The What and How of Seeking Compensation for Distracted Driving Accidents in DFW in 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, distracted driving is a prevalent issue that can lead to devastating accidents. As technology continues to advance, so does the potential for driver distractions. If you’ve been involved in a distracted driving accident in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2024, seeking compensation is your right.

When it comes to navigating the legal process and seeking the compensation you deserve, understanding the “what” and “how” is essential. From gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies, this article explores the key steps you need to take to seek compensation for a distracted driving accident in DFW in 2024.

We understand that the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming, and that’s why we’ve compiled this guide to provide you with the information you need to protect your rights. Whether you were a pedestrian, cyclist, or another driver involved in the accident, knowing the necessary legal procedures can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome.

Don’t let a distracted driving accident turn your life upside down. Read on to learn the ins and outs of seeking compensation and find the justice you deserve.

Understanding the concept of seeking compensation for accidents

When it comes to seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident, it’s important to understand the concept and how it applies to your specific case. Seeking compensation means pursuing financial reimbursement for the damages and losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. This can include medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

To seek compensation, you will need to establish that the other party involved in the accident was negligent and that their negligence directly caused the accident and your injuries. Negligence refers to a failure to exercise reasonable care while driving, such as using a cellphone, eating, or engaging in any other activity that diverts attention from the road.

Types of distracted driving accidents in DFW

Distracted driving accidents can take various forms depending on the nature of the distraction. In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, some common types of distracted driving accidents include:

1. Cellphone use: This includes talking, texting, or using any smartphone applications while driving.

2. Eating or drinking: Taking your hands off the wheel to eat, drink, or reach for food can lead to accidents.

3. Grooming: Applying makeup, fixing hair, or any other form of grooming while driving can be dangerous.

4. Navigation systems: Adjusting GPS devices or using other navigation systems can cause distractions.

5. Talking to passengers: Engaging in conversations with passengers that divert your attention from the road.

6. Daydreaming: Allowing your mind to wander and lose focus on driving can lead to accidents.

The role of negligence in distracted driving accidents

To seek compensation for a distracted driving accident, you need to establish that the other party was negligent. Negligence in a distracted driving accident means that the other driver failed to exercise reasonable care, resulting in the accident and your injuries.

To prove negligence, you will need to demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of care: The other driver had a legal duty to operate their vehicle safely and without distractions.

2. Breach of duty: The other driver breached their duty of care by engaging in distracting behavior while driving.

3. Causation: The distracted driving directly caused the accident and your injuries.

4. Damages: You suffered actual damages as a result of the accident, such as medical expenses or lost wages.

Steps to take immediately after a distracted driving accident

After a distracted driving accident, taking the right steps can significantly impact your ability to seek compensation. Here are the key steps you should take immediately following the accident:

1. Seek medical attention: Your health and well-being should be the top priority. Seek medical attention even if you don’t have visible injuries, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.

2. Contact the authorities: Call the police to report the accident and ensure that an official report is filed. This report will be crucial when seeking compensation.

3. Gather information: Collect the contact information of the other driver involved, as well as any witnesses. Take photos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries.

4. Notify your insurance company: Contact your insurance company to report the accident and provide them with all the necessary information. However, avoid giving a detailed statement until you have consulted with an attorney.

5. Consult with a personal injury attorney: It’s essential to seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney who specializes in distracted driving accidents. They can guide you through the legal process and protect your rights.

Gathering evidence to support your compensation claim

To strengthen your compensation claim, gathering sufficient evidence is crucial. This evidence will help establish the other party’s negligence and the extent of your damages. Here are some key types of evidence you should collect:

1. Accident scene evidence: This includes photographs of the accident scene, skid marks, traffic signs, and any other relevant physical evidence.

2. Witness statements: Obtain statements from any witnesses who saw the accident occur. Their testimonies can support your version of events.

3. Medical records: Keep a record of all medical treatment and related expenses. This includes hospital bills, doctor’s reports, diagnostic tests, and receipts for medications.

4. Lost wages documentation: If your injuries caused you to miss work, gather documentation from your employer that shows your lost income.

5. Expert opinions: In complex cases, it may be necessary to consult with experts such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals to provide their opinions on the accident and your injuries.

Calculating the damages in a distracted driving accident case

When seeking compensation, it’s important to understand the different types of damages you may be entitled to. Damages can be divided into two categories: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages are tangible losses that can be easily calculated, such as medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages. Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are subjective and more challenging to quantify. These include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium.

To calculate economic damages, gather all relevant documentation such as medical bills, receipts, and pay stubs. Non-economic damages are often calculated using a multiplier based on the severity of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life.

The legal process of seeking compensation in DFW

The legal process of seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident in DFW can be complex. It typically involves the following steps:

1. Filing a claim: Your personal injury attorney will help you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. This claim should outline the damages you are seeking and provide supporting evidence.

2. Negotiation: The insurance company may offer a settlement to resolve the claim. Your attorney will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

3. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your attorney may advise filing a lawsuit. This involves initiating legal proceedings and presenting your case in court.

4. Trial and verdict: During the trial, both sides will present their arguments and evidence. The jury or judge will then determine the verdict and any compensation awarded.

Hiring a personal injury attorney for your case

Navigating the legal process of seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident can be challenging, especially when dealing with insurance companies and complex legal procedures. Hiring a personal injury attorney with experience in distracted driving accidents can significantly improve your chances of success.

A knowledgeable attorney will handle all aspects of your case, from gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies to representing you in court, if necessary. They will ensure that your rights are protected, and you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.


Don’t let a distracted driving accident turn your life upside down. Seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2024 is your right. Understanding the necessary legal procedures and taking the appropriate steps can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome.

Remember to gather evidence, consult with a personal injury attorney, and seek medical attention immediately after an accident. With the right support and guidance, you can navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve. Let justice prevail, and ensure that distracted drivers are held accountable for their actions.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:24 am

Unlocking the Secrets to Winning Distracted Driving Accident Lawsuits in San Antonio: Maximizing Your Compensation

Monday, January 15, 2024

In today’s digital age, distracted driving has become an alarming epidemic on the roads of San Antonio. As more and more drivers succumb to the temptation of using their phones or engaging in other distractions behind the wheel, the number of accidents caused by such negligence continues to rise. If you’ve been a victim of a distracted driving accident in San Antonio, it’s essential to know the secrets to winning your lawsuit and maximizing your compensation.

In this article, we will unlock those secrets and provide you with valuable insight into navigating the legal complexities of a distracted driving accident case. From gathering crucial evidence to finding expert witnesses, we will guide you through the necessary steps to strengthen your claim and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Whether you were a pedestrian, cyclist, or another motorist involved in the accident, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll it can take on your life. With our comprehensive guide, you will have the tools and knowledge you need to fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.

Don’t let distracted drivers get away with their negligence. Join us on this journey as we delve into the secrets of winning distracted driving accident lawsuits in San Antonio and empower yourself to take control of your legal battle.

Understanding distracted driving accidents in San Antonio

Distracted driving accidents occur when a driver’s attention is diverted from the road due to various distractions. These distractions can include texting or talking on the phone, eating or drinking, talking to passengers, grooming, using in-car technologies, or even daydreaming. In San Antonio, as in many other cities, distracted driving has become a significant problem, leading to a high number of accidents and injuries.

To win a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio, it is crucial to understand the factors that contribute to these accidents. By familiarizing yourself with the common causes and consequences of distracted driving, you can build a strong case to prove negligence and seek maximum compensation.

One of the most common causes of distracted driving accidents is cellphone use. Texting while driving, in particular, has been identified as a leading cause of accidents. According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), sending or reading a text message takes a driver’s eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds, equivalent to driving the length of a football field blindfolded at 55 mph. This alarming statistic highlights the dangers of distracted driving and the need for stricter enforcement and education.

The impact of distracted driving on accident lawsuits

Distracted driving can have a significant impact on accident lawsuits in San Antonio. When it comes to determining liability and assessing damages, the at-fault driver’s distracted behavior can be a crucial factor. Proving that the driver was negligent and distracted at the time of the accident is essential for a successful lawsuit.

In Texas, negligence is a key element in personal injury cases. To establish negligence, you must prove that the defendant owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused your injuries as a result. In the case of a distracted driving accident, you can argue that the driver had a duty to operate their vehicle safely and responsibly, but they breached that duty by engaging in distracting activities.

To support your claim, it is vital to gather evidence that proves the driver was distracted. This evidence can include eyewitness testimonies, video footage, phone records, and police reports. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney in San Antonio can greatly enhance your ability to gather and present this evidence effectively.

Gathering evidence to support your distracted driving accident claim

Gathering evidence is a crucial step in winning a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio. The strength of your evidence can significantly impact the outcome of your case and the amount of compensation you receive. To maximize your chances of success, it is essential to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim.

One of the first steps in gathering evidence is obtaining a copy of the police report filed at the scene of the accident. The police report often contains valuable information, such as the officer’s observations, statements from involved parties and witnesses, and any citations issued to the at-fault driver. This report can serve as a foundation for your case and help establish the negligence of the distracted driver.

In addition to the police report, eyewitness testimonies can play a crucial role in proving negligence. Eyewitnesses who saw the driver using their phone or engaging in other distractions can provide valuable accounts of the events leading up to the accident. Their statements can help strengthen your case and establish the driver’s negligence.

Working with an experienced personal injury attorney in San Antonio

Navigating the legal complexities of a distracted driving accident lawsuit can be overwhelming, especially if you are dealing with injuries and emotional distress. To ensure you have the best possible chance of winning your case and maximizing your compensation, it is crucial to work with an experienced personal injury attorney in San Antonio.

A skilled attorney can guide you through the entire legal process, from gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies and representing you in court if necessary. They will have a deep understanding of Texas personal injury laws and the specific nuances of distracted driving accident cases.

When choosing a personal injury attorney, look for someone with a track record of success in handling distracted driving accident cases. They should have a strong reputation, positive client reviews, and a willingness to fight aggressively for your rights. By working with an experienced attorney, you can level the playing field and significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Proving negligence in a distracted driving accident case

Proving negligence is a crucial step in winning a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio. To establish negligence, you must show that the at-fault driver owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused your injuries as a result of their distracted behavior.

In the context of a distracted driving accident, the duty of care is the responsibility to operate a vehicle safely and responsibly. By engaging in distracting activities, such as texting or talking on the phone, the driver breaches this duty, putting themselves and others at risk.

To prove negligence, you will need to present evidence that establishes the driver’s distracted behavior at the time of the accident. This evidence can include eyewitness testimonies, video footage, phone records, and expert opinions. By demonstrating that the driver was distracted and their distraction led to the accident, you can strengthen your claim and increase your chances of winning the lawsuit.

Calculating your potential compensation in a distracted driving accident lawsuit

Calculating your potential compensation in a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio involves considering various factors, including the extent of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. While every case is unique, understanding the types of damages you may be entitled to can help you determine the value of your claim.

Economic damages are the tangible losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. These damages can include medical bills, rehabilitation costs, property damage, lost wages, and future medical expenses. Calculating economic damages often involves gathering receipts, medical records, and other documentation to support your claim.

Non-economic damages refer to the intangible losses you have experienced, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish. Unlike economic damages, which have a clear monetary value, non-economic damages can be more challenging to quantify. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you assess the impact of these damages on your life and seek appropriate compensation.

Dealing with insurance companies in distracted driving accident cases

Dealing with insurance companies is a common challenge in distracted driving accident cases. Insurance companies are businesses that aim to protect their bottom line, which means they may try to minimize the amount they pay out in claims. When negotiating with insurance companies, it is essential to be prepared and have a solid understanding of your rights and entitlements.

First, it is crucial to report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Your insurance policy likely has a requirement to report accidents promptly, and failing to do so may jeopardize your claim. Provide the necessary details of the accident and cooperate with the claims adjuster assigned to your case.

During the claims process, it is crucial to be cautious when communicating with insurance adjusters. Remember that their role is to protect the interests of the insurance company, not necessarily to ensure you receive fair compensation. Avoid giving recorded statements without consulting your attorney, as these statements can be used against you later.

The importance of expert witnesses in distracted driving accident lawsuits

Expert witnesses can play a vital role in winning a distracted driving accident lawsuit in San Antonio. These individuals have specialized knowledge or experience in a particular field relevant to your case and can provide expert opinions and testimony to support your claim.

In distracted driving accident cases, expert witnesses can help establish the driver’s negligence and the link between their distraction and the resulting accident. For example, an accident reconstruction expert can analyze the scene of the accident, review the evidence, and provide a professional opinion on how the distraction contributed to the crash.

Other types of expert witnesses that may be valuable in a distracted driving accident lawsuit include medical experts, who can testify about the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life, and vocational experts, who can assess your ability to work and earn a living after the accident.

Settlement negotiations and trial options for distracted driving accident cases

In many distracted driving accident cases, settlement negotiations are the preferred method of resolving the dispute. Settlements offer benefits such as a quicker resolution, certainty of outcome, and potentially lower legal costs. However, it is essential to approach settlement negotiations with caution and ensure you are not settling for less than you deserve.

When engaging in settlement negotiations, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the value of your claim and the damages you are entitled to. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney can greatly enhance your ability to negotiate a fair settlement. They will have the knowledge and skills to assess the strength of your case, calculate appropriate damages, and advocate for your best interests.

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, you may have the option to take your distracted driving accident case to trial. Trials can be complex and time-consuming, but they provide an opportunity to present your evidence and arguments in front of a judge or jury. Your attorney will guide you through the trial process and ensure your rights are protected at every stage.

Conclusion: Taking action and seeking justice for your distracted driving accident

Distracted driving accidents can have devastating consequences for victims in San Antonio. If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of a distracted driver, it is essential to take action and seek justice for the harm you have suffered. By understanding the secrets to winning distracted driving accident lawsuits and maximizing your compensation, you can empower yourself to fight for the justice you deserve.

Remember, gathering evidence, working with an experienced personal injury attorney, and proving negligence are key steps in building a strong case. Calculating your potential compensation, dealing with insurance companies, and considering settlement negotiations or trial options are also crucial aspects of the legal process.

Although the road to justice may be challenging, you don’t have to face it alone. Reach out to a reputable personal injury attorney in San Antonio to discuss your case and explore your legal options. With their guidance and expertise, you can navigate the complexities of a distracted driving accident lawsuit and increase your chances of a successful outcome. Together, let’s hold distracted drivers accountable and make our roads safer for everyone.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 8:58 am

Unleashing the Power of Legal Strategies: How to Maximize Compensation in Dallas TX Retail Store Accident Lawsuits

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Are you a victim of a retail store accident in Dallas, TX? Don’t let your pain and suffering go unnoticed. It’s time to unleash the power of legal strategies to maximize your compensation. In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Dallas, TX is teeming with retail stores, and accidents can happen anywhere, from supermarkets to shopping malls. Whether you’ve slipped and fell, been injured by a falling object, or suffered any other type of accident, you have rights.

With the right legal strategies, you can hold the responsible party accountable and secure the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Our team of experienced attorneys in Dallas, TX are here to guide you through the process and fight for your rights.

Together, we will delve into the legal tactics that are proven to maximize compensation in retail store accident lawsuits in Dallas, TX. Don’t let your injuries go unnoticed; unleash the power of legal strategies today and get the compensation you deserve.

Understanding retail store accidents

Retail store accidents can occur in various ways and can result in serious injuries. Understanding the common causes of these accidents is crucial to building a strong case for compensation. Slip and falls, falling objects, inadequate security, and defective products are just a few examples of the types of accidents that can happen in retail stores.

One of the main reasons why retail store accidents occur is negligence on the part of the store owner or employees. Failure to maintain a safe environment, neglecting to fix hazards promptly, or not providing adequate warnings can all contribute to accidents. It’s essential to understand that as a victim, you have the right to seek compensation for the injuries and damages you have suffered.

When it comes to retail store accidents, it’s important to act quickly. Gathering evidence, documenting the incident, and seeking medical attention should be your top priorities. By understanding the causes and taking the right steps, you can lay the groundwork for a successful legal claim.

Importance of legal strategies in retail store accident lawsuits

When pursuing a retail store accident lawsuit, the importance of employing effective legal strategies cannot be overstated. The legal system can be complex, and without proper guidance, you may end up settling for less than you deserve. Hiring a personal injury attorney who specializes in retail store accidents is crucial for maximizing your compensation.

A skilled attorney will assess your case, gather evidence, and build a strong legal strategy to support your claim. They will negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company, ensuring that you are not taken advantage of during the settlement process. If necessary, they will take your case to trial, fighting for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Navigating the legal process on your own can be overwhelming, especially when you are dealing with injuries and the emotional aftermath of an accident. By entrusting your case to an experienced attorney, you can focus on your recovery while knowing that your legal rights are being protected.

Common types of retail store accidents

Retail store accidents can occur in various ways, and it’s important to understand the common types of accidents that victims may encounter. By recognizing these potential hazards, you can take appropriate actions to prevent accidents and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

One common type of retail store accident is slip and falls. These accidents can happen due to wet or slippery floors, uneven surfaces, or debris left on the floor. Falling objects are another prevalent hazard, especially in stores with poorly stacked shelves or inadequate safety measures. Other types of accidents include escalator or elevator malfunctions, collapsing displays, and inadequate security leading to physical assault.

Understanding the different types of accidents can help you identify the responsible party and strengthen your case. Whether it’s the store owner, an employee, or a third party, you need to establish negligence to hold them accountable for your injuries and losses.

Steps to take after a retail store accident

Immediately following a retail store accident, it’s crucial to take specific steps to protect your rights and strengthen your potential legal claim. By following these steps, you can gather the necessary evidence and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

The first step is to seek medical attention. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, it’s important to get a professional evaluation. Some injuries may not manifest symptoms right away, and having a medical record can strengthen your case.

Next, report the accident to the store management or owner. Request a written incident report and make sure to keep a copy for your records. This report can serve as crucial evidence later on.

Take photographs of the accident scene, including any hazards or conditions that contributed to your accident. If there were any witnesses, gather their contact information in case their testimony is needed.

Keep all records related to your accident and injuries, including medical bills, receipts for out-of-pocket expenses, and documentation of any lost wages. These records will help establish the extent of your damages and the compensation you are entitled to.

Gathering evidence for a retail store accident lawsuit

To maximize your compensation in a retail store accident lawsuit, gathering strong evidence is essential. The evidence you collect will help prove negligence on the part of the responsible party and support your claim for damages.

Photographs of the accident scene, as mentioned earlier, are crucial evidence. In addition to photographs, video footage from surveillance cameras or witness statements can provide valuable evidence of the conditions at the time of the accident.

Medical records, including diagnosis, treatment plans, and any long-term effects of your injuries, are also important evidence. These records establish the extent of your injuries and the medical expenses you have incurred.

If applicable, expert opinions from professionals in relevant fields can strengthen your case. For example, if you were injured due to a defective product, an expert in product liability can provide an opinion on the product’s design or manufacturing flaws.

By gathering strong evidence, you can build a compelling case that increases the likelihood of receiving the full compensation you deserve.

Maximizing compensation in retail store accident lawsuits

Maximizing compensation in retail store accident lawsuits requires a strategic approach. Your attorney will assess the damages you have suffered and build a case that accounts for all losses, both economic and non-economic.

Economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. These damages can be easily quantified and calculated. Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, are more subjective and require a thorough understanding of the legal system to ensure fair compensation.

Your attorney will gather evidence to support your claim for both economic and non-economic damages. They will negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company, aiming for a fair settlement that covers all your losses. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, they will guide you through the process of taking your case to trial.

Remember, maximizing compensation requires patience and perseverance. Your attorney will work tirelessly to ensure you are not taken advantage of during the legal process. With their expertise and dedication, you can increase your chances of receiving the maximum compensation you deserve.

Hiring a personal injury attorney in Dallas TX

When it comes to retail store accident lawsuits in Dallas, TX, hiring a personal injury attorney is crucial. An experienced attorney will have in-depth knowledge of Texas laws and a track record of success in handling similar cases.

When choosing an attorney, look for someone who specializes in personal injury law and has experience specifically with retail store accidents. They should have a thorough understanding of the legal tactics and strategies necessary to maximize compensation in these cases.

During your initial consultation, ask about their experience, success rate, and how they plan to approach your case. It’s important to feel confident in your attorney’s abilities and trust that they will fight for your rights.

By hiring a personal injury attorney in Dallas, TX, you can level the playing field and ensure that you have a strong advocate by your side throughout the legal process.

Factors that affect compensation in retail store accident lawsuits

Several factors can influence the amount of compensation you receive in a retail store accident lawsuit. Understanding these factors can help you manage your expectations and ensure that you are pursuing a fair settlement or award.

The severity of your injuries is a significant factor in determining compensation. Medical records and expert opinions will help establish the extent of your injuries and their impact on your daily life.

The cost of medical treatment and ongoing care also plays a role in determining compensation. This includes expenses such as hospital bills, surgeries, therapy, medication, and any necessary assistive devices.

Lost wages and future earning potential are additional factors that can affect compensation. If your injuries have resulted in time away from work or a reduced ability to perform your job, you may be entitled to compensation for these losses.

The impact of the accident on your overall quality of life, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, is also considered when calculating compensation.

It’s important to note that Texas follows a modified comparative fault system, meaning that if you are found partially responsible for the accident, your compensation may be reduced. This is another reason why it’s crucial to have a skilled attorney who can defend your rights and minimize any potential impact on your compensation.

Recent retail store accident case studies in Dallas TX

To further illustrate the importance of legal strategies and the potential for maximizing compensation in retail store accident lawsuits, let’s explore a couple of recent case studies in Dallas, TX.

In one case, a customer slipped and fell in a grocery store due to a spill that had not been promptly cleaned up. The customer suffered a serious back injury, requiring surgery and extensive physical therapy. With the help of a skilled personal injury attorney, the customer was able to secure a settlement that covered all medical expenses, lost wages, and provided compensation for pain and suffering.

In another case, a customer was injured when a poorly stacked display collapsed in a clothing store. The customer suffered a broken arm and significant emotional distress. Through a strategic legal approach, the customer received compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional damages, allowing them to move forward and focus on their recovery.

These case studies highlight the importance of taking legal action and employing effective strategies to maximize compensation in retail store accident lawsuits. With the right approach and guidance from a skilled attorney, you can achieve a favorable outcome and secure the compensation you deserve.

Conclusion and next steps

Retail store accidents can result in serious injuries and significant financial losses. However, by understanding your rights and the legal strategies available to you, you can maximize your compensation and hold the responsible party accountable.

If you have been involved in a retail store accident in Dallas, TX, it’s crucial to act quickly and seek the guidance of a personal injury attorney. They will guide you through the legal process, gather evidence, and build a strong case that supports your claim for compensation.

Remember, you don’t have to face this challenging situation alone. Unleash the power of legal strategies today and take the first step towards obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:19 am

Navigating the Retail Store Accident Lawsuit: Expert Tips for Winning in Texas in 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Free photo great variety in the shoe shop

Attention Texas shoppers! Have you ever experienced an accident or injury while shopping in a retail store? If so, you’re not alone. Accidents can happen when we least expect them, and navigating the legal system can be overwhelming. But fear not, because we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we will provide you with expert tips on how to win a retail store accident lawsuit in Texas in 2024. Whether you slipped and fell on a wet floor or were injured by a defective product, our guide will walk you through the necessary steps to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Texas laws regarding retail store accidents can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of the legal landscape. But by following our expert advice and tips, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the legal process and come out on top.

So, if you’re ready to arm yourself with the knowledge and guidance to win your retail store accident lawsuit, keep on reading. We’ve got your back, Texas shoppers!

Common types of accidents in retail stores

Accidents can happen in retail stores in numerous ways. Being aware of the common types of accidents can help you identify potential hazards and take precautions to avoid them. Some of the most frequent accidents in retail stores include:

1. Slip and Falls: One of the most common types of accidents, slip and falls can occur due to wet floors, uneven surfaces, or debris left on the floor.

2. Falling Objects: Retail stores often have merchandise displayed on high shelves. If these objects are not properly secured, they can fall and cause serious injuries.

3. Defective Products: If you’re injured by a defective product while shopping in a retail store, you may have grounds for a lawsuit against the manufacturer or distributor.

4. Inadequate Security: If you are assaulted or robbed in a retail store due to inadequate security measures, you may be able to hold the store liable for your injuries.

By understanding the various types of accidents that can occur, you can better assess the circumstances surrounding your own case and determine the best course of action.

Photo red and white lines of barrier tape at entrance to e-cigarette smoking booth

Proving negligence in a retail store accident lawsuit

Proving negligence is a critical aspect of winning a retail store accident lawsuit. To establish negligence, you must demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of Care: The store owner or employees had a legal duty to maintain a safe shopping environment for customers.

2. Breach of Duty: The store owner or employees failed to fulfill their duty by not taking reasonable steps to prevent the accident.

3. Causation: The breach of duty directly caused the accident and resulting injuries.

4. Damages: You suffered actual damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering, as a result of the accident.

To strengthen your case, you’ll need to gather evidence that supports each of these elements. This evidence may include photographs of the accident scene, witness statements, surveillance footage, or maintenance records. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be.

Gathering evidence for your retail store accident case

Gathering evidence is crucial in a retail store accident case. The more evidence you have to support your claim, the more likely you are to succeed in your lawsuit. Here are some key pieces of evidence to gather:

1. Photographs: Take pictures of the accident scene, including any hazards or conditions that contributed to your accident.

2. Witness Statements: Obtain contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident occur. Their statements can provide valuable support for your case.

3. Surveillance Footage: If the retail store has surveillance cameras, request the footage covering the time of your accident. This can provide objective evidence of what happened.

4. Incident Reports: Report the accident to the store manager or employees and ask for a copy of the incident report. This document can be crucial in establishing the store’s awareness of the accident.

Remember to gather evidence as soon as possible after the accident, as it may become more challenging to obtain later. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be.

Free vector isometric supermarket colorful composition with security surveillance camera people choosing and buying different products isolated

Hiring a personal injury lawyer for your retail store accident lawsuit

Navigating a retail store accident lawsuit can be complex, and having a skilled personal injury lawyer on your side can significantly improve your chances of success. An experienced lawyer will have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the legal process and fight for your rights.

