case. This may involve reviewing medical records, accident reports, and other relevant documentation.

3. Demand letter: Once your lawyer has gathered sufficient evidence, they will draft a demand letter outlining your claim and the compensation you are seeking. This letter is typically sent to the responsible party’s insurance company.

4. Negotiation: The insurance company will review your claim and may respond with a settlement offer. Your lawyer will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries. If an agreement cannot be reached, further legal action may be necessary.

5. Litigation: In some cases, filing a lawsuit may be necessary to pursue the compensation you deserve. Your lawyer will guide you through the litigation process, representing your interests in court and presenting evidence to support your claim.

Negotiating a settlement for your shoulder impingement claim

Negotiating a settlement for your shoulder impingement claim is a crucial step in the process of obtaining compensation. Insurance companies often try to minimize payouts, so having an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side can greatly increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

During settlement negotiations, your lawyer will present evidence of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. They will advocate for your rights and fight for the maximum compensation you are entitled to. Remember, it is important to be patient during this process, as negotiations can take time.

If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, your lawyer may recommend proceeding to litigation. While going to court can be a lengthier and more complex process, it may be necessary to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Going to court for your shoulder impingement claim

While the majority of personal injury claims are settled out of court, there are instances where going to court becomes necessary. If negotiations fail to produce a fair settlement offer, your lawyer may recommend filing a lawsuit to pursue your shoulder impingement claim.

Going to court involves presenting your case before a judge or jury, who will determine the outcome and any compensation awarded. Your lawyer will guide you through the entire process, from filing the necessary paperwork to presenting evidence and arguments in court.

Keep in mind that going to court can be a lengthy and potentially stressful process. However, having a skilled personal injury lawyer by your side can provide peace of mind and increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Conclusion: Seeking justice for your shoulder impingement injury

Suffering from a shoulder impingement injury can have a significant impact on your life. Whether your injury was caused by a car accident, a workplace incident, or a slip and fall, it is important to seek justice and obtain the compensation you deserve.

By understanding the causes and symptoms of shoulder impingement, seeking prompt medical attention, and enlisting the help of a board-certified personal injury lawyer, you can navigate the legal process with confidence. Remember to gather and preserve evidence, follow the steps involved in filing a shoulder impingement claim, and be prepared for negotiation or litigation if necessary.

Don’t let a shoulder impingement claim derail your life. Arm yourself with knowledge, take action, and fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 4:01 pm

Navigating the Legal Minefield: Understanding the Importance of Attorneys for Whiplash Injuries in DFW

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Have you recently experienced a whiplash injury in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? If so, you may be navigating a complicated legal landscape, and understanding the importance of hiring an attorney is paramount. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of whiplash injuries in DFW and highlight why having a skilled attorney by your side can make all the difference.

From understanding the legal requirements to filing a claim, dealing with insurance companies, negotiating settlements, and potentially going to trial, the road to obtaining fair compensation for your whiplash injury can be challenging. That’s where experienced attorneys specializing in personal injury law come in.

By hiring an attorney with expertise in whiplash injury cases in the DFW area, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you have a strong advocate fighting for you. They will have a comprehensive understanding of the local legal system and the tactics used by insurance companies to diminish your claim.

Don’t go it alone when it comes to navigating the legal minefield of whiplash injuries in DFW. Read on to discover why hiring an attorney is crucial for securing the compensation you deserve.

Understanding the legal aspects of whiplash injuries

Whiplash injuries can be complex, both medically and legally. It’s crucial to understand the legal aspects of whiplash injuries to navigate the complexities of the legal system effectively. Whiplash injuries typically occur as a result of sudden acceleration or deceleration, causing the neck to snap back and forth. These injuries commonly occur in car accidents, especially rear-end collisions.

To establish a successful whiplash injury claim, it’s vital to prove negligence on the part of the other party involved. This requires gathering evidence, such as medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert opinions. An experienced attorney specializing in whiplash injury cases will have the knowledge and resources to gather and present this evidence effectively.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the statute of limitations for filing a whiplash injury claim in DFW. In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including whiplash injuries, is generally two years from the date of the accident. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation.

The role of attorneys in whiplash injury cases

Attorneys play a crucial role in whiplash injury cases, guiding you through the legal process and advocating for your rights. They possess comprehensive knowledge of the local laws and regulations surrounding whiplash injuries in the DFW area, enabling them to build a strong case on your behalf.

One of the primary tasks of an attorney in a whiplash injury case is to negotiate with insurance companies. Insurance companies often try to minimize the value of your claim or deny it altogether. Attorneys with experience in whiplash injury cases understand the tactics used by insurance adjusters and can effectively counter their arguments. They will work diligently to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

In the event that a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, attorneys are prepared to take your case to trial. They will present your case before a judge and jury, utilizing their legal expertise to argue for the compensation you deserve. Having a skilled attorney by your side significantly increases your chances of a favorable outcome in court.

Common challenges faced in whiplash injury cases

Whiplash injury cases can present unique challenges that require the expertise of an attorney. One of the main challenges is proving the extent of your injuries and their impact on your daily life. Whiplash injuries often do not show up on traditional medical imaging scans, making it challenging to provide tangible evidence of the pain and suffering you have endured. However, experienced attorneys know how to gather and present medical evidence, such as diagnostic tests, medical records, and expert opinions, to demonstrate the severity of your injuries.

Another common challenge in whiplash injury cases is dealing with insurance companies. Insurance adjusters are skilled at minimizing claims and may try to downplay the significance of your injuries. They may argue that your injuries are pre-existing or unrelated to the accident. Attorneys specializing in whiplash injury cases are well-versed in countering these arguments and can effectively advocate for your rights.

Benefits of hiring an attorney for whiplash injuries in DFW

Hiring an attorney specializing in whiplash injuries in the DFW area offers several benefits. Firstly, an attorney will provide you with expert legal advice tailored to your specific case. They will evaluate the details of your accident, gather evidence, and determine the best legal strategy to pursue. This personalized guidance ensures you are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the legal process confidently.

Furthermore, attorneys have the negotiation skills required to deal with insurance companies effectively. They will handle all communication and negotiations on your behalf, relieving you of the stress and frustration often associated with dealing with insurance adjusters. Attorneys are also skilled at assessing the value of your claim and will fight for fair compensation, ensuring you receive the maximum amount possible for your injuries.

Finding the right attorney for your whiplash injury case

When seeking an attorney for your whiplash injury case in DFW, it’s essential to find someone with experience and expertise in personal injury law. Look for attorneys who specialize in whiplash injuries specifically, as they will have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and complexities associated with these types of cases.

Start by researching attorneys who have a proven track record of success in whiplash injury cases. Read client reviews and testimonials to get an idea of their reputation and level of client satisfaction. Additionally, consider scheduling consultations with a few attorneys to discuss your case and gauge their level of knowledge and commitment to your success.

Steps involved in a whiplash injury lawsuit

A whiplash injury lawsuit typically involves several key steps, including:

1. Initial Consultation: Your attorney will evaluate the details of your case, including the cause of the accident, your injuries, and any available evidence. They will advise you on the best course of action and explain the legal process.

2. Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Your attorney will collect evidence, such as medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert opinions. This evidence will be crucial in establishing negligence and proving the extent of your injuries.

3. Demand Letter: Your attorney will draft a demand letter outlining your injuries, medical expenses, and other damages, and present it to the at-fault party’s insurance company. This letter serves as a starting point for negotiations.

4. Negotiations: Your attorney will negotiate with the insurance company to reach a fair settlement. They will handle all communication and employ effective negotiation strategies to maximize your compensation.

5. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf. They will present your case in court and argue for the compensation you deserve. This may involve gathering additional evidence, depositions, and expert testimonies.

6. Trial and Verdict: If your case goes to trial, your attorney will present your case before a judge and jury. They will utilize their legal expertise and persuasive skills to advocate for your rights and secure a favorable verdict.

How attorneys can help maximize compensation for whiplash injuries

Attorneys specializing in whiplash injuries have extensive knowledge of personal injury laws and understand how to maximize compensation for their clients. They will assess the value of your claim by considering various factors, such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future medical needs.

Additionally, attorneys are skilled at gathering evidence to support your claim. They will work with medical professionals, accident reconstruction experts, and other relevant experts to establish the cause of your injuries and their impact on your life. This comprehensive evidence strengthens your case and increases the likelihood of receiving fair compensation.

Furthermore, attorneys are experienced negotiators. They know how to counter the tactics used by insurance companies to diminish the value of your claim. They will fight for your rights and push for a settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and losses.

Frequently asked questions about whiplash injuries and attorneys

1. How long do I have to file a whiplash injury claim in DFW?

In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including whiplash injuries, is typically two years from the date of the accident. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation.

2. How much compensation can I receive for a whiplash injury?

The amount of compensation you can receive for a whiplash injury depends on various factors, such as the severity of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. An experienced attorney can assess the value of your claim and fight for fair compensation on your behalf.

3. What if the insurance company denies my whiplash injury claim?

If the insurance company denies your whiplash injury claim, it’s crucial to seek legal representation immediately. Attorneys specializing in personal injury law can review your case, identify any potential errors or deficiencies in the insurance company’s decision, and take appropriate legal action to protect your rights.

4. Can I handle a whiplash injury claim on my own?

While it is possible to handle a whiplash injury claim on your own, it is highly recommended to seek the assistance of an experienced attorney. Attorneys have the expertise, resources, and negotiation skills required to navigate the legal process effectively and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.


Don’t go it alone when it comes to navigating the legal minefield of whiplash injuries in DFW. Hiring an attorney with expertise in whiplash injury cases can make all the difference in securing the compensation you deserve. From understanding the legal requirements to negotiating with insurance companies and potentially going to trial, an experienced attorney will be your strongest advocate. Make sure to find the right attorney for your case, someone who specializes in whiplash injuries and has a proven track record of success. With their guidance, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the legal system and obtain the fair compensation you are entitled to.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:20 pm

From Pain to Compensation: Why You Need an Attorney for Whiplash Injuries in San Antonio

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

If you’ve recently experienced a whiplash injury in San Antonio, you are likely going through a painful and frustrating time. Whiplash injuries often result from car accidents, and the effects can be long-lasting and debilitating. But don’t despair – there is hope for a full recovery, both physically and financially. In this article, we will explore why it is crucial to seek the assistance of a skilled attorney who specializes in whiplash injuries in San Antonio.

Navigating the legal process can be complex and overwhelming, especially when you are already dealing with physical pain and emotional distress. An experienced attorney can guide you through the entire journey, ensuring that your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve. They will handle all aspects of your case, from gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Don’t let your whiplash injury add additional stress to your life. Take control of your situation by seeking professional legal help. With the right attorney by your side, you can turn your pain into compensation and move forward towards a brighter future.

Understanding whiplash injuries

Whiplash injuries can have a significant impact on your life. The sudden forceful movement of your head and neck, commonly caused by car accidents, can result in severe pain and discomfort. Whiplash occurs when the ligaments, tendons, and muscles in your neck are strained or torn, leading to a range of symptoms such as neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and even cognitive issues.

It is essential to understand the nature of whiplash injuries to fully grasp the importance of seeking legal representation. Whiplash can have long-lasting effects, impacting your ability to work, perform daily activities, and enjoy life. By seeking the assistance of a skilled attorney who specializes in whiplash injuries in San Antonio, you can ensure that your case is handled professionally and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Whiplash injuries are not always immediately apparent. Symptoms can take hours or even days to manifest, making it crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible after an accident. A medical professional will be able to diagnose your condition and recommend appropriate treatment. Additionally, documenting your injuries through medical records is vital for building a strong case and proving the extent of your damages.

The importance of seeking legal representation

Navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially when you are already dealing with physical pain and emotional distress. That’s where an experienced attorney comes in. By seeking legal representation for your whiplash injury case, you are taking the first step towards ensuring your rights are protected and maximizing your chances of receiving fair compensation.

An attorney who specializes in whiplash injuries in San Antonio will have an in-depth understanding of the legal system and the complexities surrounding these types of cases. They will guide you through every step of the process, from gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies. With their expertise, they can help you build a strong case by collecting medical records, accident reports, and any other necessary evidence to support your claim.

One of the significant advantages of having an attorney on your side is their ability to handle communication with insurance companies. Insurance adjusters are trained to minimize payouts and may attempt to undervalue your claim or deny it altogether. An experienced attorney will know how to navigate these negotiations and ensure that your rights are protected. They will fight for your best interests, aiming to secure the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Common causes of whiplash injuries in San Antonio

Whiplash injuries can occur in various situations, but they are most commonly associated with car accidents. Rear-end collisions are a frequent cause of whiplash, as the impact can cause your head to jerk backward and then forward rapidly. This sudden movement can strain or tear the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your neck, resulting in whiplash.

In San Antonio, heavy traffic and congested roadways can increase the likelihood of car accidents and, consequently, whiplash injuries. Distracted driving, such as texting or talking on the phone, is a leading cause of accidents and can contribute to the occurrence of whiplash injuries. Additionally, speeding, reckless driving, and drunk driving are all factors that can lead to accidents and subsequent whiplash injuries.

It is essential to be aware of these common causes and take preventive measures to minimize the risk of whiplash. However, accidents can happen despite our best efforts, and if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it is crucial to seek legal representation as soon as possible.

Steps to take after a whiplash injury

After experiencing a whiplash injury, there are specific steps you should take to protect your health and legal rights:

1. Seek Medical Attention: As mentioned earlier, even if you don’t immediately feel severe pain, it is essential to see a medical professional as soon as possible. They will evaluate your condition and provide the necessary treatment. Additionally, having medical documentation of your injuries will strengthen your case.

2. Document the Incident: If you are physically able, gather evidence at the scene of the accident. Take photos of the vehicles involved, any visible injuries, and the overall accident scene. This evidence can be valuable when building your case.

3. Report the Accident: Contact the police and file an accident report. This report will document the details of the incident and serve as an official record.

4. Gather Information: Collect the contact information of any witnesses present at the scene. Their testimonies may be crucial in supporting your claim.

5. Contact an Attorney: Reach out to an experienced attorney who specializes in whiplash injuries in San Antonio. They will guide you through the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.

By following these steps, you are setting yourself up for a smoother legal journey and increasing your chances of receiving fair compensation for your whiplash injuries.

The role of an attorney in whiplash injury cases

When it comes to whiplash injury cases, an attorney plays a vital role in ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. Here are some key responsibilities of an attorney in a whiplash injury case:

1. Case Evaluation: An attorney will assess the details of your case, including the cause of the accident, severity of your injuries, and potential liability, to determine the strength of your claim.

2. Gathering Evidence: Your attorney will gather evidence to support your claim, including medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert opinions. This evidence will help establish the extent of your injuries and prove liability.

3. Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Insurance companies may attempt to settle your claim for less than its worth. With their knowledge of the legal system and experience in dealing with insurance adjusters, an attorney will negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you receive fair compensation.

4. Representing You in Court: In some cases, a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation. If your case goes to court, your attorney will represent you and advocate for your rights in front of a judge and jury.

By having an attorney handle these responsibilities, you can focus on your recovery while knowing that your case is being handled by a professional who has your best interests at heart.

How an attorney can help you get compensation

The primary goal of seeking legal representation for your whiplash injury case is to secure the compensation you deserve. An attorney with experience in handling whiplash cases in San Antonio will employ various strategies to maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation. Here’s how they can help:

1. Assessing Damages: An attorney will thoroughly evaluate the extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any future medical needs. They will ensure that all relevant damages are accounted for in your claim.

2. Proving Liability: Establishing liability is crucial for a successful whiplash injury claim. Your attorney will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and work with experts if necessary to prove that the other party was at fault for the accident.

3. Building a Strong Case: Your attorney will build a compelling case by compiling all relevant evidence, organizing it effectively, and presenting it in a persuasive manner. This will increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

4. Negotiating Fair Settlements: Insurance companies often try to settle claims quickly and for as little money as possible. Your attorney will skillfully negotiate with insurance adjusters to ensure that you are not taken advantage of and that you receive a fair settlement.

5. Litigating when Necessary: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will be prepared to take your case to court. They will represent you aggressively, presenting your case before a judge and jury to seek the compensation you deserve.

By enlisting the help of a skilled attorney, you are giving yourself the best chance at obtaining the compensation necessary to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages resulting from your whiplash injury.

Finding the right attorney for your whiplash case in San Antonio

Choosing the right attorney to handle your whiplash injury case in San Antonio is crucial for a successful outcome. Here are some factors to consider when selecting an attorney:

1. Specialization: Look for an attorney who specializes in personal injury law and has specific experience with whiplash injury cases. They will have the necessary knowledge and expertise to handle your case effectively.

2. Track Record: Research the attorney’s track record of success in handling whiplash injury cases. Look for testimonials, case results, and client reviews to gauge their reputation and level of client satisfaction.

3. Communication Skills: A good attorney should be a good communicator. They should be able to explain complex legal concepts clearly, answer your questions promptly, and keep you informed about the progress of your case.

4. Personal Connection: Whiplash injury cases can be emotionally challenging, so it’s essential to choose an attorney with whom you feel comfortable and can trust. Schedule a consultation to gauge your compatibility with the attorney and assess how well they understand your concerns.

By carefully considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can find an attorney who is the right fit for your whiplash injury case in San Antonio.

The timeline of a whiplash injury case

It’s important to be aware that the timeline of a whiplash injury case can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of your injuries, the complexity of the case, and the cooperation of the parties involved. While every case is unique, here is a general timeline that can give you an idea of what to expect:

1. Initial Consultation: You will meet with your attorney to discuss the details of your case, evaluate its merits, and determine the best course of action. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have and get a better understanding of the legal process.

2. Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation, gathering evidence such as medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert opinions. This process may take several weeks or months, depending on the availability of evidence.

3. Demand and Negotiation: Once your attorney has gathered all the necessary evidence, they will prepare a demand letter outlining your damages and present it to the insurance company. The negotiation process can take some time as your attorney and the insurance adjuster work towards a fair settlement.

4. Settlement or Litigation: If a fair settlement is reached, your case will be resolved, and you will receive compensation. If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will file a lawsuit and proceed to litigation. This stage can take several months or even years, depending on the court’s schedule and the complexity of the case.

5. Resolution: Whether your case is settled or goes to trial, a resolution will be reached. If you receive a settlement, your attorney will ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed, and you receive your compensation. If your case goes to trial, the judge or jury will determine the outcome, and you will receive compensation if your claim is successful.

It’s important to remain patient throughout the process and trust that your attorney is working diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your whiplash injury case.

Factors that can affect your compensation

Several factors can influence the amount of compensation you receive for your whiplash injury. While every case is unique, here are some common factors that are taken into consideration:

1. Severity of Injuries: The extent of your injuries, as determined by medical professionals, will play a significant role in determining the compensation you receive. More severe injuries that result in long-term or permanent disabilities will typically result in higher compensation.

2. Medical Expenses: The cost of medical treatment, including hospital stays, surgeries, physical therapy, medications, and ongoing care, will be factored into your compensation.

3. Lost Wages: If your whiplash injury prevents you from working, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. This can include both past and future lost earnings.

4. Pain and Suffering: Compensation for the physical pain, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life resulting from your whiplash injury will also be considered.

5. Comparative Negligence: If you are found partially at fault for the accident that caused your whiplash injury, your compensation may be reduced. This is known as comparative negligence.

It’s important to discuss these factors with your attorney, who will provide guidance on what to expect based on the specifics of your case. They will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive fair compensation for the damages you have suffered.

Conclusion: The importance of hiring an attorney for whiplash injuries in San Antonio

Experiencing a whiplash injury can be a painful and frustrating time. However, by seeking the assistance of a skilled attorney who specializes in whiplash injuries in San Antonio, you can turn your pain into compensation and move forward towards a brighter future.

Navigating the legal process on your own can be overwhelming, especially when you are already dealing with physical pain and emotional distress. An attorney will guide you through the entire journey, ensuring that your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve. They will handle all aspects of your case, from gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Don’t let your whiplash injury add additional stress to your life. Take control of your situation by seeking professional legal help. With the right attorney by your side, you can navigate the complexities of the legal system, maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation, and ultimately move forward towards a brighter future.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 7:55 am

The What and How of Seeking Compensation for Distracted Driving Accidents in DFW in 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, distracted driving is a prevalent issue that can lead to devastating accidents. As technology continues to advance, so does the potential for driver distractions. If you’ve been involved in a distracted driving accident in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2024, seeking compensation is your right.

When it comes to navigating the legal process and seeking the compensation you deserve, understanding the “what” and “how” is essential. From gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies, this article explores the key steps you need to take to seek compensation for a distracted driving accident in DFW in 2024.

We understand that the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming, and that’s why we’ve compiled this guide to provide you with the information you need to protect your rights. Whether you were a pedestrian, cyclist, or another driver involved in the accident, knowing the necessary legal procedures can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome.

Don’t let a distracted driving accident turn your life upside down. Read on to learn the ins and outs of seeking compensation and find the justice you deserve.

Understanding the concept of seeking compensation for accidents

When it comes to seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident, it’s important to understand the concept and how it applies to your specific case. Seeking compensation means pursuing financial reimbursement for the damages and losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. This can include medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

To seek compensation, you will need to establish that the other party involved in the accident was negligent and that their negligence directly caused the accident and your injuries. Negligence refers to a failure to exercise reasonable care while driving, such as using a cellphone, eating, or engaging in any other activity that diverts attention from the road.

Types of distracted driving accidents in DFW

Distracted driving accidents can take various forms depending on the nature of the distraction. In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, some common types of distracted driving accidents include:

1. Cellphone use: This includes talking, texting, or using any smartphone applications while driving.

2. Eating or drinking: Taking your hands off the wheel to eat, drink, or reach for food can lead to accidents.

3. Grooming: Applying makeup, fixing hair, or any other form of grooming while driving can be dangerous.

4. Navigation systems: Adjusting GPS devices or using other navigation systems can cause distractions.

5. Talking to passengers: Engaging in conversations with passengers that divert your attention from the road.

6. Daydreaming: Allowing your mind to wander and lose focus on driving can lead to accidents.

The role of negligence in distracted driving accidents

To seek compensation for a distracted driving accident, you need to establish that the other party was negligent. Negligence in a distracted driving accident means that the other driver failed to exercise reasonable care, resulting in the accident and your injuries.

To prove negligence, you will need to demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of care: The other driver had a legal duty to operate their vehicle safely and without distractions.

2. Breach of duty: The other driver breached their duty of care by engaging in distracting behavior while driving.

3. Causation: The distracted driving directly caused the accident and your injuries.

4. Damages: You suffered actual damages as a result of the accident, such as medical expenses or lost wages.

Steps to take immediately after a distracted driving accident

After a distracted driving accident, taking the right steps can significantly impact your ability to seek compensation. Here are the key steps you should take immediately following the accident:

1. Seek medical attention: Your health and well-being should be the top priority. Seek medical attention even if you don’t have visible injuries, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.

2. Contact the authorities: Call the police to report the accident and ensure that an official report is filed. This report will be crucial when seeking compensation.

3. Gather information: Collect the contact information of the other driver involved, as well as any witnesses. Take photos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries.

4. Notify your insurance company: Contact your insurance company to report the accident and provide them with all the necessary information. However, avoid giving a detailed statement until you have consulted with an attorney.

5. Consult with a personal injury attorney: It’s essential to seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney who specializes in distracted driving accidents. They can guide you through the legal process and protect your rights.

Gathering evidence to support your compensation claim

To strengthen your compensation claim, gathering sufficient evidence is crucial. This evidence will help establish the other party’s negligence and the extent of your damages. Here are some key types of evidence you should collect:

1. Accident scene evidence: This includes photographs of the accident scene, skid marks, traffic signs, and any other relevant physical evidence.

2. Witness statements: Obtain statements from any witnesses who saw the accident occur. Their testimonies can support your version of events.

3. Medical records: Keep a record of all medical treatment and related expenses. This includes hospital bills, doctor’s reports, diagnostic tests, and receipts for medications.

4. Lost wages documentation: If your injuries caused you to miss work, gather documentation from your employer that shows your lost income.

5. Expert opinions: In complex cases, it may be necessary to consult with experts such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals to provide their opinions on the accident and your injuries.

Calculating the damages in a distracted driving accident case

When seeking compensation, it’s important to understand the different types of damages you may be entitled to. Damages can be divided into two categories: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages are tangible losses that can be easily calculated, such as medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages. Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are subjective and more challenging to quantify. These include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium.

To calculate economic damages, gather all relevant documentation such as medical bills, receipts, and pay stubs. Non-economic damages are often calculated using a multiplier based on the severity of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life.

The legal process of seeking compensation in DFW

The legal process of seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident in DFW can be complex. It typically involves the following steps:

1. Filing a claim: Your personal injury attorney will help you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. This claim should outline the damages you are seeking and provide supporting evidence.

2. Negotiation: The insurance company may offer a settlement to resolve the claim. Your attorney will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

3. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your attorney may advise filing a lawsuit. This involves initiating legal proceedings and presenting your case in court.

4. Trial and verdict: During the trial, both sides will present their arguments and evidence. The jury or judge will then determine the verdict and any compensation awarded.

Hiring a personal injury attorney for your case

Navigating the legal process of seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident can be challenging, especially when dealing with insurance companies and complex legal procedures. Hiring a personal injury attorney with experience in distracted driving accidents can significantly improve your chances of success.

A knowledgeable attorney will handle all aspects of your case, from gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies to representing you in court, if necessary. They will ensure that your rights are protected, and you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.


Don’t let a distracted driving accident turn your life upside down. Seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2024 is your right. Understanding the necessary legal procedures and taking the appropriate steps can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome.

Remember to gather evidence, consult with a personal injury attorney, and seek medical attention immediately after an accident. With the right support and guidance, you can navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve. Let justice prevail, and ensure that distracted drivers are held accountable for their actions.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:24 am

Unlocking the Secrets to Winning Distracted Driving Accident Lawsuits in San Antonio: Maximizing Your Compensation

Monday, January 15, 2024

In today’s digital age, distracted driving has become an alarming epidemic on the roads of San Antonio. As more and more drivers succumb to the temptation of using their phones or engaging in other distractions behind the wheel, the number of accidents caused by such negligence continues to rise. If you’ve been a victim of a distracted driving accident in San Antonio, it’s essential to know the secrets to winning your lawsuit and maximizing your compensation.

In this article, we will unlock those secrets and provide you with valuable insight into navigating the legal complexities of a distracted driving accident case. From gathering crucial evidence to finding expert witnesses, we will guide you through the necessary steps to strengthen your claim and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Whether you were a pedestrian, cyclist, or another motorist involved in the accident, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll it can take on your life. With our comprehensive guide, you will have the tools and knowledge you need to fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.

Don’t let distracted drivers get away with their negligence. Join us on this journey as we delve into the secrets of winning distracted driving accident lawsuits in San Antonio and empower yourself to take control of your legal battle.

Understanding distracted driving accidents in San Antonio

Distracted driving accidents occur when a driver’s attention is diverted from the road due to various distractions. These distractions can include texting or talking on the phone, eating or drinking, talking to passengers, grooming, using in-car technologies, or even daydreaming. In San Antonio, as in many other cities, distracted driving has become a significant problem, leading to a high number of accidents and injuries.

To win a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio, it is crucial to understand the factors that contribute to these accidents. By familiarizing yourself with the common causes and consequences of distracted driving, you can build a strong case to prove negligence and seek maximum compensation.

One of the most common causes of distracted driving accidents is cellphone use. Texting while driving, in particular, has been identified as a leading cause of accidents. According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), sending or reading a text message takes a driver’s eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds, equivalent to driving the length of a football field blindfolded at 55 mph. This alarming statistic highlights the dangers of distracted driving and the need for stricter enforcement and education.

The impact of distracted driving on accident lawsuits

Distracted driving can have a significant impact on accident lawsuits in San Antonio. When it comes to determining liability and assessing damages, the at-fault driver’s distracted behavior can be a crucial factor. Proving that the driver was negligent and distracted at the time of the accident is essential for a successful lawsuit.

In Texas, negligence is a key element in personal injury cases. To establish negligence, you must prove that the defendant owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused your injuries as a result. In the case of a distracted driving accident, you can argue that the driver had a duty to operate their vehicle safely and responsibly, but they breached that duty by engaging in distracting activities.

To support your claim, it is vital to gather evidence that proves the driver was distracted. This evidence can include eyewitness testimonies, video footage, phone records, and police reports. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney in San Antonio can greatly enhance your ability to gather and present this evidence effectively.

Gathering evidence to support your distracted driving accident claim

Gathering evidence is a crucial step in winning a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio. The strength of your evidence can significantly impact the outcome of your case and the amount of compensation you receive. To maximize your chances of success, it is essential to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim.

One of the first steps in gathering evidence is obtaining a copy of the police report filed at the scene of the accident. The police report often contains valuable information, such as the officer’s observations, statements from involved parties and witnesses, and any citations issued to the at-fault driver. This report can serve as a foundation for your case and help establish the negligence of the distracted driver.

In addition to the police report, eyewitness testimonies can play a crucial role in proving negligence. Eyewitnesses who saw the driver using their phone or engaging in other distractions can provide valuable accounts of the events leading up to the accident. Their statements can help strengthen your case and establish the driver’s negligence.

Working with an experienced personal injury attorney in San Antonio

Navigating the legal complexities of a distracted driving accident lawsuit can be overwhelming, especially if you are dealing with injuries and emotional distress. To ensure you have the best possible chance of winning your case and maximizing your compensation, it is crucial to work with an experienced personal injury attorney in San Antonio.

A skilled attorney can guide you through the entire legal process, from gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies and representing you in court if necessary. They will have a deep understanding of Texas personal injury laws and the specific nuances of distracted driving accident cases.

When choosing a personal injury attorney, look for someone with a track record of success in handling distracted driving accident cases. They should have a strong reputation, positive client reviews, and a willingness to fight aggressively for your rights. By working with an experienced attorney, you can level the playing field and significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Proving negligence in a distracted driving accident case

Proving negligence is a crucial step in winning a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio. To establish negligence, you must show that the at-fault driver owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused your injuries as a result of their distracted behavior.

In the context of a distracted driving accident, the duty of care is the responsibility to operate a vehicle safely and responsibly. By engaging in distracting activities, such as texting or talking on the phone, the driver breaches this duty, putting themselves and others at risk.

To prove negligence, you will need to present evidence that establishes the driver’s distracted behavior at the time of the accident. This evidence can include eyewitness testimonies, video footage, phone records, and expert opinions. By demonstrating that the driver was distracted and their distraction led to the accident, you can strengthen your claim and increase your chances of winning the lawsuit.

Calculating your potential compensation in a distracted driving accident lawsuit

Calculating your potential compensation in a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio involves considering various factors, including the extent of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. While every case is unique, understanding the types of damages you may be entitled to can help you determine the value of your claim.

Economic damages are the tangible losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. These damages can include medical bills, rehabilitation costs, property damage, lost wages, and future medical expenses. Calculating economic damages often involves gathering receipts, medical records, and other documentation to support your claim.

Non-economic damages refer to the intangible losses you have experienced, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish. Unlike economic damages, which have a clear monetary value, non-economic damages can be more challenging to quantify. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you assess the impact of these damages on your life and seek appropriate compensation.

Dealing with insurance companies in distracted driving accident cases

Dealing with insurance companies is a common challenge in distracted driving accident cases. Insurance companies are businesses that aim to protect their bottom line, which means they may try to minimize the amount they pay out in claims. When negotiating with insurance companies, it is essential to be prepared and have a solid understanding of your rights and entitlements.

First, it is crucial to report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Your insurance policy likely has a requirement to report accidents promptly, and failing to do so may jeopardize your claim. Provide the necessary details of the accident and cooperate with the claims adjuster assigned to your case.

During the claims process, it is crucial to be cautious when communicating with insurance adjusters. Remember that their role is to protect the interests of the insurance company, not necessarily to ensure you receive fair compensation. Avoid giving recorded statements without consulting your attorney, as these statements can be used against you later.

The importance of expert witnesses in distracted driving accident lawsuits

Expert witnesses can play a vital role in winning a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio. These individuals have specialized knowledge or experience in a particular field relevant to your case and can provide expert opinions and testimony to support your claim.

In distracted driving accident cases, expert witnesses can help establish the driver’s negligence and the link between their distraction and the resulting accident. For example, an accident reconstruction expert can analyze the scene of the accident, review the evidence, and provide a professional opinion on how the distraction contributed to the crash.

Other types of expert witnesses that may be valuable in a distracted driving accident lawsuit include medical experts, who can testify about the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life, and vocational experts, who can assess your ability to work and earn a living after the accident.

Settlement negotiations and trial options for distracted driving accident cases

In many distracted driving accident cases, settlement negotiations are the preferred method of resolving the dispute. Settlements offer benefits such as a quicker resolution, certainty of outcome, and potentially lower legal costs. However, it is essential to approach settlement negotiations with caution and ensure you are not settling for less than you deserve.

When engaging in settlement negotiations, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the value of your claim and the damages you are entitled to. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney can greatly enhance your ability to negotiate a fair settlement. They will have the knowledge and skills to assess the strength of your case, calculate appropriate damages, and advocate for your best interests.

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, you may have the option to take your distracted driving accident case to trial. Trials can be complex and time-consuming, but they provide an opportunity to present your evidence and arguments in front of a judge or jury. Your attorney will guide you through the trial process and ensure your rights are protected at every stage.

Conclusion: Taking action and seeking justice for your distracted driving accident

Distracted driving accidents can have devastating consequences for victims in San Antonio. If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of a distracted driver, it is essential to take action and seek justice for the harm you have suffered. By understanding the secrets to winning distracted driving accident lawsuits and maximizing your compensation, you can empower yourself to fight for the justice you deserve.

Remember, gathering evidence, working with an experienced personal injury attorney, and proving negligence are key steps in building a strong case. Calculating your potential compensation, dealing with insurance companies, and considering settlement negotiations or trial options are also crucial aspects of the legal process.

Although the road to justice may be challenging, you don’t have to face it alone. Reach out to a reputable personal injury attorney in San Antonio to discuss your case and explore your legal options. With their guidance and expertise, you can navigate the complexities of a distracted driving accident lawsuit and increase your chances of a successful outcome. Together, let’s hold distracted drivers accountable and make our roads safer for everyone.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 8:58 am

Don’t Let the Retail Store’s Negligence Go Unpunished: Key Strategies for Winning Your Lawsuit in San Antonio

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Have you been injured due to the negligence of a retail store in San Antonio? Don’t let the store’s carelessness go unpunished. Filing a lawsuit can help you seek justice and potentially receive the compensation you deserve. However, winning a lawsuit involves more than just showing up at the courthouse. It requires strategic planning, thorough preparation, and the guidance of an experienced attorney.

In this article, we will discuss key strategies for winning your lawsuit against a negligent retail store in San Antonio. From gathering evidence to building a strong case, we will outline the steps you need to take to improve your chances of success. We will also provide insights into the legal process, highlighting important deadlines and potential obstacles to be aware of.

Whether you have suffered injuries from a slip and fall, a defective product, or any other type of accident caused by a retail store’s negligence, this article will equip you with valuable information to navigate the legal system and increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Understanding retail store negligence

Retail store negligence occurs when a store fails to uphold its duty of care to customers, resulting in injuries or damages. It can take various forms, such as failure to maintain a safe premises, inadequate security measures, or selling defective products. To prove negligence, you must establish four elements: duty, breach, causation, and damages.

The duty of care refers to the legal obligation of the retail store to ensure the safety of its customers. This duty includes maintaining clean and hazard-free premises, addressing potential dangers promptly, and warning customers of any known hazards. A breach occurs when the store fails to fulfill this duty, such as by ignoring safety regulations or neglecting maintenance.

Causation is the link between the store’s breach of duty and the injuries or damages suffered by the plaintiff. You must demonstrate that the store’s negligence directly caused your injuries. Finally, damages refer to the physical, emotional, or financial harm you have endured as a result of the store’s negligence.

Types of retail store negligence cases

Retail store negligence can manifest in various ways, each requiring a tailored legal approach. Some common types of negligence cases include slip and falls, inadequate security, defective products, and falling merchandise. Slip and falls occur when a store fails to address hazards like wet floors or uneven surfaces. Inadequate security cases involve criminal acts that could have been prevented with proper security measures. Defective product cases arise when a store sells a product that is unreasonably dangerous or lacks proper warnings. Falling merchandise cases occur when items fall from shelves and injure customers.

Understanding the specific type of negligence involved in your case is crucial for building a strong legal strategy. Each type of case requires different evidence, expert witnesses, and legal arguments. By identifying the nature of the retail store’s negligence, you can better focus your efforts on gathering the necessary evidence to support your claim.

Steps to take after an accident in a retail store

After an accident in a retail store, it is essential to take immediate action to protect your rights and strengthen your potential lawsuit. The following steps can help you build a solid foundation for your case:

1. Seek medical attention: Your health and well-being should be your top priority. Even if your injuries seem minor, it is crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Not only will this ensure you receive proper care, but it will also create a record of your injuries, which can be valuable evidence in your lawsuit.

2. Report the incident: Notify the store management or staff about the accident and your injuries. Ask them to document the incident in their records. Request a copy of the incident report before leaving the store.

3. Gather evidence: Collect as much evidence as possible at the scene. Take photos or videos of the hazardous condition that caused your accident, any visible injuries, and the surrounding area. If there were witnesses, ask for their contact information. Keep any relevant documents, such as medical bills or receipts related to the accident.

4. Do not give statements: Avoid speaking to the store’s insurance company or providing a recorded statement without consulting an attorney. Anything you say may be used against you, so it’s best to seek legal advice before engaging in any conversations.

5. Consult an attorney: Contact an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in retail store negligence cases. They can evaluate your situation, explain your legal rights, and guide you through the next steps.

Taking these initial steps will help lay the groundwork for your lawsuit and demonstrate your commitment to seeking justice for the injuries you have suffered.

Gathering evidence to support your case

To build a strong case against a negligent retail store, you need compelling evidence to establish their breach of duty and the resulting damages. The following types of evidence can significantly strengthen your claim:

1. Photographs and videos: Visual evidence is powerful in demonstrating the hazardous condition that caused your accident. Take clear and detailed photos or videos of the scene, focusing on any defects, spills, or other dangerous conditions. Be sure to capture the area from various angles to provide a comprehensive view.

2. Witness statements: If there were witnesses to your accident, their statements can add credibility to your claim. Obtain their contact information and ask if they would be willing to provide a written or recorded statement describing what they saw. Witness testimony can help corroborate your version of events and establish the negligence of the retail store.

3. Incident reports and records: Request a copy of the incident report you filed at the store. This document may contain important details and admissions by the store that could support your case. Additionally, gather any medical records, bills, or receipts related to your injuries and treatment. These records can demonstrate the extent of your damages and the financial impact of the incident.

4. Expert opinions: In complex cases, expert witnesses can provide valuable insights and opinions to support your claim. For example, if your case involves a defective product, an expert in product safety can analyze the product and testify about its flaws. Consult with your attorney to determine if expert witnesses are necessary for your case.

By gathering and presenting compelling evidence, you strengthen your position and increase the likelihood of a successful lawsuit against the negligent retail store.

Finding the right attorney for your lawsuit

Navigating the legal system can be daunting, especially when dealing with a lawsuit against a retail store. To maximize your chances of success, it is crucial to find the right attorney who specializes in retail store negligence cases. Here are some key considerations when selecting an attorney:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney with a track record of success in handling negligence cases against retail stores. Experience in this specific area of law ensures they understand the unique challenges and strategies required to win your lawsuit.

2. Reputation: Research the attorney’s reputation by reading client reviews, testimonials, and checking their professional affiliations. A reputable attorney will have a positive reputation and be well-respected within the legal community.

3. Communication: A strong attorney-client relationship is built on effective communication. During your initial consultation, assess how well the attorney listens to your concerns and explains the legal process. You should feel comfortable discussing your case and confident in their ability to represent you.

4. Resources: Ask about the attorney’s resources and support staff. A well-equipped law firm with access to experts, investigators, and other resources can strengthen your case and improve your chances of success.

Remember, hiring the right attorney is an investment in your future. Take the time to research and consult with multiple attorneys before making a decision.

Filing a lawsuit in San Antonio

Before filing a lawsuit against a negligent retail store in San Antonio, it is important to understand the legal process and the specific requirements in your jurisdiction. The following are the general steps involved in filing a lawsuit:

1. Consultation: Meet with your attorney to discuss the details of your case and evaluate its merits. They will assess the strength of your claim, determine the potential damages, and advise you on the best course of action.

2. Drafting the complaint: Your attorney will prepare a legal document called a complaint, outlining the facts of your case, the legal basis for your claim, and the relief you are seeking. The complaint will be filed with the appropriate court in San Antonio.

3. Service of process: Once the complaint is filed, it must be served to the defendant, the negligent retail store. Proper service ensures that the defendant is aware of the lawsuit and has an opportunity to respond.

4. Discovery: The discovery phase allows both parties to gather evidence and information relevant to the case. This may involve interrogatories (written questions), document requests, depositions (sworn statements), and other methods of gathering information.

5. Settlement negotiations: Throughout the litigation process, there may be opportunities for settlement negotiations between your attorney and the defendant’s legal team. Settlements can save time and costs associated with a trial, but it’s important to consult with your attorney before making any decisions.

6. Trial: If a settlement cannot be reached, the case will proceed to trial. Your attorney will present your case, including evidence, witnesses, and legal arguments, to a judge or jury. The decision will be based on the facts presented and the applicable law.

Understanding the steps involved in filing a lawsuit can help you anticipate the process and make informed decisions about your case. Your attorney will guide you through each stage, ensuring your rights are protected.

The importance of expert witnesses in retail store negligence cases

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in retail store negligence cases, providing specialized knowledge and opinions that can significantly strengthen your claim. Depending on the nature of your case, expert witnesses may include:

1. Premises liability experts: These experts have extensive knowledge of premises liability laws and can evaluate the store’s adherence to safety regulations. They can identify any breaches of duty by the retail store and provide expert opinions on the cause of your accident.

2. Product safety experts: If your case involves a defective product, a product safety expert can analyze the product and testify about its flaws or inadequate warnings. Their expertise can prove invaluable in establishing the retail store’s liability.

3. Medical experts: In cases involving severe injuries, medical experts can provide testimony regarding the extent of your injuries, the impact on your daily life, and the need for ongoing medical treatment. Their opinions can help establish the damages you are entitled to.

Expert witnesses bring credibility and authority to your case, helping to convince the judge or jury of the retail store’s negligence and the impact it has had on your life. Your attorney will work with these experts to prepare their testimony and ensure their opinions are effectively presented.

Negotiating a settlement or going to trial

In retail store negligence cases, there are often opportunities for settlement negotiations before going to trial. Settlements can offer a faster resolution and reduce the risks associated with a trial. However, it’s important to carefully consider the terms of any settlement offer and consult with your attorney before accepting.

During settlement negotiations, your attorney will engage in discussions with the retail store’s legal team to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. They will advocate for your best interests, considering factors such as the strength of your case, the extent of your damages, and the potential costs and time associated with a trial.

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your case will proceed to trial. Your attorney will present your case, including evidence, witnesses, and legal arguments, to a judge or jury. The decision will be based on the facts presented and the applicable law. Going to trial can be a lengthier and more complex process, but it may be necessary to achieve the outcome you seek.

Ultimately, the decision to accept a settlement or go to trial depends on the specific circumstances of your case and the advice of your attorney. They will guide you through the decision-making process and work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for you.

Common defenses used by retail stores in negligence cases

When facing a negligence lawsuit, retail stores may employ various defenses to challenge your claim. It’s important to be aware of these common defenses and prepare accordingly:

1. Comparative negligence: The retail store may argue that you were partially responsible for the accident, reducing their liability. Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, meaning your damages may be reduced in proportion to your degree of fault.

2. Assumption of risk: The store may assert that you willingly exposed yourself to a known danger and assumed the risk of injury. However, this defense is limited in scope and may not apply in all situations.

3. Lack of notice: The store may claim they were unaware of the hazardous condition or had insufficient time to address it. They might argue that they should not be held responsible for an unforeseen danger.

4. Third-party liability: The store may attempt to shift blame to another party, such as a cleaning company or maintenance contractor, alleging that their negligence caused the accident.

Your attorney will anticipate these defenses and develop counterarguments to refute them. By building a strong case and presenting compelling evidence, you can overcome these defenses and increase your chances of a successful lawsuit.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 4:48 pm

Unleashing the Power of Legal Strategies: How to Maximize Compensation in Dallas TX Retail Store Accident Lawsuits

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Are you a victim of a retail store accident in Dallas, TX? Don’t let your pain and suffering go unnoticed. It’s time to unleash the power of legal strategies to maximize your compensation. In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Dallas, TX is teeming with retail stores, and accidents can happen anywhere, from supermarkets to shopping malls. Whether you’ve slipped and fell, been injured by a falling object, or suffered any other type of accident, you have rights.

With the right legal strategies, you can hold the responsible party accountable and secure the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Our team of experienced attorneys in Dallas, TX are here to guide you through the process and fight for your rights.

Together, we will delve into the legal tactics that are proven to maximize compensation in retail store accident lawsuits in Dallas, TX. Don’t let your injuries go unnoticed; unleash the power of legal strategies today and get the compensation you deserve.

Understanding retail store accidents

Retail store accidents can occur in various ways and can result in serious injuries. Understanding the common causes of these accidents is crucial to building a strong case for compensation. Slip and falls, falling objects, inadequate security, and defective products are just a few examples of the types of accidents that can happen in retail stores.

One of the main reasons why retail store accidents occur is negligence on the part of the store owner or employees. Failure to maintain a safe environment, neglecting to fix hazards promptly, or not providing adequate warnings can all contribute to accidents. It’s essential to understand that as a victim, you have the right to seek compensation for the injuries and damages you have suffered.

When it comes to retail store accidents, it’s important to act quickly. Gathering evidence, documenting the incident, and seeking medical attention should be your top priorities. By understanding the causes and taking the right steps, you can lay the groundwork for a successful legal claim.

Importance of legal strategies in retail store accident lawsuits

When pursuing a retail store accident lawsuit, the importance of employing effective legal strategies cannot be overstated. The legal system can be complex, and without proper guidance, you may end up settling for less than you deserve. Hiring a personal injury attorney who specializes in retail store accidents is crucial for maximizing your compensation.

A skilled attorney will assess your case, gather evidence, and build a strong legal strategy to support your claim. They will negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company, ensuring that you are not taken advantage of during the settlement process. If necessary, they will take your case to trial, fighting for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Navigating the legal process on your own can be overwhelming, especially when you are dealing with injuries and the emotional aftermath of an accident. By entrusting your case to an experienced attorney, you can focus on your recovery while knowing that your legal rights are being protected.

Common types of retail store accidents

Retail store accidents can occur in various ways, and it’s important to understand the common types of accidents that victims may encounter. By recognizing these potential hazards, you can take appropriate actions to prevent accidents and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

One common type of retail store accident is slip and falls. These accidents can happen due to wet or slippery floors, uneven surfaces, or debris left on the floor. Falling objects are another prevalent hazard, especially in stores with poorly stacked shelves or inadequate safety measures. Other types of accidents include escalator or elevator malfunctions, collapsing displays, and inadequate security leading to physical assault.

Understanding the different types of accidents can help you identify the responsible party and strengthen your case. Whether it’s the store owner, an employee, or a third party, you need to establish negligence to hold them accountable for your injuries and losses.

Steps to take after a retail store accident

Immediately following a retail store accident, it’s crucial to take specific steps to protect your rights and strengthen your potential legal claim. By following these steps, you can gather the necessary evidence and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

The first step is to seek medical attention. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, it’s important to get a professional evaluation. Some injuries may not manifest symptoms right away, and having a medical record can strengthen your case.

Next, report the accident to the store management or owner. Request a written incident report and make sure to keep a copy for your records. This report can serve as crucial evidence later on.

Take photographs of the accident scene, including any hazards or conditions that contributed to your accident. If there were any witnesses, gather their contact information in case their testimony is needed.

Keep all records related to your accident and injuries, including medical bills, receipts for out-of-pocket expenses, and documentation of any lost wages. These records will help establish the extent of your damages and the compensation you are entitled to.

Gathering evidence for a retail store accident lawsuit

To maximize your compensation in a retail store accident lawsuit, gathering strong evidence is essential. The evidence you collect will help prove negligence on the part of the responsible party and support your claim for damages.

Photographs of the accident scene, as mentioned earlier, are crucial evidence. In addition to photographs, video footage from surveillance cameras or witness statements can provide valuable evidence of the conditions at the time of the accident.

Medical records, including diagnosis, treatment plans, and any long-term effects of your injuries, are also important evidence. These records establish the extent of your injuries and the medical expenses you have incurred.

If applicable, expert opinions from professionals in relevant fields can strengthen your case. For example, if you were injured due to a defective product, an expert in product liability can provide an opinion on the product’s design or manufacturing flaws.

By gathering strong evidence, you can build a compelling case that increases the likelihood of receiving the full compensation you deserve.

Maximizing compensation in retail store accident lawsuits

Maximizing compensation in retail store accident lawsuits requires a strategic approach. Your attorney will assess the damages you have suffered and build a case that accounts for all losses, both economic and non-economic.

Economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. These damages can be easily quantified and calculated. Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, are more subjective and require a thorough understanding of the legal system to ensure fair compensation.

Your attorney will gather evidence to support your claim for both economic and non-economic damages. They will negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company, aiming for a fair settlement that covers all your losses. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, they will guide you through the process of taking your case to trial.

Remember, maximizing compensation requires patience and perseverance. Your attorney will work tirelessly to ensure you are not taken advantage of during the legal process. With their expertise and dedication, you can increase your chances of receiving the maximum compensation you deserve.

Hiring a personal injury attorney in Dallas TX

When it comes to retail store accident lawsuits in Dallas, TX, hiring a personal injury attorney is crucial. An experienced attorney will have in-depth knowledge of Texas laws and a track record of success in handling similar cases.

When choosing an attorney, look for someone who specializes in personal injury law and has experience specifically with retail store accidents. They should have a thorough understanding of the legal tactics and strategies necessary to maximize compensation in these cases.

During your initial consultation, ask about their experience, success rate, and how they plan to approach your case. It’s important to feel confident in your attorney’s abilities and trust that they will fight for your rights.

By hiring a personal injury attorney in Dallas, TX, you can level the playing field and ensure that you have a strong advocate by your side throughout the legal process.

Factors that affect compensation in retail store accident lawsuits

Several factors can influence the amount of compensation you receive in a retail store accident lawsuit. Understanding these factors can help you manage your expectations and ensure that you are pursuing a fair settlement or award.

The severity of your injuries is a significant factor in determining compensation. Medical records and expert opinions will help establish the extent of your injuries and their impact on your daily life.

The cost of medical treatment and ongoing care also plays a role in determining compensation. This includes expenses such as hospital bills, surgeries, therapy, medication, and any necessary assistive devices.

Lost wages and future earning potential are additional factors that can affect compensation. If your injuries have resulted in time away from work or a reduced ability to perform your job, you may be entitled to compensation for these losses.

The impact of the accident on your overall quality of life, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, is also considered when calculating compensation.

It’s important to note that Texas follows a modified comparative fault system, meaning that if you are found partially responsible for the accident, your compensation may be reduced. This is another reason why it’s crucial to have a skilled attorney who can defend your rights and minimize any potential impact on your compensation.

Recent retail store accident case studies in Dallas TX

To further illustrate the importance of legal strategies and the potential for maximizing compensation in retail store accident lawsuits, let’s explore a couple of recent case studies in Dallas, TX.

In one case, a customer slipped and fell in a grocery store due to a spill that had not been promptly cleaned up. The customer suffered a serious back injury, requiring surgery and extensive physical therapy. With the help of a skilled personal injury attorney, the customer was able to secure a settlement that covered all medical expenses, lost wages, and provided compensation for pain and suffering.

In another case, a customer was injured when a poorly stacked display collapsed in a clothing store. The customer suffered a broken arm and significant emotional distress. Through a strategic legal approach, the customer received compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional damages, allowing them to move forward and focus on their recovery.

These case studies highlight the importance of taking legal action and employing effective strategies to maximize compensation in retail store accident lawsuits. With the right approach and guidance from a skilled attorney, you can achieve a favorable outcome and secure the compensation you deserve.

Conclusion and next steps

Retail store accidents can result in serious injuries and significant financial losses. However, by understanding your rights and the legal strategies available to you, you can maximize your compensation and hold the responsible party accountable.

If you have been involved in a retail store accident in Dallas, TX, it’s crucial to act quickly and seek the guidance of a personal injury attorney. They will guide you through the legal process, gather evidence, and build a strong case that supports your claim for compensation.

Remember, you don’t have to face this challenging situation alone. Unleash the power of legal strategies today and take the first step towards obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:19 am

Seeking Justice for Your Pain: How to File a Shoulder Impingement Claim in San Antonio

Saturday, January 13, 2024
Seeking Justice for Your Pain: How to File a Shoulder Impingement Claim in San Antonio 25
Handsome man with shoulder pain on unfocused background

Are you suffering from a painful shoulder impingement injury in San Antonio? Seeking justice for your pain is your right. Filing a shoulder impingement claim may be the solution you need to not only receive compensation for your medical expenses but also hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence.

Navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with physical pain and emotional distress. That’s where this article comes in. We will guide you through the steps involved in filing a shoulder impingement claim in San Antonio, ensuring you have the knowledge and support to pursue the justice you deserve.

From gathering evidence to building a strong case, our expert tips will help you navigate the complexities of the legal system. We will also provide insight into the compensation you may be entitled to and how to negotiate a fair settlement.

Don’t let your pain go unnoticed. Take action today by learning how to file a shoulder impingement claim and fight for justice in San Antonio.

Understanding shoulder impingement

Shoulder impingement is a common condition that occurs when the tendons in your shoulder become compressed or irritated. This can cause pain, limited range of motion, and difficulty performing daily activities. Understanding the basics of shoulder impingement is crucial in filing a successful claim.

The shoulder joint is composed of several bones, tendons, and muscles that work together to provide mobility and stability. When the tendons in the shoulder, known as the rotator cuff, become inflamed or damaged, they can rub against the bones in the joint. This friction leads to shoulder impingement and the associated pain.

Seeking Justice for Your Pain: How to File a Shoulder Impingement Claim in San Antonio 27
black afro woman feeling tired, stressed, anxious, frustrated and depressed, suffering with back or neck pain

Common causes of shoulder impingement

Shoulder impingement can be caused by a variety of factors, including repetitive overhead activities, trauma, and age-related changes. Some common causes of shoulder impingement include:

1. Repetitive Overhead Activities: Jobs or hobbies that involve repetitive overhead movements, such as painting, throwing, or swimming, can contribute to shoulder impingement. The constant stress on the shoulder joint can lead to inflammation and subsequent impingement.

2. Trauma: A fall, car accident, or other traumatic event can cause immediate damage to the tendons in the shoulder, leading to impingement. In these cases, it is important to gather evidence and consult a medical professional as soon as possible.

3. Age-Related Changes: As we age, the tendons in our shoulders can naturally degenerate and become weaker. This can increase the risk of impingement, especially if combined with repetitive activities or trauma.

Signs and symptoms of shoulder impingement

Identifying the signs and symptoms of shoulder impingement is crucial in seeking medical attention and filing a claim. While each individual may experience different symptoms, there are some common signs to watch out for:

1. Shoulder Pain: The most common symptom of shoulder impingement is pain in the affected shoulder. The pain may be dull and achy or sharp and intense, depending on the severity of the impingement.

2. Limited Range of Motion: Shoulder impingement can restrict your ability to move your arm freely. You may experience difficulty raising your arm above your head or reaching behind your back.

3. Weakness: Weakness in the affected arm may be present due to the inflammation and damage to the tendons. This can impact your ability to perform everyday tasks and activities.

Seeking medical treatment for shoulder impingement is crucial in both your recovery and filing a claim. A qualified healthcare professional can diagnose your condition and provide the necessary documentation to support your case.

Seeking Justice for Your Pain: How to File a Shoulder Impingement Claim in San Antonio 29
African young woman discussing treatment together with doctor at medical consultation

The importance of documenting your injury

Documenting your shoulder impingement injury is essential in building a strong case and maximizing your chances of receiving fair compensation. Here are some important steps to follow when documenting your injury:

1. Seek Medical Attention: Visit a healthcare professional specializing in shoulder injuries as soon as possible. They will conduct a thorough examination, order any necessary tests, and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.

2. Keep a Record: Maintain a detailed record of all medical visits, treatments, and expenses related to your shoulder impingement. This includes receipts for medications, physical therapy sessions, and any other relevant costs.

3. Take Photographs: If visible, take photographs of any visible symptoms, such as swelling, bruising, or limited range of motion. These photographs can serve as visual evidence of the impact the injury has had on your daily life.

By documenting your injury and related expenses, you will have a solid foundation for your shoulder impingement claim. This evidence will support your case and demonstrate the physical, emotional, and financial toll the injury has taken on your life.

Overview of personal injury claims for shoulder impingement

Filing a personal injury claim for your shoulder impingement requires a thorough understanding of the legal process. Here is an overview of what to expect when pursuing a claim:

1. Consultation with an Attorney: The first step in filing a personal injury claim is to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney. They will evaluate the details of your case, advise you on the best course of action, and guide you through the legal process.

2. Negotiations with Insurance Companies: Your attorney will handle all communication and negotiations with the insurance companies involved. They will work to secure a fair settlement that compensates you for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and any other damages you may have incurred.

3. Possible Lawsuit: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, your attorney may file a lawsuit on your behalf. This will initiate the litigation process, which may involve court hearings, depositions, and potentially a trial.

Navigating the legal system can be complex, but with the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, you can ensure your rights are protected and your claim is handled professionally.

Finding a personal injury lawyer in San Antonio

Finding the right personal injury lawyer in San Antonio is crucial in successfully filing your shoulder impingement claim. Here are some tips to help you find a reputable attorney:

1. Research and Recommendations: Conduct thorough research online and seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family, or other legal professionals. Look for attorneys with experience in personal injury cases and a track record of success.

2. Initial Consultations: Schedule initial consultations with potential attorneys to discuss your case and evaluate their expertise and communication style. This will help you determine if they are the right fit for your needs.

3. Fee Structure: Inquire about the attorney’s fee structure during the initial consultation. Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. Ensure you understand the percentage they will take as their fee.

By taking the time to find a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney, you can ensure your shoulder impingement claim is handled with the expertise and attention it deserves.

From Pain to Payment: How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Navigate Shoulder Impingement Claims to Maximize Compensation

If you’ve experienced the excruciating pain of shoulder impingement, you know how it can disrupt your life and limit your ability to perform daily tasks. From lifting groceries to reaching for a light switch, even the simplest actions become a challenge. But did you know that you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering? That’s where a personal injury attorney can make all the difference.

With their expertise, they can analyze medical records, consult with medical experts, and build a strong case that highlights the impact of your shoulder impingement on your life. By properly valuing your claim and calculating damages for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, they can ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible.

The role of a personal injury attorney in shoulder impingement claims

One of the crucial tasks of a personal injury attorney is to gather evidence to support your shoulder impingement claim. This evidence can include medical records, diagnostic imaging, expert medical opinions, witness statements, and any other documentation that demonstrates the cause and extent of your injury.

To strengthen your case, your attorney may also gather evidence of how your shoulder impingement has affected your daily life. This can include photographs or videos of you struggling to perform simple tasks, statements from family members or coworkers, and any other evidence that shows the impact of your injury on your ability to function.

Seeking Justice for Your Pain: How to File a Shoulder Impingement Claim in San Antonio 31
Bank manager having a meeting with senior couple and pointing at place they need to sign on the contract.

Negotiating with insurance companies for maximum compensation

Insurance companies are notorious for trying to minimize the amount they pay out in personal injury claims. They may dispute the severity of your shoulder impingement, argue that it was a pre-existing condition, or use other tactics to undervalue your claim.

A personal injury attorney will handle all communication and negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf. They will use their knowledge of personal injury law and experience in dealing with insurance companies to advocate for your rights and fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

The importance of expert medical testimony in shoulder impingement claims

Expert medical testimony can be crucial in establishing the extent of your shoulder impingement and its impact on your life. A personal injury attorney will work with medical experts who specialize in shoulder injuries to provide opinions and testimony that support your claim.

These experts can explain the medical aspects of shoulder impingement, the treatment options available, and the long-term consequences you may face. Their testimony carries weight in court and can help convince insurance companies or the jury of the severity of your injury and the need for fair compensation.

Steps to file a shoulder impingement claim in San Antonio

Filing a shoulder impingement claim in San Antonio involves several important steps. Understanding these steps will help you navigate the process smoothly and efficiently. Here is a general outline of the steps involved:

1. Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant evidence related to your shoulder impingement injury. This includes medical records, bills, photographs, witness statements, and any other documentation that supports your claim.

2. Notify the Responsible Party: If applicable, notify the responsible party or their insurance company of your intention to file a claim. This should be done in writing and include a clear description of the incident and your injuries.

3. Consult with an Attorney: Schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney specializing in shoulder impingement claims. They will evaluate your case, advise you on the best course of action, and help you navigate the legal process.

4. File the Claim: Your attorney will assist you in drafting and filing the necessary legal documents to initiate your shoulder impingement claim. This includes a complaint outlining the details of the incident, your injuries, and the compensation you are seeking.

5. Negotiate a Settlement: Your attorney will handle all negotiations with the responsible party’s insurance company. They will work to secure a fair settlement that compensates you for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and any other damages you have incurred.

6. Consider Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your attorney may advise you to file a lawsuit. This will initiate the litigation process, which may involve court hearings, depositions, and potentially a trial.

By following these steps and working closely with a personal injury attorney, you can increase your chances of a successful shoulder impingement claim.

Seeking Justice for Your Pain: How to File a Shoulder Impingement Claim in San Antonio 33

Building a strong case for your shoulder impingement claim

Building a strong case for your shoulder impingement claim requires thorough documentation, expert testimony, and effective legal strategies. Here are some tips to help you strengthen your case:

1. Document Your Damages: Continue to document your medical treatments, expenses, and rehabilitation progress throughout the legal process. This will provide ongoing evidence of the impact the shoulder impingement has had on your life.

2. Gather Expert Opinions: Seek expert opinions from medical professionals specializing in shoulder injuries. Their testimony can provide additional support for your claim and help establish the severity of your injuries.

3. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any physical evidence, such as damaged clothing or equipment, that may support your claim. This evidence can help establish liability and demonstrate the negligence of the responsible party.

4. Establish Causation: Work with your attorney to establish a clear link between the negligent actions of the responsible party and your shoulder impingement injury. This will strengthen your case and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Building a strong case requires attention to detail, expertise, and effective legal strategies. By following these tips and working closely with a personal injury attorney, you can increase your chances of a successful shoulder impingement claim.

Conclusion: Fighting for justice and compensation for your pain

Filing a shoulder impingement claim in San Antonio is a crucial step towards seeking justice for your pain and holding the responsible party accountable. By understanding the legal process, gathering evidence, and working with a qualified attorney, you can navigate the complexities of the system and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Remember to document your injury, seek medical attention, and consult with an experienced personal injury attorney. They will guide you through the process and work tirelessly to secure a fair settlement or, if necessary, litigate your case in court.

