Navigating the Legal Minefield: Understanding the Importance of Attorneys for Whiplash Injuries in DFW

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Have you recently experienced a whiplash injury in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? If so, you may be navigating a complicated legal landscape, and understanding the importance of hiring an attorney is paramount. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of whiplash injuries in DFW and highlight why having a skilled attorney by your side can make all the difference.

From understanding the legal requirements to filing a claim, dealing with insurance companies, negotiating settlements, and potentially going to trial, the road to obtaining fair compensation for your whiplash injury can be challenging. That’s where experienced attorneys specializing in personal injury law come in.

By hiring an attorney with expertise in whiplash injury cases in the DFW area, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you have a strong advocate fighting for you. They will have a comprehensive understanding of the local legal system and the tactics used by insurance companies to diminish your claim.

Don’t go it alone when it comes to navigating the legal minefield of whiplash injuries in DFW. Read on to discover why hiring an attorney is crucial for securing the compensation you deserve.

Understanding the legal aspects of whiplash injuries

Whiplash injuries can be complex, both medically and legally. It’s crucial to understand the legal aspects of whiplash injuries to navigate the complexities of the legal system effectively. Whiplash injuries typically occur as a result of sudden acceleration or deceleration, causing the neck to snap back and forth. These injuries commonly occur in car accidents, especially rear-end collisions.

To establish a successful whiplash injury claim, it’s vital to prove negligence on the part of the other party involved. This requires gathering evidence, such as medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert opinions. An experienced attorney specializing in whiplash injury cases will have the knowledge and resources to gather and present this evidence effectively.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the statute of limitations for filing a whiplash injury claim in DFW. In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including whiplash injuries, is generally two years from the date of the accident. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation.

The role of attorneys in whiplash injury cases

Attorneys play a crucial role in whiplash injury cases, guiding you through the legal process and advocating for your rights. They possess comprehensive knowledge of the local laws and regulations surrounding whiplash injuries in the DFW area, enabling them to build a strong case on your behalf.

One of the primary tasks of an attorney in a whiplash injury case is to negotiate with insurance companies. Insurance companies often try to minimize the value of your claim or deny it altogether. Attorneys with experience in whiplash injury cases understand the tactics used by insurance adjusters and can effectively counter their arguments. They will work diligently to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

In the event that a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, attorneys are prepared to take your case to trial. They will present your case before a judge and jury, utilizing their legal expertise to argue for the compensation you deserve. Having a skilled attorney by your side significantly increases your chances of a favorable outcome in court.

Common challenges faced in whiplash injury cases

Whiplash injury cases can present unique challenges that require the expertise of an attorney. One of the main challenges is proving the extent of your injuries and their impact on your daily life. Whiplash injuries often do not show up on traditional medical imaging scans, making it challenging to provide tangible evidence of the pain and suffering you have endured. However, experienced attorneys know how to gather and present medical evidence, such as diagnostic tests, medical records, and expert opinions, to demonstrate the severity of your injuries.

Another common challenge in whiplash injury cases is dealing with insurance companies. Insurance adjusters are skilled at minimizing claims and may try to downplay the significance of your injuries. They may argue that your injuries are pre-existing or unrelated to the accident. Attorneys specializing in whiplash injury cases are well-versed in countering these arguments and can effectively advocate for your rights.

Benefits of hiring an attorney for whiplash injuries in DFW

Hiring an attorney specializing in whiplash injuries in the DFW area offers several benefits. Firstly, an attorney will provide you with expert legal advice tailored to your specific case. They will evaluate the details of your accident, gather evidence, and determine the best legal strategy to pursue. This personalized guidance ensures you are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the legal process confidently.

Furthermore, attorneys have the negotiation skills required to deal with insurance companies effectively. They will handle all communication and negotiations on your behalf, relieving you of the stress and frustration often associated with dealing with insurance adjusters. Attorneys are also skilled at assessing the value of your claim and will fight for fair compensation, ensuring you receive the maximum amount possible for your injuries.

Finding the right attorney for your whiplash injury case

When seeking an attorney for your whiplash injury case in DFW, it’s essential to find someone with experience and expertise in personal injury law. Look for attorneys who specialize in whiplash injuries specifically, as they will have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and complexities associated with these types of cases.

Start by researching attorneys who have a proven track record of success in whiplash injury cases. Read client reviews and testimonials to get an idea of their reputation and level of client satisfaction. Additionally, consider scheduling consultations with a few attorneys to discuss your case and gauge their level of knowledge and commitment to your success.

Steps involved in a whiplash injury lawsuit

A whiplash injury lawsuit typically involves several key steps, including:

1. Initial Consultation: Your attorney will evaluate the details of your case, including the cause of the accident, your injuries, and any available evidence. They will advise you on the best course of action and explain the legal process.

2. Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Your attorney will collect evidence, such as medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert opinions. This evidence will be crucial in establishing negligence and proving the extent of your injuries.

3. Demand Letter: Your attorney will draft a demand letter outlining your injuries, medical expenses, and other damages, and present it to the at-fault party’s insurance company. This letter serves as a starting point for negotiations.

4. Negotiations: Your attorney will negotiate with the insurance company to reach a fair settlement. They will handle all communication and employ effective negotiation strategies to maximize your compensation.

5. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf. They will present your case in court and argue for the compensation you deserve. This may involve gathering additional evidence, depositions, and expert testimonies.

6. Trial and Verdict: If your case goes to trial, your attorney will present your case before a judge and jury. They will utilize their legal expertise and persuasive skills to advocate for your rights and secure a favorable verdict.

How attorneys can help maximize compensation for whiplash injuries

Attorneys specializing in whiplash injuries have extensive knowledge of personal injury laws and understand how to maximize compensation for their clients. They will assess the value of your claim by considering various factors, such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future medical needs.

Additionally, attorneys are skilled at gathering evidence to support your claim. They will work with medical professionals, accident reconstruction experts, and other relevant experts to establish the cause of your injuries and their impact on your life. This comprehensive evidence strengthens your case and increases the likelihood of receiving fair compensation.

Furthermore, attorneys are experienced negotiators. They know how to counter the tactics used by insurance companies to diminish the value of your claim. They will fight for your rights and push for a settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and losses.

Frequently asked questions about whiplash injuries and attorneys

1. How long do I have to file a whiplash injury claim in DFW?

In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including whiplash injuries, is typically two years from the date of the accident. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation.

2. How much compensation can I receive for a whiplash injury?

The amount of compensation you can receive for a whiplash injury depends on various factors, such as the severity of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. An experienced attorney can assess the value of your claim and fight for fair compensation on your behalf.

3. What if the insurance company denies my whiplash injury claim?

If the insurance company denies your whiplash injury claim, it’s crucial to seek legal representation immediately. Attorneys specializing in personal injury law can review your case, identify any potential errors or deficiencies in the insurance company’s decision, and take appropriate legal action to protect your rights.

4. Can I handle a whiplash injury claim on my own?

While it is possible to handle a whiplash injury claim on your own, it is highly recommended to seek the assistance of an experienced attorney. Attorneys have the expertise, resources, and negotiation skills required to navigate the legal process effectively and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.


Don’t go it alone when it comes to navigating the legal minefield of whiplash injuries in DFW. Hiring an attorney with expertise in whiplash injury cases can make all the difference in securing the compensation you deserve. From understanding the legal requirements to negotiating with insurance companies and potentially going to trial, an experienced attorney will be your strongest advocate. Make sure to find the right attorney for your case, someone who specializes in whiplash injuries and has a proven track record of success. With their guidance, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the legal system and obtain the fair compensation you are entitled to.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:20 pm

The What and How of Seeking Compensation for Distracted Driving Accidents in DFW in 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, distracted driving is a prevalent issue that can lead to devastating accidents. As technology continues to advance, so does the potential for driver distractions. If you’ve been involved in a distracted driving accident in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2024, seeking compensation is your right.

When it comes to navigating the legal process and seeking the compensation you deserve, understanding the “what” and “how” is essential. From gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies, this article explores the key steps you need to take to seek compensation for a distracted driving accident in DFW in 2024.

We understand that the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming, and that’s why we’ve compiled this guide to provide you with the information you need to protect your rights. Whether you were a pedestrian, cyclist, or another driver involved in the accident, knowing the necessary legal procedures can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome.

Don’t let a distracted driving accident turn your life upside down. Read on to learn the ins and outs of seeking compensation and find the justice you deserve.

Understanding the concept of seeking compensation for accidents

When it comes to seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident, it’s important to understand the concept and how it applies to your specific case. Seeking compensation means pursuing financial reimbursement for the damages and losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. This can include medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

To seek compensation, you will need to establish that the other party involved in the accident was negligent and that their negligence directly caused the accident and your injuries. Negligence refers to a failure to exercise reasonable care while driving, such as using a cellphone, eating, or engaging in any other activity that diverts attention from the road.

Types of distracted driving accidents in DFW

Distracted driving accidents can take various forms depending on the nature of the distraction. In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, some common types of distracted driving accidents include:

1. Cellphone use: This includes talking, texting, or using any smartphone applications while driving.

2. Eating or drinking: Taking your hands off the wheel to eat, drink, or reach for food can lead to accidents.

3. Grooming: Applying makeup, fixing hair, or any other form of grooming while driving can be dangerous.

4. Navigation systems: Adjusting GPS devices or using other navigation systems can cause distractions.

5. Talking to passengers: Engaging in conversations with passengers that divert your attention from the road.

6. Daydreaming: Allowing your mind to wander and lose focus on driving can lead to accidents.

The role of negligence in distracted driving accidents

To seek compensation for a distracted driving accident, you need to establish that the other party was negligent. Negligence in a distracted driving accident means that the other driver failed to exercise reasonable care, resulting in the accident and your injuries.

To prove negligence, you will need to demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of care: The other driver had a legal duty to operate their vehicle safely and without distractions.

2. Breach of duty: The other driver breached their duty of care by engaging in distracting behavior while driving.

3. Causation: The distracted driving directly caused the accident and your injuries.

4. Damages: You suffered actual damages as a result of the accident, such as medical expenses or lost wages.

Steps to take immediately after a distracted driving accident

After a distracted driving accident, taking the right steps can significantly impact your ability to seek compensation. Here are the key steps you should take immediately following the accident:

1. Seek medical attention: Your health and well-being should be the top priority. Seek medical attention even if you don’t have visible injuries, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.

2. Contact the authorities: Call the police to report the accident and ensure that an official report is filed. This report will be crucial when seeking compensation.

3. Gather information: Collect the contact information of the other driver involved, as well as any witnesses. Take photos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries.

4. Notify your insurance company: Contact your insurance company to report the accident and provide them with all the necessary information. However, avoid giving a detailed statement until you have consulted with an attorney.

5. Consult with a personal injury attorney: It’s essential to seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney who specializes in distracted driving accidents. They can guide you through the legal process and protect your rights.

Gathering evidence to support your compensation claim

To strengthen your compensation claim, gathering sufficient evidence is crucial. This evidence will help establish the other party’s negligence and the extent of your damages. Here are some key types of evidence you should collect:

1. Accident scene evidence: This includes photographs of the accident scene, skid marks, traffic signs, and any other relevant physical evidence.

2. Witness statements: Obtain statements from any witnesses who saw the accident occur. Their testimonies can support your version of events.

3. Medical records: Keep a record of all medical treatment and related expenses. This includes hospital bills, doctor’s reports, diagnostic tests, and receipts for medications.

4. Lost wages documentation: If your injuries caused you to miss work, gather documentation from your employer that shows your lost income.

5. Expert opinions: In complex cases, it may be necessary to consult with experts such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals to provide their opinions on the accident and your injuries.

Calculating the damages in a distracted driving accident case

When seeking compensation, it’s important to understand the different types of damages you may be entitled to. Damages can be divided into two categories: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages are tangible losses that can be easily calculated, such as medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages. Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are subjective and more challenging to quantify. These include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium.

To calculate economic damages, gather all relevant documentation such as medical bills, receipts, and pay stubs. Non-economic damages are often calculated using a multiplier based on the severity of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life.

The legal process of seeking compensation in DFW

The legal process of seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident in DFW can be complex. It typically involves the following steps:

1. Filing a claim: Your personal injury attorney will help you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. This claim should outline the damages you are seeking and provide supporting evidence.

2. Negotiation: The insurance company may offer a settlement to resolve the claim. Your attorney will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

3. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your attorney may advise filing a lawsuit. This involves initiating legal proceedings and presenting your case in court.

4. Trial and verdict: During the trial, both sides will present their arguments and evidence. The jury or judge will then determine the verdict and any compensation awarded.

Hiring a personal injury attorney for your case

Navigating the legal process of seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident can be challenging, especially when dealing with insurance companies and complex legal procedures. Hiring a personal injury attorney with experience in distracted driving accidents can significantly improve your chances of success.

A knowledgeable attorney will handle all aspects of your case, from gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies to representing you in court, if necessary. They will ensure that your rights are protected, and you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.


Don’t let a distracted driving accident turn your life upside down. Seeking compensation for a distracted driving accident in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2024 is your right. Understanding the necessary legal procedures and taking the appropriate steps can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome.

Remember to gather evidence, consult with a personal injury attorney, and seek medical attention immediately after an accident. With the right support and guidance, you can navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve. Let justice prevail, and ensure that distracted drivers are held accountable for their actions.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:24 am

Proving Liability in Truck Crash Personal Injury Claims: The Role of a Texas Board-Certified Attorney

Friday, January 12, 2024
Proving Liability in Truck Crash Personal Injury Claims: The Role of a Texas Board-Certified Attorney 2

When it comes to truck crash personal injury claims, proving liability is no easy task. The complexity of these cases requires the expertise of a Texas board-certified attorney who specializes in truck accident litigation. Their invaluable knowledge and experience in this area of law can greatly enhance your chances of winning your case and obtaining the compensation you deserve.

In Texas, truck accident cases often involve multiple parties, including the truck driver, the trucking company, and even the manufacturer of the truck or its components. Proving liability requires a thorough investigation, gathering evidence such as police reports, witness statements, and even data from electronic logging devices.

A Texas board-certified attorney not only has a deep understanding of trucking regulations and industry practices, but they also have the skills and resources to build a strong case on your behalf. Their expertise can help establish negligence, demonstrate causation, and navigate the complexities of insurance claims and litigation.

With a Texas board-certified attorney on your side, you can have confidence that your rights will be protected and that you will have the best chance at obtaining the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Don’t navigate the legal complexities of a truck crash personal injury claim alone. Trust the expertise of a Texas board-certified attorney to fight for your rights and hold the responsible parties accountable.

Understanding truck crash personal injury claims

Truck crash personal injury claims are complex legal proceedings that require a deep understanding of the laws and regulations surrounding the trucking industry. When a truck accident occurs, multiple parties can be held liable, including the truck driver, the trucking company, and even the manufacturer of the truck or its components. Proving liability in these cases is crucial to ensure that the responsible parties are held accountable for their actions.

To successfully navigate a truck crash personal injury claim, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the legal principles that apply. This includes knowledge of federal and state trucking regulations, as well as an understanding of industry practices and standards. A Texas board-certified attorney specializing in truck accident litigation possesses the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of these cases.

The importance of proving liability in truck crash cases

Proving liability is a critical aspect of any truck crash personal injury claim. It establishes the legal responsibility of the parties involved in the accident and determines who should be held accountable for the damages suffered by the victim. Without proving liability, it becomes challenging to recover the compensation needed to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages resulting from the accident.

In truck crash cases, liability can be established through a thorough investigation and the collection of compelling evidence. This may include obtaining police reports, gathering witness statements, and analyzing data from electronic logging devices. A Texas board-certified attorney has the necessary resources and expertise to conduct a comprehensive investigation and build a strong case on behalf of the victim.

Proving Liability in Truck Crash Personal Injury Claims: The Role of a Texas Board-Certified Attorney 4

The role of a Texas board-certified attorney in truck crash personal injury claims

A Texas board-certified attorney specializing in truck accident litigation plays a crucial role in representing victims of truck crashes. Their extensive knowledge of trucking regulations, industry practices, and personal injury law allows them to effectively advocate for their clients’ rights and maximize their chances of obtaining fair compensation.

One of the primary responsibilities of a board-certified attorney is to investigate the cause of the truck crash. This involves analyzing various factors such as driver negligence, truck maintenance issues, and compliance with federal and state regulations. By identifying the underlying cause of the accident, the attorney can establish liability and determine the parties responsible for the victim’s injuries.

Once liability has been established, the attorney focuses on gathering evidence to support the victim’s claim. This may involve collecting medical records, accident reconstruction reports, and expert opinions. With a strong evidentiary foundation, the attorney can negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of the victim, seeking a fair settlement that adequately compensates for the damages suffered.

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, the attorney is prepared to take the truck crash personal injury claim to trial. They will present the evidence and arguments to a judge and jury, advocating for their client’s rights and seeking a favorable verdict.

Qualifications and expertise of a board-certified attorney

Choosing a Texas board-certified attorney for a truck crash personal injury claim ensures that the victim has access to the highest level of legal expertise. To become board-certified, an attorney must demonstrate a high degree of competence in their practice area and undergo a rigorous evaluation process.

A board-certified attorney has extensive experience handling truck accident cases and is well-versed in the intricacies of personal injury law. They have a deep understanding of the federal and state regulations that govern the trucking industry, allowing them to effectively navigate the complexities of these cases.

Additionally, a board-certified attorney has a track record of success in obtaining favorable outcomes for their clients. Their expertise and reputation give them an advantage in negotiations with insurance companies and in presenting a compelling case in court.

Investigating the cause of the truck crash

Investigating the cause of a truck crash is a critical step in proving liability. A Texas board-certified attorney will thoroughly examine all aspects of the accident to identify the factors that contributed to the collision. This may involve analyzing the truck driver’s actions, examining the truck’s maintenance records, and reviewing any available surveillance footage.

By conducting a comprehensive investigation, the attorney can determine whether driver negligence, equipment failure, or other factors played a role in the accident. This information is crucial in establishing liability and holding the responsible parties accountable.

Proving Liability in Truck Crash Personal Injury Claims: The Role of a Texas Board-Certified Attorney 6

Gathering evidence to establish liability

To build a strong case, a Texas board-certified attorney will gather compelling evidence to establish liability. This may include obtaining police reports, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with accident reconstruction experts. The attorney will also collect medical records, photographs of the accident scene, and any other relevant documentation that supports the victim’s claim.

By presenting this evidence, the attorney can demonstrate the negligence or wrongdoing of the responsible parties. This is crucial in proving liability and maximizing the chances of a successful outcome for the victim.

Building a strong case with expert witnesses

In many truck crash personal injury claims, expert witnesses play a crucial role in establishing liability. A Texas board-certified attorney has access to a network of trusted experts who can provide their professional opinion on various aspects of the case. This may include accident reconstruction experts, medical professionals, and industry specialists.

Expert witnesses can provide valuable insights and testimony that strengthen the victim’s case. Their expertise lends credibility to the evidence presented and can help establish liability by providing a professional assessment of the accident and its consequences.

Negotiating with insurance companies in truck crash claims

Insurance companies play a significant role in truck crash personal injury claims. They are responsible for compensating victims for their injuries and damages. However, insurance companies often prioritize their own interests and may attempt to undervalue or deny a valid claim.

A Texas board-certified attorney has extensive experience negotiating with insurance companies on behalf of their clients. They understand the tactics used by insurance adjusters to minimize payouts and are skilled in countering these strategies. By leveraging their knowledge and expertise, the attorney can effectively advocate for the victim and seek a fair settlement that adequately compensates for their losses.

Taking a truck crash personal injury claim to trial

While most truck crash personal injury claims are resolved through negotiations and settlements, some cases may need to proceed to trial. In these instances, a Texas board-certified attorney is fully prepared to take the case to court and present a compelling case before a judge and jury.

The attorney will use their expertise in personal injury law and their knowledge of trucking regulations to build a strong case. They will present the evidence, call upon expert witnesses, and deliver persuasive arguments to support the victim’s claim. Throughout the trial, the attorney will diligently fight for their client’s rights and seek a favorable verdict.

Proving Liability in Truck Crash Personal Injury Claims: The Role of a Texas Board-Certified Attorney 8

Understanding the Importance of Hiring a Board Certified Attorney for Wrongful Death Claims in Truck Accidents

Losing a loved one in a truck accident is a devastating experience, and seeking justice can feel like an uphill battle. This is where the importance of hiring a board-certified attorney for wrongful death claims in truck accidents cannot be overstated. With their expertise and knowledge, these attorneys can navigate the complexities of such cases, ensuring that you have the best chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.

When it comes to wrongful death claims in truck accidents, having a board-certified attorney by your side is crucial. Their specialized training and certification indicate a higher level of commitment and competence in this specific area of law. These attorneys have a deep understanding of both federal and state regulations governing the trucking industry, enabling them to build a strong case on your behalf.

Moreover, hiring a board-certified attorney for wrongful death claims in truck accidents ensures that you have a legal advocate who can effectively communicate with insurance companies and negotiate for a fair settlement. They have the experience and skills to gather compelling evidence, interview expert witnesses, and present a persuasive case in court, if necessary.