When selecting a personal injury lawyer, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases, particularly those involving retail store accidents. Their experience will be invaluable in building a strong case.

2. Track Record: Research the lawyer’s track record of success in similar cases. This will give you an idea of their ability to achieve favorable outcomes.

3. Communication: Choose a lawyer who communicates effectively and keeps you informed throughout the process. You’ll want someone who is responsive to your questions and concerns.

4. Fee Structure: Discuss the lawyer’s fee structure upfront to ensure it aligns with your budget and expectations. Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case.

By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you’ll have a knowledgeable advocate who can navigate the legal complexities on your behalf, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

The importance of medical documentation in a retail store accident lawsuit

When pursuing a retail store accident lawsuit, proper medical documentation is crucial. It serves as evidence of your injuries and the extent of your damages. Here’s what you need to know about medical documentation:

1. Seek Medical Attention: After an accident, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you don’t think your injuries are severe. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and a medical professional can assess your condition properly.

2. Follow Treatment Plans: It’s essential to follow any treatment plans prescribed by your healthcare provider. Failure to do so may weaken your case, as the opposing party may argue that your injuries are not as severe as you claim.

3. Keep Records: Maintain records of all medical appointments, treatments, prescriptions, and expenses related to your injuries. These records will help establish the extent of your damages.

4. Obtain Expert Opinions: If necessary, consult with medical experts who can provide opinions on the long-term impact of your injuries and the potential need for future medical treatment.

By documenting your injuries and following proper medical procedures, you’ll have strong evidence to support your claim and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Free photo man talking on mobile phone and paramedics examining injured boy in background

Filing a claim and the legal process for a retail store accident lawsuit in Texas

Once you’ve gathered sufficient evidence and consulted with a personal injury lawyer, it’s time to file a claim and initiate the legal process for your retail store accident lawsuit. Here’s an overview of what to expect:

1. Initial Demand: Your lawyer will draft a demand letter outlining your injuries, damages, and the compensation you’re seeking. This letter is typically sent to the store’s insurance company.

2. Investigation: The insurance company will conduct its investigation into the accident and evaluate your claim. This may involve reviewing evidence, obtaining witness statements, and potentially negotiating a settlement.

3. Settlement Negotiations: If the insurance company offers a settlement, your lawyer will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation. Remember, you don’t have to accept the first offer. Your lawyer will advise you on the best course of action.

4. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer may recommend filing a lawsuit. This involves preparing legal documents, gathering additional evidence, and presenting your case in court.

5. Trial: If your case proceeds to trial, your lawyer will present your evidence, call witnesses, and argue your case before a judge or jury. The outcome will be determined by the evidence presented and the legal arguments made.

Remember, the legal process can be lengthy, and each case is unique. Your personal injury lawyer will guide you through the specific steps and advise you on the best course of action based on the circumstances of your case.

Expert tips for winning your retail store accident lawsuit in Texas

While every case is different, there are some expert tips that can increase your chances of winning your retail store accident lawsuit in Texas. Consider the following:

1. Act Quickly: Time is of the essence when it comes to personal injury cases. Report the accident to the store, seek medical attention, and consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

2. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any evidence related to the accident, including photographs, witness statements, and incident reports. This evidence will be crucial in establishing liability.

3. Be Honest: Be honest and transparent about the circumstances surrounding the accident. Any inconsistencies or dishonesty can undermine your credibility and weaken your case.

4. Follow Legal Advice: Listen to your personal injury lawyer’s advice and follow their guidance throughout the process. They have the expertise to navigate the legal system and fight for your rights effectively.

5. Stay Organized: Keep all documents, records, and communications related to your case organized. This will make it easier for you and your lawyer to build a strong case.

Remember, winning a retail store accident lawsuit requires a combination of strong evidence, expert legal representation, and proactive involvement in your case. By following these expert tips, you’ll be well-equipped to pursue justice and receive the compensation you deserve.

Settlement negotiations and trial in a retail store accident lawsuit

When a retail store accident occurs, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming and complex. From settlement negotiations to trial, understanding the steps involved in pursuing a lawsuit is crucial for victims seeking justice and compensation. In this guide, we will provide an overview of the key elements involved in settling a retail store accident lawsuit, as well as the process that may lead to trial.

During settlement negotiations, parties involved will try to reach a mutually agreeable resolution without going to trial. This typically involves discussions between the injured party’s legal representation and the store’s insurance company or legal team. Factors such as the extent of the injuries, liability, and potential monetary damages will be considered to determine a fair settlement amount.

If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to trial. At trial, each side presents their arguments and evidence before a judge or jury. It is essential to have a strong legal team that can effectively present your case and advocate for your rights.

Understanding the legal process involved in a retail store accident lawsuit is crucial for anyone seeking compensation. By familiarizing yourself with the steps and enlisting the expertise of an experienced legal team, you can navigate this often challenging process with confidence.

The importance of settlement negotiations

Settlement negotiations play a crucial role in the legal process of a retail store accident lawsuit. This phase involves discussions between the injured party’s legal representation and the store’s insurance company or legal team, with the aim of reaching a mutually agreeable resolution without going to trial.

Factors to consider before entering into settlement negotiations

Before entering into settlement negotiations, it’s important to consider several factors. First and foremost, the extent of the injuries and their impact on the victim’s life should be thoroughly evaluated. This includes not only physical injuries but also any emotional or psychological trauma suffered as a result of the accident.

Secondly, liability must be established. It is essential to gather evidence that proves the store’s negligence or failure to maintain a safe environment, which led to the accident. This may involve gathering witness statements, surveillance footage, accident reports, and expert opinions.

Lastly, potential monetary damages should be assessed. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any long-term care needs. Consulting with medical professionals and financial experts can help determine the full extent of the damages suffered.

Steps involved in the settlement negotiation process

The settlement negotiation process typically involves several steps. Initially, the injured party’s legal team will present a demand letter to the store’s insurance company or legal representatives, outlining the injuries, liability, and the desired compensation amount. This demand letter serves as the starting point for negotiations.

Next, the store’s insurance company or legal team will review the demand letter and respond with a counteroffer. This back-and-forth negotiation process may continue until both parties reach a settlement agreement or decide to proceed to trial.

During negotiations, it is essential to remain patient and open to compromise. Both parties should be willing to consider each other’s perspectives and be open to finding a fair resolution. Additionally, having a skilled and experienced legal team advocating for your rights can greatly enhance the chances of reaching a favorable settlement.

Tips for successful settlement negotiations

Successfully navigating settlement negotiations requires careful preparation and strategic approach. Here are some tips to help you achieve a successful outcome:

1. Gather strong evidence: Presenting strong evidence that establishes the store’s liability and the extent of your injuries is crucial. This may include medical records, expert opinions, accident reports, and witness statements.

2. Understand your rights and options: Familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations governing retail store accidents, as well as the potential compensation you may be entitled to. This knowledge will enable you to make informed decisions during negotiations.

3. Be realistic but assertive: Set reasonable expectations for the outcome of negotiations, considering the circumstances of the accident and the extent of your damages. However, don’t be afraid to assertively advocate for your rights and push for a fair settlement.

4. Maintain open communication: Effective communication is key during negotiations. Clearly articulate your needs, concerns, and expectations, and be open to listening to the other party’s perspective. This can help build trust and facilitate productive discussions.

5. Consider the long-term impact: When evaluating settlement offers, consider the long-term impact on your life and well-being. Consult with financial experts and medical professionals to ensure that the compensation amount adequately covers your present and future needs.

By following these tips and working closely with your legal team, you can increase the likelihood of achieving a successful settlement in your retail store accident lawsuit.

When settlement negotiations fail: Preparing for trial

In some cases, settlement negotiations may not result in a satisfactory resolution. If both parties are unable to reach an agreement, the case may proceed to trial. It is essential to be prepared for this possibility and understand the trial process involved in a retail store accident lawsuit.

The trial process in a retail store accident lawsuit

During a trial, each side presents their arguments and evidence before a judge or jury. The trial process typically involves the following stages:

1. Jury selection: If a jury is involved, both parties have the opportunity to participate in the selection process to ensure a fair and impartial jury.

2. Opening statements: Each side presents an opening statement outlining their case and what they intend to prove during the trial.

3. Presentation of evidence: Both parties present their evidence, including witness testimony, expert opinions, documents, and any other relevant information.

4. Cross-examination: Each side has the opportunity to cross-examine the opposing party’s witnesses to challenge their credibility or highlight inconsistencies in their testimony.

5. Closing arguments: Both parties present closing arguments summarizing their case and persuading the judge or jury to rule in their favor.

6. Verdict: The judge or jury deliberates and reaches a verdict, determining whether the store is liable for the accident and the amount of compensation, if any, that should be awarded.

Key elements to prove in a retail store accident lawsuit trial

To succeed in a retail store accident lawsuit trial, the injured party’s legal team must establish the following key elements:

1. Duty of care: It must be proven that the store owed a duty of care to the victim, meaning they had a legal obligation to maintain a safe environment for customers.

2. Breach of duty: The injured party’s legal team must demonstrate that the store breached its duty of care by failing to take reasonable steps to prevent the accident.

3. Causation: It must be established that the store’s breach of duty directly caused the accident and the resulting injuries.

4. Damages: The injured party’s legal team must provide evidence of the damages suffered as a result of the accident, including physical injuries, emotional distress, medical expenses, and lost wages.

Expert witnesses and their role in a retail store accident lawsuit trial

Expert witnesses can play a significant role in a retail store accident lawsuit trial. These individuals possess specialized knowledge and expertise in relevant fields, such as store safety protocols, accident reconstruction, or medical care. Their testimony can provide valuable insight and help establish important elements of the case.

Expert witnesses can help explain complex concepts to the judge or jury, provide opinions on the store’s negligence or liability, and assess the extent of the victim’s injuries. Their testimony can strengthen the injured party’s case and significantly impact the outcome of the trial.

Conclusion: Choosing the right approach for your retail store accident lawsuit

Navigating the legal process involved in a retail store accident lawsuit can be challenging, but with the right approach and legal team, you can seek justice and fair compensation. Understanding the importance of settlement negotiations and being prepared for trial can empower you to make informed decisions and advocate for your rights effectively.

By gathering strong evidence, maintaining open communication, and considering the long-term impact, you can increase the likelihood of a successful settlement. If settlement negotiations fail, being prepared for trial and leveraging expert witnesses can give you the best chance of winning your case.

Remember, each lawsuit is unique, and it’s crucial to consult with experienced legal professionals who can guide you through the process and help you choose the best approach for your retail store accident lawsuit. With their expertise and support, you can navigate the legal process with confidence and pursue the justice and compensation you deserve.

When it comes to retail store accident lawsuits, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the legal framework. In Texas, these cases fall under the realm of personal injury law, specifically premises liability. Premises liability refers to the legal responsibility a property owner has for injuries that occur on their premises.

To establish liability in a retail store accident lawsuit, you must prove that the store owner or employees were negligent in their duty to maintain a safe environment for customers. Negligence can arise from various factors, such as failure to clean up spills promptly, inadequate warning signs, or improper maintenance of the premises.

It’s important to note that the burden of proof lies with the injured party. This means you must provide evidence that demonstrates the store’s negligence directly caused your accident and resulting injuries. This evidence is crucial in building a strong case and increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident

Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 8

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to seek justice and compensation for your damages. However, initiating a lawsuit can be a complex and overwhelming process. That’s where this guide comes in. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive information on how to navigate the legal landscape and take the necessary steps to pursue a spinal cord lawsuit after a slip and fall accident.

From gathering evidence to determining liability, we will break down the key elements you need to understand to build a strong case. We will also discuss the importance of hiring an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in spinal cord injuries and can guide you through the legal process.

At The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert, our mission is to empower individuals like you with the knowledge and resources needed to seek justice and find closure. Our commitment to your cause is unwavering, and we hope this guide will serve as a valuable tool in your pursuit of justice.

So, let’s delve into the world of spinal cord lawsuits and help you take the first step towards achieving the justice you deserve.

The legal basis for a spinal cord lawsuit

To initiate a spinal cord lawsuit after a slip and fall accident, you must establish the legal basis for your claim. In most cases, these lawsuits fall under the category of premises liability, holding the property owner or occupier responsible for your injuries.

To succeed in a premises liability claim, you must demonstrate that the property owner or occupier owed you a duty of care, that they breached this duty, and that their negligence directly caused your slip and fall accident and subsequent spinal cord injury. This can be challenging, as you need to prove that the property owner either knew or should have known about the hazardous condition that caused your fall.

In some cases, you may also have a claim against a third party, such as a contractor or maintenance company responsible for the property’s upkeep. Identifying all potentially liable parties is crucial to ensure you can pursue compensation from all available sources.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 10

Steps to take immediately after a slip and fall accident

After a slip and fall accident, taking prompt action is vital to protect your rights and strengthen your case. Here are the essential steps you should take:

1. Seek medical attention: Your health and well-being should be your top priority. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and a medical professional can properly assess your condition.

2. Document the scene: If possible, gather evidence at the accident scene. Take photographs of the hazardous condition that caused your fall, such as a wet floor, uneven pavement, or inadequate lighting. Also, try to obtain contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident occur.

3. Report the incident: Notify the property owner or manager about the accident as soon as possible. Request that they create an incident report and be sure to obtain a copy for your records. This report can serve as crucial evidence later on.

By following these initial steps, you can lay the groundwork for a strong spinal cord lawsuit. Remember, the more evidence you have to support your claim, the stronger your case will be.

Gathering evidence for your spinal cord lawsuit

Building a strong case requires gathering compelling evidence to support your claim. Here are some crucial pieces of evidence you should collect:

1. Medical records: Obtain copies of all medical records related to your slip and fall accident and subsequent spinal cord injury. These records should include diagnostic tests, treatment plans, rehabilitation notes, and any other documentation that demonstrates the extent of your injuries.

2. Witness statements: Interview witnesses who saw the accident occur and collect their statements. These statements can provide valuable insight into the conditions leading up to the accident and help establish liability.

3. Surveillance footage: If the slip and fall accident occurred in a public place or a property with security cameras, request access to the surveillance footage. This footage can provide visual evidence of the hazardous condition and how it contributed to your fall.

4. Expert opinions: Consult with medical experts and other specialists who can provide professional opinions on the cause and impact of your spinal cord injury. Their expertise can strengthen your case and lend credibility to your claims.

Remember, the strength of your evidence can make or break your spinal cord lawsuit. By gathering as much relevant information as possible, you increase your chances of success.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 12

Finding the right attorney for your case

Navigating the legal process can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex personal injury cases like spinal cord lawsuits. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in spinal cord injuries is crucial to ensure you have the best possible representation.

When choosing an attorney, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney with a proven track record of handling spinal cord injury cases. They should have extensive experience in negotiating settlements and taking cases to trial, if necessary.

2. Expertise: Spinal cord injuries require specialized knowledge and understanding. Ensure that the attorney you choose has a deep understanding of these types of injuries and the associated legal complexities.

3. Resources: A reputable attorney should have the resources necessary to thoroughly investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong argument on your behalf.

4. Communication: Effective communication is essential throughout the legal process. Choose an attorney who is responsive, keeps you informed, and explains complex legal concepts in a way that you can understand.

Consult with multiple attorneys before making your decision. Most personal injury attorneys offer free consultations, allowing you to discuss your case and assess whether they are the right fit for you.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 14

The importance of medical documentation in a spinal cord lawsuit

Medical documentation plays a crucial role in a spinal cord lawsuit. It establishes the link between your slip and fall accident, your spinal cord injury, and the damages you have suffered. Here’s why medical documentation is essential:

1. Provides evidence of your injuries: Medical records, diagnostic tests, and treatment plans serve as tangible evidence of the severity and impact of your spinal cord injury. They help establish the damages you are entitled to recover.

2. Demonstrates the need for ongoing care: Spinal cord injuries often require long-term medical treatment and rehabilitation. Medical documentation outlines the anticipated costs and care needed, ensuring you can pursue appropriate compensation.

3. Validates your claims: Insurance companies and opposing counsel may challenge the legitimacy of your injuries. Comprehensive medical documentation strengthens your case by proving the extent and validity of your claims.

To ensure you have the necessary medical documentation, it is essential to follow all recommended treatments, attend follow-up appointments, and maintain a detailed record of your medical expenses.

Calculating damages in a spinal cord lawsuit

Calculating damages in a spinal cord lawsuit involves assessing the economic and non-economic losses you have suffered. Here are the primary types of damages typically pursued in these cases:

1. Medical expenses: This includes past, current, and anticipated future medical costs related to your spinal cord injury. It encompasses hospital bills, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, assistive devices, and ongoing care.

2. Lost wages and earning capacity: If your spinal cord injury has caused you to miss work or has limited your ability to work in the future, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages and diminished earning capacity.

3. Pain and suffering: Non-economic damages, such as physical pain, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish, are also considered in a spinal cord lawsuit. These damages aim to compensate for the intangible losses you have experienced.

4. Rehabilitation and long-term care: Spinal cord injuries often require extensive rehabilitation, long-term care, and specialized equipment. Compensation can be sought for these ongoing expenses.

Your attorney will work with you to determine the appropriate damages to pursue in your specific case. It is crucial to consider both your immediate and long-term needs when calculating damages.

Seeking Justice: A Guide to Initiate a Spinal Cord Lawsuit after a Slip and Fall Accident 16

Dealing with insurance companies and settlement negotiations

In many spinal cord lawsuits, you will be dealing with insurance companies representing the responsible party or parties involved. Insurance companies are primarily concerned with minimizing their financial liability, which can make the negotiation process challenging.

Here are some tips for dealing with insurance companies and settlement negotiations:

1. Consult with an attorney: Having legal representation is crucial when negotiating with insurance companies. An experienced attorney can protect your rights, advocate on your behalf, and ensure you receive fair compensation.

2. Document all communication: Keep a record of all communication with insurance adjusters, including phone calls, emails, and letters. This documentation can be valuable if disputes arise later on.

3. Be cautious with recorded statements: Insurance adjusters may request a recorded statement from you. It is crucial to consult with your attorney before providing any statements to ensure you do not inadvertently harm your case.

4. Do not accept early offers: Insurance companies may try to settle quickly and for a low amount. It is important to allow your attorney to assess the full extent of your damages and negotiate for a fair settlement that adequately compensates you.

Remember, insurance companies are not on your side. Their primary goal is to protect their bottom line. Having a skilled attorney by your side ensures that your rights and interests are protected throughout the negotiation process.

Going to trial: What to expect in a spinal cord lawsuit

While most spinal cord lawsuits are resolved through settlement negotiations, some cases may proceed to trial. It is essential to understand what to expect if your case reaches this stage.

During a trial, your attorney will present your case to a judge and jury, aiming to prove the liability of the responsible party and the damages you have suffered. This involves presenting evidence, calling witnesses, cross-examining opposing witnesses, and delivering persuasive arguments.

While going to trial can be a lengthy and complex process, it provides an opportunity for you to present your case in a courtroom and seek a favorable verdict. Your attorney will guide you through each step of the trial and ensure your rights are protected.

Conclusion: Seeking justice and moving forward after a spinal cord lawsuit

Slip and fall accidents can have devastating consequences, particularly when it comes to spinal cord injuries. Understanding the impact of these injuries is crucial in building your case. Spinal cord injuries can result in partial or complete paralysis, affecting your mobility, independence, and quality of life.

When your spinal cord is damaged due to a slip and fall accident, it can lead to a range of complications, such as loss of sensation, muscle weakness, and even bowel or bladder dysfunction. These injuries often require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care.

Proving the severity and extent of your spinal cord injury is essential in establishing the damages you have suffered. Medical records, expert opinions, and testimony from healthcare providers will play a crucial role in demonstrating the impact of the injury on your life.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:55 am

The Key to Success: Navigating the Complexities of a Battery Explosion Lawsuit

Saturday, January 6, 2024
The Key to Success: Navigating the Complexities of a Battery Explosion Lawsuit 18

In a world where electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, the risk of battery explosions is a growing concern. And when such incidents occur, navigating the complexities of a battery explosion lawsuit is paramount. Whether it’s a faulty laptop battery or a malfunctioning e-cigarette, understanding the legal process and your rights is crucial to achieving a successful outcome.

At The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert, we understand the importance of providing accurate information and guidance to individuals involved in battery explosion lawsuits. Our experienced team of attorneys specializes in this complex area of law and can help you navigate the legal landscape with confidence.

In this article, we will delve into the key factors involved in a battery explosion lawsuit, shedding light on crucial aspects such as product liability, negligence claims, and the importance of expert testimony. We will also provide useful tips on how to gather evidence, identify responsible parties, and seek appropriate compensation.

So if you find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a battery explosion, stay tuned as we unravel the complexities and provide you with the knowledge you need to fight for justice.

The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert – Your trusted legal resource for battery explosion lawsuits.

The legal landscape surrounding battery explosion lawsuits

Battery explosion lawsuits involve a complex legal landscape that includes various legal theories and principles. One of the key aspects of a battery explosion lawsuit is product liability, which holds manufacturers and sellers responsible for the injuries caused by their defective products. Product liability laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but they generally require proving that the product was defective, that the defect caused the injury, and that the product was being used as intended.

In addition to product liability, negligence claims can also be pursued in battery explosion lawsuits. Negligence claims require proving that the responsible party had a duty of care, breached that duty, and that the breach of duty caused the injury. This can be particularly relevant in cases where the explosion was caused by improper installation, maintenance, or use of the battery.

Expert testimony plays a crucial role in battery explosion lawsuits. Experts in fields such as engineering, chemistry, and product safety can provide valuable insights into the cause of the explosion, the design and manufacturing defects, and the industry standards. Their testimony can help establish a link between the defective product and the injuries suffered, strengthening the case and increasing the chances of a favorable outcome.

Common causes of battery explosions

Battery explosions can be caused by a variety of factors, including manufacturing defects, design flaws, improper use, and inadequate safety measures. Manufacturing defects can occur during the production process, leading to faulty batteries that are more prone to explosion. Design flaws, on the other hand, refer to inherent weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the battery’s design that make it more likely to explode under certain conditions.

Improper use of batteries is another common cause of explosions. This can include overcharging, exposing the battery to extreme temperatures, or using incompatible charging devices. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using batteries to minimize the risk of explosions.

Inadequate safety measures, such as the absence of protective circuits or insufficient insulation, can also contribute to battery explosions. Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that their products are safe for consumer use and to implement appropriate safety features to prevent accidents.

Steps to take after a battery explosion incident

If you or someone you know has been involved in a battery explosion incident, it’s important to take certain steps to protect your rights and build a strong case. The first and most important step is to seek medical attention for any injuries sustained. Even if the injuries appear minor, it’s crucial to have a medical professional assess your condition and document any injuries.

Preserving evidence is also essential in a battery explosion lawsuit. Take photographs of the exploded battery, the device it was used in, and any injuries or property damage caused by the explosion. Keep any receipts, packaging, or documentation related to the battery and the device. It’s also important to gather contact information from any witnesses to the incident.

Identifying the responsible parties is another crucial step. In some cases, it may be clear that the manufacturer of the battery or the device is at fault. However, there may be other parties involved, such as distributors, retailers, or even other users who contributed to the explosion. An experienced attorney can help identify all the responsible parties and hold them accountable for their negligence.

Finding the right attorney for your battery explosion lawsuit

When it comes to navigating the complexities of a battery explosion lawsuit, having the right attorney by your side is crucial. Look for an attorney who specializes in product liability and has experience handling battery explosion cases. They should have a track record of success and a deep understanding of the legal principles and industry standards that apply to these cases.

It’s also important to consider the attorney’s resources and network of experts. Battery explosion lawsuits often require expert testimony to establish the cause of the explosion and prove the liability of the responsible parties. A well-connected attorney will have access to reputable experts in fields such as engineering and product safety, increasing the chances of a favorable outcome for your case.

Furthermore, choose an attorney who is dedicated to providing personalized attention and support throughout the legal process. Battery explosion lawsuits can be emotionally and physically taxing, and having an attorney who is responsive and compassionate can make a significant difference in your experience.

Gathering evidence for your battery explosion case

Evidence is the backbone of any successful battery explosion lawsuit. It’s important to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claims and establish the liability of the responsible parties. Start by preserving any physical evidence, such as the exploded battery, the device it was used in, and any other relevant objects or materials. Take photographs from multiple angles, ensuring that the details are clear and visible.

Medical records and reports are also crucial pieces of evidence in a battery explosion case. Make sure to obtain copies of all medical records related to the injuries you sustained as a result of the explosion. This includes medical bills, diagnostic tests, treatment plans, and any other documents that demonstrate the extent of your injuries and the associated costs.

Eyewitness testimony can be invaluable in establishing the cause of the explosion and the negligence of the responsible parties. If there were any witnesses to the incident, gather their contact information and request that they provide a detailed account of what they saw. Eyewitness testimony can help corroborate your version of events and strengthen your case.

The importance of expert witnesses in battery explosion lawsuits

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in battery explosion lawsuits. They can provide professional opinions and analysis based on their expertise in fields such as engineering, chemistry, and product safety. Their testimony can help establish a link between the defective product and the injuries suffered, making it more difficult for the responsible parties to deny liability.

Expert witnesses can help establish a direct link between the defective product and the injuries suffered, strengthening the case against the responsible parties. Their professional opinions and analysis carry significant weight in court, as they are considered unbiased and based on scientific principles.

When selecting an expert witness for your battery explosion lawsuit, it’s important to choose someone with the necessary qualifications and experience. Look for experts who have a deep understanding of battery technology, product safety standards, and the relevant industry regulations. Additionally, consider their track record as expert witnesses in previous cases and their ability to communicate complex concepts effectively.

The role of product liability in battery explosion cases

Product liability is a key legal theory in battery explosion cases, holding manufacturers and sellers responsible for the injuries caused by their defective products. Product liability laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but they generally require proving that the product was defective, that the defect caused the injury, and that the product was being used as intended.