Don’t let your pain go unnoticed. Take action today by filing a shoulder impingement claim and fighting for justice in San Antonio. Your pain deserves to be acknowledged, and you have the right to seek compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred as a result of the shoulder impingement injury.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 7:43 am

The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Retail Store Accident Lawsuit in Texas in 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Retail Store Accident Lawsuit in Texas in 2024 35

In Texas, accidents can happen anywhere, even in retail stores. If you find yourself injured due to a slip and fall, a falling object, or any other type of accident in a retail store, it’s important to know your rights. That’s where this ultimate guide comes in.

Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of winning a retail store accident lawsuit step by step, arming you with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and seek the compensation you deserve. We’ll provide valuable insights into the legal system in Texas, helping you navigate the complexities and pitfalls along the way.

From gathering evidence to hiring the right attorney, we’ll cover all aspects of your case and empower you to make informed decisions. We’ll also shed light on common defenses used by retail stores and how to counter them to strengthen your claim.

Don’t let a retail store accident leave you in financial distress. With our guide, you’ll be equipped to take on the legal battle and emerge victorious in your pursuit of justice.

Steps to take immediately after a retail store accident

When a retail store accident occurs, taking immediate action is crucial. Your first priority should be your safety and well-being. Seek medical attention for your injuries, regardless of their severity. Inform store management about the accident and ensure that an incident report is filed. It’s important to obtain a copy of this report for your records.

Preserving evidence is another critical step. Document the accident scene by taking photographs or videos, making note of any hazardous conditions that contributed to the accident. Collect contact information from witnesses who can provide statements supporting your version of events.

Additionally, it’s advisable to refrain from discussing the accident with store employees or insurance representatives without the presence of legal counsel. Anything you say could be used against you later in the legal proceedings. By taking these immediate steps, you’ll be setting a strong foundation for your retail store accident lawsuit.

Gathering evidence for your retail store accident lawsuit

One of the key elements in winning a retail store accident lawsuit is gathering compelling evidence to support your claim. The evidence you collect will help establish the negligence of the retail store and strengthen your case. Here are some important pieces of evidence to consider:

1. Photographs and videos: Capture the accident scene, any hazards or defects that contributed to the accident, and your injuries. These visual records can be powerful evidence in demonstrating the conditions that led to your injury.

2. Incident report: Obtain a copy of the incident report filed by the store management. This document will provide an official record of the accident and the store’s response.

3. Witness statements: Contact witnesses who observed the accident and obtain their statements. Their testimonies can provide crucial support for your claim.

4. Medical records: Gather all relevant medical records, including doctor’s notes, diagnostic tests, and treatment plans. These records will help establish the extent and impact of your injuries.

5. Surveillance footage: If the retail store has surveillance cameras, request a copy of the footage that captures the accident. This footage can provide objective evidence of the incident.

By meticulously gathering and preserving evidence, you’ll be able to present a strong case in court and increase your chances of winning the lawsuit.

Determining liability in a retail store accident case

Proving liability is a crucial aspect of winning a retail store accident lawsuit. In Texas, premises liability laws hold property owners responsible for maintaining a safe environment for visitors. To establish liability, you’ll need to demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of care: Show that the retail store owed you a duty of care to keep the premises safe for visitors.

2. Breach of duty: Prove that the retail store breached its duty of care by failing to maintain a safe environment or address known hazards.

3. Causation: Establish a direct link between the store’s negligence and your injuries. Demonstrate that the store’s actions or inactions directly caused your accident.

4. Damages: Provide evidence of the physical, emotional, and financial damages you have suffered as a result of the accident.

Successfully determining liability requires a thorough investigation and a strong understanding of premises liability laws. By working with an experienced attorney, you’ll have the guidance you need to establish liability and build a compelling case.

The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Retail Store Accident Lawsuit in Texas in 2024 37

Calculating damages in a retail store accident lawsuit

When seeking compensation in a retail store accident lawsuit, understanding how damages are calculated is essential. Damages can be categorized into two main types: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages are quantifiable losses that can be directly attributed to the accident. These include medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and future medical costs. Calculating economic damages involves gathering receipts, invoices, pay stubs, and expert opinions to determine the financial impact of the accident.

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are more subjective and aim to compensate for the physical and emotional pain and suffering caused by the accident. These damages can include loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, scarring, and loss of consortium. Calculating non-economic damages can be challenging, as they don’t have a clear monetary value. An attorney experienced in retail store accident cases can help assess the value of your non-economic damages based on similar cases and legal precedents.

By accurately assessing and calculating both economic and non-economic damages, you can present a comprehensive claim that reflects the true extent of your losses.

Hiring a skilled retail store accident attorney in Texas

Navigating the legal complexities of a retail store accident lawsuit requires the expertise of a skilled attorney specializing in personal injury law. When selecting an attorney, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney who has a proven track record of handling retail store accident cases and securing successful outcomes for their clients.

2. Expertise: Ensure that the attorney has in-depth knowledge of Texas premises liability laws and is familiar with the tactics commonly used by retail stores to defend against accident claims.

3. Resources: A well-equipped law firm with access to expert witnesses, investigators, and other resources can strengthen your case and increase your chances of success.

4. Communication: Choose an attorney who communicates effectively and keeps you informed throughout the legal process. They should be responsive to your questions and concerns.

During the initial consultation, discuss the attorney’s fee structure and any potential costs associated with your case. Many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case.

By hiring a skilled retail store accident attorney in Texas, you’ll have a legal advocate by your side who will fight for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

The legal process of a retail store accident lawsuit in Texas

Understanding the legal process of a retail store accident lawsuit in Texas can help you navigate the system with confidence. While every case is unique, the following steps are typically involved:

1. Consultation and investigation: Meet with an attorney to discuss the details of your case. The attorney will investigate the accident, gather evidence, and assess the strength of your claim.

2. Demand letter and negotiations: Your attorney may send a demand letter to the retail store, outlining your injuries, damages, and a proposed settlement amount. Negotiations may take place to reach a fair settlement without going to court.

3. Filing a lawsuit: If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf. The retail store will be served with a summons and complaint, initiating the formal legal proceedings.

4. Discovery: Both parties exchange information and evidence through written requests, depositions, and interrogatories. The goal is to uncover any relevant facts and strengthen your case.

5. Pre-trial motions: Attorneys may file motions to resolve legal issues or seek a favorable ruling before the trial begins. These motions can impact the course and outcome of the lawsuit.

6. Trial: If your case goes to trial, both sides will present their arguments, evidence, and witnesses to a judge or jury. The judge or jury will determine liability and assess damages.

7. Verdict and appeal: If a verdict is reached, the judge or jury will announce their decision. If you win, you may be awarded compensation. Either party can choose to appeal the verdict if they believe legal errors occurred during the trial.

Understanding the legal process can help you prepare for what lies ahead and make informed decisions at each stage of your retail store accident lawsuit.

The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Retail Store Accident Lawsuit in Texas in 2024 39

Common defenses used by retail stores in accident cases

Retail stores often employ various defenses to protect themselves against liability in accident cases. It’s important to be aware of these defenses and how to counter them to strengthen your claim. Some common defenses used by retail stores include:

1. Lack of notice: The store may argue that they were not aware, or could not have reasonably been aware, of the hazardous condition that caused your accident. To counter this defense, you’ll need to demonstrate that the store should have known about and addressed the dangerous condition.

2. Comparative negligence: The store may argue that your own negligence contributed to the accident. Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which means your compensation can be reduced if you are found partially at fault. To counter this defense, you’ll need to show that the store’s negligence outweighs any potential negligence on your part.

3. Assumption of risk: The store may claim that you willingly exposed yourself to the risk of injury by entering the premises. However, this defense may not apply if the store failed to warn you about a known danger or if the dangerous condition was hidden.

By understanding these common defenses and working with an experienced attorney, you can effectively counter them and strengthen your position in the lawsuit.

Settlement vs. trial: weighing your options

As your retail store accident lawsuit progresses, you’ll need to decide whether to pursue a settlement or take your case to trial. Both options have their advantages and considerations.

Settlements can offer a quicker resolution and provide you with compensation without the uncertainty of a trial. They can save you time, money, and the emotional toll of a lengthy legal battle. However, settlements may result in lower compensation compared to what you could potentially receive through a successful trial.

Taking your case to trial allows you to present your case to a judge or jury and potentially receive a higher verdict. However, trials can be time-consuming, costly, and there’s always the risk of an unfavorable outcome.

When weighing your options, consult with your attorney, who can provide guidance based on the specific circumstances of your case. They will help you assess the strengths and weaknesses of your claim and determine the best course of action to achieve a successful outcome.

The importance of making an informed decision

After being involved in a retail store accident, one of the most crucial decisions you will have to make is whether to settle or go to trial. This decision will have a significant impact on the outcome of your case and your future wellbeing. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option and make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances.

Factors to consider when deciding to settle or go to trial

When deciding whether to settle or go to trial for your retail store accident, there are several factors that you should carefully consider. These factors include the strength of your case, the potential financial award, the time and stress involved in going to trial, and your personal circumstances.

Pros and cons of settling a retail store accident claim

Settling a retail store accident claim can often provide a quicker resolution to your case, allowing you to receive compensation sooner rather than later. It also avoids the uncertainty and risks associated with going to trial. Additionally, settling can save you time and money on legal fees. However, it is important to assess the settlement offer carefully and ensure that it adequately covers your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It is crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you negotiate a fair settlement.

Pros and cons of going to trial for a retail store accident

Going to trial for a retail store accident can potentially result in a higher financial award, as it allows you to present your case to a judge or jury. It also provides an opportunity for you to have your story heard and seek justice. However, going to trial can be a lengthy and stressful process, with no guarantee of a favorable outcome. It requires significant time, effort, and financial resources. It is important to carefully evaluate the strength of your case and consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to determine if going to trial is the best course of action for you.

How to assess the strength of your case

Assessing the strength of your case is crucial when deciding whether to settle or go to trial for your retail store accident. Consider factors such as the evidence you have gathered, witness statements, medical records, and any expert testimony that may support your claim. Consulting with a personal injury attorney who specializes in retail store accidents can help you evaluate the strength of your case and determine the best course of action.

The role of expert testimony in retail store accident cases

Expert testimony can play a crucial role in retail store accident cases. Experts, such as medical professionals or accident reconstruction specialists, can provide objective opinions and analysis that can strengthen your case. They can provide insights and evidence that may not be readily apparent to a judge or jury. Consulting with a personal injury attorney who has access to reputable experts can greatly enhance the credibility and strength of your case.

Exploring alternative dispute resolution options

In addition to settling or going to trial, there are alternative dispute resolution options available for retail store accident cases. These options include mediation and arbitration, which can provide a more informal and less adversarial process for resolving your claim. Mediation involves a neutral third party who helps facilitate negotiations between you and the responsible party, while arbitration involves a neutral third party who reviews the evidence and makes a binding decision. Exploring these options with the guidance of a personal injury attorney can help you determine if they are suitable for your case.

The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Retail Store Accident Lawsuit in Texas in 2024 41


Texas, with its bustling retail industry, sees its fair share of accidents in stores. Understanding the common types of accidents that can occur is crucial in building a strong case. Slip and falls, falling objects, inadequate security, and poorly maintained premises are some of the common causes of retail store accidents.

When it comes to retail store accidents, premises liability laws come into play. These laws hold property owners responsible for maintaining a safe environment for visitors. However, establishing liability can be complex, as it requires proving that the property owner was negligent or failed to fulfill their duty of care.

To build a solid case, it’s important to gather evidence and establish that the accident was caused by the negligence of the retail store. This includes documenting the scene of the accident, taking photographs, collecting witness statements, and obtaining any relevant surveillance footage. By understanding the nature of retail store accidents and the legal framework surrounding them, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the legal process.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:59 pm

Navigating the Retail Store Accident Lawsuit: Expert Tips for Winning in Texas in 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Free photo great variety in the shoe shop

Attention Texas shoppers! Have you ever experienced an accident or injury while shopping in a retail store? If so, you’re not alone. Accidents can happen when we least expect them, and navigating the legal system can be overwhelming. But fear not, because we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we will provide you with expert tips on how to win a retail store accident lawsuit in Texas in 2024. Whether you slipped and fell on a wet floor or were injured by a defective product, our guide will walk you through the necessary steps to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Texas laws regarding retail store accidents can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of the legal landscape. But by following our expert advice and tips, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the legal process and come out on top.

So, if you’re ready to arm yourself with the knowledge and guidance to win your retail store accident lawsuit, keep on reading. We’ve got your back, Texas shoppers!

Common types of accidents in retail stores

Accidents can happen in retail stores in numerous ways. Being aware of the common types of accidents can help you identify potential hazards and take precautions to avoid them. Some of the most frequent accidents in retail stores include:

1. Slip and Falls: One of the most common types of accidents, slip and falls can occur due to wet floors, uneven surfaces, or debris left on the floor.

2. Falling Objects: Retail stores often have merchandise displayed on high shelves. If these objects are not properly secured, they can fall and cause serious injuries.

3. Defective Products: If you’re injured by a defective product while shopping in a retail store, you may have grounds for a lawsuit against the manufacturer or distributor.

4. Inadequate Security: If you are assaulted or robbed in a retail store due to inadequate security measures, you may be able to hold the store liable for your injuries.

By understanding the various types of accidents that can occur, you can better assess the circumstances surrounding your own case and determine the best course of action.

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Proving negligence in a retail store accident lawsuit

Proving negligence is a critical aspect of winning a retail store accident lawsuit. To establish negligence, you must demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of Care: The store owner or employees had a legal duty to maintain a safe shopping environment for customers.

2. Breach of Duty: The store owner or employees failed to fulfill their duty by not taking reasonable steps to prevent the accident.

3. Causation: The breach of duty directly caused the accident and resulting injuries.

4. Damages: You suffered actual damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering, as a result of the accident.

To strengthen your case, you’ll need to gather evidence that supports each of these elements. This evidence may include photographs of the accident scene, witness statements, surveillance footage, or maintenance records. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be.

Gathering evidence for your retail store accident case

Gathering evidence is crucial in a retail store accident case. The more evidence you have to support your claim, the more likely you are to succeed in your lawsuit. Here are some key pieces of evidence to gather:

1. Photographs: Take pictures of the accident scene, including any hazards or conditions that contributed to your accident.

2. Witness Statements: Obtain contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident occur. Their statements can provide valuable support for your case.

3. Surveillance Footage: If the retail store has surveillance cameras, request the footage covering the time of your accident. This can provide objective evidence of what happened.

4. Incident Reports: Report the accident to the store manager or employees and ask for a copy of the incident report. This document can be crucial in establishing the store’s awareness of the accident.

Remember to gather evidence as soon as possible after the accident, as it may become more challenging to obtain later. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be.

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Hiring a personal injury lawyer for your retail store accident lawsuit

Navigating a retail store accident lawsuit can be complex, and having a skilled personal injury lawyer on your side can significantly improve your chances of success. An experienced lawyer will have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the legal process and fight for your rights.

When selecting a personal injury lawyer, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases, particularly those involving retail store accidents. Their experience will be invaluable in building a strong case.

2. Track Record: Research the lawyer’s track record of success in similar cases. This will give you an idea of their ability to achieve favorable outcomes.

3. Communication: Choose a lawyer who communicates effectively and keeps you informed throughout the process. You’ll want someone who is responsive to your questions and concerns.

4. Fee Structure: Discuss the lawyer’s fee structure upfront to ensure it aligns with your budget and expectations. Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case.

By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you’ll have a knowledgeable advocate who can navigate the legal complexities on your behalf, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

The importance of medical documentation in a retail store accident lawsuit

When pursuing a retail store accident lawsuit, proper medical documentation is crucial. It serves as evidence of your injuries and the extent of your damages. Here’s what you need to know about medical documentation:

1. Seek Medical Attention: After an accident, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you don’t think your injuries are severe. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and a medical professional can assess your condition properly.

2. Follow Treatment Plans: It’s essential to follow any treatment plans prescribed by your healthcare provider. Failure to do so may weaken your case, as the opposing party may argue that your injuries are not as severe as you claim.

3. Keep Records: Maintain records of all medical appointments, treatments, prescriptions, and expenses related to your injuries. These records will help establish the extent of your damages.

4. Obtain Expert Opinions: If necessary, consult with medical experts who can provide opinions on the long-term impact of your injuries and the potential need for future medical treatment.

By documenting your injuries and following proper medical procedures, you’ll have strong evidence to support your claim and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Free photo man talking on mobile phone and paramedics examining injured boy in background

Filing a claim and the legal process for a retail store accident lawsuit in Texas

Once you’ve gathered sufficient evidence and consulted with a personal injury lawyer, it’s time to file a claim and initiate the legal process for your retail store accident lawsuit. Here’s an overview of what to expect:

1. Initial Demand: Your lawyer will draft a demand letter outlining your injuries, damages, and the compensation you’re seeking. This letter is typically sent to the store’s insurance company.

2. Investigation: The insurance company will conduct its investigation into the accident and evaluate your claim. This may involve reviewing evidence, obtaining witness statements, and potentially negotiating a settlement.

3. Settlement Negotiations: If the insurance company offers a settlement, your lawyer will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation. Remember, you don’t have to accept the first offer. Your lawyer will advise you on the best course of action.

4. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer may recommend filing a lawsuit. This involves preparing legal documents, gathering additional evidence, and presenting your case in court.

5. Trial: If your case proceeds to trial, your lawyer will present your evidence, call witnesses, and argue your case before a judge or jury. The outcome will be determined by the evidence presented and the legal arguments made.

Remember, the legal process can be lengthy, and each case is unique. Your personal injury lawyer will guide you through the specific steps and advise you on the best course of action based on the circumstances of your case.

Expert tips for winning your retail store accident lawsuit in Texas

While every case is different, there are some expert tips that can increase your chances of winning your retail store accident lawsuit in Texas. Consider the following:

1. Act Quickly: Time is of the essence when it comes to personal injury cases. Report the accident to the store, seek medical attention, and consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

2. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any evidence related to the accident, including photographs, witness statements, and incident reports. This evidence will be crucial in establishing liability.

3. Be Honest: Be honest and transparent about the circumstances surrounding the accident. Any inconsistencies or dishonesty can undermine your credibility and weaken your case.

4. Follow Legal Advice: Listen to your personal injury lawyer’s advice and follow their guidance throughout the process. They have the expertise to navigate the legal system and fight for your rights effectively.

5. Stay Organized: Keep all documents, records, and communications related to your case organized. This will make it easier for you and your lawyer to build a strong case.

Remember, winning a retail store accident lawsuit requires a combination of strong evidence, expert legal representation, and proactive involvement in your case. By following these expert tips, you’ll be well-equipped to pursue justice and receive the compensation you deserve.

Settlement negotiations and trial in a retail store accident lawsuit

When a retail store accident occurs, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming and complex. From settlement negotiations to trial, understanding the steps involved in pursuing a lawsuit is crucial for victims seeking justice and compensation. In this guide, we will provide an overview of the key elements involved in settling a retail store accident lawsuit, as well as the process that may lead to trial.

During settlement negotiations, parties involved will try to reach a mutually agreeable resolution without going to trial. This typically involves discussions between the injured party’s legal representation and the store’s insurance company or legal team. Factors such as the extent of the injuries, liability, and potential monetary damages will be considered to determine a fair settlement amount.

If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to trial. At trial, each side presents their arguments and evidence before a judge or jury. It is essential to have a strong legal team that can effectively present your case and advocate for your rights.

Understanding the legal process involved in a retail store accident lawsuit is crucial for anyone seeking compensation. By familiarizing yourself with the steps and enlisting the expertise of an experienced legal team, you can navigate this often challenging process with confidence.

The importance of settlement negotiations

Settlement negotiations play a crucial role in the legal process of a retail store accident lawsuit. This phase involves discussions between the injured party’s legal representation and the store’s insurance company or legal team, with the aim of reaching a mutually agreeable resolution without going to trial.

Factors to consider before entering into settlement negotiations

Before entering into settlement negotiations, it’s important to consider several factors. First and foremost, the extent of the injuries and their impact on the victim’s life should be thoroughly evaluated. This includes not only physical injuries but also any emotional or psychological trauma suffered as a result of the accident.

Secondly, liability must be established. It is essential to gather evidence that proves the store’s negligence or failure to maintain a safe environment, which led to the accident. This may involve gathering witness statements, surveillance footage, accident reports, and expert opinions.

Lastly, potential monetary damages should be assessed. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any long-term care needs. Consulting with medical professionals and financial experts can help determine the full extent of the damages suffered.

Steps involved in the settlement negotiation process

The settlement negotiation process typically involves several steps. Initially, the injured party’s legal team will present a demand letter to the store’s insurance company or legal representatives, outlining the injuries, liability, and the desired compensation amount. This demand letter serves as the starting point for negotiations.

Next, the store’s insurance company or legal team will review the demand letter and respond with a counteroffer. This back-and-forth negotiation process may continue until both parties reach a settlement agreement or decide to proceed to trial.

During negotiations, it is essential to remain patient and open to compromise. Both parties should be willing to consider each other’s perspectives and be open to finding a fair resolution. Additionally, having a skilled and experienced legal team advocating for your rights can greatly enhance the chances of reaching a favorable settlement.

Tips for successful settlement negotiations

Successfully navigating settlement negotiations requires careful preparation and strategic approach. Here are some tips to help you achieve a successful outcome:

1. Gather strong evidence: Presenting strong evidence that establishes the store’s liability and the extent of your injuries is crucial. This may include medical records, expert opinions, accident reports, and witness statements.

2. Understand your rights and options: Familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations governing retail store accidents, as well as the potential compensation you may be entitled to. This knowledge will enable you to make informed decisions during negotiations.

3. Be realistic but assertive: Set reasonable expectations for the outcome of negotiations, considering the circumstances of the accident and the extent of your damages. However, don’t be afraid to assertively advocate for your rights and push for a fair settlement.

4. Maintain open communication: Effective communication is key during negotiations. Clearly articulate your needs, concerns, and expectations, and be open to listening to the other party’s perspective. This can help build trust and facilitate productive discussions.

5. Consider the long-term impact: When evaluating settlement offers, consider the long-term impact on your life and well-being. Consult with financial experts and medical professionals to ensure that the compensation amount adequately covers your present and future needs.

By following these tips and working closely with your legal team, you can increase the likelihood of achieving a successful settlement in your retail store accident lawsuit.

When settlement negotiations fail: Preparing for trial

In some cases, settlement negotiations may not result in a satisfactory resolution. If both parties are unable to reach an agreement, the case may proceed to trial. It is essential to be prepared for this possibility and understand the trial process involved in a retail store accident lawsuit.

The trial process in a retail store accident lawsuit

During a trial, each side presents their arguments and evidence before a judge or jury. The trial process typically involves the following stages:

1. Jury selection: If a jury is involved, both parties have the opportunity to participate in the selection process to ensure a fair and impartial jury.

2. Opening statements: Each side presents an opening statement outlining their case and what they intend to prove during the trial.

3. Presentation of evidence: Both parties present their evidence, including witness testimony, expert opinions, documents, and any other relevant information.

4. Cross-examination: Each side has the opportunity to cross-examine the opposing party’s witnesses to challenge their credibility or highlight inconsistencies in their testimony.

5. Closing arguments: Both parties present closing arguments summarizing their case and persuading the judge or jury to rule in their favor.

6. Verdict: The judge or jury deliberates and reaches a verdict, determining whether the store is liable for the accident and the amount of compensation, if any, that should be awarded.

Key elements to prove in a retail store accident lawsuit trial

To succeed in a retail store accident lawsuit trial, the injured party’s legal team must establish the following key elements:

1. Duty of care: It must be proven that the store owed a duty of care to the victim, meaning they had a legal obligation to maintain a safe environment for customers.

2. Breach of duty: The injured party’s legal team must demonstrate that the store breached its duty of care by failing to take reasonable steps to prevent the accident.

3. Causation: It must be established that the store’s breach of duty directly caused the accident and the resulting injuries.

4. Damages: The injured party’s legal team must provide evidence of the damages suffered as a result of the accident, including physical injuries, emotional distress, medical expenses, and lost wages.

Expert witnesses and their role in a retail store accident lawsuit trial

Expert witnesses can play a significant role in a retail store accident lawsuit trial. These individuals possess specialized knowledge and expertise in relevant fields, such as store safety protocols, accident reconstruction, or medical care. Their testimony can provide valuable insight and help establish important elements of the case.

Expert witnesses can help explain complex concepts to the judge or jury, provide opinions on the store’s negligence or liability, and assess the extent of the victim’s injuries. Their testimony can strengthen the injured party’s case and significantly impact the outcome of the trial.

Conclusion: Choosing the right approach for your retail store accident lawsuit

Navigating the legal process involved in a retail store accident lawsuit can be challenging, but with the right approach and legal team, you can seek justice and fair compensation. Understanding the importance of settlement negotiations and being prepared for trial can empower you to make informed decisions and advocate for your rights effectively.

By gathering strong evidence, maintaining open communication, and considering the long-term impact, you can increase the likelihood of a successful settlement. If settlement negotiations fail, being prepared for trial and leveraging expert witnesses can give you the best chance of winning your case.

Remember, each lawsuit is unique, and it’s crucial to consult with experienced legal professionals who can guide you through the process and help you choose the best approach for your retail store accident lawsuit. With their expertise and support, you can navigate the legal process with confidence and pursue the justice and compensation you deserve.

When it comes to retail store accident lawsuits, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the legal framework. In Texas, these cases fall under the realm of personal injury law, specifically premises liability. Premises liability refers to the legal responsibility a property owner has for injuries that occur on their premises.

To establish liability in a retail store accident lawsuit, you must prove that the store owner or employees were negligent in their duty to maintain a safe environment for customers. Negligence can arise from various factors, such as failure to clean up spills promptly, inadequate warning signs, or improper maintenance of the premises.

It’s important to note that the burden of proof lies with the injured party. This means you must provide evidence that demonstrates the store’s negligence directly caused your accident and resulting injuries. This evidence is crucial in building a strong case and increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident

Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 47

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to seek justice and compensation for your damages. However, initiating a lawsuit can be a complex and overwhelming process. That’s where this guide comes in. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive information on how to navigate the legal landscape and take the necessary steps to pursue a spinal cord lawsuit after a slip and fall accident.

From gathering evidence to determining liability, we will break down the key elements you need to understand to build a strong case. We will also discuss the importance of hiring an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in spinal cord injuries and can guide you through the legal process.

At The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert, our mission is to empower individuals like you with the knowledge and resources needed to seek justice and find closure. Our commitment to your cause is unwavering, and we hope this guide will serve as a valuable tool in your pursuit of justice.

So, let’s delve into the world of spinal cord lawsuits and help you take the first step towards achieving the justice you deserve.

The legal basis for a spinal cord lawsuit

To initiate a spinal cord lawsuit after a slip and fall accident, you must establish the legal basis for your claim. In most cases, these lawsuits fall under the category of premises liability, holding the property owner or occupier responsible for your injuries.

To succeed in a premises liability claim, you must demonstrate that the property owner or occupier owed you a duty of care, that they breached this duty, and that their negligence directly caused your slip and fall accident and subsequent spinal cord injury. This can be challenging, as you need to prove that the property owner either knew or should have known about the hazardous condition that caused your fall.

In some cases, you may also have a claim against a third party, such as a contractor or maintenance company responsible for the property’s upkeep. Identifying all potentially liable parties is crucial to ensure you can pursue compensation from all available sources.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 49

Steps to take immediately after a slip and fall accident

After a slip and fall accident, taking prompt action is vital to protect your rights and strengthen your case. Here are the essential steps you should take:

1. Seek medical attention: Your health and well-being should be your top priority. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and a medical professional can properly assess your condition.

2. Document the scene: If possible, gather evidence at the accident scene. Take photographs of the hazardous condition that caused your fall, such as a wet floor, uneven pavement, or inadequate lighting. Also, try to obtain contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident occur.

3. Report the incident: Notify the property owner or manager about the accident as soon as possible. Request that they create an incident report and be sure to obtain a copy for your records. This report can serve as crucial evidence later on.

By following these initial steps, you can lay the groundwork for a strong spinal cord lawsuit. Remember, the more evidence you have to support your claim, the stronger your case will be.

Gathering evidence for your spinal cord lawsuit

Building a strong case requires gathering compelling evidence to support your claim. Here are some crucial pieces of evidence you should collect:

1. Medical records: Obtain copies of all medical records related to your slip and fall accident and subsequent spinal cord injury. These records should include diagnostic tests, treatment plans, rehabilitation notes, and any other documentation that demonstrates the extent of your injuries.

2. Witness statements: Interview witnesses who saw the accident occur and collect their statements. These statements can provide valuable insight into the conditions leading up to the accident and help establish liability.

3. Surveillance footage: If the slip and fall accident occurred in a public place or a property with security cameras, request access to the surveillance footage. This footage can provide visual evidence of the hazardous condition and how it contributed to your fall.

4. Expert opinions: Consult with medical experts and other specialists who can provide professional opinions on the cause and impact of your spinal cord injury. Their expertise can strengthen your case and lend credibility to your claims.

Remember, the strength of your evidence can make or break your spinal cord lawsuit. By gathering as much relevant information as possible, you increase your chances of success.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 51

Finding the right attorney for your case

Navigating the legal process can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex personal injury cases like spinal cord lawsuits. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in spinal cord injuries is crucial to ensure you have the best possible representation.

When choosing an attorney, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney with a proven track record of handling spinal cord injury cases. They should have extensive experience in negotiating settlements and taking cases to trial, if necessary.

2. Expertise: Spinal cord injuries require specialized knowledge and understanding. Ensure that the attorney you choose has a deep understanding of these types of injuries and the associated legal complexities.

3. Resources: A reputable attorney should have the resources necessary to thoroughly investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong argument on your behalf.

4. Communication: Effective communication is essential throughout the legal process. Choose an attorney who is responsive, keeps you informed, and explains complex legal concepts in a way that you can understand.

Consult with multiple attorneys before making your decision. Most personal injury attorneys offer free consultations, allowing you to discuss your case and assess whether they are the right fit for you.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 53

The importance of medical documentation in a spinal cord lawsuit

Medical documentation plays a crucial role in a spinal cord lawsuit. It establishes the link between your slip and fall accident, your spinal cord injury, and the damages you have suffered. Here’s why medical documentation is essential:

1. Provides evidence of your injuries: Medical records, diagnostic tests, and treatment plans serve as tangible evidence of the severity and impact of your spinal cord injury. They help establish the damages you are entitled to recover.

2. Demonstrates the need for ongoing care: Spinal cord injuries often require long-term medical treatment and rehabilitation. Medical documentation outlines the anticipated costs and care needed, ensuring you can pursue appropriate compensation.

3. Validates your claims: Insurance companies and opposing counsel may challenge the legitimacy of your injuries. Comprehensive medical documentation strengthens your case by proving the extent and validity of your claims.

To ensure you have the necessary medical documentation, it is essential to follow all recommended treatments, attend follow-up appointments, and maintain a detailed record of your medical expenses.

Calculating damages in a spinal cord lawsuit

Calculating damages in a spinal cord lawsuit involves assessing the economic and non-economic losses you have suffered. Here are the primary types of damages typically pursued in these cases:

1. Medical expenses: This includes past, current, and anticipated future medical costs related to your spinal cord injury. It encompasses hospital bills, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, assistive devices, and ongoing care.

2. Lost wages and earning capacity: If your spinal cord injury has caused you to miss work or has limited your ability to work in the future, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages and diminished earning capacity.

3. Pain and suffering: Non-economic damages, such as physical pain, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish, are also considered in a spinal cord lawsuit. These damages aim to compensate for the intangible losses you have experienced.

4. Rehabilitation and long-term care: Spinal cord injuries often require extensive rehabilitation, long-term care, and specialized equipment. Compensation can be sought for these ongoing expenses.

Your attorney will work with you to determine the appropriate damages to pursue in your specific case. It is crucial to consider both your immediate and long-term needs when calculating damages.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 55

Dealing with insurance companies and settlement negotiations

In many spinal cord lawsuits, you will be dealing with insurance companies representing the responsible party or parties involved. Insurance companies are primarily concerned with minimizing their financial liability, which can make the negotiation process challenging.

Here are some tips for dealing with insurance companies and settlement negotiations:

1. Consult with an attorney: Having legal representation is crucial when negotiating with insurance companies. An experienced attorney can protect your rights, advocate on your behalf, and ensure you receive fair compensation.

2. Document all communication: Keep a record of all communication with insurance adjusters, including phone calls, emails, and letters. This documentation can be valuable if disputes arise later on.

3. Be cautious with recorded statements: Insurance adjusters may request a recorded statement from you. It is crucial to consult with your attorney before providing any statements to ensure you do not inadvertently harm your case.

4. Do not accept early offers: Insurance companies may try to settle quickly and for a low amount. It is important to allow your attorney to assess the full extent of your damages and negotiate for a fair settlement that adequately compensates you.

Remember, insurance companies are not on your side. Their primary goal is to protect their bottom line. Having a skilled attorney by your side ensures that your rights and interests are protected throughout the negotiation process.

Going to trial: What to expect in a spinal cord lawsuit

While most spinal cord lawsuits are resolved through settlement negotiations, some cases may proceed to trial. It is essential to understand what to expect if your case reaches this stage.

During a trial, your attorney will present your case to a judge and jury, aiming to prove the liability of the responsible party and the damages you have suffered. This involves presenting evidence, calling witnesses, cross-examining opposing witnesses, and delivering persuasive arguments.

While going to trial can be a lengthy and complex process, it provides an opportunity for you to present your case in a courtroom and seek a favorable verdict. Your attorney will guide you through each step of the trial and ensure your rights are protected.

Conclusion: Seeking justice and moving forward after a spinal cord lawsuit

Slip and fall accidents can have devastating consequences, particularly when it comes to spinal cord injuries. Understanding the impact of these injuries is crucial in building your case. Spinal cord injuries can result in partial or complete paralysis, affecting your mobility, independence, and quality of life.

When your spinal cord is damaged due to a slip and fall accident, it can lead to a range of complications, such as loss of sensation, muscle weakness, and even bowel or bladder dysfunction. These injuries often require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care.

Proving the severity and extent of your spinal cord injury is essential in establishing the damages you have suffered. Medical records, expert opinions, and testimony from healthcare providers will play a crucial role in demonstrating the impact of the injury on your life.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:55 am

Initiating a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Free photo front view doctor explaining anatomy

If you or someone you love suffers a spinal cord injury through slip and fall in Texas, you should think about filing a spinal cord lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve. People who suffer from a spinal cord injury (SCI) are among the most unfortunate in slip and fall accidents. This type of injury can cause so much pain and affect one’s quality of life. In the most severe cases, a spinal cord injury can cause paralysis.

Spinal cord injuries are often a result of car, truck, commercial vehicle and motorcycle accidents, sports injuries, violent attacks, infections, birth injuries, and activities such as pool or lake diving and trampolines. However, slip and fall accidents are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries.

Slip and fall Spinal Cord injury statistics:

A study conducted by the National Library of Medicine found that:

  • 20% of fall-induced spine injuries are falls from slipping, tripping, and tumbling on the same floor
  • People aged 61 years old and above fall more frequently on the same floor than others 
  • People aged 16-45 fall more frequently from buildings and are usually work-related
  • High falls usually result in complete injury
  • Low falls usually cause incomplete injury

Types of spine injuries

There are two types of spinal cord injuries: 

  1. incomplete spine injury; and 
  2. complete spine injury. More than 60% of SCI are incomplete, thanks to medical professionals who were able to address the injury early on.

Incomplete Spine Injury:

This type of spine injury is incomplete because it may have affected only the spinal cord’s front, the cord’s center, or just one side of the spinal cord.

Complete Spine Injury:

There are four types of complete spine injury: 

  1. tetraplegia, 
  2. paraplegia, 
  3. triplegia, and 
  4. quadriplegia 

Tetraplegia causes paralysis and affects every limb. Paraplegia results in complete loss of movement and sensation in the legs and lower body. Triplegia is a result of complications from an incomplete spinal cord injury. Quadriplegia is the paralysis of the arms and legs.

What are the signs and symptoms of an acute spinal injury?

A person suffering from a spinal injury may experience any of the following:

  • Weakness of muscles
  • Loss of voluntary muscle movement in the legs, arms, and other body parts
  • Loss of bladder and bowel function
  • Loss of feeling in the limbs
  • Difficulty breathing

Who is responsible for a spinal cord injury slip and fall claim?

When you speak with a spinal cord injury attorney in Texas, let them know all the facts and circumstances of your case. That way, they can determine who must be held liable to pay compensation for your injury and damage.

The usual defendants in a spinal cord injury lawsuit due to slip and fall are:

  • The employer
  • The owner of the commercial establishment
  • The government
  • The owner of private property
  • The owner of private property

What are the usual defenses in a lawsuit for spinal cord injury due to slip and fall?

Free photo 3d render of a male medical figure with spine highlighted

The following are the usual defenses or counter allegations in a spinal cord lawsuit:

  • The victim was not wearing proper footwear.
  • The hazard was normal for any normal person.
  • There were clear warning signs in the area.
  • The victim was not paying attention or was distracted.
  • The victim was not supposed to be in the area or was a trespasser.

Depending on the state where you are located, there could be laws regarding comparative negligence. Under the comparative negligence doctrine, the victim will be entitled to less compensation if it is proven that he was partly at fault for the accident and, thus, the injury he sustained.

Compensation in a spinal cord injury slip and fall lawsuit

Photo a doctor holds up a spine in front of his hands.

Those who file a spinal cord lawsuit may be entitled to the compensation of the following:

  • Medical bills, including surgery, rehabilitation, and medicines
  • Lost income, including past and future wages, while you recover
  • Lost opportunities and decreased quality of life
  • Pain and suffering, such as emotional damage, mental anguish, PTSD
  • Punitive damages, which shall be a penalty for the defendant’s gross negligence

It is important to note that a spinal cord injury is irreversible. And although the injury can be manageable, the adverse effects of the SCI on the victim can last for the victim’s remaining years. This is why the average settlement for spinal cord injury is a bit on the upper end. Nonetheless, you are required to prove your case as well as your entitlement to any damages prayed for.

How to initiate a spinal cord injury lawsuit after a slip and fall accident in Texas

Imagine this scenario: you’re going about your day, minding your own business, when suddenly…whoops! You slip and fall. It happens to the best of us. But what if that innocent tumble resulted in a life-altering spinal cord injury? Sounds terrifying, right? Well, fear not, because we’re here to guide you through the process of initiating a spinal cord injury lawsuit after a slip and fall accident in Texas. From seeking medical attention to calculating potential damages, we’ve got all the steps covered. So grab a cup of coffee (or your preferred beverage), sit back, and let’s dive into this informative journey together!

What is a spinal cord injury slip and fall accident

Picture this: you’re walking through a grocery store, browsing the aisles for your favorite snacks. Suddenly, you step on a wet spot that wasn’t properly marked. In an instant, your feet fly out from under you and you crash to the ground. Unfortunately, accidents like these can sometimes result in something far more serious than just a bruised ego – they can lead to spinal cord injuries.

A spinal cord injury occurs when there is damage to any part of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of the spinal canal. Slip and fall accidents are one common cause of such injuries, as they can put immense pressure on your back and neck. These types of accidents often happen due to hazardous conditions like slippery floors, inadequate lighting, or even obstacles left in walkways.

The consequences of a spinal cord injury can be life-altering. Depending on its severity, it may result in partial or complete loss of sensation and function below the site of injury. This means potentially losing mobility or experiencing paralysis.

Moreover, slip and fall accidents resulting in spinal cord injuries require immediate medical attention. Even if symptoms aren’t immediately apparent after an accident, it’s crucial to seek medical evaluation because some injuries may not manifest until later.

Remember that preserving all evidence related to your slip and fall accident is vital for building an effective case regarding liability and damages sustained during the incident. This includes taking photographs/videos of where the accident occurred (if possible), documenting any visible injuries sustained from the fall (bruises, cuts), keeping records of medical treatments received post-accident (doctor visits, therapy sessions), obtaining witness statements if available—all these pieces contribute towards strengthening your case.

When faced with such circumstances following a slip and fall accident resulting in a spinal cord injury lawsuit—reaching out for legal guidance is essential! An experienced board-certified personal injury attorney who specializes in handling cases involving spinal cord injuries will be invaluable throughout this process—they’ll navigate complex legal waters and fight for your rights.

Seek medical attention immediately

Seeking immediate medical attention after a spinal cord injury slip and fall accident is absolutely crucial. Even if you think your injuries are minor, it’s important to remember that symptoms may not always be immediately apparent. Some injuries may take time to manifest fully, so getting evaluated by a medical professional is essential.

When you seek medical attention promptly, you not only ensure your well-being but also create an official record of your injuries. This documentation can play a critical role in your personal injury lawsuit later on.

Upon arrival at the hospital or doctor’s office, explain how the accident occurred and provide detailed information about any pain or discomfort you’re experiencing. The healthcare provider will conduct various tests and examinations to assess the extent of your injuries.

By seeking timely medical assistance, you strengthen your case by demonstrating that you took immediate steps towards securing treatment for your spinal cord injury. It shows that you’re serious about addressing the situation and preventing further damage.

Remember, delaying or avoiding medical attention can have severe consequences for both your health and potential legal claim. So don’t hesitate – seek proper medical care right away after experiencing a slip and fall accident resulting in a spinal cord injury in Texas.

Preserve all Evidence

Preserving all evidence is crucial when initiating a spinal cord injury lawsuit after a slip and fall accident in Texas. The evidence collected can play a significant role in determining liability and strengthening your case.

It’s essential to document the scene of the accident. Take photographs or videos of any hazardous conditions that caused your fall, such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, or faulty handrails. These visual records can help establish negligence on the part of the property owner or manager.

Additionally, gather any relevant medical records related to your spinal cord injury. This includes hospital reports, diagnostic imaging results (such as x-rays or MRIs), and doctor’s notes documenting the extent of your injuries and their impact on your daily life.

Witness statements are also valuable evidence. If there were bystanders who witnessed the accident or employees who saw dangerous conditions prior to your fall, obtain their contact information and ask them to provide written statements about what they observed.

Don’t forget to keep track of any expenses incurred due to your injury. This includes medical bills, rehabilitation costs, transportation expenses for treatment visits, and even lost wages if you were unable to work during recovery.

Preserve any physical evidence that may be relevant to your case. This could include torn clothing from the incident or damaged personal belongings resulting from the fall.

By preserving all this evidence promptly and thoroughly documenting every aspect of your slip and fall accident-related spinal cord injury, you increase your chances of building a strong case against those responsible for causing harm. Remember that consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney will ensure you have proper guidance throughout this process!

Report the accident incident

Once you have sought medical attention and preserved all evidence following a slip and fall accident resulting in a spinal cord injury, it is crucial to report the incident. Reporting the accident helps establish an official record of what happened.

Contact local law enforcement or property management immediately to report the incident. Provide them with detailed information about how and where the accident occurred. Be sure to include any witnesses who saw your fall or can provide valuable information.

In addition to reporting to authorities, make sure to notify the property owner or manager of the premises where your accident took place. This will ensure that they are aware of what happened and can take appropriate measures to prevent similar accidents in the future.

When reporting, be honest and accurate about all details surrounding the incident. Avoid making speculative statements or exaggerating your injuries as this may undermine your credibility later on.

Remember, reporting promptly not only protects your rights but also helps establish liability for your spinal cord injury case. By taking these steps, you set yourself up for a stronger claim while demonstrating responsibility in pursuing legal action.

Consult with an experienced board-certified spinal cord personal injury attorney

Consulting with an experienced board-certified spinal cord personal injury attorney is crucial if you have suffered a slip and fall accident resulting in a spinal cord injury. These specialized attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complex legal process associated with such cases.

When selecting an attorney, it is essential to choose someone who specializes in personal injury law, particularly spinal cord injuries. Look for certifications or affiliations that demonstrate their expertise in this specific field.

During your initial consultation, the attorney will evaluate your case and advise you on the best course of action. They will gather all relevant details about your accident, including medical records, witness statements, and any evidence that could support your claim.

Your attorney will also conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your slip and fall accident. This may involve visiting the scene of the incident, reviewing surveillance footage, or consulting with expert witnesses who can provide valuable insights.

Determining liability for your accident is another critical aspect of building a strong case. Your attorney will analyze factors such as negligence on behalf of property owners or employees responsible for maintaining safe premises.

Calculating potential damages is another vital task undertaken by your attorney. They will assess both economic and non-economic losses incurred due to your spinal cord injury, such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future rehabilitation costs.

Once all necessary preparations are complete, it’s time to file a spinal cord personal injury lawsuit on your behalf. Your attorney will ensure that all required documents are filed correctly within statutory time limits so that you can seek compensation for your injuries efficiently.

Throughout this process, aggressive discovery techniques may be employed by both parties involved in litigation. This involves gathering evidence from each side through interrogatories (written questions), depositions (recorded interviews), requests for production (documents), or requests for admission (fact verification).

If negotiation fails to yield a fair settlement offer from the defendant’s insurance company or legal representatives during pre-trial proceedings, your attorney will be prepared to take your case to trial. They will present

Conduct a full investigation of the accident

Conducting a full investigation of the accident is crucial when initiating a spinal cord injury lawsuit after a slip and fall accident in Texas. This step helps gather evidence to support your claim and determine liability for the incident.

First, it is important to document the scene of the accident. Take photographs or videos of any hazards that may have caused your fall, such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, or poor lighting. These visuals can provide compelling evidence later on.

Next, collect contact information from any witnesses who saw what happened. Their testimonies could strengthen your case by providing additional perspectives and confirming details about the accident.

Additionally, obtain copies of any incident reports filed with property owners or managers regarding your slip and fall accident. These documents may contain valuable information about prior safety concerns or negligence on their part.

Furthermore, medical records are essential pieces of evidence in a spinal cord injury lawsuit. Make sure to keep all records related to your diagnosis, treatment plans, medications prescribed, and rehabilitation progress. These records help demonstrate the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life.

Moreover, consult with experts if necessary, during this investigation phase. Expert opinions can provide further insight into how the accident occurred and whether there were any violations of safety regulations that contributed to it.

Lastly but importantly during this investigation process; do not communicate directly with insurance companies without first consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in spinal cord injuries cases like you need now! They will guide you through proper channels while protecting your rights throughout this legal journey!

Remember: conducting a thorough investigation is crucial for building a strong case when pursuing compensation for spinal cord injuries sustained in slip and fall accidents!

Determine liability for the accident

Determining liability for a slip and fall accident can be a crucial step in initiating a spinal cord injury lawsuit. It involves identifying who is responsible for the conditions that led to the accident, whether it’s an individual or a business entity.

To determine liability, several factors must be considered. First, it’s important to assess if there was any negligence involved. Did the property owner or occupier fail to take reasonable measures to ensure safety? Were there any hazardous conditions present that contributed to the accident?

Next, gathering evidence becomes essential in establishing liability. This might include photographs of the scene, witness statements, surveillance footage, or maintenance records. These pieces of evidence will help paint a clearer picture of what happened and support your claim.

Additionally, consulting with experts such as engineers or safety specialists can provide valuable insights into whether proper protocols were followed and if precautions were taken to prevent accidents.

It’s worth noting that Texas follows modified comparative negligence laws when determining liability. This means that even if you are partially at fault for the accident, you may still be entitled to compensation; however, your damages could be reduced based on your percentage of fault.

Determining liability requires careful analysis of all available information and legal expertise. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in spinal cord injuries is vital during this process as they can guide you through complex legal matters while advocating for your rights.

Remember: each case is unique and understanding how liability applies specifically can greatly impact potential outcomes in a spinal cord injury lawsuit stemming from a slip and fall accident in Texas.

Calculate potential damages

Calculating potential damages in a spinal cord injury slip and fall accident case is a crucial step. It involves determining the financial compensation that the injured party may be entitled to recover. Several factors are taken into consideration when calculating potential damages.

Medical expenses related to the spinal cord injury must be assessed. This includes current and future medical bills, rehabilitation costs, medication expenses, and any necessary assistive devices or home modifications.

Lost wages or loss of earning capacity should be evaluated. If the individual is unable to work temporarily or permanently due to their injuries, they may be entitled to compensation for their diminished income or inability to earn a living.

Pain and suffering also play a significant role in determining potential damages. The physical pain endured as well as emotional distress caused by the accident can have long-lasting effects on the victim’s quality of life.

Additionally, any permanent disability resulting from the spinal cord injury should be considered when calculating potential damages. This could include paralysis, limited mobility, loss of bodily functions, or chronic pain that affects daily activities.

Other factors that may contribute to potential damages include property damage (if applicable), loss of consortium (for spouses), and punitive damages if it is proven that the defendant’s actions were particularly reckless or intentional.

It is important to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in spinal cord injuries during this process. They will assess all relevant factors specific to your case and work towards obtaining fair compensation for your losses without concluding prematurely

File a spinal cord personal injury lawsuit

After seeking medical attention and preserving all evidence following a spinal cord injury slip and fall accident, the next crucial step is to file a personal injury lawsuit. This legal action allows you to pursue compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

To initiate the lawsuit, it is essential to consult with an experienced board-certified spinal cord personal injury attorney. They will guide you through the process, ensuring that every aspect of your case is properly addressed.

Once you have chosen an attorney, they will conduct a thorough investigation of the accident. This includes gathering witness statements, obtaining surveillance footage if available, and reviewing any relevant documents or records.

Determining liability for the accident is a crucial part of filing a successful lawsuit. Your attorney will analyze all evidence gathered during the investigation to identify responsible parties such as property owners or maintenance companies.

Calculating potential damages is another important step in the process. Your attorney will assess both economic and non-economic losses incurred as a result of your spinal cord injury. Economic damages may include medical bills and lost wages while non-economic damages encompass pain and suffering or emotional distress.

With all necessary documentation prepared, your attorney will file the spinal cord personal injury lawsuit on your behalf. The defendant(s) named in the suit will then be served with notice of legal action against them.

Remember that each case varies in complexity; some may be resolved through aggressive discovery negotiations without going to trial while others require litigation proceedings in court before reaching resolution.

Conduct aggressive discovery

Conducting aggressive discovery is a crucial step in initiating a spinal cord injury lawsuit after a slip and fall accident. This process involves gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and collecting relevant documents to build a strong case.

To begin, your attorney will request important records such as medical reports, accident reports, surveillance footage, and witness statements. These pieces of evidence can help establish liability for the accident and demonstrate the extent of your injuries.

In addition to obtaining records, your attorney may also depose key witnesses or experts. During these depositions, they will ask questions about the incident to gather more information and strengthen your case.

Furthermore, aggressive discovery may involve requesting additional information from the opposing party through interrogatories or requests for production of documents. This allows you to uncover any potentially helpful evidence that was not initially provided.

Conducting aggressive discovery is essential in building a solid foundation for your spinal cord injury lawsuit. By thoroughly investigating the circumstances surrounding the slip and fall accident, you increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your damages.

Negotiate a fair settlement

Negotiating a fair settlement is a crucial step in the process of pursuing a spinal cord injury lawsuit after a slip and fall accident in Texas. This stage involves discussions and negotiations between your attorney, the opposing party’s insurance company, and possibly other parties involved.

During this phase, your attorney will present evidence of liability and damages to support your claim. They will also negotiate with the insurance company to reach a fair financial settlement that compensates you for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related damages.

It’s important to remember that negotiating a fair settlement requires skillful strategy and knowledge of personal injury laws. Your attorney will advocate on your behalf, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered when determining the appropriate amount of compensation.

Throughout this process, communication between all parties involved plays an essential role. Your attorney will review any settlement offers made by the insurance company and provide guidance on whether they are fair or should be rejected. If necessary, counteroffers may be made until an agreement is reached.

The goal during negotiations is not only to secure maximum compensation but also to resolve the case efficiently without going to trial. However, if it becomes evident that reaching a fair settlement is not possible through negotiation alone, your attorney may advise proceeding with litigation.

Remember that every case has its unique circumstances; therefore, negotiating timelines can vary significantly from one case to another. It’s crucial to trust your experienced spinal cord injury attorney throughout this process as they work diligently towards achieving a favorable resolution for you.

Go to Trial (if necessary)

If negotiations fail to reach a fair settlement, taking your spinal cord injury slip and fall case to trial may be necessary. While most personal injury cases are resolved through settlements, sometimes the parties involved cannot come to an agreement.

Going to trial can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is often the best option for obtaining the compensation you rightfully deserve. Your attorney will represent you in court and present evidence supporting your claim of negligence or fault on the part of the defendant.

During the trial, both sides will have an opportunity to present their arguments and cross-examine witnesses. The judge or jury will ultimately determine whether the defendant is liable for your injuries and if so, how much compensation you should receive.

It’s important to remember that going to trial does involve some level of uncertainty. However, with an experienced spinal cord injury attorney by your side, they will fight vigorously on your behalf in order to secure a favorable outcome.

While every effort will be made during pre-trial proceedings and negotiations to avoid going before a judge or jury, if it becomes necessary in order for justice to prevail, don’t hesitate. Trust in your legal representation as they navigate this phase of seeking justice for your spinal cord injury caused by a slip and fall accident.

Law Suit Resolution

Once a spinal cord injury lawsuit has been filed, the parties involved will work towards resolving the case through various means. The goal is to reach a fair and just resolution for all parties affected.

One option for resolution is mediation. This involves bringing in a neutral third party who helps facilitate negotiations between the plaintiff and defendant. Mediation can provide an opportunity for both sides to express their perspectives and explore potential solutions.

Another option is arbitration, where an arbitrator acts as a judge and makes a binding decision on the outcome of the case. This can be faster than going to trial and offers a more streamlined process.

If settlement negotiations fail or if one party refuses to engage in alternative dispute resolution methods, the case may proceed to trial. Here, both sides present their arguments, evidence, and witnesses before a judge or jury who will make a final decision.

Regardless of how the case is resolved – whether through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or trial – it’s important that all parties abide by any agreements reached or judgments rendered. Compliance with these resolutions ensures that justice is served and victims receive compensation for their injuries.

Navigating through legal proceedings can be complex and overwhelming; therefore, having an experienced spinal cord injury attorney by your side throughout this process will greatly benefit your chances of reaching a favorable resolution.

Execute on Judgment

Once a judgment has been obtained in your spinal cord injury lawsuit, the next step is to execute on that judgment. This means taking action to collect the compensation you have been awarded by the court.

There are various methods of executing on a judgment, depending on the circumstances and assets of the liable party. Your attorney will work closely with you to determine the most effective course of action.

This may involve garnishing wages, placing liens on property or bank accounts, or pursuing other legal avenues available for enforcing the judgment. It’s important to remember that this process can take time and patience, but your attorney will guide you through each step along the way.

While executing on a judgment may not be as exciting as going to trial or negotiating a settlement, it is an essential part of ensuring that justice is served and that you receive the compensation you deserve for your spinal cord injury.

If successful, the execution on judgment ensures you receive the compensation owed to you.

This entire process requires patience, perseverance and legal expertise. But with the right legal team by your side, you can navigate through this difficult time and work towards a favorable resolution, patience and perseverance, but with the guidance of a professional you can find closure and the compensation recovery  that you deserve.

Typical Reasons for Slip and Fall Incidents

Among the frequent reasons for slip-and-fall incidents are:

  • Spills and slippery flooring: Dangerously slick surfaces can result from spills that are not immediately cleaned up or cleaned using slippery cleaning solutions.
  • Clutter: Unused boxes, wires, and cords can cause trips and falls.
  • Carpets and floor mats that are crinkled or stacked make trips more likely.
  • Unstable ladders: Accidents can occur from stepladders and extension ladders that are not completely locked, are on a slick surface, or are overloaded. One of the most frequent causes of occupational injuries and fatalities, according to the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, is falls from portable ladders.
  • Sidewalks and parking lots: Falls and trips are frequently caused by cracked, broken, or uneven sidewalks or pavement.
  • Sidewalks that are icy or covered in snow: Uncleared outdoor surfaces might be dangerous.

In the Event of a Slip and Fall, Who Is at Fault?

It might be difficult to assign blame in a slip-and-fall incident. Limitation of liability for property owners is established under Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 75.002. Property owners may be responsible for someone injured in a slip-and-fall accident under specific conditions.

If any of the following apply to a property owner, they could be held accountable for incidents that occur there:

Duty of care: The owner permitted the injured person to enter the property by invitation or with their agreement. As a result, the owner has to ensure the safety of the property or alert them to any known risks.

Breach of duty: The owner should have known or knew about the danger but took no action to address it or alert the victim to it.

Causation: The injury-causing slip-and-fall incident was directly brought on by the property owner’s negligence. Therefore, the owner bears financial responsibility for the harm and associated costs.

Property owners are not required to give trespassers due care under Texas law, but they are also not allowed to intentionally hurt them.

Accidents with Slips and Falls Lead to Injuries

Accidents involving slips and falls can vary in severity, from minor ones resulting in bumps and bruises to significant ones that cause severe injuries, long-term impairments, or even fatalities. 

The following list of frequent injuries brought on by slip-and-fall incidents:

  • Brain damage that impairs brain function is known as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). From minor concussions to permanent brain injury, TBIs can occur. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that falls are a frequent cause of traumatic brain injuries. Half of all hospitalizations linked to TBI are caused by falls.
  • Damage to the spinal cord: According to the Mayo Clinic, spinal cord damage results in long-term alterations in strength, sensation, and body function.
  • shattered bones: After a slip and fall incident, broken hips, wrists, and arms are frequently sustained injuries.
  • Additional wounds: Other typical injuries sustained in slip and fall accidents include cuts, bruises, strains, and sprains.

Compensation for Damages in the Event of a Slip and Fall

If you suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident, you may find it difficult to cover your medical expenses because your injuries prevent you from working. 

It’s possible that you can get compensation for:

  • Medical bills: Including visits to the doctor, MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, operations, wound care, rehabilitative therapy, prescription drugs, and more
  • future health care: that you could need
  • Medical Supplies: like wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, braces, and more
  • At-home adjustments: If you need to install a ramp or enlarge entrances to make your house more accessible
  • Previous lost pay: to make up for the unpaid time you missed from work while recovering
  • Future pay losses: to make up for whatever time you miss from work
  • Suffering and pain: If your quality of life is negatively impacted in any way, such as having a protracted recovery, being permanently crippled, experiencing chronic pain, feeling nervous or sad,

You may be eligible to receive compensation if you lost a loved one for:

  • Loss of support: For the domestic services and income that your loved one has lost
  • Loss of comfort, affection, and company
  • Suffering and emotional distress

Working with a Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Lawyer in a Slip and Fall Accident Case Has Its Benefits

  • You can be guided through the intricacies of a slip and fall case by your attorney. Your attorney can assist you in the following ways:
  • Investigate the incident and collect proof that the property owner’s carelessness resulted in your injuries and accident.
  • Determine the amount of your damages by using data from previous wage statements, medical bills, and projected future expenses.
  • Make an insurance claim and send the necessary paperwork.
  • Reach a deal through negotiation that pays you a reasonable amount.
  • If talks don’t work out, file a lawsuit.
  • Texas Slip and Fall Accident Legal Deadlines
  • Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 16.003 establishes a two-year statute of limitations for slip and fall incidents. According to this law, you have:
  • You have two years from the date of the accident to initiate a personal injury lawsuit.
  • You have two years from the date of your loved one’s death to launch a wrongful death case.
  • You give up the ability to file a lawsuit if you delay any longer.

Your Rights Will Be Preserved and Maximum compensation Fought for by Aaron Herbert law Firm!

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

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Sunday, January 7, 2024

How to prove an Orthopedic Injury lawsuit in Texas in 2024 60

Orthopedic injuries are among the most common personal injury categories caused by mishaps, carelessness accidents and negligence of others. Consequences of these injuries may have on the victims’ lives include physical pain, mental suffering, and financial hardship. The goal of the personal injury law firm Aaron Herbert Law Firm Law is to provide each client with the best possible legal representation for their orthopedic injury complaints. The Aaron Herbert Law Firm is very knowledgeable about the subtleties of all orthopedic lawsuits. We keep up with the latest advancements in orthopedic lawsuits and so that our clients are always informed throughout the legal process.

Orthopedic injuries can be debilitating, causing immense pain and hardship for the victims. If you have suffered such an injury due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions, you may be entitled to seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit in Texas. However, proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit requires substantial evidence and legal expertise. In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential elements that need to be established in order to successfully prove your case. From duty of care to damages calculation, we’ll cover everything you need to know about navigating the complexities of an orthopedic injury claim in Texas. So let’s dive right into it and empower yourself with knowledge!

United States Orthopedic Injury Statistics

According to the National Safety Council, orthopedic injuries accounted for a significant portion of the more than 39.5 million injuries for which medical assistance was sought in 2019. All age groups’ leading causes of non-fatal injuries include falls and auto accidents, especially those involving 3b Orthopedics. Fall-related causes accounted for almost 800,000 hospital admissions and nearly 8 million ER visits in 2018. Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of orthopedic injuries, as evidenced by the over 2.7 million orthopedic injuries resulting from the over 6 million accidents that the US police reported in 2019 as well as possible occurrences of orthopedic surgical errors.

Other prevalent work hazards include trips and falls and car crashes, as well as orthopedic ailments. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, musculoskeletal disorders account for 39% of non-fatal occupational illnesses and injuries that cause workers to miss work. These work-related injuries may lead to claims for orthopedic settlements. These statistics, however, might understate the true impact of orthopedic injuries in the US since many people may decide not to report their injuries or seek medical attention, which could affect the orthopedic claim process. 

Medical Malpractice and Negligence in Orthopedic Injuries

While some orthopedic injuries are unavoidable, many are brought on by the carelessness of others. Certain driving behaviors, including as speeding, driving under the influence, and disobeying traffic laws, can lead to orthopedic injury accidents, such as those involving 3b Orthopedics. Employers that fail to maintain a safe workplace may also be at fault for orthopedic injuries that occur at work. Slip-and-fall incidents are the responsibility of property owners who neglect to keep a safe environment, especially when they involve improper orthopedic treatment. Furthermore, medical misconduct commonly results in orthopedic damage. Orthopedic lawsuits can result from careless medical staff members making surgical errors, misdiagnosing injuries, or recommending subpar treatments that exacerbate the condition.

Free photo old asian senior man complains about all the aches and pains he has at his age meet doctor in hospital

 Effects of Orthopedic Injuries on Patients

In addition to affecting a person’s physical health, orthopedic injuries can also have an impact on their quality of life and financial security. In addition to terrible physical pain and severe emotional suffering, victims may be left with financially crushing debt. Families may experience a rapid increase in stress due to treatment rounds, lost wages, and growing medical debt. It is imperative that anyone with an interest in orthopedic matters, including the 3B orthopedic case, obtain appropriate legal counsel from an experienced lawyer. orthopedics injury experience.

Orthopedic Compensation for Your Accidents

If your orthopedic injury was the result of someone else’s negligence or carelessness, you might be entitled to compensation. You may be able to file an orthopedic injury claim and receive compensation for the suffering your injuries have caused. You must be able to demonstrate that the reckless or careless person was at fault in order to be eligible for compensation.