In the face of such emotional and legal complexities, don’t jeopardize your chances of obtaining justice. Seek the help of a board-certified attorney for wrongful death claims in truck accidents, and gain the peace of mind you deserve.

What is a board certified attorney?

A board-certified attorney is a legal professional who has obtained special certification in a specific area of law by a recognized professional organization or state bar association. This certification goes beyond the standard licensing requirements and signifies that the attorney has demonstrated exceptional skill and expertise in their chosen field.

In the case of wrongful death claims in truck accidents, working with a board-certified attorney is particularly advantageous. These attorneys have undergone additional training and have proven their competence in handling such complex cases. Their specialized knowledge and experience make them well-equipped to tackle the unique challenges that arise in truck accident wrongful death claims.

The importance of hiring a board certified attorney for wrongful death claims

When it comes to wrongful death claims in truck accidents, having a board-certified attorney by your side is crucial. Their specialized training and certification indicate a higher level of commitment and competence in this specific area of law. These attorneys have a deep understanding of both federal and state regulations governing the trucking industry, enabling them to build a strong case on your behalf.

One of the key advantages of working with a board-certified attorney is their ability to provide personalized attention to your case. They will take the time to thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, gather evidence, and build a compelling argument on your behalf. This level of dedication is essential for maximizing your chances of receiving fair compensation for your loss.

Qualifications and requirements for board certification in law

To become board certified in law, attorneys must meet certain qualifications and requirements set by professional organizations or state bar associations. These qualifications typically include a minimum number of years of practice, completion of specialized continuing legal education courses, and successful completion of a rigorous examination specific to the area of law they wish to be certified in.

For wrongful death claims in truck accidents, board-certified attorneys must demonstrate their knowledge and experience in this particular area. They are often required to show a track record of successful case outcomes and undergo a thorough evaluation of their skills and expertise by a panel of experts in the field.

Benefits of working with a board certified attorney

Working with a board-certified attorney for wrongful death claims in truck accidents offers numerous benefits. Firstly, these attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework surrounding truck accidents and wrongful death claims. This expertise allows them to identify all potential avenues for compensation and navigate complex legal processes with ease.

Additionally, board-certified attorneys have established relationships with experts in various fields, such as accident reconstruction specialists, medical professionals, and vocational experts. These connections enable them to gather the necessary evidence and expert testimony to build a strong case on your behalf.

Proving Liability in Truck Crash Personal Injury Claims: The Role of a Texas Board-Certified Attorney 10

How board certification ensures expertise in wrongful death claims

Board certification in law ensures that the attorney has undergone specialized training and demonstrated a high level of competence in their chosen area of practice. For wrongful death claims in truck accidents, board-certified attorneys have a deep understanding of the specific laws and regulations governing the trucking industry.

These attorneys stay up to date with the latest developments in truck accident litigation, allowing them to apply the most effective strategies in your case. Their expertise in this niche area of law gives them a significant advantage when negotiating with insurance companies and presenting your case in court.

Case studies: Successful outcomes with board certified attorneys

Real-life case studies demonstrate the value of hiring a board-certified attorney for wrongful death claims in truck accidents. In one case, a family was able to secure a substantial settlement after their loved one was tragically killed in a truck accident. The board-certified attorney representing them conducted a thorough investigation, identified multiple liable parties, and built a strong case that showcased the devastating impact of the accident on the family’s wellbeing.

In another case, a board-certified attorney successfully proved that a trucking company’s negligence led to a fatal accident. The attorney’s expertise in truck accident litigation allowed them to hold the company accountable and secure justice for the grieving family.

These case studies highlight the importance of hiring a board-certified attorney who specializes in wrongful death claims in truck accidents. These attorneys have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of such cases and achieve favorable outcomes for their clients.

Questions to ask when hiring a board certified attorney

When meeting with a board-certified attorney for wrongful death claims in truck accidents, it’s important to ask relevant questions to gauge their suitability for your case. Consider asking:

1. How many years have you been handling wrongful death claims in truck accidents?

2. Have you previously handled cases similar to mine? What were the outcomes?

3. How do you plan to approach my case and what strategies do you intend to employ?

4. What is your fee structure and how will I be billed for your services?

5. What is your communication policy and how frequently will you update me on the progress of my case?

These questions will help you assess the attorney’s expertise, communication style, and alignment with your needs and expectations.

The benefits of hiring a Texas board-certified attorney for truck crash personal injury claims.

Hiring a Texas board-certified attorney for a truck crash personal injury claim offers numerous benefits to the victim. Their specialized knowledge and extensive experience in truck accident litigation give them a distinct advantage in navigating the complexities of these cases. With their guidance, victims can have confidence that their rights will be protected, and they will have the best chance at obtaining the compensation they need to recover from their injuries.

A Texas board-certified attorney will handle all aspects of the legal process, from conducting a thorough investigation to negotiating with insurance companies or taking the case to trial. Their expertise ensures that the victim’s claim is built on solid legal grounds and that they receive the full and fair compensation they deserve.

Don’t navigate the legal complexities of a truck crash personal injury claim alone. Trust the expertise of a Texas board-certified attorney to fight for your rights and hold the responsible parties accountable. With their knowledge, experience, and dedication, you can focus on your recovery while knowing that your case is in the hands of a skilled professional.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:44 am

Justice for Your Loved Ones: Hiring a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes

Friday, January 12, 2024
Justice for Your Loved Ones: Hiring a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes 12

Losing a loved one in a tragic truck crash is devastating. The pain and grief can be unbearable, leaving you with unanswered questions and a lingering sense of injustice. In times like these, seeking justice for your loved ones becomes paramount. That’s where a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes can make a significant difference.

With their expertise and experience, these attorneys are well-versed in handling personal injury cases, particularly those involving truck accidents. They understand the complexities and nuances of the legal system, allowing them to navigate through the process seamlessly. By hiring a knowledgeable and compassionate attorney, you maximize your chances of obtaining the justice and compensation your loved ones deserve.

Beyond their professional skills, these Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorneys are committed to providing support and guidance during this challenging time. They are dedicated to understanding your unique circumstances and fighting tirelessly on your behalf. By choosing an attorney who specializes in truck accident wrongful death cases, you are taking a crucial step towards finding closure and moving forward.

Don’t let your loved ones become mere statistics in a tragic truck accident. Seek justice and accountability with the help of a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes.

Understanding wrongful death cases in Texas

In Texas, a wrongful death claim arises when a person’s death is caused by the negligence, carelessness, or intentional misconduct of another party. Wrongful death cases can occur in various circumstances, including truck accidents. When a loved one dies in a truck crash due to the negligence of a truck driver, trucking company, or another party, you have the right to seek compensation for your loss.

The importance of hiring a board-certified wrongful death attorney

When dealing with the complexities of a wrongful death case, it’s crucial to hire a board-certified attorney. Board certification is a mark of excellence and expertise in a particular area of law. It demonstrates that the attorney has met rigorous standards set by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and has dedicated a significant amount of time to mastering their craft.

By hiring a board-certified wrongful death attorney, you can have confidence in their knowledge, skills, and ability to handle your case effectively. These attorneys have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the field of personal injury law, specifically in wrongful death cases. They have passed a rigorous examination, maintained a substantial practice in the area of law, and received favorable evaluations from their peers.

Qualifications of a Texas board-certified wrongful death attorney

To become board-certified in personal injury trial law, an attorney must meet several requirements. These include:

1. Practice law for at least five years, with a significant portion focused on personal injury trial law.

2. Handle a wide range of personal injury cases, including wrongful death claims.

3. Complete a certain number of hours of continuing legal education in personal injury trial law.

4. Receive favorable evaluations from fellow attorneys and judges.

5. Pass a comprehensive examination that tests their knowledge, skills, and ethics in personal injury trial law.

Benefits of hiring a board-certified attorney for truck crash cases

Hiring a board-certified wrongful death attorney for truck crash cases offers several advantages. These attorneys possess in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations specific to truck accidents. They understand the unique challenges and complexities involved, such as determining liability, investigating the crash, and dealing with insurance companies.

Furthermore, board-certified attorneys have a proven track record of success in handling truck crash cases. They have the skills and resources to build a strong case on your behalf, gathering evidence, consulting with expert witnesses, and negotiating with insurance companies. Their experience and expertise can significantly increase your chances of obtaining the justice and compensation your loved ones deserve.

Steps to take after a loved one dies in a truck crash

Losing a loved one in a truck crash is a traumatic event that requires immediate action. While dealing with the emotional aftermath, it’s essential to take certain steps to protect your legal rights and maximize your chances of a successful wrongful death claim. Here are some crucial steps to consider:

1. Seek medical attention: If you or anyone else involved in the crash has sustained injuries, seek medical attention immediately. Your health and well-being are of utmost importance.

2. Preserve evidence: If possible, gather evidence at the crash site, such as photographs, witness statements, and any available surveillance footage. This evidence can be crucial in establishing liability and proving negligence.

3. Contact law enforcement: Report the truck crash to the appropriate law enforcement agency. They will conduct an investigation and create an official report, which can serve as valuable evidence in your case.

4. Notify the trucking company’s insurance company: Inform the trucking company’s insurance provider about the crash and your intention to file a wrongful death claim. However, be cautious when speaking with insurance adjusters and avoid providing recorded statements without legal representation.

5. Consult with a board-certified wrongful death attorney: It’s crucial to seek legal advice from a board-certified attorney experienced in truck crash wrongful death cases. They can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and help you seek the justice and compensation your loved ones deserve.

How a board-certified attorney can investigate a truck crash case

Investigating a truck crash case requires a thorough understanding of the laws and regulations governing the trucking industry. A board-certified wrongful death attorney specializing in truck crash cases has the expertise to conduct a comprehensive investigation on your behalf.

They will gather evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, truck maintenance records, and driver logs. They may also consult with accident reconstruction experts and medical professionals to establish liability and assess the extent of damages. This meticulous investigation is crucial in building a strong case and maximizing your chances of a favorable outcome.

Justice for Your Loved Ones: Hiring a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes 14

Compensation available in wrongful death truck crash cases

In Texas, wrongful death compensation is intended to compensate surviving family members for their losses resulting from the death of a loved one. The types of compensation available in wrongful death truck crash cases may include:

1. Economic damages: This includes medical expenses, funeral and burial costs, lost financial support, and future income that the deceased would have earned.

2. Non-economic damages: These are intangible losses that cannot be precisely quantified, such as pain and suffering, loss of companionship, and mental anguish.

3. Punitive damages: In cases where the defendant’s conduct was particularly egregious, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party and deter similar behavior in the future.

Common challenges in wrongful death truck crash cases

Wrongful death truck crash cases present unique challenges that require the expertise of a board-certified attorney. Some common challenges include:

1. Determining liability: Truck accidents often involve multiple parties, including the truck driver, trucking company, vehicle manufacturer, and maintenance provider. Identifying the responsible parties and proving their negligence can be complex.

2. Dealing with insurance companies: Insurance companies may try to minimize their liability by offering low settlements or denying claims altogether. An experienced attorney can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and ensure you receive fair compensation.

3. Statute of limitations: In Texas, there is a two-year statute of limitations for wrongful death claims. Failing to file a claim within this timeframe can result in the loss of your right to seek compensation. It’s crucial to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to avoid missing this deadline.

How to choose the right board-certified attorney for your case

Choosing the right board-certified wrongful death attorney for your truck crash case is essential. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney who has a proven track record in handling wrongful death cases, particularly those involving truck crashes. Experience in the field is crucial in navigating the complexities of these cases.

2. Specialization: Ensure that the attorney specializes in personal injury trial law and is board-certified in this area. This certification demonstrates their commitment to excellence and expertise in handling wrongful death claims.

3. Reputation: Research the attorney’s reputation by reading client testimonials, online reviews, and checking their professional associations and awards. A reputable attorney will have a strong reputation within the legal community.

4. Compatibility: Schedule a consultation with potential attorneys to assess their compatibility with your case. It’s essential to choose an attorney who understands your unique circumstances, communicates effectively, and demonstrates empathy and compassion.

5. Fee structure: Discuss the attorney’s fee structure during the initial consultation. Most wrongful death attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only receive payment if they secure a favorable outcome for you. Clarify the fee percentage and any additional expenses upfront.

From Fatigue to Equipment Failure: Understanding the Root Causes of Truck Accidents

In the world of trucking, accidents can have devastating consequences. From injuries to loss of life and property damage, the impact of a truck accident can be significant. To prevent these accidents, it is crucial to understand their root causes.

One common cause of truck accidents is fatigue. Long hours on the road can lead to drowsiness and impaired judgment, increasing the risk of collisions. Another contributing factor is equipment failure. Faulty brakes, worn-out tires, or malfunctioning lights can all compromise a truck’s ability to operate safely.

By identifying and addressing these root causes, trucking companies and drivers can take proactive steps to prevent accidents. Implementing regular maintenance routines, adhering to rest regulations, and investing in driver training are essential steps toward ensuring safety on the road.

Common causes of truck accidents

Truck accidents can occur due to various factors, but two common causes stand out: fatigue and equipment failure. Fatigue-related accidents occur when truck drivers are excessively tired or fail to get enough rest. These accidents can be especially dangerous as drowsiness can impair judgment and reaction time. On the other hand, equipment failure accidents happen when crucial components of the truck malfunction or are not properly maintained. Faulty brakes, worn-out tires, or malfunctioning lights can all compromise a truck’s ability to operate safely. By addressing these root causes, trucking companies and drivers can take proactive steps to prevent accidents.

Justice for Your Loved Ones: Hiring a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes 16

Fatigue-related truck accidents

Fatigue is a major cause of truck accidents. Long hours on the road without adequate rest can lead to drowsiness and impaired cognitive function, increasing the risk of collisions. The demanding nature of the trucking industry, with tight deadlines and long distances, often puts drivers at risk of fatigue. To combat this, regulations have been put in place to limit the number of hours a truck driver can be on the road without rest. However, adherence to these regulations can vary, and fatigue-related accidents still occur. It is essential for trucking companies and drivers to prioritize rest and implement strategies to combat fatigue, such as taking regular breaks and ensuring drivers get sufficient sleep.

Understanding equipment failure in truck accidents

Equipment failure is another significant factor contributing to truck accidents. Faulty brakes, worn-out tires, or malfunctioning lights can all compromise a truck’s ability to operate safely. Regular maintenance routines are crucial to identify and address potential issues before they become accidents waiting to happen. Trucking companies should invest in preventive maintenance programs to ensure that their vehicles are in optimal condition. Additionally, drivers should conduct pre-trip inspections to identify any potential equipment failures and report them to the maintenance team promptly. By taking proactive measures, the risk of equipment failure accidents can be significantly reduced.

The role of distracted driving in truck accidents

Distracted driving is another factor that contributes to truck accidents. With the proliferation of smartphones and other electronic devices, the temptation to use them while driving is ever-present. Truck drivers, like all motorists, can be distracted by phone calls, text messages, or even GPS devices. Distractions take the driver’s attention away from the road, increasing the risk of accidents. To prevent distracted driving accidents, trucking companies should have strict policies in place that prohibit the use of electronic devices while driving. Additionally, driver training programs should emphasize the importance of staying focused on the road at all times.

Justice for Your Loved Ones: Hiring a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes 18

Poor maintenance and its impact on truck accidents

Poor maintenance practices can also lead to truck accidents. If critical components such as brakes, tires, or lights are not properly maintained, they can fail at crucial moments, leading to accidents. Regular inspections and maintenance routines are essential to identify and address potential issues before they become safety hazards. Trucking companies should establish comprehensive maintenance programs that include regular inspections, repairs, and replacements of worn-out parts. By prioritizing maintenance, the risk of accidents due to poor equipment condition can be significantly reduced.

Weather conditions and their contribution to truck accidents

Weather conditions can play a significant role in truck accidents. Rain, snow, ice, and fog can all create hazardous driving conditions, increasing the risk of accidents. Truck drivers need to adapt their driving techniques to the prevailing weather conditions and exercise caution. It is crucial for trucking companies to provide proper training to their drivers on how to handle different weather conditions. Additionally, drivers should be encouraged to stay updated on weather forecasts and plan their routes accordingly to avoid areas with severe weather conditions.

The importance of proper training and truck driver qualifications

Proper training and qualifications are vital in preventing truck accidents. Truck drivers should undergo comprehensive training programs that cover all aspects of safe driving, including defensive driving techniques, load securement, and emergency procedures. Ongoing training should also be provided to keep drivers up to date with the latest safety regulations and best practices. Additionally, trucking companies should ensure that their drivers meet the necessary qualifications, including possessing a valid commercial driver’s license and a clean driving record. By investing in proper training and qualifications, trucking companies can improve safety on the road and reduce the risk of accidents.

Conclusion: Seeking justice and closure for your loved ones

Losing a loved one in a truck crash is a tragedy that no family should have to endure. However, by seeking justice through the legal system, you can hold the responsible parties accountable and obtain the closure you deserve. Hiring a Texas Board-Certified Wrongful Death Attorney for Truck Crashes is a crucial step towards achieving justice and securing the compensation your loved ones deserve. With their expertise, experience, and dedication, these attorneys will fight tirelessly on your behalf, providing support and guidance during this challenging time. Don’t let your loved ones become mere statistics in a tragic truck accident. Take action, seek justice, and honor their memory by choosing a board-certified attorney who specializes in truck crash wrongful death cases.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:00 am

Protecting Your Rights: Why an Experienced Attorney is Essential in Amputation Cases

Friday, October 6, 2023
Amputation Cases

When it comes to amputation cases, protecting your rights is essential. Navigating the legal complexities of these cases requires the expertise of an experienced attorney who specializes in personal injury law. Whether you have suffered a traumatic injury resulting in an amputation or you are advocating for a loved one, having a skilled legal professional in your corner can make all the difference.

An amputation is a life-altering event that can result in significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges. From medical expenses and rehabilitation costs to lost wages and long-term care, the impact can be overwhelming. However, with the help of an experienced attorney, you can ensure that your rights are protected and seek the compensation you deserve.

An attorney who specializes in amputation cases has a deep understanding of the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the intricacies of the medical field. They will work tirelessly to gather evidence, consult with medical experts, and build a strong case on your behalf. Their goal is to secure a fair settlement or win a favorable verdict that provides the financial support you need for a brighter future.

Don’t face the legal battle alone. Consult with an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and help you navigate the complex process of an amputation case.

Understanding amputation cases

Amputation cases involve the loss of a limb, either partially or completely, due to a traumatic injury or a medical condition. These cases can arise from various circumstances, including car accidents, workplace accidents, medical malpractice, and defective products. The physical, emotional, and financial impact of amputation can be devastating, making it crucial to seek legal assistance to protect your rights.

Amputations can result in a wide range of challenges, including the need for extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care. Additionally, individuals who have undergone amputations often face significant emotional and psychological hurdles as they adjust to their new reality. An experienced attorney can provide the support and guidance needed to navigate these challenges and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

The importance of legal representation in amputation cases

When facing an amputation case, having an experienced attorney by your side is crucial. These complex legal proceedings require a deep understanding of the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the intricacies of the medical field. A skilled attorney will have the knowledge and resources to build a strong case on your behalf, maximizing your chances of obtaining fair compensation.

One of the primary reasons for seeking legal representation in amputation cases is to ensure that your rights are protected and upheld. An attorney will advocate for you, fighting against insurance companies and opposing legal teams to secure a favorable outcome. They will work tirelessly to gather evidence, consult with medical experts, and build a comprehensive case that highlights the impact of the amputation on your life.

Common causes of amputations and legal implications

Amputations can occur as a result of various causes, each with its own legal implications. Car accidents, for example, are a common cause of traumatic amputations. In these cases, an attorney can help determine liability and pursue compensation from the responsible party. Workplace accidents, on the other hand, may involve workers’ compensation claims and potential negligence lawsuits against employers or third parties.

Medical malpractice can also lead to amputations, particularly in cases where delayed diagnosis, surgical errors, or infections occur. In such instances, an attorney specializing in medical malpractice can investigate the circumstances surrounding the amputation and hold the responsible healthcare professionals accountable.

Defective products, such as faulty machinery or dangerous prescription drugs, can also result in amputations. In these cases, a product liability claim may be filed against the manufacturer or distributor. An experienced attorney will navigate the complexities of these cases, ensuring that all potential avenues for compensation are explored.

The role of an experienced attorney in amputation cases

An experienced attorney specializing in amputation cases plays a crucial role in helping you navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, leveraging their understanding of personal injury law, medical terminology, and the intricacies of amputation cases.

One of the primary responsibilities of an attorney in an amputation case is to gather evidence. This includes reviewing medical records, consulting with medical experts, interviewing witnesses, and reconstructing the events that led to the amputation. By meticulously collecting and analyzing evidence, an attorney can build a strong case that establishes the liability of the responsible party.

Additionally, an attorney will handle all communication and negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf. Insurance companies often try to minimize payouts or deny claims altogether, making it crucial to have a skilled negotiator on your side. An attorney will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and other damages resulting from the amputation.