There are three main types of defects that can lead to product liability claims: manufacturing defects, design defects, and failure to warn. Manufacturing defects occur during the production process and result in a product that is different from the intended design, making it more prone to explode. Design defects, on the other hand, refer to inherent weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the battery’s design that make it more likely to explode under certain conditions. Failure to warn occurs when the manufacturer fails to provide adequate warnings or instructions about the potential dangers associated with using the product.

Proving product liability requires a thorough investigation and analysis of the product, its design, and the circumstances surrounding the explosion. This is where expert witnesses can play a crucial role, providing professional opinions and analysis based on their expertise in fields such as engineering, chemistry, and product safety.

Settlements vs. trials: weighing your options in a battery explosion lawsuit

When pursuing a battery explosion lawsuit, you will have two main options: reaching a settlement or going to trial. Each option has its own advantages and considerations, and the best course of action will depend on the specific circumstances of your case.

Settlements offer a quicker resolution and can provide certainty in terms of the compensation you will receive. They often involve negotiations between your attorney and the responsible parties, with the goal of reaching a mutually agreeable resolution. Settlements can save you the time, stress, and costs associated with a trial, allowing you to move forward with your life and focus on your recovery.

On the other hand, going to trial can provide the opportunity to present your case to a judge or jury and seek a favorable verdict. Trials can be more time-consuming and expensive than settlements, as they involve preparing evidence, presenting arguments, and undergoing the court process. However, trials can also lead to larger compensation awards and can send a message to the responsible parties that their actions will not be tolerated.

When deciding whether to pursue a settlement or go to trial, it’s important to consult with your attorney. They will be able to assess the strength of your case, the potential risks and rewards of each option, and guide you in making an informed decision.

Should You  Seek Legal Advice After a Lithium-Ion Battery Exploded or Caught Fire and Suffering Injuries?

In the event of an explosion involving a lithium-ion battery, it is imperative to promptly seek medical attention for any injuries sustained, including burns.

The next crucial step is to speak with a knowledgeable malfunctioning lithium-ion battery attorney. At The Aaron Herbert Law Firm, we’ll assist you in obtaining the financial resources required to get the best medical care and live the life of your dreams. There is a time limit on filing claims.

Obtain A Free Case Evaluation from board certified personal injury attorney Aaron Herbert or a member of his litigation team specializing in batter explosion injuries and cases.

Get in touch with the knowledgeable burn attorneys at The Aaron Herbert Law Firm LLP if you or a loved one has sustained injuries as a result of a lithium-ion battery exploding or catching fire.

One of the most popular kinds of rechargeable batteries available today is the lithium-ion battery. These high-energy batteries have literally and figuratively exploded into the market due to the growing popularity of smartphones, tablets, e-cigarettes, mini-music players, and more.

Batteries have to squeeze into progressively smaller places as consumers sought smaller devices. Eventually, that led to issues.

In 2016, allegations of exploding Samsung Galaxy 7 cellphones went viral, drawing attention from all across the world.

Airlines quickly outlawed phones on flights due to concerns that the gadgets might spontaneously catch fire. September 2016 saw the recall of some Galaxy 7s by Samsung.

In the meantime, throughout the past few years, media outlets have been inundated with instances of hoverboards, e-cigarettes, headphones, laptops, and other items catching fire.

There are some hazards associated with batteries for these goods, but the makers are aware of them and have the ability to reduce them during the design and production process. Instead, when manufacturers cut corners, bad things could happen.

You might be able to sue for damages if a lithium-ion battery explosion caused you or a loved one to suffer serious injuries.

  • Current Recalls of Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • Recall of Amazon Portable Power Banks: Fire and Burn Risk
  • HP Laptop/Notebook Battery Recall

A lithium-ion battery: what is it?

When generating power, lithium ions in a lithium-ion battery travel from the negative to the positive electrode and back again during recharging.

The soft, silvery alkali metal lithium has a wide range of applications. It is used in many industries, such as aviation and transportation, and is combined with aluminum and magnesium to form alloys.

In addition, it is utilized as lithium bromide in industrial drying systems and air conditioning systems, and to create specialty glass and glass ceramics. Lithium carbonate is used in medicine to treat manic depression.

Because it has a high electrochemical potential and is among the lightest elements in the periodic table, lithium is a good metal to employ in batteries. It has a large power output at low volumes.

The first lithium-ion battery was created in 1980, and Sony Corporation was the first to produce and market its version of the battery in 1991. This version of the battery represented an advancement over earlier attempts at development.

It soon became apparent that the enormous power produced by a small cell in these batteries could power a wide range of products.

These batteries were used in the development of numerous items, including e-cigarettes, computers, tablets, portable electric tools, toys, and e-bikes.

However, as manufacturers carried out further advancements that increased the batteries’ power output, they also had to contend with the problem that the batteries were growing more reactive.

What Causes Lithium-Ion Batteries to malfunction, burst, and catch fire?

While the majority of lithium-ion batteries function flawlessly, a few have exploded and caught fire in recent years, causing property damage as well as significant burns and other injuries to people.

Lithium-ion battery fires and explosions have been the subject of numerous product recalls and warnings, especially since the early 2000s.

These problems have also affected certain laptops, smartphones, cameras, hoverboards, and e-cigarettes. Lithium-ion battery export as cargo on passenger aircraft was outlawed by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2016 due to the batteries’ reputation for being volatile.

However, lithium-ion batteries are widely available and might be considered the engine of the modern mobile world. The majority of them function well. But when they do break down, there are typically two main causes:

  1. The producer did not put in place the necessary precautions, or
  2. When the battery was included into the items, the manufacturer made faults.

Deficits in one of these two areas are the root cause of a large number of product recalls and difficulties.

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Shortcuts in the Manufacturing of Li-Ion Batteries Cause Damage to Consumers

Lithium-ion batteries need several safety mechanisms to prevent overheating in order to function properly. Manufacturers run the danger of injuring customers if they don’t use these safety precautions.

Products need more power as technology develops, batteries need to fit into smaller spaces, and producers need to discover more cost-effective ways to make their materials.

This may occasionally result in quick cutbacks at the expense of security. The press has often included stories about cheap knockoff hoverboards starting flames.

A “separator” is a thin polypropylene piece positioned between the electrodes of a lithium-ion battery to prevent them from coming into contact.

The electrodes come into contact with one another if the separator malfunctions, which causes overheating.

As batteries are required to produce more power, designers have thinned out these separators to allow more room for reactive material—increasing the risk of short-circuiting if other precautions are not taken.

Some experts have blamed Samsung’s explosion problems on flawed separators.

Overcharging the battery can potentially result in a short circuit, which has the potential to explode. Manufacturers, therefore, need to be sure the chargers they’re selling packaged with their products provide a safe level of charge.

They must also warn consumers to use only the chargers that come with their products, rather than purchasing other, cheaper chargers that may be poorly made, and may create an accelerated recharge.

A production or manufacturing flaw, a lack of proper insulation, inadequate ventilation, and more can all create a dangerous battery. In addition, lithium-ion batteries are filled with a flammable substance that can explode when it gets too hot. And that substance is also mixed with a skin-burning compound. This design makes poorly designed lithium batteries potentially very dangerous.

The other issue is that once overheating is present, it tends to snowball. The flammable substance inside creates a “thermal runaway” situation that is difficult to stop.

Common Lithium-Ion Battery Questions

What is the difference between lithium batteries and lithium-ion batteries?

The main difference between these two batteries is that the lithium-ion battery is rechargeable, whereas the basic lithium battery is not. There are a number of other differences as well, including the following:

1) Lithium batteries (also called “lithium metal” batteries) offer a higher capacity with lithium-ion batteries

2) Lithium batteries use lithium metal in its metallic form, while lithium-ion batteries use lithium compounds like lithium cobalt dioxide or lithium manganese oxide along with other materials

3) Lithium batteries typically last longer than lithium-ion batteries

What are the advantages of lithium-ion batteries compared to other rechargeable batteries?

Lithium-ion batteries have become popular because they can store a lot of energy in a small, light space. This makes them perfect for today’s ever-shrinking technological gadgets. They provide higher voltages than other rechargeable batteries, delivering more power when needed, and discharge more slowly.

Are lithium-ion batteries allowed on airplanes?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) states that lithium-ion batteries in gadgets like cell phones, laptops, tablets, and headphones are allowed in carry-on baggage. When Samsung Galaxy 7 phones were exploding, there was a time when the airlines required all Samsung devices to be turned off in the cabin. After Samsung updated their batteries, these phones were allowed to be used on flights again. The airlines also allow all these batteries in checked baggage, as long as they are installed in the gadgets. Extra, uninstalled lithium-ion batteries, including spare battery packs, are not allowed. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are also prohibited in checked baggage.

Proper disposal of a lithium-ion battery?

When you are finished with any device that contains a lithium-ion battery, it’s recommended that you recycle that device. Most places that sell the batteries will accept them back for recycling. Never burn the devices or the batteries as they could explode.

Are lithium-ion batteries safe to use?

Most lithium-ion batteries are safe. Millions of them are used every day in all types of technological gadgets without incident. Those that do cause problems are in the minority, and the problems can usually be traced back to a defective design or a manufacturing problem.

Do lithium-ion batteries explode in the heat?

Temperature can affect battery performance. Cold temperatures, for example, can slightly drop a battery’s capacity, potentially slowing the device’s response. It can also limit the charge rate. Hot temperatures, on the other hand, can increase degradation of the electrodes in the battery, which could limit its ability to store energy and shorten its life.

A lithium-ion battery prefers normal temperatures of about 50 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. But the battery should not explode in standard high temperatures, such as those encountered during everyday life. It is designed to perform correctly under normal living conditions, and if it explodes, it’s usually because of a short-circuit inside the battery

Some Products Associated with Exploding Lithium-Ion Batteries

Many of the product problems and recalls are caused by deficiencies in one of these two areas.

Cellphones / Smartphones

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Samsung recalled 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones because of exploding batteries in September 2016. In one instance, a woman was holding the device in her hand when it started pouring out smoke. A man filed a lawsuit against the company after a phone exploded in his pocket, burning his leg.

Laptops / Notebooks

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Sony recalled 9.6 million computer batteries in 2006 because of explosion risks. The company noted that faulty manufacturing had resulted in tiny shards of metal contaminating the inside of the batteries. About half of the batteries went into Dell computers. In January 2017, HP recalled about 100,000 lithium-ion batteries used in their laptops because of fire and burn hazards. And in February 2017, NBC News reported on yet another Dell computer exploding while it was charging.


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Consumers have reported these devices exploding during use and even when not in use. An Alabama man, for example, sat down to eat breakfast at a friend’s house when his e-cigarette device suddenly exploded in his pocket. 

The device welded to his leg, causing second-and third-degree burns. Because these devices are cylindrical, pressure can build up quickly inside them, and those that explode can become projectiles.


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In January 2016, ten companies recalled about 500,000 self-balancing hoverboards/scooters because of fire hazards. All were manufactured in China. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) noted that at least 99 incident reports of the batteries exploding had been received, with reports of burn injuries and property damage. In a tragic hoverboard explosion-related fire in Harrisburg, PA, two young girls were killed. Other recalls followed in 2017.


In 2017, a woman flying to Melbourne from Beijing fell asleep while wearing noise-canceling headphones. She woke to sounds of an explosion and found that the battery in the headphones had burst into flames. She suffered from serious burns on her face and hair.

iPhone Lithium-Ion Battery Issues

The Apple iPhone has also experienced lithium-ion battery issues, but so far, there have not been reports of explosions. Instead, because of expected battery degradation over time, the company created an update that automatically slowed down older iPhones.

The update was uploaded automatically into consumers’ phones without their knowledge, after which the devices would operate more slowly in times of high-power requirements.

Many confused customers felt they had to buy a new phone because of the slow-down, when they could have simply bought a new battery.

Apple admitted to keeping their customers in the dark, and apologized. They explained that over time, lithium-ion batteries become less capable of handling performance peaks, during which they could suddenly shut down.

They issued the update to prevent these shutdowns, but failed to warn consumers about what they were doing, preventing them from choosing more economical solutions. The company now faces a number of lithium-ion battery lawsuits because of the slow-down issue.

Other products powered by these batteries have been associated with overheating and explosions. The batteries have been blamed, for example, for at least two fires in Tesla’s electric cars.

Types of Injuries Associated with Lithium-Ion Batteries

An exploding or burning battery can cause all kinds of property damage. It can also cause serious injuries to the person using the product, to those standing nearby, and to those in the vicinity of any resulting fire.  Such injuries include:

  • Pain
  • Serious burns
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Hearing and vision loss
  • Loss of teeth and/or tongue
  • Burned throat and esophagus
  • Lasting disability
  • Death

What Should I Do if My Battery Catches Fire?

First of all, be aware of the warning signs. If your battery starts to feel extremely hot, or the device swells or develops a bulge, realize that your battery may be malfunctioning. If it starts hissing or making other noises, a reaction could already be starting.

At this point, it’s important not to touch the unit with your bare hands, as you could suffer from harmful chemical burns. Use a pair or tongs, leather gloves, flame-retardant gloves, or even an oven mitt (anything but bare hands) to unplug the unit and turn it off. Being wary not to jostle it, put it in an isolated area away from anything flammable—an empty metal box, on clear concrete, or on a stone surface is best. Then contact your dealer for directions on how to proceed. 

If the device catches fire, call your fire department immediately. They respond to situations like this so there is no reason to hesitate. At that point, the best thing you can do is get the gadget to a safe place and let it burn out. (Most household fire extinguishers are not designed for this type of chemical fire.) Again, look for a non-flammable surface like a sidewalk or concrete driveway, outside, preferably.  

Let the fire burn out and caution everyone to stand clear. Realize that even after the fire burns out the device could still explode.  Keep your distance and wear protective eye wear. Understand that the device may re-ignite even after 10 minutes, so do not take it back inside.

If you notice gas or flames, cover your mouth and nose, or simply get away from the device. These fires create toxic fumes that you do not want to breathe, so make sure to instruct other people to clear the area, and get your pets away, too. Pregnant women especially should get clear of the fumes, and Moms need to take any small children completely out of the house or building.

I Was Burned by a Lithium-Ion Battery, What Do I Do?

If your battery blew up and you were burned in the incident, take the following two steps immediately.

  • Get Medical Treatment

Even if you think your injuries are minor, it’s important you see a doctor for them right away. Lithium-ion battery burns can be deceiving as to their severity, and the toxic chemicals involved create unique risks for injuries and skin damage. You need to be sure you take every step necessary to protect yourself. It’s also important to have a medical record of your injuries, should you decide to file an exploding battery lawsuit in the future. If you fail to get immediate medical attention, it could look to a judge or jury that your injuries were not serious enough to warrant attention.

  • Collect Evidence

As early as possible, collect evidence from the incident. Do not throw the battery or device away, but keep it stored in a safe place. Take pictures of the damaged gadget, and of any other related property damage. Note the location of the fire or explosion, and take pictures of any injuries suffered by you or others who were nearby. Jot down notes about exactly what happened and when, before your memory fades. Include the date, time, and location of the fire. Get a copy of the incident report from your fire department, and a copy of your medical records from your doctors’ visits.

  • Contact an Experienced Lithium-Ion Burn Lawyer

Companies are responsible for making sure that their devices are safe. If you suffered from serious injuries because of a lithium-ion battery fire or explosion, you deserve to be compensated for your losses. The financial burden of medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage should not be yours or your family’s to carry. It’s important that you find an experienced lithium-ion battery burn attorney with extensive knowledge of product liability that will look out for your best interests. An individual with experience in personal-injury law with a thorough knowledge of lithium-ion batteries and their potential defects is your smartest choice.

Do I Have a Case?

You may wonder if the lithium-ion battery fire or explosion was your fault, somehow. Did you do something wrong when using it or charging it? Did you ask too much of the power supply? Did you store it incorrectly?

Companies are responsible for making sure their products are safe for you to use. If something went wrong, it could be that the company was at fault, but how can you know for sure?

Your best option is to contact a lithium-ion fire attorney for a free consultation. He or she can examine the facts of your case, and help you determine if it would be worthwhile to pursue a lawsuit in court.

Meanwhile, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Were you hurt seriously enough to have to go to the doctor’s office or the hospital?
  • Did you have to go through surgery or another similar medical procedure as treatment?
  • Did you suffer from significant property damage?
  • Were you using the gadget normally when the lithium-ion explosion or fire occurred?
  • Did the incident involve other people or property belonging to other individuals?

Was a child hurt by the incident?

If you answered “yes” to even one of these questions, you may be eligible to file a lithium-ion battery burn lawsuit and should contact an experienced lithium-ion battery burn lawyer immediately.

What is My Case Worth?

If you’re considering filing a lithium-ion battery fire lawsuit, you may wonder if it’s worth it. Will you receive enough in compensation to cover your losses? Will the time and energy involved produce the returns you’re hoping for?

These questions can be difficult to answer before a thorough legal investigation into the case. An experienced lithium-ion battery explosion lawyer will look at all the evidence you have, and will do an additional investigation into the gadget you were using and the particular battery associated with that gadget. It could be that the manufacturers received reports of other incidences similar to yours, and failed to respond adequately to protect public safety.

Your losses also need to be calculated, and these usually include not only your medical expenses, but your property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any future medical care you may need. If you lost someone close to you in the accident (loss of consortium), that’s another factor that can increase the complexity of a case.

Your lithium-ion battery fire attorney must also determine what the defendants are claiming, and what evidence they may have supporting their position. It takes time to get all the facts together, but after a thorough investigation, your lawyer will be able to provide you with more information.

How Much Will My Case Cost?

As a plaintiff in a lithium-ion battery burn lawsuit working with The Aaron Herbert Law Firm, you will not owe any money up front. We work on contingency, which means that we don’t recover money unless you do. If you are awarded compensation in a settlement agreement or in an actual trial, your lithium-ion battery fire attorney will get a percentage of that award to pay for attorney’s costs.

When you go for your initial free consultation with a lithium-ion battery burn lawyer, he or she will help explain the percentages so you can understand exactly how much of any legal award you may receive.

Important Lithium-Ion Battery Regulations

There are a number of regulations in place concerning lithium-ion batteries to help protect public safety. These can be helpful in case of a lithium-ion battery explosion lawsuit, as they make it clear that the manufacturer is responsible for creating a safe product.

Each battery must have a “battery management system,” for example, that ensures it does not overheat. These types of systems should balance the cells in the battery, make sure the current stays under safe limits, and that the battery stays within its ideal operational voltage.

Each battery must also pass a number of tests to ensure that it’s safe to ship both domestically and internationally, and that it can withstand typical shipping conditions, like high altitudes and temperature variations.

One regulation was put into place specifically to make sure that lithium-ion batteries are safely designed. The batteries must pass tests ensuring that they can withstand vibration, heating, impacts, and even crushing without reacting dangerously. The tests are also meant to ensure the devices don’t short-circuit or charge abnormally.

It’s clear from these regulations that by the time a lithium-ion battery arrives on the market, it should have passed a number of safety tests to ensure that it won’t react in an unsafe manner during regular use or transport. Those batteries that still catch on fire or explode are therefore highly suspect of being defective batteries.

Conclusion: Seeking justice and compensation for battery explosion victims

Battery explosions can have catastrophic consequences, causing severe injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. Understanding how and why these explosions occur is essential in building a strong case. Battery explosions can be a result of various factors, such as manufacturing defects, design flaws, or improper use. It’s important to determine the cause of the explosion to hold the responsible party accountable.

When a battery explosion occurs, it can have far-reaching implications for the victims. Physical injuries, such as burns, cuts, and respiratory problems, are common among those involved in battery explosion incidents. Furthermore, victims may suffer from psychological trauma, financial losses, and a significant impact on their overall quality of life. Seeking legal recourse is crucial in order to obtain justice and appropriate compensation for these damages.

Navigating a battery explosion lawsuit requires a thorough understanding of the legal landscape and the relevant laws that apply. It’s important to work with an attorney who specializes in this area of law and has experience in handling similar cases. By partnering with a knowledgeable legal professional, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of achieving a successful outcome.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:43 pm

Seeking Justice: How Battery Explosion Lawsuits are Handled in Texas

Saturday, January 6, 2024

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When it comes to battery explosions, seeking justice is of utmost importance. In Texas, the handling of battery explosion lawsuits is a crucial process that aims to protect consumers and hold manufacturers accountable. In this article, we will explore how these lawsuits are handled in Texas, shedding light on the legal procedures and considerations involved.

Battery explosions can have devastating consequences, causing severe injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. Those affected by such incidents often face physical, emotional, and financial hardships. Understanding the legal framework surrounding battery explosion lawsuits is essential for both victims and manufacturers.

In Texas, the legal process for battery explosion lawsuits involves filing a complaint, investigating the incident, identifying liable parties, and proving negligence or product defects. Attorneys specializing in personal injury law play a vital role in guiding plaintiffs throughout the litigation process, ensuring their rights are protected and seeking fair compensation for the damages suffered.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the specific steps involved in handling battery explosion lawsuits in Texas, providing valuable insights into the legal intricacies and potential outcomes.

Seeking justice and holding manufacturers accountable is paramount when dealing with battery explosion lawsuits. Let’s explore how these matters are handled in Texas.

Common causes of battery explosions

Several factors can contribute to battery explosions, making it important to identify the root causes in order to hold the responsible parties accountable. Some common causes of battery explosions include:

1. Manufacturing defects: Poor quality control during the manufacturing process can lead to faulty batteries that are prone to explosions. Defects such as short circuits, faulty seals, or inadequate insulation can increase the risk of a battery explosion.

2. Design flaws: Inadequate design or engineering of batteries can lead to unstable chemical reactions or insufficient heat dissipation, increasing the likelihood of an explosion. Design flaws can include inadequate safety mechanisms or improper sizing of components.

3. Overcharging or improper use: Overcharging a battery or using it in ways not recommended by the manufacturer can cause excessive heat buildup, leading to a potential explosion. Ignoring safety guidelines and using incompatible charging devices or accessories can also contribute to battery failures.

4. Manufacturing errors: Mistakes made during the assembly or installation of batteries can compromise their integrity and increase the risk of explosions. Incorrect wiring, improper installation of protective components, or using substandard materials can all lead to battery failures.

Identifying the specific cause of a battery explosion is crucial for establishing liability and pursuing legal action against the responsible parties.

Battery explosion lawsuits in Texas

In Texas, battery explosion lawsuits are governed by personal injury laws and product liability laws. These laws provide a legal framework for victims to seek compensation for their injuries, property damage, and other losses resulting from battery explosions. Understanding the legal requirements and procedures involved is crucial for those seeking justice in Texas.

To initiate a battery explosion lawsuit in Texas, the first step is to file a complaint in the appropriate court. The complaint should provide a detailed account of the incident, the damages suffered, and the legal basis for the lawsuit. It is important to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide plaintiffs through this process and ensure that all necessary information is included in the complaint.

Once the complaint is filed, the next step is to investigate the battery explosion incident. This involves gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and consulting experts to determine the cause of the explosion and identify any liable parties. It is important to document any injuries, property damage, or other losses resulting from the battery explosion to support the legal claims.

Steps to take after a battery explosion incident

After a battery explosion incident, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your rights and potential legal claims. Here are some important steps to consider:

1. Seek medical attention: The safety and well-being of individuals affected by a battery explosion should be the top priority. Seek medical attention for any injuries sustained, even if they appear minor at first. Some injuries may have delayed symptoms or complications that may not be immediately apparent.

2. Preserve evidence: Document the scene of the battery explosion and preserve any evidence that may be relevant to your case. This includes taking photographs, collecting any faulty or damaged batteries, and saving any documents or receipts related to the incident.

3. Report the incident: Contact the appropriate authorities, such as local law enforcement or regulatory agencies, to report the battery explosion incident. This can help establish an official record of the incident and may be required for legal purposes.

4. Keep records: Maintain detailed records of all medical treatments, expenses, property damage, and other losses resulting from the battery explosion. These records will be crucial in establishing the extent of your damages and supporting your legal claims.

Finding the right attorney for a battery explosion lawsuit

When pursuing a battery explosion lawsuit in Texas, finding the right attorney is essential for maximizing your chances of success. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting an attorney:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney who specializes in personal injury law and has experience handling battery explosion cases. An experienced attorney will have the necessary knowledge and expertise to navigate the legal complexities and build a strong case on your behalf.

2. Track record: Research the attorney’s track record of success in handling personal injury cases, particularly battery explosion lawsuits. Look for testimonials, case results, or any recognition they may have received in the legal community.

3. Resources: Consider the resources available to the attorney and their law firm. A well-equipped firm will have access to expert witnesses, investigative resources, and the financial means to handle complex litigation.

4. Communication: Choose an attorney who is responsive and communicates effectively. You should feel comfortable discussing your case with them and confident that they will keep you informed throughout the legal process.

Taking the time to find the right attorney can significantly impact the outcome of your battery explosion lawsuit.

The legal process for battery explosion lawsuits in Texas

Once the complaint is filed and the investigation is complete, the legal process for battery explosion lawsuits in Texas typically involves the following steps:

1. Discovery: Both parties exchange information and evidence relevant to the case through a process called discovery. This includes documents, witness statements, expert reports, and any other evidence that may support or refute the claims made.

2. Negotiation and settlement: In some cases, the parties may engage in negotiations to reach a settlement before going to trial. This allows for a potentially quicker resolution and avoids the uncertainty and expenses associated with a trial.

3. Trial: If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to trial. During the trial, both parties present their arguments, evidence, and witnesses to a judge or jury who will determine liability and damages.

4. Appeals: If either party is dissatisfied with the outcome of the trial, they may choose to appeal the decision to a higher court. The appeals process focuses on legal errors made during the trial rather than reevaluating the facts of the case.

The duration and complexity of the legal process can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case. It is important to consult with an attorney who can provide guidance and support throughout the entire process.

Compensation for battery explosion victims

Victims of battery explosions in Texas may be entitled to various forms of compensation for their losses. Depending on the circumstances of the case, compensation may include:

– Medical expenses: Reimbursement for past and future medical treatments, surgeries, therapy, medications, and other healthcare costs resulting from the battery explosion.

– Lost wages: Compensation for any income lost due to the victim’s inability to work as a result of the battery explosion injuries.