If you have experienced orthopedic injuries as a result of medical negligence or an accident, consult with an experienced orthopedic injury lawyer. They can assist you in obtaining the maximum compensation for your losses. In addition to helping you negotiate with insurance companies and gather evidence to support your claim, an attorney may defend you in court.

Orthopedic surgery malpractice can manifest in various ways, such as:

• Inaccurate interpretation of MRIs, CT scans, or x-rays; 

• Delayed or incomplete diagnosis; 

• Inadequate postoperative care; 

• Ineffective fracture therapy; 

• Improper positioning of a fractured bone; • Surgical instruments left inside the patient;

 • Incorrect body part operated on 

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Orthopedic lawsuits typically involve the following claims:

• Misdiagnoses or delayed diagnoses, such as inaccurate or delayed diagnosis of orthopedic injuries or conditions; surgical errors, such as mistakes made during orthopedic operations 

• Errors in the administration of anesthesia; 

• Product liability; such as accountability for defective orthopedic devices or equipment; 

• Failure to get informed consent; such as improper patient agreement for treatment 

• Careless post-operative treatment, such as insufficient attention after surgery; • Slip and fall incidents, including harm from dangerous circumstances or carelessness on another person’s property

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The following are possible damages in an orthopedic lawsuit:

The price of any additional medical care related to your injuries, such as hospital stays, physical therapy sessions, and doctor visits 

• Should your accident force you to miss work, you may be qualified for compensation for the time you lost from work. 

• Recompense for the emotional and physical suffering you have experienced as a result of your injuries; 

• Compensation if your injuries cause permanent impairment or disfigurement. 

Duty of care

When it comes to proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, one crucial element that must be established is the duty of care. Duty of care refers to the legal obligation that individuals or entities have to exercise reasonable caution and take necessary measures to prevent harm to others. In a personal injury case, this means showing that the defendant had a responsibility to act in a manner that would have prevented your orthopedic injury.

To establish duty of care, it is important to show that there was a relationship between you (the plaintiff) and the defendant. This relationship could be anything from being involved in a car accident with another driver, receiving medical treatment from a healthcare professional, or even slipping and falling on someone else’s property.

Once the relationship has been established, the next step is demonstrating how the defendant breached their duty of care towards you. This can involve providing evidence such as witness testimonies, expert opinions, or documentation showing negligence or reckless behavior on part of the defendant.

It’s important to note that duty of care can vary depending on different circumstances and professions. For example, if you are filing an orthopedic malpractice lawsuit against a physician for surgical errors leading to your injury, they would be held accountable based on their specific standard of care as expected within their field.

Proving duty of care requires thorough investigation and gathering sufficient evidence. It may require consulting with experts who can provide insight into industry standards and protocols related specifically to orthopedic injuries. By establishing this crucial element early on in your case, you set yourself up for success when seeking compensation for your damages caused by an orthopedic injury.

Breach of duty

When it comes to proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, one crucial element is establishing a breach of duty. This means demonstrating that the defendant (typically the healthcare provider or medical facility) failed to meet the standard of care expected in their profession.

In order to establish a breach of duty, it’s important to show that the defendant did not act as a reasonably prudent and skilled orthopedic professional would have under similar circumstances. This can be done by presenting evidence such as expert witness testimony, medical records, and documentation.

Expert witnesses play a key role in proving breach of duty. These are qualified professionals who can provide their opinion on whether the defendant’s actions fell below the accepted standard of care. Their expertise adds credibility and weight to your case.

Additionally, medical records and documentation are vital pieces of evidence when trying to demonstrate a breach of duty. These records can reveal any negligence or errors made during diagnosis, treatment, or surgery processes.

Photographic and video evidence may also be useful in proving breach of duty if they clearly depict substandard practices or unsafe conditions within the medical facility.

Moreover, witness testimony from individuals who observed negligent behavior or experienced inadequate care firsthand can further strengthen your case by providing additional support for your claim.

Financial and employment records could potentially reveal patterns that indicate negligence on behalf of the healthcare provider or facility involved in your injury.

Pain and suffering documentation is another significant aspect when it comes to proving breach of duty since it helps establish how your quality life has been impacted due to inadequate treatment or surgical errors.

In conclusion, a strong case for breach-of-duty hinges on gathering extensive evidence including expert witnesses’ testimonies corroborated by supporting documents like medical records along with photographic/video proof as needed while taking into account individual financial & employment records combined with pain/suffering reports ultimately revealing how one’s life was negatively affected.

Causation of injury

Causation of injury is a vital element in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. In simple terms, it refers to the connection between the defendant’s actions or negligence and the plaintiff’s harm. To establish causation, you must show that the defendant’s breach of duty directly led to your orthopedic injury.

In these types of cases, it is crucial to gather medical evidence that clearly links your injuries to the incident in question. This may include medical records, diagnostic tests, and expert opinions from healthcare professionals specializing in orthopedics.

Additionally, witness testimony can play a significant role in establishing causation. Eyewitnesses who observed the incident firsthand or individuals with knowledge about the circumstances leading up to your injury can provide valuable insights into how it occurred and who was responsible.

Furthermore, supporting documentation such as photographs or videos can serve as compelling evidence when illustrating how an accident resulted in an orthopedic injury. These visual aids can help demonstrate not only the severity but also highlight any external factors that contributed to your harm.

Proving causation requires building a strong case based on solid evidence linking the defendant’s actions or negligence directly to your specific orthopedic injury. By gathering medical records and documentation, securing expert witnesses’ testimonies, collecting photographic/video evidence, obtaining witness statements along with employment and financial records – you increase your chances of successfully demonstrating causation for your personal injury claim.

Foreseeability of Injury

When it comes to proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, one crucial aspect is establishing the foreseeability of the injury. In legal terms, foreseeability refers to whether a reasonable person could have anticipated that their actions or omissions would cause harm to another individual.

In an orthopedic injury case, it is important to demonstrate that the defendant should have reasonably foreseen the potential for injury based on their actions or negligence. This requires examining the circumstances surrounding the incident and determining if there were any warning signs or red flags that should have alerted the responsible party to the risk of harm.

To establish foreseeability, evidence such as expert witness testimony can be invaluable. Experts with specialized knowledge in orthopedics can analyze factors such as medical records, diagnostic tests, and treatment plans to determine if there were any indications that an injury was likely or foreseeable.

Additionally, documenting any prior incidents or complaints related to similar injuries can further support the argument for foreseeability. This could include instances where others suffered similar orthopedic injuries due to similar circumstances or conditions.

It’s important for plaintiffs in these cases to gather all available evidence and present a clear picture of how their injuries were foreseeable based on negligence or substandard care. By doing so, they greatly increase their chances of successfully proving their orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas court.

Standard of care

Standard of care is a crucial element in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. It refers to the level of skill and care that a reasonable healthcare professional or provider should provide under similar circumstances. In other words, it sets the standard by which the defendant’s actions or omissions will be evaluated.

To establish a breach of the standard of care, expert testimony is often required. An experienced board-certified orthopedic personal injury lawyer can help identify qualified experts who can testify about what should have been done differently by the defendant.

The expert witness will compare the defendant’s actions to those of a competent healthcare professional with similar training and experience. They will assess whether there was any deviation from accepted medical practices that directly contributed to the orthopedic injury.

It is important to note that just because an unfavorable outcome occurred does not automatically mean there was a breach of the standard of care. Medical procedures come with inherent risks, and it must be shown that negligence or substandard treatment caused harm beyond what would typically be expected.

Proving a breach in the standard of care requires thorough investigation, review of medical records, and consultation with knowledgeable experts who can provide unbiased opinions based on industry standards.

Establishing a breach in the standard of care is essential in an orthopedic injury lawsuit as it forms one pillar for proving negligence on behalf of healthcare professionals or providers involved in your case. With expert testimony and careful examination of medical records, you can present compelling evidence supporting your claim for compensation for damages suffered due to substandard treatment or negligent actions during your orthopedic procedure or treatment plan.

Which United States cases and settlements involving orthopedic injuries are noteworthy?

Due to the fact that orthopedic injury lawsuits usually involve claims of negligence, product liability, and medical malpractice, this area of the law is still expanding. Orthopedic injuries and medical equipment have been the focus of recent high-profile litigation and settlements and are a specialty of the board-certified personal injury lawyers at Aaron Herbert Law Offices.

By way of example, the 2010 DePuy ASR hip implant recall, which was brought about by a high failure rate and complications, was one noteworthy instance. Many implant recipients have filed suits against Johnson & Johnson, the manufacturer, alleging that the company was aware of the problems but failed to notify patients and healthcare providers. The fact that Johnson & Johnson paid more than $1 billion to settle the cases in 2016 highlights the importance of lawsuits alleging malpractice in orthopedic surgery.

Another example is the Zimmer NexGen knee implant was also the target of recalls and legal action because of its high failure rates and consequences. The importance of orthopedic lawsuits involving defective medical devices was highlighted in 2015 when Zimmer consented to pay $314 million to settle related disputes.

Numerous orthopedic injury cases involving sports and accidents have also been reported, along with legal challenges pertaining to medical devices. For example, a jury awarded $56 million to a woman who suffered several orthopedic impairments and a traumatic brain damage in a truck driver-related car accident in 2019. The award demonstrated the possible results of an orthopedic litigation by covering medical costs, lost income, and mental distress.

A recent settlement was reached in 2021 in a special case brought by former NFL players who sustained orthopedic ailments while playing on artificial grass. The significance of orthopedic litigation in relation to sports-related injuries is illustrated by the $790 million orthopedic settlement, which provides funds for players with joint injuries, arthritis, and other orthopedic concerns.

Expert witness testimony

Expert witness testimony plays a crucial role in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. These witnesses are professionals with specialized knowledge and experience in the field of orthopedics, making them valuable sources of evidence during legal proceedings.

When presenting expert witness testimony, it is important to establish their qualifications and credentials. This helps to build credibility and ensures that their opinions hold weight in the courtroom. Board certified personal injury lawyers or board certified orthopedic personal injury lawyers can provide expert witness testimonies based on their expertise and years of experience handling similar cases.

During trial, these experts may explain complex medical concepts related to the specific orthopedic injury at hand. Their testimony can shed light on how the injury occurred, its impact on the plaintiff’s life, and factors that contributed to any long-term effects or disabilities.

Expert witnesses can also address questions regarding standard of care within the medical community. They may discuss whether proper protocols were followed by healthcare providers involved in diagnosis, treatment, or surgery related to the orthopedic injury.

Additionally, expert witnesses can offer opinions about causation – linking the defendant’s actions (or lack thereof) directly to the plaintiff’s injuries. This requires a thorough analysis of medical records and documentation as well as familiarity with applicable laws and regulations pertaining to orthopedic care.

The value of expert witness testimony lies not only in their ability to provide objective analysis but also in effectively communicating complex information to jurors who may have limited understanding of medical terminology or procedures. As such, skilled attorneys will work closely with these experts during trial preparation sessions to ensure clear delivery of key points without overwhelming jurors with technical jargon.

Expert witness testimony serves as a critical tool for establishing liability and supporting compensation claims in Texas orthopedic injury lawsuits. By relying on these knowledgeable professionals’ insights, plaintiffs can strengthen their case by providing compelling evidence that supports allegations against negligent parties responsible for causing harm through acts or omissions related specifically to orthopedic care.

Medical Records and Documentation

Medical Records and Documentation play a crucial role in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. These records serve as concrete evidence of the injuries sustained, the treatment received, and the overall impact on the victim’s health.

When building a strong case, it is essential to gather all relevant medical records, including hospital admission documents, surgical reports, diagnostic test results, rehabilitation progress notes, and any other documentation related to the injury. This comprehensive collection helps establish a clear timeline of events and provides valuable insight into the severity of the injury.

In addition to medical records, it is important to obtain expert opinions from board-certified orthopedic specialists who can review these documents and provide professional analysis regarding causation and standard of care. Their testimony carries weight in court proceedings and can significantly strengthen your case.

Furthermore, photographs or videos documenting visible injuries can further support your claim. These visual aids offer undeniable proof of physical harm suffered due to negligence or misconduct.

Witness testimony also plays a vital role in bolstering an orthopedic injury lawsuit. Statements from individuals who witnessed the accident or were present during critical moments leading up to or following it can provide invaluable corroboration.

Lastly; keeping track of employment records detailing lost wages due to inability to work as well as any financial expenses incurred because of medical treatments will demonstrate both economic damages caused by the injury and its subsequent impact on daily life.

By presenting thorough medical records and supporting documentation along with expert witness testimonies,, photographic evidence , reliable witness accounts, and financial documentation; a compelling argument for fair compensation can be made demonstrating that fault lies with those responsible for causing such egregious harm

Photographic and video evidence

Photographic and video evidence can play a crucial role in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. These types of visual documentation can provide undeniable proof of the extent of the injury, depicting the physical damage sustained by the plaintiff.

In personal injury cases, it is often said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This holds true for orthopedic injury lawsuits as well. Photographs taken immediately after an accident or during medical treatment can capture important details such as bruising, swelling, or visible fractures. These images serve as powerful evidence to support the plaintiff’s claim.

Similarly, videos can be instrumental in demonstrating how an accident occurred and how it directly resulted in the orthopedic injury. For example, security camera footage from a store or dashcam recordings from a car accident can provide clear visuals of the incident itself.

Additionally, videos showing the impact of the injury on daily life activities and mobility can further strengthen the case. They allow jurors to witness firsthand any limitations imposed by the orthopedic injury and understand its profound impact on quality of life.

It is essential to ensure that photographic and video evidence is properly authenticated and admissible in court. Working closely with an experienced board-certified personal injury attorney specializing in orthopedic injuries will help navigate through these legal requirements effectively.

Photographic and video evidence holds immense value when presenting an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas courtrooms. Its ability to visually depict injuries, document their progression over time, demonstrate liability for accidents, and showcase their impact on daily life makes it indispensable for building a strong case for compensation.

Witness testimony

Witness testimony is a critical aspect of proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. When it comes to personal injury cases, the accounts provided by witnesses can significantly impact the outcome of the case. These witnesses may include individuals who witnessed the accident or those who have knowledge about the events leading up to it.

In a board certified orthopedic personal injury lawyer’s arsenal, witness testimony can provide valuable insights and corroborate your version of events. Witnesses can help establish important details such as how the accident occurred, who was at fault, and whether there were any contributing factors that led to your orthopedic injury.

It is essential to gather witness statements as soon as possible after an incident occurs. The more time that passes, the higher likelihood there is for memory distortion or potential loss of contact information for key witnesses. Additionally, eyewitnesses’ recollections tend to be most accurate when they are interviewed close in time to the event.

Having credible and unbiased witnesses supporting your claim strengthens its validity immensely. Their testimonies can lend credibility and support crucial elements required for a successful orthopedic injury lawsuit.

Witness testimony plays an integral role in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. It adds weight and credibility to your case by providing firsthand accounts of what transpired during the incident leading to your injuries.

Employment and Financial Records

Employment and financial records play a crucial role in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. These records provide valuable evidence of the impact the injury has had on the victim’s ability to work and earn a living.

When building your case, it is important to gather documentation that demonstrates the individual’s employment history, including job titles, salary information, and any promotions or advancements they may have received. This helps establish their earning capacity prior to the injury.

Financial records such as tax returns, bank statements, and pay stubs are also essential in showing any loss of income or additional expenses incurred as a result of the orthopedic injury. These documents help paint a clear picture of how the injury has affected their financial stability.

In addition to documenting current financial losses, it is important to consider future economic damages resulting from diminished earning capacity or disability caused by the orthopedic injury. Expert witnesses can assist in calculating these potential future losses based on various factors like age, occupation, and life expectancy.

By presenting comprehensive employment and financial records as part of your evidence package in an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, you strengthen your case and demonstrate the true extent of the victim’s economic hardships resulting from their injuries.

Pain & suffering Documentation

Pain and suffering documentation is a crucial aspect of proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. When seeking compensation for your injuries, it is essential to provide evidence that demonstrates the extent of your pain and suffering resulting from the accident or incident.

One way to document your pain and suffering is through medical records. These records should detail any treatments you have undergone, such as surgeries, injections, or physical therapy sessions. Additionally, they should include descriptions of your symptoms and any limitations you experience due to the injury.

Photographic and video evidence can also be powerful tools when documenting pain and suffering. Capturing images or videos of visible injuries, bruising, swelling, or scars can help paint a vivid picture of the physical impact on your body. Furthermore, visual evidence can convey the emotional toll that chronic pain has taken on your overall well-being.

Another valuable source of documentation is witness testimony. Friends, family members, coworkers, or healthcare providers who have observed how the injury has affected you personally may be able to provide compelling accounts of your pain levels and changes in behavior or quality of life.

In addition to these sources of documentation, it’s important to keep track of employment records that show missed workdays due to the injury’s impact on functionality and ability to perform daily tasks effectively. Financial records indicating additional expenses related to medical treatment can also support your claim for damages.

Proving pain and suffering requires thoroughness in documenting every facet impacted by an orthopedic injury – not only physical but also psychological effects such as anxiety or depression caused by chronic discomfort.

By compiling comprehensive documentation supporting each element required for proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas – including pain and suffering – you strengthen your case significantly while pursuing fair compensation for damages incurred.Quality of Life Impact

When it comes to an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, one crucial aspect that is considered is the impact on the individual’s quality of life. Orthopedic injuries can have a profound effect on a person’s daily activities, hobbies, and overall well-being.

Imagine not being able to participate in your favorite sports or activities due to a broken bone or spinal injury. The limitations imposed by such injuries can be devastating and may result in long-term physical and emotional consequences.

Recovering from an orthopedic injury takes time, patience, and often involves multiple surgeries or extensive rehabilitation. This process can significantly disrupt one’s personal and professional life. A once active individual may find themselves unable to perform their job duties or engage in social gatherings like they used to.

The pain and discomfort caused by these injuries can also lead to psychological distress such as anxiety or depression. Adjusting to a new way of living with limited mobility can take a toll on mental health as well.

Furthermore, orthopedic injuries often require ongoing medical care and treatment which adds financial burden on top of the physical challenges already faced by the injured party. Medical bills, therapy costs, and lost wages due to inability work are just some of the factors that negatively impact someone’s quality of life after an injury.

Understanding how an orthopedic injury affects an individual’s quality of life is vital when presenting evidence for an injury lawsuit. It helps paint a complete picture for the court about the extent of damages suffered by the victim both physically and emotionally. By highlighting this aspect effectively with supporting documentation and expert testimonies, it strengthens their case for compensation they deserve under Texas law.

Damages calculation

When it comes to an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, one key aspect that needs to be addressed is the calculation of damages. This refers to determining the financial compensation that the injured party is entitled to receive as a result of their injuries.

To calculate damages, various factors are taken into consideration. These may include medical expenses incurred for treatment and rehabilitation, both current and future. It also takes into account any loss of income or earning capacity due to the injury.

In addition, damages calculation considers non-economic factors such as pain and suffering endured by the victim. This can be a challenging aspect as there are no set guidelines for placing a monetary value on intangible losses.

The expertise of an experienced orthopedic injury attorney becomes crucial during this stage. They will gather all relevant evidence and documentation necessary to build a strong case for maximum compensation.

It’s important to note that every case is unique, and therefore damages must be calculated based on specific circumstances surrounding each individual case. An expert witness may also provide invaluable testimony regarding potential long-term effects on quality of life.

Proper assessment and precise calculations play a vital role in ensuring fair compensation for victims who have suffered from orthopedic injuries caused by negligence or malpractice.


Negligence is a key element in proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas. In simple terms, negligence refers to the failure of a person or entity to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm or injury to another individual. When it comes to personal injury cases, including orthopedic injuries, establishing negligence is crucial for the plaintiff’s success.

To prove negligence, you must demonstrate four essential elements: duty of care, breach of duty, causation of injury, and damages. First and foremost, it must be established that the defendant owed a duty of care towards the plaintiff. In an orthopedic injury case, this could involve ensuring safe conditions during surgery or providing proper instructions for postoperative care.

The next step is showing that the defendant breached their duty by failing to meet the required standard of care. This can include actions such as inadequate training or supervision during medical procedures or ignoring warning signs that could have prevented further harm.

Causation plays a vital role in proving negligence as well – you need to establish that the defendant’s breach directly caused your orthopedic injury. This may require expert testimony from medical professionals who can provide insight into how specific actions led to your condition.

Damages must be proven – both economic and non-economic – which resulted from the negligent act. Economic damages typically cover medical expenses and lost wages while non-economic damages encompass pain and suffering or loss of enjoyment of life.

Proving negligence requires thorough investigation and compelling evidence collection. It’s important to consult with an experienced board-certified personal injury attorney specializing in orthopedic injuries who can guide you through each step while building a strong case on your behalf.

Statute of limitations compliance

When pursuing an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, one crucial aspect to consider is the statute of limitations. This refers to the time limit within which a legal action must be filed. Failure to comply with this timeline can result in your claim being dismissed by the court.

In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including orthopedic injuries, is generally two years from the date of the incident or discovery of the injury. However, there are exceptions that may alter this timeframe.

It’s important to consult with a board-certified personal injury lawyer who specializes in orthopedic injury cases as soon as possible after your accident or diagnosis. They will guide you through understanding and complying with these strict deadlines.

Additionally, gathering all necessary documentation and evidence early on will help bolster your case before reaching any potential deadlines. This includes medical records and bills related to your orthopedic treatment and any other relevant documents like accident reports or witness statements.

Remember that each case is unique, and factors such as delayed onset of symptoms or misdiagnosis could potentially impact when you discover your injury. It’s crucial not to wait too long before seeking legal advice.

Navigating the complex legal landscape surrounding statute of limitations compliance requires expertise and knowledge specific to orthopedic injuries in Texas. By working with an experienced attorney familiar with these laws, you can ensure that you meet all necessary requirements within the allotted timeframe for filing a lawsuit.

Trial preparation

When it comes to proving an orthopedic injury lawsuit in Texas, proper trial preparation is crucial. This stage of the process allows your attorney to gather all the necessary evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.

One aspect of trial preparation involves thoroughly reviewing all the medical records and documentation related to your orthopedic injury. These records provide valuable insight into the extent of your injuries, treatments received, and any complications that may have arisen. Your attorney will carefully analyze these documents to uncover any inconsistencies or potential areas of negligence.

In addition to medical records, photographic and video evidence can play a significant role in strengthening your case. Clear images showing the severity of your injuries or demonstrating how they have impacted your daily life can be powerful visual aids for the jury.

Witness testimony is another critical component of trial preparation. Your attorney will work diligently to identify individuals who can testify about the circumstances surrounding your injury, any negligence observed, or how it has affected you physically and emotionally.

Employment and financial records may also come into play during trial preparation. These documents help establish both economic damages (such as lost wages) and non-economic damages (like pain and suffering) resulting from the orthopedic injury.

Expert witness testimony often carries substantial weight in court. Board-certified orthopedic personal injury lawyers can call upon experts within their network who specialize in various aspects of orthopedics – such as surgery techniques or device failures – providing valuable insights that support their clients’ claims.

By meticulously preparing for trial with these key elements in mind, a skilled Texas orthopedic injury attorney maximizes their chances of proving negligence on behalf of their client while seeking fair compensation for their physical, emotional, and financial losses without concluding

Summary of specific facts and circumstances that make injury particularly egregious

Aaron Herbert Law Firm: Top rated Board-Certified Personal Injury Legal Counsel

If you have suffered an orthopedic injury and are considering filing an orthopedic injury claim, you should work with an experienced orthopedic injury lawyer who is familiar with the ins and outs of these types of claims. When it comes to defending clients who have had orthopedic injuries as a result of another person’s negligence or carelessness, The Aaron Herbert Law Firm Law and its affiliated businesses have a wealth of experience. We take into account the possible effects orthopedic injuries may have on sufferers, their families, and society at large.

For a free consultation specific to your orthopedic injury, contact The Aaron Herbert Law Firm Law at (214) 225-6385 or through our websites, and Please consider providing us the authority to ensure that you receive maximum compensation for your orthopedic injury.

To be in position to win a Orthopedic injury lawsuit, presenting evidence that establishes certain key elements is absolutely necessary and imperative to win maximum compensation. These elements help demonstrate the liability of the responsible party and the extent of the injuries our client has suffered. Keep in mind that legal processes can be complex, and it’s crucial to consult with an attorney for guidance tailored to your specific case. Here’s a general outline determined by Aaron Herbert of the key elements necessary to prove an orthopedic injury lawsuit:

  1. Duty of Care:
    • Establish that the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff. In personal injury cases, this often involves showing that the defendant had a legal obligation to act reasonably to prevent harm.
  2. Breach of Duty:
    • Demonstrate that the defendant breached their duty of care. This could involve showing negligent or wrongful actions on the part of the defendant.
  3. Causation:
    • Prove that the defendant’s breach of duty was the direct cause of the orthopedic injury. This involves establishing a clear link between the defendant’s actions and the harm suffered by the plaintiff.
  4. Foreseeability:
    • Show that the injuries were foreseeable consequences of the defendant’s actions. In other words, demonstrate that a reasonable person could have anticipated that the defendant’s conduct might lead to harm.
  5. Standard of Care:
    • Establish the applicable standard of care in the specific context of the case. This involves showing what a reasonably prudent person would have done in similar circumstances.
  6. Expert Testimony:
    • In many orthopedic injury cases, expert testimony may be necessary to explain complex medical issues and establish a connection between the defendant’s actions and the injuries sustained.
  7. Medical Records and Documentation:
    • Present medical records, documentation, and expert opinions to support the existence and extent of the orthopedic injuries.
    • Include diagnoses, treatment plans, surgical records, imaging results (X-rays, MRIs), and rehabilitation plans.
  8. Photographic and Video Evidence:
    • Use photographs or videos of the accident scene, injuries, surgeries, and rehabilitation to provide a visual representation of the impact of the orthopedic injuries.
  9. Witness Testimony:
    • Gather testimony from eyewitnesses who observed the accident or can attest to the extent of the orthopedic injuries.
    • Include statements from medical professionals who treated the plaintiff.
  10. Employment and Financial Records:
    • If applicable, provide evidence of how the orthopedic injuries have affected the plaintiff’s employment and financial situation.
    • Include information about lost wages, diminished earning capacity, and the impact on the plaintiff’s ability to perform daily activities.
  11. Pain and Suffering:
    • Document the pain and suffering endured as a result of the orthopedic injuries. This may involve personal statements, testimony from the plaintiff, and expert opinions.
  12. Life Impact:
    • Demonstrate the impact of the orthopedic injuries on the plaintiff’s quality of life, including limitations on physical activities, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
  13. Damages Calculation:
    • Provide a clear calculation of the damages sought, including economic damages (medical expenses, lost wages) and non-economic damages (pain and suffering, emotional distress).
  14. Negligence Per Se (if applicable):
    • If the defendant violated a statute or regulation that directly contributed to the orthopedic injuries, establish negligence per se, making the case stronger.
  15. Statute of Limitations Compliance:
    • Ensure that the lawsuit is filed within the applicable statute of limitations for personal injury cases in the jurisdiction.
  16. Preparation for Trial:
    • Prepare thoroughly for trial, including the selection of a compelling legal strategy, effective presentation of evidence, and skilled courtroom advocacy.

Remember, the success of an orthopedic injury lawsuit often depends on the specific facts and circumstances of the case. Consulting with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney is essential to building a strong case and navigating the legal complexities associated with orthopedic injury claims.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

The Key to Success: Navigating the Complexities of a Battery Explosion Lawsuit

Saturday, January 6, 2024
The Key to Success: Navigating the Complexities of a Battery Explosion Lawsuit 65

In a world where electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, the risk of battery explosions is a growing concern. And when such incidents occur, navigating the complexities of a battery explosion lawsuit is paramount. Whether it’s a faulty laptop battery or a malfunctioning e-cigarette, understanding the legal process and your rights is crucial to achieving a successful outcome.

At The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert, we understand the importance of providing accurate information and guidance to individuals involved in battery explosion lawsuits. Our experienced team of attorneys specializes in this complex area of law and can help you navigate the legal landscape with confidence.

In this article, we will delve into the key factors involved in a battery explosion lawsuit, shedding light on crucial aspects such as product liability, negligence claims, and the importance of expert testimony. We will also provide useful tips on how to gather evidence, identify responsible parties, and seek appropriate compensation.

So if you find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a battery explosion, stay tuned as we unravel the complexities and provide you with the knowledge you need to fight for justice.

The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert – Your trusted legal resource for battery explosion lawsuits.

The legal landscape surrounding battery explosion lawsuits

Battery explosion lawsuits involve a complex legal landscape that includes various legal theories and principles. One of the key aspects of a battery explosion lawsuit is product liability, which holds manufacturers and sellers responsible for the injuries caused by their defective products. Product liability laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but they generally require proving that the product was defective, that the defect caused the injury, and that the product was being used as intended.

In addition to product liability, negligence claims can also be pursued in battery explosion lawsuits. Negligence claims require proving that the responsible party had a duty of care, breached that duty, and that the breach of duty caused the injury. This can be particularly relevant in cases where the explosion was caused by improper installation, maintenance, or use of the battery.

Expert testimony plays a crucial role in battery explosion lawsuits. Experts in fields such as engineering, chemistry, and product safety can provide valuable insights into the cause of the explosion, the design and manufacturing defects, and the industry standards. Their testimony can help establish a link between the defective product and the injuries suffered, strengthening the case and increasing the chances of a favorable outcome.

Common causes of battery explosions

Battery explosions can be caused by a variety of factors, including manufacturing defects, design flaws, improper use, and inadequate safety measures. Manufacturing defects can occur during the production process, leading to faulty batteries that are more prone to explosion. Design flaws, on the other hand, refer to inherent weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the battery’s design that make it more likely to explode under certain conditions.

Improper use of batteries is another common cause of explosions. This can include overcharging, exposing the battery to extreme temperatures, or using incompatible charging devices. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using batteries to minimize the risk of explosions.

Inadequate safety measures, such as the absence of protective circuits or insufficient insulation, can also contribute to battery explosions. Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that their products are safe for consumer use and to implement appropriate safety features to prevent accidents.

Steps to take after a battery explosion incident

If you or someone you know has been involved in a battery explosion incident, it’s important to take certain steps to protect your rights and build a strong case. The first and most important step is to seek medical attention for any injuries sustained. Even if the injuries appear minor, it’s crucial to have a medical professional assess your condition and document any injuries.

Preserving evidence is also essential in a battery explosion lawsuit. Take photographs of the exploded battery, the device it was used in, and any injuries or property damage caused by the explosion. Keep any receipts, packaging, or documentation related to the battery and the device. It’s also important to gather contact information from any witnesses to the incident.

Identifying the responsible parties is another crucial step. In some cases, it may be clear that the manufacturer of the battery or the device is at fault. However, there may be other parties involved, such as distributors, retailers, or even other users who contributed to the explosion. An experienced attorney can help identify all the responsible parties and hold them accountable for their negligence.

Finding the right attorney for your battery explosion lawsuit

When it comes to navigating the complexities of a battery explosion lawsuit, having the right attorney by your side is crucial. Look for an attorney who specializes in product liability and has experience handling battery explosion cases. They should have a track record of success and a deep understanding of the legal principles and industry standards that apply to these cases.

It’s also important to consider the attorney’s resources and network of experts. Battery explosion lawsuits often require expert testimony to establish the cause of the explosion and prove the liability of the responsible parties. A well-connected attorney will have access to reputable experts in fields such as engineering and product safety, increasing the chances of a favorable outcome for your case.

Furthermore, choose an attorney who is dedicated to providing personalized attention and support throughout the legal process. Battery explosion lawsuits can be emotionally and physically taxing, and having an attorney who is responsive and compassionate can make a significant difference in your experience.

Gathering evidence for your battery explosion case

Evidence is the backbone of any successful battery explosion lawsuit. It’s important to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claims and establish the liability of the responsible parties. Start by preserving any physical evidence, such as the exploded battery, the device it was used in, and any other relevant objects or materials. Take photographs from multiple angles, ensuring that the details are clear and visible.

Medical records and reports are also crucial pieces of evidence in a battery explosion case. Make sure to obtain copies of all medical records related to the injuries you sustained as a result of the explosion. This includes medical bills, diagnostic tests, treatment plans, and any other documents that demonstrate the extent of your injuries and the associated costs.

Eyewitness testimony can be invaluable in establishing the cause of the explosion and the negligence of the responsible parties. If there were any witnesses to the incident, gather their contact information and request that they provide a detailed account of what they saw. Eyewitness testimony can help corroborate your version of events and strengthen your case.

The importance of expert witnesses in battery explosion lawsuits

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in battery explosion lawsuits. They can provide professional opinions and analysis based on their expertise in fields such as engineering, chemistry, and product safety. Their testimony can help establish a link between the defective product and the injuries suffered, making it more difficult for the responsible parties to deny liability.

Expert witnesses can help establish a direct link between the defective product and the injuries suffered, strengthening the case against the responsible parties. Their professional opinions and analysis carry significant weight in court, as they are considered unbiased and based on scientific principles.

When selecting an expert witness for your battery explosion lawsuit, it’s important to choose someone with the necessary qualifications and experience. Look for experts who have a deep understanding of battery technology, product safety standards, and the relevant industry regulations. Additionally, consider their track record as expert witnesses in previous cases and their ability to communicate complex concepts effectively.

The role of product liability in battery explosion cases

Product liability is a key legal theory in battery explosion cases, holding manufacturers and sellers responsible for the injuries caused by their defective products. Product liability laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but they generally require proving that the product was defective, that the defect caused the injury, and that the product was being used as intended.

There are three main types of defects that can lead to product liability claims: manufacturing defects, design defects, and failure to warn. Manufacturing defects occur during the production process and result in a product that is different from the intended design, making it more prone to explode. Design defects, on the other hand, refer to inherent weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the battery’s design that make it more likely to explode under certain conditions. Failure to warn occurs when the manufacturer fails to provide adequate warnings or instructions about the potential dangers associated with using the product.

Proving product liability requires a thorough investigation and analysis of the product, its design, and the circumstances surrounding the explosion. This is where expert witnesses can play a crucial role, providing professional opinions and analysis based on their expertise in fields such as engineering, chemistry, and product safety.

Settlements vs. trials: weighing your options in a battery explosion lawsuit

When pursuing a battery explosion lawsuit, you will have two main options: reaching a settlement or going to trial. Each option has its own advantages and considerations, and the best course of action will depend on the specific circumstances of your case.

Settlements offer a quicker resolution and can provide certainty in terms of the compensation you will receive. They often involve negotiations between your attorney and the responsible parties, with the goal of reaching a mutually agreeable resolution. Settlements can save you the time, stress, and costs associated with a trial, allowing you to move forward with your life and focus on your recovery.

On the other hand, going to trial can provide the opportunity to present your case to a judge or jury and seek a favorable verdict. Trials can be more time-consuming and expensive than settlements, as they involve preparing evidence, presenting arguments, and undergoing the court process. However, trials can also lead to larger compensation awards and can send a message to the responsible parties that their actions will not be tolerated.

When deciding whether to pursue a settlement or go to trial, it’s important to consult with your attorney. They will be able to assess the strength of your case, the potential risks and rewards of each option, and guide you in making an informed decision.

Should You  Seek Legal Advice After a Lithium-Ion Battery Exploded or Caught Fire and Suffering Injuries?

In the event of an explosion involving a lithium-ion battery, it is imperative to promptly seek medical attention for any injuries sustained, including burns.

The next crucial step is to speak with a knowledgeable malfunctioning lithium-ion battery attorney. At The Aaron Herbert Law Firm, we’ll assist you in obtaining the financial resources required to get the best medical care and live the life of your dreams. There is a time limit on filing claims.

Obtain A Free Case Evaluation from board certified personal injury attorney Aaron Herbert or a member of his litigation team specializing in batter explosion injuries and cases.

Get in touch with the knowledgeable burn attorneys at The Aaron Herbert Law Firm LLP if you or a loved one has sustained injuries as a result of a lithium-ion battery exploding or catching fire.

One of the most popular kinds of rechargeable batteries available today is the lithium-ion battery. These high-energy batteries have literally and figuratively exploded into the market due to the growing popularity of smartphones, tablets, e-cigarettes, mini-music players, and more.

Batteries have to squeeze into progressively smaller places as consumers sought smaller devices. Eventually, that led to issues.

In 2016, allegations of exploding Samsung Galaxy 7 cellphones went viral, drawing attention from all across the world.

Airlines quickly outlawed phones on flights due to concerns that the gadgets might spontaneously catch fire. September 2016 saw the recall of some Galaxy 7s by Samsung.

In the meantime, throughout the past few years, media outlets have been inundated with instances of hoverboards, e-cigarettes, headphones, laptops, and other items catching fire.

There are some hazards associated with batteries for these goods, but the makers are aware of them and have the ability to reduce them during the design and production process. Instead, when manufacturers cut corners, bad things could happen.

You might be able to sue for damages if a lithium-ion battery explosion caused you or a loved one to suffer serious injuries.

  • Current Recalls of Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • Recall of Amazon Portable Power Banks: Fire and Burn Risk
  • HP Laptop/Notebook Battery Recall

A lithium-ion battery: what is it?

When generating power, lithium ions in a lithium-ion battery travel from the negative to the positive electrode and back again during recharging.

The soft, silvery alkali metal lithium has a wide range of applications. It is used in many industries, such as aviation and transportation, and is combined with aluminum and magnesium to form alloys.

In addition, it is utilized as lithium bromide in industrial drying systems and air conditioning systems, and to create specialty glass and glass ceramics. Lithium carbonate is used in medicine to treat manic depression.

Because it has a high electrochemical potential and is among the lightest elements in the periodic table, lithium is a good metal to employ in batteries. It has a large power output at low volumes.

The first lithium-ion battery was created in 1980, and Sony Corporation was the first to produce and market its version of the battery in 1991. This version of the battery represented an advancement over earlier attempts at development.

It soon became apparent that the enormous power produced by a small cell in these batteries could power a wide range of products.

These batteries were used in the development of numerous items, including e-cigarettes, computers, tablets, portable electric tools, toys, and e-bikes.

However, as manufacturers carried out further advancements that increased the batteries’ power output, they also had to contend with the problem that the batteries were growing more reactive.

What Causes Lithium-Ion Batteries to malfunction, burst, and catch fire?

While the majority of lithium-ion batteries function flawlessly, a few have exploded and caught fire in recent years, causing property damage as well as significant burns and other injuries to people.

Lithium-ion battery fires and explosions have been the subject of numerous product recalls and warnings, especially since the early 2000s.

These problems have also affected certain laptops, smartphones, cameras, hoverboards, and e-cigarettes. Lithium-ion battery export as cargo on passenger aircraft was outlawed by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2016 due to the batteries’ reputation for being volatile.

However, lithium-ion batteries are widely available and might be considered the engine of the modern mobile world. The majority of them function well. But when they do break down, there are typically two main causes:

  1. The producer did not put in place the necessary precautions, or
  2. When the battery was included into the items, the manufacturer made faults.

Deficits in one of these two areas are the root cause of a large number of product recalls and difficulties.

Free photo powerful external battery with usb wire

Shortcuts in the Manufacturing of Li-Ion Batteries Cause Damage to Consumers

Lithium-ion batteries need several safety mechanisms to prevent overheating in order to function properly. Manufacturers run the danger of injuring customers if they don’t use these safety precautions.

Products need more power as technology develops, batteries need to fit into smaller spaces, and producers need to discover more cost-effective ways to make their materials.

This may occasionally result in quick cutbacks at the expense of security. The press has often included stories about cheap knockoff hoverboards starting flames.

A “separator” is a thin polypropylene piece positioned between the electrodes of a lithium-ion battery to prevent them from coming into contact.

The electrodes come into contact with one another if the separator malfunctions, which causes overheating.

As batteries are required to produce more power, designers have thinned out these separators to allow more room for reactive material—increasing the risk of short-circuiting if other precautions are not taken.

Some experts have blamed Samsung’s explosion problems on flawed separators.

Overcharging the battery can potentially result in a short circuit, which has the potential to explode. Manufacturers, therefore, need to be sure the chargers they’re selling packaged with their products provide a safe level of charge.

They must also warn consumers to use only the chargers that come with their products, rather than purchasing other, cheaper chargers that may be poorly made, and may create an accelerated recharge.

A production or manufacturing flaw, a lack of proper insulation, inadequate ventilation, and more can all create a dangerous battery. In addition, lithium-ion batteries are filled with a flammable substance that can explode when it gets too hot. And that substance is also mixed with a skin-burning compound. This design makes poorly designed lithium batteries potentially very dangerous.

The other issue is that once overheating is present, it tends to snowball. The flammable substance inside creates a “thermal runaway” situation that is difficult to stop.

Common Lithium-Ion Battery Questions

What is the difference between lithium batteries and lithium-ion batteries?

The main difference between these two batteries is that the lithium-ion battery is rechargeable, whereas the basic lithium battery is not. There are a number of other differences as well, including the following:

1) Lithium batteries (also called “lithium metal” batteries) offer a higher capacity with lithium-ion batteries

2) Lithium batteries use lithium metal in its metallic form, while lithium-ion batteries use lithium compounds like lithium cobalt dioxide or lithium manganese oxide along with other materials

3) Lithium batteries typically last longer than lithium-ion batteries

What are the advantages of lithium-ion batteries compared to other rechargeable batteries?

Lithium-ion batteries have become popular because they can store a lot of energy in a small, light space. This makes them perfect for today’s ever-shrinking technological gadgets. They provide higher voltages than other rechargeable batteries, delivering more power when needed, and discharge more slowly.

Are lithium-ion batteries allowed on airplanes?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) states that lithium-ion batteries in gadgets like cell phones, laptops, tablets, and headphones are allowed in carry-on baggage. When Samsung Galaxy 7 phones were exploding, there was a time when the airlines required all Samsung devices to be turned off in the cabin. After Samsung updated their batteries, these phones were allowed to be used on flights again. The airlines also allow all these batteries in checked baggage, as long as they are installed in the gadgets. Extra, uninstalled lithium-ion batteries, including spare battery packs, are not allowed. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are also prohibited in checked baggage.

Proper disposal of a lithium-ion battery?

When you are finished with any device that contains a lithium-ion battery, it’s recommended that you recycle that device. Most places that sell the batteries will accept them back for recycling. Never burn the devices or the batteries as they could explode.

Are lithium-ion batteries safe to use?

Most lithium-ion batteries are safe. Millions of them are used every day in all types of technological gadgets without incident. Those that do cause problems are in the minority, and the problems can usually be traced back to a defective design or a manufacturing problem.

Do lithium-ion batteries explode in the heat?

Temperature can affect battery performance. Cold temperatures, for example, can slightly drop a battery’s capacity, potentially slowing the device’s response. It can also limit the charge rate. Hot temperatures, on the other hand, can increase degradation of the electrodes in the battery, which could limit its ability to store energy and shorten its life.

A lithium-ion battery prefers normal temperatures of about 50 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. But the battery should not explode in standard high temperatures, such as those encountered during everyday life. It is designed to perform correctly under normal living conditions, and if it explodes, it’s usually because of a short-circuit inside the battery

Some Products Associated with Exploding Lithium-Ion Batteries

Many of the product problems and recalls are caused by deficiencies in one of these two areas.

Cellphones / Smartphones

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Samsung recalled 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones because of exploding batteries in September 2016. In one instance, a woman was holding the device in her hand when it started pouring out smoke. A man filed a lawsuit against the company after a phone exploded in his pocket, burning his leg.

Laptops / Notebooks

Free PSD laptop mock up

Sony recalled 9.6 million computer batteries in 2006 because of explosion risks. The company noted that faulty manufacturing had resulted in tiny shards of metal contaminating the inside of the batteries. About half of the batteries went into Dell computers. In January 2017, HP recalled about 100,000 lithium-ion batteries used in their laptops because of fire and burn hazards. And in February 2017, NBC News reported on yet another Dell computer exploding while it was charging.


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Consumers have reported these devices exploding during use and even when not in use. An Alabama man, for example, sat down to eat breakfast at a friend’s house when his e-cigarette device suddenly exploded in his pocket. 

The device welded to his leg, causing second-and third-degree burns. Because these devices are cylindrical, pressure can build up quickly inside them, and those that explode can become projectiles.


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In January 2016, ten companies recalled about 500,000 self-balancing hoverboards/scooters because of fire hazards. All were manufactured in China. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) noted that at least 99 incident reports of the batteries exploding had been received, with reports of burn injuries and property damage. In a tragic hoverboard explosion-related fire in Harrisburg, PA, two young girls were killed. Other recalls followed in 2017.


In 2017, a woman flying to Melbourne from Beijing fell asleep while wearing noise-canceling headphones. She woke to sounds of an explosion and found that the battery in the headphones had burst into flames. She suffered from serious burns on her face and hair.

iPhone Lithium-Ion Battery Issues

The Apple iPhone has also experienced lithium-ion battery issues, but so far, there have not been reports of explosions. Instead, because of expected battery degradation over time, the company created an update that automatically slowed down older iPhones.

The update was uploaded automatically into consumers’ phones without their knowledge, after which the devices would operate more slowly in times of high-power requirements.

Many confused customers felt they had to buy a new phone because of the slow-down, when they could have simply bought a new battery.

Apple admitted to keeping their customers in the dark, and apologized. They explained that over time, lithium-ion batteries become less capable of handling performance peaks, during which they could suddenly shut down.

They issued the update to prevent these shutdowns, but failed to warn consumers about what they were doing, preventing them from choosing more economical solutions. The company now faces a number of lithium-ion battery lawsuits because of the slow-down issue.

Other products powered by these batteries have been associated with overheating and explosions. The batteries have been blamed, for example, for at least two fires in Tesla’s electric cars.

Types of Injuries Associated with Lithium-Ion Batteries

An exploding or burning battery can cause all kinds of property damage. It can also cause serious injuries to the person using the product, to those standing nearby, and to those in the vicinity of any resulting fire.  Such injuries include:

  • Pain
  • Serious burns
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Hearing and vision loss
  • Loss of teeth and/or tongue
  • Burned throat and esophagus
  • Lasting disability
  • Death

What Should I Do if My Battery Catches Fire?

First of all, be aware of the warning signs. If your battery starts to feel extremely hot, or the device swells or develops a bulge, realize that your battery may be malfunctioning. If it starts hissing or making other noises, a reaction could already be starting.

At this point, it’s important not to touch the unit with your bare hands, as you could suffer from harmful chemical burns. Use a pair or tongs, leather gloves, flame-retardant gloves, or even an oven mitt (anything but bare hands) to unplug the unit and turn it off. Being wary not to jostle it, put it in an isolated area away from anything flammable—an empty metal box, on clear concrete, or on a stone surface is best. Then contact your dealer for directions on how to proceed. 

If the device catches fire, call your fire department immediately. They respond to situations like this so there is no reason to hesitate. At that point, the best thing you can do is get the gadget to a safe place and let it burn out. (Most household fire extinguishers are not designed for this type of chemical fire.) Again, look for a non-flammable surface like a sidewalk or concrete driveway, outside, preferably.  

Let the fire burn out and caution everyone to stand clear. Realize that even after the fire burns out the device could still explode.  Keep your distance and wear protective eye wear. Understand that the device may re-ignite even after 10 minutes, so do not take it back inside.

If you notice gas or flames, cover your mouth and nose, or simply get away from the device. These fires create toxic fumes that you do not want to breathe, so make sure to instruct other people to clear the area, and get your pets away, too. Pregnant women especially should get clear of the fumes, and Moms need to take any small children completely out of the house or building.

I Was Burned by a Lithium-Ion Battery, What Do I Do?

If your battery blew up and you were burned in the incident, take the following two steps immediately.

  • Get Medical Treatment

Even if you think your injuries are minor, it’s important you see a doctor for them right away. Lithium-ion battery burns can be deceiving as to their severity, and the toxic chemicals involved create unique risks for injuries and skin damage. You need to be sure you take every step necessary to protect yourself. It’s also important to have a medical record of your injuries, should you decide to file an exploding battery lawsuit in the future. If you fail to get immediate medical attention, it could look to a judge or jury that your injuries were not serious enough to warrant attention.

  • Collect Evidence

As early as possible, collect evidence from the incident. Do not throw the battery or device away, but keep it stored in a safe place. Take pictures of the damaged gadget, and of any other related property damage. Note the location of the fire or explosion, and take pictures of any injuries suffered by you or others who were nearby. Jot down notes about exactly what happened and when, before your memory fades. Include the date, time, and location of the fire. Get a copy of the incident report from your fire department, and a copy of your medical records from your doctors’ visits.

  • Contact an Experienced Lithium-Ion Burn Lawyer

Companies are responsible for making sure that their devices are safe. If you suffered from serious injuries because of a lithium-ion battery fire or explosion, you deserve to be compensated for your losses. The financial burden of medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage should not be yours or your family’s to carry. It’s important that you find an experienced lithium-ion battery burn attorney with extensive knowledge of product liability that will look out for your best interests. An individual with experience in personal-injury law with a thorough knowledge of lithium-ion batteries and their potential defects is your smartest choice.

Do I Have a Case?

You may wonder if the lithium-ion battery fire or explosion was your fault, somehow. Did you do something wrong when using it or charging it? Did you ask too much of the power supply? Did you store it incorrectly?

Companies are responsible for making sure their products are safe for you to use. If something went wrong, it could be that the company was at fault, but how can you know for sure?

Your best option is to contact a lithium-ion fire attorney for a free consultation. He or she can examine the facts of your case, and help you determine if it would be worthwhile to pursue a lawsuit in court.

Meanwhile, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Were you hurt seriously enough to have to go to the doctor’s office or the hospital?
  • Did you have to go through surgery or another similar medical procedure as treatment?
  • Did you suffer from significant property damage?
  • Were you using the gadget normally when the lithium-ion explosion or fire occurred?
  • Did the incident involve other people or property belonging to other individuals?

Was a child hurt by the incident?

If you answered “yes” to even one of these questions, you may be eligible to file a lithium-ion battery burn lawsuit and should contact an experienced lithium-ion battery burn lawyer immediately.

What is My Case Worth?

If you’re considering filing a lithium-ion battery fire lawsuit, you may wonder if it’s worth it. Will you receive enough in compensation to cover your losses? Will the time and energy involved produce the returns you’re hoping for?

These questions can be difficult to answer before a thorough legal investigation into the case. An experienced lithium-ion battery explosion lawyer will look at all the evidence you have, and will do an additional investigation into the gadget you were using and the particular battery associated with that gadget. It could be that the manufacturers received reports of other incidences similar to yours, and failed to respond adequately to protect public safety.

Your losses also need to be calculated, and these usually include not only your medical expenses, but your property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any future medical care you may need. If you lost someone close to you in the accident (loss of consortium), that’s another factor that can increase the complexity of a case.

Your lithium-ion battery fire attorney must also determine what the defendants are claiming, and what evidence they may have supporting their position. It takes time to get all the facts together, but after a thorough investigation, your lawyer will be able to provide you with more information.

How Much Will My Case Cost?

As a plaintiff in a lithium-ion battery burn lawsuit working with The Aaron Herbert Law Firm, you will not owe any money up front. We work on contingency, which means that we don’t recover money unless you do. If you are awarded compensation in a settlement agreement or in an actual trial, your lithium-ion battery fire attorney will get a percentage of that award to pay for attorney’s costs.

When you go for your initial free consultation with a lithium-ion battery burn lawyer, he or she will help explain the percentages so you can understand exactly how much of any legal award you may receive.

Important Lithium-Ion Battery Regulations

There are a number of regulations in place concerning lithium-ion batteries to help protect public safety. These can be helpful in case of a lithium-ion battery explosion lawsuit, as they make it clear that the manufacturer is responsible for creating a safe product.

Each battery must have a “battery management system,” for example, that ensures it does not overheat. These types of systems should balance the cells in the battery, make sure the current stays under safe limits, and that the battery stays within its ideal operational voltage.

Each battery must also pass a number of tests to ensure that it’s safe to ship both domestically and internationally, and that it can withstand typical shipping conditions, like high altitudes and temperature variations.

One regulation was put into place specifically to make sure that lithium-ion batteries are safely designed. The batteries must pass tests ensuring that they can withstand vibration, heating, impacts, and even crushing without reacting dangerously. The tests are also meant to ensure the devices don’t short-circuit or charge abnormally.

It’s clear from these regulations that by the time a lithium-ion battery arrives on the market, it should have passed a number of safety tests to ensure that it won’t react in an unsafe manner during regular use or transport. Those batteries that still catch on fire or explode are therefore highly suspect of being defective batteries.

Conclusion: Seeking justice and compensation for battery explosion victims

Battery explosions can have catastrophic consequences, causing severe injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. Understanding how and why these explosions occur is essential in building a strong case. Battery explosions can be a result of various factors, such as manufacturing defects, design flaws, or improper use. It’s important to determine the cause of the explosion to hold the responsible party accountable.

When a battery explosion occurs, it can have far-reaching implications for the victims. Physical injuries, such as burns, cuts, and respiratory problems, are common among those involved in battery explosion incidents. Furthermore, victims may suffer from psychological trauma, financial losses, and a significant impact on their overall quality of life. Seeking legal recourse is crucial in order to obtain justice and appropriate compensation for these damages.

Navigating a battery explosion lawsuit requires a thorough understanding of the legal landscape and the relevant laws that apply. It’s important to work with an attorney who specializes in this area of law and has experience in handling similar cases. By partnering with a knowledgeable legal professional, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of achieving a successful outcome.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:43 pm

Seeking Justice: How Battery Explosion Lawsuits are Handled in Texas

Saturday, January 6, 2024

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When it comes to battery explosions, seeking justice is of utmost importance. In Texas, the handling of battery explosion lawsuits is a crucial process that aims to protect consumers and hold manufacturers accountable. In this article, we will explore how these lawsuits are handled in Texas, shedding light on the legal procedures and considerations involved.

Battery explosions can have devastating consequences, causing severe injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. Those affected by such incidents often face physical, emotional, and financial hardships. Understanding the legal framework surrounding battery explosion lawsuits is essential for both victims and manufacturers.

In Texas, the legal process for battery explosion lawsuits involves filing a complaint, investigating the incident, identifying liable parties, and proving negligence or product defects. Attorneys specializing in personal injury law play a vital role in guiding plaintiffs throughout the litigation process, ensuring their rights are protected and seeking fair compensation for the damages suffered.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the specific steps involved in handling battery explosion lawsuits in Texas, providing valuable insights into the legal intricacies and potential outcomes.

Seeking justice and holding manufacturers accountable is paramount when dealing with battery explosion lawsuits. Let’s explore how these matters are handled in Texas.

Common causes of battery explosions

Several factors can contribute to battery explosions, making it important to identify the root causes in order to hold the responsible parties accountable. Some common causes of battery explosions include:

1. Manufacturing defects: Poor quality control during the manufacturing process can lead to faulty batteries that are prone to explosions. Defects such as short circuits, faulty seals, or inadequate insulation can increase the risk of a battery explosion.

2. Design flaws: Inadequate design or engineering of batteries can lead to unstable chemical reactions or insufficient heat dissipation, increasing the likelihood of an explosion. Design flaws can include inadequate safety mechanisms or improper sizing of components.

3. Overcharging or improper use: Overcharging a battery or using it in ways not recommended by the manufacturer can cause excessive heat buildup, leading to a potential explosion. Ignoring safety guidelines and using incompatible charging devices or accessories can also contribute to battery failures.

4. Manufacturing errors: Mistakes made during the assembly or installation of batteries can compromise their integrity and increase the risk of explosions. Incorrect wiring, improper installation of protective components, or using substandard materials can all lead to battery failures.

Identifying the specific cause of a battery explosion is crucial for establishing liability and pursuing legal action against the responsible parties.

Battery explosion lawsuits in Texas

In Texas, battery explosion lawsuits are governed by personal injury laws and product liability laws. These laws provide a legal framework for victims to seek compensation for their injuries, property damage, and other losses resulting from battery explosions. Understanding the legal requirements and procedures involved is crucial for those seeking justice in Texas.

To initiate a battery explosion lawsuit in Texas, the first step is to file a complaint in the appropriate court. The complaint should provide a detailed account of the incident, the damages suffered, and the legal basis for the lawsuit. It is important to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide plaintiffs through this process and ensure that all necessary information is included in the complaint.

Once the complaint is filed, the next step is to investigate the battery explosion incident. This involves gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and consulting experts to determine the cause of the explosion and identify any liable parties. It is important to document any injuries, property damage, or other losses resulting from the battery explosion to support the legal claims.

Steps to take after a battery explosion incident

After a battery explosion incident, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your rights and potential legal claims. Here are some important steps to consider:

1. Seek medical attention: The safety and well-being of individuals affected by a battery explosion should be the top priority. Seek medical attention for any injuries sustained, even if they appear minor at first. Some injuries may have delayed symptoms or complications that may not be immediately apparent.

2. Preserve evidence: Document the scene of the battery explosion and preserve any evidence that may be relevant to your case. This includes taking photographs, collecting any faulty or damaged batteries, and saving any documents or receipts related to the incident.

3. Report the incident: Contact the appropriate authorities, such as local law enforcement or regulatory agencies, to report the battery explosion incident. This can help establish an official record of the incident and may be required for legal purposes.

4. Keep records: Maintain detailed records of all medical treatments, expenses, property damage, and other losses resulting from the battery explosion. These records will be crucial in establishing the extent of your damages and supporting your legal claims.

Finding the right attorney for a battery explosion lawsuit

When pursuing a battery explosion lawsuit in Texas, finding the right attorney is essential for maximizing your chances of success. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting an attorney:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney who specializes in personal injury law and has experience handling battery explosion cases. An experienced attorney will have the necessary knowledge and expertise to navigate the legal complexities and build a strong case on your behalf.

2. Track record: Research the attorney’s track record of success in handling personal injury cases, particularly battery explosion lawsuits. Look for testimonials, case results, or any recognition they may have received in the legal community.

3. Resources: Consider the resources available to the attorney and their law firm. A well-equipped firm will have access to expert witnesses, investigative resources, and the financial means to handle complex litigation.

4. Communication: Choose an attorney who is responsive and communicates effectively. You should feel comfortable discussing your case with them and confident that they will keep you informed throughout the legal process.

Taking the time to find the right attorney can significantly impact the outcome of your battery explosion lawsuit.

The legal process for battery explosion lawsuits in Texas

Once the complaint is filed and the investigation is complete, the legal process for battery explosion lawsuits in Texas typically involves the following steps:

1. Discovery: Both parties exchange information and evidence relevant to the case through a process called discovery. This includes documents, witness statements, expert reports, and any other evidence that may support or refute the claims made.

2. Negotiation and settlement: In some cases, the parties may engage in negotiations to reach a settlement before going to trial. This allows for a potentially quicker resolution and avoids the uncertainty and expenses associated with a trial.

3. Trial: If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to trial. During the trial, both parties present their arguments, evidence, and witnesses to a judge or jury who will determine liability and damages.

4. Appeals: If either party is dissatisfied with the outcome of the trial, they may choose to appeal the decision to a higher court. The appeals process focuses on legal errors made during the trial rather than reevaluating the facts of the case.

The duration and complexity of the legal process can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case. It is important to consult with an attorney who can provide guidance and support throughout the entire process.

Compensation for battery explosion victims

Victims of battery explosions in Texas may be entitled to various forms of compensation for their losses. Depending on the circumstances of the case, compensation may include:

– Medical expenses: Reimbursement for past and future medical treatments, surgeries, therapy, medications, and other healthcare costs resulting from the battery explosion.

– Lost wages: Compensation for any income lost due to the victim’s inability to work as a result of the battery explosion injuries.

– Property damage: Reimbursement for the repair or replacement of damaged property, such as electronics, vehicles, or other personal belongings.

– Pain and suffering: Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life caused by the battery explosion incident.

– Punitive damages: In cases where the defendant’s conduct is deemed particularly reckless or egregious, the court may award punitive damages to punish the defendant and deter similar behavior in the future.

Determining the appropriate amount of compensation in battery explosion cases can be complex and requires a thorough assessment of the victim’s damages. An experienced personal injury attorney can help evaluate the extent of the damages and advocate for fair compensation on behalf of the victim.

Recent battery explosion cases in Texas

Several high-profile battery explosion cases have emerged in Texas in recent years, highlighting the need for proper legal representation and the importance of holding manufacturers accountable. These cases have resulted in significant settlements and verdicts, providing justice and compensation for the victims and their families.

One such case involved a battery explosion in a popular smartphone, causing severe burns and injuries to the user. The victim filed a lawsuit against the smartphone manufacturer, alleging negligence in the design and manufacturing of the battery. After a lengthy legal battle, the case was settled for a substantial amount, providing the victim with compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Another notable case involved a battery explosion in an electric vehicle, resulting in a fire that caused extensive property damage. The vehicle owner filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, claiming that the battery pack was defectively designed and prone to explosions. The case went to trial, and the jury awarded the victim a significant verdict, holding the manufacturer accountable for the damages caused by the battery explosion.

These recent cases serve as a reminder of the importance of seeking legal recourse and the potential for victims to obtain fair compensation through battery explosion lawsuits in Texas.

Preventing battery explosions and staying safe

While seeking justice through legal means is crucial, prevention is always the best course of action. To minimize the risk of battery explosions, it is important to follow safety guidelines and take appropriate precautions:

1. Use authorized chargers and accessories: Stick to the chargers and accessories recommended by the manufacturer of your device. Using unauthorized chargers or accessories can increase the risk of battery failures.

2. Avoid overcharging: Do not leave batteries charging unattended for extended periods and avoid overcharging them. Overcharging can cause excessive heat buildup and increase the risk of explosions.

3. Store batteries properly: When not in use, store batteries in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Storing batteries in extreme temperatures can compromise their integrity and increase the risk of explosions.

4. Dispose of batteries safely: Properly dispose of old or damaged batteries according to local regulations. Do not throw batteries in regular trash bins, as they can pose a risk of fire or explosion.

5. Stay informed: Stay up to date with product recalls and safety warnings issued by manufacturers or regulatory agencies. Being aware of potential risks and taking appropriate action can help prevent battery explosions.

By taking these preventive measures, individuals can minimize the risk of battery explosions and protect their safety.

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Should You  Seek Legal Advice After a Lithium-Ion Battery Exploded or Caught Fire and Suffering Injuries?

In the event of an explosion involving a lithium-ion battery, it is imperative to promptly seek medical attention for any injuries sustained, including burns.

The next crucial step is to speak with a knowledgeable malfunctioning lithium-ion battery attorney. At The Aaron Herbert Law Firm, we’ll assist you in obtaining the financial resources required to get the best medical care and live the life of your dreams. There is a time limit on filing claims.

Obtain A Free Case Evaluation from board certified personal injury attorney Aaron Herbert or a member of his litigation team specializing in batter explosion injuries and cases.

Get in touch with the knowledgeable burn attorneys at The Aaron Herbert Law Firm LLP if you or a loved one has sustained injuries as a result of a lithium-ion battery exploding or catching fire.

One of the most popular kinds of rechargeable batteries available today is the lithium-ion battery. These high-energy batteries have literally and figuratively exploded into the market due to the growing popularity of smartphones, tablets, e-cigarettes, mini-music players, and more.

Batteries have to squeeze into progressively smaller places as consumers sought smaller devices. Eventually, that led to issues.

In 2016, allegations of exploding Samsung Galaxy 7 cellphones went viral, drawing attention from all across the world.