Gathering evidence and building a strong case

In amputation cases, evidence plays a crucial role in determining liability and securing fair compensation. An experienced attorney will leave no stone unturned when it comes to gathering evidence to support your case. They will review medical records, consult with medical experts, and interview witnesses to establish a clear timeline of events and demonstrate the impact of the amputation on your life.

Medical experts play a crucial role in amputation cases, as they can provide insights into the cause of the amputation, the extent of the injuries, and the long-term consequences. An attorney will work closely with these experts to ensure that their opinions are accurately represented in your case. Their testimony can be instrumental in establishing the negligence or wrongdoing of the responsible party.

In some cases, accident reconstruction specialists may be consulted to recreate the events leading up to the amputation. This can help establish liability and strengthen your case. An attorney will leverage their network of experts and resources to gather the necessary evidence and build a compelling argument on your behalf.

Negotiating with insurance companies and handling settlements

Insurance companies play a significant role in amputation cases, as they are often responsible for providing compensation to cover medical expenses and other damages. However, insurance companies are notorious for trying to minimize payouts or deny claims altogether. This is where an experienced attorney can make a substantial difference.

An attorney will handle all communication and negotiations with insurance companies, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation. They will leverage their knowledge of personal injury law, the value of amputation cases, and their negotiation skills to secure the best possible outcome for you. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, an attorney will be prepared to take your case to court and fight for your rights in front of a judge and jury.

Seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering

Amputations can result in significant financial burdens, including medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and long-term care. Additionally, the loss of a limb can have a profound impact on your ability to work and earn a living. An experienced attorney will work tirelessly to seek compensation for these damages and ensure that you receive the financial support you need for a brighter future.

In an amputation case, compensation may include medical expenses, both current and future, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, rehabilitation costs, and pain and suffering. An attorney will assess the full extent of your damages and pursue the maximum compensation available under the law. They will fight for your rights and advocate for your best interests, ensuring that you are not left burdened by the financial consequences of the amputation.

The emotional and psychological impact of amputation and the attorney’s role in providing support

Amputations not only result in physical challenges but also have a profound emotional and psychological impact on individuals. Adjusting to life with a missing limb can be incredibly difficult, and the emotional toll should not be overlooked. An experienced attorney understands the holistic nature of amputation cases and can provide the support and guidance needed to navigate these challenges.

Throughout the legal process, an attorney will serve as your advocate and provide the emotional support you need. They will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide reassurance during the most challenging times. Additionally, they can connect you with support groups, therapists, and other resources that can help you cope with the emotional and psychological consequences of the amputation.

Finding the right attorney for your amputation case

Finding the right attorney to handle your amputation case is crucial for the success of your claim. When searching for legal representation, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney who specializes in personal injury law and has a proven track record of handling amputation cases. Experience matters when it comes to navigating the complexities of these cases and achieving favorable outcomes.

2. Expertise: Ensure that the attorney has a deep understanding of the medical field and can effectively communicate with medical experts. This knowledge is essential for building a strong case and advocating for your rights.

3. Resources: A well-equipped law firm with a network of experts and resources can significantly strengthen your case. Consider the firm’s capabilities and the support they can provide throughout the legal process.

4. Communication: Effective communication is essential when working with an attorney. Look for someone who is responsive, attentive, and willing to keep you informed every step of the way.

5. Reputation: Research the attorney’s reputation in the legal community and read reviews from past clients. A positive reputation is a good indicator of their professionalism and dedication to their clients.

Conclusion: The significance of hiring an experienced attorney in amputation cases

Amputation cases are complex legal proceedings that require the expertise of an experienced attorney. These skilled professionals will fight for your rights, navigate the legal complexities, and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for the physical, emotional, and financial impact of the amputation.

Don’t face the legal battle alone. Consult with an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and help you navigate the complex process of an amputation case. With their knowledge, resources, and dedication, you can seek justice and secure a brighter future.

In conclusion, when it comes to amputation cases, an experienced attorney is essential for protecting your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve. These complex legal proceedings require deep knowledge of personal injury law, the medical field, and the intricacies of amputation cases. With their expertise, attorneys can gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and build a strong case on your behalf. They understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges of amputations and will fight for your rights throughout the legal process. If you or a loved one has experienced an amputation, don’t hesitate to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in these cases. They will provide the support and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of the legal system and seek justice for the impact the amputation has had on your life.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:33 pm

How Long Does it Typically Take to Resolve a Truck Accident Claim?

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

If you’ve been involved in an 18 wheeler truck accident and are seeking compensation, you may be wondering how long it will take to resolve your claim. While every case is unique, there are certain factors that can impact the duration of the process. In this article, we will explore the average time it takes to resolve an 18 wheeler truck accident claim and discuss the factors that can affect the timeline.

Understanding the Truck Accident Claim Process.

The truck accident claim process can be complex and time-consuming. It typically involves several stages, including investigation, negotiation, and potentially litigation. The duration of the process can vary depending on various factors, such as the severity of the accident, the extent of injuries and damages, and the cooperation of the parties involved. It is important to have a clear understanding of the process and work with experienced legal professionals to navigate through it efficiently.

Gathering Evidence and Investigating the Accident.

The first stage in resolving a truck accident claim is gathering evidence and investigating the accident. This involves collecting information such as police reports, witness statements, photographs, and any other relevant evidence that can help establish liability and determine the extent of damages. This process can take time, especially if there are multiple parties involved or if the accident scene is complex. It is important to be thorough in this stage to ensure all necessary evidence is obtained for a strong case. Working with an experienced attorney can help streamline this process and ensure all necessary steps are taken.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies.

Negotiating with insurance companies is a crucial step in resolving a truck accident claim. Insurance companies are often focused on minimizing their payouts, so it is important to be prepared and knowledgeable during this process. It is recommended to work with an experienced attorney who can handle negotiations on your behalf. They will have a thorough understanding of the legal and insurance processes involved in truck accident claims and can advocate for your rights and fair compensation. It is important to provide all necessary documentation and evidence to support your claim during negotiations. This can include medical records, repair estimates, and any other relevant information. Remember to stay persistent and assertive during negotiations to ensure you receive a fair settlement.

Filing a Lawsuit, if Necessary.

In some cases, filing a lawsuit may be necessary to resolve a truck accident claim. This typically occurs when negotiations with the insurance company are unsuccessful or when the at-fault party refuses to take responsibility for the accident. Filing a lawsuit can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it is important to consult with an attorney who specializes in truck accident cases. They will guide you through the legal process, gather evidence, and build a strong case on your behalf. It is important to note that the duration of a lawsuit can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the case, court schedules, and the willingness of the parties to reach a settlement.

Factors that Can Affect the Duration of a Truck Accident Claim.

Several factors can affect the duration of a truck accident claim. One factor is the complexity of the case. If there are multiple parties involved, extensive damages, or disputed liability, the case may take longer to resolve. Additionally, court schedules can impact the timeline. If the court is busy with other cases, it may take longer to get a trial date. The willingness of the parties to reach a settlement can also affect the duration. If both parties are open to negotiation and compromise, the claim may be resolved more quickly. However, if one party is unwilling to cooperate or accept responsibility, the case may go to trial, which can significantly lengthen the process. It is important to consult with an experienced attorney who can navigate these factors and work towards a timely resolution of your truck accident claim.

  1. Severity of Injuries: Cases involving serious injuries that require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation tend to take longer to resolve. This is because it’s important to fully understand the extent of the injuries and their long-term effects before reaching a settlement.
  2. Complexity of Liability: If there are disputes over who was at fault for the accident or if multiple parties share liability (such as the truck driver, trucking company, and other involved vehicles), it can prolong the resolution process.
  3. Investigation: Thorough investigation is necessary to gather evidence, examine accident reports, analyze black box data, interview witnesses, and reconstruct the accident. This process can take time, especially if there are challenges in obtaining evidence.
  4. Negotiations: Negotiating a fair settlement between the parties involved can be a time-consuming process. Both sides may need to engage in negotiations, counteroffers, and discussions to reach an agreement.
  5. Insurance Companies: Insurance companies representing the trucking company or other involved parties might delay the process by disputing claims, offering low settlements, or engaging in other tactics.
  6. Medical Treatment: The duration of medical treatment and recovery for the injured parties can significantly impact the timeline. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the long-term impact of injuries before settling a claim.
  7. Litigation: If the case cannot be resolved through negotiation and requires a lawsuit to be filed, the legal proceedings can add considerable time to the resolution process.
  8. Court Schedule: The court’s schedule and the backlog of cases can affect the timing of legal proceedings if the case goes to court.
  9. Settlement Offers: The speed at which settlement offers are made and accepted can impact the timeline. Sometimes, it takes time for parties to evaluate their options and make informed decisions.

Common injuries from an 18-wheeler truck accident

18-wheeler truck accidents can result in a range of injuries, some of which can be severe and life-altering. The size and weight disparity between commercial trucks and smaller vehicles often contribute to the seriousness of injuries. Common injuries from 18-wheeler truck accidents include:

  1. Whiplash: Sudden impact can cause the head and neck to jerk forward and backward, leading to whiplash injuries. These can range from mild to severe and may involve muscle strain, ligament damage, and neck pain.
  2. Fractures and Broken Bones: The force of impact can result in broken bones, particularly in the limbs, ribs, and pelvis.
  3. Spinal Cord Injuries: Severe accidents may lead to spinal cord injuries, which can result in paralysis or other long-term disabilities, depending on the location and severity of the injury.
  4. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries, can occur if the head strikes the steering wheel, windshield, or other parts of the vehicle.
  5. Internal Injuries: Blunt force trauma from an accident can lead to internal injuries, such as damage to organs, internal bleeding, or ruptured blood vessels.
  6. Lacerations and Abrasions: Broken glass, sharp metal, and debris can cause cuts, scrapes, and lacerations.
  7. Amputations: In severe cases, a limb may be severed during the accident or require surgical amputation due to severe injuries.
  8. Burns: If the accident leads to fires or explosions, burns can result from contact with flames, hot surfaces, or chemicals.
  9. Crush Injuries: Being trapped inside a vehicle or pinned between vehicles can cause crush injuries, which may lead to severe tissue damage and long-term complications.
  10. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Emotional and psychological trauma resulting from the accident can lead to conditions like PTSD, causing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
  11. Joint Injuries: Dislocated joints, torn ligaments, and other joint injuries can result from the impact of a truck accident.
  12. Facial Injuries: Injuries to the face, including fractures, lacerations, and damage to the eyes, nose, and mouth, can occur due to the force of impact or contact with objects.
  13. Organ Damage: The impact of a collision can cause damage to internal organs, requiring medical intervention and possibly surgery.
  14. Death: In the most tragic cases, 18-wheeler accidents can result in fatalities.

It’s important to note that injuries can vary widely depending on factors such as the speed of the vehicles, the angle of impact, the use of seatbelts, and more. If you’re involved in an 18-wheeler truck accident, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial, even if you feel fine initially, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent. Additionally, consulting with a personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights and options for seeking compensation for your injuries and losses.

What makes an experienced 18-wheel truck accident lawyer

An experienced 18-wheeler truck accident lawyer possesses a combination of legal knowledge, specialized expertise, and practical skills that make them well-equipped to handle the unique complexities of truck accident cases. When seeking an attorney to represent you in a truck accident claim, here are some qualities that indicate their experience in this field:

  1. Specialization in Truck Accident Law: Look for a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law with a specific focus on truck accidents. Trucking laws, regulations, and the dynamics of these accidents differ from standard car accidents, and a specialized attorney will have in-depth knowledge of these nuances.
  2. Understanding of Trucking Regulations: An experienced attorney should be well-versed in the federal and state regulations that govern the trucking industry, such as hours-of-service rules, weight restrictions, and maintenance requirements.
  3. Investigative Skills: Truck accidents often require thorough investigation to determine liability. Experienced lawyers know how to gather and analyze evidence, such as black box data, logbooks, maintenance records, and accident reports.
  4. Accident Reconstruction: They should be capable of working with accident reconstruction experts to recreate the events leading up to the accident. This can help establish fault and strengthen your case.
  5. Knowledge of Insurance Practices: Truck accidents often involve multiple parties and complex insurance issues. A skilled lawyer understands how trucking companies and their insurers operate and can negotiate effectively on your behalf.
  6. Strong Negotiation Skills: An experienced lawyer knows how to negotiate with insurance companies for a fair settlement. They can assess the value of your claim and fight for maximum compensation.
  7. Trial Experience: While many cases settle out of court, a seasoned truck accident attorney should have trial experience. This demonstrates their willingness and ability to take your case to court if necessary.
  8. Understanding of Injuries: Truck accidents can result in severe injuries. A knowledgeable lawyer should understand the medical aspects of these injuries to accurately assess damages and work with medical experts.
  9. Reputation and References: Research the lawyer’s reputation in the legal community and among past clients. Positive reviews and recommendations can indicate a track record of success.
  10. Client-Centered Approach: An experienced lawyer should prioritize your well-being, keeping you informed about the progress of your case and addressing your concerns.
  11. Resources: Handling truck accident cases may require financial resources for investigations, expert witnesses, and other expenses. A reputable attorney should have the resources to properly handle your case.
  12. Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential. Look for a lawyer who can explain legal concepts clearly, answer your questions, and keep you informed throughout the process.
  13. Empathy and Compassion: Dealing with the aftermath of a truck accident can be emotionally challenging. An experienced lawyer should show empathy and compassion while advocating for your rights.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 7:25 am

Navigating the Changing Landscape: How Truck Accidents in San Antonio Have Evolved in 2023

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, the roadways are constantly evolving, and with that, so too are the risks and challenges faced by truck drivers and motorists alike. San Antonio, a bustling metropolitan city in Texas, has seen its fair share of truck accidents over the years. However, as we enter 2023, the landscape of these accidents is undergoing a significant transformation. With advancements in technology, changes in regulations, and an increased focus on safety, the truck accident scene in San Antonio is being reshaped in ways we could have never imagined. In this article, we will explore the key factors contributing to these changes, the impact they have on the community, and the measures being taken to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. Join us as we navigate the shifting tides of truck accidents in San Antonio and uncover the strategies that are paving the way for a safer and more efficient transportation system.

Historical overview of truck accidents in San Antonio

San Antonio has a long history of truck accidents, with the city’s busy highways serving as major thoroughfares for commercial trucks. Over the years, these accidents have resulted in devastating consequences, including severe injuries and loss of life. The high volume of traffic, combined with the size and weight of commercial trucks, makes the roads of San Antonio particularly susceptible to accidents involving trucks.

Factors contributing to the evolution of truck accidents

Several factors have contributed to the evolution of truck accidents in San Antonio. One of the primary factors is the rapid advancement of technology. With the advent of new safety features such as collision avoidance systems, blind spot detection, and automatic emergency braking, the chances of accidents occurring have been significantly reduced. These technologies assist truck drivers in avoiding potential collisions and provide an added layer of protection for both truck drivers and other motorists on the road.

Additionally, changes in regulations within the trucking industry have played a crucial role in shaping the landscape of truck accidents. Stricter enforcement of hours-of-service regulations, which limit the number of hours a truck driver can be on the road without resting, has helped reduce driver fatigue and, in turn, the likelihood of accidents caused by drowsy driving. Furthermore, the implementation of electronic logging devices (ELDs) has improved compliance with these regulations, ensuring that truck drivers adhere to the mandated limits.

New technology and its impact on truck accidents

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way truck accidents are prevented and managed. Telematics systems, which integrate GPS technology with onboard sensors, allow fleet managers to monitor their vehicles in real-time. This technology enables them to identify and address potential issues such as speeding, harsh braking, and erratic driving behavior that could lead to accidents. Furthermore, telematics systems provide valuable data that can be used to analyze driver behavior and implement targeted training programs to improve safety.

Another significant technological advancement is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in trucking systems. AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data collected from various sources, including weather conditions, traffic patterns, and driver behavior, to identify potential risks and provide real-time alerts to drivers. This proactive approach to accident prevention has proven to be highly effective in reducing the number of truck accidents in San Antonio.

Regulatory changes in the trucking industry and their effect on accidents

In recent years, there have been notable regulatory changes within the trucking industry aimed at enhancing safety and reducing accidents. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has implemented several initiatives to address key risk factors associated with truck accidents. These include mandatory drug and alcohol testing for truck drivers, stricter licensing requirements, and the establishment of a national database for tracking driver safety records. These regulations have raised the bar for safety standards within the industry and have had a positive impact on reducing truck accidents in San Antonio.

Common causes of truck accidents in San Antonio

Despite the efforts to improve safety, truck accidents in San Antonio still occur due to various factors. One of the most common causes is driver error. Whether it is due to fatigue, distraction, or aggressive driving, the actions of truck drivers can have serious consequences on the road. Other common causes include inadequate maintenance of trucks, improper loading of cargo, and adverse weather conditions. It is essential for all parties involved, including truck drivers, trucking companies, and motorists, to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent these accidents.

Understanding the legal implications of truck accidents

In the unfortunate event of a truck accident, understanding the legal implications is vital for all parties involved. Truck accidents typically result in complex legal proceedings due to the potential for severe injuries and substantial damages. Determining liability can be challenging, as multiple parties may be held responsible, including the truck driver, the trucking company, and even the manufacturer of the truck or its parts. Seeking legal counsel from experienced truck accident attorneys is crucial to navigate the legal complexities and ensure that victims receive fair compensation for their injuries.

Steps to take after a truck accident in San Antonio

If you find yourself involved in a truck accident in San Antonio, it is essential to take immediate action to protect your rights and well-being. The first step is to ensure your safety and the safety of others at the scene. Contact emergency services if necessary and seek medical attention for any injuries sustained. It is also crucial to gather evidence, such as photographs of the accident scene, statements from witnesses, and contact information of all parties involved. Reporting the accident to the appropriate authorities and notifying your insurance company promptly is essential to initiate the claims process.

Seeking compensation for truck accident injuries

Truck accidents can result in significant physical, emotional, and financial hardships for victims. Seeking compensation for these injuries is crucial to alleviate the burden and aid in the recovery process. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, victims may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Consulting with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney specializing in truck accidents can help victims navigate the legal process and maximize their chances of receiving fair compensation.

Safety tips for sharing the road with trucks

While efforts are being made to improve safety, it is important for all motorists to take precautions when sharing the road with trucks. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

1. Maintain a safe distance: Trucks require more time and space to stop than smaller vehicles. It is crucial to maintain a safe following distance to allow for adequate braking time.

2. Avoid blind spots: Trucks have large blind spots, particularly on the right side and directly behind the vehicle. Be mindful of these blind spots and avoid lingering in them.

3. Use turn signals appropriately: Signaling your intentions early and clearly can help truck drivers anticipate your actions and make the necessary adjustments.

4. Pass with caution: When passing a truck, ensure that you have enough space and time to complete the maneuver safely. Avoid cutting in front of a truck too closely, as it reduces their stopping distance.

5. Be patient and avoid aggressive driving behavior: Tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, and aggressive driving can increase the risk of accidents. Stay calm, patient, and courteous when sharing the road with trucks.

Conclusion: Navigating the changing landscape of truck accidents in San Antonio

As we enter 2024, the truck accident scene in San Antonio is undergoing a significant transformation. Advancements in technology, changes in regulations, and an increased focus on safety are reshaping the landscape of truck accidents in the city. Through the integration of new safety features, enhanced regulatory measures, and the use of advanced technologies like telematics and AI, the number of truck accidents is being reduced, making the roads safer for everyone. However, it is crucial for all stakeholders, including truck drivers, trucking companies, and motorists, to remain committed to safety and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents. By navigating the changing landscape of truck accidents together, we can pave the way for a safer and more efficient transportation system in San Antonio.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 8:28 am

Catastrophic Truck Accident Injury Attorney | Texas

Friday, February 10, 2023
Catastrophic Truck Accident Injury Attorney | Texas

If you suffered injuries in a Texas catastrophic truck accident injury, you’re likely facing physical, emotional, and financial challenges.

However, you don’t have to go through this alone. Contact an experienced Texas catastrophic truck accident injury attorney at the Law Office of Aaron Herbert today.

If you cannot speak with us we want you to know what to do after a truck accident – from a legal perspective. We understand this is a terrifying and traumatic time for you and your family. Let us help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve. 

Are you unsure about what to do following a serious truck accident? The steps you take after an accident can affect your potential personal injury claim and help you protect your rights. Read on to learn more about what to do following a truck accident. 

Common Truck Accident Injuries 

Truck accidents can be devastating, and victims may suffer from various types of injuries. Due to the size and weight of commercial trucks, the injuries sustained in a truck accident can be much more severe than those suffered in a typical car accident. Many victims are left with residual pain or permanent damage. Here’s a closer look at the most common truck accident injuries. 

Traumatic Brain Injuries 

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when a victim’s brain suffers injury due to a sudden force or impact. These types of injuries can occur when your head strikes a hard surface, such as a steering wheel, or when your brain suffers a jolt because of a collision. Symptoms of a TBI can range from mild to severe, including loss of consciousness, confusion, memory loss, headaches, and seizures.