– Property damage: Reimbursement for the repair or replacement of damaged property, such as electronics, vehicles, or other personal belongings.

– Pain and suffering: Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life caused by the battery explosion incident.

– Punitive damages: In cases where the defendant’s conduct is deemed particularly reckless or egregious, the court may award punitive damages to punish the defendant and deter similar behavior in the future.

Determining the appropriate amount of compensation in battery explosion cases can be complex and requires a thorough assessment of the victim’s damages. An experienced personal injury attorney can help evaluate the extent of the damages and advocate for fair compensation on behalf of the victim.

Recent battery explosion cases in Texas

Several high-profile battery explosion cases have emerged in Texas in recent years, highlighting the need for proper legal representation and the importance of holding manufacturers accountable. These cases have resulted in significant settlements and verdicts, providing justice and compensation for the victims and their families.

One such case involved a battery explosion in a popular smartphone, causing severe burns and injuries to the user. The victim filed a lawsuit against the smartphone manufacturer, alleging negligence in the design and manufacturing of the battery. After a lengthy legal battle, the case was settled for a substantial amount, providing the victim with compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Another notable case involved a battery explosion in an electric vehicle, resulting in a fire that caused extensive property damage. The vehicle owner filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, claiming that the battery pack was defectively designed and prone to explosions. The case went to trial, and the jury awarded the victim a significant verdict, holding the manufacturer accountable for the damages caused by the battery explosion.

These recent cases serve as a reminder of the importance of seeking legal recourse and the potential for victims to obtain fair compensation through battery explosion lawsuits in Texas.

Preventing battery explosions and staying safe

While seeking justice through legal means is crucial, prevention is always the best course of action. To minimize the risk of battery explosions, it is important to follow safety guidelines and take appropriate precautions:

1. Use authorized chargers and accessories: Stick to the chargers and accessories recommended by the manufacturer of your device. Using unauthorized chargers or accessories can increase the risk of battery failures.

2. Avoid overcharging: Do not leave batteries charging unattended for extended periods and avoid overcharging them. Overcharging can cause excessive heat buildup and increase the risk of explosions.

3. Store batteries properly: When not in use, store batteries in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Storing batteries in extreme temperatures can compromise their integrity and increase the risk of explosions.

4. Dispose of batteries safely: Properly dispose of old or damaged batteries according to local regulations. Do not throw batteries in regular trash bins, as they can pose a risk of fire or explosion.

5. Stay informed: Stay up to date with product recalls and safety warnings issued by manufacturers or regulatory agencies. Being aware of potential risks and taking appropriate action can help prevent battery explosions.

By taking these preventive measures, individuals can minimize the risk of battery explosions and protect their safety.

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Should You  Seek Legal Advice After a Lithium-Ion Battery Exploded or Caught Fire and Suffering Injuries?

In the event of an explosion involving a lithium-ion battery, it is imperative to promptly seek medical attention for any injuries sustained, including burns.

The next crucial step is to speak with a knowledgeable malfunctioning lithium-ion battery attorney. At The Aaron Herbert Law Firm, we’ll assist you in obtaining the financial resources required to get the best medical care and live the life of your dreams. There is a time limit on filing claims.

Obtain A Free Case Evaluation from board certified personal injury attorney Aaron Herbert or a member of his litigation team specializing in batter explosion injuries and cases.

Get in touch with the knowledgeable burn attorneys at The Aaron Herbert Law Firm LLP if you or a loved one has sustained injuries as a result of a lithium-ion battery exploding or catching fire.

One of the most popular kinds of rechargeable batteries available today is the lithium-ion battery. These high-energy batteries have literally and figuratively exploded into the market due to the growing popularity of smartphones, tablets, e-cigarettes, mini-music players, and more.

Batteries have to squeeze into progressively smaller places as consumers sought smaller devices. Eventually, that led to issues.

In 2016, allegations of exploding Samsung Galaxy 7 cellphones went viral, drawing attention from all across the world.

Airlines quickly outlawed phones on flights due to concerns that the gadgets might spontaneously catch fire. September 2016 saw the recall of some Galaxy 7s by Samsung.

In the meantime, throughout the past few years, media outlets have been inundated with instances of hoverboards, e-cigarettes, headphones, laptops, and other items catching fire.

There are some hazards associated with batteries for these goods, but the makers are aware of them and have the ability to reduce them during the design and production process. Instead, when manufacturers cut corners, bad things could happen.

You might be able to sue for damages if a lithium-ion battery explosion caused you or a loved one to suffer serious injuries.

  • Current Recalls of Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • Recall of Amazon Portable Power Banks: Fire and Burn Risk
  • HP Laptop/Notebook Battery Recall

A lithium-ion battery: what is it?

When generating power, lithium ions in a lithium-ion battery travel from the negative to the positive electrode and back again during recharging.

The soft, silvery alkali metal lithium has a wide range of applications. It is used in many industries, such as aviation and transportation, and is combined with aluminum and magnesium to form alloys.

In addition, it is utilized as lithium bromide in industrial drying systems and air conditioning systems, and to create specialty glass and glass ceramics. Lithium carbonate is used in medicine to treat manic depression.

Because it has a high electrochemical potential and is among the lightest elements in the periodic table, lithium is a good metal to employ in batteries. It has a large power output at low volumes.

The first lithium-ion battery was created in 1980, and Sony Corporation was the first to produce and market its version of the battery in 1991. This version of the battery represented an advancement over earlier attempts at development.

It soon became apparent that the enormous power produced by a small cell in these batteries could power a wide range of products.

These batteries were used in the development of numerous items, including e-cigarettes, computers, tablets, portable electric tools, toys, and e-bikes.

However, as manufacturers carried out further advancements that increased the batteries’ power output, they also had to contend with the problem that the batteries were growing more reactive.

What Causes Lithium-Ion Batteries to malfunction, burst, and catch fire?

While the majority of lithium-ion batteries function flawlessly, a few have exploded and caught fire in recent years, causing property damage as well as significant burns and other injuries to people.

Lithium-ion battery fires and explosions have been the subject of numerous product recalls and warnings, especially since the early 2000s.

These problems have also affected certain laptops, smartphones, cameras, hoverboards, and e-cigarettes. Lithium-ion battery export as cargo on passenger aircraft was outlawed by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2016 due to the batteries’ reputation for being volatile.

However, lithium-ion batteries are widely available and might be considered the engine of the modern mobile world. The majority of them function well. But when they do break down, there are typically two main causes:

  1. The producer did not put in place the necessary precautions, or
  2. When the battery was included into the items, the manufacturer made faults.

Deficits in one of these two areas are the root cause of a large number of product recalls and difficulties.

Shortcuts in the Manufacturing of Li-Ion Batteries Cause Damage to Consumers

Lithium-ion batteries need several safety mechanisms to prevent overheating in order to function properly. Manufacturers run the danger of injuring customers if they don’t use these safety precautions.

Products need more power as technology develops, batteries need to fit into smaller spaces, and producers need to discover more cost-effective ways to make their materials.

This may occasionally result in quick cutbacks at the expense of security. The press has often included stories about cheap knockoff hoverboards starting flames.

A “separator” is a thin polypropylene piece positioned between the electrodes of a lithium-ion battery to prevent them from coming into contact.

The electrodes come into contact with one another if the separator malfunctions, which causes overheating.

As batteries are required to produce more power, designers have thinned out these separators to allow more room for reactive material—increasing the risk of short-circuiting if other precautions are not taken.

Some experts have blamed Samsung’s explosion problems on flawed separators.

Overcharging the battery can potentially result in a short circuit, which has the potential to explode. Manufacturers, therefore, need to be sure the chargers they’re selling packaged with their products provide a safe level of charge.

They must also warn consumers to use only the chargers that come with their products, rather than purchasing other, cheaper chargers that may be poorly made, and may create an accelerated recharge.

A production or manufacturing flaw, a lack of proper insulation, inadequate ventilation, and more can all create a dangerous battery. In addition, lithium-ion batteries are filled with a flammable substance that can explode when it gets too hot. And that substance is also mixed with a skin-burning compound. This design makes poorly designed lithium batteries potentially very dangerous.

The other issue is that once overheating is present, it tends to snowball. The flammable substance inside creates a “thermal runaway” situation that is difficult to stop.

Common Lithium-Ion Battery Questions

What are the advantages of lithium-ion batteries compared to other rechargeable batteries?

Lithium-ion batteries have become popular because they can store a lot of energy in a small, light space. This makes them perfect for today’s ever-shrinking technological gadgets. They provide higher voltages than other rechargeable batteries, delivering more power when needed, and discharge more slowly.

Are lithium-ion batteries allowed on airplanes?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) states that lithium-ion batteries in gadgets like cell phones, laptops, tablets, and headphones are allowed in carry-on baggage. When Samsung Galaxy 7 phones were exploding, there was a time when the airlines required all Samsung devices to be turned off in the cabin. After Samsung updated their batteries, these phones were allowed to be used on flights again. The airlines also allow all these batteries in checked baggage, as long as they are installed in the gadgets. Extra, uninstalled lithium-ion batteries, including spare battery packs, are not allowed. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are also prohibited in checked baggage.

Proper disposal of a lithium-ion battery?

When you are finished with any device that contains a lithium-ion battery, it’s recommended that you recycle that device. Most places that sell the batteries will accept them back for recycling. Never burn the devices or the batteries as they could explode.

Are lithium-ion batteries safe to use?

Most lithium-ion batteries are safe. Millions of them are used every day in all types of technological gadgets without incident. Those that do cause problems are in the minority, and the problems can usually be traced back to a defective design or a manufacturing problem.

Do lithium-ion batteries explode in the heat?

Temperature can affect battery performance. Cold temperatures, for example, can slightly drop a battery’s capacity, potentially slowing the device’s response. It can also limit the charge rate. Hot temperatures, on the other hand, can increase degradation of the electrodes in the battery, which could limit its ability to store energy and shorten its life.

A lithium-ion battery prefers normal temperatures of about 50 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. But the battery should not explode in standard high temperatures, such as those encountered during everyday life. It is designed to perform correctly under normal living conditions, and if it explodes, it’s usually because of a short-circuit inside the battery.

Some Products Associated with Exploding Lithium-Ion Batteries

Free vector smartphone lock screen with hot air balloon on landscape background. mobile phone onboard page with date and time, digital cosmic wallpapers for cellphone device, cartoon user interface design set

Cellphones / Smartphones

Samsung recalled 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones because of exploding batteries in September 2016. In one instance, a woman was holding the device in her hand when it started pouring out smoke. A man filed a lawsuit against the company after a phone exploded in his pocket, burning his leg.

Free PSD laptop mock up

Laptops / Notebooks

Sony recalled 9.6 million computer batteries in 2006 because of explosion risks. The company noted that faulty manufacturing had resulted in tiny shards of metal contaminating the inside of the batteries. About half of the batteries went into Dell computers. In January 2017, HP recalled about 100,000 lithium-ion batteries used in their laptops because of fire and burn hazards. And in February 2017, NBC News reported on yet another Dell computer exploding while it was charging.

Free photo dripper in one hand making a cloud of fume


Consumers have reported these devices exploding during use and even when not in use. An Alabama man, for example, sat down to eat breakfast at a friend’s house when his e-cigarette device suddenly exploded in his pocket. 

The device welded to his leg, causing second-and third-degree burns. Because these devices are cylindrical, pressure can build up quickly inside them, and those that explode can become projectiles.

Free vector vector set of white and dark blue gyroscopes or hoverboards close up isolated on background


In January 2016, ten companies recalled about 500,000 self-balancing hoverboards/scooters because of fire hazards. All were manufactured in China. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) noted that at least 99 incident reports of the batteries exploding had been received, with reports of burn injuries and property damage. In a tragic hoverboard explosion-related fire in Harrisburg, PA, two young girls were killed. Other recalls followed in 2017.


In 2017, a woman flying to Melbourne from Beijing fell asleep while wearing noise-canceling headphones. She woke to sounds of an explosion and found that the battery in the headphones had burst into flames. She suffered from serious burns on her face and hair.

iPhone Lithium-Ion Battery Issues

The Apple iPhone has also experienced lithium-ion battery issues, but so far, there have not been reports of explosions. Instead, because of expected battery degradation over time, the company created an update that automatically slowed down older iPhones.

The update was uploaded automatically into consumers’ phones without their knowledge, after which the devices would operate more slowly in times of high-power requirements.

Many confused customers felt they had to buy a new phone because of the slow-down, when they could have simply bought a new battery.

Apple admitted to keeping their customers in the dark, and apologized. They explained that over time, lithium-ion batteries become less capable of handling performance peaks, during which they could suddenly shut down.

They issued the update to prevent these shutdowns, but failed to warn consumers about what they were doing, preventing them from choosing more economical solutions. The company now faces a number of lithium-ion battery lawsuits because of the slow-down issue.

Other products powered by these batteries have been associated with overheating and explosions. The batteries have been blamed, for example, for at least two fires in Tesla’s electric cars.

Types of Injuries Associated with Lithium-Ion Batteries

An exploding or burning battery can cause all kinds of property damage. It can also cause serious injuries to the person using the product, to those standing nearby, and to those in the vicinity of any resulting fire.  Such injuries include:

  • Pain
  • Serious burns
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Hearing and vision loss
  • Loss of teeth and/or tongue
  • Burned throat and esophagus
  • Lasting disability
  • Death

What Should I Do if My Battery Catches Fire?

First of all, be aware of the warning signs. If your battery starts to feel extremely hot, or the device swells or develops a bulge, realize that your battery may be malfunctioning. If it starts hissing or making other noises, a reaction could already be starting.

At this point, it’s important not to touch the unit with your bare hands, as you could suffer from harmful chemical burns. Use a pair or tongs, leather gloves, flame-retardant gloves, or even an oven mitt (anything but bare hands) to unplug the unit and turn it off. Being wary not to jostle it, put it in an isolated area away from anything flammable—an empty metal box, on clear concrete, or on a stone surface is best. Then contact your dealer for directions on how to proceed. 

If you notice that your gadget (phone, laptop, e-cigarette, etc.) is smoking:

  • Quickly clear the surrounding area of anything else that may catch fire,
  • Unplug and turn off the unit as noted above, and 
  • Then get it to a non-flammable surface and stay away from it. 
  • Once it calms down, contact your dealer for instructions. Be wary of handling it as it could still be vulnerable to a reaction.

If the device catches fire, call your fire department immediately. They respond to situations like this so there is no reason to hesitate. At that point, the best thing you can do is get the gadget to a safe place and let it burn out. (Most household fire extinguishers are not designed for this type of chemical fire.) Again, look for a non-flammable surface like a sidewalk or concrete driveway, outside, preferably.  

Let the fire burn out and caution everyone to stand clear. Realize that even after the fire burns out the device could still explode.  Keep your distance and wear protective eye wear. Understand that the device may re-ignite even after 10 minutes, so do not take it back inside.

If you notice gas or flames, cover your mouth and nose, or simply get away from the device. These fires create toxic fumes that you do not want to breathe, so make sure to instruct other people to clear the area, and get your pets away, too. Pregnant women especially should get clear of the fumes, and Moms need to take any small children completely out of the house or building.


Battery explosions are catastrophic incidents that can occur in various settings, from consumer electronics to industrial machinery. These explosions are often caused by factors such as faulty design, manufacturing defects, improper use, or inadequate safety measures. It is crucial to understand the mechanics behind battery explosions to effectively navigate the legal landscape.

Battery explosions typically result from a combination of factors, including the release of flammable materials, excessive heat buildup, and the rapid release of energy stored within the battery. This sudden release of energy can cause the battery to rupture, leading to an explosion or fire. Understanding the science behind battery explosions is essential for determining liability and establishing negligence in legal proceedings.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment

Friday, January 5, 2024
When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment 31

When it comes to handling heavy machinery, safety should always be the top priority. Unfortunately, accidents can still occur due to faulty equipment, leading to severe injuries and even death. In such cases, those affected may have the right to file an injury lawsuit against the responsible parties.

In this article, we will delve into the world of injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment, exploring the legal aspects, challenges, and potential compensations that individuals could pursue. Whether it’s a malfunctioning industrial machine, a defective vehicle component, or a faulty tool, we will examine the various scenarios where machines fail and the legal consequences that follow.

From examining product liability laws to understanding the burden of proof, we will provide insights and guidance on how to navigate the complexities of these lawsuits. Additionally, we will shed light on the importance of gathering evidence, consulting with legal experts, and discussing your case with experienced injury lawyers.

Stay tuned as we unravel the intricacies of injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment, helping you understand your rights and seek appropriate legal remedies.

Understanding product liability in faulty equipment cases

Faulty equipment can take many forms and can be found in various industries. Understanding the common types of faulty equipment that can cause injuries is crucial in identifying potential legal claims.

1. Industrial Machinery: Malfunctioning industrial machinery, such as conveyor belts, forklifts, or manufacturing equipment, can pose serious risks to workers. Defects in design, manufacturing, or maintenance can lead to accidents resulting in severe injuries or even fatalities.

2. Vehicle Components: Faulty vehicle components, such as defective brakes, airbags, or steering systems, can lead to car accidents and cause significant injuries to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Manufacturers have a duty to ensure the safety of their products, and when they fail to do so, they can be held liable for the damages caused.

3. Construction Equipment: Construction sites are inherently dangerous, and when equipment like cranes, scaffolding, or power tools are faulty, the risk of accidents increases exponentially. Construction workers who suffer injuries due to faulty equipment may have legal grounds to pursue compensation.

In these cases, it’s important to establish that the equipment was indeed faulty and that the defect directly caused the injuries. Legal experts can help gather evidence and build a strong case against the responsible parties.

Understanding product liability laws

Product liability laws hold manufacturers, distributors, and sellers responsible for defective products that cause harm to consumers. Understanding product liability is crucial in pursuing injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment.

There are three main types of product defects that can lead to liability claims:

1. Design Defects: When the design of a product is inherently flawed and poses a danger to users, it can be considered a design defect. In such cases, even if the product was manufactured correctly, it can still cause harm. Proving a design defect requires showing that a safer alternative design was feasible and would have prevented the injuries.

2. Manufacturing Defects: Manufacturing defects occur when a product deviates from its intended design due to errors or flaws during the manufacturing process. These defects can be isolated incidents and may affect only a small number of products. To establish a manufacturing defect, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defect caused the injuries and that the product was unreasonably dangerous when it left the manufacturer’s control.

3. Marketing Defects: Marketing defects involve failures in providing adequate warnings, instructions, or safety labels for a product. If a manufacturer fails to provide proper instructions on how to use the product safely, or if they fail to warn consumers about potential risks, they can be held liable for injuries caused by the lack of information.

Product liability laws vary by jurisdiction, so it’s important to consult with an experienced injury lawyer to understand how these laws apply to your specific case.

Proving negligence in faulty equipment injury lawsuits

Injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment often rely on proving negligence on the part of the responsible parties. To establish negligence, the plaintiff must demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of Care: The plaintiff must establish that the defendant had a duty to provide safe equipment or products to the users. This duty of care can vary depending on the relationship between the parties involved, such as manufacturers and consumers, employers and employees, or property owners and visitors.

2. Breach of Duty: The plaintiff needs to prove that the defendant breached their duty of care by providing faulty equipment or products that posed a foreseeable risk of harm.

3. Causation: The plaintiff must establish a causal link between the defendant’s breach of duty and the injuries suffered. This requires demonstrating that the faulty equipment directly caused the injuries and that the injuries would not have occurred without the defect.

4. Damages: To pursue a successful injury lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that they suffered actual damages, such as physical injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain, and suffering.

Proving negligence can be a complex process, requiring thorough investigation, expert testimonies, and strong evidence. It’s crucial to consult with an experienced injury lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and help build a compelling case.

When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment 33

Steps to take after getting injured by faulty equipment

If you’ve been injured by faulty equipment, it’s important to take immediate action to protect your rights and strengthen your potential injury lawsuit. Here are the steps you should consider:

1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and well-being should always be the top priority. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if your injuries may seem minor at first. Some injuries may not manifest immediately, and a medical professional can document your injuries and provide necessary treatment.

2. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any evidence related to the faulty equipment and your injuries. Take photographs of the equipment, document the scene of the accident, and collect any relevant documents, such as maintenance records or product manuals. This evidence can be crucial in establishing liability and proving the extent of your damages.

3. Report the Incident: Report the incident to the appropriate authorities, such as your employer or the police, depending on the circumstances. This documentation can create an official record of the incident and help establish the timeline of events.

4. Consult with Legal Experts: Contact an experienced injury lawyer who specializes in faulty equipment cases. They can provide guidance on your legal rights, help you navigate the complex legal process, and ensure your rights are protected throughout the proceedings.

Remember, time is of the essence in injury lawsuits, as there may be statutes of limitations that restrict the timeframe within which you can file a claim. Acting promptly and seeking legal advice can significantly increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

The role of expert witnesses in faulty equipment injury cases

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in faulty equipment injury cases. Their specialized knowledge and expertise can provide valuable insights and strengthen your legal claim. Here are some examples of expert witnesses commonly involved in these cases:

1. Engineers: Engineering experts can evaluate the design, manufacturing, or maintenance of the faulty equipment and provide professional opinions on whether the defect directly caused the injuries.

2. Medical Professionals: Medical experts can assess the extent of your injuries, provide medical opinions on the cause and long-term effects, and calculate the necessary medical costs for treatment and rehabilitation.

3. Accident Reconstruction Specialists: In cases where the cause of the accident is disputed, accident reconstruction specialists can analyze the evidence, recreate the sequence of events, and provide expert opinions on how the accident occurred.

Expert witnesses can provide objective and unbiased opinions based on their specialized knowledge, which can significantly strengthen your case. Your injury lawyer can help identify and engage the right experts to support your legal claim.

Compensation in faulty equipment injury lawsuits

Seeking compensation is an important aspect of injury lawsuits caused by faulty equipment. The compensation aims to help the injured party recover from their losses and regain their quality of life. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the following types of compensation may be available:

1. Medical Expenses: Compensation for past and future medical expenses related to the injuries caused by the faulty equipment, including hospital bills, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and therapy.

2. Lost Wages: Compensation for lost wages and income due to the injuries. This may include both current and future loss of earning capacity if the injuries result in long-term or permanent disabilities.

3. Pain and Suffering: Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish caused by the injuries. This type of compensation is subjective and varies based on the severity and impact of the injuries.

4. Loss of Consortium: In cases where the injuries have a significant impact on the injured party’s relationship with their spouse or family members, compensation may be awarded for the loss of companionship, affection, and support.

5. Punitive Damages: In some cases, if the defendant’s actions were particularly reckless or malicious, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party and deter similar behavior in the future.

The specific compensation available in each case depends on various factors, such as the severity of the injuries, the impact on the injured party’s life, and the jurisdiction’s laws. An experienced injury lawyer can assess your case and help determine the appropriate compensation to pursue.

How to choose a lawyer for a faulty equipment injury lawsuit

Choosing the right lawyer is crucial in ensuring the success of your faulty equipment injury lawsuit. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a lawyer:

1. Experience: Look for a lawyer with extensive experience in personal injury law, specifically handling faulty equipment cases. A lawyer with a track record of successful outcomes in similar cases will have the necessary expertise and knowledge to navigate the complexities of your lawsuit.

2. Specialization: Ensure that the lawyer specializes in personal injury law and has a deep understanding of product liability and negligence laws. Specialized lawyers are better equipped to handle the intricacies of these cases and can provide tailored advice to maximize your chances of success.

3. Reputation: Research the lawyer’s reputation by reading client reviews, checking their professional affiliations, and reviewing any awards or recognition they have received. A lawyer with a solid reputation indicates their commitment to providing quality legal representation.

4. Communication: Choose a lawyer who communicates effectively and keeps you informed throughout the legal process. Clear communication is essential for a strong lawyer-client relationship, as it ensures that you understand the progress of your case and can make informed decisions.

5. Fee Structure: Discuss the lawyer’s fee structure during the initial consultation. Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. Understanding the fee structure upfront allows you to assess the financial implications of pursuing a faulty equipment injury lawsuit.

Take the time to schedule consultations with potential lawyers to discuss your case and assess their suitability. Choose a lawyer who not only has the necessary expertise but also makes you feel comfortable and confident in their abilities.

Case studies of successful faulty equipment injury lawsuits

Examining case studies of successful faulty equipment injury lawsuits can provide valuable insights into the legal process and potential outcomes. Here are two examples:

1. Case Study 1 – Industrial Machinery: A factory worker suffered severe injuries when a malfunctioning hydraulic press crushed his hand. The injured worker filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, alleging a design defect in the press. The case was settled out of court, resulting in a significant compensation amount that covered medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

2. Case Study 2 – Vehicle Component: A car accident occurred due to a defective airbag, causing the driver to sustain serious injuries. The injured driver filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer and distributor of the airbag, claiming a manufacturing defect. The case went to trial, and the jury awarded substantial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

These case studies highlight the potential for successful outcomes in faulty equipment injury lawsuits. Each case is unique, and the specific facts and circumstances play a significant role in determining the outcome. Consulting with an experienced injury lawyer who can assess the merits of your case is crucial in pursuing a successful lawsuit.

When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment 35

Faulty Equipment Safety: Expert Tips to Minimize Workplace Accidents and Injuries

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the safety and well-being of employees should always be a top priority. One area where this is particularly important is faulty equipment safety. Accidents and injuries caused by malfunctioning machinery or tools can have serious consequences for both the individuals involved and the company as a whole.

However, minimizing workplace accidents and injuries requires more than just good intentions. It requires expert knowledge and proactive measures. In this article, we will provide you with expert tips on how to minimize workplace accidents and injuries caused by faulty equipment.

From conducting regular equipment inspections to ensuring proper training and maintenance protocols, we will delve into the strategies that can help you create a safer working environment. By implementing these practices, you can not only protect your employees but also boost productivity and minimize costly downtime caused by accidents and injuries.

Don’t wait until an accident happens; take proactive steps to ensure faulty equipment safety in your workplace. Read on to discover the expert tips that will help you create a safer and more efficient work environment.