Airlines quickly outlawed phones on flights due to concerns that the gadgets might spontaneously catch fire. September 2016 saw the recall of some Galaxy 7s by Samsung.

In the meantime, throughout the past few years, media outlets have been inundated with instances of hoverboards, e-cigarettes, headphones, laptops, and other items catching fire.

There are some hazards associated with batteries for these goods, but the makers are aware of them and have the ability to reduce them during the design and production process. Instead, when manufacturers cut corners, bad things could happen.

You might be able to sue for damages if a lithium-ion battery explosion caused you or a loved one to suffer serious injuries.

  • Current Recalls of Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • Recall of Amazon Portable Power Banks: Fire and Burn Risk
  • HP Laptop/Notebook Battery Recall

A lithium-ion battery: what is it?

When generating power, lithium ions in a lithium-ion battery travel from the negative to the positive electrode and back again during recharging.

The soft, silvery alkali metal lithium has a wide range of applications. It is used in many industries, such as aviation and transportation, and is combined with aluminum and magnesium to form alloys.

In addition, it is utilized as lithium bromide in industrial drying systems and air conditioning systems, and to create specialty glass and glass ceramics. Lithium carbonate is used in medicine to treat manic depression.

Because it has a high electrochemical potential and is among the lightest elements in the periodic table, lithium is a good metal to employ in batteries. It has a large power output at low volumes.

The first lithium-ion battery was created in 1980, and Sony Corporation was the first to produce and market its version of the battery in 1991. This version of the battery represented an advancement over earlier attempts at development.

It soon became apparent that the enormous power produced by a small cell in these batteries could power a wide range of products.

These batteries were used in the development of numerous items, including e-cigarettes, computers, tablets, portable electric tools, toys, and e-bikes.

However, as manufacturers carried out further advancements that increased the batteries’ power output, they also had to contend with the problem that the batteries were growing more reactive.

What Causes Lithium-Ion Batteries to malfunction, burst, and catch fire?

While the majority of lithium-ion batteries function flawlessly, a few have exploded and caught fire in recent years, causing property damage as well as significant burns and other injuries to people.

Lithium-ion battery fires and explosions have been the subject of numerous product recalls and warnings, especially since the early 2000s.

These problems have also affected certain laptops, smartphones, cameras, hoverboards, and e-cigarettes. Lithium-ion battery export as cargo on passenger aircraft was outlawed by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2016 due to the batteries’ reputation for being volatile.

However, lithium-ion batteries are widely available and might be considered the engine of the modern mobile world. The majority of them function well. But when they do break down, there are typically two main causes:

  1. The producer did not put in place the necessary precautions, or
  2. When the battery was included into the items, the manufacturer made faults.

Deficits in one of these two areas are the root cause of a large number of product recalls and difficulties.

Shortcuts in the Manufacturing of Li-Ion Batteries Cause Damage to Consumers

Lithium-ion batteries need several safety mechanisms to prevent overheating in order to function properly. Manufacturers run the danger of injuring customers if they don’t use these safety precautions.

Products need more power as technology develops, batteries need to fit into smaller spaces, and producers need to discover more cost-effective ways to make their materials.

This may occasionally result in quick cutbacks at the expense of security. The press has often included stories about cheap knockoff hoverboards starting flames.

A “separator” is a thin polypropylene piece positioned between the electrodes of a lithium-ion battery to prevent them from coming into contact.

The electrodes come into contact with one another if the separator malfunctions, which causes overheating.

As batteries are required to produce more power, designers have thinned out these separators to allow more room for reactive material—increasing the risk of short-circuiting if other precautions are not taken.

Some experts have blamed Samsung’s explosion problems on flawed separators.

Overcharging the battery can potentially result in a short circuit, which has the potential to explode. Manufacturers, therefore, need to be sure the chargers they’re selling packaged with their products provide a safe level of charge.

They must also warn consumers to use only the chargers that come with their products, rather than purchasing other, cheaper chargers that may be poorly made, and may create an accelerated recharge.

A production or manufacturing flaw, a lack of proper insulation, inadequate ventilation, and more can all create a dangerous battery. In addition, lithium-ion batteries are filled with a flammable substance that can explode when it gets too hot. And that substance is also mixed with a skin-burning compound. This design makes poorly designed lithium batteries potentially very dangerous.

The other issue is that once overheating is present, it tends to snowball. The flammable substance inside creates a “thermal runaway” situation that is difficult to stop.

Common Lithium-Ion Battery Questions

What are the advantages of lithium-ion batteries compared to other rechargeable batteries?

Lithium-ion batteries have become popular because they can store a lot of energy in a small, light space. This makes them perfect for today’s ever-shrinking technological gadgets. They provide higher voltages than other rechargeable batteries, delivering more power when needed, and discharge more slowly.

Are lithium-ion batteries allowed on airplanes?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) states that lithium-ion batteries in gadgets like cell phones, laptops, tablets, and headphones are allowed in carry-on baggage. When Samsung Galaxy 7 phones were exploding, there was a time when the airlines required all Samsung devices to be turned off in the cabin. After Samsung updated their batteries, these phones were allowed to be used on flights again. The airlines also allow all these batteries in checked baggage, as long as they are installed in the gadgets. Extra, uninstalled lithium-ion batteries, including spare battery packs, are not allowed. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are also prohibited in checked baggage.

Proper disposal of a lithium-ion battery?

When you are finished with any device that contains a lithium-ion battery, it’s recommended that you recycle that device. Most places that sell the batteries will accept them back for recycling. Never burn the devices or the batteries as they could explode.

Are lithium-ion batteries safe to use?

Most lithium-ion batteries are safe. Millions of them are used every day in all types of technological gadgets without incident. Those that do cause problems are in the minority, and the problems can usually be traced back to a defective design or a manufacturing problem.

Do lithium-ion batteries explode in the heat?

Temperature can affect battery performance. Cold temperatures, for example, can slightly drop a battery’s capacity, potentially slowing the device’s response. It can also limit the charge rate. Hot temperatures, on the other hand, can increase degradation of the electrodes in the battery, which could limit its ability to store energy and shorten its life.

A lithium-ion battery prefers normal temperatures of about 50 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. But the battery should not explode in standard high temperatures, such as those encountered during everyday life. It is designed to perform correctly under normal living conditions, and if it explodes, it’s usually because of a short-circuit inside the battery.

Some Products Associated with Exploding Lithium-Ion Batteries

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Cellphones / Smartphones

Samsung recalled 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones because of exploding batteries in September 2016. In one instance, a woman was holding the device in her hand when it started pouring out smoke. A man filed a lawsuit against the company after a phone exploded in his pocket, burning his leg.

Free PSD laptop mock up

Laptops / Notebooks

Sony recalled 9.6 million computer batteries in 2006 because of explosion risks. The company noted that faulty manufacturing had resulted in tiny shards of metal contaminating the inside of the batteries. About half of the batteries went into Dell computers. In January 2017, HP recalled about 100,000 lithium-ion batteries used in their laptops because of fire and burn hazards. And in February 2017, NBC News reported on yet another Dell computer exploding while it was charging.

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Consumers have reported these devices exploding during use and even when not in use. An Alabama man, for example, sat down to eat breakfast at a friend’s house when his e-cigarette device suddenly exploded in his pocket. 

The device welded to his leg, causing second-and third-degree burns. Because these devices are cylindrical, pressure can build up quickly inside them, and those that explode can become projectiles.

Free vector vector set of white and dark blue gyroscopes or hoverboards close up isolated on background


In January 2016, ten companies recalled about 500,000 self-balancing hoverboards/scooters because of fire hazards. All were manufactured in China. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) noted that at least 99 incident reports of the batteries exploding had been received, with reports of burn injuries and property damage. In a tragic hoverboard explosion-related fire in Harrisburg, PA, two young girls were killed. Other recalls followed in 2017.


In 2017, a woman flying to Melbourne from Beijing fell asleep while wearing noise-canceling headphones. She woke to sounds of an explosion and found that the battery in the headphones had burst into flames. She suffered from serious burns on her face and hair.

iPhone Lithium-Ion Battery Issues

The Apple iPhone has also experienced lithium-ion battery issues, but so far, there have not been reports of explosions. Instead, because of expected battery degradation over time, the company created an update that automatically slowed down older iPhones.

The update was uploaded automatically into consumers’ phones without their knowledge, after which the devices would operate more slowly in times of high-power requirements.

Many confused customers felt they had to buy a new phone because of the slow-down, when they could have simply bought a new battery.

Apple admitted to keeping their customers in the dark, and apologized. They explained that over time, lithium-ion batteries become less capable of handling performance peaks, during which they could suddenly shut down.

They issued the update to prevent these shutdowns, but failed to warn consumers about what they were doing, preventing them from choosing more economical solutions. The company now faces a number of lithium-ion battery lawsuits because of the slow-down issue.

Other products powered by these batteries have been associated with overheating and explosions. The batteries have been blamed, for example, for at least two fires in Tesla’s electric cars.

Types of Injuries Associated with Lithium-Ion Batteries

An exploding or burning battery can cause all kinds of property damage. It can also cause serious injuries to the person using the product, to those standing nearby, and to those in the vicinity of any resulting fire.  Such injuries include:

  • Pain
  • Serious burns
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Hearing and vision loss
  • Loss of teeth and/or tongue
  • Burned throat and esophagus
  • Lasting disability
  • Death

What Should I Do if My Battery Catches Fire?

First of all, be aware of the warning signs. If your battery starts to feel extremely hot, or the device swells or develops a bulge, realize that your battery may be malfunctioning. If it starts hissing or making other noises, a reaction could already be starting.

At this point, it’s important not to touch the unit with your bare hands, as you could suffer from harmful chemical burns. Use a pair or tongs, leather gloves, flame-retardant gloves, or even an oven mitt (anything but bare hands) to unplug the unit and turn it off. Being wary not to jostle it, put it in an isolated area away from anything flammable—an empty metal box, on clear concrete, or on a stone surface is best. Then contact your dealer for directions on how to proceed. 

If you notice that your gadget (phone, laptop, e-cigarette, etc.) is smoking:

  • Quickly clear the surrounding area of anything else that may catch fire,
  • Unplug and turn off the unit as noted above, and 
  • Then get it to a non-flammable surface and stay away from it. 
  • Once it calms down, contact your dealer for instructions. Be wary of handling it as it could still be vulnerable to a reaction.

If the device catches fire, call your fire department immediately. They respond to situations like this so there is no reason to hesitate. At that point, the best thing you can do is get the gadget to a safe place and let it burn out. (Most household fire extinguishers are not designed for this type of chemical fire.) Again, look for a non-flammable surface like a sidewalk or concrete driveway, outside, preferably.  

Let the fire burn out and caution everyone to stand clear. Realize that even after the fire burns out the device could still explode.  Keep your distance and wear protective eye wear. Understand that the device may re-ignite even after 10 minutes, so do not take it back inside.

If you notice gas or flames, cover your mouth and nose, or simply get away from the device. These fires create toxic fumes that you do not want to breathe, so make sure to instruct other people to clear the area, and get your pets away, too. Pregnant women especially should get clear of the fumes, and Moms need to take any small children completely out of the house or building.


Battery explosions are catastrophic incidents that can occur in various settings, from consumer electronics to industrial machinery. These explosions are often caused by factors such as faulty design, manufacturing defects, improper use, or inadequate safety measures. It is crucial to understand the mechanics behind battery explosions to effectively navigate the legal landscape.

Battery explosions typically result from a combination of factors, including the release of flammable materials, excessive heat buildup, and the rapid release of energy stored within the battery. This sudden release of energy can cause the battery to rupture, leading to an explosion or fire. Understanding the science behind battery explosions is essential for determining liability and establishing negligence in legal proceedings.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment

Friday, January 5, 2024
When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment 78

When it comes to handling heavy machinery, safety should always be the top priority. Unfortunately, accidents can still occur due to faulty equipment, leading to severe injuries and even death. In such cases, those affected may have the right to file an injury lawsuit against the responsible parties.

In this article, we will delve into the world of injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment, exploring the legal aspects, challenges, and potential compensations that individuals could pursue. Whether it’s a malfunctioning industrial machine, a defective vehicle component, or a faulty tool, we will examine the various scenarios where machines fail and the legal consequences that follow.

From examining product liability laws to understanding the burden of proof, we will provide insights and guidance on how to navigate the complexities of these lawsuits. Additionally, we will shed light on the importance of gathering evidence, consulting with legal experts, and discussing your case with experienced injury lawyers.

Stay tuned as we unravel the intricacies of injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment, helping you understand your rights and seek appropriate legal remedies.

Understanding product liability in faulty equipment cases

Faulty equipment can take many forms and can be found in various industries. Understanding the common types of faulty equipment that can cause injuries is crucial in identifying potential legal claims.

1. Industrial Machinery: Malfunctioning industrial machinery, such as conveyor belts, forklifts, or manufacturing equipment, can pose serious risks to workers. Defects in design, manufacturing, or maintenance can lead to accidents resulting in severe injuries or even fatalities.

2. Vehicle Components: Faulty vehicle components, such as defective brakes, airbags, or steering systems, can lead to car accidents and cause significant injuries to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Manufacturers have a duty to ensure the safety of their products, and when they fail to do so, they can be held liable for the damages caused.

3. Construction Equipment: Construction sites are inherently dangerous, and when equipment like cranes, scaffolding, or power tools are faulty, the risk of accidents increases exponentially. Construction workers who suffer injuries due to faulty equipment may have legal grounds to pursue compensation.

In these cases, it’s important to establish that the equipment was indeed faulty and that the defect directly caused the injuries. Legal experts can help gather evidence and build a strong case against the responsible parties.

Understanding product liability laws

Product liability laws hold manufacturers, distributors, and sellers responsible for defective products that cause harm to consumers. Understanding product liability is crucial in pursuing injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment.

There are three main types of product defects that can lead to liability claims:

1. Design Defects: When the design of a product is inherently flawed and poses a danger to users, it can be considered a design defect. In such cases, even if the product was manufactured correctly, it can still cause harm. Proving a design defect requires showing that a safer alternative design was feasible and would have prevented the injuries.

2. Manufacturing Defects: Manufacturing defects occur when a product deviates from its intended design due to errors or flaws during the manufacturing process. These defects can be isolated incidents and may affect only a small number of products. To establish a manufacturing defect, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defect caused the injuries and that the product was unreasonably dangerous when it left the manufacturer’s control.

3. Marketing Defects: Marketing defects involve failures in providing adequate warnings, instructions, or safety labels for a product. If a manufacturer fails to provide proper instructions on how to use the product safely, or if they fail to warn consumers about potential risks, they can be held liable for injuries caused by the lack of information.

Product liability laws vary by jurisdiction, so it’s important to consult with an experienced injury lawyer to understand how these laws apply to your specific case.

Proving negligence in faulty equipment injury lawsuits

Injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment often rely on proving negligence on the part of the responsible parties. To establish negligence, the plaintiff must demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of Care: The plaintiff must establish that the defendant had a duty to provide safe equipment or products to the users. This duty of care can vary depending on the relationship between the parties involved, such as manufacturers and consumers, employers and employees, or property owners and visitors.

2. Breach of Duty: The plaintiff needs to prove that the defendant breached their duty of care by providing faulty equipment or products that posed a foreseeable risk of harm.

3. Causation: The plaintiff must establish a causal link between the defendant’s breach of duty and the injuries suffered. This requires demonstrating that the faulty equipment directly caused the injuries and that the injuries would not have occurred without the defect.

4. Damages: To pursue a successful injury lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that they suffered actual damages, such as physical injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain, and suffering.

Proving negligence can be a complex process, requiring thorough investigation, expert testimonies, and strong evidence. It’s crucial to consult with an experienced injury lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and help build a compelling case.

When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment 80

Steps to take after getting injured by faulty equipment

If you’ve been injured by faulty equipment, it’s important to take immediate action to protect your rights and strengthen your potential injury lawsuit. Here are the steps you should consider:

1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and well-being should always be the top priority. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if your injuries may seem minor at first. Some injuries may not manifest immediately, and a medical professional can document your injuries and provide necessary treatment.

2. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any evidence related to the faulty equipment and your injuries. Take photographs of the equipment, document the scene of the accident, and collect any relevant documents, such as maintenance records or product manuals. This evidence can be crucial in establishing liability and proving the extent of your damages.

3. Report the Incident: Report the incident to the appropriate authorities, such as your employer or the police, depending on the circumstances. This documentation can create an official record of the incident and help establish the timeline of events.

4. Consult with Legal Experts: Contact an experienced injury lawyer who specializes in faulty equipment cases. They can provide guidance on your legal rights, help you navigate the complex legal process, and ensure your rights are protected throughout the proceedings.

Remember, time is of the essence in injury lawsuits, as there may be statutes of limitations that restrict the timeframe within which you can file a claim. Acting promptly and seeking legal advice can significantly increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

The role of expert witnesses in faulty equipment injury cases

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in faulty equipment injury cases. Their specialized knowledge and expertise can provide valuable insights and strengthen your legal claim. Here are some examples of expert witnesses commonly involved in these cases:

1. Engineers: Engineering experts can evaluate the design, manufacturing, or maintenance of the faulty equipment and provide professional opinions on whether the defect directly caused the injuries.

2. Medical Professionals: Medical experts can assess the extent of your injuries, provide medical opinions on the cause and long-term effects, and calculate the necessary medical costs for treatment and rehabilitation.

3. Accident Reconstruction Specialists: In cases where the cause of the accident is disputed, accident reconstruction specialists can analyze the evidence, recreate the sequence of events, and provide expert opinions on how the accident occurred.

Expert witnesses can provide objective and unbiased opinions based on their specialized knowledge, which can significantly strengthen your case. Your injury lawyer can help identify and engage the right experts to support your legal claim.

Compensation in faulty equipment injury lawsuits

Seeking compensation is an important aspect of injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment. The compensation aims to help the injured party recover from their losses and regain their quality of life. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the following types of compensation may be available:

1. Medical Expenses: Compensation for past and future medical expenses related to the injuries caused by the faulty equipment, including hospital bills, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and therapy.

2. Lost Wages: Compensation for lost wages and income due to the injuries. This may include both current and future loss of earning capacity if the injuries result in long-term or permanent disabilities.

3. Pain and Suffering: Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish caused by the injuries. This type of compensation is subjective and varies based on the severity and impact of the injuries.

4. Loss of Consortium: In cases where the injuries have a significant impact on the injured party’s relationship with their spouse or family members, compensation may be awarded for the loss of companionship, affection, and support.

5. Punitive Damages: In some cases, if the defendant’s actions were particularly reckless or malicious, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party and deter similar behavior in the future.

The specific compensation available in each case depends on various factors, such as the severity of the injuries, the impact on the injured party’s life, and the jurisdiction’s laws. An experienced injury lawyer can assess your case and help determine the appropriate compensation to pursue.

How to choose a lawyer for a faulty equipment injury lawsuit

Choosing the right lawyer is crucial in ensuring the success of your faulty equipment injury lawsuit. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a lawyer:

1. Experience: Look for a lawyer with extensive experience in personal injury law, specifically handling faulty equipment cases. A lawyer with a track record of successful outcomes in similar cases will have the necessary expertise and knowledge to navigate the complexities of your lawsuit.

2. Specialization: Ensure that the lawyer specializes in personal injury law and has a deep understanding of product liability and negligence laws. Specialized lawyers are better equipped to handle the intricacies of these cases and can provide tailored advice to maximize your chances of success.

3. Reputation: Research the lawyer’s reputation by reading client reviews, checking their professional affiliations, and reviewing any awards or recognition they have received. A lawyer with a solid reputation indicates their commitment to providing quality legal representation.

4. Communication: Choose a lawyer who communicates effectively and keeps you informed throughout the legal process. Clear communication is essential for a strong lawyer-client relationship, as it ensures that you understand the progress of your case and can make informed decisions.

5. Fee Structure: Discuss the lawyer’s fee structure during the initial consultation. Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. Understanding the fee structure upfront allows you to assess the financial implications of pursuing a faulty equipment injury lawsuit.

Take the time to schedule consultations with potential lawyers to discuss your case and assess their suitability. Choose a lawyer who not only has the necessary expertise but also makes you feel comfortable and confident in their abilities.

Case studies of successful faulty equipment injury lawsuits

Examining case studies of successful faulty equipment injury lawsuits can provide valuable insights into the legal process and potential outcomes. Here are two examples:

1. Case Study 1 – Industrial Machinery: A factory worker suffered severe injuries when a malfunctioning hydraulic press crushed his hand. The injured worker filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, alleging a design defect in the press. The case was settled out of court, resulting in a significant compensation amount that covered medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

2. Case Study 2 – Vehicle Component: A car accident occurred due to a defective airbag, causing the driver to sustain serious injuries. The injured driver filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer and distributor of the airbag, claiming a manufacturing defect. The case went to trial, and the jury awarded substantial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

These case studies highlight the potential for successful outcomes in faulty equipment injury lawsuits. Each case is unique, and the specific facts and circumstances play a significant role in determining the outcome. Consulting with an experienced injury lawyer who can assess the merits of your case is crucial in pursuing a successful lawsuit.

When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment 82

Faulty Equipment Safety: Expert Tips to Minimize Workplace Accidents and Injuries

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the safety and well-being of employees should always be a top priority. One area where this is particularly important is faulty equipment safety. Accidents and injuries caused by malfunctioning machinery or tools can have serious consequences for both the individuals involved and the company as a whole.

However, minimizing workplace accidents and injuries requires more than just good intentions. It requires expert knowledge and proactive measures. In this article, we will provide you with expert tips on how to minimize workplace accidents and injuries caused by faulty equipment.

From conducting regular equipment inspections to ensuring proper training and maintenance protocols, we will delve into the strategies that can help you create a safer working environment. By implementing these practices, you can not only protect your employees but also boost productivity and minimize costly downtime caused by accidents and injuries.

Don’t wait until an accident happens; take proactive steps to ensure faulty equipment safety in your workplace. Read on to discover the expert tips that will help you create a safer and more efficient work environment.

The importance of equipment safety in the workplace

Ensuring equipment safety in the workplace is crucial for the well-being of employees and the overall success of a company. Faulty equipment can lead to serious accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. These incidents not only harm employees but also result in legal consequences, damaged company reputation, and financial losses. As an employer, it is therefore essential to prioritize equipment safety and take proactive measures to prevent accidents.

To ensure equipment safety, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and hazards associated with the machinery and tools used in the workplace. Conducting thorough risk assessments and identifying potential areas of concern will help in developing effective safety protocols and practices.

Common workplace accidents caused by faulty equipment

Accidents caused by faulty equipment can occur in various ways and result in different types of injuries. Some common workplace accidents caused by faulty equipment include:

1. Falls from malfunctioning ladders or scaffolding: Faulty equipment such as unstable ladders or defective scaffolding can lead to falls from heights, resulting in severe injuries or even death.

2. Electrocutions: Malfunctioning electrical equipment, exposed wires, or inadequate grounding can cause electric shocks and electrocutions, posing a significant risk to employees.

3. Machinery malfunctions: Equipment failures, such as jammed or inadequately guarded machinery, can cause amputations, crush injuries, or lacerations.

4. Burns and explosions: Equipment that is not properly maintained, such as faulty gas cylinders or defective heating systems, can lead to fires, explosions, and severe burns.

By understanding the potential accidents caused by faulty equipment, employers can take the necessary steps to prevent them and ensure the safety of their employees.

Understanding the legal obligations for equipment safety

In addition to the moral obligation to protect employees, employers also have legal responsibilities when it comes to equipment safety in the workplace. Various laws and regulations govern equipment safety, and non-compliance can result in severe penalties, lawsuits, and reputation damage.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States, for example, sets standards and regulations to ensure workplace safety. Employers must comply with these standards, conduct regular inspections, and maintain records to demonstrate their commitment to equipment safety.

Apart from OSHA, other regulatory bodies and industry-specific standards may also apply, depending on the nature of the business and the equipment used. Employers must stay informed about the legal obligations and ensure compliance to protect both their employees and their business.

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Conducting regular equipment inspections and maintenance

Regular equipment inspections and maintenance are essential to identify and address potential issues before they lead to accidents or injuries. Employers should establish a comprehensive inspection program that includes routine checks, scheduled maintenance, and prompt repairs.

Inspections should cover all relevant aspects of the equipment, including mechanical components, electrical systems, safety features, and ergonomic factors. By conducting thorough inspections, employers can identify any signs of wear and tear, loose fittings, leaks, or other potential hazards. Prompt repairs or replacements should be made to ensure the equipment is safe for use.

Additionally, employers should establish preventive maintenance schedules to keep equipment in optimal condition. This may involve lubrication, calibration, alignment, or other maintenance tasks recommended by equipment manufacturers. By implementing regular inspections and maintenance, employers can minimize the risk of accidents caused by faulty equipment.

Training employees on equipment safety protocols

Proper training is crucial to ensure that employees are aware of the potential hazards associated with equipment and how to use it safely. Employers should provide comprehensive training programs for all employees who will be working with or around equipment.

Training sessions should cover topics such as equipment operation, maintenance procedures, safety protocols, and emergency response plans. Employees should be educated on the correct usage of equipment, including any specific safety precautions. Additionally, they should be informed about the signs of equipment malfunction and the importance of reporting any issues immediately.

Regular refresher training sessions should be conducted to reinforce safety protocols and update employees on any changes or new equipment introduced in the workplace. By investing in employee training, employers can ensure that their workforce is equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle equipment safely and prevent accidents.

Creating a culture of safety in the workplace

Beyond implementing specific safety measures, creating a culture of safety is essential to ensure equipment safety in the workplace. A safety culture fosters an environment where employees are actively engaged in identifying and addressing potential hazards.

Employers should encourage employees to report any concerns or equipment malfunctions promptly. This can be achieved through open communication channels, anonymous reporting systems, regular safety meetings, and encouraging a proactive approach to safety.

In addition, employers should recognize and reward employees who prioritize safety and actively contribute to maintaining a safe working environment. By promoting a culture of safety, employers can create an atmosphere where employees feel empowered to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions.

Identifying and addressing potential hazards

Identifying potential hazards is a crucial step in preventing accidents caused by faulty equipment. Employers should conduct regular risk assessments to identify any potential hazards associated with equipment usage in the workplace.

Risk assessments should involve a careful examination of each piece of equipment, its intended use, and the work environment. This process should consider factors such as ergonomic risks, exposure to hazardous substances, electrical hazards, and any other potential risks associated with the specific equipment.

Based on the findings of risk assessments, employers should implement appropriate control measures to minimize the identified hazards. This may involve engineering controls, administrative controls, or personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements. Regular monitoring and evaluation should be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of these control measures.

Reporting and documenting equipment malfunctions

Employees play a vital role in maintaining equipment safety by promptly reporting any malfunctions or issues they observe. Employers should establish a clear reporting procedure that ensures employees feel comfortable reporting concerns without fear of reprisal.

Reports should be documented and thoroughly investigated to determine the cause of the malfunction and implement appropriate corrective actions. This documentation not only helps in addressing immediate concerns but also serves as a valuable reference for future inspections, maintenance, and training programs.

Implementing emergency response plans for equipment-related accidents

Despite the best preventive measures, accidents can still occur. Employers should have well-defined emergency response plans specifically tailored to equipment-related accidents. These plans should outline the steps to be taken in the event of an accident, including first aid procedures, evacuation plans, and communication protocols.

Employees should be trained on these emergency response plans to ensure they can respond quickly and effectively in case of an accident. Regular drills and exercises should be conducted to test the efficiency of these plans and identify areas for improvement.

Conclusion: The role of ongoing monitoring and improvement in minimizing workplace accidents and injuries.

Minimizing workplace accidents and injuries caused by faulty equipment requires ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and improvement. Employers should continuously assess the effectiveness of their equipment safety protocols, address any emerging concerns, and adapt to changes in regulations or technology.

By prioritizing equipment safety, conducting regular inspections and maintenance, providing comprehensive training, and fostering a culture of safety, employers can minimize the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. This not only protects the well-being of employees but also enhances productivity, reduces downtime, and preserves the company’s reputation.

Don’t wait until an accident happens; take proactive steps to ensure faulty equipment safety in your workplace. By implementing the expert tips provided in this article, you can create a safer and more efficient work environment for everyone involved.

Posted by mockingbird at 12:35 pm

Understanding the Legal Ramifications: How to Pursue an Injury Lawsuit for Faulty Equipment in Texas

Friday, January 5, 2024

Photo young warehouse worker injured leg at workplace

Injuries caused by faulty equipment can have serious consequences. If you have been injured due to a defective product in Texas, understanding the legal ramifications and how to pursue an injury lawsuit is essential. From medical expenses to lost wages, the financial burden can be overwhelming. But you don’t have to face it alone.

In this article, we will explore the legal process of pursuing an injury lawsuit for faulty equipment in Texas. We will guide you through the steps you need to take, from gathering evidence to filing a lawsuit. Our aim is to empower you with knowledge so that you can confidently seek the compensation you deserve.

Navigating the legal system can be complex, especially when dealing with product liability cases. It’s important to have a skilled attorney who specializes in personal injury law by your side. They can help you understand your rights, build a strong case, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

Don’t let a faulty product derail your life. Take action and explore your legal options today.

Types of faulty equipment cases

Product liability laws in Texas are designed to protect consumers from harm caused by defective products. In general, there are three types of product defects that can form the basis of a faulty equipment lawsuit: design defects, manufacturing defects, and marketing defects.

Design defects occur when a product is inherently dangerous due to a flaw in its design. Manufacturing defects, on the other hand, happen during the production process and result in a product that deviates from its intended design. Marketing defects refer to failures in providing adequate warnings or instructions about the safe use of a product.

To establish a product liability claim in Texas, you must prove that the product was defective, that the defect caused your injury, and that you were using the product as intended or in a reasonably foreseeable manner. It’s important to note that the statute of limitations for product liability claims in Texas is two years from the date of the injury, so time is of the essence.

Photo working man in helmet examining bulldozer engine

Steps to take after an injury from faulty equipment

Faulty equipment cases can arise in various industries and involve a wide range of products. Some common examples include:

1. Defective machinery or tools: This can include anything from faulty power tools to malfunctioning industrial equipment.

2. Automotive defects: Faulty brakes, airbags, or steering systems in vehicles can lead to serious accidents and injuries.

3. Medical device failures: Defective medical devices, such as hip implants or pacemakers, can cause severe complications and injuries.

4. Electrical equipment defects: Faulty wiring, defective appliances, or electrical fires caused by defective products fall under this category.

5. Consumer product defects: Defective household appliances, electronics, or children’s toys can pose significant risks to consumers.

No matter the type of faulty equipment case, it’s crucial to gather evidence and seek legal advice to determine the best course of action.

Free photo heavy excavator for digging on day light

Gathering evidence for your faulty equipment lawsuit

If you have been injured due to faulty equipment, there are several important steps you should take to protect your rights and strengthen your case:

1. Seek medical attention: Your health should be your top priority. Get the necessary medical treatment and keep records of all medical expenses, diagnoses, and treatments.

2. Preserve evidence: Take photographs of the defective equipment and the scene of the incident, if possible. Keep any receipts, purchase agreements, or packaging related to the product.

3. Document your injuries: Keep a detailed record of your injuries, including symptoms, pain levels, and any impact they have on your daily life or ability to work.

4. Identify witnesses: If there were any witnesses to the incident, obtain their contact information. Their testimony may be valuable to your case.

5. Do not admit fault: Avoid making any statements that could be interpreted as accepting blame for the incident. Stick to the facts when discussing the incident with others.

By following these steps, you can help build a strong foundation for your faulty equipment lawsuit.

Photo ill be able to sell these and many more shot of a young man talking on a cellphone while working on a farm

Finding the right personal injury lawyer

To successfully pursue a faulty equipment lawsuit, you need compelling evidence to prove that the product was defective and caused your injuries. Here are some key types of evidence to gather:

1. Product documentation: Collect any manuals, instructions, or warnings that came with the product. These can help establish whether the manufacturer provided adequate warnings or instructions for safe use.

2. Expert opinions: Consult with experts in the relevant field who can examine the product and provide an opinion on its defectiveness.

3. Accident reports: If the incident was reported to the authorities, obtain a copy of the accident report.

4. Medical records: Gather all medical records related to your injuries, including diagnoses, treatment plans, and medical bills.

5. Witness statements: If there were witnesses to the incident, obtain written or recorded statements from them that support your version of events.

Remember, the more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be. A skilled personal injury attorney can help you gather and organize the necessary evidence to build a compelling argument.

Filing your faulty equipment lawsuit in Texas

When pursuing a faulty equipment lawsuit in Texas, it’s crucial to have a qualified personal injury lawyer by your side. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right attorney:

1. Experience: Look for a lawyer who specializes in personal injury and has experience handling product liability cases.

2. Track record: Research the lawyer’s success rate and past settlements or verdicts in similar cases.

3. Resources: Ensure that the law firm has the necessary resources to handle your case effectively, including access to expert witnesses, investigators, and medical professionals.

4. Communication: Find a lawyer who is responsive, communicates clearly, and keeps you informed throughout the legal process.

5. Contingency fee arrangement: Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. This can help alleviate the financial burden of legal fees.

Schedule consultations with multiple attorneys to discuss your case and assess their expertise and fit for your needs. Choose someone you trust and feel comfortable working with, as they will be your advocate throughout the legal process.

The legal process for a faulty equipment lawsuit

To file a faulty equipment lawsuit in Texas, you must adhere to specific legal procedures. Here are the general steps involved:

1. Consult with an attorney: Seek legal advice from a personal injury lawyer who can assess the merits of your case and guide you through the process.

2. Investigation: Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess the strength of your case.

3. Demand letter: Your attorney may send a demand letter to the responsible party, outlining the details of your claim and the compensation you are seeking.

4. Settlement negotiations: If the responsible party is willing to negotiate a settlement, your attorney will engage in discussions to secure a fair settlement amount.

5. Filing a lawsuit: If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf, initiating the formal legal process.

6. Discovery: Both parties exchange relevant information and evidence through the discovery process.

7. Pre-trial proceedings: The court may hold pre-trial conferences to address procedural matters and attempt to resolve the case without going to trial.

8. Trial: If the case proceeds to trial, both sides present their arguments and evidence to a judge or jury, who will determine liability and damages.

9. Appeals: Either party has the right to appeal the court’s decision if they believe there were legal errors or procedural irregularities.

The duration of the legal process can vary depending on the complexity of the case and whether it goes to trial. Your attorney will guide you through each stage and keep you informed about the progress of your lawsuit.

Settlements vs. trials in faulty equipment cases

In faulty equipment cases, there are two main ways to resolve a claim: through a settlement or a trial. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each:


– Pros:

– Potentially faster resolution: Settling a case can save time compared to the lengthy process of going to trial.

– Certainty of outcome: With a settlement, both parties agree on the terms and avoid the uncertainty of a trial verdict.

– Control over the outcome: You have a say in the negotiation process and can decide whether to accept or reject a settlement offer.

– Cons:

– Potentially lower compensation: The settlement amount may be lower than what you could potentially win at trial.

– Confidentiality: Settlements are typically confidential, limiting public awareness of the product defect and potential risks.


– Pros:

– Potentially higher compensation: If successful, a trial verdict can result in a higher compensation amount, including punitive damages.

– Public awareness: Trials shed light on product defects, potentially leading to changes in manufacturing practices and increased consumer safety.

– Cons:

– Longer process: Trials can be lengthy, requiring more time and resources compared to settlements.

– Uncertain outcome: The verdict is ultimately in the hands of the judge or jury, which introduces an element of unpredictability.

Choosing whether to pursue a settlement or a trial is a decision best made in consultation with your attorney. They will assess the circumstances of your case and provide guidance based on your best interests.

Conclusion and next steps

When you’ve been injured due to faulty equipment, understanding the legal process and your rights is crucial. By taking the right steps, gathering evidence, and seeking the assistance of a skilled personal injury lawyer, you can pursue an injury lawsuit and seek the compensation you deserve.

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to faulty equipment cases in Texas. The statute of limitations imposes a two-year time limit from the date of the injury. Don’t delay in seeking legal advice and taking action to protect your rights.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to faulty equipment, don’t face the challenges alone. Consult with a personal injury attorney today to explore your legal options and secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

Take control of your future and pursue your injury lawsuit with confidence. The road to justice may be challenging, but with the right legal support, you can navigate the process and seek the resolution you deserve.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

Proving Your Case: Crucial Considerations for Winning a Fall Down Injury Lawsuit in 2024

Thursday, January 4, 2024
Proving Your Case: Crucial Considerations for Winning a Fall Down Injury Lawsuit in 2024 90

In the year 2024, winning a fall down injury lawsuit requires a strategic approach backed by thorough preparation. As the number of such cases continue to rise, it is crucial for claimants to understand the key considerations that can make or break their case. Whether you’re a plaintiff or an attorney, this article will provide you with valuable insights to prove your case and secure a successful outcome.

Navigating the complexities of a fall down injury lawsuit demands expertise, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the legal landscape. From gathering evidence, establishing liability, to demonstrating the extent of damages, every step of the process requires careful planning and execution. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can build a compelling case that showcases the negligence or liability of the responsible party.

Join us as we delve into the crucial factors to consider when pursuing a fall down injury lawsuit in 2024. From identifying key witnesses to ensuring timely and accurate documentation, this article will equip you with the tools necessary to strengthen your case. Don’t leave the outcome of your lawsuit to chance; arm yourself with the knowledge needed to prove your case effectively.

Understanding fall down injury lawsuits

When it comes to fall down injury lawsuits, it is important to have a clear understanding of the legal framework surrounding these cases. Fall down injuries can occur in various settings, such as public places, workplaces, or private properties. These cases typically involve a claimant who has suffered injuries due to a hazardous condition or negligence on the part of a property owner or occupier.

To establish a fall down injury lawsuit, the claimant must demonstrate that the property owner or occupier had a duty to maintain a safe environment, breached that duty, and as a result, the claimant sustained injuries. It is important to note that each jurisdiction may have specific laws and regulations regarding fall down injuries, so it is crucial to consult a knowledgeable attorney who can navigate the legal landscape effectively.

Importance of evidence in fall down injury cases

In fall down injury cases, evidence plays a crucial role in proving liability and damages. Gathering and preserving evidence is essential to build a strong case. From photographs of the scene to witness statements, every piece of evidence contributes to establishing the cause of the fall and the negligence or liability of the responsible party.

To ensure the admissibility and credibility of evidence, it is important to document the scene as soon as possible after the incident. Take photographs or videos of the area where the fall occurred, paying close attention to any hazardous conditions present. Additionally, gather contact information from witnesses who can provide firsthand accounts of the incident.

Medical records are also vital pieces of evidence in fall down injury cases. Obtain copies of all medical reports, including diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. These records can help establish the extent of the injuries and the impact on the claimant’s daily life.

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Gathering evidence for a fall down injury lawsuit

When gathering evidence for a fall down injury lawsuit, it is important to be thorough and methodical. Start by creating a detailed incident report that includes the date, time, and location of the fall, as well as a description of the hazardous condition that caused the fall.

In addition to photographs and witness statements, consider obtaining surveillance footage if available. Video evidence can provide a clear depiction of the incident and help establish liability. If there were any warning signs or safety measures in place, gather evidence of their condition at the time of the incident. This can demonstrate whether the property owner or occupier took reasonable steps to prevent accidents.

Expert opinions can also strengthen your case. Consult with professionals who can assess the hazardous condition and provide an expert analysis of the negligence or liability involved. Their expertise can lend credibility to your claim and help establish a strong case.

Factors to consider when determining liability in a fall down injury case

Determining liability in a fall down injury case requires a careful analysis of various factors. One key consideration is the duty of care owed by the property owner or occupier to the claimant. This duty includes maintaining the premises in a reasonably safe condition and adequately warning visitors of any potential hazards.

Another factor to consider is whether the property owner or occupier had actual or constructive knowledge of the hazardous condition. Actual knowledge refers to the awareness of the dangerous condition, while constructive knowledge implies that the property owner or occupier should have known about the hazards through reasonable inspection or maintenance procedures.

Additionally, the claimant’s own conduct may be examined to determine if there was any contributory negligence. If the claimant’s actions contributed to the fall, it may impact the outcome of the case. It is essential to gather evidence that proves the property owner or occupier’s negligence and counters any claims of contributory negligence.

Proving negligence in a fall down injury lawsuit

To prove negligence in a fall down injury lawsuit, the claimant must establish four elements: duty, breach, causation, and damages. The duty of care is the legal obligation owed by the property owner or occupier to visitors. Breach occurs when the property owner or occupier fails to fulfill this duty by allowing a hazardous condition to exist. Causation links the breach of duty to the claimant’s injuries. Finally, damages refer to the physical, emotional, and financial harm suffered by the claimant as a result of the fall.

Evidence is crucial in proving each element of negligence. Witness statements, photographs, and expert opinions can help establish the duty, breach, and causation. Medical records and testimony from healthcare professionals can provide evidence of the damages suffered by the claimant.

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Medical documentation and expert witnesses in fall down injury cases

Medical documentation is vital in fall down injury cases as it provides objective evidence of the injuries sustained. When seeking medical treatment, it is important to accurately describe the circumstances of the fall to healthcare professionals. This ensures that the medical records explicitly state the link between the fall and the injuries suffered.

Expert witnesses can also play a crucial role in fall down injury cases. These professionals, such as orthopedic surgeons or neurologists, can provide their expertise to explain the extent of the injuries, the impact on the claimant’s life, and the potential long-term effects. Their testimony can help the court understand the severity of the injuries and the damages suffered by the claimant.

Calculating damages in a fall down injury lawsuit

Calculating damages in a fall down injury lawsuit involves considering various factors. Economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, and future medical costs. Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering or emotional distress, are more subjective and may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

To accurately calculate damages, it is important to gather all relevant financial documents, including medical bills, receipts, and wage statements. Consult with experts who can provide an estimation of future medical costs or loss of earning capacity. These calculations contribute to presenting a comprehensive picture of the damages suffered by the claimant.

Building a strong legal team for your fall down injury case

When pursuing a fall down injury lawsuit, having a strong legal team is essential. Seek attorneys who specialize in personal injury law and have experience handling fall down injury cases. A knowledgeable attorney can guide you through the legal process, help gather evidence, and negotiate with the opposing party or their insurance company.

In addition to attorneys, consider working with other professionals who can bolster your case. This may include investigators who can gather additional evidence, medical experts who can provide opinions on the injuries, or even vocational experts who can assess the impact on the claimant’s ability to work.

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Common defenses in fall down injury lawsuits

It is important to anticipate and counter common defenses that may be raised in fall down injury lawsuits. One common defense is the claim that the hazardous condition was open and obvious, and the claimant should have been aware of it. To counter this defense, it is crucial to gather evidence that demonstrates the property owner or occupier’s failure to warn or address the hazard adequately.

Another defense is the claim that the claimant’s own negligence or assumption of risk contributed to the fall and subsequent injuries. To counter this defense, it is important to present evidence that highlights the property owner or occupier’s negligence and demonstrates that the claimant’s actions were reasonable under the circumstances.

Conclusion: Steps to take for a successful fall down injury lawsuit

Winning a fall down injury lawsuit in 2024 requires careful preparation and a thorough understanding of the legal landscape. By understanding the complexities of fall down injury cases, gathering compelling evidence, and building a strong legal team, claimants can increase their chances of securing a successful outcome.

Remember to document the scene, gather witness statements, and obtain medical records to strengthen your case. Consult with experts who can provide their professional opinions and calculate the damages accurately. Lastly, work with experienced attorneys who can guide you through the legal process and counter common defenses.

With the right approach and dedication, you can prove your case effectively and secure the compensation you deserve. Don’t leave the outcome of your fall down injury lawsuit to chance; take the necessary steps to build a strong case and increase your chances of success.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:55 am

Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas

Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas 98

If you’ve experienced injuries as a result of an ATV accident in Dallas, seeking justice may be at the forefront of your mind. Filing a lawsuit is a crucial step towards obtaining the compensation you deserve. However, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the intricacies of personal injury law. That’s where we come in.

In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps of filing a lawsuit for injuries sustained in an ATV accident in Dallas. We’ll provide you with valuable information on gathering evidence, determining liability, and navigating the legal system. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to seek justice and secure the compensation you need for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Don’t let the complexities of the legal system deter you from pursuing your rightful claim. With our expert guidance, you can navigate the legal process with ease and maximize your chances of a successful outcome. Let’s get started on your path to justice.

Understanding ATV accidents and personal injury claims

ATV accidents can result in severe injuries, leaving victims struggling physically, emotionally, and financially. Understanding the basics of personal injury claims is crucial to navigate the legal process effectively.

Personal injury claims arise when an individual suffers harm due to the negligence or wrongful conduct of another party. In the case of an ATV accident, negligence can include factors such as reckless driving, inadequate maintenance of the ATV, or failure to adhere to safety guidelines.

To establish a personal injury claim, you must demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of Care: The defendant owed you a duty of care, such as operating the ATV safely.

2. Breach of Duty: The defendant breached their duty of care through negligent actions or omissions.

3. Causation: The defendant’s breach of duty directly caused your injuries.

4. Damages: You suffered actual damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering.

Once you understand the basics of personal injury claims, you can move forward with confidence in pursuing your ATV accident lawsuit.

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Steps to take immediately after an ATV accident

After an ATV accident, taking immediate action is crucial for your safety and building a strong case. Here are the essential steps to follow:

1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the top priority. Even if you don’t feel immediate pain, some injuries may be internal or take time to manifest. Visit a healthcare professional as soon as possible for a thorough evaluation.

2. Report the Accident: Contact the local law enforcement agency to report the ATV accident. This step ensures an official record of the incident, which can be valuable evidence for your lawsuit.

3. Gather Information: Collect essential information from all parties involved in the accident, including their names, contact details, insurance information, and statements. Additionally, gather contact information from any witnesses present at the scene.

4. Document the Scene: Take photographs or videos of the accident scene, including any visible damages, skid marks, or hazardous conditions. These visual records can provide valuable evidence to support your claim.

5. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any physical evidence related to the accident, such as damaged ATV parts or torn clothing. These items can be crucial in proving negligence or liability.

6. Notify Insurance Companies: Contact your insurance company to report the accident and initiate the claims process. However, exercise caution when providing statements or discussing the details of the accident to avoid potential pitfalls.

By following these steps, you lay the foundation for a strong ATV accident lawsuit. Gathering evidence and seeking immediate medical attention are vital for building a compelling case.

Gathering evidence for your ATV accident lawsuit

To strengthen your ATV accident lawsuit, gathering relevant evidence is essential. The more evidence you have, the better your chances of proving negligence and obtaining a favorable outcome. Here are some crucial types of evidence to consider:

1. Medical Records: Obtain copies of all medical records, including diagnosis, treatment plans, prescriptions, and any ongoing therapy or rehabilitation. These records serve as evidence of the extent and impact of your injuries.

2. Witness Statements: Contact any witnesses who were present at the scene of the ATV accident. Request written statements detailing what they saw and heard. Witness testimony can provide valuable perspectives and support your version of events.

3. Photographs and Videos: Compile any visual evidence you collected at the accident scene, including photographs or videos of the damages, injuries, and hazardous conditions. These visual records can help recreate the accident and demonstrate liability.

4. Expert Opinions: Consult with medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, or other relevant professionals who can provide expert opinions on the accident and your injuries. Their expertise can strengthen your case and provide valuable insights.

5. Police Reports: Obtain a copy of the police report filed at the scene of the accident. This report typically contains important details, such as the officer’s observations, witness statements, and any citations issued.

Remember, the strength of your evidence can significantly impact the outcome of your ATV accident lawsuit. Thoroughly document and organize all evidence to present a compelling case.

Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas 102

Finding the right personal injury attorney in Dallas

Navigating the legal system can be challenging without the guidance of an experienced personal injury attorney. When selecting an attorney to handle your ATV accident lawsuit, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney with substantial experience in personal injury law, specifically ATV accidents. They should have a track record of successfully representing clients and obtaining fair compensation.

2. Specialization: Choose an attorney who specializes in personal injury law rather than a general practitioner. Specialized attorneys have in-depth knowledge of the complexities surrounding personal injury claims and can provide the best legal representation.

3. Reputation: Research the attorney’s reputation within the legal community and among past clients. Read reviews, testimonials, and check for any disciplinary actions or complaints filed against them.

4. Resources: Ensure the attorney has the necessary resources to handle your case effectively. This includes access to expert witnesses, investigative tools, and a dedicated support team.

5. Communication and Trust: Schedule consultations with potential attorneys to gauge their communication style and level of trust. You should feel comfortable discussing personal details and confident in their ability to represent your best interests.

Finding the right personal injury attorney is crucial for the success of your ATV accident lawsuit. Take the time to research and choose an attorney who aligns with your needs and goals.

Filing a lawsuit for your ATV accident injuries

Once you’ve gathered evidence and secured legal representation, it’s time to file a lawsuit for your ATV accident injuries. Here’s an overview of the process:

1. Statute of Limitations: Determine the applicable statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in Texas. The statute of limitations sets the time limit within which you must file your lawsuit. Failure to meet this deadline may result in your case being dismissed.

2. Drafting the Complaint: Your attorney will prepare a formal complaint outlining the details of your ATV accident, the injuries sustained, and the damages sought. This document initiates the lawsuit.

3. Serving the Defendant: The complaint must be properly served to the defendant, ensuring they are aware of the lawsuit and have an opportunity to respond. This is typically done by a process server or a sheriff’s deputy.

4. The Defendant’s Response: After being served, the defendant has a specific period to respond to the lawsuit. They may file an answer, admitting or denying the allegations, or motion to dismiss the case.

5. Discovery Phase: The discovery phase allows both parties to gather additional evidence, exchange information, and depose witnesses. This phase is crucial for building a strong case and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing party’s arguments.

The legal process for an ATV accident lawsuit in Dallas

Navigating the legal process for an ATV accident lawsuit in Dallas can be complex. Understanding the various stages can help you prepare for what lies ahead. Here’s an overview of the legal process:

1. Pre-trial Motions: During this stage, both parties may file motions to resolve certain issues before trial. These motions can include requests for summary judgment, which aim to dismiss parts of the case without a trial.

2. Settlement Negotiations: Prior to trial, there may be opportunities for settlement negotiations. Your attorney will work with the defendant’s legal team to reach a fair settlement offer. If a settlement is agreed upon, the case will be resolved without going to trial.

3. Trial: If a settlement cannot be reached, the case will proceed to trial. During the trial, both parties will present their arguments, evidence, and witness testimony. A judge or jury will then render a verdict based on the presented evidence.

4. Appeals: If either party is dissatisfied with the trial outcome, they may file an appeal. The appeals process allows a higher court to review the case for legal errors or procedural mistakes that may have affected the outcome.

Understanding the legal process can help you prepare for what lies ahead in your ATV accident lawsuit. Remember, your attorney will guide you through each stage, ensuring your rights are protected.

Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas 104

Calculating damages for your ATV accident lawsuit

Calculating damages for your ATV accident lawsuit involves determining the full extent of your losses. Damages can be categorized into two main types:

1. Economic Damages: Economic damages are quantifiable losses resulting from the accident, such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and property damage. These damages aim to compensate you for the financial impact of the accident.

2. Non-economic Damages: Non-economic damages are subjective losses that are not easily quantifiable, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium. These damages aim to compensate you for the physical and emotional toll the accident has had on your life.

Calculating damages requires a thorough evaluation of your medical records, financial records, and expert opinions. Your attorney will work with you to accurately determine the full extent of your damages to seek fair compensation.

Negotiating a settlement for your ATV accident case

Many ATV accident lawsuits reach a settlement before proceeding to trial. Settlement negotiations provide an opportunity to resolve the case without the uncertainty and costs associated with a trial. Here are some key points to consider during settlement negotiations:

1. Assessing the Strength of Your Case: Your attorney will evaluate the strength of your case based on the evidence, expert opinions, and applicable laws. This assessment helps determine the value of your claim and provides a starting point for negotiations.

2. Considering Future Damages: Anticipate any future damages resulting from the ATV accident, such as ongoing medical treatments or long-term disabilities. These potential future damages should be factored into settlement negotiations.

3. Understanding Comparative Negligence: Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which means your compensation may be reduced if you are found partially at fault for the accident. Consider this when evaluating settlement offers.

4. Evaluating the Costs of Litigation: Assess the potential costs and risks associated with going to trial. This evaluation should include legal fees, expert witness fees, and the likelihood of success at trial.

Negotiating a settlement requires careful consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Work closely with your attorney to achieve a fair settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and losses.

Going to trial for your ATV accident lawsuit

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your ATV accident lawsuit will proceed to trial. While trials can be complex and time-consuming, they provide an opportunity to present your case before a judge or jury. Here are some key aspects of going to trial:

1. Jury Selection: If your case goes to trial, a jury will be selected. Your attorney will work to select jurors who are impartial and likely to rule in your favor based on the evidence presented.

2. Opening Statements: Both parties will present opening statements outlining their arguments and what they intend to prove during the trial. These statements set the stage for the presentation of evidence.

3. Presentation of Evidence: Each party will present their evidence, including witness testimony, expert opinions, and any other relevant documentation. Your attorney will work to present a compelling case that proves the defendant’s negligence and your resulting injuries.

4. Closing Arguments: After the presentation of evidence, both parties will have an opportunity to deliver closing arguments summarizing their case and urging the judge or jury to rule in their favor.

5. Verdict: The judge or jury will deliberate and render a verdict based on the evidence presented during the trial. If the verdict is in your favor, you may be awarded compensation for your injuries and losses.

Going to trial can be a lengthy and complex process. Your attorney will guide you through every step, ensuring your rights are protected and your case is effectively presented.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Filing a lawsuit for injuries sustained in an ATV accident in Dallas is a crucial step towards obtaining the compensation you deserve. By understanding the intricacies of personal injury law, gathering strong evidence, and working with an experienced attorney, you can navigate the legal process with confidence.

Remember to take immediate action after an ATV accident, gather relevant evidence, and seek the guidance of a specialized personal injury attorney. Whether you reach a settlement or go to trial, your pursuit of justice can lead to fair compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Don’t let the complexities of the legal system deter you from seeking the justice you deserve. With our expert guidance, you can confidently move forward and secure the compensation needed to rebuild your life after an ATV accident in Dallas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:06 pm

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas

Monday, January 1, 2024
Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 106

Are you a victim of a car accident in Dallas caused by an uninsured motorist? Navigating the legal process can feel like a daunting maze. However, understanding the essential requirements to sue an uninsured motorist can make a significant difference in your case. In this article, we will explore the key steps you need to take to protect your rights and seek compensation for your damages.

First and foremost, it is crucial to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This includes obtaining a police report, taking photographs of the accident scene and property damage, and collecting witness statements if applicable. Additionally, it is essential to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you through the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.

While dealing with an uninsured motorist can be challenging, knowing the necessary requirements for filing a lawsuit can help you navigate through the complexities of your case. Don’t let the lack of insurance coverage deter you from seeking the compensation you deserve. By understanding the legal steps and seeking professional advice, you can pursue justice and ensure your rights are upheld.

Understanding uninsured motorists

Car accidents happen every day, and unfortunately, some drivers neglect their responsibility to carry auto insurance. These uninsured motorists put innocent victims at risk and create additional challenges when it comes to seeking compensation for damages. Uninsured motorists are individuals who do not have liability insurance coverage to pay for the damages they cause in an accident.

Without insurance coverage, victims of car accidents with uninsured motorists may face significant financial burdens. Medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages can quickly add up, leaving victims feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward. However, it’s essential to remember that you have legal options to pursue compensation and hold the uninsured motorist accountable for their actions.

Why suing an uninsured motorist is necessary

Suing an uninsured motorist is necessary to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. While insurance coverage should ideally handle these situations, the reality is that not all drivers comply with this requirement. By pursuing legal action, you can ensure that the responsible party is held accountable for their actions and that you receive the compensation you need to recover from the accident.

Moreover, by filing a lawsuit against the uninsured motorist, you are also sending a message to other drivers that negligence will not go unpunished. This can potentially discourage others from driving without insurance and contribute to making the roads safer for everyone.

Statutory requirements for suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas

In Dallas, there are specific statutory requirements that must be met to successfully sue an uninsured motorist. These requirements exist to protect both the victim and the uninsured motorist in the legal process. Here are some essential statutory requirements to keep in mind:

1. Notification: You must notify your insurance company within a certain timeframe after the accident. Failure to do so may result in your claim being denied.

2. Cooperation: You must cooperate with your insurance company’s investigation of the accident. This may include providing necessary documentation, participating in recorded statements, and attending medical examinations.

3. Evidence: You must provide evidence that the uninsured motorist was at fault for the accident and that you have suffered damages as a result. This may include police reports, photographs, witness statements, medical records, and other relevant evidence.

Meeting these statutory requirements is crucial to building a strong case against the uninsured motorist. It is advisable to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure that you fulfill these requirements.

Gathering evidence to support your case

To successfully sue an uninsured motorist, you must gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This evidence will help establish fault, prove negligence, and demonstrate the extent of your damages. Here are some crucial pieces of evidence to collect:

1. Police report: Obtain a copy of the police report filed at the scene of the accident. This report will contain important details about the accident, including any citations issued to the uninsured motorist.

2. Photographs: Take photographs of the accident scene, property damage, and any visible injuries you sustained. These photographs can provide visual evidence of the impact and help establish the severity of the accident.

3. Witness statements: If there were any witnesses to the accident, try to obtain their contact information and statements. Witness testimony can provide additional support to your claim and help establish the uninsured motorist’s negligence.

4. Medical records: Keep records of all medical treatments you receive as a result of the accident. This includes hospital visits, surgeries, physical therapy, and any ongoing medical care. These records will help calculate the extent of your damages and the compensation you deserve.

By gathering comprehensive evidence, you strengthen your case and increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. Remember to preserve all documentation related to the accident, as it will be critical during the legal process.

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 108

Filing a claim with your insurance company

After gathering the necessary evidence, it’s time to file a claim with your insurance company. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible about the accident involving an uninsured motorist. Provide them with all the relevant information, including the police report, photographs, and witness statements.

Your insurance company will initiate an investigation into the accident and review your claim. It is important to cooperate fully with your insurance company during this process. Be prepared to answer questions, provide additional documentation if requested, and attend any necessary medical examinations.

Keep in mind that your insurance policy may have certain limitations and exclusions when it comes to uninsured motorist coverage. Consult with your personal injury attorney to ensure that you understand the terms of your policy and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Hiring a personal injury attorney

Navigating the legal process of suing an uninsured motorist can be complex and overwhelming. That’s why it is highly recommended to hire an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in these types of cases. An attorney will provide invaluable guidance, protect your rights, and advocate for your best interests throughout the legal proceedings.

When choosing a personal injury attorney, look for someone with a track record of success in handling uninsured motorist cases. They should have a deep understanding of the relevant laws and regulations in Dallas and be familiar with the tactics insurance companies may use to deny or minimize claims.

Your attorney will handle all aspects of your case, including gathering additional evidence, negotiating with the insurance company, and representing you in court if necessary. Having an experienced advocate by your side ensures that you have the best chance of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

The legal process of suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas

Once you have hired a personal injury attorney, they will guide you through the legal process of suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas. The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Demand letter: Your attorney will draft a demand letter that outlines your claim, including the details of the accident, the uninsured motorist’s negligence, and the damages you have suffered. This letter will be sent to the uninsured motorist and their insurance company, if applicable, to initiate settlement negotiations.

2. Mediation and settlement negotiations: In many cases, the parties involved will attempt to reach a settlement through mediation. Mediation is a process where a neutral third party facilitates negotiations between the victim, their attorney, and the uninsured motorist or their insurance company. The goal is to reach a fair settlement that compensates the victim for their damages without going to trial.

3. Going to trial and obtaining a judgment: If a settlement cannot be reached, your case may proceed to trial. Your attorney will present your case before a judge or jury, arguing for your right to compensation. If successful, the court will issue a judgment in your favor, determining the amount of compensation you are entitled to.

The legal process of suing an uninsured motorist can be lengthy and complex. However, with the guidance and expertise of your personal injury attorney, you can navigate through the process and ensure that your rights are upheld.

Mediation and settlement negotiations

When pursuing a lawsuit against an uninsured motorist in Dallas, the first step is often attempting mediation and settlement negotiations. Mediation is a process where a neutral third party facilitates communication between the parties involved in the dispute to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. It is an opportunity for both parties to discuss their concerns and explore possible solutions.

During mediation, your personal injury attorney will present your case and argue for fair compensation for your damages. This may include medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The goal is to reach a settlement that adequately compensates you for your losses without the need for a lengthy and costly trial.

It is important to note that mediation is not always successful, and the uninsured motorist may refuse to cooperate or agree to a fair settlement. In such cases, it may be necessary to proceed to the next step in the legal process, which is going to trial and obtaining a judgment.

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 110

Steps to Protecting Yourself from the Financial Impact of an Uninsured Motorist

Did you know that even if you have car insurance, you might still be at risk of financial hardship if you get into an accident with an uninsured motorist? It’s true, and it’s a situation that no one wants to find themselves in. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from the financial impact of an uninsured motorist.

By being proactive and well-informed, you can ensure that you’re prepared for any unexpected incidents on the road. Don’t let an uninsured driver leave you in a financial bind. Take control of your financial well-being and protect yourself from the potential consequences of an accident with an uninsured motorist.

Understanding the risks of driving without insurance

Driving without insurance is not only illegal but also puts you at significant financial risk. If you get into an accident with an uninsured motorist and they are found to be at fault, you may be left to cover the costs of repairs, medical bills, and other damages yourself. This can quickly add up to a substantial financial burden that could take years to recover from.

In addition to the financial consequences, driving without insurance can also lead to legal troubles. Depending on the laws in your state or country, you may face fines, license suspension, or even imprisonment for driving without proper insurance coverage. It’s crucial to understand the risks involved and take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

The financial consequences of an uninsured motorist accident

Getting into an accident with an uninsured motorist can have severe financial implications. Without insurance coverage, you may be responsible for paying for repairs to your vehicle, medical expenses, and other damages out of pocket. If you don’t have substantial savings or assets to rely on, this can quickly lead to financial hardship.

Furthermore, even if you have insurance, not all policies offer coverage for accidents with uninsured motorists. It’s essential to review your policy carefully and understand the extent of your coverage. If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, now is the time to consider adding it to your policy to protect yourself from potential financial setbacks.

Pursuing compensation through uninsured motorist coverage

One of the most effective ways to protect yourself financially from an uninsured motorist is by pursuing compensation through your own insurance policy’s uninsured motorist coverage. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Understand Your Coverage

Review your insurance policy to understand the details of your uninsured motorist coverage. Familiarize yourself with the limits and conditions of the policy, including any exclusions or restrictions that may apply.

2. File a Claim

In the event of an accident with an uninsured motorist, file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with all the necessary documentation, including the police report, photographs, and witness statements. Be prepared to provide a detailed account of the accident and any resulting injuries or damages.

3. Negotiate Fair Compensation

Your insurance company may try to settle for a lower amount than you deserve. It’s important to negotiate and advocate for fair compensation. If necessary, consult with your attorney to ensure you’re receiving the full extent of coverage you’re entitled to.

Pursuing compensation through your uninsured motorist coverage is a proactive step in protecting yourself from the financial impact of an uninsured driver. By understanding your coverage and advocating for fair compensation, you can minimize the potential financial burden of an accident.