Spinal Cord Injuries 

The spinal cord is a vital and delicate part of the central nervous system. Injuries to the spinal cord can have severe consequences. Spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis, loss of sensation, and loss of bodily functions. Victims may require extensive medical treatment, including surgery, rehabilitation, and long-term care.

Broken Bones and Fractures 

The force of a truck accident can cause victims to suffer from broken bones and fractures. These injuries can be severe and may require surgery, rehabilitation, and extended recovery periods. Fractures in the arms, legs, and pelvis are some of the most common types of fractures suffered in truck accidents.

Internal Injuries 

Not all injuries are visible. Internal injuries can occur in truck accidents due to the force of the impact itself or because you collide with a surface or object, such as a dashboard or an airbag, during a crash. These injuries can be challenging to detect, and symptoms may not appear immediately. Internal injuries can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.

Burn Injuries 

Truck accidents can also result in burn injuries, which can be caused by fire, explosions, or contact with hot surfaces. Burn injuries can be excruciating and may require extensive medical treatment, including skin grafts and reconstructive surgery.


When your limb is crushed or severely injured, there’s a risk of amputation. These injuries can be life-altering and may require long-term medical care, rehabilitation, and prosthetics.


Soft tissue injuries like whiplash are also common in truck accidents. Whiplash is a common neck injury caused by your head jerking back and forth suddenly. This sudden motion can cause damage to the soft tissues in the neck and can result in pain, stiffness, and limited mobility.

Emotional Trauma 

Truck accidents can also cause emotional trauma, which can have long-lasting effects on your mental health. Emotional trauma can cause anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other psychological disorders. Some victims require counseling or other forms of mental health treatment to help them cope with the emotional effects of an accident.

What To Do After a Truck Accident 

The steps you take after a truck accident can help you make your compensation claim stronger. However, taking care of your health should always be your main focus. Never do something that could cause further injury or put your safety at risk. Here’s a look at what to do after a truck accident – from a catastrophic truck accident injury attorney. 

Call the Police

Contact 911 to have police and emergency medical services respond to the scene. The officer will create an accident report that will likely include the names of all involved parties, witness statements, and the officer’s findings. This report can become crucial evidence in a personal injury claim, especially if your case goes to trial. 

Document the Scene and Exchange Information 

Take pictures of the accident scene if you can do so safely. Take photos showing any damage to your vehicle and the truck. Also, take pictures of any visible injuries you’ve suffered. Make sure to exchange contact information with the truck driver and witnesses who might have stopped. 

Seek Timely Medical Attention 

Your health and safety should be your top priority after a truck accident. Even if you don’t think you’re injured, get checked out by a medical professional. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and seeking medical attention can help ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment.

Report the Claim to Your Insurance Company 

You should contact your insurance company as soon as possible and tell them you were involved in a severe injury accident. Your insurance company will tell you whether you need to report the loss to the truck driver’s insurance or whether they will handle filing a claim. 

Consult with a Catastrophic Truck Accident Injury Attorney

Truck accidents can be complex—especially when you have severe or catastrophic injuries. Hiring a lawyer helps you protect your rights and interests throughout the claims process. 

How Much Will A Truck Accident Lawsuit Cost Me?

How much will a truck accident lawsuit cost me? Understandably, you might be concerned about the costs of hiring a lawyer and pursuing litigation.

Fortunately, most truck accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. There’s no upfront legal cost to you in a contingency fee arrangement. Instead, your lawyer will take a percentage of any settlement or judgment you receive. 

What Is the Average Semi-Truck Accident Settlement? 

What is the average semi-truck accident settlement? Semi-truck accident settlement amounts depend on the specific circumstances of each case.

For that reason, there is no average settlement amount for these types of accidents. Settlements may include compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Multiple factors will influence your case value, including: 

  • Severity and type of injuries,
  • Liability,
  • Total damages, and
  • Available insurance coverage. 

Rather than research average settlement amounts, speak to a catastrophic truck accident injury attorney at the Law Office of Aaron Herbert. Our team can help you calculate the value of your case so that you can be sure you’re seeking maximum compensation for your injuries. 

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Help 

How can a truck accident lawyer help? A truck accident lawyer can help you in many ways, including:

  • Investigating the accident and gathering evidence,
  • Interviewing witnesses,
  • Calculating your damages; 
  • Communicating and negotiating with insurance companies, 
  • Representing you in court, and
  • Ensuring all legal deadlines are met. 

When you hire the Law Office of Aaron Herbert to represent you, our team will be there for you every step of the way. 

Contact a Texas Truck Accident Attorney Today 

If you sustained injuries in a truck accident, the Law Office of Aaron Herbert stands ready to help you seek justice. Attorney Aaron Herbert is passionate about fighting for his clients and helping them pursue the compensation they deserve.

Let our Texas truck accident attorney help you navigate the challenges of the Texas legal system so that you can focus on your recovery. Contact our office today to schedule an initial consultation. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:08 pm

What Type of Damages Can I Collect From Texas Truck Accident?

Tuesday, December 13, 2022
What Type of Damages Can I Collect From Texas Truck Accident?

Trucking accidents are an unfortunate part of sharing the road with commercial vehicles.

Thousands of people are injured or killed every year following collisions with trucks and other large commercial vehicles.

The sheer size and weight of trucks often make the injuries associated with trucking accidents more severe than those associated with other crashes.

Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident?

Aside from the size differences, semi-truck accidents also differ from passenger vehicle accidents because there might be multiple potentially liable parties.

Truck drivers and truck companies must follow state and federal regulations concerning loading requirements, weight requirements, inspections, and consecutive hours worked.

Also, sometimes an accident happens because a truck part is faulty. Because of the numerous parties and additional rules involved, it might be difficult to discern who is liable for your truck accident.

Reaching out to an attorney will help ensure the proper parties are brought to justice.

How Do I Prove Liability After a Truck Accident?

No matter who is liable, to recover compensation, an accident victim must prove the other party was either negligent or is strictly liable for their injury. Using one of these legal theories to prove liability is the first step in receiving compensation for damages.


To prove negligence, you must first prove the other party owed you a duty of reasonable care and that they breached that duty.

Reasonable care includes safely controlling the movement and speed of the truck while abiding by the law. If the driver caused an accident because they were checking their phone rather than paying attention to the road, they were likely negligent.

Or, if a truck driver violates a traffic law, like running a red light, and an accident occurs, the violation can establish the driver was negligent.

Once you establish the at-fault party owed you a duty of care and that they breached that duty, you must prove the breach caused your accident. This element is known as causation.

Once you’ve established causation, you then need to prove you suffered damages you can be compensated for. 

Strict Liability

When an accident involves strict liability, you don’t have to prove negligence. In a strict liability claim, you have to prove the at-fault party performed the action or conduct that caused your injury.

Product liability claims are one of the most common types of strict liability claims injured accident victims use to receive compensation.

In a product liability claim, designers, manufacturers, and any company involved in a product’s distribution chain could be held liable if a defective product caused a truck accident. 

Faulty equipment, like brakes, tires, engine parts, or cargo straps, could support a potential strict liability claim. A truck accident lawyer at the Law Office of Aaron Herbert can evaluate the facts of your truck accident and determine if you might be able to pursue a strict liability claim.

Truck Accident Compensation

After an accident, medical bills pile up, and you may have to front the cost of repairs and rental cars as you wait for your insurance claim to be processed. Fortunately, many of these costs can be recouped if you can prove liability and prove your damages.

Truck accident compensation is based on the damages your attorney can prove. When you bring a truck accident claim in Texas, you can pursue both economic and noneconomic damages. 

Economic Damages

Economic damages are quantifiable monetary damages related to your accident. Economic damages include the following: 

  • Medical bills,
  • Future health care costs,
  • Lost income for missed work,
  • Lost future earnings, and
  • Property damage or loss.

Medical bills can include emergency medical care, hospital stays, prescription medicines, and physical or occupational therapy. To prove your medical damages, you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible after your truck accident.

Your doctor will create medical records that will help you prove when your injury occurred, the severity of your injuries, and your prognosis. 

An attorney can gather all the pertinent evidence, such as medical records, bills, pay stubs, and repair invoices, to prove these damages. 

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic damages compensate you for the emotional and mental suffering caused by your accident. Noneconomic damages are more subjective, and the insurance company may not consider them if you don’t claim them.

Some examples of noneconomic damages include the following:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Long-term physical impairments, such as disfigurement, scarring, or amputation; 
  • Emotional distress;
  • Loss of enjoyment of life; and
  • Loss of consortium. 

Loss of consortium concerns the quality of your relationships. The ultimate goal in claiming loss of consortium is to compensate you for the loss of love, care, affection, support, and intimacy.

Noneconomic damages are difficult to calculate because they differ from person to person. An experienced attorney can help you identify and calculate all of your damages to make sure you are pursuing all of the compensation you’re eligible to receive. 

Call a Truck Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a truck accident, the Law Office of Aaron Herbert can help you hold the at-fault parties accountable.

Aaron Herbert is board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and has handled more than 50 jury trials.

When you need tenacious advocates who will fight for you at the negotiating table and in the courtroom, the Law Office of Aaron Herbert is here to help. Contact us online or by phone to schedule a free consultation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:36 am

What Are Common Truck Accident Injuries?

Sunday, November 20, 2022
types of truck accidents

Big rigs, 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers, large freight trucks, tanker trucks, cement trucks, and delivery vehicles are all types of large trucks.

A large truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, while an average passenger vehicle weighs only around 4,000 pounds.

Because large trucks dwarf cars, an accident with one can be catastrophic.

Common Truck Accident Injuries

Some truck accident injuries are minor, while others can be deadly. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2021, fatalities in crashes involving at least one large truck were up 13% compared to 2020.

And in 2020, 107,000 large trucks were involved in crashes resulting in injury.

The most common truck injuries include:

  • Cuts, bruises, and lacerations. Cuts and bruises are less severe than head or spine trauma but still can require treatment and cause permanent damage. Injuries from shattered glass, sharp metal, or unrestrained objects inside a car can potentially result in disfiguring scars or even life-threatening infections.
  • Broken bones. Crushed or broken bones are common in truck accidents because of the massive impact force.
  • Back and neck injuries. Whiplash can occur when a person’s head and neck snap forward but their torso stays in place. Whiplash can take days after the accident to cause pain and other symptoms.
  • Spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries could result in partial, temporary, or complete paralysis of the torso or lower body. Recovering from a spinal cord injury may involve months or years of treatments, surgeries, and physical therapy and can leave a victim permanently disabled.
  • Head and brain injuries. Head injuries may present as a minor bruise or a mild concussion. Or it may be a traumatic brain injury, which can have long-lasting or even permanent effects.
  • Burns. If a truck’s fuel tank ruptures, a fire can ignite and engulf the truck or surrounding passenger cars.
  • Amputation and disfigurement. The crushing force of a collision can cause amputation. Amputation victims may require continuing medical treatment and adaptive devices like prosthetics to function.
  • Internal injuries. Strong forces from an airbag, seatbelt, or other car parts can cause blunt internal trauma to the abdomen, bladder, spleen, liver, pancreas, or kidney. Or a broken rib could puncture a lung or create other internal damage.

A skilled truck accident attorney can determine your injuries’ current and future long-term costs. They will fight to hold liable parties accountable so you get the compensation you deserve.

Contact the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert Today

If a truck accident has affected your life, the truck accident attorneys at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert can help you down the path to recovery.

From exhaustive investigations to tense negotiations, our Texas Board Certified highly rated attorneys never back down from a fight.

We are fearless in using aggressive legal strategies or going to court to pursue your maximum truck accident compensation.

With over 1,000 personal injury lawsuits filed and resolved, you can rest assured that at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, your truck accident injury claim is in the best hands possible.

Contact or call us today at 214-441-6196 for a free consultation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:47 pm

Does a Jackknife Truck Accident Imply Fault?

Sunday, November 6, 2022
Jackknife Truck Accident Imply Fault

Many people wonder, What is jack knifing? The term’s literal definition is “to bend or double over like a jack knife.”

When this happens with commercial trucks, jackknifing can wreak havoc on property and life.

In fact, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, jackknifing commercial trucks caused 434,000 crashes in 2022, 4,842 of which were fatal.

But does a jackknife truck accident imply fault? The answer is that it depends. Read on for more information.

What Is Jackknifing a Truck?

Now that we’ve answered the question, What is jack knifing? let’s apply the term to commercial trucks. A moveable joint connects a semi-truck’s cab and trailer.

This joint allows for increased maneuverability but also makes semis susceptible to specific accidents, including jackknifes.

When a commercial truck jack knifes, the truck’s trailer moves in a different direction than the front of the vehicle, causing the truck’s cab and trailer to fold into each other.

This configuration resembles an open jackknife. Unfortunately, when the trailer and cab simultaneously move in different directions, the truck driver often loses control of the truck or hits other vehicles in surrounding lanes, leading to accidents.

Who Is Responsible for Jack Knife Accidents?

When it comes to jackknife accidents, Texas is an at-fault state. If you are injured in a jackknife crash in Texas, you must be 50% or less responsible for the crash to collect compensation.

You must also show that the other party acted negligently. Part of proving negligence is showing that another driver or party is at fault for your jackknife accident. Different parties that may be responsible for your accident include:

  • The truck driver,
  • A third-party driver,
  • Trucking companies,
  •  Maintenance companies,
  • Mechanics,
  • Cargo loaders,
  • Truck manufacturers and designers of faulty truck parts, and
  • Governments or municipalities.

An experienced lawyer can investigate your case and help you identify the responsible party. Working with an experienced lawyer to establish liability will help ensure you receive the best settlement possible.

Common Causes of Jack Knife Accidents

Numerous factors can cause a trailer to jackknife, including negligence on the driver’s part. They include:

  • Poor road conditions,
  • Bad weather,
  • Speeding,
  • Distracted driving,
  • Taking curves or turns too quickly,
  • Driving fatigued,
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol,
  • Hauling improperly or poorly loaded cargo, and
  • Light trailer loads.

These are just some of the factors that can lead to a dangerous jackknife accident. Speaking with a skilled accident attorney who understands complete trucking rules and regulations will help you identify the cause of your accident so that you can claim the compensation you’re entitled to.

Contact the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert Today

If you’ve been injured in a jackknife accident, contact the experienced attorneys at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert.

We can help you negotiate with insurance companies and are not afraid to use aggressive legal strategies or go to court to pursue your maximum compensation.

As a client-centered law practice with decades of combined experience, the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert is committed to fighting for the jackknife compensation you’re entitled to.

Our Texas Board Certification and highest possible AVVO rating assure that we take accountability seriously. Call us today at 214-441-6196 for a free consultation.

We will work tirelessly to ensure that the parties that caused your accident are held responsible, and we won’t take a fee unless we win.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:16 pm

Shoulder Injury Settlements from Truck Accidents in Texas: How Much Can I Expect?

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Shoulder injuries are one of the more common types of injuries received in car accidents.

Some people realize that their shoulder is injured right away. But for others, symptoms of an injury don’t appear for days or even weeks. 

If you have suffered a shoulder injury after a truck accident in Texas, you may be entitled to justice and compensation.

At the Law Office of Aaron Herbert, we know that initiating a legal claim while recovering from an injury can be physically and emotionally taxing.

We will fight vigorously for your rights to help you get the best shoulder injury truck accident settlement. 

This post will discuss some common types of truck accident shoulder injuries and talk about the average settlement for shoulder injuries in truck accidents.

This way, you can be more informed when pursuing compensation for your injury. 

Common Shoulder Injuries from Truck Accidents 

The shoulder has a ball and socket structure with three major bones, muscles, and tendons.

Any part of the shoulder can be injured in a truck accident as it is a vulnerable part of the body due to the airbag, seatbelt, and steering wheel in a car.

Some common types of shoulder injuries from truck accidents include: 

  • Bone fractures, which often result from forceful impacts; 
  • Rotator cuff tears, which are usually indicated by muscle aches, pains, and limited mobility in the shoulder;
  • Muscle sprains, which are injuries to the muscles and tendons in the shoulder; and
  • Deep tissue bruising, which is much more severe than topical bruising and is often associated with internal bleeding.

These are just a few of the common types of shoulder injuries seen in truck accidents. 

Settlements for Shoulder Injuries in Truck Accidents 

There is no reliable average settlement amount for shoulder injuries in truck accidents; each case must be individually evaluated to determine its potential value.

While each case has its own set of circumstances, there are some general factors that contribute to the amount of your potential settlement.

Some of these factors include: 

  • Who is at fault in the accident, which is generally taken into account as Texas is a modified comparative negligence state; 
  • The extent of any injuries; 
  • Insurance factors;
  • Costs of litigation; 
  • The kind of treatment needed for the injuries; and 
  • The amount of time it will take to recover from the injuries. 

Each of these factors is best explained by an experienced personal injury attorney who will be able to consider the totality of the circumstances to arrive at a value for your case. 

We Can Help! 

If you are seeking a truck accident shoulder injury settlement, you should reach out to us as soon as possible. You have a limited amount of time to bring a claim for a shoulder injury.

The Law Office of Aaron Herbert can help you meet these important deadlines and will fight to get you the best settlement possible. 

Contact us online or call us at 210-435-7968 at any time to schedule a free consultation. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:00 pm

Average Settlement for a Broken Arm After a Truck Accident in Texas

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Semi-trucks, big rigs, 18-wheelers.

They go by many names, but one thing remains the same: serious injuries usually happen in a truck accident.

Very few people walk away unscathed from a collision with these monsters that can weigh up to 80,000 pounds

When these Texas titans strike, you may wonder what the average settlement for a broken arm is.

We cover this below and help you understand how to maximize the compensation you might receive if you file a claim. 

The Law Office of Aaron Herbert fights for Texas truck accident victims and their families. The accident wasn’t your fault, and you shouldn’t have to pay the price.

We will fight for you to help you get every penny you deserve. 

What Is the Average Settlement for a Broken Arm?

The average settlement for a broken arm in a truck accident can vary widely, depending on factors such as:

  • The type of break; 
  • The likelihood that you’ll make a full or partial recovery;
  • The compensation that similarly situated victims received in past cases; 
  • The impact that the broken arm will have on your life; and 
  • The facts surrounding the accident. 

If your broken arm is such that it may never fully heal, your settlement award may be higher than for a minor fracture.

Even so, just because the injury may not be life-long, it doesn’t mean you’ll get a small settlement. 

A truck accident attorney can help you understand how much your case is worth. 

How Can I Help Increase the Amount of Compensation I Receive in My Truck Accident Case?

The average settlement for a broken arm varies from case to case. But there are steps you can take to help increase your chances of winning your claim against the at-fault party. 

Promptly Report the Accident to Law Enforcement

Under Texas law, drivers must promptly report to the police an accident that results in property damage or injury.

This is true even if the injuries or damage seem minor. Limited exceptions apply in some cases that may alter this duty to report.

For example, if you’re unconscious, you may not have to inform authorities of the accident immediately. 

Meeting your reporting requirement helps your case because it shows that you did everything possible. We can help you understand your obligation to report the accident. 

Don’t Make Admissions of Fault to Police or the Insurance Company

During the claim process, the at-fault party’s insurance company will look for every reason to deny your claim and refuse to pay.

Try to limit your conversations with your insurance company and the police to the bare facts.

You risk inadvertently admitting fault if you convey your opinions or commentary (e.g., “I didn’t see you because I was changing the radio station.”). 

Seek Medical Attention and Follow Treatment Recommendations

One common mistake that accident victims make is delaying going to the doctor. Or they may not follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Going to the doctor to evaluate and address your injuries helps your physical health and your legal case.

You can use the medical records to prove that the accident caused your broken arm and the extent of your injuries. 

Talk to a Truck Accident Attorney

Truck accident attorneys are well-versed in Texas’s car accident laws.

They know what to look for, what questions to ask, and the tactics insurance companies use to overwhelm accident victims.

Further, if you have an attorney on your team, at-fault parties and insurance companies are more likely to take your claim seriously. 

Having an attorney also means a tenacious advocate is fighting for your best interests so that you can focus on healing. 

The Law Office of Aaron Herbert—We’ll Help You Maximize Your Settlement for a Broken Arm 

We understand that you’re hurting and that it’s not your fault. Our Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Lawyers are ready to fight for you.

We can help you understand the average settlement for a broken arm in a truck crash and what that looks like in your case.

For over 20 years, we’ve fought for Texans like you, helping them regain their lives. 

If you were injured in a truck accident, contact us online or call our office at 214-200-4878 to schedule your free consultation. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:20 am

18-Wheeler Lawsuit Settlements in Texas: What Is the Average Amount?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

If you were hit by an 18-wheeler, you are probably wondering what an average lawsuit settlement is worth.

You may be saddled with mounting medical expenses, an inability to work, and a bleak prognosis for recovery from your injuries.

Unfortunately, there is no average value for an eighteen-wheeler accident lawsuit because no two cases are the same.

However, there are a few common factors that may affect the value of your case.