The importance of equipment safety in the workplace

Ensuring equipment safety in the workplace is crucial for the well-being of employees and the overall success of a company. Faulty equipment can lead to serious accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. These incidents not only harm employees but also result in legal consequences, damaged company reputation, and financial losses. As an employer, it is therefore essential to prioritize equipment safety and take proactive measures to prevent accidents.

To ensure equipment safety, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and hazards associated with the machinery and tools used in the workplace. Conducting thorough risk assessments and identifying potential areas of concern will help in developing effective safety protocols and practices.

Common workplace accidents caused by faulty equipment

Accidents caused by faulty equipment can occur in various ways and result in different types of injuries. Some common workplace accidents caused by faulty equipment include:

1. Falls from malfunctioning ladders or scaffolding: Faulty equipment such as unstable ladders or defective scaffolding can lead to falls from heights, resulting in severe injuries or even death.

2. Electrocutions: Malfunctioning electrical equipment, exposed wires, or inadequate grounding can cause electric shocks and electrocutions, posing a significant risk to employees.

3. Machinery malfunctions: Equipment failures, such as jammed or inadequately guarded machinery, can cause amputations, crush injuries, or lacerations.

4. Burns and explosions: Equipment that is not properly maintained, such as faulty gas cylinders or defective heating systems, can lead to fires, explosions, and severe burns.

By understanding the potential accidents caused by faulty equipment, employers can take the necessary steps to prevent them and ensure the safety of their employees.

Understanding the legal obligations for equipment safety

In addition to the moral obligation to protect employees, employers also have legal responsibilities when it comes to equipment safety in the workplace. Various laws and regulations govern equipment safety, and non-compliance can result in severe penalties, lawsuits, and reputation damage.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States, for example, sets standards and regulations to ensure workplace safety. Employers must comply with these standards, conduct regular inspections, and maintain records to demonstrate their commitment to equipment safety.

Apart from OSHA, other regulatory bodies and industry-specific standards may also apply, depending on the nature of the business and the equipment used. Employers must stay informed about the legal obligations and ensure compliance to protect both their employees and their business.

When Machines Fail: Exploring Injury Lawsuits Caused by Faulty Equipment 37

Conducting regular equipment inspections and maintenance

Regular equipment inspections and maintenance are essential to identify and address potential issues before they lead to accidents or injuries. Employers should establish a comprehensive inspection program that includes routine checks, scheduled maintenance, and prompt repairs.

Inspections should cover all relevant aspects of the equipment, including mechanical components, electrical systems, safety features, and ergonomic factors. By conducting thorough inspections, employers can identify any signs of wear and tear, loose fittings, leaks, or other potential hazards. Prompt repairs or replacements should be made to ensure the equipment is safe for use.

Additionally, employers should establish preventive maintenance schedules to keep equipment in optimal condition. This may involve lubrication, calibration, alignment, or other maintenance tasks recommended by equipment manufacturers. By implementing regular inspections and maintenance, employers can minimize the risk of accidents caused by faulty equipment.

Training employees on equipment safety protocols

Proper training is crucial to ensure that employees are aware of the potential hazards associated with equipment and how to use it safely. Employers should provide comprehensive training programs for all employees who will be working with or around equipment.

Training sessions should cover topics such as equipment operation, maintenance procedures, safety protocols, and emergency response plans. Employees should be educated on the correct usage of equipment, including any specific safety precautions. Additionally, they should be informed about the signs of equipment malfunction and the importance of reporting any issues immediately.

Regular refresher training sessions should be conducted to reinforce safety protocols and update employees on any changes or new equipment introduced in the workplace. By investing in employee training, employers can ensure that their workforce is equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle equipment safely and prevent accidents.

Creating a culture of safety in the workplace

Beyond implementing specific safety measures, creating a culture of safety is essential to ensure equipment safety in the workplace. A safety culture fosters an environment where employees are actively engaged in identifying and addressing potential hazards.

Employers should encourage employees to report any concerns or equipment malfunctions promptly. This can be achieved through open communication channels, anonymous reporting systems, regular safety meetings, and encouraging a proactive approach to safety.

In addition, employers should recognize and reward employees who prioritize safety and actively contribute to maintaining a safe working environment. By promoting a culture of safety, employers can create an atmosphere where employees feel empowered to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions.

Identifying and addressing potential hazards

Identifying potential hazards is a crucial step in preventing accidents caused by faulty equipment. Employers should conduct regular risk assessments to identify any potential hazards associated with equipment usage in the workplace.

Risk assessments should involve a careful examination of each piece of equipment, its intended use, and the work environment. This process should consider factors such as ergonomic risks, exposure to hazardous substances, electrical hazards, and any other potential risks associated with the specific equipment.

Based on the findings of risk assessments, employers should implement appropriate control measures to minimize the identified hazards. This may involve engineering controls, administrative controls, or personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements. Regular monitoring and evaluation should be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of these control measures.

Reporting and documenting equipment malfunctions

Employees play a vital role in maintaining equipment safety by promptly reporting any malfunctions or issues they observe. Employers should establish a clear reporting procedure that ensures employees feel comfortable reporting concerns without fear of reprisal.

Reports should be documented and thoroughly investigated to determine the cause of the malfunction and implement appropriate corrective actions. This documentation not only helps in addressing immediate concerns but also serves as a valuable reference for future inspections, maintenance, and training programs.

Implementing emergency response plans for equipment-related accidents

Despite the best preventive measures, accidents can still occur. Employers should have well-defined emergency response plans specifically tailored to equipment-related accidents. These plans should outline the steps to be taken in the event of an accident, including first aid procedures, evacuation plans, and communication protocols.

Employees should be trained on these emergency response plans to ensure they can respond quickly and effectively in case of an accident. Regular drills and exercises should be conducted to test the efficiency of these plans and identify areas for improvement.

Conclusion: The role of ongoing monitoring and improvement in minimizing workplace accidents and injuries.

Minimizing workplace accidents and injuries caused by faulty equipment requires ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and improvement. Employers should continuously assess the effectiveness of their equipment safety protocols, address any emerging concerns, and adapt to changes in regulations or technology.

By prioritizing equipment safety, conducting regular inspections and maintenance, providing comprehensive training, and fostering a culture of safety, employers can minimize the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. This not only protects the well-being of employees but also enhances productivity, reduces downtime, and preserves the company’s reputation.

Don’t wait until an accident happens; take proactive steps to ensure faulty equipment safety in your workplace. By implementing the expert tips provided in this article, you can create a safer and more efficient work environment for everyone involved.

Posted by mockingbird at 12:35 pm

Who is Liable When a Child is Injured in Daycare or with a Babysitter?

Monday, February 21, 2022
In the event that your child suffers an injury under the care of a babysitter or daycare center, the first thing you’ll want to do is confirm that your child is okay. But that concern will quickly turn to anger if you think the childcare provider has been negligent. We all want the best for our children and should feel confident that they will be taken care of when we leave them in the hands of caretakers whose job it is to watch out for them. Unfortunately, negligent conduct is not unheard of and the consequences can be dire.

Are Daycare Waivers Valid in the Event of an Injury?

Nearly all daycare providers require parents to sign waivers of liability before enrolling a child into care. These releases grant provisions for emergencies when the care provider must get medical attention for an injured child when the daycare center can’t contact the parents fast enough. Other sections of the release typically include indemnity clauses stating that the parents forfeit their right to sue in the event that a child is hurt while in their care. However, this does not mean parents have signed away their right to compensation if their child is injured. The courts have said that it’s against public policy to grant immunity to daycare centers before a child is hurt, as this could allow daycare centers to act negligently without consequence. Especially since the victims in question are innocent and defenseless children, the courts cannot condone a waiver that lifts responsibility from the daycare center. Therefore, although parents sign a clause not to press charges in the event of injury, in a court of law, this clause is completely useless. Daycare centers continue to include it in their waivers to discourage parents from filing claims, but informed parents know that this is just a bluff, and if their child is injured, they have a right to file a lawsuit for compensation.

Understanding the Rules of Child Abuse and Neglect

If your child is hurt while under the supervision of a daycare center, babysitter, or another person who was responsible for their care, you may have a case of negligent supervision. In these cases, any person who has accepted responsibility for your child but acts carelessly or inattentively can be sued for negligence. To prove a case of negligent supervision, you must have evidence that the person or organization accepted responsibility for looking after your child. Then, you must prove that the caregiver did not properly monitor your child. You will have to prove that your child’s injury was foreseeable and preventable, and that the supervisor’s failure to monitor your child properly was the cause of the injury. There are extreme cases of child abuse while in the care of a responsible party, including hitting and kicking children. These cases are terrifying and devastating to children and parents, and justice should be pursued actively in a court of law to hold them fully liable for damages.

Seek Help in Your Time of Need

At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert in San Antonio, we honestly hope we never have to see you in our offices for a case of child abuse or neglect from a daycare center or babysitter. No parent should ever have to go through the reality of a child being hurt due to negligence. In the awful event that this happens, you need to act swiftly against the responsible party.


Contact us today for experienced, aggressive, and dedicated representation that will fight for your rights, your child’s rights, and for full compensation from the defendant. Please reach out to our skilled daycare abuse and neglect attorneys if you see any signs that it may be happening to your child.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:57 pm

3 Home Fire Safety Prevention Tips for Winter

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Wintertime home structure fires are shockingly common in the U.S. They cause thousands of serious injuries and deaths every year. Fire departments respond to an average of 354,400 house fires per year – the cause of about 11,220 injuries and 2,620 deaths annually. The winter months of December through February account for 30% of all home fires. As the temperatures start to drop and you prepare for the holidays, make sure you are not doing anything that could increase your risk of a home structure fire.

What to Do If You’re Injured?

If you suffer an injury in a home fire despite your best efforts to prevent one, act quickly to get yourself to a hospital for professional treatment. Use first aid when necessary to cool and cover burns until you can get help. Run room temperature water (not cold water) on the burned area and cover it loosely in soft fabric to help prevent infections. Let your friends and family members know you survived the house fire. Help get other injured people and household pets to hospitals. Then, get medical care.
Professional health care could help you avoid infection and properly heal your burn injuries. Keep evidence relating to your home fire and burn injuries for an insurance claim later, including medical records and hospital bills. Once you are back on your feet, file a homeowners insurance claim with a full description of your damages and the sum you are demanding to settle the matter. Then, hire a Dallas personal injury attorney to help you negotiate for a fair property damage and/or burn injury insurance settlement.

Be Careful What You Cook

Cooking fires are the number one cause of home structural fires, causing 49% each year from 2013 to 2017. Cooking incidents cause an average of 173,000 house fires, 5,020 injuries and 550 deaths annually. Always supervise the food you are cooking. Leaving food unattended is a leading cause of kitchen fires. Put a responsible, sober individual in charge of cooking or supervising cooking. Drinking alcohol while cooking can drastically increase the risk of a disaster such as a major kitchen fire.

Replace Old or Damaged Electrical Appliances

Old, outdated and defective electrical appliances could spark a home fire in a matter of seconds. Hire a professional to inspect your furnace, water heater, HVAC system and other major household appliances at least once per year for signs of trouble. A professional can clean and maintain your systems to help prevent fire hazards, such as a buildup of dust or grease. If an appliance has wear and tear or damage that increases its fire risk, replace it with a safer model. Before you use an appliance that you have not used in a while, look for outward signs of damage, such as cracked or frayed electrical cords. Electrical failures and malfunctions are the third-leading cause of home fires in the U.S.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 4:59 pm

A Guide to Safe Tailgating at Cowboys Stadium (AT&T Park)

Monday, October 25, 2021
Football season is more than a sport. It brings people together for good times at house parties and tailgating before games. People of all ages tailgate around the Cowboys Stadium, drinking a few beers and enjoying the game atmosphere. However, if you tailgate at the arena, you need to understand the rules so you don’t end up getting ticketed, kicked out, or banned. This is what you need to know to stay safe while tailgating.

Location, location, location

Tailgate only in designated areas. You can’t park your vehicle and tailgate just anywhere in Arlington. Only use designated spaces to set up camp up to five hours before kickoff. You’ll find spaces with grassy areas in Lots 4-7 and 10-15, all of which are first come, first serve. You may tailgate in private lots as long as you have permission from the owners. You’re tailgating if you have a chair, cooler, grill, or other items on the ground outside your vehicle, so make sure you’re in a designated space to do so.


Throw away your trash and properly dispose of coals in clearly marked containers available in tailgating lots.

Do not

  • Fry foods or bring a deep fryer.
  • Use open flame.
  • Bring weapons or fireworks.
  • Campaign, protest, solicit, or distribute flyers or political material.
  • Save space for your buddies. Caravan and get there early if you have a group that wants to tailgate together.
  • Sell or advertise 3rd party products.
  • Play your music too loudly or through an amplifier.
  • Roughhouse, fight, or engage in otherwise disorderly conduct.

Food safety

One of the best parts about tailgating is eating grilled foods on game day. However, raw meat can present an issue if you’re pretty far away from a bathroom. Bring disposable utensils and prepare as much as you can at home so all you have to do is plop the meat on the grill when you get there. Foodborne illness can ruin a game day experience.

Fight fire with…

Take a fire extinguisher and a water bottle. Although open flame isn’t allowed, you could still run into trouble with your gas or charcoal grill. Keep a fire extinguisher handy to prevent any serious trouble, and use a water bottle to take care of occasional flare-ups.

Designated driver

Find your designated driver. If you’re tailgating, that means someone drove. Make sure you have a legal plan for getting back home after the game. You can use a portable breathalyzer to monitor your intoxication levels, but these devices may not always provide accurate readings. If you’ve had more than 1 or 2 beers, you may want to consider getting a designated driver to be safe. Ballgames present the perfect opportunity for cops to pick up drunk drivers. Don’t give them a reason to pull you over. In the event of an injury or death due to drunk driving a Fort Worth drunk driving attorney can assist in getting you and your family compensation they deserve.

Take care of yourself

Hydrate, use the buddy system (it doesn’t matter if you’re a 22 year old female or a 45 year old male; let someone know where you’ll be and when you’ll be back), and wear sunscreen. Tailgating is often an all-day affair; avoid hangovers and sunburn pain by making smart choices.

Don’t be a menace

Cooperate with law enforcement and stadium security/staff. If a staff member catches you doing something against the rules, remain polite and cooperate. Don’t get thrown out of the park or arrested because you feel the need to win an argument against security personnel. Take the hit and move on. Nobody wants to get called to pick you up and take you home.


For more information about AT&T stadium rules, check out the website before you head over on game day. With common sense and a basic understanding of the rules, you can enjoy a fun day of tailgating before and/or after a fantastic game.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:52 pm

Common Fourth of July Safety Mistakes

Monday, June 22, 2020

This year, the Fourth of July holiday falls on a Saturday – making it, even more, inviting for events such as barbecues, pool parties and firework displays. No matter how you plan on celebrating Independence Day, do so safely. The Fourth of July is one of the most dangerous days of the year in terms of personal injury risks. Avoid a few of the most common safety mistakes to keep your family free from injuries this year.

Underestimating the Risk of Consumer Fireworks

 One of the best Independence Day safety tips is to avoid consumer fireworks entirely. Go to a professional show if you and your family want to see fireworks this Fourth of July. It’s important to know the laws in Texas regarding fireworks. Most major cities in Texas ban the use of consumer fireworks within city limits. More importantly, fireworks cause thousands of serious injuries every year. They are also behind tens of thousands of structural fires and related injuries and deaths. If you must use fireworks to celebrate the holiday, do so safely.

  • Only purchase fireworks from licensed vendors.
  • Do not try to create your own fireworks.
  • Do not point fireworks directly at any person or structure.
  • Never place fireworks in glass bottles or metal containers to light them.
  • Do not use fireworks if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Light one firework at a time.
  • Never try to re-light dud fireworks.
  • Keep a hose, a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher close by.
  • Douse all used fireworks in water.
4th of july accidents

 In 2018, around 9,100 people visited emergency rooms in the US for firework injuries, according to the National Fire Protection Association. The most common firework-related injuries are to the hands, fingers, head, face, ears, legs, eyes, trunks and arms. Injuries can range from third-degree burns to traumatic amputations due to firework explosions. Disfigurement, permanent scarring and digit amputations are all possible firework injuries victims could suffer if they fail to use fireworks safely.

Letting Kids Partake

 Children are some of the most common victims of Fourth of July accidents. Almost half (46%) of all firework injury victims are 19 years old and younger. More than one-third (36%) of firework-related injuries in 2018 involved children under the age of 15. When looking at an age group’s relative risk based on population, children five to nine are more than twice as likely as others to suffer firework injuries. 
 Parents often have the power to prevent child injuries related to fireworks but fail to do so for lack of safety knowledge. They may not realize how dangerous all types of fireworks can be for children. Sparklers, for example, are often mistaken as safe. In reality, sparklers account for more than one-fourth of all firework-related ER visits. Sparklers can give children severe burn injuries that cause permanent scars.
 Keep your children safe this Fourth of July by refusing them permission to use fireworks. Explain that no type of firework is safe for children under 18 – including sparklers, smoke bombs, firecrackers and bang snaps. Any type of firework could cause significant childhood injuries that maim them for life. Do not allow children to use fireworks or lighters/matches, even with adult supervision. A devastating firework accident could happen in a matter of seconds – too soon for a supervising adult to intervene.

Making Common 4th of July Party Mistakes

 Many people are rethinking their party plans this Fourth of July due to the coronavirus. If you or someone you know is still hosting an event with social distancing guidelines in place, make sure you follow safety rules for an injury-free celebration. If the party will have a pool, have a sober adult supervising at all times. If you are grilling, check your grill for cracks or leaks before use. Never grill indoors or near any structures, including decks and patios. If you will be out on the water, obey your state’s boating laws and best practices. Keep safety in mind no matter how you plan on celebrating the Fourth of July this year.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:12 pm

Texas Firework Laws

Monday, June 22, 2020

The 4th of July is less than a month away, and while it may look a bit different from previous years due to the coronavirus, many people in Texas are still planning to celebrate in a familiar way – with fireworks. Whether you plan on attending a public display and social distancing or celebrating right at home, make sure you obey state and local firework laws. Keep firework safety in mind as well for an Independence Day that is free from personal injuries. Consult with your Dallas personal injury attorney if you are a victim of an injury with fireworks.

Are Fireworks Legal in Texas?

Texas law permits the use of fireworks in the state by consumers. You do not need a special fireworks display license to purchase or use fireworks in Texas. Texas citizens may only purchase fireworks, however, from June 24 to July 4, as well as from December 20 to January 1. You must be at least 16 to buy or sell fireworks.
If you purchase consumer fireworks, you must only light them if you are at least 100 feet from flammable liquids, compressed gasses or other fireworks. You must also be at least 600 feet from any daycare center, school, church or hospital. You cannot shoot fireworks toward motor vehicles, boats, public property, public roadways, public parks or lakes in Texas. Fireworks are only legal for consumer use in Texas with several important restrictions.
Section 2154.003 of Texas’ firework law bans skyrocket and bottle rocket fireworks with propellant charges of less than 4 grams, a casing size of less than 5/8 of an inch for outside diameter and less than 3 ½ inches in length, and an overall length of less than 15 inches. It also prohibits any fireworks the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission deems unacceptable. If found in possession of illegal fireworks in Texas, you could face fines and the seizure of the fireworks.

Texas Firework Laws 40

Requirements for Selling Fireworks in Texas

In the state of Texas there are certain rules for selling Fireworks to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Additionally, each county has the right to allow fireworks to be sold during public holidays.
If a person wishes to sell fireworks in Texas, they must:

  • Be 18 or older in age to get a general license.
  • Be 21 or older in age to get a pyrotechnic operator license.
  • Take a state fire marshal administered exam.
  • Pay the appropriate license fees.
  • Get insurance in the case of a public display.

Texas’ universal firework law allows municipalities to enforce their own restrictions. You must, therefore, look into your city or county’s specific fireworks regulations before buying or using fireworks where you live.

Fireworks Are Illegal Within Dallas City Limits

Most cities in Texas do not permit fireworks, meaning you must travel to an unincorporated area to shoot them. Check for countywide burn bans before doing so. You will also need to own property or get permission from the property owner.
Dallas is one example of a major city in Texas that has made consumer fireworks illegal. In Dallas, no one may purchase, use or even possess fireworks within city limits. It is also illegal to light fireworks within 5,000 feet of the City of Dallas. The fine for disobeying Dallas’ firework ban can be as much as $2,000. Discharging a firearm in Dallas is also illegal. Firing a gun on the 4th of July could lead to a $4,000 fine and up to a year in jail.

Staying Safe While Using Fireworks in Texas

Leave fireworks to the professionals for optimal safety this 4th of July. Attending a professional fireworks display can keep you and your family safe from injury risks. It could also let you enjoy the show without worrying about breaking a city or state firework law. If you still wish to use fireworks on your own, follow a few general safety tips.

  • Never give a child a firework. Even sparklers burn at temperatures that can melt metal.
  • Only use fireworks if you have not been drinking alcohol.
  • Go someplace safe and legal, far away from any structures or public properties.
  • Avoid shooting fireworks near dry grass, underbrush or other flammable items.
  • Shoot fireworks straight into the sky, not toward anyone or anything.
  • Keep a bucket of water and fire extinguisher nearby in case of fires.

Every year, firework accidents cause thousands of fires, burns and serious personal injuries. Common firework-related injuries include severe burns, traumatic amputations, head injuries, eye injuries and finger injuries. If a firework causes a structural fire, it could also cause serious burn injuries or deaths. Save yourself and your family from potential disaster by going to a professional fireworks show in Texas this year rather than doing one on your own.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:51 pm

Texas Dashboard Camera Laws

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Dashboard cameras have grown in popularity among drivers now that this technology has become more affordable. Dash cams can record what goes on inside or outside the cab of a car, including auto accidents. They can be useful as a source of evidence during a car accident insurance claim or civil lawsuit.

Many drivers do not understand, however, the legalities of dashboard cameras. Using a dash cam incorrectly could get you into legal trouble by breaking the state’s windshield requirements or federal surveillance laws. Learn the laws in Texas before you install your device.

What Is a Dash Cam?

A dashboard camera, or dash cam, is a small video camera that attaches to a vehicle’s windshield or dashboard and continuously records video footage of either the road (when pointing out) or the inside of the car (when pointing in). There are many different dash cam models available on the market today.

Some are connected directly to the battery of the car, while others connect to the cigarette lighter or a USB port. The cost of a dash cam runs around $60, on average, although there are much more expensive models with additional features.

Why Are Dash Cams Useful?

Many drivers use dash cams to record the road in case of a car accident. If you have a dash cam, when you start your car, it will automatically turn on and start recording digital footage. It is capable of recording many hours of footage while you drive. The footage can be stored in the device or – in more advanced models – sent directly to the cloud. If a crash does take place, either involving your car or right in front of you, your dash cam may have caught important footage of the accident.

Dash cam footage is admissible as evidence in most car accident cases in Texas. You can submit it to your insurance company to prove that you didn’t cause the accident to prevent your premiums from unfairly increasing, for example. You could also use it if your car accident case has to go to trial in Texas. The video may serve as proof against the other driver for making a mistake that caused the crash, such as driving while distracted or running a red light. In this way, dash cam footage can provide important evidence during a crash case.

A dash cam could also save time and energy on obtaining and verifying eyewitness accounts. Rather than only having eyewitness statements to depend on, you can produce irrefutable video evidence of the cause of your crash. Finally, dash cam footage could protect you and others from insurance fraud. A common scam is a driver intentionally causing a crash and blaming the other driver. Submitting your dash cam evidence of the event to an insurer could lead to penalties against the fraudster – ultimately reducing insurance rates for all auto insurance consumers.

Texas Dashboard Camera Laws 42

Are Dash Cams Legal in Texas?

Federal law permits the use of dash cams. Many different states, however, have passed their own laws regarding them. Texas law does not specifically mention dashboard cameras. It does not make them legal or illegal; it remains neutral on the subject.

This means that you can lawfully use a dashboard camera in the State of Texas, as simply not mentioning something in the language of the law does not make it illegal. It is legal in Texas to use dash cams to record the road as well as the inside of the cab of a vehicle. You must make sure the placement of your cameras and the equipment used, however, meet Texas’ related laws. As of 2021, these laws include:

  • Windshield obstruction law. Texas Transportation Code 547.613 bars drivers from operating motor vehicles with any objects or materials attached to the windshield, side window or rear window that reduces or obstructs the driver’s clear view. Doing so is a misdemeanor, punishable with a fine of up to $1,000.
  • Airbag obstruction law. Texas traffic laws also prohibit attaching objects to the dashboard in a way that will obstruct airbags. Your dash cam should not be in a place where the airbag deploys. This could lead to a traffic ticket. It could also cause serious injuries in an auto accident.
  • Audio recording restrictions. Many dash cams can record audio from inside the cab. Texas Penal Code 16.02 makes it illegal to record private conversations unless you are part of them. In general, your passengers must know you are recording them. To be safe, mute your dashboard camera to make sure you are not picking up any audio illegally.
  • Distracted driving laws. Your dashboard camera should not distract you enough to lead to traffic infractions, such as failing to yield the right-of-way or following too closely. You should not review dash cam footage while driving. If you have a screen in your vehicle showing footage from the dash cam, it cannot be in your line of sight as a driver.
  • Your right to record the police. You can lawfully use a dash cam to record police activity as long as you are not obstructing justice. A police officer cannot force you to show him or her your dash cam footage. Someone could use your footage as evidence in a case, however, if you receive a subpoena to submit it to the courts.

Position your dashboard camera in a way that does not reduce or obstruct your view of the road. Most people recommend attaching it in the bottom left or bottom right corner of the dashboard, or directly behind the rearview mirror. It is generally best not to attach it to the windshield itself. Try to find the smallest dash cam you can to make sure you are not obstructing your vision. Do not watch dash cam footage behind the wheel, and make sure you obtain permission before audio recording anyone.

What States Prohibit Dash Cameras?