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 112

Preventative measures to protect yourself from uninsured motorists

While accidents with uninsured motorists can be challenging to avoid entirely, there are preventative measures you can take to protect yourself and reduce the risk. Here are some steps you can implement today:

1. Maintain Adequate Insurance Coverage

Ensure that you have sufficient insurance coverage to protect yourself in the event of an accident with an uninsured motorist. Review your policy regularly to make sure it aligns with your needs and provides adequate protection.

2. Install Dash Cams

Invest in a dash cam for your vehicle. Dash cams can provide crucial evidence in the event of an accident, helping prove fault and protect your interests. Having video footage can be particularly beneficial when dealing with uninsured drivers.

3. Exercise Defensive Driving

Practice defensive driving techniques to minimize the risk of accidents with uninsured motorists. Stay alert, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, and obey traffic laws. Being proactive and cautious on the road can help you avoid collisions and reduce the likelihood of encountering uninsured drivers.

Taking preventative measures can significantly reduce the potential financial impact of an accident with an uninsured motorist. By maintaining adequate insurance coverage, installing dash cams, and practicing defensive driving, you can mitigate the risks associated with uninsured drivers.

Conclusion: Protecting yourself against uninsured motorists

Dealing with an uninsured motorist can be a challenging and frustrating experience. However, by understanding the necessary requirements for suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas and seeking professional advice, you can pursue justice and ensure your rights are upheld.

Remember to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim, file a claim with your insurance company, and hire an experienced personal injury attorney to guide you through the legal process. By taking these essential steps, you can protect yourself against uninsured motorists and seek the compensation you deserve.

Don’t let the lack of insurance coverage deter you from seeking justice. With the right knowledge and support, you can navigate the legal maze and achieve a favorable outcome in your case. Take action today to protect your rights and hold the uninsured motorist accountable for their actions.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:17 pm

Protecting Your Rights: Why an Experienced Attorney is Essential in Amputation Cases

Friday, October 6, 2023
Amputation Cases

When it comes to amputation cases, protecting your rights is essential. Navigating the legal complexities of these cases requires the expertise of an experienced attorney who specializes in personal injury law. Whether you have suffered a traumatic injury resulting in an amputation or you are advocating for a loved one, having a skilled legal professional in your corner can make all the difference.

An amputation is a life-altering event that can result in significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges. From medical expenses and rehabilitation costs to lost wages and long-term care, the impact can be overwhelming. However, with the help of an experienced attorney, you can ensure that your rights are protected and seek the compensation you deserve.

An attorney who specializes in amputation cases has a deep understanding of the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the intricacies of the medical field. They will work tirelessly to gather evidence, consult with medical experts, and build a strong case on your behalf. Their goal is to secure a fair settlement or win a favorable verdict that provides the financial support you need for a brighter future.

Don’t face the legal battle alone. Consult with an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and help you navigate the complex process of an amputation case.

Understanding amputation cases

Amputation cases involve the loss of a limb, either partially or completely, due to a traumatic injury or a medical condition. These cases can arise from various circumstances, including car accidents, workplace accidents, medical malpractice, and defective products. The physical, emotional, and financial impact of amputation can be devastating, making it crucial to seek legal assistance to protect your rights.

Amputations can result in a wide range of challenges, including the need for extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care. Additionally, individuals who have undergone amputations often face significant emotional and psychological hurdles as they adjust to their new reality. An experienced attorney can provide the support and guidance needed to navigate these challenges and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

The importance of legal representation in amputation cases

When facing an amputation case, having an experienced attorney by your side is crucial. These complex legal proceedings require a deep understanding of the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the intricacies of the medical field. A skilled attorney will have the knowledge and resources to build a strong case on your behalf, maximizing your chances of obtaining fair compensation.

One of the primary reasons for seeking legal representation in amputation cases is to ensure that your rights are protected and upheld. An attorney will advocate for you, fighting against insurance companies and opposing legal teams to secure a favorable outcome. They will work tirelessly to gather evidence, consult with medical experts, and build a comprehensive case that highlights the impact of the amputation on your life.

Common causes of amputations and legal implications

Amputations can occur as a result of various causes, each with its own legal implications. Car accidents, for example, are a common cause of traumatic amputations. In these cases, an attorney can help determine liability and pursue compensation from the responsible party. Workplace accidents, on the other hand, may involve workers’ compensation claims and potential negligence lawsuits against employers or third parties.

Medical malpractice can also lead to amputations, particularly in cases where delayed diagnosis, surgical errors, or infections occur. In such instances, an attorney specializing in medical malpractice can investigate the circumstances surrounding the amputation and hold the responsible healthcare professionals accountable.

Defective products, such as faulty machinery or dangerous prescription drugs, can also result in amputations. In these cases, a product liability claim may be filed against the manufacturer or distributor. An experienced attorney will navigate the complexities of these cases, ensuring that all potential avenues for compensation are explored.

The role of an experienced attorney in amputation cases

An experienced attorney specializing in amputation cases plays a crucial role in helping you navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, leveraging their understanding of personal injury law, medical terminology, and the intricacies of amputation cases.

One of the primary responsibilities of an attorney in an amputation case is to gather evidence. This includes reviewing medical records, consulting with medical experts, interviewing witnesses, and reconstructing the events that led to the amputation. By meticulously collecting and analyzing evidence, an attorney can build a strong case that establishes the liability of the responsible party.

Additionally, an attorney will handle all communication and negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf. Insurance companies often try to minimize payouts or deny claims altogether, making it crucial to have a skilled negotiator on your side. An attorney will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and other damages resulting from the amputation.

Gathering evidence and building a strong case

In amputation cases, evidence plays a crucial role in determining liability and securing fair compensation. An experienced attorney will leave no stone unturned when it comes to gathering evidence to support your case. They will review medical records, consult with medical experts, and interview witnesses to establish a clear timeline of events and demonstrate the impact of the amputation on your life.

Medical experts play a crucial role in amputation cases, as they can provide insights into the cause of the amputation, the extent of the injuries, and the long-term consequences. An attorney will work closely with these experts to ensure that their opinions are accurately represented in your case. Their testimony can be instrumental in establishing the negligence or wrongdoing of the responsible party.

In some cases, accident reconstruction specialists may be consulted to recreate the events leading up to the amputation. This can help establish liability and strengthen your case. An attorney will leverage their network of experts and resources to gather the necessary evidence and build a compelling argument on your behalf.

Negotiating with insurance companies and handling settlements

Insurance companies play a significant role in amputation cases, as they are often responsible for providing compensation to cover medical expenses and other damages. However, insurance companies are notorious for trying to minimize payouts or deny claims altogether. This is where an experienced attorney can make a substantial difference.

An attorney will handle all communication and negotiations with insurance companies, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation. They will leverage their knowledge of personal injury law, the value of amputation cases, and their negotiation skills to secure the best possible outcome for you. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, an attorney will be prepared to take your case to court and fight for your rights in front of a judge and jury.

Seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering

Amputations can result in significant financial burdens, including medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and long-term care. Additionally, the loss of a limb can have a profound impact on your ability to work and earn a living. An experienced attorney will work tirelessly to seek compensation for these damages and ensure that you receive the financial support you need for a brighter future.

In an amputation case, compensation may include medical expenses, both current and future, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, rehabilitation costs, and pain and suffering. An attorney will assess the full extent of your damages and pursue the maximum compensation available under the law. They will fight for your rights and advocate for your best interests, ensuring that you are not left burdened by the financial consequences of the amputation.

The emotional and psychological impact of amputation and the attorney’s role in providing support

Amputations not only result in physical challenges but also have a profound emotional and psychological impact on individuals. Adjusting to life with a missing limb can be incredibly difficult, and the emotional toll should not be overlooked. An experienced attorney understands the holistic nature of amputation cases and can provide the support and guidance needed to navigate these challenges.

Throughout the legal process, an attorney will serve as your advocate and provide the emotional support you need. They will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide reassurance during the most challenging times. Additionally, they can connect you with support groups, therapists, and other resources that can help you cope with the emotional and psychological consequences of the amputation.

Finding the right attorney for your amputation case

Finding the right attorney to handle your amputation case is crucial for the success of your claim. When searching for legal representation, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney who specializes in personal injury law and has a proven track record of handling amputation cases. Experience matters when it comes to navigating the complexities of these cases and achieving favorable outcomes.

2. Expertise: Ensure that the attorney has a deep understanding of the medical field and can effectively communicate with medical experts. This knowledge is essential for building a strong case and advocating for your rights.

3. Resources: A well-equipped law firm with a network of experts and resources can significantly strengthen your case. Consider the firm’s capabilities and the support they can provide throughout the legal process.

4. Communication: Effective communication is essential when working with an attorney. Look for someone who is responsive, attentive, and willing to keep you informed every step of the way.

5. Reputation: Research the attorney’s reputation in the legal community and read reviews from past clients. A positive reputation is a good indicator of their professionalism and dedication to their clients.

Conclusion: The significance of hiring an experienced attorney in amputation cases

Amputation cases are complex legal proceedings that require the expertise of an experienced attorney. These skilled professionals will fight for your rights, navigate the legal complexities, and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for the physical, emotional, and financial impact of the amputation.

Don’t face the legal battle alone. Consult with an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and help you navigate the complex process of an amputation case. With their knowledge, resources, and dedication, you can seek justice and secure a brighter future.

In conclusion, when it comes to amputation cases, an experienced attorney is essential for protecting your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve. These complex legal proceedings require deep knowledge of personal injury law, the medical field, and the intricacies of amputation cases. With their expertise, attorneys can gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and build a strong case on your behalf. They understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges of amputations and will fight for your rights throughout the legal process. If you or a loved one has experienced an amputation, don’t hesitate to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in these cases. They will provide the support and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of the legal system and seek justice for the impact the amputation has had on your life.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:33 pm

Is Your Lawyer Selling You Out? 7 Signs To Look For

Friday, August 11, 2023

It is imperative to have competent, professional, experienced and reliable legal advice when involved in a personal injury case. It is best to employ a Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Personal Injury Law. Only 3% of Personal Injury Attorneys are board certified in Texas. It is an elite group of professionals in personal injury law in Texas.

Managing and progressing a Personal Injury case can be very difficult, especially if the victim is suffering with long-term injuries and the related ill effects after the accident. It is absolutely crucial that the injured have someone to trust to navigate what can be an extremely traumatic incident.

A competent, experienced personal injury lawyer is the key to ensuring that the victim of an accident receives the financial assistance and compensation that they are entitled to – the right personal injury lawyer could be the difference between you being awarded damages of $10,000, and receiving compensation of $500,000.

Determining whether a lawyer is selling you out or acting against your best interests is difficult to know for sure. If you suspect your lawyer may not be acting ethically or is betraying your trust, consider the following:

  1. Trust Your Instincts: If you have a gut feeling that something is amiss or that your lawyer is not acting in your best interest, take this feeling seriously. Pay attention to any red flags or inconsistencies in their behavior.
  2. Communication: Open and clear communication is crucial. If you feel that your lawyer is not keeping you informed about your case, is avoiding your calls or emails, or is not providing satisfactory explanations for their actions, it could be a sign that something is wrong.
  3. Review Your Case: Educate yourself about the details of your case and the legal proceedings involved. This will help you identify any discrepancies or actions that seem to go against your interests.
  4. Get a Second Opinion: If you have doubts about your lawyer’s advice or actions, consider seeking a second opinion from another attorney. Another lawyer may provide a fresh perspective and help you understand whether your current lawyer is acting ethically.
  5. Check for Conflicts of Interest: Lawyers have a duty to avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise their representation of you. If you suspect your lawyer has a conflict of interest that is affecting their representation, discuss your concerns with them and ask for an explanation.
  6. Monitor Billing and Fees: Keep track of the fees and expenses associated with your case. If you notice unexplained or excessive charges, it could be a sign that your lawyer is taking advantage of you.
  7. Research and Feedback: Look for any negative feedback or complaints about your lawyer online. This could provide insights into their reputation and behavior.
  8. Consult Legal Ethics Guidelines: Each jurisdiction has its own set of ethical rules and guidelines that lawyers are required to follow. Research the ethical rules that apply in your area to see if your lawyer’s actions raise any concerns.
  9. Report Misconduct: If you believe your lawyer is engaging in unethical or inappropriate behavior, you can consider filing a complaint with the appropriate legal authorities or bar association in your jurisdiction. They can investigate your concerns and take appropriate action if necessary.
  10. Consult a Different Attorney: If your suspicions persist and you believe your current lawyer is indeed selling you out, consider seeking legal advice from a different attorney. They can guide you on how to address the situation and protect your interests.

Remember, it’s important to maintain a balanced perspective and gather as much information as possible before making any accusations. Not every misunderstanding or disagreement indicates that your lawyer is selling you out, but it’s essential to take your concerns seriously and take appropriate steps to address them.

Symptoms that may Indicate Your Attorney is Selling You out

Your Attorney Regularly Misses Deadlines and Meetings 

For a variety of reasons, attorneys keep appointments and adhere to deadlines. To make sure your case has the best possibility of succeeding in your favor, for example. Additionally, lawyers do this to demonstrate their professionalism and ethical behavior, as well as the seriousness with which they approach each case. According to the statute of limitations, a claim’s supporting documentation must be handled and provided to the court. 

According to the American Bar Association, a lawyer’s failure to submit the documentation required to advance the case results in 8.6% of legal malpractice cases. Legal malpractice may have occurred in this situation if the attorney’s inability to prioritize the case made it worse. It’s crucial to find a lawyer who can handle your case professionally while also respecting your time and work if you want a well-organized, trouble-free case.

Your attorney seems disinterested in your case.

You should anticipate having a professional connection with your attorney if you engage them and they consent to represent you in court. This connection enables the attorney and client to work together, discover morally superior common ground, and advance toward a shared objective. Both parties in a relationship should hold the other one responsible for fulfilling the conditions necessary for a lawsuit to be successful. However, a lawyer who treats their client with respect will stand out to everyone concerned.

Recognizing that the primary reason clients come to them for legal assistance, be careful to choose a lawyer who demonstrates interest in the case overall as well as respect for your time. If a lawyer doesn’t respond to you in a timely manner, as a possible client in need of assistance, look for someone who will make you feel as though they are constantly putting you first. 

An indifferent lawyer frequently hurries clients, is unable to provide appropriate decision-making processes, and requires more openness regarding the client’s legal knowledge. The customer feels uneasy as a result of this failure since they are unaware of how the case will turn out. Avoid hiring a lawyer who is primarily interested in the case’s financial outcome. Your attorney ought to respect any worries you have about your case.

Your attorney is pressuring you to quickly decide to resolve your case.

If you feel that your attorney is pressuring you to resolve the dispute quickly, it’s time to reconsider your course of action before making a choice based more on expediency than morality or reason. A lawyer is available to help clients understand the matter while also guiding them through it. It is important for prospective clients to choose a lawyer who seeks to help them make judgments based on their comprehension of the case while knowing what’s best for them as many people seeking legal assistance are unfamiliar with the legal procedures. 

The lawyer has demonstrated that they do not have your best interests in mind if you are being pressured to make significant decisions immediately or if you are unable to comprehend what is happening in the case. Find a reliable person who will go above and above to calm your anxiety by explaining the fundamentals of that particular court case rather than just offering advice on what to do next. Keep in mind that your relationship with your lawyer is reciprocal. You can decide on these things jointly. 

Not only does the lawyer not return your calls, but neither do they.

It is in your best interest to send a certified letter to your lawyer’s office criticizing the failure to communicate correctly and informing them you are considering finding a new lawyer if things don’t change if your lawyer is unable to return your calls or ignores your calls in general. In order to achieve maximum compensation, good communication between the client and the attorney must continue throughout the process. 

Clients can examine Rule 1.4 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct of the American Bar Association, which describes how a lawyer should maintain communication. Even if it differs from case to case, having a general idea of what to anticipate from your attorney will help you be more prepared for the case if there are any communication problems. 

Lack of Honesty and Transparency in Payments and Billing

To establish a strong client-attorney relationship, one of the top challenges and worries for persons wanting to hire counsel is having to deal with a lack of transparency surrounding invoicing and payments. It is typical for customers to require to be informed of how and how much a lawyer will charge them. There are ways to reduce uncertainty before it arises, even though you cannot always assume that a client will have the information necessary to understand how lawyers use their time and calculate a cost. 

When selecting a lawyer, being up front about your payment and billing problems will help them gauge your level of comprehension and your expectations. There are ways to submit a complaint if you believe your lawyer has misled or lied to you about payments if the transparency issue is out of the client’s control. 

Lack of confidence in front of the judge and in the courtroom

Clients may find themselves in an awkward situation if they observe their lawyer displaying a lack of confidence when he or she is representing them in court. Most people would imagine they wouldn’t have to confront their attorney about their lack of confidence in the courtroom. Although clients can discuss these issues in a mature and acceptable manner, they do not want or desire the additional unease of having to face their lawyer’s prestige. 

Before selecting a lawyer to represent you, it is crucial to conduct extensive research on their background and philosophy because confidence and reputation go hand in hand. This study assures a smooth process and helps prevent any awkward encounters in the future. 

Ignores your questions and refuses to respond to them 

Customers need to recognize that asking rapid questions won’t always result in quick responses. While a lawyer’s role is to assist clients with their legal inquiries, it is also their responsibility to fully comprehend the issues the client is posing in order to provide comprehensive responses. A smart, systematic attorney will be aware of the proper window of time for responding to clients’ inquiries. 

There is a way if you discover that your attorney consistently sidesteps your questions and it seriously jeopardizes the case. In the event that your demands are appropriate, you can submit a certified letter to the lawyer’s office criticizing their inability to communicate effectively and informing them that it is in your best interest to look for a lawyer who can meet your needs.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 7:13 am

What Is Double Indemnity in a Personal Injury Case in 2023?

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Double indemnity is a type of clause often found in life insurance policies. It is a provision that allows a claimant to recover additional money – generally, a double payout – in the event of an accidental death. Unfortunately, insurance companies often prevent clients from receiving the financial recovery they deserve through double indemnity clauses, such as by making it hard to prove that a death was accidental. You may need help with double indemnity from a personal injury lawyer.

What Is Double Indemnity?

Double indemnity refers to a life insurance policy provision that allows claimants to receive larger payouts if the insured individual died as a result of an accident or unintentional injuries. In most cases, double indemnity allows for double or even triple payouts. A death may be classified as accidental for insurance purposes if it stems from any of the following circumstances:

  • Act of violence/homicide
  • Car or truck accident
  • Choking or suffocation
  • Defective product or machinery incident
  • Drowning
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Medical malpractice
  • Slip and fall accident
  • Workplace incident

Obtaining benefits through a double indemnity clause generally requires proof that the death was accidental. This may take evidence such as a police report, a coroner’s report, expert witness testimony and medical records. You and your family may also have to go up against the insurance company with a lawsuit to obtain the financial compensation you deserve through a double indemnity clause.

While your insurance company may try to argue over the accidental nature of a death, most policies will have some clear exclusions. Double indemnity normally does not cover any of the following:

  • Suicide,
  • Heart disease,
  • Cancer,
  • Long-term illness or disability,
  • Negligence of the insured, and
  • Murder caused or conspired to by a beneficiary of the policy.

If the cause of your loved one’s death is unknown or undetermined, the insurer is not yet required to pay the claim. However, once the majority of evidence shows the insured died of accidental causes, then the insurance company will need to pay.

Double Indemnity in a Personal Injury Case in 2023

How Does Double Indemnity Insurance Work?

Double Indemnity Clause

To clarify, a double indemnity clause is language within an insurance policy specifying that double indemnity applies to the contract. This means that if an insurance policy includes a double indemnity clause, the insurer must pay at least double the limits of the policy upon the accidental death of the insured party. Some double indemnity policies require insurers to pay three or more times the policy limit upon the insured’s accidental death.

Accidental Death 

A unique feature of double indemnity is that the insured’s death must be accidental for the insurance company to pay the claim. In the United States, accidental death is the fourth leading cause of death. However, only 5% of all deaths each year are accidental. Hundreds of thousands more people die of heart disease and cancer. Because of this relatively low incidence of accidental death, insurance companies rarely have to pay out double indemnity claims.

Double indemnity policies can be an integral part of a wrongful death lawsuit. The evidence used to prove accidental death for the claim may also be used in the lawsuit. If you are facing the challenge of navigating both a wrongful death lawsuit and a double indemnity insurance policy, speak with experienced legal counsel right away. Our team at The Law Office of Aaron Herbert can help you.

What Issues Might You Encounter With a Double Indemnity Clause?

It is important to realize that the insurance company receiving your claim does not want to maximize your payout. It wants to pay you as little as possible to protect its own profits. The insurance company can come up with many reasons to deny a double indemnity clause. One of the most common excuses is that the death was not accidental. It may be up to you or your personal injury attorney to prove that it was accidental and that you qualify for double indemnity under the insurance policy. Another excuse insurance companies often give is that the death qualifies as a policy exception. Read the fine print of your life insurance policy to understand the exceptions to your double indemnity clause. Common exceptions are deaths caused by suicide, the decedent’s own negligence or intoxication, natural causes, and murder by one of the beneficiaries listed on the policy. Finally, your double indemnity clause may be denied if the insurance company is guilty of bad faith. Insurance bad faith is the rejection of benefits or diminishment of a client’s payout without a valid reason. An insurance company may be guilty of bad faith if it knowingly or intentionally mishandles your claim to protect its own profits. If you suspect insurance bad faith, contact an attorney for assistance with a separate bad-faith claim.

What Should You Do If Your Insurance Company Denies Your Claim?

Outright Denials of a Double Indemnity Claim

Even when it is clear that a death was accidental, as in the case of a well-documented motor vehicle accident, insurance companies often try to avoid paying claims. However, you can dispute the denial of a double indemnity claim. Your policy may explain the dispute process, and an experienced lawyer can help.

When the insurance company denies a claim, the burden is on you to challenge the denial. Sometimes, you can challenge the denial of double indemnity with further evidence of accidental death. Sometimes, a resolution can be negotiated out-of-court in a settlement. Speak with a knowledgeable wrongful death attorney to understand your rights.

Bad Faith Denials of Double Indemnity Claims

In cases where a death certificate lists an undetermined or ambiguous cause of death, an insurance company may deny a double indemnity insurance claim before waiting for all the evidence. If a reasonable insurance company would have honored the claim, you may have a claim against the insurance company for bad faith.

Indications that your insurance company is acting in bad faith include:

  • Claim denials without explanation or with no reasonable explanation,
  • Unusual or unnecessary delays in processing claims and communications, and
  • Unreasonably low offer to settle your claim.

Even if your insurance company makes you an offer to settle, you are under no obligation to accept it.

Why You Should Hire a Lawyer to Handle Double Indemnity Claims

When you are seeking double indemnity after a loved one’s death, having an attorney to guide you through the claims process can be an invaluable resource. An experienced wrongful death attorney should be prepared to fight all the way to court for you against an insurance company that denies rightful payment of accidental death claims. With knowledgeable legal representation, you can improve your chances of receiving the double indemnity compensation you are owed after a devastating accidental death.

How to Handle Your Life Insurance Claim

If you are filing a claim to recover benefits under a double indemnity clause, be careful what you say to the representative in charge. Remember, the insurance company does not have your family’s best interests in mind. Before you accept a life insurance settlement, bring the offer to a personal injury lawyer to confirm that it is a fair and full amount. A lawyer can help you negotiate with the insurance company for a fair payout or appeal a denied claim, if applicable.
If your loved one recently passed away under unexpected or preventable circumstances, consult with a wrongful death attorney about your family’s legal rights. An attorney can guide you through a double indemnity clause in your loved one’s life insurance policy and/or represent you during a wrongful death lawsuit in Dallas. An attorney can also help you with an insurance bad-faith claim if your double indemnity clause is wrongfully denied. Learn more today by contacting The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:56 pm

What’s the Difference Between Lost Wages and Loss of Earning Capacity?

Friday, March 24, 2023

It is crucial to understand the difference between lost wages and the loss of earning capacity. This could help you obtain maximum compensation for your injury claim. A serious accident can impact your life in many detrimental ways.

This could include making it impossible to go back to work, either temporarily or permanently. Texas law allows an injured accident victim to seek financial recovery for the economic loss of missed time at work, both in the past and future.

What’s the Difference Between Lost Wages and Loss of Earning Capacity? 117

What Are Lost Wages?

Lost wages are the money you would have earned if you were not hurt in an accident and had to miss work while you recovered.

It includes all the money you would have made like your salary, tips, vacation pay, and other benefits. It helps make up for the money you lost while you were in the hospital, getting treatment, or not able to work.

What Is Loss of Earning Capacity?

Loss of earning capacity means that you cannot earn as much money as you did before because of a permanent injury or disability from an accident.

This category of damage is only applicable to victims who have experienced life-altering injuries and disabilities. These injuries may include a spinal cord injury that results in paralysis, permanent brain damage, or an amputation.

Lost earning capacity can also refer to the difference between what the victim used to make before the injury and what they can make now, considering their new level of ability.

For instance, the victim’s employer might decide to keep them as a part-time employee instead of a full-time employee. In such a case, the victim could be eligible for the difference between their previous salary and their current salary. This would serve as compensation for their lost earning capacity.

If the victim’s injury prevents them from working in any capacity, they might still be eligible for compensation. They may be able to get back the full amount of their lost salary for the number of years they would have been able to work. This amount would be adjusted for possible raises, promotions, and inflation. Also, the victim may also receive compensation for their lost 401K benefits, stock options, and retirement benefits.

The value of the compensation depends on various factors. This could include the extent of the disability, the age and overall health of the victim, and their income before and after the accident.

How Do You Prove Losses of Income?

If you get injured in an accident in Dallas that takes you out of work you have options. If you are unable to work for a brief period or the foreseeable future, call us to discuss your options. You may be eligible for financial compensation for past, current and future lost wages. It is up to you or your personal injury lawyer, however, to prove your losses of income before you can recover for them financially.

Pay stubs, employment documents, W2s, tax documents, a letter from your employer, and medical records can prove lost wages. Customer invoices and billing statements can help as well. To recover for lost wages and lost capacity to earn, you or your attorney must show you had income losses before the lawsuit and will lose earnings after.

What Is the Average Settlement for Lost Wages and Loss of Earning Capacity?

There is no average settlement amount for lost wages in Texas. Every injury claim and client is unique. The value placed on your lost earnings and capacity to earn will depend on many factors. Some of these could include your age, injury and income.

For an in-depth case review and an accurate evaluation of your lost wage value, contact an attorney in Dallas today. An experienced workplace injury lawyer can help you negotiate for maximum financial compensation for lost wages and lost capacity to earn.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:27 am

How to Choose the Best Personal Injury Lawyer In Dallas

Friday, February 3, 2023
best personal injury lawyer in Dallas

Choosing a lawyer to assist you in a legal matter can be intimidating. And after you have suffered a personal injury, there is a lot on the line. You might be swimming in medical bills, missing work, and unable to make ends meet—all because of someone else’s wrongful conduct. You need a lawyer to help you get compensation.

Finding and selecting the right lawyer is crucial to the success of your personal injury lawsuit. But how does a victim go about finding just the right lawyer? If you are overwhelmed by all the possibilities and wondering where to start, read on as we discuss how to find the right lawyer for your case.

What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

So what is a personal injury Lawyer? A personal injury lawyer provides legal representation to an individual who was injured in an accident. The term personal injury itself refers to many scenarios. A personal injury attorney will often represent individuals hurt in:

  • Car accidents,
  • Product liability accidents,
  • Slips and falls,
  • Medical malpractice,
  • Dog bites, and more.

A Dallas personal injury attorney will help you recover financial compensation for your injuries. Typically, a personal injury lawyer will take care of every aspect of your case, from gathering evidence, investigating the accident, initiating a claim, negotiating with insurance adjusters, filing a lawsuit, litigating at trial, and more.

How to Choose the Best Personal Injury Lawyer For You

There are dozens of personal injury lawyers in and surrounding Dallas, Texas. It can feel like a daunting task to choose just one, and even after you’ve made your choice, you might wonder if the lawyer you chose is right for you.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you have come to the right place. Here are some helpful tips on how to choose the best personal injury lawyer for you.

Ask Friends and Family for a Referral

The number one way to find the best personal injury attorney is to tap into the resources closest to you: your family and friends. As with many other services, sometimes the best professional recommendations come from those around you.

You likely have family members or friends who have experienced an accident in their lifetime. They may have previously gone through a personal injury case and had a fantastic experience with their lawyer.

Seeking a referral from family or friends can lead you to the best attorney or, at the very least, help you narrow down your choices and identify attorneys to avoid.

Research Potential Candidates Online

In 2023, it is common practice to research professional services online. As with most businesses, lawyers usually have an online presence.

While we do not recommend relying solely on online reviews, they can help narrow your search and provide other helpful information about the firm and attorneys. Researching personal injury attorneys online can give beneficial insight into their achievements, practice focus, success stories, and client reviews.

How to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Interview Prospective Lawyers

You should try to narrow your list to a few top contenders and then schedule consultations with them. Most offer free initial consultations, so it will not cost you anything out of pocket.

One of the primary purposes of an initial consultation is for the lawyer to learn about you and your legal matter. But it is also an opportunity for you to get to know the attorney and better understand who they are on a professional level. After an initial meeting, you will probably know whether the attorney is right for you.

Ask About Availability and Workload

Personal injury cases can be complex and involve extensive discovery and litigation. When choosing the right lawyer, it is a good idea to inquire about their current caseload and general availability. Asking ahead of time will ensure the prospective attorney has enough time to dedicate to you and your case.

When to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer

The term “personal injury” refers to nearly any injury caused by many kinds of accidents. If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, they could be liable to you for financial compensation.

our Dallas personal injury lawyers for immediate representation if you or someone you love has been injured, contact in a car accident or by a defective product, medical malpractice, a slip and fall—or almost any scenario involving someone else’s negligence. And if you’re not sure if your accident qualifies, we can help you make that determination.

While hiring a lawyer to file a personal injury lawsuit is not required, it is highly recommended. Personal injury cases involving negligence or other torts can be complex and involve multiple parties, extensive negotiations, and even litigation. This can be incredibly challenging to navigate independently, and your chances of success increase exponentially if you have a lawyer by your side.

If you are injured in an accident in or around Dallas, you should contact a local attorney. Having an attorney familiar with the geographical area, courthouses, and local opposing counsel is often vital to your success.

What to Avoid

While searching for the best personal injury lawyer in Dallas, there are things you should seek to avoid.

Two essential things to avoid are lawyers that directly solicit your business and non-attorney services. In personal injury law, it is common to encounter soliciting attorneys. In fact, the term “ambulance chasers” comes from attorneys who pounce on accident victims to get their business.

These attorneys will contact you following your accident, often making unrealistic promises to gain your business. This should be a red flag. A professional, seasoned attorney will not solicit potential clients in this manner.

You also want to keep an eye out for non-attorney service providers. Unfortunately, some unsavory individuals and agencies that are not licensed attorneys will offer to help you, but they simply do not have the experience or knowledge you need. You will want to steer clear of any of these third-party companies.

Who Is the Best Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me?

So you may ask, Who is the best personal injury lawyer near me? The Law Office of Aaron Herbert has you covered. Our founding attorney is one of only 2% of Texas attorneys who are board certified as personal injury trial lawyers.

We have more than 50 personal injury trials under our belt and have settled hundreds more. After suffering from injuries in an accident, your focus needs to be on healing. Let us ease your worries.

Contact the Law Office of Aaron Herbert for a free one-on-one consultation to discuss your options!

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:13 pm

Fall From Ladder Injuries in Texas

Sunday, January 8, 2023

What are common fall from ladder injuries that may result in a lawsuit? Our premises injury lawyers dive into this question.

The ladder is one of the most dangerous everyday pieces of equipment. Most people have ladders in their homes or at work without realizing the significant dangers they pose.

Ladders are behind a large portion of hospital and emergency department visits each year. They account for more than 500,000 injuries and 300 deaths in the US annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

fall from ladder

Even someone well-versed in ladder safety could make a mistake that leads to tragedy, such as carrying up too heavy of a load or missing signs of a ladder defect.

In other ladder accident cases, a defect with the ladder itself could cause an unforeseeable accident and injury, such as a broken rung. Ladder accidents, especially falls, can inflict life-changing injuries on victims.

What Are the Biggest Causes of Ladder Accidents?

Ladder accidents cause thousands of injuries and deaths in the US each year. They are especially common accident types in the workplace.

From 2011 to 2016, ladder falls caused 836 fatal injuries in the workforce based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ladders were the most common source of fatal falls in this five-year period. Fall from ladder accidents can arise from many different ladder defects or user mistakes.

  • An old or damaged ladder
  • A defective ladder
  • Rungs cracking and breaking
  • Ladders folding while in use
  • Choosing the improper type of ladder for the job
  • Using a ladder incorrectly
  • Carrying dangerous objects or heavy loads
  • Stretching too far out from a ladder
  • Failing to properly place or secure a ladder
  • Recklessness or horseplay on a ladder

The main two causes of fall from ladder accidents are defective ladders and human error. Too many households and workplaces have old, outdated, worn or damaged ladders.

Most people use the same ladder for years without inspecting it for problems before each use. They do not realize that, over time, the ladder could grow old and weak. It only takes one small defect to make a ladder unstable or unsuitable for use. This could lead to terrible accidents if the ladder breaks while in use.

Misusing a ladder can also lead to common injuries from falling off a ladder, such as broken bones and hip fractures. It is up to the user to understand and obey common ladder safety techniques.

What Are the Most Common Ladder Fall Injuries?

Ladder accidents that result in common injuries from falling off a ladder can be catastrophic for those involved. Common ladder fall injuries cause injuries severe enough to require professional medical care. Falls in general account for more than three million emergency department visits annually in the US. Many of these visits arise from ladder accidents. About one in five fall accidents on average cause serious injuries. 

Falls account for the highest number of traumatic brain injuries out of all causes. A brain injury could arise from a ladder accident if the victim falls from the ladder and hits his or her head. A victim might never fully recover from the injuries sustained in a ladder accident. Catastrophic injuries could cause permanent disabilities. Other victims do not recover at all. 

What Is the Most Common Type of Fall From a Ladder Accident?

According to injury statistics, the most common type of fall from a ladder accident is a fall. A fall from any height – even one or two feet – could cause serious injuries such as bone fractures and head injuries. A fall from a greater height on a tall ladder could cause even more catastrophic injuries.

If a ladder defect from the manufacturer caused the fall accident, the victim may have grounds for a product liability claim. If poor ladder maintenance or lack of repairs/replacement from an employer is to blame, the employer could be liable.

A fall from a ladder accident victim in Texas should work with a Dallas personal injury lawyer to understand the liability for his or her damages. The victim may be eligible for financial recovery.

Contact our Texas Ladder Accident Lawyer Today

Fall from ladder accidents can seriously disrupt your life. To get the compensation you need and deserve when your injury was someone else’s fault, call Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. to discuss your case with a top-rated, board-certified ladder accident attorney.

To contact our law firm for additional information regarding premises liability claims, please call us at (214) 441-6196 or fill out our free online form.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:14 pm

Concussion Settlement Amounts in Texas

Sunday, December 18, 2022
concussion settlement amounts texas

Suffering a concussion in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, especially if you weren’t at fault.

To make matters worse, trying to determine a post-concussion syndrome settlement value on your own often compounds the stress and the symptoms accompanying your head injury.

That’s why consulting with a skilled personal injury attorney is essential. An experienced personal injury attorney can take the guesswork out of the equation.

Concussions from car accidents are very serious injuries. If you’ve suffered a head injury in a car accident, the Law Office of Aaron Herbert can help you determine your case’s value.

Instead of dealing with insurance companies who may not have your best interests in mind, our team can investigate your case, calculate your damages, and negotiate with insurance companies while you recuperate.  

What Is a Concussion?

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) in which no obvious brain injury is found, but brain function is impaired.

During a car accident, a concussion can occur when your brain makes contact with the inside of your skull after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move back and forth quickly.

This kind of sudden movement can result in the following:

  • Bouncing or twisting of the brain in the skull,
  • Chemical changes in the brain, and
  • The stretching and damaging of brain cells.

Concussions aren’t usually life-threatening but can be serious.

If you hit or torqued your head during a car accident and experienced symptoms such as severe headaches or disruptions in how you think, learn, feel, act, or sleep, seek medical care immediately.

Afterward, a personal injury attorney can help you understand your legal options. 

How Much Is My Concussion Claim Worth?

Every concussion victim’s case is unique. Some car crash victims experience mild concussions with few symptoms, while others suffer life-changing damage.

Because concussions vary so dramatically, it’s difficult to calculate the average settlement for concussions from car accidents.

Numerous factors will affect how much compensation you’re eligible to receive. However, the two main factors are an injury’s severity and the length of time required for it to heal.

Concussion warning signs and symptoms include:

  • Loss of consciousness,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Vision changes,
  • Slurred speech,
  • Extreme drowsiness,
  • Feeling confused or disoriented,
  • Balance concerns and decreased coordination,
  • Seizures, and
  • Emotional and mental health changes.

These symptoms can linger and affect daily life, leading to expenses and damages like medical bills, loss of income from missed work, pain and suffering, and reduced quality of life.

The symptoms, their effect on a victim’s health, and how much a victim has spent and will need to spend on treatment also affect the value of a settlement.

A personal injury attorney will evaluate your symptoms and expenses and assess your prognosis to determine a fair post-concussion syndrome settlement value. 

Contact the Law Office of Aaron Herbert Today

If you’ve suffered a concussion in a car accident, the Law Office of Aaron Herbert is here to help you hold the person responsible for your injury accountable.

Our compassionate team will take the time to talk with you, review the facts of your case, and explain how much compensation you can seek.

The fact that we have achieved the highest possible AVVO rating isn’t just a badge of honor but also your assurance that, as a client-centered law practice focused solely on personal injury law, we will fight tirelessly for the justice you deserve.

We offer free consultations and never take a fee unless we win. Contact us today online or by phone to schedule a consultation. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:26 pm

Shoulder Injury Settlements from Truck Accidents in Texas: How Much Can I Expect?

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Shoulder injuries are one of the more common types of injuries received in car accidents.

Some people realize that their shoulder is injured right away. But for others, symptoms of an injury don’t appear for days or even weeks. 

If you have suffered a shoulder injury after a truck accident in Texas, you may be entitled to justice and compensation.

At the Law Office of Aaron Herbert, we know that initiating a legal claim while recovering from an injury can be physically and emotionally taxing.

We will fight vigorously for your rights to help you get the best shoulder injury truck accident settlement. 

This post will discuss some common types of truck accident shoulder injuries and talk about the average settlement for shoulder injuries in truck accidents.

This way, you can be more informed when pursuing compensation for your injury. 

Common Shoulder Injuries from Truck Accidents 

The shoulder has a ball and socket structure with three major bones, muscles, and tendons.

Any part of the shoulder can be injured in a truck accident as it is a vulnerable part of the body due to the airbag, seatbelt, and steering wheel in a car.

Some common types of shoulder injuries from truck accidents include: 

  • Bone fractures, which often result from forceful impacts; 
  • Rotator cuff tears, which are usually indicated by muscle aches, pains, and limited mobility in the shoulder;
  • Muscle sprains, which are injuries to the muscles and tendons in the shoulder; and
  • Deep tissue bruising, which is much more severe than topical bruising and is often associated with internal bleeding.

These are just a few of the common types of shoulder injuries seen in truck accidents. 

Settlements for Shoulder Injuries in Truck Accidents 

There is no reliable average settlement amount for shoulder injuries in truck accidents; each case must be individually evaluated to determine its potential value.

While each case has its own set of circumstances, there are some general factors that contribute to the amount of your potential settlement.

Some of these factors include: 

  • Who is at fault in the accident, which is generally taken into account as Texas is a modified comparative negligence state; 
  • The extent of any injuries; 
  • Insurance factors;
  • Costs of litigation; 
  • The kind of treatment needed for the injuries; and 
  • The amount of time it will take to recover from the injuries. 

Each of these factors is best explained by an experienced personal injury attorney who will be able to consider the totality of the circumstances to arrive at a value for your case. 

We Can Help! 

If you are seeking a truck accident shoulder injury settlement, you should reach out to us as soon as possible. You have a limited amount of time to bring a claim for a shoulder injury.

The Law Office of Aaron Herbert can help you meet these important deadlines and will fight to get you the best settlement possible. 

Contact us online or call us at 210-435-7968 at any time to schedule a free consultation. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:00 pm

How Much to Expect From a Back Injury Settlement in Texas

Thursday, October 20, 2022

A back injury’s effects can radiate into other areas of your life.

Devastating impairments can make you unable to play with your children, walk your dog, or engage in many pre-injury activities that fulfill you.

The accident wasn’t your fault, and you shouldn’t have to “just live with” the consequences. You deserve justice and compensation. 

The Law Office of Aaron Herbert helps you understand how much to expect from a back injury settlement.

We’re available to answer your questions and to help you take the next steps to protect your legal rights and hold the at-fault party accountable. 

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive for My Back Injury in Texas?

Under Texas law, you may be entitled to receive economic and noneconomic damages.

In rare situations, the court may award you exemplary (also called punitive damages). If your employer subscribes to workers’ compensation insurance, it may cover your back injury. 

Let’s explore each of these in more detail. 

Economic Damages

A back injury can impose a significant financial burden on you and your family. You may require surgeries and rehabilitative care.

Even if you have insurance, the immense cost of medical care can overwhelm even the most careful spenders. 

Economic damages seek to address the unjust financial cost that the accident has on you. It covers expenses like medical care, lost wages, and prescriptions.

Note that Texas limits your recovery for economic damages to those you incurred. An attorney can help you understand what this means and how to maximize your monetary recovery. 

Noneconomic Damages

Back injuries don’t just hurt you physically; they impact your quality of life. Often, back injury victims can’t engage in meaningful, pre-accident activities.

On top of dealing with the physical pain, they must endure the terrible emotional and psychological impact of not being able to do what they could before the accident. 

Noneconomic damages compensate you for these losses by providing you with a financial award.

This type of damages award includes pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.  

Exemplary Damages

Exemplary damages punish the defendant for egregious or intentional conduct resulting in an injury.

Additionally, they function to deter this and future defendants from engaging in the same or similar behavior. 

Exemplary damages are reserved for extraordinary circumstances where ordinary damage awards don’t fully address what occurred. 

Workers’ Compensation

How much to expect from a back injury at work settlement first depends on two main things:

  1. If your employer subscribes to workers’ compensation insurance (which isn’t required for all employers under Texas law); and
  2. If the accident occurred while you were working within the scope of your employment. 

If your employer subscribes to workers’ compensation insurance, then Texas Workers’ Compensation Law determines how much you can obtain.

If your employer is a non-subscriber, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit against your employer if their negligence resulted in your injury.

A workplace accident lawyer can help you explore your options in this respect. 

Factors that Determine How Much to Expect from a Back Injury Settlement

The amount of money personal injury victims receive for their injuries varies.

For example, how much to expect from a permanent back injury settlement is probably much higher than for a temporary injury. 

Factors that impact how much you can receive include:

  • The severity of the back injury; 
  • Your likelihood of making a full recovery; 
  • The impact that the accident and injury has on your life; 
  • The circumstances surrounding the accident; and 
  • The applicable law. 

A personal injury attorney can evaluate your case and determine what you might expect to receive if you pursue a claim against the at-fault party. 

Law Office of Aaron Herbert—Fighting for Texans for Over 20 Years

We’re Texans through and through.

We’re tenacious fighters who aren’t afraid to go up against faceless insurance companies and big corporations to protect your rights.

Our team includes Board Certified personal injury trial lawyers with years of experience. 

If you suffered a back injury and want to know your claim’s worth, call us today at 214-200-4878 or contact us online. We’ll fight for every cent that you’re owed. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:10 pm

What Is the Average Settlement for a Drunk Driving Accident in Texas?

Monday, October 10, 2022

A car accident can take an emotional, physical, and financial toll on a person’s well-being.

This is especially so in the case of a drunk driving accident. 

The average settlement for a drunk driving accident can fluctuate widely depending on the circumstances of the crash.

There is not necessarily an average settlement amount, and trying to quote one is misleading because so many factors can dramatically change the compensation you might recover. 

Factors That Affect Your Settlement Amount

If you were hit by a drunk driver, the settlement amount would depend on multiple factors.

You are allowed to recover economic and non-economic damages—and in some rare instances, victims can recover punitive damages as well. 

Economic Damages

Economic damages are more simple to calculate than non-economic damages because they are direct losses that are reflected in invoices, receipts, and pay stubs.

Under this category, you might recover financial compensation for:

  • Lost wages, 
  • Medical bills, and
  • Property damage. 

For example, you can recover compensation for the cost of repairs to your vehicle. You could also get compensated for medical expenses, including expected future medical expenses.

These amounts vary greatly from case to case, making the ​​average personal injury settlement for a drunk driving accident a very wide range.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are more subjective and are a little harder to calculate than economic damages.

They include less tangible losses such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement,
  • Emotional distress,
  • Loss of enjoyment of life, and
  • Loss of consortium. 

It is challenging to estimate your non-economic damages because there are no receipts upon which to base your calculations.

As you can see, the amount of compensation for being hit by a drunk driver can be arduous to calculate.

Consider reaching out to an experienced lawyer for further guidance on what factors might affect your settlement. 

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are another reason why there is not necessarily an average settlement for a drunk driving accident. This type of damage award isn’t intended to compensate you for losses.

Instead, the intention is to punish a particularly egregious wrongdoer and to have a deterrent effect on future drunk drinking.

So punitive damages only apply in rare instances where the driver’s behavior was more than negligent—their actions must have been especially wrongful or willfully malicious for punitive damages to apply.

Insurance Requirements in Texas

The current minimum car insurance requirements in Texas follow the 30/60/25 rule.

This means that according to Texas law, every driver must have the following:

  • $30,000 in coverage for injuries for each person, 
  • $60,000 in coverage total for every accident, and
  • $25,000 in coverage for property damage. 

If the other driver was not insured, you might recover damages from the uninsured driver if they have the money to pay a judgment.

If not, you might also be able to recover damages from your own uninsured motorist coverage. 

At-Fault Laws in Texas 

Texas is an at-fault state as opposed to a no-fault state. In an at-fault state, the driver who is responsible for the accident has to pay for the damage caused.

Their insurance will pay for medical bills and other expenses. In no-fault states, drivers must have car insurance that includes personal injury protection (PIP)

Texas also follows modified comparative fault rules. This means that the victim is limited in their recovery if they are partially responsible for the crash.

Under Texas law, if the plaintiff is responsible by 51% or greater, they will not be able to recover damages. 

If you have additional questions or are seeking further clarification, contact our knowledgeable attorneys at Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. today.

We can help you recover the compensation you deserve after a drunk driving accident. 

How We Can Help You

If you have suffered injuries due to a drunk driving collision in Texas, the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. are here to fight for you.

You don’t need to accept a low offer. Our lawyer is a Marine Corp veteran and will aggressively advocate for you. 

At our firm, we have expertise in car accidents, trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, and more.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our attorney ​​Aaron Herbert at 214-336-4004 today for more information. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:51 am

Average Settlement for a Broken Leg in Texas

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Nearly any type of forceful impact, such as a car accident or slipping on pavement, can result in a broken leg.

And unfortunately, a broken leg can disrupt a person’s life and cost thousands in medical treatments.

How medical professionals choose to mend a broken leg depends on the fracture’s severity.

Sometimes, a break can even be bad enough to require surgery and implant devices like screws or pins to keep the bones aligned while they heal.

Even when a fracture doesn’t require surgery, a broken leg can still limit a person’s ability to work or participate in their normal daily activities.

The good news is that Texas allows victims to recover personal injury damages for a broken leg caused by an accident.

Since you’re probably wondering what an average settlement amount for broken leg injuries in Texas is, read on for more information.

Average Settlement for Broken Leg

The average personal injury settlement for a broken leg varies. Settlement values for a fibula or tibia fracture in a personal injury lawsuit can hover around $70,000 to $90,000.

The average settlement for broken femur injuries can be between $150,000 to $175,000.

Generally, if someone else’s negligence caused your broken leg, the compensation you ultimately collect depends on numerous factors.

The most common factors that determine how much compensation you receive are:

  • The kind of leg fracture you suffered. Whether you fractured your tibia, fibula, femur, or all three, and whether your injury requires surgery, makes a difference. The average settlement for broken femur injuries requiring a cast alone will be lower than the average settlement for broken leg with surgery.
  • The effect the fracture has on your life. If you miss time from work or can no longer enjoy beloved pastimes, your settlement amount might be higher.
  • How much your medical treatments cost. If your injury was severe enough to require extensive surgery, multiple doctor visits and scans, and physical or occupational therapy, your settlement might increase.
  • Whether you can establish the defendant’s liability. Evidence, like a police report or witness testimony, will help show the defendant is liable for the accident. Clearly establishing the defendant’s liability may result in a higher settlement amount, while a lack of evidence may result in a lower settlement amount.

If you’ve suffered a broken leg, the best way to know how much your settlement might be worth is to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney.

A personal injury attorney can help you evaluate all of your options and help you get a fair settlement amount from the insurance company.

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Can Help You

If someone else’s negligence caused you to break your leg, you have every right to pursue a personal injury settlement that will cover all your losses.

At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., we understand the long-term and short-term effects a broken leg has on your life.

When you hire us for your personal injury broken leg case, we will fight for you to receive maximum compensation.

We aren’t afraid to use aggressive legal strategies when dealing with insurance companies.

We will take the time to tailor our services to your specific case and provide you with the one-on-one attention you deserve.

Let us deal with your broken leg case so you can focus on recovering. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:44 am

Herniated Disc Settlement Amounts: What Should I Expect

Sunday, October 2, 2022

It can be extremely challenging when you have suffered a herniated disc from a car accident.

An injury like this can turn your life around, making it difficult to work, drive, or enjoy hobbies.

You may wonder how much of a settlement to expect for a herniated disc.

Our lawyers at the Law Offices of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can help you determine what settlement amount you might receive.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

Discs are essentially cushions between all of your spinal vertebrae. A herniated disc is one that has slipped because it has moved through the spine.

This primarily will cause pain in your lower back but can also affect other parts of your body.

Factors That Alter Settlement Amounts

If you have a herniated disc from a car accident, the settlement varies depending upon multiple factors that impact what an insurance company might offer you.

There isn’t any average amount that a lawyer can guarantee, but there are ways to start determining a good estimate.

You can use a herniated disc settlement calculator, but they can only provide a general estimate. Your lawyer will consider the factors listed below when assessing what your case might be worth.

The Circumstances of Your Accident

The specifics of what happened to you can change the amount of your settlement.

For example, it will likely positively affect your settlement amount if you were not even partially at fault for the crash.

The Severity of Your Injuries

Injuries can vary in severity. One example is cervical disc herniation which can be mild, deadly, or anywhere in between.

Herniated disc injuries may require physical therapy alone, or they might require surgery as well. These injuries might also cause varying levels of pain and could cause chronic pain in some individuals.

Whether or not you suffer an ongoing disability can also affect your settlement amount.

If you suffered a herniated disc in a car accident, the settlement amount might be tricky to determine on your own. Reach out to our knowledgeable attorneys for guidance today.

Evidence You Have Collected

The evidence you’ve been able to gather could be crucial in determining your settlement amount.

Take photos of your injuries and attend necessary medical appointments. You may also want to write down some notes about what happened.

Economic Damages

You can collect economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are tangible and more straightforward to calculate.

They include lost wages, medical bills, and other more quantifiable losses.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are more subjective and less tangible than economic ones. Therefore, they are more difficult to determine.

This category includes damages such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium.

All these damages could be a part of your herniated disc car accident settlement.

How We Can Help You

If you have suffered a herniated disc from a car accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Our experienced lawyers can assist you further in determining how much of a settlement to expect for a herniated disc.

Our Texas attorney Aaron Herbert is known as one of the most aggressive personal injury lawyers in the country. We will fight to help you recover the compensation that you need.

At Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., we have extensive experience in construction accidents, trucking accidents, and more.

Feel free to call us today for more information on how we can help you at 214-336-4004.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:28 am

(PIP) Personal Injury Protection | Texas

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

(PIP) Personal injury protection Texas is a type of auto insurance the State of Texas does not require. In general, personal injury protection Texas pays for your damages and losses after an at-fault accident. Understanding personal injury protection, when you might need it, and how to pursue benefits from a PIP policy could help you recover financially after a car accident in Texas.

Contact a car accident lawyer near you for answers to your specific questions about personal injury protection coverage.

Personal injury protection Texas

What Does Texas Personal Injury Protection  Cover?

Texas is a fault-based insurance state, meaning that an at-fault driver or party will be liable for crash-related damages. If you cause an accident, you will have to pay for damages.

If you only carry Texas’ minimum required amounts of insurance, your policy will not cover your own damages in an at-fault accident. Personal injury protection Texas is optional, but you must tell the company in writing if you wish to reject this coverage. Texas personal injury protection auto insurance pays for a few different damages the policyholder suffers if he or she needs extra coverage.

  • Medical coverage. PIP will pay for 100% of a policyholder’s necessary medical services. This can include ambulances, doctor’s appointments, treatments, surgeries, x-rays, prosthetics, medications, professional nursing, dental fees, and nursing expenses.
  • Death damages. If the policyholder passes away in an auto accident, PIP insurance could pay for funeral and burial costs, as well as the medical expenses the victim incurred prior to death.
  • Lost wages. PIP will reimburse the person for 80% of lost income if he or she had to miss work because of the accident. The insurance company will need proof of the amount of income lost.

Most PIP insurance plans provide $2,500 to $5,000 or more in coverage for the at-fault party and his or her passengers. As someone involved in an auto accident, you may be eligible for coverage under PIP insurance as well as other policies, including that of an at-fault driver, vehicle owner, employer or multiple parties. If you do not have PIP coverage, you may have other policies available to take your claim.

How Does Texas PIP Work?

After an auto accident, if you wish to recover compensation through your policy’s Texas PIP coverage, you will need to document your accident, injuries, medical expenses and related losses of income. Your insurance company will need proof of the losses you are claiming.

Report the car accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Most companies make it mandatory to report a wreck within 24 to 72 hours. You will submit the necessary documentation for your insurer to review, then wait up to 30 days to hear back from the insurance company. The insurer will either accept your claim and offer a settlement or deny coverage.

What Is a PIP Settlement?

You may not need to file a PIP claim with your insurer if someone else caused your auto accident. If another driver or party is to blame, that person’s policy may be liable for your damages. Hire an attorney to investigate your crash if you are not sure of the cause. If the at-fault party does not have enough insurance or you caused the accident, file a claim seeking PIP benefits from your insurer.

If your insurance company accepts your claim, it will offer a settlement according to the perceived value of your losses and the limits of the policy.
Your insurance company might not offer a high enough settlement for your losses depending on the situation. Insurance companies often try to protect their bottom lines more than their clients.

If you believe your medical bills and lost wages combined are worth more than your insurer has offered, negotiate for a higher settlement with help from an attorney.

A Dallas personal injury lawyer can take over communications with your insurer to pursue the fair amount of your claim or the maximum under your policy’s limit. A Texas PIP lawyer could also help you explore recovery options outside of a PIP settlement for greater compensation. Contact Us Today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:04 am

Texas Bus Accident Lawyers

Thursday, July 28, 2022
Every year in Texas, thousands of people are killed or seriously injured in Texas bus accidents. Tragically, many of these accidents are the result of negligent, reckless Charter bus and Tour bus drivers and their employers. Whether you are a passenger on a Charter bus, Tour bus or in a motor vehicle or pedestrian, you entrust the bus driver and bus company with your loved ones’ safety and well being. An accident caused by a bus company is among the last thing you would expect. Yet, when a bus accident happens, the consequences can be significant, both emotionally and financially. Our legal system has in place a mechanism to ensure that the costs of bus crashes are borne by those at fault. Experienced Texas bus accident lawyers can help you determine if you have a valid claim for your injuries, and, if so, how to maximize the recovery from all negligent parties.

Bus Accident Statistics

Buses are often thought of as a safe alternative to flying for large groups traveling across the country, in the state of Texas, or even just across town.  But the number of deadly Texas bus accidents in the news are proof that travel by bus is not always guaranteed to be safe. In each of the years from 1990 to 2001, there were between 50,000 and 63,000 bus crashes in the United States. Between 1991 and 2004  somewhere between 15,000 and 21,000. In 2015, 4,311 buses were involved in fatal crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that between 2000 and 2007, 1,093 fatal bus accidents have occurred, resulting in 1,315 fatalities and 3,471 injuries. This translates to about 137 bus-crash related fatalities a year. The number of people injured because of careless bus drivers and bus companies is much higher.

Cases of Tour Bus and Charter Bus Accidents

 There are many reasons why a bus may get into an accident. Some of the most common reasons include:
  • Negligence on the part of the bus driver
  • Negligence on the part of the driver of another vehicle
  • Speeding
  • Alcohol or drug Use
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Mechanical problems
  • Improper maintenance
  • Distracted driving such as cell phone use
  • Inadequate training
  • Inadequate supervision

 Common Tour Bus and Charter Bus Accident Injuries

 Some of the most common injuries individuals sustain when involved in a bus accident include:
  • Whiplash and spinal cord injuries
  • Fractures
  • Sprains to the muscles
  • Brain injuries
  • Trauma to the head
  • Paralysis
  • Crushing injuries
  • Damage to nerves
  • Internal injuries
  • Cuts, bruises and burns

 What Damages Can I Recover After a Charter or Tour Bus Accident?

One of the most common questions asked of a Chart bus or Tour Bus accident attorney after a bus accident is in regard to what damages can be recovered. If you or a family member has been injured in a Charter Bus or Tour bus accident, you may have a claim against the driver of the bus, bus company and other third parties for:
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Impairment of earning capacity
  • Life care expenses
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium (the services of an injured spouse)
  • Punitive Damages
  • Wrongful death Damages

Who May Be Responsible for Your Injuries?

Because of the many ways a bus crash can happen, the question of who is responsible for injuries and other damages depends upon the circumstances of the accident. Early in the case it is important for your lawyer to identify certain parties, such as the owner of the bus, the company that operates it, and the company responsible for making repairs and maintaining the bus in a safe mechanical condition. Finding an attorney who will locate all potential responsible parties is crucial. Some of those your lawyer may identify as parties responsible for your injuries include: The Bus Company – A bus accident may occur because the bus company sends a defective bus out on the road with faulty brakes, a shaky steering column or overused tires. The company’s actions in hiring unqualified drivers, maintenance people and other personnel, or in negligently training or supervising them may also contribute to the cause of an accident. In addition, the company may be found at fault for a bus crash and passenger injuries caused by its failure to make or enforce adequate safety procedures. Bus Maintenance Companies – If the bus company contracts an independent company to maintain the vehicles in a safe mechanical condition, that company may be sued independently for negligent maintenance that causes a crash or accident. Affiliated Cruise Lines and Tour Operators – Owners and drivers of these buses can be held liable for driver negligence in an accident. When a bus trip is part of a package offered by a tour service, the service itself may be liable for damages to passengers when a crash occurs in an affiliated tour bus. Bus Driver – Accidents are often caused by the driver’s negligent operation of the bus. Drivers may violate traffic controls, fall asleep at the wheel or have their attention diverted by non-driving-related distractions. Bus drivers involved in a crash can be held personally responsible for the injuries sustained by the passengers. As a practical matter, however, the companies employing the bus driver, and their insurance companies, will typically be held financially responsible for bus crashes and resulting injuries. Drivers of Other Vehicles and their employers – Owners and drivers of other cars, trucks and other vehicles may be held responsible for injuries caused by negligent or reckless driving. A driver’s employer may also be held liable for an accident if the driver was operating the bus while performing work duties. Manufacturers of the Bus and/or its Parts – A bus manufacturer that sends a defective vehicle from the factory to the marketplace subjects passengers to unreasonable danger and potential harm. As a result, the bus manufacturer can be held responsible for damages when a crash occurs. Likewise, the manufacturers and retailers of defective bus parts that may have caused the bus accident could be liable for the injuries to the passengers.

What Qualifies as a Bus for Purposes of a Bus Accident?

The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards define a bus as any motorized vehicle capable of carrying more than 10 passengers. The category includes school buses, large vans used for public transport, church buses, municipal transit buses, many airport shuttles, tour buses, trolleys, and interstate carriers, such as Greyhound buses. Most of these are considered “common carriers” under the law, and are therefore subject to state and federal licensing requirements and other regulations, but it is state law that will determine if bus companies and others are liable for compensating a passenger for injuries sustained in a crash. There are many Charter and Tour bus companies operating in Texas and just some of the few that have been involved in collisions include:
  • Greyhound Bus Company
  • Gogo Charter Bus
  • Charter Bus Company
  • Echo Transportation
  • Cowtown Charters
  • Tornado Bus Company
  • First Class Tours
  • Star Shuttle & Charter
  • OK Tours
  • San Antonio Charter Bus Company
  • Roadrunner Charters
  • Coach USA
  • Concord Coach Lines
  • First Transit
  • Megabus
  • Thruway Motorcoash
  • Trailways Transportation System
  • Capital Metro
  • Loan Star Coaches
  • Prompt Bus Charters & Tours
  • Central Texas Party Bus
  • El Expreso Bus Company
  • Clark Travel
  • Kerrville Bus Company
  • Continental Bus Lines & Charters
  • Houston Charter Bus Company

Selecting Texas Bus Accident Lawyers

It is important that the lawyer you hire is experienced and capable of navigating the state and federal laws and regulations governing all types of bus service providers, and that your attorney can determine if violation of those laws caused your accident or made your injuries or other damages worse. It is very important for a lawyer handling these cases to ensure that all potential sources of compensation are pursued, whether fault lies with the bus’s manufacturer, the bus company that hired an unqualified mechanic, or the driver of the tractor-trailer that rear-ended the bus. It is also important for Texas bus accident lawyers to retain investigators and well-respected experts to investigate the causes of your crash. If it appears that your accident may have been caused by a dangerous road condition, your attorney will need to hire expert civil and traffic engineers to pinpoint those road deficiencies. Competent and reliable lawyers will invest the necessary resources and efforts to ensure that your case is resolved for its maximum value. Such attorneys will hire the necessary investigators and experts, visit the location of the bus crash, take images of the scene, conduct tests where necessary, find and interview witnesses and investigate prior complaints or claims that have been made against the responsible parties. Aaron A. Herbert has extensive experience handling personal injury claims involving buses and recovering substantial settlements and verdicts for his clients injured in bus accidents. You will incur no attorney fees, court cost, or legal expenses unless you recover. Time to file is limited by Texas law, so call today to protect your right to the compensation you deserve. Call 24/7 (210) 435-7968 or toll free to (855) 655-HURT.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:43 pm

How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Monday, July 25, 2022

In Texas, the civil justice system works by giving injured accident victims the chance to seek compensation for their losses from negligent parties. If you were recently injured in an accident as a result of someone else’s negligence, that person or party may owe you compensation. You need to understand how much your personal injury claim is worth before you resolve your case. Obtaining an accurate case evaluation can help you demand a fair amount during settlement negotiations. To speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer in Dallas, give us a call. Free consultations offered.

What Are Compensable Losses?