Factors Affecting 18-Wheeler Lawsuit Settlements

Despite the variability of facts from case to case, an attorney can explain common factors that influence settlement values and how they apply to your particular case.

For example, 18-wheeler lawsuits involving severe or catastrophic injuries typically result in larger settlements.

That is because catastrophic injuries require extensive medical treatment and greatly impact an injured victim’s life.

Other common factors affecting potential settlement values include:

  • A precise determination of liability, 
  • Whether the injuries prevent the victim from working or earning an income, 
  • Medical bills, 
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage,
  • Whether the truck driver violated any laws at the time of the accident, and
  • Insurance coverage and policy limits. 

Without understanding your case’s worth, it’s impossible to know what settlement offers to accept or reject.

Understanding how these factors can increase or decrease the value of your case can help guide settlement negotiations to a more successful conclusion. 

How Is Fault Determined? 

When it comes to personal injury cases, Texas is a comparative negligence state.

Comparative negligence means an injured victim can still recover some compensation even if they were partially at fault for their accident.

In Texas, you must be 50% or less at fault for the accident to be able to recover compensation. If you are partially at fault for the accident, your damages will be reduced by your share of the fault.

For example, if your damages total $100,000 and you were 30% at fault, you can recover up to $70,000.  

What’s Included in 18-Wheeler Lawsuit Settlements? 

Those hit by a truck may wonder what’s included in 18-wheeler lawsuit settlements. 

Injured victims are entitled to the value of their compensatory damages.

Compensatory damages are divided into economic and noneconomic damages and represent different types of losses commonly suffered in personal injury lawsuits. 

Economic Damages 

Economic damages in Texas represent direct financial losses related to your injury and include the following:

  • Medical expenses, 
  • Lost wages,
  • Loss of future earnings, and
  • Property damage.

Your attorney calculates economic damages using bills, receipts, pay stubs, invoices, and other tangible evidence.

Retain all evidence of your financial losses to help support your claim for economic damages.

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic damages are often more difficult to prove. Noneconomic damages compensate you for the emotional and psychological harm your injury has caused you.

Common noneconomic losses include: 

Due to their subjective nature, noneconomic damages do not find support through tangible evidence like receipts and can be difficult to calculate.

For example, putting a value on a scar that has permanently changed your appearance is very difficult to do.

Similarly, how do you assign a value to an injury that makes it impossible for you to participate in any activities with your children?

Despite the abstract nature of these losses, they should never be overlooked. In some cases, noneconomic damage awards may be substantially larger than economic damage awards. 

Are Settlement Calculators Reliable? 

Many injured victims desperate for compensation turn to settlement calculators to determine a value for their 18-wheeler lawsuit settlements in Texas.

Unfortunately, these calculators only take economic losses into account. In an eighteen-wheeler accident lawsuit, an injured victim is entitled to both economic and noneconomic damages.

While economic damages are important, noneconomic damages are equally crucial to help fully compensate a victim for their injuries. 

Contact Us 

The Law Office of Aaron Herbert has a long history of successful cases and grateful clients.

Over the years, the Law Office of Aaron Herbert has secured hundreds of millions of dollars for personal injury clients throughout Texas in settlements and jury verdicts.

With more than fifty personal injury trials under our belt, our experience gives you an edge at every stage of your case.

We take care of everything, so you can focus on your recovery. The sooner you contact us after an accident, the sooner we can help you achieve financial stability.

Contact us by phone or online today to schedule a free consultation. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:07 am

What Is the Average Settlement of a Truck Accident Case?

Monday, August 1, 2022

There is no “average” settlement for a truck accident case in Texas. The settlements won for these collisions vary considerably, making any type of average or median number a poor indication of what your specific claim could be worth. Rather than looking at average settlement awards given to truck accident victims, gain an idea of what your particular case might be worth by analyzing the damages you and your family suffered.

Average Settlement of a Truck Accident Case

Common Damages in a Truck Accident Case

“Damages” has two meanings in personal injury law. It refers to the losses you suffered in the accident as well as the financial compensation that may be available to you. In your initial settlement demand letter to an insurance company, you must list all of the damages you suffered in connection to the crash, with corresponding sums you are demanding as compensation for these losses. A truck accident lawyer in Dallas can help you create a full list of your economic and noneconomic damages.

  • Long-term medical expenses. The severe nature of most truck accidents means weeks or months of necessary medical care. In the most severe cases, a victim may need lifelong treatments, such as rehabilitation and physical therapy.
  • Lost wages. A truck accident can take a victim out of work temporarily while he or she is in the hospital or permanently if the accident causes disability. Compensation for lost past wages as well as lost future capacity to earn may be available.
  • Damaged or totaled vehicle. Most collisions between 18-wheelers and passenger cars result in the latter being totaled. The immense property damage caused by a truck accident may take thousands of dollars to repair.
  • Pain and suffering. An injured accident victim has the right to request compensation for intangible losses related to the collision, such as emotional distress, mental anguish, post-traumatic stress disorder, fear, anxiety and lost quality of life.
  • Wrongful death. If someone dies in a truck accident in Dallas, his or her surviving family members can seek financial compensation. A settlement for wrongful death could include funeral and burial costs, medical bills, and lost income.

Your family can recover past and future losses related to a commercial truck accident in Texas. The types and extent of your damages are what will determine how much your truck accident case is worth.

Although many different factors can affect the value of your injury settlement, the most common factors used in calculations by insurance companies are injury severity, the cost of medical care, the length of recovery and how much the accident has impacted your life.

Who Is Liable?

Once you have created a comprehensive list of your losses, your truck accident lawyer can determine the liable party. This is the person or entity legally responsible for your accident, injuries and losses. Under Texas’s tort-based insurance law, the driver or party at fault for causing the crash is financially responsible for medical bills and property damage.

In a standard auto accident, this party is most likely the other driver. The rules are different, however, in truck accident cases. If the driver who caused your accident was employed by a truck company at the time of the crash, you can hold the company vicariously liable instead of the driver’s personal auto insurance policy. This can result in a greater insurance settlement, as a trucking company will have more insurance available.

How to Ensure a Fair Outcome for Your Truck Accident Case

Although a truck accident can cause devastating losses, insurance companies often use tactics to devalue claims and reduce payouts. Do not assume the first settlement offered is a fair amount for what may be lifelong damages. Bring any settlement offer given to you by an insurance company to an attorney for a review you can trust.

A truck accident lawyer can carefully evaluate your case to give you an accurate settlement estimate. Then, your lawyer can help you demand maximum financial compensation from the correct party using proven legal strategies.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:58 pm

How to Tell If a Truck Driver Is Driving Recklessly?

Friday, July 29, 2022

Truck drivers have a legal duty to drive safely and prudently. They must obey stringent federal laws in terms of truck inspections, cargo loading, braking techniques, rest breaks and more. Breaching any of these rules or regulations, either negligently or intentionally, could cause a deadly truck accident. In 2017, fatal accidents in the U.S. involved 4,657 large trucks. Keeping an eye out for reckless truck drivers in Texas could help you avoid a serious accident. Always keep your distance from a reckless trucker and call 911 to report the issue if you see the warning signs. If you were the victim of a big rig accident, speak to a Dallas truck accident attorney to learn about your options.


No commercial truck should ever exceed the posted speed limits in Texas. Speed limits vary state to state but should be clearly posted alongside the roadway. Some highways have different maximum speeds for passenger cars and commercial trucks. Texas has some of the highest speed limits for truckers (up to 85 miles per hour), but truck drivers should still not exceed a speed that is reasonable and prudent for driving conditions. This may mean slowing down considerably lower than the posted limits in bad weather.

A speeding truck driver may be engaging in this dangerous practice due to road rage or to meet a tight deadline. There is no excuse, however, for reckless truck driving.


It is extremely dangerous for a commercial big rig to tailgate or ride close to the bumpers of other vehicles. This is one of the common causes of truck accidents. Large trucks require more time to come to complete stops than smaller passenger cars, increasing the risk of rear-end collisions. Prudent truck drivers remain a safe distance away from the vehicles they are following to prevent these accidents.

When a big rig crashes into the back of a smaller vehicle, the collision can be fatal for the occupants in the car. The big rig’s tires may ride up over the back of the passenger car (an override accident) in a way that crushes the vehicle and the passengers inside. If not, the impact could crush the smaller vehicle or send it colliding into other cars or careening into oncoming traffic. If you see a truck driver tailgating another driver, this is a reckless driving behavior that could cause a fatal accident.

Improper Passing

Unsafe lane changes are a significant cause of fatal truck accidents. It is a truck driver’s responsibility to safely and prudently switch lanes when it is safe to do so, only after signaling the intent to merge and waiting until the lane is clear. No Zones (significant blind spots) can make it difficult for a truck driver to tell whether a lane is clear before merging. Truck drivers must take extra caution while keeping this fact in mind.

If you notice a large truck weaving between lanes of traffic, changing lanes excessively, passing people using the shoulder of the road, honking to force other drivers out of its way, cutting other drivers off or merging on top of other vehicles, the driver is guilty of reckless driving. These are reckless driving behaviors that could lead to a serious sideswipe accident, underride collision or override collision.

Red-Light Running

Violating any traffic law is a sign of reckless driving in a trucker. One of the most common signs of a bad or dangerous truck driver is red-light running. If you see a trucker run a red light or roll through a stop sign, you have witnessed reckless driving. Make a note of the trucking company’s name and the registration number of the truck (posted on all truck cabs). Call the trucking company to issue a complaint about a dangerous driver. If the reckless truck driver appears to be putting other people’s lives in danger, call 911 to report the incident as well. Hire an attorney to help you prove your case if you get into a crash with a truck driver you suspect of reckless driving.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:38 am

Guide to Sharing the Road With Semi Trucks

Monday, July 18, 2022

Semi trucks are critical to the country’s economy. Commercial big rigs transport millions of tons of goods across the country each year. Traveling alongside large trucks, however, can come with certain safety threats to the average driver. The great size and weight disparities between a semi truck and a passenger vehicle mean the latter almost always suffers the greater damages. In 2017, semi trucks were involved in 4,657 fatal accidents in the U.S. As a driver in Dallas, learning how to safely share the road with semi trucks could save your life.

What Are Semi Truck No Zones?

A semi truck’s No Zones describe areas on all four sides of a commercial truck that passenger vehicle drivers should avoid. No Zones are a truck driver’s blind spots. A semi truck’s blind spots are enormous. A general rule to follow is if you cannot see the truck driver’s face in the truck’s side mirrors, the driver cannot see you. Do your best not to hover in the No Zones.

  • 20 feet to the front of the truck
  • 30 feet to the rear of the truck
  • One lane to the left of the truck
  • Two lanes to the right of the truck

While it may be impossible to completely stay out of a truck’s No Zones, do not hover in them for longer than is necessary. Instead, maneuver out of the No Zone as quickly as you safely can. Hovering in a blind spot puts your life at risk. Every second you spend in the No Zone could put you at risk of the semi truck merging on top of you.

What Is the Safest Distance? How to Safely Pass a Semi Truck

The safest distance to stay away from a semi truck is at least outside the parameters of its No Zones. Try to keep at least one lane away from a semi truck to the left and two to the right. When passing a big rig, maintain a safe speed. Do not drive overly fast to accelerate past a semi truck. Keep both hands on the wheel and drive in a straight line. The weight and size of the truck can create wind tunnels on its sides that may pull at your smaller car. Try to keep your vehicle’s path straight.

Pass the semi truck as quickly and efficiently as you can without speeding. Always pass on the left-hand side of the truck, not to the right. The left lane on a highway in Texas is the passing lane. Passing from the slow lane can confuse a truck driver and increase your risk of a No Zone accident. Only reenter a lane in front of a semi truck when you have put at least 20 feet between your vehicles. Merging any closer to the truck could lead to a rear-end collision. Semi trucks cannot stop as quickly as smaller vehicles.

What to Do If Involved in a Semi Truck Accident

Every year, thousands of people suffer serious injuries in semi truck accidents. You are not alone as the victim of a collision with a big rig in Dallas. Stay calm if you are involved in a semi truck accident. Get to a safe place to wait for the police to arrive. Call 911 and report any injuries if no one else has already done so. If you can, take photos and collect other information from the scene of the accident. This includes the names of other involved drivers, the name of the trucking company, the truck’s Department of Transportation number and license plate information.

Get medical care for your injuries immediately. Keep copies of your medical records to use on your claim later. Once you are able, contact an attorney to help you file a truck accident claim. Your insurance claim will require details such as the types of losses you suffered and their values. A lawyer can help you fill out claims paperwork and file it with the correct party. If the insurance company denies a fair settlement for your semi truck accident, use a lawyer to take the company to court. A truck accident lawsuit could end in fair compensation for your losses.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:25 am

How Common Are Truck Accidents and Crashes?

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Truck accidents are often catastrophic for the victims involved. They are some of the most dangerous types of collisions on the road, involving trucks that can weigh more than 80,000 pounds – about 20 times more than the average passenger car. Truck accidents, injuries, and deaths are almost always preventable. Yet every year, thousands of people lose their lives and suffer life-changing injuries in accidents with commercial trucks. Talk to a Dallas truck accident lawyer if you have been injured in a semi truck-related accident.

How Often Do Truck Accidents Occur?

Truck accident facts from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration state that close to 4,700 large trucks had involvement in fatal accidents in 2017. This was a 10% increase from 4,251 trucks in 2016. In addition, 107,000 injury crashes and 363,000 property-damage-only accidents involved big rigs in 2017. Most fatal truck accidents occurred in rural areas (57%) and interstate highways (27%). Thirty-five percent (35%) occurred at night.

Truck accidents involved hazardous materials in 3% of fatal large truck crashes and 2% of nonfatal crashes in 2017. The first harmful event in the majority of fatal truck accidents (74%) in 2017 was the collision with a vehicle in transport. Rollover was the first event in 4% of fatal truck accidents. About 5% of truck drivers involved in fatal accidents (252 total drivers) tested positive for drugs.

Statistics for 2018 from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety state that 4,136 victims lost their lives in collisions with large trucks. The majority (67%) of these deaths were passenger vehicle occupants, while 16% were truck occupants and 15% were motorcyclists, bicyclists or pedestrians. Sixty-two percent (62%) of accidents that killed large truck occupants involved other large trucks, in multiple-vehicle crashes. In 2018, 11% of all traffic fatalities involved large trucks.

Why They Happen

Truck accidents occur more often than most drivers realize. It is a common assumption that large trucks are safe due to federal regulations. In reality, however, many trucking companies cut corners to save time and money on transports. People die every day in preventable commercial trucking accidents, including rollovers, jackknife accidents, rear-end collisions, underride accidents, and head-on collisions. Most of these accidents stem from the same few causes.

  • Speeding is the most common driver-related cause of fatal truck accidents. Speeding can refer to driving faster than the speed limit or too fast for conditions. If it is raining or snowing, for example, a truck driver may need to slow down to below the speed limit.
  • Distraction/inattention. Driver distraction or inattention was the second most common driver-related crash cause. Driver distractions often include cellphones, food and drink, the radio, passengers, personal grooming, and things happening outside the cab.
  • Drug and alcohol involvement was the third leading cause of fatal truck accidents in 2017. Impaired truck drivers may be unable to safely control their rigs, leading to catastrophic collisions.
  • Truck defects. A truck defect can refer to manufacturing mistakes – such as bad brakes – maintenance errors or cargo loading issues. It is a trucking company’s responsibility to properly load and maintain its trucks. Failure to do so can contribute to tire blowouts, lost cargo loads, rollover accidents and other problems.
  • Dangerous roads. Some fatal truck accidents start with a roadway hazard or defect, such as a pothole, uneven shoulder, dangerously designed road, malfunctioning traffic light or obscured stop sign. It is the city’s responsibility to adequately maintain its roads and highways.

Recognizing why truck accidents and crashes happen can help drivers avoid the most common risks and potentially prevent collisions. Trucking companies and their drivers cause many collisions, while others stem from mistakes on the passenger vehicle driver’s part. Either way, most truck accidents are preventable. After a serious truck accident that causes injuries or deaths, the at-fault party may be liable for victims’ damages.

Posted by mockingbird at 12:47 pm

How Can Commercial Truck Drivers Limit Distracted Driving?

Thursday, March 24, 2022
Distracted driving plays a major role in car accidents, which is why most states have a ban on texting while driving. Some states go further than others – in fact, in some states even talking on the phone is prohibited. Minimizing distractions is essential to maintaining our safety, as thousands incur injury from distracted driving each year. This especially applies to commercial truck drivers, as accidents involving commercial vehicles often lead to serious, permanently disabling injury or fatality. When an accident occurs there is often much more damage and injuries if not death. That’s why it’s critical to work with a commercial truck accident lawyer to ensure you receive all the compensation you deserve. Fortunately, there are several techniques commercial truck drivers can employ to reduce their risk of causing an accident.

Put Your Phone Away

In the era of smartphones, keeping in touch with our mobile devices is second nature. We may always keep our devices close so we can check on texts, engage on social media, or navigate with GPS. When you’re operating a commercial motor vehicle, however, using a smartphone can prove disastrous. Texting and driving, for example, will make you 23 times more likely to be involved in what the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration calls a “safety-critical” event, which includes lane deviations, near-accidents, or accidents. Sending a text takes an average of 4.6 seconds. At 55 mph, this means a driver may travel the length of a football field without looking at the road. In fact, using a phone on the road is so dangerous that the FMCSA also has rules restricting how truckers can dial a phone while operating a commercial motor vehicle. When driving, err on the safe side and avoid temptation; keep your phone out of reach. Pull over if you need to send a text or answer a phone call.

Maintain Your Focus

People often fail to realize that distracted driving is anything that takes your attention off the road. This may include personal grooming, talking on the phone, fiddling with the radio, or even talking to a passenger. Take steps to minimize any distractions:
  • Take care of all personal grooming needs before leaving each day.
  • Plug your route into GPS before hitting the highway.
  • Finish all personal calls before beginning a shift.
When on the road, maintain your focus by actively scanning and using your truck’s mirrors. Drive defensively and resist the temptation to multitask.

Prepare Smart Snacks

Driver fatigue can play a large role in distracted driving. Taking frequent breaks and eating smart snacks can help keep your energy level up and combat fatigue. The FMCSA sets rules for breaks and sleep for a reason. When taking a break or refueling, choose snacks that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates, not sugar. Sugar may make you feel better for a while, but an inevitable drop in blood sugar follows, which can make your fatigue worse. Over a third of truck drivers have reported falling asleep or nodding off behind the wheel – get plenty of rest and take breaks when you need them, as concentration helps prevent accidents. Distracted driving can lead to devastating accidents, but commercial vehicle operators can help mitigate their risk. Follow these tips to reduce accidents and enjoy a safe trip.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:02 pm

Tips for Avoiding Wrecks with 18-Wheelers in San Antonio

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Commercial motor vehicles and big rigs are a part of our everyday lives. We may see them on our daily work commute or on family trips. These vehicles provide a valuable service to us all, transporting goods and driving our local economy. We all know, however, that these vehicles can also be dangerous. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways you can reduce your risk of being in an accident with an 18-wheeler in San Antonio.

Simple Ways to Prevent Big Rig Accidents

You can’t always predict the actions of another driver, but you can control your own. Use these tips the next time you get on your local highway or truck route:
  • Don’t hit the brakes quickly unless necessary. Rapid deceleration is dangerous when you’re ahead of a big rig, as even empty ones take a long time to stop. A fully loaded semi can require 300 yards to come to a complete stop. Keep an eye on the road ahead of you and allow plenty of time to react to possible hazards.
  • If a truck is following you too closely, give them time and space to pass. Move out of the way safely and continue your way.
  • Know their blind spots. Commercial motor vehicles have pretty impressive mirrors, but they still have blind spots – in fact, their blinds spot are much larger than typical vehicles. A good rule of thumb to follow is if you cannot see their mirrors, they cannot see you. It’s always a good idea to assure a safe following distance, especially behind a semi.
  • Don’t tailgate. Tailgating is dangerous for the reasons listed above, but also because it prevents you from seeing road signs, traffic lights, and other things necessary for safe driving. Always allow ample room between you and a large vehicle.
  • Exercise patience. Semi-trucks can travel slowly, but this is a good thing. It’s much safer for them to travel at slower speeds than it is to keep pace with smaller vehicle traffic. On the highway, travel in the faster lanes, as semis tend to keep to the slow lane. If you need to pass, wait until it’s safe to do so – a little patience could save your life.
  • Drive defensively. A trucker owes you a duty of care, but you also have a duty to drive safely on the road. Minimize distractions and concentrate on the road always, especially when you’re sharing it with a semi.
  • Use your blinker. Before making lane changes or engaging in any other activity with a driver, be as predictable as possible. This means using a blinker and waiting a moment before switching lanes. Remember, large vehicles take longer to maneuver and require more reaction time.
Sharing the road with semi-trucks may seem like second nature, but’s it’s important to keep your guard up. By driving defensively, remaining visible, and allowing them plenty of time to react on the road, you can make your commute safer. Do your part to prevent trucking wrecks in San Antonio by observing these tips. If you are in an accident with a large truck, contact an 18 wheeler accident attorney in San Antonio as soon as possible to help ensure you receive all the medical care and financial compensation you deserve.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:00 am

How Effective Are Roadside Inspections of Commercial Trucks?