If you drive out of Texas and into other states with a dashboard camera attached to your vehicle, make sure you understand the laws in each state. Most states have similar laws to Texas. Some prohibit windshield-mounted cameras but allow dashboard-mounted ones. In general, you will obey the law by positioning your dash cam in a way that does not obstruct your vision. Only Missouri and North Carolina do not have any restrictions on windshield obstructions.

Most states also have similar laws against audio recording without permission. If you follow these two essential laws and do not let your dashboard camera distract you, you should generally be within the law in Texas.

When to Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Texas

If you get into a car accident in Texas and you or someone else involved in the crash has dashboard camera footage available, you may still need help from an attorney to successfully resolve your case. It can be difficult to go up against an insurance provider – especially when the provider is attempting to take advantage of you to save money. Hiring an attorney to represent you can allow you to combat insurance tactics and negotiate for fair financial compensation.

A car accident lawyer can help you use dash cam footage to your advantage during a car accident insurance claim or lawsuit. Your lawyer can help you collect the video footage, sort through it, and present it to an insurance company or the courts in a way that is clear and compelling. If you are dealing with footage from the other driver’s dash cam, your lawyer can subpoena this evidence so that you will also have access to it. From there, your lawyer can help you craft a strategy to pursue maximum financial compensation for your crash-related losses.

For more information about cases involving dashboard cameras in Texas, contact an attorney at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free consultation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:41 pm

Are Landlords Responsible for a Tenant’s Safety?

Sunday, February 9, 2020

When you sign a lease to rent a space, you become responsible for certain things, such as replacing the batteries in a fire alarm. Your landlord, however, will retain legal responsibility for other things. Your leasing agreement can describe which aspects of the home or apartment are your responsibility and which are your landlord’s. If an accident on your property injures you, the landlord may be liable for your damages.

Landlords’ Responsibilities Under Texas Law

Renting to a tenant does not remove 100% of a property owner’s responsibilities over the property. The owner will still have legal ties to the premises, as well as specific duties of care over the safety of tenants. These duties generally include overseeing the reasonable safety, livability, maintenance, and repair of the premises. If a landlord breaches any of his or her duties and a tenant suffers an injury as a result, the landlord could be legally responsible for damages. A landlord in Texas has a few specific responsibilities by law.

  • Habitable housing. In Texas, the law requires a landlord to keep rental properties livable. The implied warranty of habitability entitles tenants to safe and livable homes. A landlord is responsible for the essentials, such as a sturdy structure, safe floors, a roof that keeps out the elements and hot water.
  • Safety from toxic substances. A landlord must ensure the safety of a premises in terms of exposing tenants to toxic substances such as lead, asbestos and mold. Property owners must take reasonable steps to inspect a premises for toxic or hazardous substances and remedy any discovered risks.
  • Adequate security. It is also a landlord’s legal responsibility to keep a property reasonably safe from criminals. This may include tasks such as hiring a security guard, installing a gate, screening tenants and replacing locks.
  • Safe common areas. A landlord remains responsible over any shared or common areas on the property, such as hallways, common rooms, living areas, laundry rooms and grounds. Any property defects in common areas could lead to the landlord’s liability for accidents.
  • Safe hired help. If your landlord arranges a third party to conduct maintenance, inspections or repairs at a rented property, your landlord could be vicariously liable for any injuries or damages the paid worker or volunteer causes. These cases involve negligent undertaking laws.

A landlord must meet at least the minimum standards of care in maintaining a rental property. If a landlord breaches any of his or her duties of care and a tenant sustains an injury because of it, the landlord could be liable. As an injured tenant, you may be able to hold your landlord financially responsible for your damages in certain circumstances.

Do You Have a Case Against a Landlord?

In general, you will be able to hold your landlord financially responsible for your losses if he or she owed you a duty of care, negligently or intentionally breached this duty, caused your accident, and if you have damages as a result. These are the four main elements of a negligence claim against a landlord or property owner in Texas. You could be eligible for compensation if you have proof of all four elements. An attorney can help you understand your landlord’s specific responsibilities over your safety and that of your home or apartment, as well as whether your landlord violated these duties.
If your personal injury lawyer in Dallas can present a strong claim to damages to an insurance company, judge or jury on your behalf, you may receive financial compensation for your losses. Your landlord may have to pay you a compensatory award for your related medical bills, property damage, lost wages, legal fees and other damages. Find out whether you can hold your landlord accountable as the responsible party after a premises-related accident on a rented property in Texas by contacting an attorney. A lawyer can help you pursue maximum compensation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:21 am

5 Warning Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Alcohol poisoning, also called alcohol overdose, happens when a person consumes too much alcohol in a short time. The liver is unable to process the alcohol fast enough, leading to toxins entering the bloodstream. Alcohol poisoning is a serious health problem that could prove fatal for a victim. Recognizing the earliest warning signs of alcohol poisoning could help you take someone experiencing this problem to the hospital for care before it is too late. If you or a loved one have been the victim of alcohol poisoning speak to a Dallas Dram shop liability lawyer.

High BAC

First, learn how to quickly calculate a person’s estimated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level based on the number of drinks he or she has in a period of time. You can measure a person’s BAC within 30 to 70 minutes of his or her consumption of alcohol. You can quickly use an online calculator by entering the person’s sex, body weight, number of drinks and time since the first drink. A 200-pound male that consumed eight beers in two hours, for example, would have an estimated BAC of 0.18%.
The average person can suffer alcohol poisoning at a BAC of 0.25%. If someone’s BAC has met or exceeded this percentage, the risk of alcohol poisoning is high. In general, alcohol poisoning can happen after drinking more than one serving of alcohol per hour. This is the rate at which the liver can process alcohol. Ingesting more than this could lead to intoxication or alcohol overdose depending on how much the person drinks.


A person who has lost consciousness after drinking too much alcohol may be experiencing an overdose. Passing out is a sign of too much alcohol in the system for the body to process. If someone is having trouble staying conscious or is unable to wake up, act quickly. Do not leave the person alone. Call 911 for help, as someone who has passed out from drinking too much could die.

5 Warning Signs of Alcohol Poisoning 45

Loss of consciousness is a life-threatening level of alcohol poisoning. Keep the person in an upright sitting position to help prevent him or her from choking on vomit. Alcohol poisoning can dull the gag reflex. If the person is awake but exhibiting signs of mental confusion or is in a stupor, this is also a sign of alcohol overdose. Get the police to the scene right away for emergency assistance.

Trouble Breathing

Too much alcohol in the bloodstream can affect the parts of the brain that control vital functions. This includes breath and heart rate. Changes to a person’s breathing could indicate alcohol poisoning. Depressed, slowed, uneven or stopped breathing may indicate a serious problem. If someone has lost consciousness, put your ear to his or her mouth to listen for breathing. Check the person’s pulse or listen to his or her heartbeat. Slowed heart rate is another warning sign of alcohol poisoning.


Body temperature is also something the brain cannot control under the influence of alcohol poisoning. If someone is suffering from alcohol poisoning, his or her skin may feel cold, damp or clammy due to alcohol-related hypothermia. Low body temperatures and a bluish or pale appearance to the skin are signs of hypothermia. If left untreated, hypothermia can cause cardiac arrest and death.


Seizures are another serious symptom of alcohol poisoning. Seizures can occur due to drastically reduced blood sugar levels. If someone is having a seizure, move other people out of the way and clear the area of sharp objects. Do not try to hold a person having a seizure down. Place the victim on his or her side to help with breathing. Use a timer to see how long the seizure lasts. Call 911 immediately to report a seizure and a potential alcohol overdose. Notifying the police about an alcohol poisoning situation can get the person to the hospital in time to survive.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:56 pm

Holidays With the Most Drinking

Monday, December 23, 2019

While it is normal to want to celebrate holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve with alcohol, make sure you are imbibing safely. These are two of the booziest holidays, according to Whether you drink alcohol or not, it can pose a health and safety hazard to you this holiday season. Drunk drivers, alcohol poisoning and physical assault all increase this time of year due to holiday parties and establishments that serve alcoholic beverages. As each holiday rolls around, the car accident attorneys at the law firm of Aaron A. Herbert want to remind the people of Dallas to keep alcohol safety in mind to prevent regrettable accidents.

Holiday Drinking Statistics

According to a survey of over 1,000 Americans, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is the holiday with the most drinking of alcoholic beverages. Mardi Gras, the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, marks a day to indulge before the beginning of the Christian Lent season. Based on the survey, the average person drank 4.5 alcoholic beverages on Mardi Gras. This placed Mardi Gras at the top of the list of Top 10 Booziest Holidays. New Year’s Eve came second – also a day before the start of new resolutions. It would appear Americans imbibe the most to make up for giving something up the following day.

  • Mardi Gras: 4.5
  • New Year’s Eve: 4.4
  • Patrick’s Day: 4.2
  • Fourth of July: 3.8
  • Halloween: 3.5
  • Cinco de Mayo: 3.5
  • Memorial Day: 3.3
  • Labor Day: 3.2
  • Winter holidays: 3.1
  • Thanksgiving: 2.7

Men most associated St. Patrick’s Day with drinking alcohol, while New Year’s Eve was the holiday women most associated with booze. New Year’s Eve came in at the top in terms of holidays for binge drinking for both men (47%) and women (40%). Binge drinking refers to consuming five or more drinks in two hours for men and four or more drinks for women. The top alcoholic beverages consumed over the winter holidays are champagne, wine and beer. Binge drinking increases the risks of issues such as alcohol poisoning and drunk driving.

Drunk Driving Increases Over the Holidays

With increased alcohol consumption comes a corresponding spike in drunk driving accidents over the holidays. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a dangerous crime that takes thousands of lives each year. Your odds of getting into a DWI accident increase over the holidays, even if you are 100% sober as a driver. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, an average of 300 people lose their lives in DWI accidents the week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day alone. A shocking 781 people died in DWI crashes in December of 2016. Drunk driving deaths account for more than 25% of all traffic fatalities in the U.S. each year, with a significant surge over the holidays.
Help prevent drunk driving accidents by never driving a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle after consuming alcohol. The amount of alcohol in just one drink could be enough to negatively affect your ability to drive. Instead, find a safe ride program in your state or request a sober ride home through an app such as Uber or Lyft. Plan ahead if you think you will be drinking over the holidays. Ride with a sober friend, spend the night at the house party where you will be drinking or arrange a paid ride home such as a taxi. You can also use public transportation to prevent driving drunk. Making a commitment against driving drunk could save lives this holiday season.
Unfortunately, you could still get into a DUI accident even as a responsible driver. On holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s, thousands of intoxicated drivers make the poor choice to get behind the wheel. Avoid driving late at night and on weekends over the holidays to reduce your risk of encountering drunk drivers. Keep your eyes scanning the roadway for signs of a possible drunk driver. If you see someone swerving, cutting people off, speeding, tailgating or otherwise driving dangerously, keep your distance and call 911 to report a potential driver under the influence. Involving the police could prevent a tragic accident before it occurs.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:31 am

2 Safest Ways to Travel for the Holidays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thousands of people travel for the holidays by air, car, bus, boat and train. Sadly, not all these travelers will make it to their holiday destinations alive. The holidays are some of the most common days for fatal accidents. Drunk drivers, heavy traffic, bad weather and human errors are a few of the reasons holiday-related travel accidents occur. Before the holidays arrive this year, learn a few key tips for safer trips.

Safe Driving

You can improve your safety on the road if you pay attention to the driving task, obey traffic laws and follow speed limits. Drive defensively to help protect yourself from other drivers. Assume other drivers will break the rules and put your life at risk. Always keep your eyes on the road and watch what drivers around you are doing. Prepare to stop at a moment’s notice. Put your phone away while driving to your holiday destinations to help prevent distracted driving accidents. Speak to a Dallas distracted driving lawyer if you were involved in an accident.
Drunk driving is a significant source of catastrophic and fatal auto accidents throughout the U.S. The rate of drunk driving spikes around the holidays. In 2016, 781 people died in drunk driving accidents in December alone. Reduce the number of drunk drivers on the roads this holiday season by finding a sober way home if you plan on drinking alcohol. Even if you have just one drink, it could impair you enough to affect your driving. Keep an eye out for erratic and potentially intoxicated drivers while you drive. If you think you see a drunk driver, stay a safe distance away and call 911.
As someone traveling to a new place for the holidays, research your destination and route ahead of time to better prepare for the drive. Check the weather and try to avoid driving if the forecast calls for rain, fog, sleet or snow. Leave early in the morning or late at night to avoid the bulk of holiday traffic. Only drive after a full night’s rest. If you are not used to driving overnight or long distances, do not do so. Take plenty of breaks and drive with a friend to help keep you awake. Bring your vehicle to a mechanic for professional maintenance before you embark.

Safe Flying

Statistically, you are less likely to be in a plane crash than an auto accident. If you know you will be traveling out of town for the holidays ahead of time, consider booking a flight instead of driving. You can skip traffic, get to your destination faster and reduce your risk of serious injuries. It is still important, however, to abide by certain safety tips while flying for the most positive experience.
• Pack smart. Obey the Transportation Security Administration’s rules for what to bring on your flight. Do not bring any liquids over three ounces in volume or portable chargers with lithium-ion batteries. Do not bring any weapons, gels or aerosols.
• Avoid the busiest travel days. Flying on a day that is not as busy for air travel can mean lighter traffic on the way to the airport and shorter security lines. The greatest rush around Thanksgiving is the Wednesday before the holiday and the Sunday after.
• Stay sanitary. Planes can be dirty places due to the high volume of travelers. Bring hand sanitizer with you and apply it regularly to avoid germs and illnesses while flying for the holidays.
Leave early to get to the airport to give yourself plenty of time to go through security and get to your terminal. Leaving early can allow you to take your time while driving to the airport and walking through the airport. This could help you avoid car crashes as well as slip and fall accidents. It can also help you avoid missing your flight. No matter how you travel this holiday season, plan ahead and put your safety first. Stay calm and in control and you can tackle any travel challenge this holiday season. If the worst does happen, contact a personal injury attorney for assistance.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 4:08 pm

Can a Bar Be Responsible for a DUI Accident?

Monday, November 25, 2019

Drunk driving is a rampant problem in Texas and throughout the U.S. In 2018, driving under the influence (DUI) in Texas caused fatal accidents that killed 940 people. Drunk driving accounted for 26% of the total number of motor vehicle crash deaths in Texas in 2018. Most people know they can hold the drunk driver responsible for a drunk driving accident, but may not know the bar or establishment that furnished the DUI driver with alcohol could also share liability depending on the situation. If you were injured by an intoxicated individual get help from a Dallas dram shop liability attorney.

Dram Shop Liability Laws

Like most states, Texas has a dram shop law in place that holds alcohol providers, such as bars and restaurants, responsible for drunk driving accidents in certain situations. The law states that selling, serving or providing alcoholic beverages could be grounds for a cause of action after an accident if certain circumstances exist. First, it must have been clear at the time of the dram shop offering the alcohol that the person was obviously intoxicated to an extent that he or she posed a danger to him/herself or others. Second, the person’s intoxication from the alcohol furnished must have been the proximate cause of the accident in question.
An adult 21 or older could also be liable for the actions of an intoxicated person if the drunk person was a minor under the age of 18, and if the furnishing adult was not the minor’s spouse, parent or guardian. The adult must have knowingly served, or allowed someone else to serve, the underage individual alcohol that contributed to the individual’s intoxication. Texas’ dram shop law can apply to any provider that served an obviously intoxicated person alcohol before he or she drove a vehicle and got into a DUI accident.

Can a Distributor of Alcohol Be Accountable for Accidents Involving Intoxication?

Yes, a distributor of alcohol can be legally accountable for car accidents and other incidents involving someone’s intoxication. A Dallas DUI accident could come down to the shared liability of both the drunk driver and the dram shop that provided the driver with alcohol if the shop knew or reasonably should have known the individual was already intoxicated, yet served the person alcohol anyway, and if this was the proximate cause of the drunk driving accident. If another bar or restaurant would not have served the person alcohol in the same circumstances, the dram shop could be liable for a resultant drunk driving accident.
Under Texas’ dram shop laws, DUI accidents are not the only incidents for which an alcohol provider may be liable if it sells alcohol to an obviously intoxicated person. The bar or distributor could also be liable for alcohol-related incidents such as brawls, assaults, violence and fall accidents. For example, if a distributor gives alcohol to Person A despite Person A’s obvious drunkenness, and Person A starts a fight with Person B, the bar could be liable for Person B’s injuries and hospital bills.
Obvious intoxication refers to a level of drunkenness that a prudent and reasonable alcohol furnisher would notice. This could include common signs of intoxication such as slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, stumbling while walking or smelling of alcohol. If an individual did not exhibit signs of intoxication or had an unusually low tolerance, however, the bar or restaurant may not be liable for furnishing the individual with more alcohol, even if that person went on to cause a drunk driving accident.

What Other Establishments Can Be Held Responsible?

Any establishment that furnishes alcohol to an intoxicated person who causes a drunk driving accident could be legally responsible for damages. This can include a bar, restaurant, gas station, grocery store, social host or individual. Any provider that sells or serves alcoholic beverages using an alcohol license or permit could be responsible if the intoxicated person drives and causes a car accident. An establishment can be vicariously responsible for the actions of its employees, as well, including bartenders and waiters. Find out if you have a case against a dram shop in Texas by talking to an attorney.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:53 pm

10 Most Common Burn Injuries at Home

Monday, November 25, 2019

Many people think their homes are places where serious and fatal burn injuries cannot occur. Most homeowners are familiar with their cooking equipment, furnaces, space heaters and other appliances. You might underestimate the dangers of cooking, decorating, purchasing new appliances or engaging in other regular activities at your home. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), however, 73% of structure fires in 2018 were home fires. Home fires and burn injuries are more common than you think. Practice a few general safety tips to avoid suffering a serious burn at home.

Who Is Held Liable?

If you suffer a bad burn injury at home, someone else may owe you compensation for your related medical bills, property damages, lost wages and other losses. Although you may not have a case if you negligently caused the burn injury yourself, you could have grounds for a claim if another person or entity reasonably could have prevented your burns yet failed to do so. If a defective water heater exploded, for example, the product’s manufacturer could be liable for your burn injuries.
Potentially liable parties for a burn injury that occurs at home include product manufacturers, property owners (if you are renting) and individuals. Any party that reasonably should have prevented your burn injury but failed to do so could be liable for damages. If your burn injury would not have happened but for the action or omission of another party, that party could owe you compensation for causing the incident. Speak to a Dallas burn injury lawyer for help with your case.

Thanksgiving Cooking Safety

Your risk of suffering a burn injury at home increases if you celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is the number one day of the year for home cooking fires, according to the NFPA, followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve. It is also a popular day for serious burn injuries and related trips to the emergency room. If you plan on cooking this Thanksgiving holiday, do so with safety in mind.

  • Stay in the kitchen the entire time you are using the stovetop.
  • Check on your turkey frequently.
  • Keep hot items at least three feet away from children.
  • Do not let electric cords dangle within reach of children.
  • Keep knives safely out of reach.
  • Keep your kitchen floor clear of toys, clutter and debris.
  • Keep flammable items away from your oven, stovetop and other heating appliances.
  • Avoid using an oil-based turkey fryer.

Turkey fryers that use oil are one of the top causes of Thanksgiving burn injuries and home cooking fires. The NFPA recommends against using an oil-based turkey fryer, but if you do so, position it in your yard at least 10 feet away from any structures. Do not overfill your fryer with oil. Defrost your turkey entirely before dropping it into the oil. Keep a grease-rated fire extinguisher nearby in case of an emergency.

Common Burns You Can Get at Home

The four types of burns you could suffer are thermal, electrical, chemical and radiation. Within these categories are more specific types of burns, such as scalds from hot water or third-degree burns from spilled hot oil, that could injure you at home. Whether it is Thanksgiving or just another day at home, you could end up in the hospital with one of these 10 most common burn injuries.

  1. Fire-related burns
  2. Scalds
  3. Contact burns
  4. Hot liquid burns
  5. Steam burns
  6. Oil burns
  7. Cooking burns
  8. Electrical burns
  9. Chemical burns
  10. Explosion-related burns

Any type of burn could be significantly painful and require emergency medical treatment. If you suffered a first-degree burn (no blistering), you may be able to treat it at home if it is not on your face or another vulnerable area or more than four inches long. For second- and third-degree burns, however, you should see a doctor for professional burn treatment. Without hospitalization, you could be at serious risk of infections and other complications.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:33 pm

Top 6 Things You Should Not Do After an Injury

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

You have more influence over your future than you might think after suffering a personal injury. While a good attorney may be able to build a case against a negligent party regardless of your actions after an accident, taking the correct steps could greatly increase your odds of securing a settlement or jury verdict. With help of a personal injury lawyer, learn six top things you should not do after an injury if you wish to maximize your chances of a payout in Dallas, Texas.

Stay Silent

Document your accident immediately by coming forward and telling someone what happened. You should report your accident and injuries to an employer, floor supervisor, store owner or the police depending on the circumstances. Report your injuries to someone in a position to create an official accident report. A report can serve as proof that the accident happened, as well as an important tool for documenting details such as date, time, location and the names of witnesses to the accident.

Admit Fault

Admitting fault is a common mistake made by victims after first accidents. It is natural to want to apologize for the accident or say you were at fault if you believe this to be true. However, it is important not to admit fault to any of the parties involved, as well as to the police or an insurance company. Admitting fault could place liability with you before investigators have a chance to get to the bottom of the accident. You could be unaware that someone else’s fault caused or at least contributed to the accident. The other driver in a car crash, for example, could share fault for the collision. Reducing your liability could increase your payout.

Assume You Do Not Have Injuries

If the police or other parties ask whether you have injuries, wait before saying no. Even if you feel normal, you could have hidden injuries or injuries with delayed symptoms. The adrenaline of a serious accident could be masking pain or other symptoms of an injury. Instead, say you are not sure and wish to see a doctor before answering. If you say you do not have any injuries during a police interview or to an insurance adjuster, it can be difficult to obtain compensation if you discover injuries later.

Wait to See a Doctor

Never let days, weeks or even hours pass between the time of your injury and a doctor’s visit. It can be imperative to your personal health to see a physician right away after a car accident, slip and fall, dog attack, violent crime, or another type of incident. A doctor can diagnose your injuries and suggest immediate treatment for the best prognosis for recovery. Immediate medical care can also prove to an insurance company the existence and severity of your injuries.

Accept the First Insurance Settlement Offer

Once you file an insurance claim for your personal injury, the insurance company will assign an adjuster to your case. The insurance claims adjuster will not have your best interests in mind. Instead, he or she will want what is best for the insurance company; namely, to minimize your payout to save the insurer money. Before you accept a lowball settlement offer, speak to a lawyer about the true value of your injury claim.

Fail to Get Legal Advice

A personal injury lawyer in Dallas can review your accident case, evaluate your economic and noneconomic damages, and help you negotiate a fairer settlement from an insurance company. Hiring a lawyer to take over insurance claim negotiations for you could ensure the adjuster does not convince you to accept less than your case is worth. An attorney can also take your injury claim to court in Texas if the insurance company refuses to offer a reasonable amount to cover your damages. Consulting with an attorney is one of the most important steps to take after suffering a serious injury.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:14 am

How Can the Police Prove a Driver Was High?

Friday, August 30, 2019

Texas takes driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases extremely seriously. It has some of the most stringent drug and alcohol laws in the country. Driving high is a major crime. Marijuana use in any capacity is currently illegal in Texas, as is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. After a car accident involving a driver who may have been under the influence, the police in Texas will conduct a thorough investigation to prove driver intoxication.

Texas’ DWI Law

As is the case in all states, it is against the law to drive while intoxicated in Texas. Intoxication refers to driving under the influence of impairing drugs and/or alcohol. The legal limit for alcohol in a driver’s blood system is 0.08%. Any amount of marijuana in a driver’s system, however, could be proof of driving high. The police can arrest and charge a driver with a DWI if he or she shows signs of being under the influence.

  • Dangerous driving behaviors
  • Slurred speech
  • Red eyes
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Aggression
  • Poor coordination or balance
  • Marijuana or alcohol signs/scents

The police will conduct tests to try to prove DWI during roadside traffic stops. For alcohol-related stops, a Breathalyzer can quickly analyze a driver’s breath to calculate his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Blowing over a 0.08 can result in a DWI charge. If a driver is high, however, a Breathalyzer test will not pick up the marijuana or other drugs. A driver suspected of a DWI involving marijuana may have to undergo other types of tests.

What Is the Protocol for Testing for Marijuana DWI?

Current marijuana DWI tests face backlash from the community for inaccuracies. Unlike alcohol, no device for officers exists to instantly check for DWI. There is also no legal amount of marijuana that defines when a driver is too impaired to drive. Instead, police officers often must use their own judgment to determine if someone is driving high. This may include asking the driver questions, watching for signs of intoxication and conducting field sobriety tests.
While a blood or urine test could be positive for marijuana, it is difficult to tell when the driver used the drug. Marijuana can stay in someone’s system for two months or longer. A positive chemical test, therefore, may not be evidence of driving while intoxicated. The driver’s defense attorney could argue that the driver used the drug weeks earlier, not on the day of the alleged DWI. The prosecution may then have to rely on other evidence, such as footage of a field sobriety test, to try to prove the DWI case.
Technology may finally be catching up with high driving, however. Companies such as Hound Labs are currently creating marijuana Breathalyzers that will work similarly to alcohol Breathalyzers. These devices may be able to rapidly and accurately check for recent marijuana use using a driver’s breath. The marijuana Breathalyzer could be a breakthrough for law enforcement since current testing techniques are largely inaccurate.

How Can the Police Prove a Driver Was High? 47

How To File a Claim for an Accident With an Intoxicated Driver

Driving high is becoming a prominent problem as more states decriminalize marijuana. DWI accidents took 940 lives in Texas in 2018, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. If an intoxicated driver struck you and caused serious injuries or took the life of a loved one, you have grounds to file a claim against the DWI driver. Texas civil laws give you the right to pursue financial compensation for losses such as property damage, medical expenses, disabilities, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
You have two years from the date of your car accident to file a personal injury claim against a DWI driver. Hire a Dallas personal attorney to help you handle the claims process. A lawyer can strengthen your case by collecting evidence that could prove the other driver was driving high, such as police reports, drug tests, eyewitness statements, expert testimony and the results of a criminal DWI case. A lawyer may be able to obtain more for your accident claim than you could alone.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:41 pm

When Is a Theme Park Responsible for an Injury?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Visiting a theme park in Texas should not end in a trip to the hospital…yet this is exactly the experience hundreds of people suffer each year. Dangerous amusement park rides, slippery floor surfaces, spoiled food, unsanitary pools and other hazards could cause serious premises liability related injuries. Some of the most horrific injuries in history have included limb amputations, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, severe lacerations, accidental drowning and wrongful death. The theme park may be legally responsible for guest injuries if it should have prevented the incident.