Before you can understand the value of your claim, you must understand the definition of a compensable loss. In a personal injury case, compensable losses are damages you suffered due to the defendant’s negligence or recklessness. They can refer to past and future economic and noneconomic damages. They can also refer to punitive damages, or an award specifically meant to punish a defendant for gross negligence. The average injury claim in Texas involves several types of compensable losses.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Out of pocket costs
  • Property damage
  • Lost quality of life
  • Loss of consortium or wrongful death damages

The specific compensable losses you can claim depend on the circumstances of your individual case. A lawyer in Texas can help you create a full and accurate list of all the damages you suffered due to the defendant’s actions. From there, your lawyer can help you demand a suitable settlement award to cover the extent of your losses. If a settlement does not properly reimburse you for your losses, your lawyer can take the case to trial instead.

How to Calculate the Value of Your Personal Injury Claim

To evaluate your damages, you and your lawyer will need to analyze what the accident and your injuries have cost you financially, physically and emotionally. This will take an in-depth look at how the accident has impacted you. Your lawyer may start with an overview of all your economic losses. You and your attorney can add up your economic damages using receipts, bills, invoices, pay stubs, medical records and other such documents. Then, your lawyer can help you calculate your noneconomic damages using an appropriate method.
There are two basic ways a jury will calculate noneconomic damages, or pain and suffering. The first and most common is the Multiplier Method. With this method, the jury will multiply your total amount of economic damages by a number that represents the severity of your injuries. The second method, the Per Diem Method, multiplies a daily amount (often equivalent to the victim’s daily wage) by the number of days the victim will reasonably experience pain and suffering. A lawyer can help you estimate an appropriate amount to claim in noneconomic damages during your case.

What Factors Can Affect the Value of Your Personal Injury Claim?

Many different factors can change how much you receive from an insurance settlement or injury lawsuit in Texas. The amount of medical treatment you will need throughout your lifetime due to the accident, for example, can determine how much someone owes you in past and future health care costs. The amount of money you used to make at your job before the accident can impact your lost wage claim. Many other factors, such as your age, health, and the amount of pain and suffering you endured, could also affect the value of your case.
Liability is another issue that could impact the value of your case. If you can hold two or more parties liable, you can increase your chances of securing full compensation for your losses. If the other party is disputing liability, however, this could reduce your compensation. The comparative negligence defense in Texas could reduce your award amount by a percentage equivalent to your fault for the accident. It can be difficult to understand the value of your personal injury claim. The best way to obtain an accurate estimate is by speaking to an attorney.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:21 pm

How Can Social Media Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

Thursday, June 30, 2022

During a personal injury claim in Dallas, the insurance company responsible for assessing your eligibility for benefits will not want to maximize your payout. Diminishing your injury claim is the insurance company’s main mission. One thing an insurance company may use to investigate your claim is your social media accounts. Be careful what you post, as it could be used as evidence against you.

Social Media Is Admissible Evidence

Your social media profiles are not off-limits during a personal injury claim. Even if you have your account set to private, everything you post is accessible to an investigator. This includes private messages and posts you have deleted. If an insurance company finds evidence on your social media accounts that is relevant to your case, it can submit it to the courts. Social media accounts are a form of electronic records that are considered written documents under Texas law. This makes anything you post on social media admissible as evidence in court.

How Can Posting On Social Media Hurt Your Claim?

Posting things on social media after an accident may seem harmless. After all, it is not on official record and it is used for personal reasons. Since an insurance company can use social media content as evidence against you, however, it is important to recognize the power of what you post. Many accident victims make the mistake of posting things on social media that diminish the values of their injury claims.

  • Information about the case. It is natural to want to talk about your recent accident or injury on social media. Try to avoid posting any information about your case until it is over, however. An insurance company can compare what you post to the facts reported on your claim. Even a minor contradiction could ruin your reliability and hurt your chances of recovering damages.
  • Photographs of you out with friends. Posting pictures out and about with your friends on Facebook or Instagram could show an insurance company that your injury is not very serious. Pictures of you enjoying normal life, such as on vacation or at a bar, will contradict your story if you are pursuing compensation for pain and suffering.
  • Location check-ins. During your personal injury claim, your goal should be to show an insurance company that the accident interfered with your enjoyment of daily life. Checking in at different locations could go against your injury claim. If you claim you broke your leg, for example, checking in at the gym could show an insurance company that you are physically able to continue your daily tasks.

Insurance companies and defense lawyers will almost always check a claimant’s social media accounts for information or evidence. They will look at sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat for things to use against a client to diminish his or her payout. The best way to protect yourself during an injury claim is not to post anything on social media at all.

Social Media Dos and Don’ts During an Injury Claim

Although it may be difficult to stay off of social media while a personal injury claim is pending, this could be critical for your case. Posting or doing the wrong thing on a social media account could hurt your injury claim.

  • Do: change all of your social media settings to private.
  • Do not: post anything about your accident or injury.
  • Do: screen your friend requests and avoid interacting with people you do not know.
  • Do not: respond to any questions or comments about the accident.
  • Do: warn friends not to post any photos of you.
  • Do not: post new photographs or videos of yourself after your accident.

When in doubt, stay off of social media completely until your case concludes. This is the most effective way to protect your rights. For more assistance protecting yourself during a personal injury claim, hire an attorney to represent you.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:39 pm

Is It Worth It to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Thursday, June 9, 2022

If you have been injured in an accident in Texas, you may wonder whether you need to hire a personal injury lawyer. An injury lawyer is a licensed professional who is trained to represent accident victims during insurance claims and lawsuits. You may need a lawyer’s assistance in certain circumstances, such as if an accident gave you serious or catastrophic injuries. Knowing when it is worth it to hire a personal injury lawyer could allow you to properly protect your rights.

When You Need and Do Not Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

Dallas Personal Injury Claims

Not all cases require personal injury lawyers. You may be able to represent yourself during an injury claim, or handle it pro se, if it is simple and only involves minor injuries. If this is the case, your insurance company or that of the at-fault party may offer a fair settlement award, allowing you to resolve your case without further litigation. You may need an attorney, however, if your case involves complicating factors.

  • Serious injuries
  • Injuries that will impact you for the foreseeable future
  • A permanent disability or debilitation
  • Significant scarring or disfigurement
  • Thousands of dollars in medical expenses
  • Loss of a limb
  • Wrongful death
  • Multiple defendants
  • Liability dispute
  • Comparative negligence or assumption of risk defense

If you run into any issues or complications after filing an insurance claim in Texas, contact an attorney to find out if you need legal assistance. Hiring a lawyer may be necessary to work through complex legal processes or problems. It is especially important to contact an attorney if an accident gave you life-altering injuries. A lawyer will give you advice you can trust, including an accurate calculation of the value of your claim.
If your accident was minor and the damages amount to no more than a few thousand dollars, you can most likely handle an insurance settlement on your own. With a minor injury case, the damages are generally not high enough to be worth the costs of hiring a lawyer or bringing a lawsuit. Instead, you should be able to handle the case yourself with the insurance company or in the Small Claims Court. Managing a minor injury case pro se could save you time and money.

How Much Does an Injury Lawyer Cost?

If you do have serious injuries that require expensive medical treatments, hiring a personal injury lawyer can be well worth the costs. A qualified injury attorney can help you estimate your losses, go up against the correct defendant(s) and fight for maximum compensation. Without an attorney representing you, you may not appreciate the full value of your injury claim. You may take an insurance company at its word when it says a settlement is fair when in reality, the insurance company is lowballing your offer to save money. After hiring a lawyer, you can rest assured of the accuracy of your case estimate.
One of the main obstacles that prevent injured accident victims from hiring lawyers is the cost. Most attorneys, however, have flexible financing options for injured claimants. Lawyers know that the average injured party is dealing with expensive medical bills, lost wages and property damage. To make legal representation more affordable, most personal injury lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis. This means the lawyer will only charge legal fees if and when he or she wins the case for the client.
If you hire a lawyer who works on a contingency fee basis, expect to only pay legal fees if your attorney wins a financial award for your case. If not, you generally will not owe any attorney’s fees at the end of your case. If your lawyer does win the case, he or she will subtract legal fees directly from your settlement or jury verdict. This prevents you from ever having to afford a personal injury lawyer out of pocket. Discuss your personal injury case in more detail with an attorney in Texas to ask about the cost of representation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:16 pm

How Much Is My San Antonio Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Monday, June 6, 2022
You may not have to pay for your medical bills and other losses out of pocket if you did not cause your accident or injury. In San Antonio, you have the right to pursue financial compensation from the person who did cause your accident using a personal injury claim. One of the most frequently asked questions in personal injury law is, “How much is my claim worth in San Antonio?” The only way to get an accurate answer to this question is by asking an attorney. However, you can get an idea of the value of your claim by understanding how the Texas courts calculate damage awards.

What Damages Are Available?

How Much Is My San Antonio Personal Injury Claim Worth? 128
Antonio Car Accident Lawyers
The word damages in personal injury law refers to the financial compensation available for an injured victim’s losses. The point of a personal injury lawsuit is to make the victim whole again through financial compensation. When discussing damages with your lawyer, you will be referring to the money you may be able to receive from the at-fault party (defendant) through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. In Texas, you could recover compensation for several types of economic and noneconomic losses.
  • Medical expenses
  • Disability-related costs
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Legal fees
  • Travel costs
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Punitive damages
These are some examples of damages that could be available to you as an injured accident victim in San Antonio. This does not, however, mean that you will be eligible for all of these categories of losses; you will only receive compensation for the actual losses you suffered in the accident. It will be up to you to prove the losses you experienced due to a defendant’s negligence. You or your lawyer will need to show an insurance company, judge or jury that you suffered these losses using evidence such as medical bills, receipts, pay stubs and medical expert testimony. Without evidence of your losses, you may not receive fair financial compensation.

How Do the Courts Calculate Damage Awards?

Once you have a comprehensive list of the losses for which you are seeking compensation, you can gain an idea of how much your claim might be worth by calculating an award using the same techniques that will be used by the courts. A lawyer can help you with your calculation to make sure you ask for enough money in your insurance demand letter.
  • Economic damages. The courts calculate economic damages by adding up the actual expenses related to your accident, such as health care costs and lost wages. They will also take into account any future economic damages connected to a long-term injury.
  • Noneconomic damages. The value of noneconomic damages is entirely up to a jury. However, the jury may use a common calculation method, such as multiplying the total amount of economic damages by a number that represents the severity of your injuries.
It is impossible to accurately predict how much you will receive for a claim in Texas, as a lot of it is up to a jury’s discretion. Every client is unique, and awards are given on a case-by-case basis. The best way to obtain an accurate estimate is by asking an attorney for an estimate.

What Factors Can Affect Your Settlement?

An attorney in San Antonio can help you understand the potential value of your personal injury claim by analyzing common factors that affect payouts, such as:
  • Injury severity and extent
  • The length of time it will take you to recover
  • Whether your injury interferes with your ability to work
  • Your income before the accident
  • Your age and overall health
  • Physical pain and emotional distress
  • Liability for your injuries
  • The amount of insurance coverage available
  • Your comparative fault for the accident
With these facts in mind, your lawyer can give you a case estimate that comes close to the amount you actually receive, if any. An attorney will have the legal experience necessary to make this analysis. Consult with an attorney today for more information.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:24 pm

What Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Do That You Can’t?

Monday, May 9, 2022
It is not a requirement to retain a personal injury attorney in Texas to represent you in Texas. You’re welcome to represent yourself during insurance settlement negotiations and even in a trial, but there’s a reason the overwhelming majority of plaintiffs opt for professional help. There are many things lawyers can do that the typical person can’t – including, in most cases, getting the most compensation for your claim. If you’re on the fence about retaining a lawyer for your case, find out what you’d be missing should you self-represent.

Negotiate a Fair Insurance Settlement

Marissa Maggio - Associate Attorney in TexasOne of the most daunting aspects of any personal injury claim is your first discussion with an insurance claims adjuster. The claims adjuster is the person in charge of analyzing your insurance claim and deciding how much to offer in a settlement. The adjuster is not on your team and will typically offer much less than your case could be worth. The best way to have an advantage over the adjuster, and to secure a fair and just settlement, is through an attorney. An attorney protects your best interests. He or she will take over settlement negotiations and often spare you the time and money it would take to go to trial. In the majority of claims, a lawyer can achieve an out-of-court settlement that gives you the money your injuries demand. A lawyer can deal with the other party, its insurance company, and its lawyers, so you can focus on yourself instead of complex legal processes. The settlement process is much simpler and more rewarding with professional representation.

Bring Elements of Proof

There is much more to a lawsuit than just proving you were hurt. Most personal injury cases require the plaintiff to show four main elements: duty of care, breach of duty of care, causation, and damages. It can be difficult to show these four elements depending on the circumstances of the case. You will need to provide evidence such as medical records, official documents, police reports, expert testimony, eyewitness statements, and more for a successful claim. There are rules you must obey during the evidence gathering and discovery phases – all of which a lawyer can help you navigate.

Preserve Important Evidence

Speaking of evidence, another reason to hire a lawyer is the preservation of vital information relating to your case. Certain pieces of critical evidence, such as the data from a large truck’s black box after a crash or another driver’s cell phone records, can get destroyed, erased, or tampered with after an accident. Fast action to preserve this evidence can be imperative to the claim. A lawyer can submit an evidence preservation letter or file a temporary restraining order to prevent the destruction of evidence – safeguarding information that could make your case.

File Within the Deadlines

The world of civil law abides by many important deadlines. Missing a deadline, or a statute of limitations can mean losing the right to ever pursue compensation for your accident. Deadlines change according to the type of claim you’re filing, as well as on a state-by-state basis. In Texas, you have two years from the date of injury to file your lawsuit. The timeline for claims against the government is much shorter, often only giving you 60 to 90 days to file an initial notice. A lawyer knows all of the deadlines specific to your case and can make sure the right documents are in front of the right people at the right time.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:24 am

Understanding Fault in High Risk Activity Accidents

Saturday, February 19, 2022
What happens if you get injured while rafting, paragliding, BASE jumping, or another extreme sport? Many of these activities require liability waivers, but a waiver does not necessarily preclude an injured individual from taking legal action against the organizer. In 2012, a man in Fort Worth drowned during a mud run. In 2013, a Pennsylvania hospital’s emergency services took in 38 patients during a Tough Mudder (extreme obstacle course) event. Of course, there are many of these kinds of incidents, and they can quickly become tragic. Extreme sports and obstacle courses are exhilarating, in part, because of the risk-factor. Liability waivers are designed to protect organizations from lawsuits arising from certain injuries or death. However, many waivers are not enforceable, even when a participant signs the document.

What Affects the Protectiveness of a Waiver?

Every state has different laws regarding contracts including waivers. Some states may not accept the terms or the structure of a waiver under state law. Assuming state laws do support the enforceability of a waiver, the waiver may still not protect the organization from a lawsuit. A waiver only protects an organization within the limited scope outlined in the document. In other words, an organization may be liable for an injury that goes above and beyond the terms of the waiver. For instance, if you were injured because an organization knowingly changed the hazardous nature of an activity or failed to take reasonable safety precautions (extreme negligence), you may still be able to hold the organization accountable. A good rule of thumb is to look at the nature of the activity and see if the factor that caused harm could have been reasonably eliminated without changing the nature of the activity. If it could have been removed or altered, then the waiver may not protect the organization from a lawsuit.

The Complexity of Waiver Enforceability in Texas

Enforceability of waivers is a complicated matter in Texas. There are no written laws that explicitly define what a liability waiver must contain to remain enforceable. Instead, courts rely on a patchwork arrangement of court opinions and interpretations to determine enforceability on a case-by-case basis. If you have an attorney who understands the framework for enforceability in Texas, he or she can review the waiver and develop a case that either contests enforceability or goes beyond the scope of the waiver. For instance, if a parent signs a waiver for a child to go whitewater rafting, the parent may give up the ability to file a claim, but a child may recover some damages.

Always Talk to an Attorney After an Extreme Activity Injury

After a high risk activity accident, secure a copy of your signed liability waiver. Keep any recordings that capture the time of the incident, and tell your medical provider about your injury. If you were using equipment that malfunctioned, take pictures of the equipment. Some individuals assume a waiver will keep them from recovering damages after an injury. As a result, they never pursue a legal consultation to determine if they have grounds for a lawsuit. At the Law Offices of Aaron A. Herbert PC, our initial consultations are always free, and we can help you determine if a lawsuit is the right course of action. Knowing your rights can help you take action after an accident. You probably don’t need to have your attorney review every waiver before you, but don’t be afraid to reach out to an attorney if you have any questions. You may have options to secure financial compensation that will cover the cost of your injury and rehabilitation. For more information, contact the Law Offices of Aaron A. Herbert PC in San Antonio.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:42 pm

How to Reject and Respond to a Low Insurance Settlement Offer

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

An accident can cause significant injuries to a victim, leading to expensive medical bills and other related costs. The value of a personal injury claim can be substantial to pay for all of a victim’s past, present and future losses. An insurance company, however, may do everything that it can to limit a victim’s payout, as insurers are for-profit organizations. Here’s what to do if you receive a low insurance settlement offer for your personal injury case.

Be Prepared for a Low Offer

You are already completing the first step by learning more about your rights as a plaintiff. The more you know about what to expect from the insurance process, the more prepared you will be. Know that the insurance company that you deal with after an accident – even if it is your own insurer and you have never missed a payment – is not on your side. Insurance companies look out for their bottom lines more than their clients. Keep this in mind throughout the claims process.
Be prepared for the insurance company’s first settlement offer to be low. This is a tactic that insurance companies use for two reasons: to set the bar low with the expectation that the client will negotiate for a higher amount, and to minimize a client’s payout if he or she does not know how to negotiate. Being prepared for a low settlement offer can prevent you from accepting it, as well as allow you to stay calm and take the correct steps to submit a counteroffer.

Consider Your Options

While it is true that an insurance company’s first offer is generally low, it is still important to take your time and consider the offer against the hassle of countering it and negotiating. Learn what your case is worth by calculating all of the expenses related to your accident, as well as estimating how much you will continue to spend in the future. Then, look at the language of the insurance policy to determine its limits.
You should also consider whether the insurance company has given you a valid reason to decrease your payment. Determine how much more you would need from the insurance company to feel like you have been made whole financially. Weighing all of this against the steps you will need to take to negotiate for a higher offer can help you decide what to do next. Advice from an attorney can also help you make the right choice.

Submit a Formal Counteroffer

If you wish to negotiate with the insurance company for a higher settlement offer, reject the offer correctly. You or your personal injury lawyer will need to draft a formal business letter that makes a case for your counteroffer. Your letter should be clear and concise. It should state that the settlement offer is unacceptable and give an acceptable figure. It should explain why your counteroffer is reasonable and appropriate, giving reasons and explaining your losses and demands. It can also refute the reason the insurer gave for its low offer.
Your counteroffer should be professional. It should not be angry or accusatory in tone. To work toward a reasonable settlement agreement with the insurance company, your counteroffer should be less than your initial demand. This will show the insurance company that you are willing to compromise. It is difficult to say how many counteroffers your case will need to reach an amount that you believe is fair for your injuries and losses. You may never reach this amount, and may need to either accept the settlement or take your case to trial.

Get Assistance From an Attorney

It is important to work with an attorney for assistance rejecting and responding to a low insurance settlement offer. This is a delicate phase of your claim. Once you accept an offer, you cannot reopen your case. Rejecting the offer in the wrong way, however, could make the insurance company less likely to work with you to achieve a reasonable settlement. A personal injury lawyer in Dallas can help you communicate with an insurance company in the most effective way possible.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:27 am

What Is the Attorney-Client Privilege?

Friday, January 14, 2022

When you retain an attorney, you become protected by something known as the attorney-client privilege. This is a legal principle that applies to both criminal and civil cases. In simple terms, it is a guarantee that what you say to your attorney remains confidential – it stays only between the two of you. Attorney-client privilege encourages clients to openly share information with their attorneys without fear of it getting back to opposing counsel, allowing the attorney to provide effective legal representation.

How Does the Attorney-Client Privilege Work?

Attorney-client privilege automatically applies when an attorney is communicating with a client or potential client. This includes during free case evaluations, in most cases. In general, the individual must be speaking to a lawyer for the purpose of obtaining legal advice for attorney-client privilege to apply. Speaking to someone who happens to be an attorney at a cocktail party, for example, would not create attorney-client privilege.
The attorney-client privilege applies to conversations with personal injury lawyers, criminal defense lawyers, employment lawyers and all other types of attorneys. The communication in question must be kept only between the client and the attorney, however; no third parties may overhear the conversation, or else the attorney can no longer guarantee attorney-client privilege. This is because the confidentiality between the two parties has been broken by the third party.
When kept only between the client and the attorney, all types of communication are confidential under attorney-client privilege. This includes text messages, emails, letters, voicemails and verbal communication. After a client agrees to work with an attorney – he or she “retains” the lawyer and signs a contract – all information passed between them is safeguarded by the attorney-client privilege.
The attorney-client privilege is typically stated in plain terms in the attorney’s contract, but it may also be created by oral agreement. Even without a written or oral agreement, however, the attorney-client privilege can exist any time a client talks to a lawyer for the purpose of obtaining legal advice with the assumption that it is in confidence.

How Is Attorney-Client Privilege Used?

Attorney-client privilege works by preventing the attorney from diverging information against his or her client. When the opposing party in a case is trying to learn more about the subject at hand, such as during the discovery phase of a personal injury lawsuit, the attorney-client privilege prevents the defense lawyer from questioning the plaintiff’s attorney. Any privileged information between the attorney and his or her client is not discoverable. This makes it possible for a client to speak freely and openly with his or her attorney without fear of the information being given to the opposing side.
Likewise, if questioned about what a client said to his or her lawyer, the client cannot legally be compelled to answer. A client cannot be forced to testify regarding private matters communicated to his or her attorney in confidence. If the client wishes, however, he or she can waive the attorney-client privilege. It is the client’s privilege, not the attorney’s. This means the client has the right to waive the privilege if desired, but an attorney cannot. This is generally only done when the client wishes to have a third party present.

Are There Exceptions to Attorney-Client Privilege?

Attorney-client privilege is not without exception. There are circumstances where an attorney is ethically compelled to disclose information given to him or her by a client to the appropriate authorities. For example, if a client admits plans to commit a crime that has not yet been committed, this information may have to be given to the authorities. Admitting an intention to commit fraud during the current claim is also an exception to the rule. In addition, the specific laws regarding attorney-client privileges can differ from state to state. The best way to understand this privilege in your personal injury case is by asking your attorney.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:48 pm

How Personal Injury Mediation Works

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Personal injury mediation is a type of pretrial conflict resolution, also known as alternative dispute resolution or ADR. It is an opportunity for both parties involved in a personal injury case to resolve the issue by reaching a settlement rather than going to trial. Sometimes, mediation is a legal requirement before a case can proceed to trial. Knowing what to expect during personal injury mediation can help you prepare for this process as an injured party.

When Is Mediation Used?

A simple personal injury case that involves only minor injuries may reach a settlement without needing any form of conflict resolution. The plaintiff and the defendant’s insurance company may be able to negotiate a settlement agreement between themselves – especially if the plaintiff is represented by an experienced attorney as the negotiator. If negotiations fail, however, a logical next step is mediation.

Where Is Mediation Held?

Mediation is not a court trial. It generally does not take place in a courtroom or even a courthouse. Instead, mediation is often held at a neutral location, such as at an attorney’s office. It is more informal than a personal injury trial, although you should still act professionally. Your lawyer can help you prepare what to wear, how to act and what to say during mediation.

Who Attends Mediation?

Mediation is generally attended by both parties involved in the personal injury case, their attorneys (if desired) and a mediator. In some cases, the defendant may opt not to attend mediation and to send his or her defense attorney to the meeting on the defendant’s behalf. Mediation is not open to the public and does not involve a judge or jury.

What Is a Mediator?

A mediator is an unbiased third party whose job is to help the other two parties resolve their legal dispute. Unlike a judge, a mediator does not have the power or authority to render a resolution or create a court order at the end of the meeting. Instead, the mediator is only there to facilitate conversations and negotiations between the two parties, in the hopes of reaching a resolution.

What Are the Steps of Mediation?

Like all legal processes, mediation follows the same general steps from case to case. While it is less formal and often less stressful than a personal injury trial, mediation can still be daunting if it is your first time. In general, you can expect the following steps during personal injury mediation:

  1. First, the mediator will introduce everyone who is in attendance and explain their roles in the case.
  2. Before mediation begins, the mediator will pass around a document that everyone must sign. This is an agreement to keep everything that is said and negotiated at mediation confidential.
  3. Once mediation begins, the plaintiff’s lawyer will make the opening statement and provide any supporting information or evidence. This will be followed by the defense attorney’s opening statement.
  4. Both parties will separate for the second half of mediation, typically going into two different rooms. The mediator will visit each room, going back and forth to carry information and try to resolve the conflict.
  5. Mediation does not have to end in a resolution. Mediation can end with a settlement agreement, an agreement to continue negotiations or the case going to trial.

Your lawyer can help you know what to expect from mediation during your specific personal injury case. A lawyer can represent you during mediation so that you do not have to go through this important meeting on your own. Finally, a lawyer can tell you what to do and what not to do during mediation to help your case.

Do You Need an Attorney for Personal Injury Mediation?

Throughout the legal process, including personal injury mediation, the defense attorney will have the defendant’s best interest in mind – not yours. The best way to stand up for your own rights during mediation is by hiring a lawyer to represent you. If you are curious about mediation during a personal injury case in Dallas, contact an attorney from The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free consultation. We offer mediation representation services.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:20 pm

What Is a Personal Injury Settlement Agreement?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A personal injury settlement agreement is one possible way to end a personal injury claim. It describes an agreement made between the plaintiff (the injured party) and defendant (the liable party) to end the case with the agreed-upon resolution. Settlements have many benefits for both parties – which is why most personal injury cases in Texas reach settlement agreements. There are some circumstances, however, when it is better not to settle as an injured accident victim.

What Is a Settlement?

A settlement is reached after negotiations between the plaintiff and the defendant, or the defendant’s insurance company, in a personal injury claim. First, the insurance company will analyze the claim and investigate the accident it involves. If the insurance company accepts liability for the accident, it will then offer the plaintiff a settlement to resolve the dispute.
The plaintiff has the choice of accepting the agreement as-is, negotiating to try to obtain a higher amount, or rejecting the settlement and taking the case to trial. If the insurance company rejects the claim, on the other hand, a settlement agreement won’t be reached, and the plaintiff may have the ability to file a personal injury lawsuit, instead.

What Are the Advantages of a Settlement Agreement?

There is a reason why the vast majority of personal injury claims reach settlement agreements. Settlements come with many benefits that personal injury trials do not have. Some of the most common advantages are:

  • Privacy. A settlement agreement can be kept private, while a personal injury trial is open to the public and will go on public record.
  • Control. It is up to both parties whether or not to agree to the terms of a proposed settlement. If a case goes to trial, on the other hand, both parties surrender control over the final outcome, or verdict, to a judge or jury.
  • Cost. Reaching a settlement agreement, even if it involves mediation or arbitration, is cheaper than taking a case to trial. A trial requires court costs, higher attorney’s fees, expert witness fees, and other expenses.
  • Time. The average personal injury settlement agreement takes around three to six months from start to finish (although some take much longer). A personal injury trial, on the other hand, has a timeline of about one year. A trial must wait until the courthouse has an open date.

Overall, a personal injury settlement agreement is cheaper, faster and generally more lucrative for both parties. This does not mean, however, that accepting a settlement agreement is always in your best interest as a plaintiff.

When Should You Reject a Settlement Agreement?

There are circumstances where accepting a settlement could mean receiving less money than you deserve for your case. Insurance companies are known for putting their bottom lines over client recoveries. This can mean a settlement offer that is inadequate for your injuries and losses. If you accept the first settlement offer without consulting with a lawyer, you may never be able to renegotiate or receive a higher amount – even if you find out later that your injuries require more medical care than you initially knew.
It is important to speak to an attorney before signing anything from an insurance company, especially a settlement agreement or a Release of Liability Waiver. If an attorney believes that you could collect more financial compensation through a personal injury trial, he or she may recommend that you reject the insurance company’s settlement offer. A personal injury trial could end in types of compensation that are not available with a settlement, such as money for your pain and suffering. There is no guarantee that you will win the case, however, if it does go to trial.
For more information about the personal injury settlement process, or advice about whether to accept a settlement, contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free consultation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:52 pm

What Is the Texas Dram Shop Law?

Sunday, September 12, 2021
When one person injures another, the injured party may seek compensation for his or her injuries and associated expenses by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the person who injured him or her. In some situations, a third-party may share some of the blame. This third-party may not have directly contributed to the injury-causing incident, but his or her involvement enabled the defendant (the person being sued) to commit the action. One of the most prevalent examples of this situation would be a bar or other establishment that serves alcohol to an obviously intoxicated patron. In Texas, the laws meant to prevent such incidents are known as dram shop laws.

How Do Dram Shop Claims Work?

Any establishment or “social host” that provides alcohol to guests may be held responsible for any injuries that those guests cause to others after they leave the premises. Additionally, liquor stores and other alcohol vendors can be held responsible for damages in some cases, including any instance of alcohol being sold or given to anyone under the age of 18 or any instance of providing alcohol to an obviously intoxicated person. A “social host” describes any individual who knowingly supplies alcohol to individuals under the age of 18. This does not apply to parents – a parent cannot be held accountable as a social host if his or her child injures another person due to intoxication. Under Texas laws, social hosts include any adult who is not a parent, legal guardian, or spouse of the minor under 18. Social host laws also apply to individuals who knowingly serve alcohol to minors under 18 or permit alcohol consumption by minors under 18 on his or her property.


As with any other personal injury case, a personal injury lawsuit involving dram shop laws can provide the injured party with various forms of compensation, including:
  • Medical expenses. Compensation for medical costs can include emergency response services and care, hospital bills, the costs of any necessary subsequent treatments (such as physical therapy or reconstructive surgeries), prescription costs, and any other medical expenses resulting from the incident.
  • Pain and suffering. The plaintiff’s attorney will consult with medical professionals who will act as expert witnesses. Expert witnesses have no personal involvement in a case, but instead, provide their expertise to the court to help a jury determine how an injury affected the plaintiff. Although it sounds difficult to quantify physical pain and emotional trauma with a dollar figure, expert witness testimony allows a court to determine a reasonable amount of compensation.
  • Lost income. If an injury prevents the plaintiff from returning to work for an extended period, he or she can claim lost wages as compensation. If an incident results in a permanent disability that prevents the plaintiff from resuming his or her job permanently, he or she can sue for the income that he or she would have reasonably expected to earn in the future.
  • Property damage. This includes damage to a vehicle or destroyed personal belongings.
Cases involving dram shop laws often involve extensive investigation, such as interviewing patrons and staff of the establishment who saw the intoxicated individual, security footage from the establishment, and consultations with expert witnesses. An attorney is crucial for successfully navigating any personal injury case and any case involving Texas dram shop laws – which will likely be complex. The individual directly responsible for the incident and the establishment that served alcohol to the individual can both be held accountable for the incident. For example, if you were struck by a drunk driver and injured, you can sue the driver for compensation for the damages listed above. Additionally, if that driver just left a bar that continued to serve him or her alcohol after he or she was visibly drunk, the bar can also be held accountable for contributing to the incident. If you’ve been involved in a drunk driving accident in fort worth or any other city in Texas, contact us for a free case evaluation.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 5:27 pm

Proving Lost Wages and Loss of Earning Capacity in a Personal Injury Case

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

One of the many ways an accident can interfere with your life is by taking you out of work. Your injury may temporarily make you unable to perform the necessary tasks of your job, or you might have suffered a disability that will take you out of work for the foreseeable future. Either way, you could be eligible for financial compensation for your losses of income – past, present and future.

What Are Lost Wages?

Lost wages during a personal injury claim specifically refer to the past or present losses of income you are experiencing due to the inability to go to work. Lost wages can cover missed shifts at work, bonuses, special projects, commission, tips, promotions, vacation time, medical leave, retirement benefits and other employment benefits lost while you are in the hospital or recuperating. If you had to miss work for a surgery, physical therapy or rehabilitation, for example, this financial loss would be categorized as lost wages.
Lost wages can also refer to the difference between what you used to make and what you are able to make now while you heal from an injury. If you cannot return to your old job until you recover, but your employer finds you a different job that is part-time or has you working in a lesser capacity, you could be eligible for the difference between your old paychecks and what you make now.

What Is Loss of Earning Capacity?

Loss of earning capacity, on the other hand, refers to the future foreseeable losses of income that you will suffer due to a long-term or permanent injury. It describes the loss of your ability to earn a living wage in the future – either partially or entirely – due to your injury or disability.
If you suffered a reduced ability to earn a living or cannot earn a living at all, you are eligible for this type of damage award. For example, if you suffered a paralyzing spinal cord injury that puts you out of work for the rest of your life, you could seek financial compensation for the income and employment benefits that you are not able to earn in the future.
While the amount of financial compensation you can receive for lost wages is calculated based on your exact income and benefits lost, loss of earning capacity is predicted based on factors such as the severity of your injury, how long it will take you out of work, your age, your overall health and your income level. The amount may also be adjusted for inflation.

How to Prove Both Types of Losses

As the plaintiff in a personal injury claim in Texas, it is your responsibility to prove lost wages and lost capacity to earn before you can recover financial compensation for these damages. You or your personal injury lawyer have the burden to prove your losses based on a preponderance of the evidence, or enough evidence to establish your losses as more likely to be true than not true.
Evidence that you may be able to use to prove past and future losses of income include:

  • Pay stubs
  • Employment documents
  • Benefits information
  • Letter from your employer
  • Tax documents
  • Business documents
  • Customer invoices
  • Letter from your doctor about your future disability
  • Medical records
  • Photographs and videos
  • Testimony from experts

In general, it is more difficult to prove loss of earning capacity than lost wages. While lost wages refer to income already lost when a lawsuit is filed, loss of earning capacity refers to losses that will occur after the lawsuit is filed. Proving this type of financial loss requires predicting what you likely would have made had the accident not occurred. An experienced attorney can help you establish lost wages and lost capacity to earn during your injury claim in Dallas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:52 am

When Is It Best to Take a Settlement vs. Going to Trial?

Monday, June 28, 2021

There are two main ways to resolve a personal injury case in Texas: a settlement or a trial. Settlements are more common and generally more popular, as they are faster and cheaper than injury trials. Certain circumstances, however, require injury trials. Both legal options have potential advantages and disadvantages. Determining which is the best for you generally requires discussing the pros and cons of each route with a personal injury attorney in Dallas.

Pros and Cons of Settling Your Personal Injury Case

A settlement is a legally binding agreement made between you (the plaintiff) and the other side of the case (the defendant). Most often, a settlement is made between the plaintiff’s attorney and the defendant’s insurance company. A settlement is an out-of-court agreement that typically happens through one-on-one meetings with the parties involved. These meetings often take the form of mediation or arbitration – meetings before third-party moderators that help facilitate compromises.
The pros of settling an injury claim include:

  • It is faster than going to trial.
  • It costs less in court costs and attorney’s fees.
  • It is generally less stressful than a full-blown trial.
  • You can stay in control of the outcome of your case.
  • You can keep your settlement private.

The number one con of a settlement vs. a personal injury trial is that it typically results in less money given to the plaintiff. As a general rule, personal injury settlements are worth less than judgment awards. In addition, once you reach a settlement, it is permanent. With only a few exceptions, you cannot reopen your case or renegotiate for a different amount. With a personal injury trial, however, you can appeal a jury’s decision.

Pros and Cons of Going to Trial

Going to trial means to state your case before a judge and jury. You and your personal injury lawyer will go to court and give an opening statement, provide evidence and testimony from witnesses, and give a closing statement during your trial. The defendant’s side will also have the chance to state their case. Then, a judge or a panel of 12 jurors will determine whether you met the burden of proof.
The burden of proof is clear and convincing evidence that the defendant more likely than not caused your injury. If you did meet your burden of proof, you will be given a judgment award. If not, the defendant won’t be found liable for your damages. Some of the pros and cons to consider with a personal injury trial are:

  • Pro: the possibility of a greater financial award.
  • Con: more time and money spent on the legal process.
  • Pro: the ability to appeal a lost trial.
  • Con: a trial is part of public record.
  • Pro: a trial can give you a greater sense of justice and closure.
  • Con: you have no control over the outcome of your case.

With a trial, prepare for a longer and more in-depth legal process; a trial can take a year or longer to finish, while the average settlement takes only a few months. However, a trial can come with advantages such as greater financial compensation. You could be eligible for pain and suffering damages with a trial, for instance, as well as punitive damages.

Which Is the Right Choice for You?

There are many pros and cons to consider with both legal options. The best way to choose the option that is best for you is by consulting with a personal injury attorney in Dallas. An attorney can review the benefits and drawbacks of a settlement vs. a trial in relation to your particular case. Then, your attorney will recommend which route is best for you according to the specific facts of your case and your unique goals. With a lawyer by your side, you can rest assured you are making the right choice.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:33 pm

Is Social Media Content Admissible in Court?

Friday, June 25, 2021

In the digital age, social media platforms have become a popular way to communicate with friends and family and document daily activities. If you are one of the millions of people who are regularly active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or another social media platform, it is important to realize how your social media activity could affect your injury claim after an accident.

Social Media Can Be Used Against You in Court

You might not think twice before posting about your accident, injury or personal injury claim to your social media accounts. You may assume it is for social purposes only and cannot be used for official legal proceedings, or that your privacy settings keep your profile safe from prying eyes. These are common misconceptions.
Regardless of your privacy settings, a defense attorney can access your social media accounts if there is a valid reason to do so. In fact, social media sites are becoming a more common focus during evidence discovery. An attorney or investigator can access everything you post, including photographs, comments that you write on other people’s profiles, private messages and location check-ins. The defense attorney or insurance company that you are going up against may be able to use this information against you during a personal injury case.
An insurance company will look for any reason to deny benefits or reduce your payout while gathering evidence from your social media accounts. Mainly, the insurer will look for posts that paint you as an unreliable witness, such as photographs of you enjoying yourself with your friends after you file a claim for pain and suffering, or participating in physical activities after claiming a debilitating injury. This is why it is important to be conscious of what you post – or don’t post anything at all.

Social Media Tips After an Accident

Almost anything you post on social media after an accident could be twisted around and used against you by the defense. Social media content can be admitted to the courts as evidence if it is relevant to civil litigation. The best way to protect yourself is with no social media activity at all. If you must remain on social media, use the following tips to help protect your legal rights:

  • Do not talk about the accident in any capacity on a social media site. Do not post photographs of your wrecked car after a car accident, for example, or admit fault for the crash.
  • Do not update your social media accounts with your activities after an accident. This includes photographs, videos and location check-ins.
  • Tell your friends and family members not to tag you in any posts until your personal injury claim has been resolved.
  • Do not think you can hide things that you have already posted by deleting them. Investigators can gain access to deleted social media data, in some cases. Deleting possible evidence could also lead to penalties for the obstruction of justice.

Any social media activity before the resolution of your case can be used against you. The best way to avoid negatively impacting your right to recover is by avoiding social media altogether. Temporarily disable or delete your account until your claim is completed, if possible. If you receive a request for your social media content, bring the request to an attorney before complying.
This type of request must be reasonable in the eyes of the law for a valid claim to your social media content. Your attorney can make sure that the request is relevant and lawful. Then, your attorney can help you submit the correct social media content while still protecting your rights. For more information about social media and civil law, contact a personal injury lawyer in Dallas today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:17 pm

What is Mobbing?

Thursday, June 24, 2021
As residents of a populous metropolitan area, San Antonio citizens face a variety of threats and dangers in day-to-day life. Among those threats is mobbing, a form of group bullying focused on harassing or treating a victim badly with the intent to demean and inflict psychological harm. Mobbing comes in several forms and can happen in school, at work, and online.

Elements of Mobbing

To classify as mobbing, two or more people acting as “bullies” must be involved. This group works together to collectively inflict a relentless assault of psychological and/or physical terror on a helpless target through a tirade of threats, insults, and offensive remarks. Victims of mobbing are typically people who differ from the norm in a social setting, either based on their religious beliefs, race, disability, or other traits. Thus, people engaged in mobbing are often practicing discrimination. Mobbing can involve:
  • Intimidation
  • Threats of harm or embarrassment
  • Blackmailing
  • Intense peer pressure
  • Offensive conduct
  • Harassment
By-standers and victims alike have reported recent incidents of mobbing on the internet, on social media, and in chat rooms. Cyberspace mobbing is especially dangerous to vulnerable children and teenagers and can lead to depression, self-harm, eating disorders, and even suicide. Another example is mobbing in the workplace. When a group of employees wants a person to leave the company or job, either through voluntary or forced termination, it can trigger people to engage in mobbing. The workplace bullies inflict public ridicule and humiliation upon the fellow employee, creating an uncomfortable and sometimes volatile work environment for the victim. In some cases, a manager can support or participate in the mobbing, which creates a further strained working relationship for the target. Targets of workplace bullies can suffer long-term emotional scarring. Financial damage is also a risk if victims are forced to take off work or quit a job to avoid the bullying attacks. Workplace mobbing has far-reaching effects that can result in damage to the victim’s career and professional reputation through loss of business opportunities and promotions.

Dangers of Mobbing

Mobbing has the same negative consequences as ordinary bullying but can be exponentially worse, depending on the number of bullies involved in the mob. Mobbing can have various effects on the victim, but psychological and emotional damage is most common. A victim can suffer extreme fear about going to school or work, which can trigger feelings of illness or nausea. Victims may also experience nightmares and a fear of social settings. Mobbing can make a victim feel less-than, injuring self-confidence and leading to feelings of self-loathing or shame. The severe emotional trauma mobbing can inflict on a victim can last for years after the incident and often requires therapy or professional counseling to help overcome the damage. A victim can also suffer physical damages if the mob becomes physically violent.

Can I File a Claim for Mobbing?

Mobbing often involves damaging and harmful conduct, inflicting long-lasting pain on the victims. In many cases, an employer or school official can dispel a mob if a victim reports what’s happening. In some cases, however, this is not enough to remedy the victim’s damages, especially in cases of actual injury or loss. Filing a claim against the perpetrators of mobbing can help a victim obtain financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages, mental anguish, and pain and suffering. If you were or are the victim of mobbing, an attorney can help you file a legal claim against the group of bullies. You have rights in a mobbing situation, especially if the incident stems from discrimination. If you need to attend a meeting with an official to discuss the mobbing incident, an attorney can stand by your side and give you advice.
Posted by at 10:06 pm

What Is Double Indemnity in a Personal Injury Case?

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Double indemnity is a type of clause often found in life insurance policies. It is a provision that allows a claimant to recover additional money – generally, a double payout – in the event of an accidental death. Unfortunately, insurance companies often prevent clients from receiving the financial recovery they deserve through double indemnity clauses, such as by making it hard to prove that a death was accidental. You may need help with double indemnity from a personal injury lawyer.

What Is Double Indemnity?

Double indemnity refers to a life insurance policy provision that allows claimants to receive larger payouts if the insured individual died as a result of an accident or unintentional injuries. In most cases, double indemnity allows for double or even triple payouts. A death may be classified as accidental for insurance purposes if it stems from any of the following circumstances:

  • Act of violence/homicide
  • Car or truck accident
  • Choking or suffocation
  • Defective product or machinery incident
  • Drowning
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Medical malpractice
  • Slip and fall accident
  • Workplace incident

Obtaining benefits through a double indemnity clause generally requires proof that the death was accidental. This may take evidence such as a police report, a coroner’s report, expert witness testimony and medical records. You and your family may also have to go up against the insurance company with a lawsuit to obtain the financial compensation you deserve through a double indemnity clause.

What Issues Might You Encounter With a Double Indemnity Clause?

It is important to realize that the insurance company receiving your claim does not want to maximize your payout. It wants to pay you as little as possible to protect its own profits. The insurance company can come up with many reasons to deny a double indemnity clause. One of the most common excuses is that the death was not accidental. It may be up to you or your personal injury attorney to prove that it was accidental and that you qualify for double indemnity under the insurance policy.
Another excuse insurance companies often give is that the death qualifies as a policy exception. Read the fine print of your life insurance policy to understand the exceptions to your double indemnity clause. Common exceptions are deaths caused by suicide, the decedent’s own negligence or intoxication, natural causes, and murder by one of the beneficiaries listed on the policy.
Finally, your double indemnity clause may be denied if the insurance company is guilty of bad faith. Insurance bad faith is the rejection of benefits or diminishment of a client’s payout without a valid reason. An insurance company may be guilty of bad faith if it knowingly or intentionally mishandles your claim to protect its own profits. If you suspect insurance bad faith, contact an attorney for assistance with a separate bad-faith claim.

How to Handle Your Life Insurance Claim

If you are filing a claim to recover benefits under a double indemnity clause, be careful what you say to the representative in charge. Remember, the insurance company does not have your family’s best interests in mind. Before you accept a life insurance settlement, bring the offer to a personal injury lawyer to confirm that it is a fair and full amount. A lawyer can help you negotiate with the insurance company for a fair payout or appeal a denied claim, if applicable.
If your loved one recently passed away under unexpected or preventable circumstances, consult with a wrongful death attorney about your family’s legal rights. An attorney can guide you through a double indemnity clause in your loved one’s life insurance policy and/or represent you during a wrongful death lawsuit in Dallas. An attorney can also help you with an insurance bad-faith claim if your double indemnity clause is wrongfully denied. Learn more today by contacting The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:59 pm

What Is the Difference Between Personal Injury and Bodily Injury?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

If you file a claim for an injury you suffered in a preventable accident in Texas, you may encounter one or both terms – personal injury and bodily injury. Although sometimes used interchangeably, these phrases have different meanings on a legal level. Understanding the difference can help you make more sense of your injury claim.

What Is the Difference Between Personal Injury and Bodily Injury? 131

Legal Difference Between Personal Injury and Bodily Injury

Bodily injury is more commonly used in criminal cases than civil cases. Texas’ assault law, for example, defines this crime as intentionally or recklessly causing a bodily injury to another person. It is more common to see the phrase personal injury in civil law. Personal injury is the phrase used to describe physical and nonphysical injuries from the negligence or recklessness of another party. Negligence in personal injury law is any careless act or omission that causes injury to another person.

What Is Bodily Injury Liability Insurance?

There is another difference between bodily injury and personal injury from an insurance standpoint. They describe two different types of automobile insurance, found in two different types of insurance systems. There are fault and no-fault insurance system states. Fault states require all drivers to purchase bodily injury liability insurance.
Texas is a fault-based insurance state. In Texas, all motor vehicle operators must purchase at least $30,000 in bodily injury liability insurance per person and $60,000 per accident. Bodily injury liability insurance will pay for victims’ medical bills and property damage after a car accident. The at-fault driver will use his or her bodily injury insurance to pay for victims’ losses.

What Is Personal Injury Protection Insurance?

In no-fault states, on the other hand, all drivers pay for their own losses, regardless of fault. They pay for medical bills using a type of first-party insurance known as personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. Personal injury protection insurance pays for medical bills and related expenses regardless of who is at fault.
Texas has an option to purchase add-on personal injury protection insurance; however, unlike bodily injury liability insurance, PIP insurance is not mandatory. If you do elect to purchase PIP coverage, this can help you pay for your own medical bills and other expenses after a car accident if the other driver is uninsured or underinsured.

The Implications of Bodily Injury vs. Personal Injury

Depending on the laws in your state and the circumstances of your accident, you may encounter one or both legal terms. The main thing to know is that Texas is a fault state, so you are more likely to deal with bodily injury liability insurance than personal injury protection. If you wish to file a lawsuit against an at-fault party, you will have what is called a personal injury claim. If the other party is accused of a crime, there may be mentions of your bodily injuries.
During your personal injury claim, you will have to prove the losses you are claiming. If you are claiming physical injuries, for example, you may have to use medical records and photographs as evidence. If you are claiming lost wages, you would use evidence such as pay stubs and a letter from your employer. The same evidence may also apply to a bodily injury insurance claim in a no-fault state. Note, however, that you would not have to prove the defendant’s negligence in a no-fault state.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help?

Navigating your injury claim in Texas is easier with help from a Dallas personal injury attorney. Your lawyer can help you better understand the legal difference between bodily injury and personal injury, as well as calculate both accurately. If you are eligible for one or both types of insurance coverage, your lawyer can pursue maximum financial compensation on your behalf.
For more information about how an attorney can help with your claim, contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:32 pm

What’s the Average Payout for Soft-Tissue Injuries?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Soft-tissue injuries are common and soft tissue injury compensation amounts can vary in accidents throughout Texas. Soft-tissue injuries are not as obvious or easy to prove as hard injuries, such as broken bones. Proving your soft-tissue injury and obtaining a fair payout may take assistance from a personal injury lawyer in Dallas to improve your chances of a soft tissue injury settlement.

Average Settlement for soft tissue injury car accident

What Are Soft-Tissue Injuries?

The soft tissues lie within the body’s muscular system. Soft tissues include the muscles, tendons and ligaments. A soft-tissue injury describes any damage, tears, inflammation or irritation of the soft tissues. Soft-tissue injuries can stem from trauma, stress or repetitive use. They can cause pain, swelling, discomfort and immobility.
Common examples of soft-tissue injuries are:

  • Bursitis
  • Contusions (bruising)
  • Ligament injuries
  • Muscle sprains or strains
  • Pulled muscles
  • Stress or repetitive motion injuries
  • Tendon injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Whiplash

Soft-tissue injuries are especially common in the back, wrist, ankle, hamstring, calf and elbow. They can stem from sports, exercise, overexertion at work, car accidents, falls and other incidents. The severity of the soft-tissue injury, as well as treatment options, depend on the exact injury. Most soft-tissue injuries heal completely in a matter of weeks or months. Treatment options include rest, ice, physical therapy, rehabilitation and pain medications. The average settlement for a  soft tissue injury car accident can vary but we will get into that.

What is the Average Settlement for Soft Tissue Injury Car Accident?

What is the average settlement for a soft tissue injury car accident? This is difficult because there is no average payout for a soft-tissue injury but let us explain. You cannot gauge how much you might receive for a soft-tissue injury by looking at other victims’ injury claims. Every case is unique. The value of your claim will depend on factors that are unique only to you, such as your exact injury diagnosis, your prognosis for recovery, how long it will take you to heal, your amount of pain and suffering, your age and overall health, and more.

In general, your soft-tissue injury claim will be worth more if it is classified as a moderate to severe injury rather than a minor injury. If you have a Grade 3 soft-tissue injury with a complete tear, for example, you will have a significantly longer recovery time than a Grade 1 soft-tissue injury. This will consequently result in an injury claim that is worth more money, as you will have greater losses in medical care, rehabilitation and lost wages. Severe soft-tissue injuries also come with a higher degree of pain and suffering.

You may be able to increase the value of your soft-tissue injury claim by mitigating your damages. Seek medical attention immediately after your accident and request copies of all hospital statements. Gathering as much medical evidence as possible can help you build a stronger claim. Follow your doctor’s advice to avoid allegations that you worsened your injuries, which could reduce your financial award. Finally, take time off of work to heal rather than pushing through the pain to return too early.

How Can You Prove Soft-Tissue Injuries?

If you wish to file a lawsuit for a soft-tissue injury in Texas, you must prove that your injury exists. Proving a soft-tissue injury is a challenge, as these injuries are not outwardly obvious. Unlike a hard injury, there is no x-ray or CT scan that can prove a soft-tissue injury. In addition, insurance companies often examine soft-tissue injury claims more closely due to a higher likelihood of insurance fraud.

You may need an attorney to help you prove your soft-tissue injury. An attorney can help you gather evidence and documentation, including medical records, testimony from medical experts and a letter from your physician. Your attorney may also recommend you keep an injury journal to document exactly how you feel in the aftermath of an accident. Your ability to prove a soft-tissue injury can determine whether you receive insurance coverage.

For more information about how to prove a soft-tissue injury claim and tips on maximizing your financial recovery, contact an attorney at The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:25 am

Should I Handle My Personal Injury Claim Alone or Hire a Lawyer?

Monday, June 21, 2021

If you get injured in an accident in Dallas, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Unfortunately, the personal injury claims process can be confusing and difficult to navigate. Hiring a personal injury lawyer can vastly improve your legal experience and the outcome of your case. Not all personal injury claims require legal representation, however. Find out when you might need an attorney and when you can handle your claim alone.

Should I Handle My Personal Injury Claim Alone or Hire a Lawyer? 134

How Do Insurance Companies Handle Claims?

If you wish to handle your own claim, you must at least know what you’re getting into. The insurance company that you will be up against does not have your best interests in mind. The insurance company’s number one goal is to increase its profits. Even if you weren’t at fault for the accident, the insurance company will try its best to diminish your payout or deny benefits altogether. This can make it difficult to obtain a fair and full amount for your injuries and losses.
When going up against an insurance claims adjuster (the professional assigned to review your claim), do not admit any fault for the accident and do not agree to give a recorded statement. The recorded statement is a tactic used to take advantage of you by using your own words against you later. Politely explain that you will submit a written statement to the insurer instead at a later date. If you are offered a settlement, make sure it adequately pays for your present and future medical care, losses of income, property repairs, and other damages before accepting.

When Do You Need a Lawyer?

Some personal injury claims are simple or not worth enough money to need attorneys. It may be easy for you to bring a claim against someone else’s insurance company and receive fair compensation for minor injuries, for example. In this case, you can most likely successfully handle the claims process alone and save money on an attorney. If, however, your injury claim has complicating factors, you may need to hire a lawyer to properly handle your case.
Complicating factors can include:

  • Severe or catastrophic injuries
  • Permanently disabling injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Complicated legal elements
  • Liability dispute or multiple defendants
  • The comparative negligence defense
  • Underpaid claim
  • Delayed investigation or payout
  • No response from the insurance company
  • A wrongfully denied insurance claim

If your accident caused minor or no injuries, the defendant is not arguing fault, you receive an adequate settlement offer or the maximum amount available, you are comfortable researching the laws in your state on your own, and you can negotiate effectively with an insurance claims adjuster, you may not need to hire a personal injury attorney. If you encounter any issues during your claim, however, or wish to ensure the protection of your legal rights, hiring a lawyer is the right choice.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

The number one reason injured accident victims choose to navigate their claims alone is concern over the cost of hiring an attorney. Many personal injury lawyers, however, operate on a contingency fee basis. This means you will not have to pay the lawyer anything upfront to handle your claim. Instead, you will only pay if and when the attorney obtains financial compensation for your injuries on your behalf.
If your lawyer does win your case, he or she will deduct attorney’s fees as a percentage of the overall settlement or judgment award won. That way, you never have to afford your personal injury attorney out of pocket. You can always schedule a free consultation to find out if the lawyer is worth the cost. Lawyers are honest with their legal opinions on whether clients need professional legal help, as they will not waste their time or resources on claims that are simple enough to be handled alone. Learn more about your unique case today by contacting The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C.

Posted by mockingbird at 12:47 pm

Can You Sue After Signing a Liability Waiver in Texas?

Friday, June 18, 2021

If you engage in an activity with known injury risks, you will most likely be asked to sign a liability waiver. Signing means that you accept the risks associated with the activity and that you are releasing the person or party from financial responsibility (liability) should something go wrong and you suffer an injury. Signing a liability waiver, however, does not necessarily mean you are not allowed to sue.

Can You Sue After Signing a Liability Waiver in Texas? 137

What Is a Liability Waiver? Should You Sign One?

A liability waiver is a common type of legal document used by individuals and businesses to prevent them from having to pay for medical bills, legal fees and property repairs if an activity injures a participant. You often do not have a choice except to sign a liability waiver if you wish to participate in a risky activity, such as going to the gym or attending a baseball game. Common places where you may have to sign a liability waiver include:

  • Amusement parks
  • ATV tours
  • Cruise ships
  • Daycare centers
  • Gyms
  • Ridesharing companies
  • Sightseeing tours
  • Sports stadiums and fields

Most liability waivers state that the party that created the waiver is protected from financial responsibility even if that party is negligent. In personal injury law, negligence is the careless failure to adhere to the anticipated standards of care, resulting in injury or harm to another person. In other words, a negligent party breaches a duty of care and causes harm.

Most personal injury lawsuits are based on the legal theory of negligence. If you signed a liability waiver, however, you may have signed away the right to file a lawsuit based on negligence. This does not mean that you do not have any legal options. You may still have the right to bring a lawsuit against a negligent or reckless party in certain circumstances.

What Makes a Liability Waiver Legally Enforceable?

The first question to ask when determining if you have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit after signing a liability waiver is whether the waiver is valid. If the waiver is not valid, it is not legally enforceable. In Texas, a liability waiver must meet certain requirements for the courts to uphold it:

  • A written document that has the participant’s signature (or a parent’s signature if the participant is under the age of 18)
  • A waiver of liability that is express and conspicuous, meaning that it is not hidden in a longer contract
  • Language that is clear, concise and unambiguous
  • A precise list of the risks or hazards that are known to be involved in the activity
  • Wording that does not violate public policy

If you are not sure whether or not the liability waiver you signed in Dallas is legally valid, print out a copy and bring it to an attorney. If the attorney finds something wrong with the document, it may be void, giving you the right to file a lawsuit for a recent injury.

Is it Still Possible to Sue With a Liability Waiver?

The answer to this question depends on the unique elements of the case. It is possible that the liability waiver contains an issue that makes it invalid on a legal level. It is also possible that the defendant’s actions go beyond simple negligence and into gross negligence, recklessness or the malicious intent to harm. In this scenario, a liability waiver will not protect the individual or entity from liability for his or her wrongful acts.

There are ways to work around a liability waiver in Texas, especially if the individual or business that attempted to avoid liability made a mistake that put you at undue risk of serious bodily injury. Find out if you have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit in Dallas despite signing a liability waiver by bringing your case to an attorney for a review. A personal injury attorney can read the language of the contract you signed and let you know if you can still file a lawsuit.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:06 pm

Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid in a Personal Injury Claim

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The actions you take before and during your personal injury claim in Texas have the power to either harm or help your ability to recover financial compensation. Many claimants make mistakes that are extremely damaging to their claims, even to the point of getting the claim denied. Avoid these top seven mistakes to enhance your ability to achieve the case outcome you deserve.

Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid in a Personal Injury Claim 139

Admitting Any Degree of Fault

After an accident, it is many victims’ first reaction to apologize or admit fault. You may say you are sorry to the other driver involved in a car crash in Dallas, for example, to be polite and avoid a dispute. It is critical, however, to keep your legal rights in mind in the aftermath of an accident by not admitting any degree of fault.
Do not admit fault to the other people involved in the accident, to the police or to an insurance company during the processing of your claim. Do not apologize, either, as this could be misconstrued as you accepting blame for the accident. Admitting fault can bar you from financial recovery even before an insurance company investigates the cause of the accident.

Delaying Medical Treatment

One of the first things an insurance company looks for is whether the injured victim sought medical care right away or delayed treatment. A delay in going to a doctor or hospital after an accident in Dallas could give the insurance company a reason to blame you for the current extent of your injuries. The insurance company may argue, for instance, that you could have mitigated your damages by going to a hospital right away. It is important to go to a hospital immediately and to follow your doctor’s advice.

Going on Social Media

Do your best to resist the urge to post about your accident or injuries on any social media platform. This includes Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. The other person involved in your case, known as the defendant, can use anything you post to social media as evidence against you. The defendant’s attorney can access the information on your social media profiles regardless of your privacy settings. Watch who you speak to in general after an accident, as anyone other than your spouse can be compelled to testify against you.

Trusting the Insurance Company

Do not make the mistake of thinking that the insurance company in charge of your claim wants to maximize your financial recovery. It is the opposite; insurance companies want to minimize clients’ payouts to maximize their profits. When discussing your case with an insurance company or claims adjuster, be careful what you say. Don’t admit fault, give your permission to record a statement or accept a fast settlement.

Accepting the First Settlement Offer

It is normal to want to resolve your injury claim as quickly as possible. Accepting the very first offer made by an insurance company, however, could mean failing to receive the financial support you need to pay for your ongoing medical needs and other necessary expenses. The first offer is often too low, as the insurance company expects the client to negotiate with a counteroffer. Before saying yes to a settlement, bring the offer to an attorney for review.

Handling a Complicated Claim Alone

If you have a complicated injury claim, such as one involving catastrophic injuries or a liability dispute, hire an attorney to assist you. Handling a difficult claim alone can mean making mistakes that are detrimental to your financial recovery. Hiring an attorney, on the other hand, can ensure that you fully protect your legal rights during the claims process.

Allowing Your Deadline to Pass

Do not wait to seek an attorney’s advice about your recent accident in Dallas. All personal injury lawsuits in Texas must be filed within two years of the accident. The courts very rarely accept claims that are filed past this deadline. Act quickly to ensure the full protection of your legal rights.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:16 am

How Do You Calculate Loss of Enjoyment of Life in a Personal Injury Case?

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A serious accident can affect your life in many ways. The physical and emotional trauma you suffer in an accident can interfere with every aspect of your life, including your ability to enjoy the things that you used to. If an accident in Dallas caused a loss of enjoyment or quality of life, such as by interfering with your ability to play with your children or engage in favorite hobbies, you may be eligible for financial compensation for this loss in a personal injury case.

How Do You Calculate Loss of Enjoyment of Life in a Personal Injury Case? 142

What Is Loss of Enjoyment of Life?

In personal injury law, loss of enjoyment of life refers to a diminishment of your enjoyment of daily tasks, experiences or hobbies due to your accident or the related injuries that you suffered. If you sustained a permanent disability in a car accident in Dallas, for example, and can no longer do your job, perform household services, participate in favorite activities or spend quality time with your family, you may qualify for financial compensation for lost enjoyment of life.

How Is This Loss Calculated?

Calculating a noneconomic loss such as lost enjoyment of life can be difficult, as you do not have hard evidence to rely on for a numerical amount, such as medical bills. Rather than using bills and receipts, an insurance company, judge or jury will analyze factors that are unique to you to calculate an appropriate amount of financial damages for the loss of your enjoyment of life.
Several of these factors include:

  • The gravity of your injuries
  • How your injuries will impact you in the foreseeable future
  • If you have permanent scarring, disfigurement or disability
  • The nature of the activity that you can no longer enjoy
  • Your age and overall health
  • Your educational background and work history
  • Where you live

Financial compensation for the loss of enjoyment of life is included under the damage category of pain and suffering. Pain and suffering in Texas is calculated by analyzing how significantly the injury impacted the victim and will continue to alter the victim’s life. A jury can use a few different calculation methods – or no method at all – to determine a fair amount in financial compensation for pain and suffering.

How Can You Prove Loss of Enjoyment of Life?

Before you can receive financial compensation for reduced enjoyment or quality of life, you or your personal injury lawyer in Dallas must prove your inability to do certain things that you could do prior to the accident. You must show that these activities are now not possible or less enjoyable for you due to pain, immobility, emotional distress, or other factors that stem from your accident or injury.
Some ways in which you may be able to prove lost enjoyment of life include:

  • Using your medical records to prove the severe or catastrophic nature of your injury, scars, disfigurement or disability.
  • Seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist about your feelings and requesting copies of these medical records.
  • Obtaining an official medical diagnosis for a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Keeping an injury journal where you document how the accident has negatively impacted your life.
  • Asking your friends and loved ones to give statements attesting to the fact that you can no longer enjoy your favorite hobbies and activities.
  • Taking the stand yourself to answer questions about what your life was like before the accident vs. what it is like now.
  • Hiring subject-matter experts to testify on your behalf, including doctors and mental health professionals.