Wednesday, March 2, 2022
The commercial trucking industry is an enormous, complex system that is imperative to the U.S. economy. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) strives to regulate this industry, enacting rules that companies and drivers must obey to increase the safety of everyone on the roadways. Roadside inspections are one of many strategies in place to improve the safety of commercial trucking. Unfortunately, not every effort works as well as regulators would hope. Here’s a look at the effectiveness of roadside inspections in Texas.

What Happens During a Roadside Inspection?

Roadside inspections are largely part of state-run systems, with trained and certified vehicle safety inspectors stationed at unannounced inspection stops. The FMCSA financially supports statewide inspections through annual grant programs. The FMCSA’s National Training Center handles inspector training programs throughout the country, certifying new inspectors and giving certificates in areas of expertise. The state of Texas is in charge of ensuring its safety inspections comply with federal regulations. Any commercial truck or bus that passes an active inspection station is required by law to stop and comply with the process. The inspectors will look at the driver’s license and documents, the cargo, any hazardous materials, the condition of the truck, and other factors during the inspection. If any truck fails a safety inspection, it will receive an out-of-service order. These trucks cannot continue their scheduled drives until someone remedies the issue. Similarly, commercial drivers with regulation violations will not be able to continue driving. Traffic enforcement programs are also in place to improve trucking safety. During this process, a law enforcement officer may pull over a truck for a moving violation. The officer then has the right to conduct a roadside inspection of the driver and vehicle. Any sign of unsafe driving or operations can result in an out-of-service order. The FMCSA continues its inspection programs, initiatives, and efforts in the hopes that they will catch safety violations before they result in accidents.

Inspection Effectiveness By the Numbers

The FMCSA developed a tool called the Roadside Intervention Effectiveness Model (RIEM) to gauge the effectiveness of roadside inspections. This system analyzes the results of annual roadside inspection data and concludes how many lives may have been saved. The most recent data available from RIEM is from 2012. The facts from the 2012 RIEM analysis are as follows:
  • Roadside inspections prevented 8,721 accidents, saved 285 lives, and prevented 5,341 injuries.
  • Traffic enforcement inspections prevented 5,703 crashes, saved 187 lives, and prevented 3,492 injuries.
  • In total, roadside inspections prevented almost 9,000 injuries in more than 14,000 crashes in 2012.
Despite allegedly preventing accidents, Texas’ current roadside inspection system does not consistently screen vehicles or drivers. This results in a fraction of commercial trucks being dangerous to operate at any moment on the state’s highways. This is a frightening reality for other drivers in Texas. After a trucking accident, one of the first steps should be to investigate the truck and driver involved for potential safety violations. Any type of infraction could have contributed to the crash, such as an unsafe load, unsecured hazardous materials, or a driver operating despite an out-of-service order. In these events, injured victims may be able to sue the trucking company for negligence. It’s critical to hire a no-win-no fee truck accident lawyer if you’ve been injured in an 18 wheeler accident. Call us today for a free no obligation case review and consultation.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:08 am

Truck Accidents Caused By Driver Fatigue

Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Commercial trucking companies and their drivers are responsible for the safety of their transports. Commercial trucks pose significant risks of injury and even a wrongful death to other roadway users. They are much larger and heavier than passenger cars, leading to catastrophic collisions. Unfortunately, truck drivers do not always fulfill their responsibility to drive safely. They often engage in dangerous driver behaviors, such as driving while fatigued.

Is Drowsy Driving as Dangerous as Drunk Driving?

Drowsy driving is a deadly driver mistake. Truck driver fatigue is behind hundreds of fatal commercial vehicle accidents every year. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), in 2018, 4,862 fatal traffic accidents in the U.S. involved large trucks. Investigations have shown that about 13 percent of truck accidents are connected to truck driver drowsiness or fatigue. Studies have shown that driving drowsy is comparable to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, operating a vehicle after not sleeping for 18 hours impairs a driver the same amount as having a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.05 percent. Driving after being awake for at least 24 hours is the equivalent of a BAC of 0.10 percent. The legal BAC limit in Texas is 0.08 percent. The legal BAC limit for a commercial driver, however, is only 0.04 percent. Both drowsy driving and drunk driving place a driver in a state of impairment that can impede the ability to safely control and operate a motor vehicle. Like drugs or alcohol, fatigue can reduce reaction times, affect coordination, weaken the muscles and make a driver less alert. This can increase the risk of a truck driver causing a serious accident, such as a rear-end collision, chain-reaction accident or jackknife accident.

Why Are Truckers More Likely Than Other Drivers to Drive While Fatigued?

Any driver in San Antonio could be guilty of driving while drowsy or fatigued. However, commercial truck drivers are especially notorious for making this mistake. They are more likely to drive while fatigued than most other types of drivers due to the unique conditions of their work environments. Some of the most common causes of truck driver fatigue include:
  • Long hours on the road alone
  • Reversed sleep schedules
  • Physical or mental exertion
  • Trouble sleeping/inadequate sleep
  • Time changes
  • Sleep apnea
  • Poor diet or obesity
  • Medical conditions
  • The use of stimulants such as coffee
Truck driver fatigue is so common that the FMCSA has a rule in place to try to prevent this dangerous driver mistake, known as the hours-of-service (HOS) regulation. The HOS regulation has a maximum number of hours that truck drivers are permitted to be on the road at a time. No commercial motor vehicle driver may drive beyond 14 hours in a single day. Drivers must also take 30-minute rest breaks after 8 hours of driving time. Many trucking companies, however, encourage their drivers to break HOS rules to make deliveries faster. This can lead to preventable truck accidents.

Who Is Liable for Truck Accidents Caused By Driver Fatigue?

If driver fatigue causes a truck accident in Texas, the person or party most responsible for causing the collision will have to pay for damages. This is how Texas’s tort-based insurance system operates. Although the drowsy truck driver is technically responsible for his or her dangerous mistake, the rule of vicarious liability may hold a trucking company financially responsible for the collision. Vicarious liability holds employers responsible for the actions of their employees who were performing job-related tasks at the time of an accident. If a fatigued truck driver was an employee of a trucking company at the time of the wreck, the company could be vicariously liable for damages. The trucking company could also be directly liable if it contributed to the accident by encouraging a driver to violate safety rules. If the driver was an independent owner/operator, however, he or she may be individually liable for the crash.

Contact a Truck Accident Attorney Today

If you believe you were injured in a truck accident caused by truck driver fatigue, contact the San Antonio truck accident attorneys at The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. We offer free and confidential consultations.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:33 am

Truck Accidents and Roadway Lighting

Thursday, February 3, 2022
Roadway lighting plays a large role in driver safety. Adequate road lighting makes it easier for drivers to identify signs, other vehicles, and hazards. Though proper lighting is crucial for all drives, it’s particularly important for those manning big rigs. Commercial truck drivers depend on streetlights to guide them down urban and rural roads and to help stay them awake and alert. Inadequate roadway lighting in Texas can be dangerous and result in preventable truck accidents. It is up to each city to install and maintain roadway lighting to reduce this risk.

The Risks of Nighttime Driving

There were more than twice as many traffic accidents in “dark, not lighted” conditions (29,757) than “dark, lighted” (12,744) in Texas in 2016. It is more difficult for any driver to maneuver safely as roadway light diminishes. Most urban highways in Texas have some kind of lighting system, but rural highways and smaller roads often do not. This increases crash frequency and severity. There is a high risk of accidents when lack of proper lighting is combined with long nighttime driving hours and drowsy truck drivers. Truck drivers aren’t the only ones who suffer in poor lighting. It is difficult to see 18-wheelers in the dark, despite their large size. The non-reflective sides of most trailers make them almost invisible in low-light conditions. Trucks should have reflectors or lights on the top and bottom of the trailer to help improve visibility. Broken lights or no lights at all can lead to another driver plowing straight into the truck. In these cases, the trucking company may be liable for the accident. The city also may also be responsible for poor roadway lighting.

Who May Be Liable?

After a truck accident, a victim’s first thought is likely to hold the driver liable. This may be the case if the driver behaved in a way that breached industry standards, such as falling asleep behind the wheel. If a dangerous roadway condition contributed to the crash, you may be able to hold the city of San Antonio (or other municipality) responsible. Inadequate roadway lighting is a dangerous condition in the eyes of the law. What constitutes “inadequate lighting” depends on the specific area. Factors a city must consider when deciding where and how to install lights include:
  • Traffic volume and speed
  • Nighttime road use and crash rate
  • Road geometrics
  • General nighttime visibility
  • Style, height, and brightness of the fixtures
Partial lighting may be adequate and reasonable for conditions in some areas. In others, a specific type or brightness of light may be necessary. An investigation will reveal whether the city fulfilled its duties in installing a certain type of light for the particular section of roadway. If the courts decide that the city failed to provide lighting to protect drivers, victims of light-related truck accidents may be able to recover compensation. Suing a municipality in Texas is possible, but it is more difficult than typical lawsuits. Since commercial vehicle accidents are very different from car accidents, you should seek help from an attorney specializing in large truck accidents if you think you have a case against the city for inadequate roadway lighting.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:44 pm

What Are the Common Causes of Truck Accidents?

Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Trucking can be a fun career, but it can also be a dangerous one. Large trucks will do more damage if their drivers make a mistake, and the industry often makes headlines for teamsters who drive sleepy or otherwise impaired. While some common causes of these incidents involve smaller vehicle recklessness, the actions of truck drivers often play a role, too. Here are some of the most common causes of truck accidents to understand and watch for:
  • Driver error. Humans make mistakes, and when your job involves driving on the roads for hours at a time, the likelihood of making a mistake increases. However, professional companies train drivers to understand and avoid the common causes of driver error accidents. Companies often eliminate some of them, for example, by restricting cell phone use on the road and taking other measures to lower the risk of distracted driving accidents.
  • Equipment failure. Drivers need to carefully and regularly maintain trucks that spend day in and day out on the roadways. Professional drivers are responsible for running through checklists before and after they get on the road each day. Faulty parts and improperly maintained equipment are common causes of many accidents. Tire blowouts and other debris flying out from a truck can have deadly consequences for vehicles following behind.
  • Lack of sleep. Like airline pilots, truckers are expected to maintain strict schedules to move their cargo. While federal and state regulations have reduced the amount of time a driver can travel on the roads continuously, some still experience a lack of sleep from tight schedules. Driving while tired is a form of impairment that can cause accidents just as easily as driving while intoxicated. Some research has even suggested that driving while tired is more dangerous than driving under the influence.
  • Bad weather. Once again, those tight deadlines can present problems for truck drivers. If they continue to drive in dangerous conditions, they may face reduced visibility and traction and truck instability – all of which can contribute to a dangerous accident. Since large trucks take significantly longer to come to a stop than regular vehicles, truckers must drive carefully in inclement weather to avoid causing a multi-vehicle accident or sliding off a bridge/road.
  • Poor loading. Semi trucks need balance to navigate the roadways properly. If a load is improperly distributed in the trailer, it can cause fishtailing and turnover accidents on the roadways. Every truck needs to follow a certain loading standard developed specifically to minimize imbalances in the trailer.
  • Drugs and alcohol. You’ll notice that drugs and alcohol are pretty far down on the list. Professional truckers who work for large companies have to follow strict guidelines regarding drugs and alcohol. Some are regularly tested, and many companies have a zero tolerance policy. A trucker who gets caught drinking once may find him or herself out of a job and without a good referral or recommendation to go to a different company.
The size of trucks can make small errors turn into deadly accidents. Technology is helping trucking companies overcome some of the common causes of accidents with advanced systems and enforcement requirements, but we’re still a long way from foolproof safety measures. In the meantime, give trucks plenty of extra space on the roadways to avoid the consequences of their mistakes.

Contact Our Truck Accident Attorneys

If you’re involved in a trucking accident in or around San Antonio, The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert can help you hold negligent drivers responsible for their actions. When teamsters fail to operate their large equipment in a reasonably safe manner, you can hold them and their companies liable for the damage caused. Contact our truck accident lawyers today for a free case evaluation.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:01 am

Who Is Held Accountable for a Commercial Truck Accident?

Friday, November 26, 2021

Serious and fatal commercial truck accidents occur every day. Although trucking companies and their drivers have dozens of strict federal safety laws to follow, mistakes and accidents still happen. In 2017, 4,657 fatal traffic accidents around the U.S. involved large trucks. Holding someone accountable for a commercial truck accident could result in change on an institutional level. A lawsuit could force a truck company to enhance its safety measures with help of a Dallas truck accident attorney. It could also lead to a compensatory award for injured victims. Identifying the defendant, however, is not always easy.

The Truck Driver

It was more common in the past for injured truck accident victims to hold at-fault truck drivers individually liable for damages. Most truck drivers work as independent contractors, not employees. Under previous federal law, a victim could hold a truck driver individually liable for damages if that driver was negligent, distracted, drunk, careless, reckless or otherwise responsible for causing the truck accident.

Today, however, most trucking companies will be vicariously responsible for their truck drivers, even as independent contractors, if they were on duty at the time of the crash. A truck driver may be independently liable, or liable through his or her own insurance company, if the driver was not on duty at the time of the accident.

The Truck Company

Current law upholds respondent superior, the common law doctrine of agency, in most truck accident claims. This law, also known as vicarious liability, states that responsibility for the acts of a subordinate (e.g. an employee) will go to the superior (e.g. an employer). In other words, a company will be responsible for the actions of its on-duty employees. Although most truck drivers are independent contractors, the trucking company that hired the driver will still be vicariously responsible under federal law if the crash occurred within the driver’s scope of employment. Scope of employment depends on several factors.

  • The time and place of the accident
  • The type of work the driver was performing at the time
  • Acts the employer reasonably expected the driver to perform
  • The amount of freedom the employee had at work
  • Whether the driver was engaged in a personal activity

In most cases, if a truck driver causes an accident through texting and driving, breaching the hours of service regulations, drunk driving, drowsy driving, speeding, making an unsafe lane change, or through other means, the truck company will be accountable. The truck company could also be responsible for an accident if it caused or contributed to the crash on a company level. Examples include hiring an unsafe truck driver, failing to conduct drug/alcohol tests and inadequately maintaining its trucks.

A Product Manufacturer or Distributor

A trucking accident could come down to product manufacturer liability if a defective or dangerous vehicle part contributed to the crash. Examples include defective brakes, tires, accelerators, ignition switches, seat belts, airbags and steering columns. Most product liability claims do not require proof of negligence for the victim to obtain compensation. It is generally enough to prove that the auto part had a defect and that this is what caused the crash.

Multiple Defendants

Some truck accident claims involve the liability of multiple parties, not just the company or the driver. Other liable parties could include a cargo loading company, the owner of the commercial truck, a property owner or a government entity. If more than one party shares fault for the truck accident, all could be jointly and severally liable for damages.

Each party may be equally responsible for paying for all the victim’s damages or only responsible for the portion of damages he or she caused. For example, a truck company could be partially liable for a drowsy driver, but a product manufacturer could share responsibility for defective brakes. A truck accident lawyer can help a victim determine the identity of the defendant(s).

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:56 pm

Common Defenses in Trucking Accident Cases

Saturday, October 9, 2021
Tractor-trailer accidents can lead to catastrophic property damage, severe injuries, even deaths. These accidents can happen for any number of reasons, including driver errors, faulty vehicle parts, poor maintenance, or aggressive driving. When a person suffers an injury in a trucking accident, he or she may attempt to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the truck driver or trucking company. While some cases are open and shut, others are more complex, may involve multiple defendants, or there may simply be a lack of evidence that could help reach a speedier conclusion. Trucking companies carry insurance coverage for personal injury claims and often employ response teams that travel to accident sites to gather evidence. These responders look for any evidence to protect their employers from legal entanglements with plaintiffs injured in trucking accidents.

Common Defenses for Trucking Companies

The first step in handling any type of personal injury claim is establishing fault. While the plaintiff must prove the trucking company is at fault for his or her injuries, the trucking company will look for any reason to disprove or cast doubt upon a plaintiff’s claims. Some of the most common defenses these companies will use include:
  • Plaintiff fault. Some states follow comparative negligence laws that allow plaintiffs to secure compensation for damages even if they are partially to blame for those damages. In trucking accident cases, the trucking company will likely look for any evidence that the plaintiff is at least partially to blame for an accident.
  • Third parties. A trucking company may claim that a third party unrelated to the plaintiff or the trucking company caused the accident in question. In these cases, the trucking company must be able to prove a third party had a hand in the accident and may need to collect evidence such as traffic camera data.
  • Honest accidents. If the trucking accident occurred due to an unavoidable accident or honest mistake, the trucking company may be able to prove the driver was not negligent and the accident was inevitable. In these situations, the trucking company’s liability coverage may go toward the plaintiff’s damages, but the trucking company may escape liability for negligence.
  • Plaintiff exaggeration. Plaintiffs can only sue for actual harm suffered or measurable losses. The trucking company may argue that the plaintiff overestimated his or her losses or did not suffer any actual damages.
  • Lack of evidence. A trucking company may cite lack of proof of injury as evidence that the plaintiff lied or exaggerated his or her injuries. Plaintiffs should be certain to secure as much evidence as possible to prove the extent of their injuries and other damages. This also means providing evidence that a plaintiff’s medical treatment was appropriate, given the situation and the plaintiff’s injuries. Additionally, if the plaintiff claims lost wages as damages in a lawsuit, the plaintiff must be able to provide evidence of the lost income.
Plaintiffs injured in trucking accidents should work quickly to secure legal representation if they feel a truck accident lawsuit is necessary. The right attorney will help build a strong case with all the necessary supporting evidence for reaching a satisfactory verdict and help hold negligent trucking companies and drivers accountable for their actions.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:29 pm

Tanker Truck Rollover Prevention

Thursday, September 2, 2021
Tractor-trailers are vital parts of the American economy and transportation network, but they are also inherently more dangerous than smaller vehicles on the road. Trucks that pull tankers full of liquid goods, including gas and oil, can be even more dangerous. If these tanker trucks roll over, they can cause catastrophic damage, severe injuries, even fatalities. Depending on what a rolled-over tanker truck carried, the spilled contents can also present a serious risk of additional injuries as well as environmental hazards or public health emergencies. Statistics indicate that almost 80% of all tanker truck rollover accidents happen due to some level of driver error. While truck drivers must obtain special certifications to perform their jobs and generally have more miles of driving under their belts than typical drivers, it is still crucial for them to understand the risks of driving tanker trucks and follow a few best practices to avoid rollovers.

Speed Control

Large trucks cannot stop or slow down as quickly as smaller passenger vehicles. They also require much longer distances to come to a complete stop. If a tanker truck driver is travelling too fast or not paying enough attention to other vehicles on the road, the driver may not have time to slow down or stop to avoid a collision. Tanker truck drivers can easily cause rollovers if they swerve to avoid a collision while traveling at speed. The sudden change in direction will cause the trailer to tip and probably fall over. Speed is also a problem for turning. Tanker truck drivers need to account for changes on the road, and taking a sharp turn at high speed can easily cause a tanker truck to rollover. Drivers should reduce speed for turns and accommodate their vehicles’ size and weight.

Sudden Movements

Tanker truck drivers should do everything possible to avoid any sudden movements or jerking of the steering wheel. If a driver needs to suddenly turn to avoid another vehicle, the driver can unintentionally cause the tanker truck to rollover by oversteering or making the move too quickly. Tanker truck drivers can prevent rollovers by staying vigilant for changes in traffic patterns and avoiding reflexive sudden movements.

Plan Ahead

Tanker truck drivers can avoid rollovers by carefully planning routes ahead of time. By studying a route’s topography, known hazards, and any other elements like road construction on the route, drivers can make their deliveries with additional confidence. A driver who is not expecting a sudden change in road conditions is more likely to suffer a rollover accident, so preparation before every trip is important. Trucking companies must ensure their drivers receive thorough training and have the experience necessary for handling tanker trucks. Most tanker trucks carry valuable goods, including fossil fuels, so trucking companies and their drivers have a high duty of care to ensure they do not put other drivers at risk with unsafe driving. Other drivers should be wary of all tractor-trailers on the road, especially tanker trucks, and avoid driving aggressively near them. Caution and good judgment from all drivers can help prevent tanker truck rollovers. If you’ve been injured in a 18 wheeler accident it’s best to have a San Antonio 18 wheeler accident attorney review your case to see what compensation is available for you and your family.
Posted by Aaron Herbert at 6:24 pm

What Are the Damages for Pain and Suffering in Truck Accident Cases?

Monday, August 23, 2021

A successful truck accident injury claim in Texas can result in damages paid for your related injuries and losses. Damages is the legal term for financial compensation. You may know that you are eligible for the reimbursement of your medical costs and vehicle repairs after a truck accident; you may not realize, however, that you could also recover for pain and suffering. Learn more about this category of damages to make sure that you request the full value of your claim.