Theme Park Safety Rules and Regulations

Theme and amusement parks in Texas must abide by certain laws and safety best practices. This involves designing safe rides, properly installing them and keeping up with ride maintenance. These laws come from federal, state and local sources. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, however, does not have jurisdiction over amusement parks or water parks. It can only oversee the safety of mobile rides. Instead, it is the state and local governments’ duty to regulate theme parks in Texas. They do so through the Amusement Ride Safety & Inspection Act.

  • Operational requirements
  • Insurance requirements
  • Daily inspections and inspection reports
  • Safety nets for certain rides
  • Closing dangerous rides during investigations
  • Warning riders of potential risks

All amusement parks have a duty to exercise reasonable care. This duty can refer to many individual actions and obligations, from performing regular ride inspections to cleaning up spilled drinks promptly. Anything a reasonable and prudent amusement park would do to protect guests from injuries will become part of a park’s duty of care in Texas. It is negligence if a theme park breaches its duty of care to guests, resulting in guest injuries or deaths. A breach of duty could come from the theme park itself or one of its employees.

Texas Premises Liability Laws

A theme park could be responsible for guest injuries if it should have done more to prevent the injury. If the theme park broke a state law, ignored a safety regulation or was negligent in its duty to exercise reasonable care, an injured guest could have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit based on the doctrine of premises liability. Premises liability laws apply to theme park and amusement park accident claims in Texas. The rules of premises liability state that property owners owe certain duties to guests depending on their statuses.

  • Guests at theme parks are invitees, or guests the property owner invites to enter the premises. Landowners owe invitees the greatest standards of care. They must search the property for defects, repair known hazards and warn visitors of potential risks.
  • A licensee is someone who enters the theme park upon invitation, but for his or her own purposes, such as to make repairs. Theme park owners do not owe a duty to search for hidden hazards before welcoming licensees onto the property.
  • A theme park will not owe a trespasser any duties of care other than the duty not to cause intentional injuries. An important exception is if the trespasser is under the age of 18, in which case the theme park must ensure the property’s reasonable safety.

It is important to understand one’s classification as a guest at a theme park. This will determine what duties of care, if any, the theme park owed the guest. If the guest was an invitee and suffered a property-related injury such as a slip and fall, the theme park could be responsible for the guest’s damages. The injured party will have to prove the theme park reasonably could have prevented the accident, yet negligently failed to do so. A successful claim could help a theme park accident victim move forward.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:32 pm

Grilling Safety Tips

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Whether you are new to grilling or a seasoned grill master, accidents can happen. A simple mistake or oversight could cause a serious fire or explosion. Every year, an average of 10,200 home fires, 160 injuries and 10 deaths involve home grills, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Before the grilling season ends in Texas, learn a few important safety rules and best practices. Keeping these tips in mind could prevent you from suffering a catastrophic burn injury in a home grill fire.

Do Not Grill Near Your House

Keep a reasonable distance between a charcoal or propane grill and your home. About one-fourth of grill-related home fires in 2017 started on outdoor porches or balconies attached to the house. Avoid grilling indoors, on a patio or close to your house. Your grill should be well away from your home and not under any eaves or low-hanging tree branches. This could help you prevent dangerous house fires.

Keep Children Away

Many burn injury victims are children. Children often do not understand the dangers of hot objects such as open fires or grill tops. They may touch hot grills and suffer serious burns, or play with the dials and cause a fire. Teach children to stay at least three feet away from a grill while cooking. Never leave your grill unattended, especially if you have children in the house. It may be too late to stop the spread of a fire or prevent a burn injury if you are not there to quickly intervene. Keep pets at a safe distance from a grill or fire pit as well.

Practice Gas Safety

If you cook on a gas grill, take extra caution to avoid a dangerous gas leak. Check your gas tank hose regularly for breaks, damage or leaks. Wash the hose with soap and water and look for bubbles for evidence of a leak. Hire a professional grill servicer to repair a leak or to inspect your grill if you cannot get it to light. Stay alert for the smell of gas while cooking. Open the gas grill lid before lighting the grill to avoid a buildup of dangerous gas. If you smell gas, move far away from your grill and call the fire department. Double-check you turned the gas off when you finish cooking.

Use the Right Tools

Many burn injuries are preventable with the right grilling tools. Using fire gloves, a good lighter, Kevlar sleeves, an apron with pockets and other safety equipment could help you avoid a painful burn injury. Make sure you have everything you need near your grill before you start cooking so you do not have to leave your grill unattended.

Treat Minor Burns at Home

If you do suffer a minor burn injury while grilling at home, run room temperature or slightly cooler water on the area until it helps with the pain. If you are wearing rings, a watch or tight jewelry, remove it so the burned area can swell freely. Do not pop blisters that form over a burn injury, as this could invite infection. Apply special cooling lotions or antibiotic ointments to the area, and then wrap it loosely in a sterile gauze bandage until it heals. Take a light pain reliever if you need to after a grill-related burn injury.

Go to the Hospital for Major Burns

A grill-related injury may demand emergency medical intervention if your skin appears dry, charred, white, brown/black or leathery. You may have a third-degree burn. If you have a burn injury that spans over more than three inches of your body, see a doctor for professional treatment. Burns in sensitive areas such as your face or hands also deserve medical attention. Professional treatment may include intravenous fluids, antibiotics, debriding, skin grafts and a hospital stay. Grill injuries can be serious. Do your best to grill safely, no matter how many times you have cooked over an open fire.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:22 am

Why Pedestrian Accidents Are More Common During Summer

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An accident between a vehicle and a pedestrian is always worse for the pedestrian. A pedestrian could suffer broken bones, a traumatic brain injury, internal organ damage or injury to the spinal cord. Despite increases in safety efforts and awareness campaigns, the rate of pedestrian accidents is growing. Preliminary data from 2018 shows the highest number of pedestrian deaths since 1990 (6,227 pedestrians killed) nationwide. Pedestrian accidents, injuries and deaths are most common in the summer months.

Warm Weather Means More People

The simplest solution as to why more pedestrians end up in summertime accidents is because more people are out and about. Dallas is a great city for tourists, sightseers and pedestrians. In the balmy summer months, more people enjoy the weather by taking a stroll around town or walking to work. The number of vehicles on the roads also increases, as more people enjoy their days off with kids around the city.
In 2017, 614 pedestrians died in traffic accidents in the state of Texas. July was the deadliest month for all traffic accidents in Texas, with 352 deaths. It is no coincidence that more people died in fatal car accidents in July than any other month of the year in Texas. The streets are bustling in July, with thousands of people pouring into the city for their summer vacations. The days are longer as well, with the sun inviting people to stay out longer. An increase in both pedestrians and vehicles translates into an increase in pedestrian accidents.

Drunk and Distracted Drivers

Summer is a time for barbecues, get-togethers, parties and festivals. Unfortunately, this can mean an increase in drunk and reckless drivers in Dallas. The Texas Department of Transportation reported 1,024 traffic deaths involving drunk drivers in 2017. More deaths occurred between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning on Sunday than any other time or day. Drunk drivers may cause late-night fatal accidents when returning home intoxicated from summertime gatherings. These fatal accidents could involve pedestrians.
Distracted driving can also increase during the summer. Summertime drivers may be new to the city and staring at their maps or GPS systems while trying to get around. They may be looking at their phones as they communicate with people they are going to meet, or scrolling through social media while stopped in slow traffic on I-35. Distracted drivers can easily miss pedestrians crossing the street and fail to yield the right-of-way. This could lead to serious pedestrian accidents.

Distracted Walking

Drivers are not the only parties to blame for pedestrian accidents in Dallas. Distracted walking is a real risk for pedestrians. The National Safety Council (NSC) recommends putting the phone down when walking or jogging. The NSC says teenagers are at the greatest risk of getting into distracted walking accidents. It notes a shift in risk for pedestrian accidents from 1995 to today. In 1995, children ages five to nine were most at risk. Today, teenagers are more at risk, largely because of cellphone use while walking.
Smartphone use while walking means a pedestrian is looking down instead of up at his or her surroundings. This could lead to a pedestrian stepping off the curb in front of an oncoming vehicle or using a crosswalk when he or she does not have the right-of-way. Failure to pay attention to one’s surroundings could lead to fault for a pedestrian accident, even if the pedestrian suffered the most serious injuries. A distracted pedestrian may be unable to recover financial compensation for his or her injuries after a harmful collision.
Summer means more kids and teens walking around Dallas than at any other time of the year. Combined with the likelihood of using smartphones while walking, this can lead to an increase in pedestrian accidents from June to September. Pedestrians can improve their safety over summer by putting their phones down, paying attention to what is around them and obeying all roadway rules. Drivers can help prevent accidents by avoiding distracted, drunk and negligent driving.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:09 pm

Most Common Preventable Summer Injuries

Monday, June 17, 2019

Summer is an exciting time for individuals of all ages. Children and teens receive a well-deserved break from their schooling, while adults get to frequent refreshing outdoor venues on weekends rather than hiding from the cold. Though summer comes with a positive connotation in most contexts, some members of the public take the concept of “summer fun” too far. Commonly due to individual recklessness or ignorance, several types of accidents seem to characterize the summer season.

Car and Bike Accidents

With more people out in public during summer, roadways often become congested. This is especially relevant during parades, carnivals, and other festivities that cause local traffic. These activities that make summer fun and exciting can actually cause major accidents when drivers and bike riders become distracted or overwhelmed by the sheer amount of activity taking place.
Car accidents increase during the summer months, though the most impacted group are teenagers. This is logical because new/young drivers that don’t have school want to travel to cool destinations with friends. Though these individuals have their licenses/permits, they are most susceptible to overwhelming and/or congested traffic conditions.

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is an extremely common occurrence during the summer caused by overheating. Heat stroke comes with symptoms like nausea, confusion, or blacking out (in extreme cases) caused by dehydration and excessive sun exposure. Though it might be fun to venture outdoors during summer break, you must remember that it’s possible to neglect your own body by refusing to prepare.
Always keep a water bottle in close range and take breaks from the sun, especially if you feel unwell. Though many summer enthusiasts think they can handle the heat, testing your body’s limits in this way can cause major health issues.


Summer time, for most people, equates to swimming time. This season is when swim parks and public pool facilities open their doors to the masses. Though cooling off during the hot summer season is great, and even a good thing, you must still remember to exercise safety precautions. This is especially true for young children that have not yet acquired adequate experience and brain development to discriminate between a cool pool game and a dangerous situation.
Drowning often occurs when pools become overcrowded. Swimmers and pool toys alike create dangerous overcrowded environments that easily trap young children, teens and adults under the water. Moreover, the noise level in these environments are typically so high that guardians and lifeguards often cannot hear cries for help or discriminate them from shouts of joy. Remember to monitor your children when taking them to the pool this summer to prevent dangerous accidents.

Playground Accidents

After school lets out, swarms of school-aged children frequent playgrounds and parks. Though utilizing summer break to let children exercise and socialize is beneficial to them, they still require adult supervision.
Much like car accidents and instances of drowning, playground accidents increase during the summer because of overcrowding. Children as a group can be cutthroat, as well, depending on their age. In crowded playgrounds scenarios, children can sustain fractured/broken bones, sprains, cuts/scratches, and even concussion if they fall from the structure. When taking your child to the park, make sure to monitor their whereabouts at all times.
Though summer provides the opportunity for all individuals to take part in activities unavailable during other seasons, safety should still be the number one priority. Remain alert and prevent unnecessary accidents during your summer fun this year. Learn more about safety and preventable injury by speaking to an experienced Dallas injury lawyer today!

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:08 pm

Common Water Slide Injuries and the Question of Liability

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Water parks, amusement parks, and other attraction-based businesses can common places family spend time during the summer months. These organizations have a legal obligation to prevent injuries to attendees. Depending on how a water park injury happens, one or more parties may absorb liability for the victim’s damages. You should understand liability before you and your family head to the water park this summer in case anyone happens to suffer an injury while riding a water slide.

When the Park Is Liable

A water park or amusement park is liable for an attendee’s injuries if they happened on one of its water slides. The park may also absorb liability due to the actions of its employees. For example, if a ride attendant fails to instruct a child how to go down a water slide correctly and the child suffers a serious cut as a result, the water park may be liable for that injury. The water park is liable for the child’s injury in this situation because of a park employee’s negligence. Management is responsible for ensuring park employees understand their roles prior to opening the park.
An amusement park will also face liability for injuries that occur to visitors due to poor upkeep. Like all equipment, water slides degrade over time, and parks must diligently inspect, repair, and replace all of their slides and other attractions in a timely manner. Catastrophic damage may happen if a water slide or other attraction falls into disrepair. Deep cuts, broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, and drowning are all possible results of a defunct water park attraction.

Product Liability

A defective ride may be to blame for an attendee’s injuries. If a product manufacturer released a defective product, the injured party can file a product liability claim against the manufacturer. A plaintiff in a product liability lawsuit does not necessarily need to prove the manufacturer was negligent: The plaintiff must simply show the court the product in question was defective and the defect caused the plaintiff’s damages. A manufactured product can be defective by design, by assembly, or by inaccurate marketing.

Individual Liability

Some water slide injuries occur outside of water parks. Homeowners who have pools with water slides need to ensure their guests are safe. This includes proper care and maintenance of the pool and any slides that could potentially cause injuries. A homeowner must also warn guests to the property about any known potential hazards with which they may come in contact.
Property owners do not owe the same courtesy to trespassers. That is, property owners have no obligation to make sure a trespasser does not suffer injuries while interloping on private property. If a trespasser slips near a pool and suffers a broken bone, the trespasser cannot file a lawsuit against the property owner because the trespasser was illegally present on private property. The same applies to water parks. A water park would not be liable for injuries to a trespasser who enters the park illegally after hours and suffers an injury.
A water slide injury can lead to expensive medical bills, missed time from work, and other costly damages for which a victim can claim through a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party. Damages typically cover all of plaintiff’s harms resulting from an incident of negligence, and plaintiffs may also receive compensation for the physical pain and emotional suffering endured after a serious water slide injury. An experienced Dallas personal injury attorney is the best resource for navigating a water slide injury claim. He or she can assess your situation and explain your options for legal recourse after a water slide injury.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:23 pm

What Is a “Failure to Protect” Claim?

Monday, December 4, 2017
If the police detain someone and place him or her in the car for transport but fail to secure the person’s seatbelt, thus subjecting him or her to injury when a car accident happens on the way to the police station, can that person sue the officers? This point is hotly debated. Here are some of the basics on what constitutes a failure to protect.

Failure to Protect

The most common example is when an adult fails to do something generally considered reasonable to safeguard or rescue a child from abuse or neglect. The adult in question might be a non-abusive parent or guardian who knows the abuser’s identity but does not report them to the police. This state of protection exists for anyone in a legally recognizable position of authority over others. Teachers, first-responders, doctors, police officers, and daycare workers all carry the same obligation to protect.

Civil Liability

Can a person file suit against an officer, claiming failure to protect for injury sustained because of the officer’s inaction? According to the U.S. court system, due process clauses guaranteed in the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments allow a civil lawsuit under two doctrines: special relationship and state-created danger.

Special Relationship

This exists when the state takes control of a person in such a manner that a requirement to protect exists. Examples of this include a prisoner or state-committed mental patient. Any entity taking control of another person must protect that person against reasonable or foreseeable dangers. Corrections officials face this kind of claim most often, but any police officer working in a jail or holding a person in custody could face charges of negligence or abuse. If an officer is holding a person in cuffs when they are both attacked, the officer must protect the individual because he or she cannot defend themselves. If the officer does not properly buckle the seatbelt of a detained person and that person is injured in an accident, the officer failed to protect the person from harm.

State-Created Danger

This situation occurs when a person receives injuries because an employee of the state, a police officer, for example, acted incorrectly or because the officer failed to act in an obviously dangerous situation. Failure to protect a person does not always violate the due process guaranteed in the Constitution; however, it does violate it when the state creates a dangerous situation or unnecessarily exposes a person to risk he or she would not have faced otherwise. Put differently, if an officer intervenes, and that intervention exposes another person to danger they would not have otherwise faced, they may face liability. The same liability exists when a person is put in danger by a failure to act.


In Wood v. Ostrander, Washington state troopers impounded the car of a drunk driver they arrested, forcing the wife to walk home alone in an area noted for high levels of crime. A driver later offered help, only to rape her in a secluded area. The Court of Appeals declared that the police created the situation through their act of detaining the car and through their inaction in not providing the wife safe passage home. In Kennedy v. Ridgefield, the Kennedy family reported their nine-year-old daughter’s molestation by their neighbor’s 13-year-old son. They also said they feared the boy because of his instability. The police promised protection, but they failed to properly inform the Kennedy’s that they had interviewed the boy. The accused boy broke into the Kennedy’s house that night and shot both parents, killing the father. The Court of Appeals stated that the failure of the police to alert the Kennedys, and provide the promised protection, placed the victims in a dangerous situation that would not have existed otherwise.
Posted by at 6:07 pm

I Was Injured in a Golf Cart

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Cruising around the golf course on a sunny day can make any adult feel like a kid again. The tiny wheels, door-free sides and quiet motor can make you forget you are still operating or riding in a vehicle that requires responsible handling to avoid risk. Whether you are the driver or passenger of a golf cart, it is important to know the risks associated with golf cart use and who could be liable in the case of a golf cart accident.

How Common Are Golf Cart Injuries?

Since 1990, medical professionals have treated over 150,000 golf cart-related injuries in the United States. Patients ages ranged from two months to 96 years, and soft tissue damage was the most common type of damage at just under 50%. An official study found golf cart-related injuries have been increasing every year, and some accidents have even resulted in death.

The Risks of Golf Carts

Although golf carts seem safe, the perceived safety could be the very thing that leads to reckless operation and ultimately injury. Understanding why golf carts pose a risk can help cart operators take greater care and prevent accidents.
  • Golf carts lack the safety features of cars. There are no seatbelts, airbags, bumpers or doors. The materials manufacturers use to make golf carts are less durable, making a collision with a tree, rock or other cart even more dangerous.
  • There are less rules for safe operation. When driving on the road, there are lanes, stop lights, speed limits and traffic police to enforce all the rules. On golf courses and other large stretches of land, these rules do not apply. The freedom gives many golf cart drivers the incentive to speed, take sharp turns and generally pay less attention to the task at hand.
  • Alcohol is often a factor. Many areas where people use golf carts have alcohol available and do not strictly enforce rules to limit alcohol consumption. This leads drivers to operate golf carts while under the influence, which can inhibit judgment and decision-making abilities.
  • Owners often ignore regular maintenance. Maintenance for golf carts is just as important as other vehicles. They have less advanced construction of engines and starter components. Many golf cart owners do not think to work on the cart unless a problem arises, but waiting for a problem to show up means a problem could unexpectedly affect the driver’s ability to safely operate the vehicle.
  • Rough terrain causes issues. Golf courses have many hills that make golf carts susceptible to rollovers. People typically drive golf carts on unpaved areas, and it is common for operators to move at high speeds.

Injuries From Golf Cart Operation

Though the most common injury from golf cart accidents is soft tissue damage, some more severe damages can include bone breakage and even brain damage. In a few cases, these accidents led to death.

Who Is Liable in a Golf Cart Accident?

Depending on the driver’s behavior at the time of the accident, the liability could fall on several parties. First, the company that manufactured the cart could be at fault if the accident was the result of a design issue. Elements of the property where someone was driving the cart could contribute to an accident, leaving the property owner with liability. If the cart belongs to the club and the club failed to maintain it, the club might be to blame. Golf carts may seem harmless, but the numbers show otherwise. Always take care when using a golf cart and advise others to do the same. Personal injury lawyers can assist with golf cart-related injuries to determine fault and recover damages.
Posted by at 8:49 pm

What If a Rideshare Vehicle Hit My Car?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Negotiating a car accident claim can be difficult enough without a complicating factor such as a rideshare vehicle’s involvement. Rideshare has not been around long enough for most drivers to understand what to do after an accident with one. If an on-duty rideshare driver strikes your car, your case will look different than a typical insurance claim. Learn what to do to successfully recover from a rideshare accident in Dallas.

Determine Fault

Like other collisions in Texas, you will need to determine fault before you can file a lawsuit after a rideshare accident. The at-fault party will be the one that must pay for your damages, according to Texas’ fault-based insurance system. You may need to review police or investigative reports before assigning fault for your car accident. If you caused the crash, you will file a first-party claim with your own insurance company and that will be the end of your case. If the rideshare driver or company was at fault, proceed with a third-party claim.

What If a Rideshare Vehicle Hit My Car? 49

File an Insurance Claim

File an insurance claim with the correct party. If the rideshare driver was guilty of some act of negligence or recklessness that caused the crash, such as speeding or distracted driving, and was logged into the app at the time of the crash, you will file your claim with the rideshare company. Rideshare companies do not accept vicarious liability for their drivers (they use independent contractors to avoid liability), but they do offer insurance coverage for third parties in some situations.

  • Logged in, no passengers. Uber and Lyft offer insurance coverage for victims’ damages if the rideshare driver was on the clock (logged into the app), even if the driver did not have passengers in the vehicle at the time of the crash. Coverage will go up to $50,000 per injury and $25,000 for property damage.
  • Logged in, with passengers. Both rideshare companies offer up to $1 million in third-party insurance coverage if the driver had a passenger at the time of the accident. However, Uber and Lyft’s insurance coverages will only apply once the rideshare driver has exhausted his or her personal insurance.
  • Off the clock. If the rideshare driver was driving for personal reasons, not to pick up passengers, and was not signed into the app, you would proceed with your claim the way you would with any other driver. Call the driver’s personal auto insurance provider and demand compensation for your losses.

It may also be possible to file an insurance claim directly against Uber or Lyft if the rideshare company somehow contributed to your accident or injuries. If, for example, an investigation finds the driver caused the crash while looking at the rideshare app, you may be able to bring a case against the company for making its drivers use an app while driving. A car accident lawyer can help you understand how to bring an insurance claim after a collision with a rideshare driver.

Hire a Rideshare Accident Attorney

Navigating a rideshare accident claim in Texas can be difficult. The rideshare company may try to refute liability for its actions or those of its negligent driver. The at-fault driver may not have insurance, or not enough to cover your damages. The insurance company responsible for settling your claim may offer far less than you believe your damages are worth. The best way to protect your interests in the aftermath of a rideshare vehicle accident is to hire an attorney.
A Dallas rideshare accident attorney will know how to go up against powerful companies such as Uber or Lyft in pursuit of fair compensation for the full extent of your damages. Your lawyer can take over conversations with insurance companies on your behalf while you undergo medical treatments. Trusting your case to a lawyer can give you peace of mind during the complex claims process.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:12 am

6 Safety Guidelines Truckers Must Follow

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Trucking accidents cause thousands of fatal injuries every year. In 2017, crashes involving large trucks and buses took 5,005 lives. The size and weight of large commercial trucks makes it common for smaller passenger vehicles to bear the brunt of the damage in collisions. The high level of danger large trucks pose to others led to federal regulations to try to reduce accident risk. Truck drivers must follow certain safety guidelines while at work to do their part to prevent serious accidents.

Keep a Safe Following Distance

It takes more time to bring a commercial truck to a stop than an average passenger vehicle. To take increased stopping time into account, truck drivers should maintain a proper following distance from the vehicle in front of the truck at all times. Truckers should leave at least 20 feet of space between the front of their trucks and the backs of other vehicles. This will leave enough room to come to a complete stop without needing to slam on the brakes. Braking too hard could lock the brakes and cause a crash, or lead to a dangerous cargo shift.

Use Proper Braking Techniques

Truck drivers should reduce their speeds when traveling downhill or around curves. Traveling too fast could make it impossible to brake – and could lead to runaway trucks and serious accidents. Proper braking in a big rig takes carefully controlling speeds and using the right braking technique, depending on the situation. Truckers should follow their training to either pump the air brakes or apply steady pressure based on the circumstances and road conditions. Unsafe braking techniques can lead to accidents such as a jackknifed truck.

Obey Hours of Service Regulations

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) imposes strict hours of service regulations that all truck drivers must obey. Hours of service regulations aim to reduce the number of drowsy truck drivers on the road by limiting how many hours truckers can drive in between rest breaks. No property-carrying trucker may exceed an 11-hour limit after 10 consecutive hours off duty. Truckers cannot drive beyond a 14-hour limit after coming on duty. Drivers also cannot exceed 60 or 70 hours on duty in seven or eight consecutive days.

Conduct Vehicle Inspections

Fleet safety is ultimately the responsibility of the trucking company, but truck drivers also play a role. FMCSA Section 396.3 states that every driver must inspect the truck and trailer and verify that both are in safe operating condition before driving. If items require repairs, the truck driver must submit repair requests in an inspection report. The motor carrier must then schedule repairs before the trucker can operate the vehicle. Ignoring truck inspections could lead to dangerous part malfunctions and breakdowns in transit.

Avoid Driver Distractions

It is against the law for a truck driver to engage in dangerous habits that cause driver distraction. Truck drivers have a duty to maintain a proper lookout and to pay attention to the road at all times. Long hours on the road alone in a cab can increase the risk of distraction. Commercial drivers legally cannot use handheld mobile devices to make calls or send/read texts. They may only use hands-free devices that are within the driver’s comfortable reach. Violating the federal mobile device law could lead to a serious trucking accident and thousands of dollars in penalties against the truck driver.