You do not have to prove your injury claim on your own. You have the right to hire an attorney to represent you during your case. An attorney will have the knowledge and experience you need to prove intangible losses such as lost enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. From gathering statements from witnesses to hiring experts, your lawyer can take many steps to strengthen your claim of loss of enjoyment of life.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:10 pm

Do I Need an Independent Medical Exam After an Accident in Dallas?

Monday, May 31, 2021

Settling an accident claim in Texas requires many different steps and actions on your part as an injured victim. One of these requirements may be an independent medical exam, or IME. An IME is a medical examination that is separate from the one conducted by your primary care physician or an emergency room after an accident. It is performed by a physician that is supposed to be neutral, to provide the insurance company with an unbiased medical opinion about your condition.

Do I Need an Independent Medical Exam After an Accident in Dallas? 144

What Is an Independent Medical Exam?

The independent medical exam is conducted by a physician who is certified as an independent medical examiner. The alleged purpose of the IME is to give the insurance company an impartial medical opinion on your condition. It serves to confirm the validity of the injury claimed and to prevent insurance fraud. The real goal, however, is often to refute a client’s medical claims and save the insurance company money.
The insurance company will typically provide a list of doctors in Dallas to choose from for an IME, or may give you the name of one specific independent medical examiner to visit. Although the IME is supposed to be performed by an unbiased third-party physician, there are often underlying business connections between the doctor and the insurance company.
For this reason, it is important to contact a personal injury lawyer in Dallas if an insurance company makes a request for an independent medical exam. The request is only valid in cases where there is good cause for the IME, such as disputes over the victim’s medical condition. A lawyer can check the validity of the request and advise you on how to respond.

Do You Have to Submit to an Independent Medical Exam?

In general, you must submit to an independent medical exam if one is requested by an insurance company. Read the language of your insurance policy to see if you agreed to submit to an IME as part of your contract. If so, the only way to refuse an IME is to show proof that admitting to one would be an undue burden, such as taking you out of work or giving you hefty travel costs. A lawyer may also be able to get you out of an IME if the circumstances of your case do not warrant one.

What to Expect During an IME

During an independent medical exam, the doctor will ask you how your injury took place, as well as obtain information about your relevant medical history. The doctor will also ask about your current course of treatment. Then, you may be subjected to physical exams and tests, such as x-rays. The insurance company will pay for the IME. You may be required to submit to more than one independent medical exam, at the cost of the insurance company, if the results of the initial appointment are inconclusive.
Do not fear the independent medical exam. It is very similar to a typical doctor’s appointment, with a focus on the injuries and treatments related to the accident involved in your insurance claim. With a lawyer in your corner, you will know exactly what to expect. Your lawyer can provide guidance and frame your legal strategy so that the results of an IME will affect your injury claim as little as possible.
The outcome of an independent medical exam may be disputed in court, depending on the circumstances. IMEs are rarely objective and may be based on kickbacks the doctor receives from the insurance company. Your lawyer can investigate the validity of your IME, as well as help you move forward with an injury claim for the best possible results. For more information about independent medical exams, contact a personal injury lawyer in Dallas today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:02 pm

How Long Does It Take to Get a Settlement After a Demand Letter Is Sent?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A settlement is a check an insurance company gives you to pay for your injuries and losses after an accident, such as a car accident.

By accepting the check, you agree to end the lawsuit and relinquish your right to hold the defendant further liable for the same accident or injury.

Although each case is unique, most follow similar timelines. These timelines can give you an idea of what to expect from your situation.

However, any factors unique to your case can impact how long it will take to get a settlement after you send your demand letter.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Settlement After a Demand Letter Is Sent? 147

What Is the Demand Letter?

The sooner you send your demand letter, the sooner you can initiate the insurance claims process.

The demand letter is the initial letter you or your lawyer send to the insurance company in charge of your claim.

It is the first attempt to resolve a dispute by requesting a specific amount of money to settle the case.

A lawyer can help you draft a succinct and effective demand letter that accurately estimates the value of your claim.

Texas Requirements for How Soon Insurance Companies Must Respond to Claims

If you are reading this, you are probably wondering, How long does it take to get a settlement after a demand letter is sent? There are state laws in place to increase the efficiency of the insurance system and demand letter response time.

These laws include deadlines all insurance companies in Texas must comply with when handling and responding to submitted claims. In Texas, an insurance company must acknowledge a claim within 15 days of its receipt.

This means you will receive an initial letter or email from the insurance company stating that it received your claim or demand letter within two weeks.

Then, the insurance company has the right to request information, documentation and evidence from you to inform its investigation.

You and your attorney can submit all the necessary paperwork together to make sure you don’t miss anything important.

Then, the insurance company has 15 days from the date it receives all of the necessary paperwork to decide whether to accept or reject the claim.

Once an insurance company decides to accept a claim and offer financial benefits, it must mail a settlement check within five business days.

Thus, for the most part, an insurance company in Texas must pay out a claim it accepts within 35 days. However, this timeline can be extended if the insurance company needs more time to conduct its investigation.

In this case, the insurance company may request 45 days to investigate, if it has sufficient grounds to do so, pushing out the personal injury demand letter response time.

Factors That Could Lengthen the Timeline

There is no set timeline that applies to every insurance claim; it varies on a case-by-case basis. Some claims are paid out within one to three months, while others take six months or longer to resolve.

Other cases can take years if they have to go to trial. Factors that can make a settlement take longer include:

  • A liability dispute
  • Multiple defendants
  • The comparative negligence defense
  • Mistakes made on the paperwork
  • Missing information
  • The insurance company handling many claims at once
  • Lengthy settlement negotiations
  • Insurance company bad faith
  • A wrongfully denied claim
  • Your case going to court

The length of time it takes for your insurance claim to settle depends on many different factors that are unique to your case.

It may be possible to speed up your timeline, however, with help from a personal injury lawyer in Dallas.

How Long Does It Take to Negotiate a Settlement?

The settlement negotiation process starts when you file your claim with the other party’s insurance company.

After that, it can take weeks or months of discussion before both parties agree on a settlement number. The length of time a settlement takes usually depends on how complicated your case is.

If, after multiple rounds of negotiations, you and the insurance company have not reached an agreement, your attorney might suggest filing a lawsuit.

Filing a lawsuit may prompt the insurer to finally offer a satisfactory settlement. Unfortunately, if the insurance company does not make an offer and opts instead to go to trial, you will likely have to wait longer for a settlement.

This is because trial dates are often set for six to eight months after parties file a complaint. Keep in mind that even if you file a lawsuit, you can still settle before the trial starts.

What Is the Next Step After a Demand Letter?

Generally, you can expect to receive a settlement check three to six weeks after you sign a settlement release.

If you are working with a lawyer, once you sign the release, the insurance company will process it and issue your lawyer a check.

After your lawyer receives the check, they will deposit it into an escrow account. Once the settlement check clears, your lawyer will use it to pay any money you owe.

For example, a payment might be made to your health insurance company if they paid for medical treatments related to the accident.

After your lawyer pays those expenses, they will deduct their fees based on what you agreed to in the contract you signed when you hired them.

Your lawyer may also deduct other costs, like court and expert witness fees. Once all fees and costs are paid, your lawyer will write you a check and send it to your address, at which time you will be free to deposit it in your bank account.

How to Speed Up Your Settlement

A personal injury lawyer has all the tools, resources and experience to make your insurance claim proceed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Your lawyer could shorten your timeline by communicating with the insurance company on your behalf. This will prevent common mistakes, such as missing information on the paperwork.

Your lawyer will also ensure that you do not rush into a fast settlement that devalues your injuries and losses.

Hiring a lawyer can shorten a settlement timeline while protecting your legal rights.

Contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C.

If you suffered a personal injury because of someone else’s negligence, the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Our experienced personal injury team is not afraid to go to court to pursue your maximum compensation and will use aggressive legal strategies to protect your rights.

We offer one-on-one attention and will take the time to get to know you and the details of your unique case.

Contact us today by phone or online to schedule a free case evaluation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:52 pm

How to Obtain Your Medical Records After an Injury

Monday, May 24, 2021

If you get injured in an accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation through the rules of personal injury law. An insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit in Dallas, Texas requires you to show proof of your injuries to receive financial benefits. One type of evidence that may be useful is your medical records. If you are handling your claim on your own, you will need to gather these records yourself. Otherwise, your attorney can collect them for you.

How to Obtain Your Medical Records After an Injury 150

Why Do You Need Your Medical Records?

Whether you were injured in a car accident, a slip and fall accident, or a workplace accident, you will have to provide proof of your injuries if you wish to obtain financial compensation for your medical bills and other losses. An insurance company will ask for proof and evidence to support your case before it will send a settlement check.
Many different types of medical records and documents can help you prove your injury case in Texas, including:

  • Your medical history
  • Admitting charts and nurses’ notes
  • X-ray, MRI and CT scan images
  • Test results
  • Diagnosis and prognosis reports
  • Consultations or referrals
  • Your treatment plan
  • Prescriptions for medications
  • A letter from your doctor
  • Itemized bills from the hospital

These medical documents can help you prove that you sustained a diagnosable injury, that the injury is connected to your accident, that you are following your doctor’s treatment plan and that you have medical expenses related to the accident.

Do Not Sign a Medical Authorization Form

When you call an insurance company to file a claim, the insurance claims adjuster may send you a document known as the Medical Authorization Release Form. The insurance company wants you to sign this form to grant it access to your medical records. Since the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects your privacy as a patient, the insurance company cannot access your medical records unless you sign this release form.
It is critical not to sign this form, however, until you have brought it to a personal injury attorney for review. Most release forms request access to the client’s full medical history, not just the medical records related to the injury claimed. The insurance company’s goal is to gain full access to the client’s medical records to search for a reason to deny or diminish coverage, such as a pre-existing injury or condition. Rather than signing this release form, provide your own medical records to the insurance company instead.

Contact Your Health Care Provider

HIPAA gives you the right to access and obtain copies of your own medical records. Obtaining these documents generally takes a phone call to the hospital or doctor’s office where you received care for the injuries for which you are seeking financial compensation. This may include an emergency room in Dallas, a specialist, a primary care physician or a surgical center.
Give your doctor your identifying information so he or she can track down the correct documents. Explain that you need copies of your medical records for your most recent injury. HIPAA allows doctors and medical offices to charge a reasonable fee for copies of patient records. Once you pay the fee, the office will mail or email you copies of your records. Make additional copies of these copies for your own records. Then, submit the first set of copies to the insurance company to proceed with a claim.

Consult With a Personal Injury Attorney for Assistance

You do not have to obtain your medical records or collect other evidence to support your personal injury case on your own. You have the right to hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you during a lawsuit. If you authorize the release of your medical records to an attorney, he or she can contact hospitals and doctors on your behalf to obtain the necessary medical records. Then, your attorney can use these records and other types of evidence to help you fight for maximum financial compensation for your losses.
For more information about how an attorney can help, contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:10 am

San Antonio E-Scooter Laws

Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Electric scooters, or e-scooters, have taken over the streets of Texas. They are rentable to the public for a low amount of money from companies such as Bird and Lime. San Antonio has hundreds of dockless e-scooters available for rent every day. Unfortunately, these vehicles are not as safe as many people assume. A lack of awareness of e-scooter laws in Texas contributes to many harmful e-scooter accidents.

Definition of an E-Scooter

According to Texas Transportation Code Section 551.351, a motor-assisted scooter is a self-propelled device with at least two wheels, a gas or electric motor capable of making the device travel up to 15 miles per hour, and a braking system capable of stopping the device. It also has a deck that allows a person to sit or stand while operating the vehicle and can be propelled by human power alone. An e-scooter is not the same as an electric bicycle, moped or motorcycle in the eyes of the law in Texas. Motor-assisted scooters have their own rules and regulations.

Age Limits for Riding

In Texas, a rider must be 16 years or older to ride an e-scooter. Most e-scooter companies require riders to have valid driver’s licenses and upload photographs of these licenses before they can rent the device. However, many users get around this requirement by having someone older, such as a parent or guardian, rent the e-scooter for them. This is a dangerous practice that can increase the risk of accidents.

Helmet Requirements

Helmets are strongly encouraged while riding e-scooters in San Antonio, but they are not a legal requirement. This is similar to Texas’ bicycle helmet stance, which is that all riders, regardless of age, may operate bicycles without wearing helmets. The only exception is if a city or municipality has a law requiring bike helmets. San Antonio does not have such a law for operating dockless e-scooters. The city strongly encourages helmets, however, as they can drastically reduce the risk of serious and fatal head injuries.

Riding Rules in San Antonio

The e-scooter laws that are broken the most often, and that lead to the most traffic accidents, are riding rules. Riding rules give e-scooter operators guidelines they must follow for safe and prudent vehicle operation. They dictate what a rider can and cannot do while interacting with other roadway users, such as motorists and pedestrians. Some of the most important state and citywide e-scooter laws in San Antonio are:
  • Riders must obey all state and city roadway rules.
  • E-scooters must ride in the street or bicycle lanes.
  • Riding a scooter in the street is only legal on streets with speed limits of 35 mph or less.
  • No e-scooters on sidewalks.
  • No e-scooters in Alamo Plaza, the Riverwalk, La Villita, Main Plaza, Market Square, or city parks and trails in San Antonio.
  • Only one person per e-scooter.
  • Riders must grant pedestrians the right-of-way.
  • Riders cannot use cell phones while operating e-scooters.
  • Riders should not park e-scooters in the middle of sidewalks, in bicycle lanes, in the street or in the way of pedestrians.
Following these rules can reduce the risk of e-scooter accidents. Riders should also use tactics such as wearing brightly colored clothing for maximum visibility, riding in the same direction as traffic, maintaining a safe speed for conditions, using hand signals to turn and never riding on highways. Paying attention to the road and riding prudently can also decrease the odds of an accident.

Injured in an E-Scooter Accident? Get Help

If you get injured in an e-scooter accident, you may be eligible for financial compensation from the other party’s insurance provider. One or more parties may be financially responsible for your medical bills and other losses. Protect your legal rights by contacting an auto accident attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help you understand and exercise your rights during insurance claim negotiations or an injury trial. An attorney can also use proven legal strategies to fight for maximum financial recovery on your behalf.
Posted by at 1:09 pm

10 Mistakes That Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Friday, April 23, 2021
If you suffer a serious injury in San Antonio, you may be overwhelmed by medical bills, physical pain and emotional suffering. It is important, however, to learn as much as you can about the legal process if you wish to obtain fair financial compensation. Otherwise, you could make a common mistake that negatively impacts your claim.

Admitting Fault

It may be in your nature to immediately apologize for an accident while at the scene, such as apologizing to the other driver after a car accident. Saying you are sorry, however, can be construed as an admittance of guilt. Be polite, but do not apologize and do not admit fault for an accident. Doing so could automatically place liability – financial responsibility – with you, even before an investigation is finished.

Not Reporting Your Accident

Do not keep your accident or injuries to yourself. It is important to report the accident to an authority figure immediately so that it is documented on the official record. The authority you should contact will depend on the nature of the accident. After a car crash in San Antonio, for example, you should call the police. After a slip and fall accident, tell a store manager.

Forgetting to Collect Evidence

Although you may have a lot on your mind after suffering an injury, do your best to collect evidence before you leave the scene. Some evidence may not be available if you wait. If you were injured by a property defect, for example, the property owner may repair the hazard before you can return to take photographs. Collect evidence as soon as possible, even if this means asking for help from a friend, family member or personal injury attorney.

Delaying Medical Care

Always go to a doctor or hospital right away after any type of injury. Delaying medical care can allow an insurance company to argue that your injuries were not serious or did not happen the way you say they did. Delaying medical care or ignoring your doctor’s treatment recommendations could also have negative consequences on your health.

Posting on Social Media

Avoid posting anything on social media following an accident. An insurance company can use your social media activity as evidence against you, regardless of your privacy settings. Any photographs, location check-ins, status updates or comments made on other people’s pages could be twisted around and used against you later.

Waiting Too Long to Tell an Insurance Company

Most insurance companies have rules that require injured parties to file claims as soon as possible – typically within 72 hours of the accident. Do not wait too long to file an initial claim, as this could potentially bar you from financial recovery from the insurer.

Believing the Insurance Company Is on Your Side

When communicating with an agent or claims adjuster from an insurance company, do not make the mistake of thinking he or she is on your side. The insurance company will want to save as much money as possible by devaluing your claim. Do not agree to give the insurance company a recorded statement and do not sign anything until speaking to an attorney.

Settling Too Soon

It is normal to want to resolve your case as quickly as possible. Settling too early, however, could mean accepting less than you deserve for your serious injuries. Wait until you reach the point of maximum medical improvement to accept a settlement. Discuss the value of your claim with an attorney before settling, as well.

Missing Your Statute of Limitations

In Texas, a law called a statute of limitations places a deadline on your ability to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you miss this deadline, the courts will typically refuse to hear your case, meaning you cannot recover money damages. The statute of limitations in Texas is two years for most cases.

Failing to Seek Help From a Personal Injury Attorney

Do not attempt to handle a personal injury claim alone – especially if you suffered catastrophic or permanent injuries. Work with a personal injury attorney in San Antonio for professional legal assistance with your case. A lawyer can help you with all the stages of a lawsuit for the best possible outcome.
Posted by at 11:41 am

What Is a Personal Injury Liability Waiver?

Wednesday, April 21, 2021
If you get injured due to someone else’s carelessness or recklessness, that party may be financially responsible for your injuries and related medical bills. If you signed a personal injury liability waiver, however, you may have given up your right to hold someone legally accountable. Learn more about liability waivers – including when they are unenforceable – to find out if you have a claim.

How Do Liability Waivers Work?

A personal injury liability waiver is something you may have to sign before participating in an event or activity that poses foreseeable injury risks. These waivers are designed to protect the creator from liability (legal responsibility) if a participant gets injured – even if the entity was negligent and this is what caused the injuries. Common activities in Texas that require participants to sign personal injury liability waivers include:
  • Amusement parks
  • Bungee jumping
  • Concerts
  • Cruises
  • Daycare centers
  • Equipment rentals
  • Gyms
  • Skiing and snowboarding
  • Skydiving
  • Spas
  • Sporting events
  • Tours
  • Trampoline parks
  • Vehicle rentals
In some scenarios, you may be given a written liability waiver that you must fill out and sign before you can participate in an activity. Otherwise, accepting the terms of a liability waiver may be implied when you purchase a ticket. When you buy a cruise ticket, for example, the liability terms you are automatically agreeing to are in fine print on the back. Either way, once you agree to a liability waiver, you may forfeit your right to hold the entity legally responsible for your injuries.

Can You Still File a Lawsuit With a Personal Injury Liability Waiver?

Liability waivers are not infallible. In certain circumstances, it is possible to work around a liability waiver and hold a party accountable for negligence. However, the fact that you signed a personal injury liability waiver will make a lawsuit more difficult. In Texas, a defendant’s attorney may use the assumption of risk defense against you to combat liability for your injuries. This defense states that since you assumed the known risks of an activity, the defendant is not liable for any injuries suffered. You or your personal injury lawyer will have to prove that you are still eligible to file a lawsuit after signing a waiver based on an argument such as:
  • An invalid or unenforceable waiver. An attorney will analyze the liability waiver you signed to search for issues that could make it unenforceable. A liability waiver must contain clear and unambiguous language, for example, and cannot go against public policy.
  • Failure to warn of known risks. If a liability waiver (or the defendant) fails to clearly list the foreseeable injury risks associated with an activity or event, you may have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Gross negligence. Although a liability waiver can protect a defendant from lawsuits brought on the basis of negligence, no waiver can prevent liability for gross negligence, recklessness, intent to harm or a wanton disregard for the safety of others.
Other exceptions that could make a liability waiver invalid are if your injuries are from a defective product or due to a misrepresentation of fact. A manufacturing company cannot use a waiver to avoid liability for a defective product that injures a customer. In addition, a defendant misrepresenting the activity could constitute fraud, which will invalidate a liability waiver.

What to Do If You Were Injured After Signing a Liability Waiver

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident after signing a personal injury liability waiver in San Antonio, consult with an attorney for assistance. Hiring an attorney can be crucial for protecting your rights, documenting your injury, and bringing a case against one or more defendants. Your lawyer can help you navigate the unique challenges that may arise during a personal injury case involving a liability waiver or the assumption of risk defense. For more information about personal injury liability waivers in Texas, consult with a lawyer from The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C.
Posted by at 11:39 am

Can I Receive Compensation for a Whiplash Injury?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Whiplash is an injury to the soft tissues of the neck, including the muscles and tendons. This injury acquired its name from the motion of the neck that most often causes whiplash: the head and neck rapidly whipping backward and forward in an accident such as a car crash. If you suffered a whiplash injury in Dallas, Texas, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation from the person or party who caused your accident.

Can I Receive Compensation for a Whiplash Injury? 152

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim in Texas?

Obtaining financial compensation for an accident-related injury such as whiplash in Texas requires proof that one or more parties are responsible for causing your injury. The civil justice system in Texas works by making victims whole again through monetary damages, but only if those victims’ injuries were caused by someone else’s carelessness or recklessness.
To have grounds to hold someone financially responsible for your whiplash injury in Texas, you or your personal injury lawyer will need proof establishing four main elements:

  1. The defendant owed you a duty of care.
  2. The defendant did not meet his or her duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s breach of duty was the proximate or actual cause of your whiplash injury.
  4. You suffered compensable damages as a result.

A duty of care is a legal obligation to act in a reasonable manner according to what a prudent person would do in the same or similar circumstances. Some of the most common accidents that cause whiplash injuries in Dallas are car and truck accidents, sports incidents, physical assaults, and amusement park rides.
If you have proof that someone else caused your accident and whiplash injury through an act of carelessness, such as a drunk driver, that person or party may owe you compensation. An attorney can help you gather evidence that proves the defendant is liable, such as a police report, expert testimony or medical records. Then, your lawyer can help you fight for maximum compensation.

Types of Damages Available for Whiplash

Filing a whiplash injury lawsuit in Dallas, Texas could allow you to receive insurance benefits or a judgment award for several past and future losses associated with your injury. If your lawyer succeeds in proving the defendant as more likely to be at fault than not at fault (based on a preponderance of the evidence), you could receive compensation for many different damages. These may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Disability costs and ongoing medical care
  • Lost wages
  • Property repairs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost quality of life
  • Inconvenience
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Punitive damages

A personal injury lawyer can help you create a full and comprehensive list of all of your damages, including future medical needs due to pain, debilitation, loss of motion, dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, nerve damage and other common symptoms associated with whiplash. Your lawyer can then take over settlement demands and negotiations with the insurer on your behalf.

What Is the Average Settlement for a Whiplash Injury?

The value of your whiplash injury claim in Dallas will depend on the extent of the damage done to your neck or back in the accident. In general, a more severe physical injury will result in a higher compensatory award for the injured victim. Severe injuries require more medical care and time taken off of work. They also cause greater pain and suffering. All of these factors will increase an insurance settlement or judgment award in Texas.
There is no average settlement value you can use to determine the worth of your case. You will need to speak to a personal injury attorney in Dallas for a personalized estimate of your case’s value. Some accident victims receive $10,000 or less for whiplash injuries, while others receive more for severe soft-tissue damage.
If you recently suffered a whiplash injury in any type of accident, contact an attorney for a free case review. You could be eligible for financial compensation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:27 pm

How Vicarious Liability Works Under Texas Law

Friday, March 26, 2021

Personal injury law is a complicated system with many confusing doctrines you may have to navigate if you are an injured accident victim in Texas. One of the many legal doctrines that may apply to your personal injury case is the rule of vicarious liability. Learn about this complex area of law in Texas with help from an attorney.

How Vicarious Liability Works Under Texas Law 154

What Is Vicarious Liability?

Vicarious liability stems from the Latin phrase, “respondeat superior,” which translates to “let the master answer.” In personal injury law, the doctrine of vicarious liability has the power to hold certain parties – masters – legally responsible for the actions, behaviors and misconduct of their agents.
Vicarious liability is a legal doctrine in which a third party can be held liable for the injuries or harm caused to a victim by another party. This rule states that in certain situations, a defendant who was not physically present at the time of an accident (a third party) may bear liability for a victim’s injuries.

Texas’s Vicarious Liability Laws

Vicarious liability is not a legal concept that is applicable in every personal injury case in Texas. It will only play a role in cases involving third parties that bear legal responsibility for the actions of the defendant. The three parties that fall under the umbrella of vicarious liability the most often in personal injury law are employers, parents or legal guardians, and alcohol vendors.
In the employer/employee relationship, vicarious liability will apply when an employee causes an injury while acting within the scope of his or her employment. If an employee is negligent while on duty, and this causes an injury or death, the employer will most likely bear vicarious liability for the victim’s damages in Texas. If a delivery driver was operating under the influence, for example, and caused a car accident, the company will most likely be vicariously liable.
In the parent/child relationship, the vicarious liability doctrine will apply when a child under the age of majority (18 years old in Texas) causes an injury. In this scenario, the child’s parent or legal guardian can absorb legal responsibility for the accident through the vicarious liability rule. It would be the parents’ responsibility to pay for the losses caused by the minor in this case.
In an injury case involving an intoxicated individual, the vendor or supplier of the alcohol could bear vicarious liability. Texas’s dram shop law holds alcohol providers vicariously responsible for accidents caused by overserving patrons. If a bar or restaurant served alcohol to someone who was already obviously intoxicated or under the age of 21, for example, that establishment could bear vicarious liability for an accident caused by the intoxicated person.

How Might Vicarious Liability Affect Your Case?

It is important to learn whether the vicarious liability doctrine applies to your personal injury case. Understanding how this rule works and whether it applies to your case could help you pursue maximum financial compensation for your injuries and losses.
If you suffered a catastrophic injury with expensive related damages, the defendant directly involved in your case may not have enough liability insurance to fully pay for your medical expenses, property repairs and other losses. A vicariously liable third party, however, may have better coverage.
Identifying multiple parties in your personal injury case can improve your chances of receiving an adequate settlement award for your serious injuries. Vicarious liability gives you an additional source of financial recovery as an injured victim. Fortunately, Texas’s vicarious liability laws are extremely favorable to injured accident victims.
In Texas, injured victims can often hold employers, parents and many other entities vicariously responsible for injuries suffered in car accidents, dog attacks, falls, workplace accidents, medical malpractice and more. To find out if your personal injury case involves the doctrine of vicarious liability in Texas, consult with an attorney in Dallas today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:42 am

Should I Rely on Client Reviews or Google Reviews in Picking an Injury Lawyer?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

In your hunt for a Dallas personal injury lawyer to represent you after an accident, take your time narrowing down your options. Not all plaintiff’s attorneys are created equal. It is critical to find the right attorney for you and your case if you wish to optimize your results. This means referencing testimonials and online reviews in your decision-making process but also relying on other sources of information.

Should I Rely on Client Reviews or Google Reviews in Picking an Injury Lawyer? 156

The Importance of Lawyer Reviews and Ratings

In the modern age, most people do not make important decisions without doing some online research first. Online research is an efficient way to go through the process of elimination when making a choice based on the experiences of others. The legal profession is no exception. The internet contains valuable information about personal injury attorneys, including online reviews and ratings of the law firm.
Client and online reviews can help you learn what to expect from a personal injury law firm in Dallas, Texas. They can help you find an attorney with a positive reputation in your community who has been praised by many past clients. This can give you greater peace of mind about the attorney’s ability to properly and effectively handle your claim.
At the other end of the spectrum, if you discover negative reviews about a law firm, this can warn you to look elsewhere for representation. Although one or two negative testimonials may not mean much, multiple poor reviews or a low Google/Yelp rating could point to deeper issues within the law firm. Using online reviews can be an easy way to supplement your search and narrow down your choices.

Online Reviews Are Not Enough

When searching for the right lawyer, look at client testimonials on the law firm’s website. Search for more than just reviews on the lawyer’s website, however, as the lawyer will most likely filter out any negative comments on his or her own site. Use unbiased third-party rating sites as well.
Look for Yelp reviews of the law firm, Google+ reviews, Avvo ratings, FindLaw ratings and ratings from the Better Business Bureau. You may also wish to reference reputable legal organizations that store information about law offices and their attorneys, such as Martindale Hubbell or the Texas State Bar Association’s website.
The presence of positive online reviews can help solidify that you are making the right choice in hiring the attorney. Client and Google reviews should be just two factors to consider on a long list of others, however; not the sole basis of your decision when hiring a personal injury attorney. There is much more to finding the right attorney than online reviews.

Qualities to Look For in Your Attorney

Finding the ideal personal injury attorney for you is about much more than just reading good reviews posted online. You should schedule a free consultation to meet with the attorney and discuss your case in person. That way, you can get a feel for the attorney and how he or she operates. While positive reviews are a good indicator that the personal injury attorney and law firm are high-quality and reliable, you should look for many other qualities before you make your final decision:

  • Referrals from friends or family members
  • Experience in your practice area
  • Knowledge of the law
  • Trial experience before juries
  • Positive case results in and out of the courtroom
  • Friendly, trustworthy and personable attorneys
  • A willingness to listen
  • Great communication skills
  • A passion for the job
  • Affordable fees

The most important qualities in your personal injury lawyer are largely up to you. You should feel comfortable and confident in the attorney you hire to represent you in Dallas. Interviewing the lawyer yourself can give you a better idea of the law firm’s principles and values to see if they match your own. You have the freedom to conduct online research, read reviews, schedule consultations with multiple options and ask questions before deciding on the right personal injury lawyer for you.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:50 pm

Do I Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Monday, March 22, 2021

Suffering an injury in an accident in Dallas, Texas can be confusing and overwhelming. You may not know how to protect your rights or whom to trust during the claims process. Hiring a personal injury lawyer can be the best way to handle legal matters after an accident. Not all claims, however, require legal representation. Determine whether or not you need to hire a Dallas personal injury lawyer by asking yourself the following questions.

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How Serious Are Your Injuries?

The severity of your injuries is one of the main determining factors in whether you need legal representation. If your accident only gave you minor injuries and losses, you can most likely handle the claims process successfully on your own. Many personal injury lawyers in Dallas do not accept claims that are not worth enough money to justify spending the time and resources on representing the client.
If you or a loved one has serious, catastrophic or disabling injuries, however, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer to make sure you attain fair results. An insurance company is more likely to treat you unfairly if you have serious injuries and expensive damages, in an attempt to save money on your payout. An attorney can represent you during insurance settlement negotiations to argue for an amount that adequately makes up for your past and future losses.

Do You Need Help Determining or Proving Fault?

Issues determining fault can also make it necessary to hire a personal injury lawyer in Dallas. If you are in a car accident involving multiple drivers, for example, and are not sure who is to blame, you may need an attorney to investigate the crash on your behalf. You might also benefit from hiring a lawyer if the parties involved in your case are disputing liability. A personal injury law firm will have the resources and investigators to determine the cause of your accident.
A lawyer can also help you gather evidence to prove the defendant is at fault. It is your burden as the plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit to prove the defendant more likely than not caused your accident and injury. If you are struggling to meet this burden of proof, contact an attorney for assistance. An attorney can help you collect clear and convincing evidence of the defendant’s fault to build a stronger personal injury claim.

Does Your Case Involve Multiple Defendants?

If you believe more than one party caused or contributed to your accident, you may benefit from hiring an attorney to help you, as the claims process becomes more complicated with multiple defendants. Two or more parties may share liability for your accident and may therefore be financially responsible. An attorney can help you hold multiple parties accountable.

Has the Insurance Company Denied Your Claim?

You may need to hire personal injury lawyer in Dallas if you are encountering bad-faith tactics from the insurance company. Bad faith means the insurance provider is not handling your claim fairly. For example, the insurer may have wrongfully denied your claim or unfairly delayed its investigation. Hiring a lawyer will force an insurance company to take you seriously as a claimant. Your lawyer will take care of negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf while you focus on healing.

How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

If you believe hiring a personal injury lawyer is in your best interest during a claim in Dallas, do your research to find the right legal representative for you. Schedule free consultations with more than one personal injury lawyer in Dallas. Ask the attorney how much his or her fees are and whether you have to pay anything upfront. Ask about courtroom experience, as well. Find an attorney that is local to Dallas and has experience handling cases in your practice area. Hiring the right attorney can make an enormous difference to your case.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:07 pm

What to Expect in a Personal Injury Deposition

Friday, March 19, 2021

The average personal injury case in Texas involves many complicated legal processes that you may not have encountered before as a plaintiff. One is the deposition. Depositions take place during the discovery phase of a personal injury lawsuit, after filing a claim and prior to a trial. Learn what to expect if you have to attend a deposition in a personal injury case, as well as how to protect your rights during one.

What to Expect in a Personal Injury Deposition 160

What Is the Purpose of a Deposition?

A deposition is a meeting where an attorney from one side of a personal injury case asks the other side questions. If you attend a deposition as a personal injury plaintiff, the defendant’s attorney will ask you questions about the circumstances of your case to gather more information. The purpose of the deposition is to keep the justice system fair and efficient by establishing certain facts to be true between both parties. Depositions eliminate the need to rehash these facts on the stand.

What Happens During a Deposition?

The deposition is your first opportunity to share your story and put it on the record. During a personal injury deposition, you will be referred to as the deponent. You will attend your deposition at a predetermined time and place, usually an attorney’s office instead of a courtroom. You will be sworn in, meaning you are under oath to tell the truth under penalty of perjury while you are being deposed. You will then be asked many questions about yourself, your accident, your injuries and your health.

Do You Have to Attend a Deposition?

Yes, if you are called upon to attend a deposition, you lawfully must go to the meeting. Your participation is mandatory once you have received a notice of deposition. If you wish your case to proceed, you must attend the deposition and answer the questions asked. You have the ability to work with the other side of the case, however, to set a time and date that works for you.

Who Is Present at a Personal Injury Deposition?

The people who attend a deposition in a personal injury case are typically the deponent, the deponent’s attorney, the other party’s attorney and a stenographer (court reporter). The stenographer’s job is to record everything said and done during a deposition. That way, the attorney can use a transcript of the deposition for reference during a trial.

What Types of Questions Are Asked at a Deposition?

The questions asked during a deposition will depend on the specific personal injury case. One goal of a deposition is to obtain as much information from the deponent as possible about the accident and injury. The questions asked can touch on a variety of subjects. They often include:

  • What is your name, address, job history, etc.?
  • Have you ever testified in a case before?
  • How did you prepare for this deposition?
  • How did the accident happen?
  • Who was involved in the accident?
  • Did you go to a hospital right away?
  • What is your specific injury diagnosis?
  • How has your life changed after the injury?

You do not have to know the answer to every question asked during a deposition. You are allowed to say, “I don’t know,” “Can you repeat the question?,” “Can you rephrase?” or “Can I have a break?” If you do know an answer, however, you must tell the truth to the best of your ability.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help?

A personal injury deposition can be daunting as a plaintiff. If you hire an experienced Dallas personal injury attorney to represent you, he or she can guide you through the legal process to give you greater peace of mind. Your attorney can attend the deposition with you, giving you advice as to what to say and do. Your attorney can also help you prepare for the deposition ahead of time, so you avoid misspeaking. Learn more about personal injury depositions by contacting a lawyer in Dallas today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:16 am

Emotional Distress Damages in a Dallas Personal Injury Case

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Almost all serious accidents cause some degree of emotional distress to victims and their family members. Living through or witnessing a traumatic incident, such as a car crash or dog attack, can lead to significant emotional, mental and psychological harm.
In Texas, the civil justice system allows injured accident victims to pursue financial compensation for their emotional distress in addition to economic losses, such as medical expenses. You may need professional legal assistance from a Dallas personal injury lawyer, however, to prove this type of loss.

Emotional Distress Damages in a Dallas Personal Injury Case 162

What Is Emotional Distress?

Emotional distress is a type of damage award that falls under the broader umbrella of pain and suffering damages. It is a noneconomic damage rather than an economic damage. This means it is an intangible loss the victim suffered in the accident rather than a tangible loss.
Examples of economic damages are lost wages, medical expenses, property repairs and court costs. Examples of noneconomic damages, on the other hand, are emotional distress, physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, psychological trauma, inconvenience, humiliation, lost quality of life, loss of services, loss of consortium, and grief.
In Texas, an accident victim may qualify for compensation for both economic and noneconomic damages, depending on the circumstances. To receive compensation, however, the victim has the burden of proving these losses.

Common Evidence of Emotional Distress

The burden of proof in a personal injury case is a preponderance of the evidence. This means before a judge or jury will award you financial compensation for any losses, including emotional distress, you or your attorney must prove the defendant is more likely than not responsible for your accident and that you suffered compensable losses as a result.
Proving a personal injury case requires clear and convincing evidence that what you are claiming, including any losses listed, is more likely to be true than not true. Although each case is unique, common sources of evidence used to prove emotional distress in personal injury law are:

  • The victim’s medical and therapy records
  • An official medical diagnosis, such as post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Medications prescribed for mental health conditions
  • Statements from the victim or his or her friends and family members
  • Expert testimony from doctors and/or psychologists
  • The victim’s injury journal
  • Photographs of scarring or disfigurement

It is critical to document your emotional distress as much as possible after a serious accident in Dallas. Do your part to build a claim to emotional damages by going to a hospital immediately, telling your doctor about any emotional symptoms you’re experiencing, seeing a professional psychologist for any mental or psychological trauma, and keeping an injury diary to describe how your injuries affect you.
All of these actions can help you build a claim to emotional distress damages. It is also important to note that a pre-existing mental health condition does not prohibit you from seeking compensation for accident-related emotional distress.

What Is an Emotional Distress Claim Worth in Texas?

If you succeed in proving emotional distress during a personal injury claim in Dallas, you could receive an insurance settlement or judgment award for this loss as well as others related to the accident. A pain and suffering award could significantly increase the final value of your award, as it is up to a jury to determine how much you deserve based on the extent of your physical and emotional injuries. The value of your claim will depend on the severity of your losses.
How much you receive for emotional distress may also depend on Texas’s damage cap. If you file a medical malpractice claim, there is a statewide damage cap of $500,000 total per health care facility and $250,000 total for an individual physician. Your noneconomic damages in a medical malpractice claim cannot exceed $750,000 total. If you are seeking compensation for emotional distress from any other type of accident, however, Texas does not have a damage cap.
For more information about proving emotional distress and obtaining maximum compensation, speak to a personal injury lawyer in Dallas today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:43 pm

5 Things You Should Know About a Free Lawyer Consultation

Monday, March 15, 2021

If you get injured in an accident, a personal injury lawyer in Dallas can serve as an important source of information about your legal rights. If you choose to hire an attorney, you can focus on healing while your lawyer handles the claim. Before you retain an attorney, attend a free consultation to get to know him or her and make sure the attorney is the right fit for you and your case. Here are five things you should know about the free lawyer consultation before you make the call.

5 Things You Should Know About a Free Lawyer Consultation 165

A Lawyer Has Your Best Interests in Mind

Talking to a lawyer is not the same as talking to an insurance claims adjuster about your personal injury case. An insurance company will want to diminish your payout as much as possible to save itself money and boost profitability. A personal injury lawyer, on the other hand, will share your goal of maximizing the financial payout for your medical bills and other losses.
Your success is your attorney’s success – especially if the lawyer operates on a contingency fee basis, where he or she does not get paid unless you do. During a free legal consultation, therefore, you can trust the advice the attorney gives you to be in your best interests. You do not need to worry about the attorney trying to take advantage of you or using any information you provide against you later.

Prepare Questions for the Lawyer to Answer

One of the main goals of a free lawyer consultation is to get answers to all of your legal questions. Before your free consultation, prepare a list of questions to ask the attorney. This can help you get the most out of your meeting. Some of the questions you should ask include:

  • Do I have grounds for a personal injury case?
  • How much is my case worth?
  • How long will my case take to settle?
  • What is your experience with this type of case?
  • What is your law firm’s success rate?
  • Are you the attorney who will be working on my case?
  • How much are your fees?

The lawyer will ask you questions, too. Be prepared to answer questions about your accident and injury, as well as details about your personal life, such as what you do for work. Be honest with the attorney, as this is the only way he or she can truly protect your rights.

The More Information You Have, the Better

If you can, bring facts, photographs and documents related to your accident with you to the free consultation. The more information you bring with you to the case review, the better the understanding the lawyer will have about your case. Bring documents such as a copy of your police report, medical records and photographs with you, if possible. This can help the personal injury lawyer more accurately assess your claim.

What You Say to the Lawyer Is Confidential

Do not worry about the personal injury lawyer disclosing any information you give him or her to third parties, including an insurance company, the other party involved in your case or the police. Plaintiff’s attorneys are bound by law to maintain client confidentiality, even during free initial consultations. This means the lawyer is not legally permitted to disclose anything said during the consultation to a third party (with rare exceptions).

You Are Not Obligated to Hire the Lawyer

Finally, recognize that attending a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer does not obligate you to hire that lawyer. The initial case review should simply be an opportunity to get your questions answered and get to know the attorney. The law firm should not force you to sign anything or retain the attorney at this meeting. You should be free to continue searching for the right lawyer for you after the consultation, if desired.
If you are ready to arrange a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Dallas, Texas, contact the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. 24/7 at (214) 609-1580 to request yours.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:44 pm

Negligence Per Se in a Personal Injury Case

Friday, March 12, 2021

Most personal injury cases in Texas rely on the plaintiff’s ability to prove someone else caused his or her injuries through an act of carelessness, officially referred to as negligence. Understanding the doctrine of negligence, as well as related doctrines such as negligence per se, can be difficult as the injured party in a lawsuit. You may require assistance from a personal injury lawyer in Dallas.

Negligence Per Se in a Personal Injury Case 167

What Is Standard Negligence?

The legal doctrine of negligence describes a person or party failing to adhere to the accepted duty of care for a situation, resulting in injury or harm to another person. Standard negligence may or may not be intentional. A defendant in Texas could still be liable for a plaintiff’s injuries even if he or she accidentally or unintentionally breached the duty of care.
Standard negligence also does not necessarily describe a broken law. A person can be guilty of negligence without being guilty of a crime. For example, a defendant may be liable for wrongful death but not guilty of homicide for accidentally causing a fatal injury rather than committing a premeditated attack. Negligence per se, however, specifically refers to a defendant’s violation of a law.

What Is Negligence Per Se?

Negligence per se is a concept a plaintiff may be able to use to prove his or her personal injury case in Dallas, Texas if the defendant broke a law. This doctrine argues that a defendant is liable for an underlying accident because he or she violated a law.
If a plaintiff can use the negligence per se doctrine in a personal injury case, he or she does not need to prove the defendant’s breach of the duty of care. Instead, it is enough to prove the defendant broke a law in Texas and that this caused the accident in question.
For example, if a defendant is convicted of driving while intoxicated in Texas, this could allow an injured accident victim to use the negligence per se doctrine to show that exceeding the blood alcohol content limit for drivers makes the defendant automatically liable for the crash. Successfully using this doctrine removes the burden to prove the defendant’s conduct was careless or negligent.

Elements of Negligence Per Se

In Texas, a victim can typically bring a negligence per se case against a defendant as a distinct claim. Otherwise, the victim may need to file a standard negligence cause of action in the civil court, then ask the court to accept the argument of negligence per se during litigation. Either way, it is up to the accident victim to prove negligence per se.
Proving this legal doctrine in a personal injury case in Dallas requires the plaintiff or his or her attorney to establish three main elements:

  1. The defendant broke a law. Proof of this could come in the form of a traffic ticket issued to a driver in a car accident case or a criminal conviction against a defendant.
  2. The purpose of the law that was broken was to prevent the type of injury or accident that ended up harming the plaintiff.
  3. The plaintiff is part of the class of people the law was intended to protect. This class is typically the public at large but may be more specific.

Although a negligence per se argument does not require a plaintiff to prove a breach of the duty of care, these cases can still be complex and difficult to navigate. Understanding whether or not you can lawfully use the negligence per se doctrine for your personal injury lawsuit in Dallas may require an in-depth consultation with an attorney. An attorney can help you with every stage of a lawsuit, including the burden of proof based on the legal doctrine used.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:28 pm

How to Write a Successful Settlement Demand Letter

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

If you get injured in any type of accident, including a car accident or slip and fall, recovering the compensation you deserve can be a challenge. One of the first steps in pursuing financial recovery is submitting an effective settlement demand letter to the correct insurance carrier. Your demand letter should be concise, compelling and convincing for the best possible results.

How to Write a Successful Settlement Demand Letter 170

What Is a Settlement Demand Letter?

A settlement demand letter is one of the most important pieces of communication between you and the insurance company receiving your claim. This might be your own insurance company if you caused the accident or were injured by an uninsured party, or it might be someone else’s insurance carrier if that person caused your injury. Either way, do not underestimate the importance of the settlement demand letter.
As the name implies, the main point of the demand letter is to list your demands. In most personal injury cases, the victim’s request is an amount of financial compensation the victim is demanding in return for dropping the lawsuit against the defendant and releasing him or her from further liability. Your demand letter is the key to obtaining the best possible outcome for your personal injury claim in Dallas.

Parts of a Settlement Demand Letter

A settlement demand letter is brief and concise; typically, no longer than one page. It contains many important facts and information about the case at hand. The main parts of an insurance demand letter are the introduction, description of the accident, settlement demand figure and closing statements.
A strong personal injury demand letter includes:

  • The defendant’s name and address
  • Your name and contact information
  • A brief description of the accident
  • Why you believe the insurance company is liable
  • The extent of your injuries and your official diagnosis
  • A description of the medical treatments you require
  • Details of any income lost
  • A description of your pain and suffering
  • An amount you’re demanding in damages to settle the claim
  • One sentence stating that your attorney can go to trial, if necessary

Although you can find templates for writing settlement demand letters online, the best way to draft a personal injury demand letter that fully protects your rights and leads to a fair settlement is by working with an attorney. A personal injury lawyer in Dallas, Texas will have the experience and resources to craft the strongest possible demand letter. This will maximize your odds of obtaining positive results.

Tips for Writing a Strong Settlement Demand Letter

If you do wish to write the settlement demand letter on your own, take your time and make sure it is as strongly written as possible for the insurance company to take you seriously. Keep your language clear, concise and grammatically correct. Avoid long narrations about your accident or injuries. Simply state the facts of your case.
Do not admit any fault for the accident in your demand letter. Make sure you include all vital and necessary information. It is important to demand a fair amount for the type and extent of your losses. You may need assistance from a personal injury lawyer to accurately calculate your past and future damages.
Start with a higher figure than you would be satisfied accepting from the insurance company. The insurer expects you to negotiate back and forth until you reach a compromise. Aiming high will ensure you do not end up settling for a counteroffer that is too low. Don’t demand an amount that is too high, however, as an adjuster will see through this tactic and may offer an outrageously low settlement in response. Your demand letter must strike a careful balance.
For assistance drafting a successful settlement demand letter in Dallas, Texas, consult with a personal injury lawyer from the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:40 am

How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take to Settle?

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

It is normal to feel impatient when it comes to resolving your personal injury lawsuit and receiving a settlement or judgment award. An accident in Dallas may give you painful, debilitating and expensive injuries that require immediate financial attention. Although no average settlement timeline exists, you can get an idea of how long your lawsuit will take to settle by learning the basics.

How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take to Settle? 173

Insurance Settlement vs. Personal Injury Lawsuit

Your personal injury lawsuit could take a few weeks to settle, or it could take a few years. The truth is that no one knows exactly how long it will take for you to obtain financial compensation from a personal injury claim. That being said, it may be possible to get a rough idea of what timeframe to expect based on the unique facts of your case.
One of the main factors that affect how long it will take to resolve a personal injury case is whether it settles at the insurance stage or has to go to trial. The vast majority of personal injury cases settle. An insurance settlement is much faster than a trial. It may take as little as three months or less for you to recover via settlement.
If an insurance company refuses to offer a settlement that adequately covers your injuries and losses, however, your case may need to go to trial for a fair outcome. The timeline of a personal injury trial is unpredictable, as it can depend on factors such as the congestion of the courthouse and how long it takes to select a jury. Expect a personal injury trial to take one year or longer to complete from beginning to end.

Common Factors That Can Add Time to a Personal Injury Settlement

When trying to determine the length of time it will take to receive a personal injury settlement in Texas, take a look at the factors specific to your case that may add to your timeline. Many different factors could make a personal injury claim more complicated, leading to a longer amount of time spent on claim negotiations.
Common factors that can add time to a personal injury settlement in Texas include:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • How long your injuries take to heal
  • Your date of maximum medical improvement
  • Liability disputes
  • How long it takes to negotiate back and forth with an insurer
  • Insurance bad-faith tactics, such as delaying an investigation
  • Whether one party appeals the verdict
  • If you make a mistake when filing your claim

A personal injury lawsuit has three stages. The first is prelitigation, where your attorney and the defendant will negotiate to try to resolve the claim. If your case ends here, expect a shorter timeline of just a few weeks or months. The second stage is litigation, where your lawyer will file a lawsuit with the court. The third stage is an injury trial. If your case reaches this stage, expect a longer timeline of 12 months or more.

Do Not Rush Into a Quick Personal Injury Settlement

You may wish to resolve your personal injury lawsuit as quickly and expediently as possible, especially if your injuries lead to missed days at work or expensive medical care. It is critical, however, not to rush into a fast settlement.
Insurance companies often use tactics to protect their own profits, including pressuring claimants to quickly accept inadequate settlements. Settling your case too early could result in accepting an award that far undervalues your claim. This can make it more difficult to move forward if you require ongoing medical treatments, such as physical therapy or rehabilitation.
Rather than rushing into a fast settlement, use a personal injury attorney in Dallas to help you negotiate for the amount you deserve. It can be worth adding time to your lawsuit to obtain fair compensation for a serious injury. If you are curious about how long your injury case will take to settle, consult with an attorney today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:45 pm

Who’s Liable in a Ridesharing Accident in San Antonio?

Thursday, February 18, 2021
Ridesharing quickly took over the transportation industry as the most popular method of hired travel, especially among the younger generation. Currently, the top two rideshare companies, Uber and Lyft, serve over 121 million users monthly. Yet ridesharing is not always the safest method of travel. Every year, hundreds of ridesharing vehicles are involved in automobile accidents.

Common Causes of Ridesharing Accidents in San Antonio

Ridesharing works by allowing users to request and schedule drivers to pick them up on demand at a certain location. Drivers connect to users and vice versa through an app on a smartphone. This is one of the hazards related to ridesharing: drivers have to constantly look at and interact with their cell phones while behind the wheel. Like standard auto accidents, ridesharing accidents in San Antonio can occur for many reasons:
  • Distracted driving
  • Inattention
  • Texting and driving
  • Eating and drinking
  • Drunk driving
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Running a red light
  • Making unsafe lane changes
  • Tailgating
Since Texas is a fault-based car insurance state, you or your attorney will need to determine fault before you file an insurance claim. You will file your claim with the insurance provider of the at-fault party. In a typical auto accident, this is most likely the other driver. However, fault is more difficult to determine in a ridesharing accident.

Liability for an Uber or Lyft Accident in San Antonio

In a ridesharing accident case, you may be able to hold the individual driver financially responsible for your injuries and losses. Unlike other transportation services, such as using a taxi, Uber and Lyft drivers are not employees of the ridesharing companies. Instead, they are independent contractors. Generally speaking, this protects Uber and Lyft from vicarious liability for the mistakes and negligence of their drivers, meaning you will seek benefits from the driver’s private insurance carrier instead. In certain scenarios, however, you can file your claim directly with the insurance provider of the rideshare company. This might be the case if the individual driver does not have enough insurance to fully cover your losses.

Insurance Coverage Available

Both Uber and Lyft maintain $1 million insurance policies to cover victims’ injuries when their drivers cause car accidents. The exact amount of coverage available depends on the phase of the ride:
  • Phase One. The driver is signed into the ridesharing app and searching for riders. If the driver causes a collision in this phase, the ridesharing company will provide up to $50,000 in bodily injury insurance per person, $100,000 per accident and $25,000 in property damage coverage.
  • Phase Two. The ridesharing driver has accepted a ride and is on his or her way to pick up a passenger. In this scenario, both Uber and Lyft will provide up to $1 million in liability insurance coverage.
  • Phase Three. The driver has picked up the user and the passenger is in the vehicle at the time of the accident. As in Phase Two, the company will provide up to $1 million in this scenario, as well as possible uninsured motorist coverage.
Keep in mind that your own insurance company may also offer compensation for your losses as secondary insurance to the at-fault party’s coverage. Finally, if another driver caused your crash, that driver’s auto insurance will also be available to cover your damages. As the victim of a ridesharing accident, therefore, you may have many outlets for financial recovery.

When to Contact a Ridesharing Accident Attorney in San Antonio

If you are injured in an accident involving a ridesharing vehicle, consult with a ridesharing accident attorney right away. An attorney can help you navigate your way through this complicated type of claim, holding the at-fault driver or ridesharing company financially responsible for your past and future losses. With an attorney as your legal advocate, you can rest assured the settlement you accept from Uber or Lyft is adequate for your injuries. Learn more about your accident by consulting with a lawyer today.
Posted by at 5:23 pm

What Is Included in a Personal Injury Settlement?

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The civil justice system works by allowing an injured accident victim to become whole again through financial compensation from the at-fault party. If a victim succeeds in proving a defendant is liable, he or she will receive a personal injury settlement or judgment award for related losses. Understanding the components that make up the average personal injury settlement could help you learn what to expect during your injury case in Dallas.

What Is Included in a Personal Injury Settlement? 175

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Reached?

First, understand what it takes to obtain a personal injury settlement in Texas. The burden of proof is a preponderance of the evidence, meaning you or your personal injury lawyer will need enough evidence against the defendant to prove he or she is more likely than not responsible for your accident and injury.
Most cases in Texas settle without having to go to trial. Settling means your lawyer and the defendant’s insurance company have agreed on a resolution. With a settlement, you will receive a check from the insurer directly. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, however, your lawyer may need to take your case to trial to seek a judgment award instead.

3 Types of Damages

If your lawyer succeeds in proving the defendant is at fault for your injuries, you could receive a settlement that pays for both past and future losses. In Texas, there are three possible types of financial damages available in a personal injury case:

  1. The tangible and specific losses related to an accident.
  2. The intangible or general losses related to an accident.
  3. An additional award to punish the defendant for egregious acts.

Economic and noneconomic damages are common in personal injury law. Punitive damages are relatively rare, although they are possible in a case involving a defendant who behaved with gross negligence, a wanton disregard for the safety of others, maliciousness or intent to harm.

Parts of a Personal Injury Settlement

Economic and noneconomic damages are both compensatory damages, meaning they are meant to compensate a plaintiff for his or her losses. Compensatory damages are further broken down into many specific types of losses that are unique to the individual and case:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Long-term treatment
  • Property damage
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress or anguish
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Legal fees
  • Out-of-pocket costs
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death damages, if applicable

The losses you and your family can claim during a personal injury case in Dallas depend on the particular ways the accident and injury impacted you. You or your personal injury lawyer will need to provide proof of these losses before an insurance company will pay you., such as medical bills, pay stubs, receipts, repair estimates or expert testimony.

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Calculated?

The value of your personal injury settlement is directly related to the severity of your accident and injury. However, many different factors can impact the final value of a settlement in Dallas. No two cases are alike, and no average settlement exists. The easiest way to estimate the value of your case is by consulting with a personal injury attorney.
To estimate your economic damages, your lawyer will add up all of the expenses related to your accident. Then, your lawyer will calculate future foreseeable economic damages based on your existing costs and projected recovery time. Next, your lawyer will estimate your noneconomic damages. These are more difficult to calculate, however, as they are awarded according to a jury’s discretion.
In general, a victim with a serious injury, such as long-term disfigurement or disability, will have a personal injury case that is worth more than someone with a minor injury in Texas. Recovery amounts are unique and can be difficult to predict. For more information about your particular personal injury case, contact an attorney in Dallas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:04 pm

What Is the Difference Between Ordinary Negligence and Gross Negligence?

Wednesday, February 17, 2021
One of the most common words you will hear during a personal injury claim in San Antonio is “negligence.” A party’s negligence in Texas allows you to seek financial damages from that person for causing you harm. There is a difference, however, between ordinary negligence and gross negligence. While both can make you eligible for compensation, one may result in the defendant having to pay more.

4 Elements of Ordinary Negligence

Ordinary negligence refers to a party’s failure to use a reasonable degree of care, resulting in injury or harm to another person. Reasonable care describes what an ordinary person would do in the same or similar circumstances. If a driver was speeding in wet weather, for example, and caused a car accident, that driver is guilty of negligence. Ordinary negligence consists of four key elements:
  1. The defendant had a responsibility to treat the plaintiff with a reasonable amount of care. In personal injury law, this responsibility is referred to as the duty of care.
  2. The defendant’s actions – or failure to act – made the defendant breach his or her duty of care to the plaintiff.
  3. The defendant’s breach of duty was the direct and/or actual cause of the plaintiff’s injury.
  4. The plaintiff suffered losses because of the defendant’s actions, such as injuries, hospital bills, property damage and lost wages.
In a case arguing ordinary negligence, a plaintiff does not have to prove the defendant was reckless or knew his or her actions could potentially cause an injury. It is enough for an ordinary negligence claim to show that the defendant breached a duty of care, even if this breach was accidental or unintentional. A claim based on gross negligence, however, is different.

What Is Gross Negligence?

Gross negligence is a more severe departure from the duty of care. Rather than a careless mistake or inattention, gross negligence is a willful or wanton disregard of the requirement to use reasonable care. Like ordinary negligence, it is not necessary to prove the defendant’s intent to harm for a gross negligence claim. However, a claim based on gross negligence must show the defendant’s conduct was willful, likely to cause foreseeable harm and done with an extreme disregard for the safety of others. An example illustrating the difference between ordinary and gross negligence is if a driver isn’t paying attention and fails to notice he or she is exceeding the speed limit by a few miles per hour, he or she is negligent. If, however, the driver knowingly drives at an excessive speed in an area with a lot of pedestrians because he or she is late, the driver is grossly negligent.

Why Is the Difference Relevant to Your Personal Injury Case?

The difference between ordinary and gross negligence is important to understand as the plaintiff in a personal injury case due to the financial compensation that may be available. Although both types of negligence can cause serious injuries, gross negligence is more likely to lead to severe or catastrophic injuries. These injuries will, in general, be worth more in damages than minor injuries:
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Ongoing treatments, such as rehabilitation and therapy
  • Permanent disability costs
  • Home and vehicle modifications
  • Lost wages and future capacity to earn
  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • Lost quality or enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death benefits
In addition to greater compensation available for a more serious injury, gross negligence could also increase the amount of your award through punitive damages.

What Are Punitive Damages?

Punitive damages are a relatively uncommon type of award. Rather than making a victim whole again after an accident, punitive damages punish a defendant for especially egregious acts. In Texas, punitive damages may be available if a defendant exhibited behaviors that were grossly negligent, reckless, wanton, willful, malicious or intentional. Punitive damages are meant to penalize a defendant and deter him or her from making the same mistake in the future. For more information about ordinary vs. gross negligence and how it may apply to your case, consult with a personal injury attorney in San Antonio.
Posted by at 5:22 pm

What Is a Burden of Proof in a Personal Injury Claim?

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

If you get injured due to someone else’s carelessness, recklessness or intent to harm, Texas law gives you the right to bring a personal injury suit against that party. Before the law will side in your favor and grant a financial award for your injuries and losses, however, you or your Dallas personal injury lawyer must meet the required burden of proof.

What Is a Burden of Proof in a Personal Injury Claim? 177

Understanding the Burden of Proof in a Personal Injury Case

In personal injury law, a burden of proof is the legal term for the amount of evidence necessary to prove the defendant committed the act in question and is therefore legally responsible for the damages claimed. The burden of proof in civil law is different than in criminal law. In criminal law, the burden of proof is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil law, it is proof based on a preponderance of the evidence.
Preponderance of the evidence means “more likely than not.” The injured party, or plaintiff, in a personal injury claim has the burden to convince a jury that his or her argument is more likely than not to be true. In other words, the plaintiff’s version of events must be deemed at least 51% true for him or her to obtain financial compensation from a defendant. Although this is a lesser burden of proof than proof beyond a reasonable doubt, it can still be a difficult bar for a plaintiff to meet without assistance from an attorney.

Elements of Proof Necessary for a Negligence Claim

Fulfilling the required burden of proof in a personal injury case in Texas typically requires clear and convincing evidence of the defendant’s negligence. Negligence is a legal theory that describes a degree of substandard care a reasonable and prudent party would not use in the same circumstances.
A defendant may be found liable for a plaintiff’s injuries on the grounds of negligence if the plaintiff can prove four elements as most likely to be true:

  1. The defendant owed him or her a specific duty of care. A duty of care is a legal obligation to act in a reasonable manner.
  2. The defendant breached his or her duty of care. The defendant committed a careless or reckless act.
  3. The defendant’s action or omission caused the plaintiff’s injury. There is a causal link between the defendant’s mistake and the injury in question.
  4. The plaintiff suffered compensable losses related to the defendant’s negligence. Losses include lost wages, medical expenses and emotional distress.

Although negligence is the most common basis for personal injury cases in Dallas, it is also possible to hold a defendant liable for an accident based on other legal theories, such as strict liability or breach of warranty. A personal injury attorney can help you understand the grounds for your particular case. Then, your attorney can collect evidence on your behalf to use in support of your claim.

Evidence Used in a Personal Injury Case

One of the most important aspects of the burden of proof in a personal injury claim is evidence. Holding someone accountable for your losses in Texas requires clear and convincing evidence of that person’s fault. Your attorney will need to present enough evidence to convince a jury that the defendant is at least 51% responsible for causing your accident and the injuries you are claiming. Evidence can come in many forms, including:

  • Photographs
  • Videos
  • Eyewitness accounts
  • Police reports
  • Medical records
  • Hospital bills
  • Pay stubs
  • Expert testimony

It is extremely important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after an accident that injures you in Dallas. A lawyer can immediately go to work on preserving key evidence for your case, such as cell phone records or video surveillance footage. Then, your lawyer can hire experts such as investigators and crash reconstruction specialists to help you establish the defendant is at fault. A lawyer can help you with the burden of proof from the very beginning of a personal injury case.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:02 pm

What’s the Difference Between Recklessness and Negligence?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021
If someone gets injured in an accident in Texas, that person may have the right to file a lawsuit for financial compensation through the civil justice system. The right to hold someone else accountable for the injury may exist if that person was negligent, reckless or malicious in causing the injury in question. If you’ve been injured in an accident in San Antonio, learn the difference between recklessness and negligence to better understand the grounds for your claim.

What Is Negligence?