Damages for Pain and Suffering in Truck Accident Cases

What Types of Damages Can You List as Pain and Suffering?

Pain and suffering is also referred to as noneconomic damages. This is a type of financial award available to cover a plaintiff’s intangible losses associated with the accident. Truck accidents are not only about economic losses such as hospital bills; crash survivors also suffer a significant amount of personal grief, distress and anguish. The civil justice system allows victims to seek financial compensation for these losses, which may include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Permanent scarring or disfigurement
  • Lost physical capabilities
  • Emotional distress
  • Trauma
  • Mental anguish
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Loss of daily enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Grief over wrongful death

Another word for noneconomic damages is general damages. It is given this term due to the fact that the average plaintiff will reasonably suffer these losses in such an accident. This is in contrast to specific damages, which is the term for the exact economic losses associated with a truck accident, such as medical bills and lost wages.

Proving pain and suffering is more difficult than proving economic damages. You will not have receipts giving an exact value for pain and suffering. Instead, proving this type of loss will take evidence such as witness testimony, testimony from your therapist or psychologist, a medical diagnosis for a mental health condition, photographs, videos, and an injury journal.

What Is the Average Pain and Suffering Award in a Truck Accident Case?

The pain and suffering associated with a truck accident can be immense. Many truck accidents are catastrophic due to the size and weight of the big rig. A catastrophic accident means that it causes detrimental damage to a victim, such as a traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury with paralysis or the loss of a limb. Many truck accidents are also fatal.

There is no average pain and suffering amount awarded in a truck accident case. If an injured crash victim receives pain and suffering damages, the amount given will depend on factors unique to the specific case, such as the severity of the victim’s injuries. A jury has full discretion over the value of a pain and suffering award, meaning they can choose any amount deemed appropriate. The jury may or may not use an established method to calculate pain and suffering.

The pain and suffering endured as an injured victim or surviving loved one cannot be measured in dollars. Seeking compensation for your personal losses, however, is a form of justice against the at-fault party that can help you move forward. A fair award can allow you and your family to look toward the future with greater financial stability and peace of mind.

How Do You Get the Amount That You Deserve?

Pain and suffering is an important part of your truck accident lawsuit. This is often the amount that you get to keep after paying off your medical debts and attorney’s fees. The value of your pain and suffering can be substantial in a serious or catastrophic truck accident case. Be aware, however, that an insurance company may try to get you to settle for a low amount.

The best way to fight for the settlement or judgment award that your case demands is with assistance from an experienced truck accident attorney in Dallas. An attorney can help you better understand pain and suffering, calculate a fair amount, and negotiate a positive outcome on your behalf. An attorney can help you avoid settling for less than you deserve.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:48 pm

How to Deal With Insurance Companies After a Truck Accident

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Insurance companies are for-profit. Although they advertise with slogans such as, “On Your Side,” they do not care about you as much as they care about their bottom lines. This is why it is important to understand how to deal with an insurance company after a truck accident. If you wish to obtain a fair settlement, take certain steps to protect your rights.

Dealing With Insurance Companies After a Truck Accident

Be Polite But Guarded

You may know that an insurance company doesn’t want what is best for you, but you should still remain polite during conversations with insurance representatives and claims adjusters. Being rude or angry will not convince the insurance company to give you a better settlement. Be friendly during your conversations, while at the same time being wary of their tactics and conscious of protecting yourself.

Don’t Admit Fault

First, do not admit fault for the truck accident. Do not take accountability for the accident or say that you’re sorry, as this could be taken as an admittance of guilt. Even if you believe you played a role in the accident, something else may have also contributed, such as a dangerous roadway or distracted truck driver. Rather than admitting fault upfront and losing your right to recover, wait for an investigation to determine the cause of the crash.

Keep Your Answers Short and Simple

The insurance claims adjuster will begin the investigation by asking you questions about the truck accident. Keep in mind that the trucking company’s insurance carrier wants the truck company to win. Even if you are speaking to your own insurance provider to resolve your claim, they will want to diminish your payout as much as possible.

Rather than giving the insurance company too much information with long, narrative answers, keep your answers short and to the point. Give the facts of the case as you know them, such as the date and location of the crash, but do not speculate. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say this. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to a claims adjuster after a truck accident, you have the right to hire an attorney to communicate on your behalf.

Decline to Give a Recorded Statement

Requesting a recorded statement from you is a common tactic used by insurance companies to get you to say something that they can use against you later. If you are recorded as saying that your injuries aren’t very serious, for example, it can be more difficult to obtain fair compensation if you are diagnosed with further injuries later. Never say yes to giving a recorded statement to an insurance company. Instead, politely explain that you or your attorney will submit a written statement later.

Understand Your Rights

You have more power than you might realize during insurance claim negotiations after a truck accident. Although the insurance representative working on your claim may sound confident in an assessment of your losses or the value of your claim, this is a strategy to convince you to settle for less than you deserve. Disregard scare tactics, such as telling you that a settlement is the best or final offer. You always have the ability to negotiate for a better settlement value, even if that means taking your case to court.

Hire a Truck Accident Attorney for Assistance

Insurance companies are experts at devaluing claims and diminishing client payouts. Trucking companies are also practiced at using their significant resources to dismantle claims against them. For example, they often send rapid response teams to the scenes of truck accidents immediately – even before the police arrive – to investigate and collect evidence. While these teams are allegedly unbiased, they work for the trucking company and may interfere with your ability to collect evidence of your own.

The best way to level the playing field between you and an insurance company after a truck accident is by hiring a truck accident attorney in Dallas. An attorney understands the tactics used by insurance companies to avoid liability and large payouts and can help you navigate your claim for the best possible outcome. An insurance company is more likely to take you seriously and treat your claim fairly if you hire a lawyer to represent you.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:27 pm

Can You Get Punitive Damages After a Truck Accident in Texas?

Friday, August 13, 2021

You may be eligible for financial compensation as a victim or a surviving loved one of a truck accident in Texas. While no dollar amount can take back what happened to you, a fair settlement or judgment award can give you the money that you need to put your life back together and move forward. One category of damages that you may not be aware of is punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in limited circumstances.

Can You Get Punitive Damages After a Truck Accident in Texas?

What Are Punitive Damages?

The purpose of an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit is to reimburse an injured victim for the losses suffered in an accident. The financial compensation awarded to a victim to make him or her whole again is known as compensatory damages. Compensatory damages make up for a victim’s financial and personal losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Punitive damages, on the other hand, are awarded to punish the defendant.

Punitive damages are exemplary. This means that they come in addition to compensatory damages. Punitive damages are above and beyond economic and noneconomic damages. This is why a plaintiff must prove his or her eligibility for punitive damages before receiving this type of award. The plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney must demonstrate that punitive damages are warranted based on the circumstances.

What Does Texas Law Say About Punitive Damages?

The laws surrounding punitive damages in a truck accident case differ from state to state. Some states do not allow for the recovery of punitive damages at all. Most, however, will grant an injured victim punitive damages if a specific set of circumstances exists. Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 41.003 states that exemplary damages may only be recovered if the claimant can prove using clear and convincing evidence that his or her injuries resulted from:

  • Fraud. Fraud means to knowingly or recklessly make a false representation to the plaintiff. For example, a trucking company may be guilty of fraud if it knowingly destroys evidence of a violated safety regulation.
  • Malice. The law defines malice as specific intent by the defendant to substantially injure the claimant or cause serious harm, such as a truck driver experiencing road rage and intentionally ramming another car.
  • Gross negligence. Gross negligence is a defendant’s disregard for an extreme degree of risk to the plaintiff. If an action is foreseeably dangerous but the defendant proceeds anyway, with a conscious indifference to the safety or welfare of others, this is gross negligence.

In general, if you wish to get punitive damages after a truck accident in Texas, you or your attorney must show that the defendant(s) – such as the truck driver or trucking company – was reckless, had a wanton disregard for the safety of others or maliciously intended to harm you and that this is what caused your injury. Your lawyer will need to establish this using a preponderance of the evidence, or enough evidence to prove fault as more likely than not to be true.

How Much Are Punitive Damages Worth?

If your lawyer makes a strong case for punitive damages, a judge or jury may grant this award in an amount deemed appropriate based on your circumstances. There is no average amount in punitive damages that will automatically apply to your case. Instead, values are determined on a case-by-case basis, according to factors such as the nature of the defendant’s actions and the severity of the plaintiff’s injuries.

Is There a Cap on Punitive Damages in Texas?

The courts have full discretion over how much to grant in punitive damages, if any. However, the amount cannot exceed Texas’ cap on punitive damages. State law says that a punitive damage award may not exceed the greater of $200,000 or twice the amount of the victim’s economic damages plus an equal amount of noneconomic damages (up to a maximum of $750,000).

For more information about how much your truck accident lawsuit might be worth, including in punitive damages, consult with a truck accident lawyer in Dallas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:29 pm

5 Steps You Should Take After a Truck Accident in Texas

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Being involved in any type of traffic accident in Texas can be frightening and confusing. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and not know exactly what you are supposed to do in the aftermath of a crash. This is especially true in a serious or catastrophic accident, such as one involving a commercial truck. There are many different causes for these types of accidents, so we’ve compiled some helpful tips for you. If you need to, write down the following steps and keep the list in your glovebox for emergencies. Taking the correct steps immediately after a truck accident can go a long way toward protecting your legal rights as a victim.

5 Steps You Should Take After a Truck Accident in Texas

Report It to the Police

Always call the police after a truck accident in Texas. State law requires immediate crash reporting to local law enforcement if the accident involves property damage in excess of $1,000, or injuries or deaths. Most truck accidents meet this threshold. Even if you’re not sure if your crash is serious enough to require reporting, calling the police can help you by creating an official accident report with key details about the crash. Your insurance company will ask for a copy of this report later to process your claim.

Exchange Information With the Truck Driver

While you are waiting for the police to arrive, do what you can to gather information. If you are too badly injured, let the police get this information for you while you’re assisted by paramedics. If possible, however, you should always exchange information with the other driver. This includes your full name, address and insurance information. It can also be helpful to write down the truck number and name of the trucking company (often found on the side of the cab of the truck), as well as the vehicle registration and license plate numbers. You will use this information for your insurance claim.

Take Pictures at the Crash Scene

If possible, take pictures at the scene of the truck accident before you leave to go to a hospital. Photographs and videos of the crash before it is cleaned up can provide important information about why the crash took place, such as photographs of a dangerous pothole in the road or a blown-out tire on the truck. If you are too badly injured to take photos yourself, ask someone else at the scene to take them for you, such as the reporting police officer, a friend or family member, or an eyewitness. Writing down eyewitness information can also be useful.

Go to the Hospital Immediately

Never delay in seeking medical care after a traffic accident. Even if you don’t have health insurance, you’re in a hurry to get somewhere or you feel fine, it is imperative to take the time to see a doctor right away. Delaying medical care can make it more difficult to obtain fair compensation from an insurance company, even if you didn’t cause the accident, as the insurer may allege that you failed to mitigate your injuries by waiting too long to see a doctor. Keep in mind that some injuries have delayed symptoms due to the adrenaline of the crash. Getting an immediate medical evaluation can diagnose a hidden injury.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Call your auto insurance company as soon as possible – ideally within 24 hours of the truck accident. Explain that you were involved in an accident with a commercial truck and provide the basic details about the crash, such as the time, date and location. Do not admit fault for the accident, however, and do not agree to give the insurance claims adjuster a recorded statement.

Remember that your insurance company is not on your side. The insurer wants to save itself money by minimizing your payout. Whether or not you manage to carry out all of these steps, a truck accident lawyer in Dallas can help you with an accident claim. A lawyer can assist you with the necessary processes while protecting your rights. A lawyer can also negotiate with an insurance company to increase your chances of securing fair compensation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:33 pm

How Truck Drivers Cheat On Their Logbooks

Sunday, July 11, 2021
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has hundreds of rules in place to improve the safety of the commercial trucking industry. One such rule is that all truck drivers must keep daily logbooks that record duty statuses, operations, and other information. Section 395.8 requires electronic logging devices (ELDs) in most commercial trucks. It is shocking how often truckers and companies disobey this rule and “cheat” on their logbooks to cover up inappropriate or dangerous behaviors. Safety violations and abuses of the federal regulatory process can quickly lead to tragic accidents in Texas.

Why Do Truckers Cheat the Logbook System?

Drowsy truck driving is a major problem on Texas’s roadways. It is impossible for drivers to operate a truck safely when they are tired or even falling asleep. Truckers are especially at risk for drowsy driving because of long hours on the road, pressure from bosses to meet deadlines, and being alone in the cab. The FMCSA strives to reduce this dangerous behavior with the ELD and hours of service rules. Unfortunately, drivers who lie about their daily activities easily circumvent these laws. Here are a few possible ways to cheat the system:
  1. Create fake logbooks. Some truckers and trucking companies still falsify their logs, though this problem is diminishing thanks to the ELD requirement. They create logs with made-up information to present to authorities in the event of inspections, but they do not actually fill them out daily, as they should by law.
  2. Lie about information. Drivers may create duplicate logbooks, so that they may have one “good” one on hand in the event of an unexpected inspection. They may also fill out logs much later than required to cover up hours of service regulation violations or fill out the book with dishonest information.
Truck drivers may lie on their logbooks to drive past their hours of service regulations or break other FMCSA rules. They do this to meet deadlines, receive fast delivery bonuses, and get home to their families faster. Unfortunately, broken rules greatly increase the risk of accidents. There is a reason the FMCSA requires daily activity logging – to prevent truckers from breaking the rules. Entries should be current, accurate, and truthful, not falsified for the trucker’s personal gain.

Logbooks and Personal Injury Claims

Daily logbooks can serve as hard evidence of a truck driver’s negligence in truck-related personal injury claims. Acquiring a driver’s logbook or ELD records is an important step in the investigation phase of any truck accident. This document can show proof of a driver breaking the FMCSA’s rules by disobeying hours of service or other regulations. If a driver falsified the books, a thorough investigative team may be able to catch the driver cheating – also proving negligence. If a truck driver caused a serious accident or wrongful death, a truck accident attorney in San Antonio can most likely discover whether he or she cheated on the logbooks. This may take comparing the book with shipping documents and black-box data from the truck itself. Unexpected inspections and electronic logs can also uncover truckers cheating the system. Seek help from a Texas truck accident lawyer after an accident in which you suspect a trucker broke an FMCSA safety rule. Analyzing the logbooks and checking for cheating may be necessary to prove your case.
Posted by at 10:04 pm

How Driver Fatigue Can Lead to Truck Accidents

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Most drivers know that they should not drive tired. Yet many do not realize that they are too drowsy to drive until it’s too late. Other drivers, such as truck drivers, may be under tight deadlines and working under pressure from their bosses to keep driving despite fatigue. It is extremely dangerous for anyone to drive a motor vehicle while drowsy – especially when operating a large truck.

Driver Fatigue Can Lead to Truck Accidents

Why Is Truck Driver Fatigue Such a Big Problem?

More and more drivers of all types are guilty of driving while fatigued due to busy schedules and a culture of hyper-productivity. Commercial truck drivers, however, are even more likely to drive tired than passenger vehicle drivers due to a range of risk factors related to their jobs. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reported that 13 percent of commercial drivers were fatigued at the time of their accidents. A truck driver can experience fatigue because of:

  • Strenuous work activities
  • Pressure to meet a deadline
  • Violated hours-of-service regulations
  • A lack of adequate sleep
  • Odd sleeping schedules
  • Overnight drives
  • Driving alone/boredom
  • Caffeine or sugar crashes
  • Health problems such as sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that can interrupt a good night’s sleep with respiratory issues. Truck drivers are at an increased risk of developing sleep apnea due to bad health habits, such as sitting sedentary all day, eating unhealthy foods at rest stops and smoking. One study found that 28 percent of truck drivers suffer from sleep apnea. Many cases are undiagnosed, meaning the driver may not realize that he or she has a higher risk of driving while fatigued due to interrupted sleep.

What Effects Does Fatigue Have on Driving a Large Truck?

Driver fatigue can lead to truck accidents by compromising the driver’s ability to safely and appropriately control a commercial truck. Commercial drivers must receive special training and licenses to operate big rigs. This is because large trucks are more difficult to control than smaller and lighter passenger cars. They require special braking and handling techniques. If a truck driver is fatigued, it can interfere with his or her ability to drive through three main effects:

  • Physical. Fatigue can take a physical toll on a truck driver. It can cause blurred vision, frequent yawning, muscle weakness, lack of coordination and diminished reflexes. Operating a large truck is a very physical activity. If fatigue causes physical problems, the driver may lose control of the truck.
  • Cognitive. Tiredness also has a cognitive impact on a truck driver. Trying to drive through fatigue can come with hazards such as reduced reaction times, impaired judgment, confusion or disorientation, drifting off, daydreaming, or brain fog. Being unable to dedicate 100 percent of the driver’s attention to the road increases the risk of a truck accident.
  • Emotional. A truck driver who is overtired or exhausted may experience emotional changes, such as increased irritation and susceptibility to road rage. A tired truck driver may be more likely to drive aggressively, tailgate, speed or have an emotional breakdown while driving.

The effects of truck driver fatigue are similar to drug or alcohol intoxication. Driving while tired increases the risk of a truck driver behaving carelessly or recklessly behind the wheel, as well as the driver being unable to react quickly enough to prevent a collision. This is why it is important for truck drivers to follow all the rules and take the necessary precautions to avoid fatigue at work.

What Are the FMCSA’s Hours-of-service Regulations?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA, is the entity in charge of regulating the commercial trucking industry in the United States. In an attempt to mitigate the risks posed by truck driver drowsiness and fatigue, the FMCSA enforces hours-of-service restrictions. These rules dictate how long a truck driver can lawfully drive without taking a rest or meal break. In general, no truck driver can drive past 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off-duty or 14 consecutive hours after coming on duty.

Why Does Truck Driver Fatigue Happen?

Despite having laws in place to try to prevent truck driver fatigue, many truck accidents take place every year that involve tired truck drivers. This is because there are elements unique to the trucking industry that are conducive to sleep deprivation, exhaustion, stress and burnout. Many risk factors inherent to long-haul trucking increase the risk of truck driver fatigue, including:

  • Sleep apnea and other health conditions that interrupt sleep
  • Reversed sleep schedules and overnight drives
  • Having to sleep at strange times and locations
  • Broken hours-of-service regulations
  • Extended hours driving alone
  • Energy crashes from caffeine or sugar
  • Physical or mental exertion at work
  • Unreasonable expectations or pressure from employers.

Sleep apnea is one of the main problems behind truck driver fatigue. This is a condition that can interrupt a good night’s sleep, making a truck driver more tired during waking hours. According to the FMCSA, truck drivers are susceptible to sleep apnea due to risk factors such as being overweight or obese, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, strange sleep patterns, and smoking.

Signs of a Drowsy Truck Driver

As you navigate the roads in Dallas, always keep an eye out for negligent drivers – especially behind the wheel of a dangerous big rig. You may be near a drowsy truck driver if you notice the truck doing any of the following:

  • Weaving in and out of multiple lanes
  • Making unsafe lane changes
  • Swerving
  • Crossing a highway to make an exit
  • Drifting out of a lane or hitting the rumble strip
  • Driving erratically
  • Stopping and starting
  • Slamming on the brakes
  • Speeding
  • Running a red light or stop sign

Keep a safe distance from the truck if any of these signs are present. Call 911 to report a potential drowsy or intoxicated truck driver. If you can, make note of the trucking company name and truck number so that you can report the driver to the company, as well.

What to Do if a Drowsy Driver Caused Your Truck Accident

If you believe that the truck driver involved in your truck accident in Dallas was fatigued and that this is why the collision took place, consult with an attorney for a professional opinion. A truck accident lawyer in Dallas can carefully investigate your accident and search for signs of truck driver fatigue, such as violated federal regulations or a medical diagnosis of sleep apnea. Then, your lawyer can help you go up against the truck driver and/or trucking company in pursuit of fair financial compensation for your losses.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:20 pm

What Are the Main Causes of Truck Accidents in Texas?

Monday, August 3, 2020

Have You Experienced A Texas Truck Accident?

Have you experienced a Texas truck accident? Truck accidents are often caused by careless or reckless actions made by the truck driver or commercial trucking company. If one or more parties reasonably could have prevented your truck accident in Texas, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Working with a truck accident lawyer in Dallas about the most common causes of truck accidents can help you determine if you have grounds to bring a claim in Dallas.

Texas Truck Accident

Truck Driver Error

Driver error is the most frequent cause of commercial truck accidents in the U.S. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 4,862 fatal traffic accidents involved large trucks in 2018 alone. Driver-related factors are the leading cause of these wrecks. Some of the most common mistakes that truck drivers make are:

Trucking companies are responsible for the errors and mistakes of their drivers through a legal theory known as vicarious liability, in most cases. Under federal law, this rule applies even when the truck driver is an independent contractor and not an employee of the company. Trucking companies have greater insurance coverage than individual drivers, in most cases. Holding the company responsible, therefore, can help you recover fair and full compensation.