Stay Below the Posted Speed Limit

Some highways have specific maximum speed limits just for truck drivers. This is because large trucks need more time to come to complete stops. Speeding can increase the risk of an accident by making it more difficult to remain in control of the truck. Truck drivers must always obey posted speed limits or travel at slower speeds, if necessary, depending on road or weather conditions. Speeding is a common cause of deadly trucking accidents in Texas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:05 pm

Does a “Swim at Your Own Risk” Sign Actually Do Anything?

Thursday, May 26, 2016
When it’s summertime in Texas, we tend to gravitate toward pools. On particularly hot days, kids swarm to public options, and they may even be tempted to swim in the neighbors’ pools – whether or not they’re at home. If a child is injured in a public or private pool, you may be wondering about potential liability or legal actions that you may take against the city or owner.

Responsibility & LIability

Before you get that far, you may be wondering: Is a “Swim at Your Own Risk” sign enough to eliminate all responsibility for accidents that occur on the property? The answer is no. Texas laws in this area are multifaceted, and there is plenty to consider before taking your case to an attorney. Here are a few factors that may affect your claim:
  • Our premises liability laws. In general, a public pool or one owned by a hotel or similar business (e.g., a gym) can be held accountable for any injuries that occur; a posted warning sign may not matter. There are, of course, some exceptions. For example, the injured party can’t be a trespasser, and he or she must have used the pool as intended – for example, drinking and swimming after hours will likely result in partial blame being placed on the injured party. Regardless, the owner must make conditions as safe as possible and reasonably enforce any rules posted for the pool.
  • Assumed risk. A qualified Texas attorney will thoroughly explain this factor to you before agreeing to take your case. The presence of a “Swim at Your Own Risk” sign does amplify this issue, as does the presence of a lifeguard. For instance, when a pool is clearly marked as “No Lifeguard on Duty,” swimmers assume a certain degree of risk when they jump into the pool. Though “Swim at Your Own Risk” is less specific, the same principle applies. However, the age and cognitive abilities of the injured party may affect this. For example, a child with a mental disability wouldn’t be expected to understand the risk these signs indicate. When this is the case, the claim will likely be settled by continuing to examine factors that may have contributed to the accident – such as neglect.
  • Negligence. This is another element that will likely affect the outcome of your claim. The pool’s owner is expected to keep the area safe and well maintained. This includes keeping all equipment in working order and ensuring the area is reasonably clear of obstacles. If a faulty or uncovered drain contributes to an accident, for example, it isn’t a known risk that the plaintiff assumed, regardless of any signage. The workers employed at the pool may also fall under scrutiny; if a lifeguard is on duty and he or she causes or fails to prevent damages, the enterprise may be liable for subsequent expenses. These individuals are to be fully licensed and qualified and it’s an area your attorney should explore.

Work Out the Specifics of Your Case with an Experienced Texas Attorney

Even though we’ve outlined some details here, real-life cases are far more nuanced and can only be explained through a consultation with an attorney. Product liability may be involved, which opens the claim up to an entirely new area of legal practice. You also need a lawyer committed to uncovering the minutiae of your case – from whether warning signs were posted clearly to confirming the owner’s security measures and demonstrating his or her ability to keep the pool safe.


For a personal, devoted look at your claim, get in touch with the Texas specialists at the Law Firm of Aaron Herbert.
Posted by at 9:56 pm

What Can I Do if Someone Crashes a Drone into My House Or into Me?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Technology and law have always made a strange pair. This is certainly true for unmanned drones, which have legislators and lawyers perplexed about everything from insurance claims to personal injury disputes. These devices are incredibly innovative and valuable, poised to improve disaster response, construction, real estate, and dozens of other industries. Regulations are slowly catching up, but the technology is not slowing down; the market for unmanned aircraft is expected to explode over the next decade.

Current Laws Governing Drone Use

Drones have sparked plenty of debate about personal injury law, property damage, privacy concerns, and many other legal areas. In fact, these gadgets have been a major concern for the FAA since their inception. The organization is predicting over 30,000 of these devices will be in use within five years, and specialists are setting aside billions of dollars to ensure their safe operation in tightly regulated commercial air space. Pending laws will govern:
  • Increased drone use
  • National and global operations
  • Airspace control
  • Safety and environmental concerns
The FAA and federal government must also take steps to regulate:
  • How individuals can protect their land from drones
  • Stalking and harassment issues
  • Piracy infringements
These problems may seem straightforward, but putting laws into place on this scale requires extensive state, federal (including multiple departments), and international cooperation. Some laws have already been drafted, including the Drone Aircraft Privacy and Transparency Act. This bill set up restrictions on private drone use, specifically outlining privacy standards and data collection regulations, how individuals can protect their rights, and the actions law enforcers can take to control drones.

Personal Injury and Property Damage Caused by Drones

Personal injury and property damage are two of the most pressing concerns lawmakers currently face. Insurers and legislators must consider where these aircraft operate (such as whether or not they fly over populated areas), their altitude, and their purpose. If a drone crashes into an individual, it would be covered under liability insurance, which also addresses privacy issues and property damage. Again, coverage varies based on several factors. For those working with or around drones, for example, workers’ compensation will need to be extended to cover drones’ use. Pursing compensation would thus be similar to other liability claims; the company’s insurance would contact a plaintiff with a settlement price (if any). An individual can choose to accept that amount, which may cover the extent of his or her damages. If this is suitable, the matter can be settled out of court. However, for issues involving extensive damage, ongoing medical bills, or matters like wrongful death, working with an attorney may be the only way to receive the full amount a person is owed following damage caused by a wayward drone. These laws will continue to evolve and so will the insurance policies written for drones. For example, if wrongful death claims increase as the industry grows, insurers will have to change the rates they charge for liability and other coverage options.

Reach Out to an Experienced Texas Attorney for More Information

The only way to protect your rights in such a dynamic time is to contact an attorney who has followed these laws and will continue to do so as they develop. Though this is a new area, many of the requirements for personal injury suits and property damage settlements are familiar to experienced legal teams. The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. has extensive experience recovering the damages our clients are owed following a personal injury. We stay up-to-date on all relevant laws to safeguard their best interests; this includes personal injury and property damage caused by a crashing drone. Reach out for more information about these developing regulations, and schedule a consultation if your privacy or property has been threatened by one of these devices.
Posted by at 10:57 pm

I Was Injured by an Exploding e-Cigarette, What Do I Do Now?

Thursday, March 17, 2016
When a product or service is used as advertised, the last thing a person expects is a devastating injury. Unfortunately, this does happen, and it’s why product liability laws exist. Product and parts manufacturers and the people who sell a good or service must meet high standards, keeping them accountable to suitably warn customers of potential dangers, advise them on how to safely use a product, and provide the safest services possible. When these standards are breached, any of these parties may be sued through a personal injury claim.

Three e-Cigarettes Explode in California

In California, three recent e-cigarette explosions severely injured vapers. One of the more recent cases, affecting plaintiff Vincente Garza, caused extensive bodily damage, including significant burns. Surgeons amputated Garza’s left index finger and performed multiple surgeries. Another victim, Daniel Califf, had a hole blown through his cheek while using an electronic cigarette. His room also caught fire when the device exploded. Following these events, personal injury suits were filed against the e-cigarette designer and the product manufacturer. The stores where Garza bought the battery, device, and charger are also being prosecuted. There is plenty of precedence regarding lawsuits like these. For example, in September of 2015, a jury awarded $1.9 million for damages when an e-cigarette exploded in a woman’s car. Incidents like these have necessitated skin grafts, extensive property damage, and other life-long consequences.

Failing to Create a Safe Product and Warn of Defects

Consumers expect devices to work properly, and they must be adequately manufactured, designed, and tested. The industry is closely regulated to ensure a product is safe before it enters the marketplace. In the case of exploding e-cigarettes, plaintiffs are claiming that the electronic devices and their components (including batteries and chargers) are unsafe. These products also purportedly lack an inadequate warning explaining the dangers of lithium batteries and the importance of proper voltage when charging. Lithium batteries use flammable liquid electrolytes, which can explode if overheated. This particular product liability largely hinges on the absence of a warning explaining the issue. Furthermore, retailers are responsible for recommending and selling chargers designed for the product a customer uses.

Pursuing a Product Liability Lawsuit in Texas

There are clear problems with safety regulations in this budding industry. There are fewer safeguards to protect consumers, and as this technology develops, its dangers must be continually investigated. As claims are filed against negligent parties, manufacturers must diligently work to provide the safest products possible. Though e-cigs are a newer innovation, there are hundreds of laws in place to protect consumers from these types of accidents. When products like these cause unpredicted damage, you may pursue a claim to cover costs associated with property damage, medical bills, or a wrongful death. Like any customers, vapers are responsible for using their devices safely. There are, however, some serious risks related to these products and their batteries and chargers. When these items don’t perform as advised, anyone along the production line, as well as the retailers selling them, may be held liable. If you have been injured by an electronic cigarette, seek medical help as soon as possible. You will need to carefully document the incident, including how you used the product when it malfunctioned, the extent of damage caused, and the medical treatment you will need to fully recover. Obviously, this a lot to account for, which is why working with an experienced personal injury attorney is so important.


Product liability cases are complex, as there are potentially dozens of parties to investigate, but that’s no reason to suffer without due compensation. Reach out to the legal team at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for more information. We will explore every possible avenue for compensation and hold all parties who may have contributed to the accident accountable.
Posted by at 10:40 pm

Are Homeowners Ever Liable for Natural Disaster Injuries?

Friday, February 26, 2016
Natural disasters don’t wait until everyone is safe in a home or public building to strike. You could be watching the game over at friend’s house or need to take shelter during a service call. If you suffer an injury at someone else’s home, you may wonder how you will pay for medical bills, the cost of rehabilitation, and time off work.

Homeowner’s Insurance and Natural Disasters

Natural disasters, including tornadoes, lightning strikes, severe storms, floods and earthquakes, are considered “Acts of God.” No one can foresee or prevent the damage caused by these events. Homeowner’s and renter’s insurance are the first two places many individuals look after a natural disaster, but these two forms of insurance may only offer limited coverage after a natural disaster. All insurance policies are negotiated using a “standard risk measurement.” Natural disasters often fall outside of those categories, and some homeowner’s insurance policies may not cover any injuries or damage associated with the disaster. Every insurance policy varies slightly. Homeowner’s should look closely to see what types of damage and injuries are covered after a natural disaster. Many insurers do not cover flood damage, and others may limit the amount of compensation a policyholder or injured individual can collect. Both residents and guests who suffer during an incident may find some financial relief from these types of insurances, but it may not fully cover the associated costs.

When a Homeowner or Third Party Is Liable for a Visitor’s Injuries

Proving homeowner or third party liability after a natural disaster is difficult but not impossible. Property owners are required to reasonably address foreseeable hazards in and around the home. When they fail to do so or to warn visitors of the hazard, they are liable for any resulting injuries. For instance, if a friend comes over for dinner and a heavy wind gust in a storm knocks a tree over, hurting the individual, the homeowner may be liable. If the tree was dead or a hazard prior to the weather event, injury liability lies squarely with the property owner. An injured individual may also hold a product manufacturer or a construction/installation company liable for an injury in some cases. For example, if a wooden beam falls in a barn during a tornado and a subsequent investigation shows the beam was not reinforced according to building code, the construction crew may shoulder the responsibility for any resulting injuries.

How Your Attorney Can Help

If you suffer an injury after a tornado, flood, mudslide, or other natural disaster on someone else’s property, you may have access to compensation through a homeowner’s insurance policy. In addition to helping you investigate the proximal cause of your injury, your attorney will:
  • Negotiate with medical insurance providers – After a serious injury, your health insurer may try to deny or reduce your coverage. Your attorney can represent you in front of your health insurer.
  • Represent you in front of homeowner’s insurance providers – A homeowner does not have much control over how their insurance provider handles their claim after a natural disaster. Your attorney can help you negotiate your claim with the insurer if the policy included coverage for injuries resulting from an Act of God.
  • Represent you during a lawsuit – In conjunction with negotiation with insurance providers, your attorney will likely pursue an alternative case to prove negligence on the part of a homeowner or a third party.
After a natural disaster, an injury attorney will help you secure compensation through every possible route. You shouldn’t have to suffer with the consequences of an injury that was out of your control. The team at the Law Offices of Aaron A. Herbert PC can help you determine the right course of action to secure the treatment and compensation you deserve. Contact our office in San Antonio today for a free case evaluation.
Posted by at 7:58 pm

What Happens When Someone Negligently Injures or Kills Your Pet

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
For many Americans, pets are more than animals. They are loved companions who become part of the family, and losing one is often just as difficult as losing a human loved one. If your pet has been injured or killed due to someone’s negligence, here’s what you need to know.

Laws Vary by State and County

Pet legislation is complex because there are no widely accepted rules or regulations regarding pet injury or death. States each have their own laws and precedents, and some counties have their own ordinances. Most laws specifically discuss dog bites and animal cruelty, but few outline clear remedies available to pet owners who suffer a loss. Generally, a pet owner can obtain financial compensation in a few different ways:
  • Animal cruelty – If someone was cruel to your pet, you can file a criminal charge against the individual. As part of the sentencing, the court may require the defendant to financially compensate the pet owner.
  • Civil actions – You can file a civil claim for personal injury if someone’s negligence caused your pet’s injury or death. Individuals may sue for medical expenses and pain and suffering.
  • Small claims actions – Small claims courts allow anyone to file an inexpensive lawsuit in negligence cases. If an attorney does not believe that a civil action would produce adequate financial compensation, he or she may recommend filing a small claims lawsuit.
A pet owner can file criminal charges and a civil action against an individual concurrently.

Potential for Recovery After a Pet Injury or Death

Even though you see your pet as a family member, the courts may not see the relationship in the same way. Pet owners almost never secure as much compensation as the courts award in human injury cases. However, some cases may go above and beyond normal circumstances. Only a personal injury attorney who is familiar with pet laws in your jurisdiction can help you determine what legal action to take. The court may award a pet owner punitive damages in cases where defendant behavior was excessively negligent. Historically, some courts have also taken pet uniqueness and irreplaceability into account during damages proceedings. In addition to economic damages, these courts may award non-economic damages up to several thousand dollars.

Animal Cruelty Laws in Texas

In Texas, state criminal and civil laws exist to protect domesticated animals and previously captured wild animals. Domesticated pets fall into this category, but the law may not protect a stray animal, even if you took regular care of the animal. Under criminal statutes, you must prove that someone intentionally harmed the animal. Animal cruelty includes acts of torture, unreasonable confinement, purposefully killing or poisoning, neglect, and knowingly injuring an animal that belongs to someone else. Under state civil laws, pet owners may find a better opportunity for legal recourse. The laws protect all living creatures, wild and domestic. Cruelty under civil law includes acts of torture, overworking, food/water/shelter/care deprivation, confinement, and forced animal fighting.

Proving a Claim

Each court must interpret these laws in light of the facts of the case to make a just ruling. To prove a criminal charge or civil claim, the prosecution/plaintiff must provide evidence of intention and/or negligence. In civil claims, a pet owner must also demonstrate the level of harm a pet injury or death causes. To develop a fair case for damages, a pet owner and his or her attorney may need to determine the market value of the animal as well as the value of the pet as a companion. A pet’s personality, training, breed, health, and veterinary costs may all play a role in the total amount of compensation a pet owner requests. For more information about pet injury laws in San Antonio, contact the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C.
Posted by at 11:51 pm

Boating Under the Influence and the Law

Friday, January 22, 2016
When people head out on the water on a hot summer day, many enjoy packing a cooler of their favorite alcoholic beverages or stopping at a restaurant on the water for a few cocktails. However, controlling a boat while under the influence (BUI) of alcohol or drugs is illegal in Texas. Here is what you need to know before the warm weather hits.

Boating vs. Driving Under the Influence

Many of the same rules that apply to DUIs apply to boating incidents. In recent years, sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement officers have really been cracking down on boaters who operate their watercraft while drinking. If they stop you and you have a blood alcohol content (BAC) over 0.08, you will go to jail. Unlike a vehicle stop, law enforcement does not need probable cause to stop a boat on the water. A law enforcement officer may also apprehend you or follow you back to shore if he or she believes your faculties have been impaired.

Who Makes Arrests on the Water?

Any law enforcement agency present on the water is authorized to make arrests for boating under the influence. Many boaters wrongly believe that only a sheriff’s department can make the arrest, but if a game warden from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department suspects a driver is boating under the influence, he or she can make that call. Every holiday weekend during the summer, the department makes several BUI arrests.

Can I Drink and Operate Any Watercraft?

Under the law, you should watch your alcohol consumption on any motorized watercraft. If you do choose to drink on the water, an activity that is inherently dangerous, make sure that you have a designated driver who meets all the requirements of operating a boat. A law enforcement officer can take action if he or she believes someone under the influence has or will be in control of the watercraft. Crafts without motors and under a certain size are excluded from BUI laws, but you could face a public intoxication charge in certain circumstances. You will not face BUI charges for operating a rowboat, floating in an inner tube, or paddling a kayak or canoe.

Who Can Operate a Watercraft on Lakes and Rivers in Texas?

Children who are at least 13 and have passed an approved boater education course can operate a vessel alone. However, if law enforcement has reason to believe that the child is not certified or was not in control of the boat, they may still question and/or arrest an adult for BUI.

Should I Avoid Drinking Altogether?

Most boating experts recommend avoiding drinking on the water in general. Drinking in the sun increases the risk of dehydration and the chances of water related accidents. However, you should definitely avoid drinking if you plan to operate the boat. Do not give law enforcement any reason to believe you were, or might, operate the boat after drinking. On the water, most stops are for routine safety checks involving life vests and other required boating items. As long as you are polite and do not show signs of potential intoxication, they will likely thank you and move on.

What if I See Someone Boating Under the Influence?

If you see someone behaving erratically on the water, give the craft a wide berth, and note the boat’s registration numbers. Contact law enforcement, and let them handle it. Boating accidents are often tragic, and those caused by careless behaviors such as drinking are entirely preventable. Reach out to The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for questions involving BUI accidents.
Posted by at 11:52 pm

College Campus Accident Claims: Are They Different?

Friday, January 15, 2016
Lawsuits for accidents that occur at colleges can be very different from those at other establishments, depending on the circumstances. There are many considerations that determine how a lawsuit stemming from a campus accident will proceed; however, you do still have legal options if and when you pursue a claim.

Holding Public Schools Liable

State run schools, including colleges, universities, and technical institutions, sometimes fall under the category of sovereign immunity as other government agencies do. In Texas, you can only sue a state school if the state decides you’re allowed to do so. This extends to all forms of lawsuits, including personal injury claims. Depending on the situation, you may win the legislature’s approval and proceed with a lawsuit against the school. The state has the right to disallow petty lawsuits but may grant them in serious personal injury cases.

Holding Private Schools Liable

Private schools may or may not be under the protection of the state when it comes to personal injury lawsuits. A private school that falls under the category of “charitable institution” may be protected under the same sovereign immunity rule as public schools. If the injury occurred during the normal course of work and in a reasonable manner, you may not be able to present a lawsuit against the private institution. Some for profit establishments, however, may not fall under this category and can be sued as any other business entity would be. In business injury cases, you may hold each organization responsible for unreasonable situations that lead to harm under the concept of premise liability attorney in San Antonio.

Other Parties You May Sue

Depending on the case, you can hold other individuals liable after an accident on campus. Going to a college or other post-graduate institution doesn’t protect other students or visitors from legal action. In addition to people not associated with the institution, you may have the opportunity to look into 3rd parties, such as contracted foodservice companies, vehicle manufacturers, and others that may not fall under the umbrella of sovereign immunity. You may also hold more than one party accountable in a lawsuit. For instance, if you were injured by a drunk driver on campus, you may be able to hold both the school and the driver responsible for resulting injuries. The facility has a responsibility to provide reasonable protection for individuals on it.

You Need an Experienced Attorney to Bring a Lawsuit Against a College in Texas

If you decide to take legal action against a college in Texas or any other state or private institution, you’ll need the assistance of an attorney who understands Texas sovereign immunity laws. These cases are often more difficult than general personal injury claims and require an added level of expertise to determine who you can file against and the best strategy to do so. Schools may tell individuals injured on campuses they have no liability over the injury. Depending on the case, this may or may not be true, and we can help you make that determination. Even if the school doesn’t have liability, you may still have the option to file a lawsuit against another party involved in the accident. The medical bills and pain and suffering caused by an on-campus accident can add up quickly, and it may affect your ability to continue studying. Those who don’t have medical insurance may find the situation particularly difficult to handle. However, you’ll always have a legal outlet. Our team can help you obtain fair compensation so you can move on after a campus accident.


For more information, contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. today.
Posted by at 11:57 pm

Can Social Media Be Used to Prove Crime/Accident/Injury?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015
People post everything on social media these days, including their illegal activities. These people really don’t think about the consequences of their actions. Recently, a woman in Florida streamed live footage of her drunk driving adventure on Periscope. Needless to say, someone alerted the police to her activities and she was arrested while driving through town. While that scenario ended with a clean arrest without the need to use the video as evidence, other cases may not be as clear. Can officers use what they find on social media as evidence in court? It depends. Courts have upheld and rejected social media as evidence in civil and criminal cases.

Good Lawyers Should Use Social Media

According to the American Bar Association, attorneys are expected to use all forms of technology, including social media, to thoroughly investigate and represent a client. They have to be careful, though. If they access private data, they may not be allowed to use it in court. Regardless of whether the court will admit it into evidence, an attorney can often learn much about a case from social media accounts, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and more. If the parties in a case heavily use social media, keeping an updated record of interactions and posts can help.

Good Lawyers Should Also Understand the Complexity of Using Social Media Content

In some cases, an attorney may use social media content to prove a point in a case. He or she must demonstrate that the content is relevant and was produced by the individual in question, discuss potential issues regarding its probative value, show that the piece entered into evidence is part of the original post, and address concerns regarding hearsay. In past cases, courts have not admitted social media content like a repost of a meme, but they have admitted Twitter posts as “state of mind” evidence as well as social media videos and pictures that can help police before, during, or after the commission of a crime. Every court is different, however, and the use for the content and the argument for admitting it into evidence will largely affect what can and can’t be used in a given case.

What This Means for Social Media Users

Anything you post publicly on a social media account is in the public forum. As long as an attorney can authenticate it, it’s as viable as a surveillance recording of you in any other public place. You’ve often heard that you should not post information on social media you wouldn’t want your boss seeing. The same is true for law enforcement. If you don’t want to face an investigation or have to explain your reason for posting the content, leave it off. Furthermore, you agree to the terms of use when you use a social media platform. If you haven’t read the terms, you may agree for a platform to hold and use your information as it sees fit, i.e. handing it over as evidence in a case. There haven’t been enough cases and precedents set to confirm for certain what is and is not allowed, and new social media platforms change the game every time they come into the marketplace. Most of it may constitute evidence in certain situations. Be careful with what you post on social media, but if you see illegal activity, potential evidence in your own case, or a potential admission of guilt for a crime, don’t hesitate to reach out to law enforcement or an attorney. The potential for using it as evidence or to help further an investigation could make a difference in the outcome of your case.
Posted by at 11:41 pm

The Dangers of Shallow Water Blackouts and Dry Drowning

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Harmful or deadly water incidents aren’t exclusive to inexperienced swimmers. Shallow water blackouts can have devastating consequences for professional and experienced swimmers. Furthermore, getting a victim on dry land doesn’t always eliminate the risk of drowning. Some victims may suffer from dry drowning immediately after rescue or as many as 24 hours later. Education is one of the best ways to prevent injury and death from these very real water dangers. Here’s what you need to know before swimming season or your next trip to the YMCA.

Shallow Water Blackouts

Shallow water blackouts occur when a swimmer can’t take a breath quickly enough. It often happens when swimmers hyperventilate before going under, presumably to get as much oxygen as possible into their systems. This creates low levels of carbon dioxide in the body. Carbon dioxide is the body’s natural signal to rise to the surface to get more air. When the levels are extremely low, a swimmer may not get the signal in time, triggering the symptoms of oxygen deprivation: the blackout. Shallow water blackouts can happen to experienced swimmers, who lifeguards and friends may not watch as carefully. As soon as an individual blacks out, the body’s natural response is to take a breath. Under water, this means drowning. Swimmers experiencing a shallow water blackout need immediate assistance to survive. It can happen in as little as 2-3 feet of water and can kill in a matter of minutes.

Dry Drowning

Incidents of dry drowning are extremely rare, only causing around 1-2% of all drownings, but they’re also deadly and highly preventable. This type of drowning typically affects small children who have accidentally breathed in water while swimming. An individual may breathe in water while roughhousing in the pool or getting pulled off of his or her feet when a wave hits in the ocean. The person may get out of the water and appear okay at first. Water doesn’t actually enter the lungs in these cases. Instead, it causes vocal chords to close off airways, making breathing difficult. Secondary drowning, a closely related condition, may not be immediately recognizable, either. It occurs when water does reach the lungs, creating a pulmonary edema and making breathing difficult. Symptoms include coughing, difficulty breathing, lethargy, and chest pain. In many cases, the situation will resolve itself, but the occurrence can still be deadly. Have the symptoms checked out, particularly if an individual swam recently.

Preventing Shallow Water Blackouts and Dry Drowning

Safety advocacy groups stress the importance of swimming safety for a reason. While rare, these types of events do occur. They can be difficult to spot, but they are preventable. Anyone can suffer from the effects and even die by them. Prevent drowning incidents in the water and after leaving the water by:
  • Watching small children after they leave the water for signs of dry drowning
  • Using the buddy system while swimming, even as an adult, to reduce the risk of an unnoticed blackout
  • Taking a seminar or short class to learn how to breathe properly while swimming to reduce the risk of a blackout
  • Getting certified for CPR so you can help anyone in trouble if something happens at the pool or on the water
  • Avoid mixing alcohol and swimming, particularly if you plan to swim under water
Swimming offers excellent exercise, and many people look forward to getting back in the water after a long winter indoors. Understanding the full risks of swimming can help you keep yourself and your family safe. If you do experience a situation where someone could’ve been saved from a shallow water blackout or dry drowning but wasn’t because of a person’s negligence, give our San Antonio office a call for a consultation today.
Posted by at 11:37 pm