Negligence is the basis for most personal injury claims in Texas. In personal injury law, negligence is when someone unintentionally or carelessly causes someone else injury or harm. Cases involving auto accidents, dangerous premises, workplace accidents and most other accidents are generally founded on the legal theory of negligence. Proving a defendant’s negligence during an injury case requires evidence that the following four elements are more likely than not to be true:
  1. The defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care. This is a legal obligation to act in a reasonable manner to avoid injury to others.
  2. The defendant breached a duty of care. The defendant committed an act or omission that went against his or her duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s breach of duty was the proximate or actual cause of the plaintiff’s injury. The injury would not have occurred but for the defendant’s mistake.
  4. The plaintiff suffered compensable losses. The accident gave the plaintiff real, specific damages, such as medical bills or property damage.
In a case based on negligence, it does not matter whether or not the defendant realized he or she was breaching a duty of care. If the defendant acted in a way that a reasonable and prudent person would not have in the same circumstances, the defendant is liable for the plaintiff’s injury. To base a case on recklessness, however, the defendant must have acted or behaved in a manner that would foreseeably cause injury.

What Is Recklessness?

Recklessness is a more serious type of tort than negligence. Under Texas law, it describes a situation in which a person knows the risks that will foreseeably arise from his or her actions but commits the act or omission anyway, regardless of the consequences to others. In other words, the reckless party had a wanton disregard for the safety of others. A reckless person has substantially departed from what a reasonable, law-abiding person would do in the same situation. For example, if a driver had 10 alcoholic beverages and then got behind the wheel, this driver has exhibited a reckless disregard for how his or her actions might injure others.

How Does the Difference Impact Your Personal Injury Case?

Negligence is an unknowing departure from the duty of care, while recklessness is a knowing, willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others. The difference between these two types of torts can be important to distinguish during your personal injury case in Texas. Although both are acceptable grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, recklessness could result in punitive damages. Punitive damages, unlike compensatory damages, are not meant to make up for a victim’s financial losses. Instead, they are awarded to punish a defendant and deter others from making the same mistake. Punitive damages are not awarded in every personal injury case. Instead, a judge reserves them for cases in which a defendant was grossly negligent, reckless or malicious in causing the victim’s harm. If you have a case based on recklessness, you may be eligible for punitive damages.

Consult With an Experienced Car Accident Attorney for Help

If you or a family member has suffered injuries in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, consult with a personal injury lawyer in San Antonio right away. An attorney can help you identify the grounds for your case, collect evidence against the defendant and pursue the financial compensation you deserve.
Posted by at 5:18 pm

How to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in San Antonio

Monday, February 15, 2021
If you get injured in an accident, such as a motor vehicle collision or a slip and fall, you may be eligible for financial benefits from one or more parties. The person or entity at fault for causing your accident may be financially responsible for your related damages, including medical bills and property repairs. Learn how to file a personal injury lawsuit in San Antonio, as well as when to hire an attorney for assistance.

When to Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in San Antonio

Before you begin the legal process, you may wish to consult with a personal injury attorney in San Antonio. A personal injury lawyer will have the information and resources to help you fully protect your legal rights as a plaintiff. You may need to hire a lawyer to represent you during a claim, especially if you have severe or catastrophic personal injuries. With a life-changing injury, it is more likely that an insurance company will try to take advantage of you and devalue your claim. An attorney can help you file your lawsuit and obtain maximum financial compensation for your losses. Many personal injury lawyers offer free consultations, so you can discuss your case with a lawyer without any financial risk.

Understand the Statute of Limitations

Next, learn your deadline to file a personal injury lawsuit in Texas (known in legalese as the statute of limitations). The statute of limitations is two years for most personal injury cases in Texas. If you wait longer than two years after your accident to bring a claim to damages, expect the courts to deny your case. It is important to act quickly in the aftermath of an accident to make sure you file within the required window, as well as while important evidence is still available.

Gather Information and Evidence

Start building your personal injury claim in San Antonio by collecting as much information, evidence and documentation about your accident and injury as possible:
  • Write down the at-fault party’s name, contact information and insurance carrier.
  • Call the hospital where you sought treatment to obtain copies of your relevant medical records.
  • If you were in an auto accident and called the police, contact the local police department for a copy of your police report.
  • Gather any photographs and videos of your accident.
  • If you have signed statements from eyewitnesses, put this in your case folder as well.
Having all the information and evidence organized in a single place can make it easier to file a lawsuit.

Find Out Where to File Your Lawsuit in San Antonio

You will file your personal injury claim with the civil courthouse in the county where your accident took place, in most cases. If this is Bexar County, you will go to the Civil District Court. If you estimate your case is worth less than $10,000, including court costs, you will file with the Bexar County Small Claims Court instead. Filing a lawsuit requires filling out the claims forms given to you by the courthouse clerk completely, in as much detail as possible. On your claims form, you will need to include the defendant’s name and contact information, a brief description of your accident and why you believe the defendant is responsible, a list of the damages for which you are seeking compensation, and the amount of money you are demanding from the defendant’s insurance company to resolve your claim. You will need to pay the filing fee when you submit the paperwork. This fee is typically $200.

Negotiate on Your Own or With Help From an Attorney

Once you file your personal injury lawsuit in San Antonio, the defendant will have a chance to respond to your petition. If the defendant does not deny or refute fault, you will most likely receive a settlement offer from the insurance company. Before accepting the offer, bring it to an attorney for review. If the offer is not adequate for your injuries and losses, an attorney can help you negotiate back and forth for a better amount. In the rare incident that your case cannot settle, your lawyer can represent you at trial in Bexar County instead. A San Antonio personal injury lawyer can help you obtain the results you deserve.
Posted by at 5:10 pm

What Is the Average Time to Settle a Personal Injury Case?

Friday, February 12, 2021

It is normal to feel impatient about settling your personal injury case. Your accident may have caused expensive property damage and medical bills, as well as the inability to work. You may not wish to wait several months or longer to resolve your case. It may not be in your best interest, however, to rush into a fast settlement that does not adequately pay for your losses. Learn more about how long it may take to successfully settle your case.

What Is the Average Time to Settle a Personal Injury Case? 179

How Long Do Most Cases Take to Settle?

It is difficult to determine how long your personal injury case will take based on average settlement timelines. Every client is unique, with timelines varying significantly on a case-by-case basis. How long it takes one client’s case to settle may not be an accurate indication of how long your case will take.
In general, however, a personal injury insurance claim may take around three to four months. This is the average timeline if the insurance claim does not encounter any issues or complications that delay the process. Insurance companies in Texas have 15 days to respond to a claim filed. Then, they have 15 days from the time they receive all forms and information from you to accept or reject the claim.
If your personal injury case requires a trial, expect a longer claims process. Although this is uncommon, some cases require trials if the insurance company is wrongfully denying payment or refusing to offer a reasonable settlement. If your case goes to trial in Texas, anticipate your settlement taking one year or longer to achieve.

Factors That Could Extend Your Timeline

Average personal injury settlement times are not typically accurate when seeking information about how long a case may take to resolve. The best way to obtain an accurate timeline is by consulting with a personal injury lawyer in Dallas. A lawyer will look at the unique factors of your case to determine if there are things that could cause delays.
Factors that may impact how long it takes to settle include:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • How long it will take to reach your point of maximum medical improvement
  • The overall value of your claim
  • Problems or challenges with your case
  • Multiple defendants
  • Your comparative fault for the injury
  • Insurance bad-faith tactics, such as unfairly delaying an investigation

On average, a personal injury case with complications such as catastrophic injuries, a long recovery time, high-value losses or a liability dispute will take longer than a simpler case to settle. It is important, however, to recognize when a delay in the settlement could ultimately benefit you by providing a better payout for your injuries and losses.

Do Not Rush Into a Settlement

One of the most common mistakes made by injured parties in Texas is to rush the claims process. It is common to want to settle as quickly as possible so you can move forward with your life. Rushing into a settlement that does not adequately pay for your past and future losses, however, is something you cannot take back. It is typically not possible to reopen a closed case, even if you discover that you need additional medical treatments.
Insurance companies expect clients to negotiate back and forth with them before settling, not accept the very first offer. Thus, the first offer is typically lower than the true value of the claim. Rather than accepting the very first settlement offer in an attempt to quickly resolve your case, take it to a personal injury lawyer for review. A lawyer can analyze the facts of your case, give a professional opinion on whether or not you should settle, and help you with negotiations – all while making the legal process as fast and efficient as possible.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:04 pm

Texas Good Samaritan Law

Thursday, February 11, 2021
The first people at the scene of an accident – often those who witnessed the accident – are in a unique position to help victims. They can check for injuries, call an ambulance and keep victims calm while they wait for help. Like many states, Texas has a law in place protecting those who render aid at the scene of emergencies. It is called the Good Samaritan Law.

What Is the Good Samaritan Law?

Texas’s Good Samaritan Law (Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 74.151) protects people who offer aid at the scene of emergencies from liability for any unintentional damages their interventions cause. These people are referred to as Good Samaritans, as a reference to a parable in the Bible about someone helping a stranger in need. If a Good Samaritan stops at the scene of an accident and renders medical aid in good faith, that person is protected from any liability for related damages in Texas. The Good Samaritan Law is in place to encourage people who witness accidents to step forward and render assistance without fear of being sued later by a victim for accidentally making things worse. If, for example, a Good Samaritan pulls someone out of a burning vehicle and this action exacerbates a spinal cord injury, causing permanent paralysis, the Good Samaritan will not be liable for unintentionally causing the injury under Texas law.

Who Does the Good Samaritan Law Protect?

As long as a Good Samaritan renders emergency medical care in a good faith attempt to help the victim of an accident, he or she is protected from liability under the Texas Good Samaritan Act. This law states that any person who administers emergency care in good faith is not liable for any related civil damages suffered during the emergency. According to the statute, the act also protects any person who uses an automated external defibrillator to administer emergency care, as well as someone who acts as a volunteer first responder. The act does not, however, apply to anyone who intervenes at the scene of an emergency for compensation or remuneration, as well as anyone who was at the scene with the purpose of soliciting business. The Good Samaritan Law in Texas also does not protect anyone who is licensed to provide emergency medical care, such as an EMT or a doctor in an emergency room. The law holds these professionals to a higher standard of care than an average civilian with no professional medical training. The professional must be more careful to prevent any foreseeable harm to the victim in an emergency and may be liable for any damages inflicted by substandard care.

What If the Good Samaritan Is Negligent?

The Texas Good Samaritan Act also has an exception if the person rendering emergency aid is the same person whose negligent act or omission caused the original accident. In this situation, the person who caused the accident will not be protected from liability for the victim’s injuries, property damage and other losses. Finally, one of the most important exceptions to the Good Samaritan Law is if the person who renders aid is willfully or wantonly negligent. If the person does not render aid in a good faith attempt to help the victim, such as by knowingly doing something that could harm the victim, he or she could be liable for related damages. The Good Samaritan must act in a way that is not intentionally negligent or reckless to benefit from legal protection. For the most part, however, the Texas Good Samaritan Law protects the average person who renders medical aid in an emergency.

What to Do After Witnessing an Accident

If you are the first person to the scene of an accident, do not be afraid to step in and help. Try not to move an injured person unless it is necessary for his or her safety. Instead, call the police and stay with the victim to offer your support while you wait for paramedics to arrive. Then, offer your services to the victim as an eyewitness, if possible. You could save a life by rendering aid in an emergency, as well as help a victim recover through a personal injury lawsuit.
Posted by at 5:09 pm

What Is the Difference Between Intentional Torts and Negligence?

Friday, January 29, 2021

When one person’s actions cause another person an injury, the victim (plaintiff) will have the right to seek compensation from the at-fault party (defendant). The victim will do so by filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. In Texas, a defendant can be held liable for both intentional acts of wrongdoing and unintentional negligence against a plaintiff. Learn the difference between these two legal concepts to better understand your claim.

What Is the Difference Between Intentional Torts and Negligence? 181

What Is an Intentional Tort?

An intentional tort describes a willful and knowing act of wrongdoing, such as an action that breaks the law in Texas. If a defendant is guilty of an intentional tort, it means he or she knew of the criminal nature, wrongfulness or risks associated with an act or omission, yet preceded with it anyway. Someone who commits an intentional tort knows the action will foreseeably cause injury, but breaches the duty of care anyway.
An intentional tort can be a premeditated crime, or the idea can occur to the defendant on the spot. Either way, if the defendant performs a willful and deliberate act of wrongdoing that injures a victim, he or she will be civilly liable for losses. The defendant will also likely face criminal charges in Texas for committing a crime against the victim, such as assault, battery, robbery, abuse or homicide.

What Is Negligence?

Negligence does not involve intent. Negligence is a person’s unintentional or careless failure to perform his or her duties of care. If a defendant is guilty of negligence, he or she made a mistake on accident that caused the victim’s injuries. In Texas, a negligent party can be held liable for a victim’s damages if four main elements are more likely to be true than not true.

  1. The defendant owed the victim a duty of care.
  2. The defendant failed to fulfill the duty or standard of care.
  3. The defendant’s breach of duty caused the accident.
  4. The victim suffered compensable losses as a result.

With evidence of these four elements, the defendant will be legally responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries and related losses, such as medical bills, lost wages and property damage. Even if the defendant did not intend to hurt the victim or willfully breach the standard of care, the defendant will be liable for his or her careless acts in Texas.

How Does This Affect Your Personal Injury Claim?

Whether the defendant in your personal injury case was guilty of an intentional tort or negligence, you have the same right to bring a claim against that party. Differentiating between the two will not alter your injury claim – the burden of proof will remain the same. You or your attorney will still need to establish that the defendant owed you a duty of care, willfully or accidentally breached this duty, and caused your injury. However, if the defendant committed an intentional tort, he or she could also receive a criminal conviction.
Note that being convicted of a crime does not immediately make the defendant civilly liable for your losses. You will still need to establish fault through clear and convincing evidence. However, you can use a defendant’s criminal conviction as evidence during your civil case. A criminal conviction can work in your favor to convince a judge and jury of the authenticity of your claim.
Even if a criminal case against the defendant does not result in a conviction, you could still have grounds for a civil claim. It is possible to win a civil claim even without a criminal conviction, as the burden of proof for a criminal vs. civil case differs. To convict the defendant of a crime, the prosecutor will need enough evidence to prove his or her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Your attorney, however, will only have to prove that the defendant’s tort is more than likely what caused your injury.
Speak to a personal injury attorney in Dallas for more information about the burden of proof in your claim.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:28 pm

How to Prove Lost Wages in a Personal Injury Case

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

One of the most common types of losses inflicted by an accident is lost wages. Most seriously injured victims cannot return to work immediately after their accidents. Instead, they must take time off, either temporarily or long term.
If the victim was not to blame for the accident, he or she should not have to pay for lost wages out of pocket. The at-fault party should be responsible instead. Before a court in Texas will award you for lost wages, however, you will have to prove this type of loss.

How to Prove Lost Wages in a Personal Injury Case 184

What Are Lost Wages?

Lost wages refer to the earnings missed when an employee has to stay home due to an accident and injury. When a physical injury interferes with an employee being able to fulfill the critical tasks of his or her job, the employee will have to stay home until he or she recovers enough to return.
In some cases, an employee can return to work, but in a limited capacity and for a lower wage. In other cases, an employee will have to go without any wages until he or she can go back to work. In severe and catastrophic injury cases, a victim may never be able to return to work. A lost wage award during a personal injury case in Texas can cover several types of income and benefits.

  • Hourly wages
  • Tips and perks
  • Bonuses
  • Overtime
  • Sick leave
  • Vacation days

Texas law allows victims to recover financial compensation for these wage-related losses after accidents that force them to take time off of work. Even if you had sick days to use, you are eligible for their reimbursement if you did not cause your injury. It will be up to you as the plaintiff to prove your lost wages if you wish to obtain this type of reimbursement, however.

Evidence of Lost Wages in a Personal Injury Case

One of the elements you must prove for a successful personal injury case in Texas is damages suffered. The defendant’s wrongful act must have given you real, specific and compensable losses. These losses may include lost income. If you wish to seek financial compensation for lost wages, you or your personal injury attorney will need to provide evidence.

  • Information about your job, such as typical hours worked
  • Pay stubs from before the accident
  • Tax return statements and W2s
  • Wage verification letter from your employer
  • Your business’ banking records, if self-employed
  • Medical records
  • Letter from your doctor confirming you cannot work
  • Expert testimony

These are common examples of evidence and documentation used to prove a plaintiff’s eligibility for a lost wage award. In general, if awarded an amount for lost wages, it will match the exact or estimated wages and benefits the employee would have earned had the accident not occurred.

Can You Seek Compensation for Future Lost Wages?

It is possible to file a claim for future lost wages (called loss potential to earn) in Texas if you will have your injury for the foreseeable future. If you have a catastrophic injury, such as a broken bone, traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury, that will take you out of work for months, years or life, you and your attorney can seek compensation for the projected amount of time you will be unable to earn a living wage.
An award for the lost potential to earn could cover projected future wages, as well as likely promotions and pay raise opportunities. Proving lost future earnings often requires testimony from your doctor and employer stating that your injuries will make you unable to return to work for a certain amount of time. You may also need to hire a forensic accountant to prove how you arrived at the amount you are claiming in lost future earnings. Work with an attorney for the best odds of obtaining a fair amount for your lost wages in Texas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:56 am

What Is Assumption of Risk in a Personal Injury Case?

Monday, January 25, 2021
Assumption of risk is a defense that could be used against you if you bring a cause of action for a personal injury in Texas. In your attempt to hold someone responsible for causing your injury, the defendant may allege that you assumed the risks of the activity – thus protecting the defendant from liability. If this defense succeeds, you may not be awarded anything in financial compensation. This is why it is important to speak to a lawyer if you think this defense will be raised during your case.

What Does Assumption of Risk Mean in Law?

In the civil justice system, assumption of risk is an affirmative defense. A defendant can raise this defense to combat a personal injury cause of action. The assumption of risk defense asserts that the defendant is not liable for the injuries sustained because the plaintiff knowingly and voluntarily exposed him or herself to this risk. Essentially, a defendant who uses the assumption of risk defense is claiming that the plaintiff knew about the risk or hazard that caused the injury but voluntarily took the chance of getting injured anyway. Therefore, the defendant believes he or she should not be responsible for related losses. This defense is most common in cases involving dangerous activities, such as bungee jumping or cliff jumping. It can also be used in premises liability cases if a defendant had a “No Trespassing” or “Beware of Dog” sign in place. Places that offer experiences with some level of risk may also use this defense, such as gyms, amusement parks and sports arenas in San Antonio.

How Can Someone Prove Assumption of Risk?

It is the defendant’s responsibility to prove the validity of the assumption of risk defense when asserted. The defendant will have the burden to prove, through clear and convincing evidence, that two main elements are more likely to be true than not true.
  1. The plaintiff had actual knowledge of the risks involved in an activity. The defendant must show that the plaintiff knew of the risk that caused his or her injury, such as a sign warning visitors of a known risk on a property.
  2. The plaintiff voluntarily accepted the risk. The defendant must also have proof that the plaintiff voluntarily assumed or accepted the known risks of an activity. This acceptance could be implied by words or conduct or expressly noted in a liability waiver.
If the plaintiff signed a written contract expressly agreeing to the known risks of an activity, this could serve as proof of assumption of risk. Proof could also come in the form of a participant purchasing a ticket if the ticket doubled as a liability agreement. This is often the case with cruise ship and sports game tickets. With a signed liability waiver in place, a defendant may not be liable for damages even if he or she was negligent.

How Might the Assumption of Risk Defense Affect Your Case?

If you signed a liability waiver before participating in the activity that injured you, don’t assume you are barred from financial recovery. Although this can protect a defendant from liability, there are exceptions to the rule. If the defendant committed an act of gross negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongdoing, signing a waiver will not release the defendant from liability for losses. If the defendant failed to adequately make the risks of an activity known to you when you signed, this could also invalidate a liability waiver. How an assumption of risk defense may or may not affect your personal injury case depends on your unique circumstances. It is important to consult with an attorney if you encounter this defense or were injured after signing a liability waiver. An attorney can help you protect your rights with or without the assumption of risk defense.
Posted by at 12:33 pm

What Are Future Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

Friday, January 22, 2021
Through the civil justice system in Texas, you can receive financial compensation from the person or party that committed a wrong (tort) against you. In legalese, this compensation is known as damages. A civil claim not only has the power to reimburse you for past damages; you could also recover compensation for future damages. Learn more about future damages available in a personal injury case by consulting with an attorney.

Economic vs. Noneconomic Damages

First, understand the difference between the two main categories of damages available: economic and noneconomic. Economic damages pay for your out-of-pocket costs as the victim of a tort. These costs may include hospital bills, lost wages, property repairs and attorney’s fees. Noneconomic damages are the intangible effects an accident had on you and your loved ones. Another name for noneconomic damages is pain and suffering. Compensatory losses in this category may include emotional distress, mental anguish, physical pain, inconvenience, humiliation, lost quality of life and loss of consortium. During a personal injury case in Texas, you could be eligible for future damages for economic and noneconomic losses. Your eligibility for future damages will depend on the extent of your injuries and how long they will foreseeably stay with you. Future damages are only available if you will experience losses connected to the accident in the foreseeable future.

What Are Future Damages?

Past and present damages are clear at the time a claimant files a personal injury claim. As an injured victim, you will have medical bills and lost wages piling up to prove these losses. Future damages, however, are less clear. They will depend on when your injury will fully heal – if it will fully heal at all. You may be able to seek compensation for future damages during a claim if your injuries will, with some level of medical probability, stay with you or get worse in the future. Future damages can include:
  • Future medical care. Any surgeries, treatments, physical therapy, rehabilitation, medications or visits with specialists in the future you may need because of your injury. This includes disability accommodations for a permanent injury.
  • Future lost wages and lost earning capacity. If a doctor believes your injury will make you unable to work for a certain period of time, you can seek lost wage compensation for shifts you will miss. If you have an injury that will remove you from your current occupation, you can pursue damages for permanent lost capacity to earn.
  • Future emotional and psychological impacts. Many accidents have long-term emotional impacts on survivors. If you notice emotional injuries or are diagnosed with a condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder, you may be eligible for future pain and suffering damages.
You can only recover compensation for future damages in Texas if you or your personal injury attorney can successfully prove they will exist. Your lawyer can help you prove future losses using evidence such as your medical records, testimony from your doctor and medical experts, testimony from friends and family members, and information from your employer about the requirements of your job.

Why It Is Important to Seek Future Damages in a Lawsuit

Once you close a personal injury case by accepting a settlement and signing a release of liability form, you cannot reopen it. Even if your injuries worsen or you encounter additional medical costs, you will not be able to reopen a case and negotiate for a higher amount. This is why it is imperative to seek future damages in your original lawsuit – before you miss the opportunity to recover these damages forever. If you need assistance listing all past and future damages on an insurance demand letter or personal injury lawsuit in San Antonio, contact an attorney. An attorney can make sure you do not miss any important opportunities for recovering financial compensation, including future damages. A lawyer will ensure you do not settle for less than the full and true value of your claim.
Posted by at 12:32 pm

What Are Personal Injury Damage Caps in Texas?

Monday, January 18, 2021

Seeking financial compensation for an injury that someone else caused in Texas will require some knowledge of how the legal process works. You will become familiar with one term in particular: damages. In legalese, damages are the compensation awarded to an injured party (plaintiff) for a negligent party’s (defendant’s) wrongful acts. In some states, the damages available in a personal injury case are limitless. In others, however, damage caps control how much money a plaintiff can recover.

What Are Personal Injury Damage Caps in Texas? 186

What Is a Damage Cap?

When a court awards damages in a personal injury case, it provides financial compensation to make the victim whole again. A plaintiff in Texas can recover compensation for both economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages are actual losses, such as medical bills and lost wages. Noneconomic damages reimburse a victim for physical pain, emotional suffering and mental distress brought by an injury.
At the beginning of personal injury law, there were no caps on the damages an injured victim could recover from a defendant. Over time, however, some states began introducing damage caps as a way to protect the system. Damage caps are meant to dissuade people from making fraudulent or frivolous personal injury claims by placing a limit on how much compensation is available. Although some states have since ruled damage caps unconstitutional, certain caps on damages still exist in Texas.

Does Texas Have Any Damage Caps?

Yes, Texas does have damage caps. If you wish to bring a personal injury claim in Texas, your financial recovery may be subject to these caps…but only if you have a certain type of case. Texas law does not place a limit on damages in every type of injury claim. Instead, it only imposes caps in three scenarios.

Medical Malpractice Claims

If you wish to hold a health care practitioner or hospital responsible for your injuries, you cannot recover more than $250,000 in noneconomic damages from each doctor or medical center. You also cannot recover more than $500,000 collectively from all medical facilities. Thus, the most you can receive in total noneconomic damages in a medical malpractice claim in Texas is $750,000.

Claims Against the Government

Under the Texas Tort Claims Act, you can hold the government responsible for its negligence and the negligence of its employees. Damages are capped in lawsuits against government organizations, however. You cannot recover more than $250,000 per person involved, $500,000 for any single event or $100,000 for property damage. This cap applies to both types of damages, economic and noneconomic.

Punitive Damage Claims

Punitive damages are meant to punish a defendant for gross wrongdoing or heinous acts. They are not awarded in every personal injury case. If a judge in Texas does award punitive damages, the amount cannot exceed the cap of $200,000 or twice the amount of noneconomic damages plus an equal amount of noneconomic damages, up to $750,000 (whichever is larger).

How Might a Damage Cap Affect Your Personal Injury Case?

If someone else’s negligence gave you an injury in Texas, the amount you receive in financial compensation from the at-fault party may be subject to the state’s damage caps. This will only be the case, however, if you are pursuing a medical malpractice lawsuit, a claim against a government entity or punitive damages.
In a car accident case against another driver that does not involve punitive damages, for example, you would not encounter any damage caps in Texas. If a damage cap does apply to your case, you will be unable to recover compensation beyond the statutory limit, even if your actual damages are worth more.
The laws regarding damage caps in Texas are controversial and constantly changing. For the most up-to-date information on the current damage caps, including if they will apply to your personal injury claim, consult with an attorney near you.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:01 pm

How to Prove Emotional Distress in a Personal Injury Claim?

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Emotional distress is a very real outcome for a victim injured in an accident. The thoughts that immediately race through your head in an accident can cause fear and anxiety, while consequences such as your physical injuries can impact you emotionally for days or weeks to come.
In Texas, you have the right to seek financial compensation not only for the medical costs of a physical injury after an accident, but also for your emotional trauma. Find out how to prove emotional distress during your personal injury claim for a fair financial award.

How to Prove Emotional Distress in a Personal Injury Claim? 189

Seeking Emotional Distress in an Injury Claim

First, it is worthwhile to note that a plaintiff in Texas can generally only recover compensation for emotional distress if he or she also has a physical injury. Physical injuries are often what cause a victim emotional distress in the form of mental anguish, physical pain, discomfort, disabilities or permanent injuries, lost quality of life, and loss of consortium. It is much more challenging to file a claim for emotional distress only.
However, it is possible if the plaintiff can prove that the defendant exhibited particularly outrageous, egregious or grossly negligent actions that caused the emotional distress. If the defendant intentionally or maliciously inflicted emotional harm, for example, it may be possible to bring a claim even in the absence of a physical injury. You may need a lawyer to help you bring this type of claim.

Keep an Injury Journal

One of the best ways to express emotional distress to a judge and jury is in your own words. After a traumatic accident, start keeping an injury journal where you write down your thoughts and feelings. Express how you felt during the accident, while it is still fresh in your mind, as well as how your injuries have impacted you. Include comparisons between how you used to feel prior to the accident and how you feel now. Documenting your mental and emotional journey in writing can establish your anxiety, fear and depression after an accident.

Get an Official Diagnosis

Although you can seek compensation for emotional distress without an official medical diagnosis, medical documents from a professional can serve as strong evidence in your favor. See a psychologist or therapist about your feelings after an accident. You may have a mental health condition that can be diagnosed, such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. These are common mental health conditions after a serious accident or traumatic event. You can use medical documents as evidence later. Your doctor may even be able to testify in court on your behalf.

Have Friends and Family Testify

The people who are closest to you have most likely noticed how you’ve been emotionally impacted by an accident. Having your friends and family officially testify as to how you’ve been acting, behaving and feeling can help you prove the accident has affected you. Personal testimony of your own about the severity of the accident and your injuries can also help. Testimonies can help a jury understand how you’ve changed since the accident.

Supplement Your Emotional Distress Claim With Injury Evidence

If you are seeking compensation for emotional distress alongside a physical injury claim, supplement your case with medical evidence of your physical injuries. Bring medical documentation such as diagnostic reports, test results, x-rays, treatment plans and notes from your doctor to prove the severity of your physical injuries. Medical evidence can establish the existence, severity and duration of your injuries, establishing the reason for your emotional distress.

Work With a Personal Injury Lawyer

Emotional distress is a common type of loss claimed in a personal injury lawsuit under the umbrella of pain and suffering damages. Securing fair and full compensation for emotional distress, however, may take assistance from an attorney. Hire a personal injury lawyer in Dallas to represent you for the best chances of a successful claim. A lawyer will have the experience, knowledge and resources to help you prove emotional distress.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:44 am

How Are Personal Injury Damages Calculated?

Monday, January 11, 2021

The goal of a personal injury case in Dallas is to make an injured victim whole again by providing financial compensation for his or her losses. These losses, as well as the compensation available, are called damages in legalese. One of the most common questions asked by plaintiffs during injury lawsuits is, “How much is my case worth?” The answer to this question lies in large part in how damages are calculated.

What Damages Are Available?

First, a victim will need to make a list of all the losses he or she suffered because of an accident. This list will go on the victim’s demand letter, which will get sent to the insurance company of the at-fault party in pursuit of compensation. Compensation is available for many different damages during a personal injury claim in Texas.

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Disability costs
  • Lost capacity to earn
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Out-of-pocket costs
  • Punitive damages
  • Wrongful death damages

A victim can seek compensation for both past and future losses. If a victim has a permanent disability from an accident, for example, he or she can seek compensation for a lifetime of medical expenses, surgeries and treatments. In general, the more severe the accident and injury, the more the victim will be awarded in damages.

Economic Damages

Economic damages in personal injury law are tangible or special losses that are specific to the victim. These can include health care costs, property repairs and lost wages. The calculation method for economic damages relies on hard numbers. An insurance company or courtroom will add up the actual amount of the economic losses suffered by the victim using evidence such as hospital bills, repair estimates and pay stubs.
Next, the courts will project future economic damages based on the victim’s existing expenses and his or her medical improvement timeline. This calculation may require a doctor to testify as to how long the victim will foreseeably have his or her injuries, as well as the future medical treatments that will be necessary. With existing bills and medical expert testimony, the courts can calculate an amount in economic damages that is appropriate for the victim’s past and future losses.

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic damages refer to intangible or general losses that any injured victim would be likely to suffer. These include emotional distress, physical pain, discomfort, mental anguish and anxiety. Calculating noneconomic damages is not as exact a science as economic damages, as it involves a human factor – the jury’s discretion. It is up to a jury how much to award a victim in pain and suffering. Although calculation methods are available, it is a jury’s decision whether or not to use them.

  • Multiplier Method. The Multiplier Method takes a victim’s total amount awarded in economic damages and multiplies it by a number that matches the severity of the victim’s injuries. A victim with a permanent injury, for example, may receive a multiplier of five, while a victim with a minor injury may receive a multiplier of one.
  • Per Diem Method. The Per Diem Method is more common in cases where the victim has a prognosis for a full recovery at a determinable date. A jury will multiply a suitable amount in daily pain and suffering damages, often equivalent to the victim’s daily wage, by the number of days he or she will have the injury.

In the end, a jury can award as much or as little in noneconomic damages as it sees fit for the situation, up to a state’s damage cap (if applicable). Typically, juries grant larger awards to victims with severe or catastrophic injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries and spine injuries. These victims will have greater physical pain, emotional suffering and other losses than victims with minor injuries.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:04 am

What Is a Deposition in a Personal Injury Case?

Friday, January 8, 2021

Filing a personal injury lawsuit will open the doors to many terms and legal processes you may be unfamiliar with. The one that seems to give claimants the most anxiety, however, is deposition. A deposition does not have to be daunting. A well-prepared deposition can be critical to the success of your case. Work with a personal injury attorney for assistance preparing for one.

What Is a Deposition?

A deposition is a question-and-answer session between a party involved in a personal injury claim and an attorney. In general, if you have to give a deposition during your personal injury claim, you will be answering questions from the other party’s attorney (the deponent). You will answer these questions truthfully and to the best of your ability while under oath. Anything you say during the deposition can be used as evidence in court if your case goes to trial.
A deposition typically does not take place inside a courtroom. Instead, you will go to an attorney’s office to give the deposition. In the room, there will be you, your attorney, the other side’s attorney and a court reporter. The reporter will record the deposition and transcribe it so it can be used in document format during a trial. The presence of your lawyer during a deposition can help you answer the questions in a way that will not hurt your rights or your case.

What Personal Injury Cases Require Depositions?

A deposition is part of the discovery phase of a personal injury lawsuit. It occurs after a plaintiff files a personal injury lawsuit but before the actual trial. The discovery phase of a lawsuit gives both sides of the case an opportunity to gather more information, evidence and documentation based on what the other side already knows. Depositions are typically spoken interviews, while interrogatories are written questions.
If your personal injury case settles before you have to file a lawsuit, you will not have to go through a deposition. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement or denies your claim, however, you may need to go up against the defendant at trial. In this scenario, expect a deposition. If a deposition is part of your personal injury case, you have no choice but to participate. Upon receiving a notice of deposition, going in for questioning is mandatory.

How to Prepare for a Deposition

If you find out you will have to participate in a deposition, don’t panic. While it is true that a deposition can be very important to your case, there are ways you can prepare ahead of time for the most successful session. Work with a lawyer for in-depth information about what to expect.

  • Review the facts. The deposition will be your opportunity to provide testimony on the record as to what happened. Establish the facts and circumstances in your own words and ahead of time. That way, the words will come to you even if you’re nervous during the deposition.
  • Go over possible questions with your attorney. Your lawyer will have years of experience attending depositions with clients. He or she can give you example questions the attorney will most likely ask you, so you can prepare answers in advance.
  • Take your time. Do not let anything, including the attorney asking the questions, pressure you during a deposition. Take your time listening and understanding the questions, as well as answering them clearly and succinctly. You can ask for breaks whenever you wish.

The typical deposition starts with questions about your basic personal information. Then, it will go into your physical condition before the accident and a description of your current injuries. You will also get to describe the accident in your own words. At the end of the deposition, you will testify about how your life has changed after the accident.
A lawyer can help you prepare for a deposition, including giving you tips on what to say and what not to say. Your lawyer can also give you advice on how to conduct yourself, plus accompany you into the actual room. For more information about personal injury depositions, consult with a lawyer near you.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:09 pm

Understanding Subrogation Claims on Personal Injury Settlements

Friday, January 8, 2021

When you go through the processes required to recover financial compensation after an accident, you will encounter many unique terms. If you hear the word subrogation, this means your insurance company is bringing a lawsuit against a third party in pursuit of reimbursement for what it has spent on your bills. The point of subrogation is twofold: to save the insurance company from having to pay for losses it is not liable for and to prevent an injured victim from double recovery.

Understanding Subrogation Claims on Personal Injury Settlements 191

What Is Subrogation?

The definition of subrogation is to stand in the shoes of another party or act as a substitute. Within personal injury law, subrogation refers to an insurance company standing in the place of another party to pay for a victim’s bills. Subrogation typically applies to either car accident insurance claims or health insurance benefits. In either case, the insurance company that paid the client will seek reimbursement from a third party.
Subrogation during an injury claim ensures that a victim does not recover twice for the same accident. If the insured has already received payment for his or her medical bills from an auto or health insurance company, that party should not also be allowed to recover compensation from a personal injury lawsuit. This would essentially pay the victim twice for the same damages.
Instead, if an insurance company has already paid off a claimant’s debts, it will be the insurance company that has the right to bring a third-party lawsuit for those expenses, not the injured. Since the insurance company paid for losses when its client was not at fault, it may bring a claim to replace what it spent. The insurance company will seek reimbursement through the subrogation process.

How Does Subrogation Work?

After an accident in Texas, you require immediate medical care. If you cannot pay for this care out of pocket, it does not mean you cannot receive treatment. Instead, an insurance company will step in to help you pay the bills, such as your car insurance or health insurance provider.
Once you have received medical care, your insurance company will send you a form requesting additional information about the accident. The purpose of this form is to determine if there is someone else financially responsible for the accident. If so, your insurer will let you know of its intent to pursue a subrogation claim. You legally must cooperate with this type of claim, meaning you cannot waive subrogation.
Your insurance company can seek subrogation directly from the at-fault party, from the at-fault party’s insurance provider, or from a settlement or judgment award you receive from the accident. How the insurer chooses to pursue subrogation will depend on the company and the factors of your case.

Subrogation and Your Personal Injury Settlement

Subrogation is an action available to insurance companies to prevent them from paying for losses it legally is not responsible for paying. If subrogation is successful, it will not only reimburse the insurance company, but it will also reimburse you for any money you spent on insurance deductibles.
Subrogation may not require your direct involvement if your insurance company goes straight to the at-fault party for reimbursement. If the insurance company places a subrogation lien on your settlement or judgment award, however, anticipate an amount of your award going immediately to the insurance company after winning your injury claim.
You will be required to pay off any liens against your settlement or judgment award before you can keep the remaining amount. With a subrogation lien, the amount of money your insurance company spent on your medical bills will be deducted from your final award won. Then, the remaining amount will be divided to pay for legal fees, lost wages, property repairs and other losses.
For more information about a subrogation claim during a personal injury lawsuit in Texas, consult with a Dallas personal injury attorney.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:51 am

What to Expect During Your First Meeting With a Personal Injury Attorney

Monday, December 28, 2020

If you have never had to pursue financial compensation for an injury before, you may not know what to expect from your first meeting with a personal injury attorney in Texas. While the initial consultation can seem daunting, it is an opportunity for a lawyer to answer your questions, usually at no cost to you and no obligation to hire the law firm. It also gives you the chance to find out if the personal injury lawyer is the right fit for your case. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare for your first meeting.

Who Will Be Present at the Meeting?

Most initial consultations with personal injury attorneys are only between the potential client and the attorney. There may be a paralegal or assistant present to take notes, as well. Ask the lawyer you meet if he or she will be the person who will be handling your case. If not, ask to meet the lawyer who will be your legal representative.

What Is the Purpose of the Meeting?

The purpose of the first meeting with a personal injury attorney is for the lawyer to hear the basic facts and fully understand your case. This will allow the lawyer to know whether he or she can proceed with a legal cause of action on your behalf. The initial meeting will also explain the essential points of the legal process, as well as determine your role in the case. For example, your attorney may explain the importance of following your doctor’s treatment plan. Another goal for the initial meeting is for you and the attorney to meet each other and find out if you are the right fit.

What Should You Bring?

You can bring certain documents with you to your first meeting with a personal injury attorney to give him or her more information about your case. While this is voluntary and not mandatory, it can make it easier for the lawyer to understand whether you have grounds for a case. It can also make the legal process more efficient should the attorney choose to offer his or her services. Bring documents related to your accident and injury, such as photographs, medical records, copies of x-rays, pay stubs, a police report, eyewitness statements, an injury journal and your insurance plan.

How Long Will the Meeting Last?

The answer to this depends on you and your case. If you have a particularly complex case, it may take longer for the personal injury attorney to understand its elements and explain the relevant legal doctrines to you. The same is true if the accident gave you severe or life-changing injuries. If you have a straightforward case, however, the consultation may not last as long. In general, the average initial consultation takes around one hour.

What Questions Should You Ask?

The initial meeting with a personal injury lawyer is a fact-finding mission for both you and the lawyer. Come prepared with a list of questions to ask the lawyer about your case and your rights. These questions should include, “Do I have a case?” “How much is my case worth?,” “How many weeks will it take to finish my case?” and, “Do you think you will need to go to trial?” The information you collect during your meeting should allow you to understand the basic facts of your case and whether you have one.

What Should You Look for in Your Personal Injury Attorney?

You should also ask questions directly related to the lawyer and his or her experience. The point of these questions will be to judge whether the lawyer is the right fit for you and your specific personal injury claim. Ask about the lawyer’s experience in your practice area, as well as case results achieved. You should leave your meeting with a good feeling about the attorney if you plan on hiring him or her.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:13 am

What Is the Court Process for a Personal Injury Claim?

Monday, December 21, 2020

If you get injured in an accident in Texas, someone may owe you financial compensation for your losses. Retrieving payment for your medical bills and other expenses takes filing a personal injury claim. It is important to understand the court process for the typical personal injury case so you can prepare for what lies ahead. A lawyer can help you with your personal injury claim in Texas.

The Plaintiff (Usually) Hires an Attorney

You may need to hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you during your claim, especially if you have serious injuries or anticipate your case going to trial. Although the vast majority of personal injury claims settle, cases involving liability disputes or other complications may need to go to court. Hiring a personal injury lawyer at the beginning of your claim can ensure the full protection of your rights either way.

All Parties Involved Investigate the Case

The first step in resolving a personal injury claim is all the parties involved investigating the case. The plaintiff, the plaintiff’s attorney, the defendant and the defendant’s insurance company will all have the chance to investigate what happened. Investigations often involve reviewing available information and evidence from police reports, accident reports, medical records, eyewitnesses, photographs and video footage.

The Plaintiff Submits a Demand Letter

If a lawyer’s investigation finds that someone else caused your accident and injury due to negligence, your lawyer will help you file a demand letter. The demand letter initiates your insurance claim. It has a basic description of the accident, why you believe the defendant is liable and a list of the damages you are seeking as payment. It should also include a sentence threatening to take the case to trial if the insurance company does not handle it fairly.

The Plaintiff and Insurance Company Negotiate

Upon receiving your demand letter, the insurance company will conduct its own investigation if it has not already done so. The insurance company will either accept or deny your claim based on the facts discovered. If the insurance company accepts your claim, it will offer a settlement to resolve the issue. You and your lawyer can negotiate for a fair amount and end the case there, if desired. If you do not reach a settlement, your lawyer will help you take the case to court instead.

The Plaintiff’s Attorney Files a Lawsuit

Most personal injury cases do not need lawsuits, as they settle before reaching this stage. If your case does require a lawsuit, however, your lawyer will help you with the required court documents and filing paperwork. Your lawyer will need to submit the filing paperwork to the civil courts in the county where you live or the county where the accident occurred by the deadline. In Texas, you have two years from the date of your accident to bring a lawsuit against a defendant.

The Claim Goes to Trial

If your personal injury claim goes to trial, your lawyer can help you understand the basic court process in Texas. While every case is unique, all civil trials have essentially the same 10 steps. Your personal injury lawyer will represent you through all of the phases of your lawsuit, whether you reach a settlement during pretrial mediation or your case goes all the way to court.

  1. Pretrial negotiations
  2. Discovery phase
  3. Jury selection
  4. Opening statements
  5. Presentation of evidence
  6. Witness testimony
  7. Cross-examination of witnesses
  8. Closing statements
  9. Jury deliberation
  10. Verdict

During your trial, your side of the case and the defendant’s side will have the opportunity to present evidence to a panel of 12 jurors. The jury will review the evidence and decide whether you met the burden of proof to establish the defendant’s liability as more likely to be true than not true. If so, the jury will give you a judgment award to cover your losses. If not, the jury will not find the defendant liable. Your lawyer will then have the chance to file an appeal or a motion for a new trial, if desired. Work with a lawyer on every step of your personal injury case for the best odds of success.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:20 pm

Can a Personal Injury Case Ever Be Reopened?

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Most personal injury claimants anxiously await the ends of their cases. Some jump at the chance to settle as quickly as possible, without making sure the amount received adequately covers past and future losses. Settling quickly can be dangerous, however, as once a personal injury case settles, it is almost always impossible to reopen it.

Can You Renegotiate After Signing a Release Form?

At the conclusion of your personal injury case, before the defendant or insurance company will pay out a settlement, you will receive a liability release form to sign. This is a legally binding contract stating that you are giving up all further rights to sue the defendant for the same injury or accident in exchange for the amount agreed upon. This document is important for the defendant, as it protects him or her from future liability lawsuits. As the claimant, it is your duty to make sure you are satisfied with the settlement offered before you sign a release form.
Do not rush into signing a liability release form. If you regret signing later, you cannot take it back. Except in extremely rare circumstances, the courts will not allow you to reopen a personal injury case once you have signed the release form. You will be legally bound to the settlement agreement. While you may feel pressured to sign quickly, finish your case and receive a check, it is critical to take your time with negotiations. Double-check that you are recovering a fair amount for both past and future damages before signing.
If you do wish to renegotiate or reopen a settled case, you will need to prove to the Texas courts that you have a valid reason for doing so. You will need to make a motion to the court with a legal reason, such as fraud during your case, a clerical mistake or new evidence. Only if you or your lawyer can prove legal grounds for reopening a case will you be eligible to set aside a judgment and renegotiate for a different amount.

Can You Bring a New Claim Against Someone Else?

Another option for financial recovery may be a new personal injury claim against a different defendant. This will only be possible if someone other than the existing defendant played a part in causing your injury, such as the defendant’s employer, a product manufacturer or a property owner. An accident investigation can determine if more than one party is to blame for your injuries and losses.
If your accident case involves multiple responsible parties, signing a release form to settle with one party may affect your ability to recover further compensation from a different party. This will depend on the language of the settlement release form. Some releases prohibit you from pursuing additional claims related to the same accident – even if you wish to bring a claim against a different defendant. Others allow you to pursue further compensation as long as you do not list the paying party as a defendant.

What Should You Do to Ensure a Successful Outcome the First Time?

Do not risk settling for less than you deserve for an accident or injury in Texas. In most cases, you will not be able to renegotiate after signing a release form, even if you realize the defendant should have paid more for your losses. The best way to ensure a fair and full settlement the first time around is by hiring an attorney to negotiate for you.
An experienced Dallas personal injury attorney can help you accurately calculate both past and future losses. If you have a serious injury, your lawyer can estimate the future value of your medical expenses and other costs to make sure you do not settle for less than you need. If you do wish to reopen your case, a lawyer can help you file a motion with the courts. Work with a lawyer from the very beginning of your case for the most successful claim possible.

Posted by mockingbird at 3:16 pm

What Is a Medical Lien on a Personal Injury Case?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A victim’s medical bills are one of the main types of damages in a personal injury case in Texas. It often surprises people to discover that hospitals and health insurance companies can stake a claim for part of the financial award received in a personal injury case. This claim is a medical lien, and it is used to repay health care centers for a victim’s medical debts. Learn how a medical lien may affect your personal injury case, as well as how to handle this issue.

About Medical Liens in Texas

A medical lien is a legal claim to someone else’s property or assets as a means to recover the costs of medical bills. If you get injured in an accident, your medical expenses can be significant. The average victim cannot pay out of pocket to cover medical bills upfront. In this situation, the hospital or health insurance company may front the costs of treatments and seek reimbursement later. This is a process called subrogation, which gives the hospital or insurance company the right to seek reimbursement from your settlement.
Not all hospitals and health care providers in Texas allow patients to use medical liens. Since liens are essentially a type of credit for a patient to pay for health care later, only certain providers are willing to take on this risk. A provider that does accept medical liens will need assurance that the patient will pay the hospital back. For this reason, most medical providers only accept liens if they think the patient has a strong case against a defendant.
If you need a medical lien to help you pay for health care costs after a serious accident in Texas, find a doctor willing to accept this payment arrangement. The doctor or hospital will give you a lien agreement to sign. This is a legally binding contract saying that a portion of any award won for your personal injury claim will go to the doctor according to the terms of the agreement. Typically, the agreement stipulates that the doctor must receive payment before the patient receives a penny. It is important to consult with a lawyer before signing a medical lien agreement.

How a Medical Lien Can Affect a Personal Injury Case

While a medical lien will not impact the basic personal injury claims process, it will affect how much you receive in financial compensation. With a medical lien in place, you will not own 100% of a settlement or judgment award given to you during a personal injury case in Texas. Instead, the owner of the lien will automatically receive a portion of your award. You will only get to keep what is left of the award after fulfilling the medical lien and paying off other debts, such as legal fees.
The strength of a medical lien against your claim will depend on the terms of the subrogation agreement. Medical liens are generally negotiable in Texas. However, most doctors are not interested in negotiating lien rights since they do not understand them and will need their lawyers to review them. The most effective way to negotiate with a doctor on a medical lien agreement is with assistance from an attorney.

Why You Should Hire a Lawyer to Negotiate a Medical Lien

A medical lien with the wrong terms could lead to a binding legal contract that hurts your rights and takes a large portion of the award you receive for your accident. Standard lien agreements favor the doctor, hospital or health insurance company, not the patient. Hiring a lawyer to review a medical lien agreement before you sign can make a significant impact on your future.
Your lawyer can benefit your case and protect your rights by working with the doctor to create lien terms that are fairer for you. Your lawyer may be able to discount your medical bills, for example, or work out an arrangement if you do not win your case. Hire a Dallas personal injury lawyer to help you with a medical lien in Texas for the best possible case outcome.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:45 pm

How Long Does It Take an Insurance Company to Pay Out a Claim?

Monday, November 23, 2020

Most personal injury claimants want to expedite the insurance claims process as much as possible. They are dealing with expensive medical bills, property damage and lost wages, in most cases. They want to complete the insurance process and receive a check for benefits right away. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to speed up an insurance claim. Different companies have different ways of processing claims. However, each state has rules requiring insurance companies to respond to claims within a certain amount of time.

The Insurance Claims Process in Texas

After you file an injury claim with your insurance company or that of the at-fault party, you will have to wait for the company to assign a claims adjuster to get back to you. The adjuster may call you as soon as the day of your accident, or it may take several days. The amount of time you will wait depends on the company and the number of claims it is currently processing. It will also depend on the law in your state.

15 Days to Acknowledge Your Claim

In Texas, an insurance company legally has no more than 15 days from the date it receives your initial claim to issue a response. The insurance company must notify you within 15 days that it received your claim and has begun processing it. Typically, the insurance company will send you basic claims information and a Proof of Loss Form to fill out when it initially responds to your claim. You will need to fill out this form and submit it to continue the insurance process.

Approval or Denial Within 15 Days of Receiving Your Proof of Loss Form

It is important to wait until you fully understand your injuries and how long they will take to heal, as well as the cost of future treatments, before submitting your Proof of Loss Form and medical documentation. You should wait until your point of maximum medical improvement – the date a doctor believes you will heal as much as you ever will. Waiting until this point can delay your insurance claim, but it can be important if you wish to obtain full compensation for serious injuries. Once you submit your Proof of Loss Form, the insurance company legally has 15 days to review your information and either approve or deny your claim.

45 Days With a Valid Reason

The insurance company can extend the 15-day investigation period to 45 days if it gives you a valid reason. With an acceptable explanation, the insurance company can wait until 45 days after receiving your Proof of Loss Form to accept or deny benefits in Texas.

  • Further investigation needed
  • Inadequate medical documentation
  • Requests for more information
  • Liability dispute
  • Lack of insurance coverage available

If you believe the reason the insurance company gave you for extending its investigation is invalid or does not apply to your case, ask for an internal review. You may also wish to contact a lawyer about potential insurance bad faith. Delaying a claim without reason is a common example of bad faith, or an insurance company intentionally mishandling your claim to save money.

Can You Expedite an Insurance Claim?

The average insurance claim takes about three months to achieve a payout. If your case has complicating factors, however, it could take longer to resolve. Although most personal injury claims in Texas settle at the insurance stage, if your claim needs to go to trial, expect it to take one year or longer to receive a payout.
Hiring a personal injury lawyer to negotiate your insurance claim or injury lawsuit for you can expedite the claims process. Your lawyer can cut time off of your claim wherever possible, such as by submitting full information and documentation regarding your injuries right away. A lawyer can also help you take legal action if an insurance company is guilty of an unreasonable claim delay. A lawyer will let you know how long it will most likely take an insurance company to pay out your claim from the very beginning, so you know what to expect.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:50 am

Can I File a Personal Injury Claim for COVID-19?

Friday, November 20, 2020

The COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic brought with it new risks, problems and questions. The world has had to adapt swiftly to a constantly evolving situation. No industry was left unaffected, including the legal sector. Personal injury law responded by offering the opportunity to file injury cases for COVID-19-related losses, in some circumstances. Find out if you have grounds for a personal injury claim during a free consultation with a lawyer in Texas.

Did You Contract COVID-19 at Work?

Contracting the coronavirus in itself will not constitute grounds for a personal injury claim. You will need proof that someone was negligent and that this is why you contracted the virus. A common example is contracting COVID-19 at work. Your employer has a legal responsibility to keep you reasonably safe from injuries and illnesses, including the coronavirus.
If your employer negligently failed to keep you safe, such as by forcing you to return to work without taking the proper precautions or sanitary measures, you could have grounds for a claim against your employer for contracting the virus. You may be eligible for workers’ compensation in Texas, or else be able to bring an injury claim against the company.

Did You Contract COVID-19 on a Cruise Ship?

Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that cruise ships are more likely to transmit COVID-19 than most other settings due to the enclosed spaces, dense populations and close living situations. Furthermore, the CDC says that decreasing populations onboard cruise ships without taking other mitigation measures will not protect passengers. If you were a passenger or crewmember on a cruise ship when you contacted COVID-19, you may have grounds for a negligence claim against the cruise line for failing to take proper precautions in preventing the illness.

Did You Lose a Loved One Due to COVID-19 Medical Malpractice?

Most hospitals and health care workers have done their best to stop the spread of COVID-19 and care for infected patients. Some facilities, however, have not taken the proper steps to ensure patient care or protection. Medical malpractice such as failing to maintain a safe premises, lack of sanitation protocols and lack of proper employee training could lead to hazards for patients, such as a higher risk of COVID-19 transmission. If you suffered adverse health complications or lost a loved one due to medical malpractice during the pandemic, you may have grounds for a claim against the health care center or emergency room.

Was a Nursing Home Negligent in Caring for Your Loved One During the Pandemic?

The elderly are especially vulnerable to COVID-19. They have the highest odds of developing severe and life-threatening symptoms. It is especially important during this time for nursing homes to take care of their residents. Nursing homes must take reasonable steps to prevent disease transmission, such as hand-washing stations, staff member training, premises sanitation and quarantining residents when necessary. If a nursing home failed to properly care for its residents and this led to your loved one’s illness or death related to COVID-19, you may have grounds to bring a claim against the nursing home in Texas.

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Legal Processes?

If you believe you can file a personal injury claim for COVID-19, contact a personal injury lawyer right away for legal assistance. The pandemic has impacted normal legal processes. You may have to file online, for example, rather than submitting your claim to a courthouse directly. Your case may take longer to resolve due to backups in your city’s court system. You may also need to wait longer to file if your medical treatment or surgery has been delayed due to the virus. Note that some states have tolled personal injury statutes of limitations, while others have not. In Texas, the Supreme Court ordered the suspension of some time limits for lawsuits. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to find out how COVID-19 might affect your case.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:16 pm

How Can I Speed Up My Personal Injury Claim?

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The aftermath of an accident can be extremely confusing for you as an injured victim. Your need for financial support may be urgent as you deal with expensive property repairs and medical bills. Unfortunately, insurance benefits are not immediate. It could take a few months to resolve your claim, at the earliest. Some cases take one year or longer to complete. The best way to expedite your claim is by hiring a personal injury attorney. A lawyer can walk you through all the different ways you may be able to speed up your claim.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Handling your personal injury claim alone could lead to making mistakes that slow down the processing of your case. A lawyer will have all the tips and tricks on how to speed up a claim from years of experience, such as settling with an insurance company rather than going to trial. A lawyer will know whether it is possible to speed up your claim without compromising its resolution. If so, your lawyer can take steps toward cutting time off the claims process, such as filing your case promptly and hiring the right experts. Working with a lawyer from the very beginning of your injury claim can ensure the fastest, most efficient and most effective claims process possible.

Avoid Common Filing Mistakes

One of the ways in which a lawyer could potentially speed up your personal injury claim is by avoiding mistakes that interfere with claims processing. Unrepresented claimants can accidentally skip steps or miss requirements when filing their causes of action. This can force the courts to return the claim paperwork for corrections or to request more information. Going back and forth with the courts or an insurance company due to preventable paperwork errors can add a great deal of time to your claim. If you wish to avoid common filing errors and expedite claims processing, have a lawyer in Texas fill out and submit the paperwork for you.

Submit Proper Injury Documentation

An insurance company may reject your claim or ask for additional evidence if you fail to submit enough proof of your injuries and losses with your initial claim. This is a frequent issue that impacts the insurance company’s ability to process your claim. You may be able to speed up insurance claim processing by providing adequate injury documentation and evidence the first time around. Work with an attorney to collect and submit an appropriate amount of injury evidence for your insurance claim or lawsuit.

  • Written summary of facts
  • Photographs
  • Video footage
  • Copy of a police report
  • Statements from eyewitnesses
  • Medical records and bills
  • Insurance policy information
  • Pay stubs

A personal injury lawyer can help you gather all of the evidence available to support your claim. Then, your lawyer can submit this information to the insurance company on your behalf. Submitting all of the available evidence from the beginning could speed up the claims process by eliminating the need for the insurance company to contact you again for more information.

Be Patient – Some Claims Take Time

It is normal to want to expedite your injury claim and resolve it as quickly as possible. After all, you are most likely dealing with expensive hospital bills, losses of income and many other damages. It is important to recognize, however, that the claims process can take a while. Being impatient and settling too early could lead to an award amount that far underestimates the true value of your case. This can be dangerous, as once you accept a settlement, you cannot go back and request a higher award, even if the settlement does not fully cover your financial needs. A personal injury lawyer can help you speed up the legal process as much as possible while still fighting to achieve a suitable outcome.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:27 pm

What’s the Difference Between Personal Injury Claims and Lawsuits?

Friday, November 6, 2020

Accident victims often picture large courtrooms and jury trials when they think of personal injury cases. In reality, the vast majority of personal injury cases do not go to trial. They settle at the insurance stage, with successful negotiations between the defendant’s insurance company and the plaintiff. For the most part, if you wish to seek compensation for an injury, you will have a personal injury claim, not a lawsuit. Learn the difference between the two to better understand what to expect from your case.

What Is a Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury claim refers to an insurance claim, where an injured accident victim files for benefits from an insurance company. A personal injury claim can go through the victim’s own insurance company or the insurer of the party at fault for causing the accident. The insurance company that receives the claim depends on the circumstances of the accident, as well as the laws in your state. Texas is a fault-based insurance state, meaning an insurance claim will go to the at-fault party after an auto accident.
During an insurance claim for a personal injury, an insurance claims adjuster will review the facts of your case and all submitted documentation. The adjuster will look at your medical records, police reports, photographs and other evidence connected to your claim. The adjuster may also call you and ask for a recorded statement. It is best not to give this statement until you have spoken to a personal injury lawyer. The claims adjuster will decide whether to recommend to the insurance company to accept or deny your claim.
If the insurance company accepts your claim, it will offer a base settlement amount. It is up to you or your lawyer to either accept the initial settlement offer or negotiate for a higher amount. A lawyer can help you negotiate with the insurance company to successfully settle your claim. Most injury claims in Texas resolve at this stage of the process. If, however, the insurance company unfairly denies your claim or offers less than your lawyer thinks your case is worth, the case may go to the lawsuit stage.

What Is a Lawsuit?

A personal injury lawsuit may be necessary if you cannot reach a settlement with the insurance company. You will need to obey your statute of limitations to file a personal injury lawsuit. In Texas, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of your accident or the date that you discovered your injury. A lawsuit has several steps you and your lawyer will need to navigate.

  • Claims filing. Filing requires submitting the correct paperwork to the civil courts in the county where your accident occurred, where you live or where the defendant lives. Your claim will list the damages you are seeking from the defendant.
  • The discovery phase gives both sides of the case the chance to investigate the accident further. Discovery often involves depositions, witness interviews, subpoenas for evidence and documents, and accident reconstruction.
  • Injury trial. When your court date arrives, you and your attorney will go to trial in your county. At a personal injury trial, both sides will present their arguments to a judge and jury. Your trial may require multiple hearings.
  • After listening to arguments from both sides, a jury will decide whether the defendant most likely caused or did not cause your injuries. If a jury rules in your favor, it will award an amount it deems appropriate for your losses.

If someone else’s negligence injured you, contact a personal injury lawyer for assistance with your claim. A lawyer can increase the chances of successfully settling your case at the insurance claim stage. Having a lawyer support your claim can force an insurance company to treat you more fairly. If settlement negotiations fail, your lawyer can also represent you at an injury trial in Texas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:30 pm

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A personal injury can be devastating in many ways. Before you attempt to work through the complicated aspects of an injury claim, consider if hiring an attorney would be in your best interests. An attorney can make the claims process easier a difficult time. Whether or not you need a lawyer will depend on the facts of your case. If you think you could benefit from hiring a Dallas personal injury lawyer, schedule a free consultation with us to discuss legal representation.

Experience and Legal Knowledge

As a first-time claimant, you may not know how the insurance or lawsuit process works. A lawyer will have the on-the-job experience to help you work through legal processes. Hiring a lawyer can save you time, money and stress. Your lawyer can help you avoid mistakes such as failing to file within Texas’s statute of limitations. A lawyer can also provide an accurate case evaluation so you can seek the right amount of damages from the beginning.

Connections With Doctors and Experts

The success of your personal injury claim may come down to the strength of your arguments. As the injured party, is your burden to prove that someone else caused or significantly contributed to your injuries. Fulfilling this burden of proof requires a preponderance of the evidence, or enough evidence to show the defendant’s fault as more likely to be true than not true. A lawyer will have connections with people who can help you build a strong case against the defendant, such as medical experts. A lawyer will also have relationships with doctors in your city so you can receive the best possible medical care for your injuries.

Negotiation Expertise

After you file an injury claim in Texas, you will need to negotiate with the insurance company for fair benefits. The insurance company will assess the grounds on which you are bringing your case, as well as the evidence and documentation you submitted. If the insurance company accepts your claim, it will offer a settlement. It will be up to you or your lawyer to negotiate with the insurance company for a fair amount. Hiring a lawyer can improve your ability to negotiate with an insurance provider. Your lawyer can most likely achieve better results than you could on your own using aggressive negotiation tactics.

Trial Capabilities

Although most personal injury cases in Texas settle without going to trial, some require hearings. If an insurance company refuses to offer an amount your lawyer believes is fair or denies your claim outright, your lawyer can help you take the defendant to court. Going to court can force a defendant to pay the full amount of your past and future damages. Working with a trial lawyer from the beginning gives you court capabilities. In many cases, the ability to go to court is enough to pressure an insurance company into offering a better settlement. If this is not the case, your lawyer will be able to represent you during a personal injury trial in Texas instead.

No Fees Unless You Win

Most personal injury lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis. This payment arrangement means the law firm will not charge a client for legal services unless the attorney succeeds in achieving a financial award. A contingency fee payment arrangement can benefit you by relieving stress related to how you will afford an attorney. You will have zero financial risks connected to pursuing a claim. No legal fees unless you win also motivates the lawyer to work hard on your case. Your attorney will not get paid unless he or she succeeds in securing you a positive settlement or jury verdict.

Peace of Mind

Perhaps most importantly, hiring a personal injury lawyer can give you peace of mind during what may be the hardest time of your life. Your lawyer can answer questions you have about your case or the claims process in general, as well as quell your concerns. You do not have to handle a personal injury case in Texas alone. Hiring a lawyer gives you a trusted advocate who will stand next to you during insurance negotiations or a lawsuit.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:47 pm