Truck Driver Fatigue

Truck driver fatigue is a serious issue in this industry. Driving alone on overnight shifts, strange sleeping schedules and health problems such as sleep apnea increase the risk of driver fatigue in trucking compared to typical motor vehicle drivers. If a trucker is too tired to pay attention to the road or properly control the big rig, this can result in preventable collisions, such as rear-end accidents.

Lack of Proper Driver Training

A trucking company has a responsibility to ensure the reasonable safety of its drivers. The company must conduct background checks on job applicants and properly train its drivers before sending them out on the road. Cutting corners in driver hiring and training to save time or money can lead to dangerously incompetent or inexperienced truckers.

Violated Federal Safety Regulations

It is also a trucking company’s responsibility to obey all applicable federal and state safety laws. The FMCSA has rules in place to increase the safety of the commercial trucking industry, such as hours-of-service maximums, truck inspection and repair requirements, and cargo securement laws. Carelessly or knowingly violating any of these rules can increase the risk of a collision.

Poor Vehicle Maintenance

Lack of appropriate truck maintenance can lead to part breakdowns while on the road, including tire blowouts and brake failure. Equipment malfunctions can lead to a loss of vehicle control and related truck accidents. It is a trucking company’s responsibility to properly inspect, repair and maintain its fleet vehicles, as well as a truck driver’s duty to inspect the vehicle daily before driving.

Cargo Securement Problems

Cargo securement is a major part of commercial trucking. Whether the truck is towing a closed trailer or an open flatbed, the trucking company, cargo company, cargo loaders and others responsible for the cargo must follow certain procedures to make sure nothing falls off of the truck. In addition, cargo loaders must ensure the proper distribution of weight in the bed of a truck to prevent shifting in transit that could cause a rollover accident. The transport of hazardous materials also comes with special rules and procedures.

Did Someone Else Cause Your Texas Truck Accident? Consult With a Truck Accident Lawyer in Dallas

If you suspect a truck driver, trucking company or another party of causing your truck accident in Texas through a preventable mistake, consult with a truck accident lawyer right away. You may have the right to file a lawsuit against one or more parties in pursuit of justice in the form of financial compensation for your losses. An attorney can investigate your crash to determine fault, collect evidence against the defendant(s) and help you negotiate for the compensation that you need to move forward.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:11 pm

Could You Report a Reckless Semi Truck Driver?

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Semi truck drivers have high standards of care they must obey behind the wheel. Like other drivers, they must follow roadway rules and speed limits. They must also meet federal guidelines for safe and prudent driving. A negligent, careless or reckless semi truck driver could endanger everyone else on the road. If you notice reckless driving behaviors from a truck driver in Dallas, report the driver to the authorities. Reporting a reckless semi truck driver or unsafe rig could prevent a catastrophic truck accident. If you have been hurt by a careless big rig driver speak to a Dallas truck accident lawyer.

How to Report a Truck Driver for Endangerment or Reckless/Dangerous Driving

Reckless driving exceeds the parameters of negligent driving. Driver negligence is unintentional. A truck driver may not notice he or she is exceeding the speed limit or not paying enough attention to the road. Reckless driving, on the other hand, demonstrates a marked lack of regard for the consequences of the driver’s actions. A reckless truck driver shows a wanton disregard for the safety of others. Reckless or dangerous driving can include texting and driving, tailgating, excessive speeding, weaving through traffic or illegal passing.

Reckless endangerment is even more serious than reckless driving. It is when a truck driver engages in conduct that creates a significant risk of serious injuries or death to others. Reckless endangerment is a crime in Texas and most other states. Examples of reckless endangerment by a truck driver can vary from driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol to operating a truck without being qualified to do so. As a motor vehicle driver, if you notice a truck driver that may be guilty of reckless driving or reckless endangerment, you can report the driver to the authorities.

If the truck driver appears to be putting other people’s lives in danger, call 911 to report a safety emergency. Keep your distance while you describe the situation and give the police information such as the truck’s license plate number. If it is a nonemergency situation, contact the Department of Transportation (DOT) directly. You may complain online or over the phone at (855) 368-4200. The DOT can send officers to detain the truck driver or otherwise investigate the situation. Reporting a reckless truck driver could prevent a serious or deadly accident in Dallas.

Preventing Semi Truck Accidents

It is largely up to the trucking company and its drivers to prevent semi truck accidents. They are the parties responsible for ensuring the safety of its big rigs, as well as its drivers and other employees. A trucking company must follow strict standards of care during procedures such as hiring drivers, training them and testing for drugs. The trucking company is also in charge of fleet maintenance and repairs. Any breaches of duty within these standards could contribute to a semi truck accident.

As a passenger vehicle driver, you could also have the power to prevent a semi truck accident. Stay alert and pay attention while driving around Dallas. A truck driver could exhibit signs of negligent or reckless driving prior to causing an accident. If you notice a truck driver drifting between lanes, weaving through traffic, speeding, ignoring roadway rules, falling asleep behind the wheel or otherwise driving recklessly, report him or her to the correct authorities. You may be the reason the police revoke the driver’s commercial license or penalize the trucking company, taking the dangerous truck or driver off the road.

You should also report any noticeable equipment or truck maintenance problems. If the truck appears in a state of disrepair, with worn-out tires, for example, report what you see to the DOT. Give the truck number during your phone call to help the DOT track down the correct semi truck. Unsafe equipment or a truck in poor condition could ultimately cause an accident. Poorly maintained big rigs or reckless drivers always bear reporting in Texas. Talk to a Dallas personal injury lawyer if you have been endangered or hurt by a reckless driver.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:48 pm

Is There a Problem With Sleep Apnea Among Truck Drivers?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Sleep apnea is a condition in which the sleeper experiences obstructed airways repeatedly during sleep. Some people may have obstructive sleep apnea, in which blockages in the upper airway reduce or stop airflow. Others may have central sleep apnea, in which the brain stops sending signals for the need to breathe. Sleep apnea sufferers may experience interrupted sleep and feel more tired during the day.

As someone whose career relies on the ability to safely operate heavy equipment, it is clear how sleep apnea could be dangerous. Sleep interruptions due to this condition could make a commercial driver unfit to be behind the wheel. Studies on the rate of sleep apnea among truck drivers shows disturbing trends and correlations that could put lives at risk. Get the facts on sleep apnea and commercial trucking here.

3 Risk Factors for Developing Sleep Apnea

Although anyone could develop obstructive sleep apnea, certain factors can increase the likelihood of getting this condition. Some have to do with age, while others relate to lifestyle. Your chances of developing sleep apnea increase if you have a family history of this condition or of snoring, a large neck circumference, large tonsils, and a small lower jaw. The following, however, are three of the most prevalent risk factors:

  1. Men are up to three times more likely than women to develop sleep apnea, according to the Mayo Clinic. Central sleep apnea is more frequent in men than women. However, women may increase their risk if they are obese.
  2. Being overweight has one of the most significant correlations with sleep apnea. Obesity impacts sleep apnea by constructing one’s airways with extra fatty deposits around the neck. Obesity can obstruct breathing while a person tries to sleep.
  3. Middle-age. Sleep apnea is more common in middle-aged and older adults than younger people. As sleepers age and develop conditions such as congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, the need to take sedatives, the risk of sleep apnea increases.

All three of these risk factors are prevalent amongst employees in commercial truck driving. The trucking industry today is mostly male, with the number of female workers driving trucks hovering only around 4-6%. Obesity is more common in truckers than other types of workers (69% vs. 31%, respectively), due to long hours sitting and having to settle for unhealthy meals on the road. Most truck drivers are middle-aged as well, with millennials statistically reluctant to join the trade. Thus, the most common factors in truck driving and sleep apnea are one in the same.

The Dangers of Sleep Apnea in Truckers

The rate of sleep apnea in truckers puts everyone on the road in danger. It’s a common enough problem that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the organization in charge of commercial trucking safety, has a page dedicated to the condition. Although President Trump recently canceled the requirement for sleep apnea screening in truck drivers, it is still a serious safety risk of which everyone should be aware.

As a truck driver, learn how to recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea and seek help if you believe you have this condition. You can manage sleep apnea and avoid drowsy driving. As a driver, pay attention when driving around truckers in Texas. Signs of a drowsy driver include drifting between lanes, coming to sudden stops, and driving off the road.

Keep your distance from commercial trucks and call the police to report the vehicle if you see signs of erratic truck driving behaviors. If you get into an accident with a trucker who has sleep apnea, the company could be liable for your damages. Contact a Dallas truck accident lawyer for more information.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:23 pm

How Do Big Rig Accidents Happen in Winter?

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Winter presents many challenges to drivers of all types of vehicles, but truck drivers who handle large tractor-trailers or big rigs need to be extra cautious on winter roads. Big rig accidents are some of the most damaging motor vehicle collisions possible and typically result in extensive damages for all parties involved. This winter, it’s vital for everyone to know how big rig accidents happen during the colder months. According to annual averages collected by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration, about 21% of vehicle crashes logged over a 10-year period involved poor weather conditions.


Speeding is generally dangerous for all drivers in any situation, but for big rigs the danger is exponentially greater. A tractor-trailer needs much more time and distance to come to a stop from high speed than a smaller passenger vehicle due to its heavy weight and large size. Speeding on roads with patches of ice or pools of water can be exceptionally dangerous. High winds also pose a risk to truck drivers driving tractor-trailers with empty trailers. These vehicles have high centers of gravity, and strong wind can be enough to cause a tip-over. Traveling at high speeds, especially around curves, compounds this danger.

Poor Visibility

It’s more difficult for all drivers to see in fog, rain, snow, or any other type of precipitation. Drivers should engage safety features such as lights and wipers as necessary and use extra caution during inclement weather. A study from AAA conducted over a five-year period concluded that rain contributed to more than 9% of crashes. Rain is dangerous, because it not only affects the quality of the road surface and vehicle tire traction but also impedes visibility.
During any type of limited visibility, all drivers should use extra caution and adjust their speeds as necessary. In some states, police have the power to conduct traffic stops if a driver is “traveling too fast for conditions.” For example, the posted speed limit on a stretch of road is 55 mph, and a driver is traveling at 52 mph during a severe storm. A police officer may conduct a traffic stop because it is too dangerous to travel at or near the posted speed limit.

Snow, Ice, and Sleet

One of the most prevalent dangers of driving in winter is icy or rain-slicked roads. Vehicles can lose traction with the road surface after hitting ice, snow, or water. Hydroplaning occurs when a vehicle’s tires skim across water on the road instead of the road itself, and snow and ice accumulation can make it difficult for a driver to stop or make necessary maneuvers. Winter precipitation can easily cause multi-vehicle collisions, resulting in significant damages, and determining fault for these incidents can be difficult.
Road surfaces may also sustain damage over time from typical wear and tear, but winter weather conditions can compound the dangers such damage presents. Damaged road surfaces may weaken further from expanding and contracting water as it freezes, thaws, and refreezes, and this may cause chunks of asphalt to separate from the road surface. Infrastructure damage is a common cause of truck accidents, and winter weather is one of the leading causes of infrastructure damage in the country.

Holiday Traffic Congestion

Winter coincides with the holiday season, and that means many more vehicles on the road than usual. Additional traffic congestion naturally leads to a higher risk of accidents, and there are generally more private and commercial drivers on the roads. Tractor-trailers help many companies restock their products for holiday shopping and several delivery services including UPS, FedEx, and the USPS handle the vast number of holiday gifts sent through the mail. This means not only are more private individuals driving passenger cars during the winter, vastly more large trucks and commercial vehicles are on the road as well.
It’s wise for all drivers to use extra caution during holiday season travel. Plan trips before leaving and take care in unfamiliar areas. Always drive defensively, and if you don’t feel comfortable driving in inclement winter weather, wait for conditions to improve before driving, if you can.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:51 pm

Can Semi-Truck Accidents Cause Spine Injuries?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Spine injuries are some of the most life-altering injuries victims can suffer in auto accidents. A serious spinal cord injury could cause permanent damage, such as the inability to feel or move below the point of injury. The catastrophic nature of most semi-truck accidents in Dallas can easily lead to injuries to the spine, back and neck. A spine injury from a semi-truck accident could change a victim’s life forever.

Types of Spine Injuries Common in Truck Accidents

Dallas Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

Three main sections comprise the spine. From top to bottom, they are the cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine. Below the lumbar spine is the sacrum, a bone that is part of the pelvis. In general, the higher up the injury is on the spine, the more extensive the effects will be on the patient. Any type of spinal cord injury, however, is serious.

  • Incomplete spine injury. An incomplete spine injury means the damaging object or element only partially severed the spine, leaving the victim with partial movement and feeling.
  • Complete spine injury. A complete spine injury is the total severance of the spine, resulting in the permanent loss of feeling and function below the point of injury.
  • The condition of paralysis often arises from complete spine injuries. Severe damage to the spine could cause paraplegia, quadriplegia or triplegia. Patients generally cannot recover from paralysis, although with treatments they may restore some function.

Other types of spinal cord injuries include anterior cord syndrome, central cord syndrome and Brown-Sequard syndrome. These are forms of incomplete spinal cord injuries that can impact a patient’s abilities to various degrees. Complete spinal cord injuries, however, are those that cause paralysis. A semi-truck accident could cause these types of spine injuries and other back injuries, such as slipped or herniated disks, through the forces exerted on the victim.

How Do Truck Accidents Injure the Spine?

The spinal cord contains many delicate bones, called vertebrae, along with surrounding nerves and tendons. Between the vertebrae are cushions, or spinal disks, that help make movement in the spine more comfortable. In a trucking accident, the forces exerted on the spine could temporarily or permanently injure any of its components. When a large and heavy semi-truck collides with a smaller vehicle, the occupants of the latter can suffer significant damages.

The force of the crash could throw the victim’s body against a seat belt, airbag, windshield or other objects – possibly injuring the spine. Objects flying through the air, such as twisted metal, in a collision could also penetrate the spine or damage its tissues. The forces of a truck accident could cause spinal cord fractures, tissue tears, displaced disks, whiplash and other serious spinal cord injuries.

Who Is Liable?

A spine injury from a semi-truck accident in Texas could change a victim’s life forever. The least a patient in this situation deserves is to go up against the at-fault party in pursuit of justice and financial compensation, if someone else negligently caused the collision. In most semi-truck accident cases, the trucking company will serve as the defendant. A trucking company could be liable for a victim’s spine injury for many acts of negligence.

  • Inadequate truck maintenance
  • Negligent hiring or training practices
  • Pressuring drivers to meet deadlines
  • Breaking federal laws
  • Dangerous load securement

The trucking company will also be responsible for the actions and inadequacies of its drivers. If a negligent or reckless truck driver caused the spinal cord injury, therefore, the trucking company could be vicariously liable. Another potentially liable party could be a product manufacturer if a defective seat belt or a different vehicle part caused the spine injury.

A Dallas spinal cord injury lawyer can help truck accident victims recognize whether or not someone else is liable for damages after a serious spinal cord injury.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:22 pm

Does Increased Competition in the Trucking Industry Affect Safety?

Saturday, August 19, 2017
The trucking industry is becoming an increasingly competitive place to work. The North American Free Trade Agreement has created more opportunities for truckers throughout North America, and deregulation in interstate trucking has created competition in pricing and deadlines. On some level, competition is essential in a market economy. As it relates to the trucking industry, however, competition can lead to dangers for travelers and truckers. In recent years, experts have raised concerns about safety and compliance in the industry.

Efficiency and Pressure from Competition

One of the largest areas in which competition has become a safety concern is in the efficient delivery of goods. When it comes to transportation of goods, efficiency is synonymous with speed. The need to deliver goods quickly has become a safety issue, as big rig operators are more likely to drive above the posted speed limit or faster than they should in inclement weather. Speeding plays a large role in commercial vehicle accidents, and truckers shouldn’t feel pressure from deadlines that are too tight.

A Lack of Qualified Drivers

To make matters worse, the trucking industry now faces a shortage of qualified drivers. Employers are offering sign-up bonuses and better pay to those looking for a long-haul job. The shortage especially applies to interstate trucking, as these long trips don’t suit a family lifestyle. Even though companies offer powerful incentives to hire more commercial vehicle operators, the turnover rate for these jobs is high. If a long-haul driver on the road lacks experience and proper training it can create a dangerous scenario.

Competition Leads to Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue plays a large role in accidents involving commercial motor vehicles. Trucking companies can theoretically gain an advantage by keeping drivers on the road longer. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration sets strict guidelines for driver hours, which they must keep recorded in log books. Currently, a driver must take breaks throughout a shift and cannot drive for more than 14 hours in a shift. It’s easy to see how breaking these regulations could lead to accidents for the sake of meeting a deadline. Drivers also combat fatigue by turning to illicit or over-the-counter substances. These substances, like caffeine pills, energy drinks, and even cocaine and methamphetamine, lead to energy crashes that compound fatigue. They also have disastrous consequences when it comes to roadway safety.

Competition Leads to Recklessness

In sum, the deregulation of the trucking industry has had unintended consequences – namely, an increasingly competitive landscape causing trucking companies to value profit over safety. Under pressure from their employers, truckers might drive too fast for prevailing conditions or even neglect their log books to gain a competitive edge. A trucker shortage compounds the problem, as companies struggle to retain and hire experienced drivers. Interstate commercial vehicle operators may lack the skill set or training to assure safety on our roadways. Drivers must use caution when driving, but especially when sharing the road with commercial motor vehicles. Increased competition has had a negative effect on public safety.
Posted by at 10:01 pm

Common Questions After Truck Accidents

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Motor vehicle accidents involving tractor-trailers and other large trucks often cause significant damage. A person who sustains injuries or other losses from a truck accident will likely have several questions about his or her rights and legal options for recovery. Anyone injured in a truck accident should ask these questions to determine the best next steps.

Who Is at Fault?

One of the most important factors in a truck accident is fault. If one driver, several drivers, or multiple parties bear liability for a truck accident, they are responsible for the resulting damages. When a person suffers injuries in a truck accident, he or she may file an insurance claim to recover medical expenses and other losses. An injured claimant’s insurer will want to know if any other parties bear liability for the claimant’s damages, and the insurer may pursue legal action against the at-fault party to recover the amount paid toward the claimant’s compensation.

In some cases, it may be more beneficial for an injured party to file a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault driver, especially in cases in which the injured party’s damages exceed the scope of any available insurance coverage. In other cases, a claimant’s fault for a claimed event may come into play. Many states follow comparative negligence laws that limit a plaintiff’s recovery if he or she bears liability for claimed damages. A plaintiff’s comparative negligence in a truck accident claim could diminish the claim’s value, resulting in less compensation for the plaintiff, in proportion to his or her percentage of fault for the incident.

How Much Is My Claim Worth?

If your truck accident claim falls within the scope of your insurance coverage or an at-fault driver’s insurance coverage, you will need to supply evidence of the extent of your claims and their eligibility under the policy in question. If you pursue a personal injury lawsuit for your truck accident damages, you will need to provide clear evidence of not only the extent of your losses, but also proof that the defendant is directly responsible for those losses.

Insurance will generally cover a claimant’s medical expenses and property damage, and additional coverage types may also apply depending on the specifics of a claimed event. If a claimed truck accident escalates to a personal injury lawsuit, the claimant will need to offer evidence of his or her economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages can include medical expenses, lost income, and property damage. Non-economic damages generally include pain and suffering compensation, and different courts use different methods for calculating pain and suffering damages in civil claims.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

A truck accident may result from the actions of one negligent party or several. It’s also possible for a defective product or the negligence of a third party to lead to a truck accident. An injured driver may not know the best course of action for legal recovery, and a reliable truck accident attorney will be a great asset in this situation. An attorney can help with insurance issues and build a strong case for a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent defendant or group of defendants. In the case of multiple defendants, a plaintiff’s attorney can consult with experts to determine each defendant’s level of liability for the plaintiff’s damages.

An attorney in a truck accident case can help an injured client maximize his or her recovery. Trucks are some of the largest vehicles on the road, and truck accidents typically lead to serious injuries, expensive property damage, and sometimes loss of life. Victims of truck accidents should handle their immediate medical concerns after experiencing these incidents and then consult experienced attorneys about their legal options.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:17 pm

What Should I Know About Commercial Truck Black Boxes

Thursday, August 18, 2016

We are often asked what should I know about commercial truck black boxes?

While many Americans are aware of black boxes in aircraft that can record flight data to help determine the cause of a crash, few may know that many commercial trucks feature black boxes as well. Most black boxes feature fireproof materials and multiple safeguards that allow them to survive even catastrophic crashes.

Black boxes record different types of vehicle data including speed, direction of travel, electrical interference, any disturbances to the vehicle’s systems, impacts, fuel consumption, and countless other variables that may contribute to crashes. Investigators often rely on black boxes to determine how catastrophic vehicle accidents happen when no one survives to offer a statement. They can also play a significant role in litigation for a commercial truck accident.

Black Boxes Help Prove Liability for Trucking Accidents

Modern tractor-trailers manufactured since the 1990s feature electronic control modules (ECMs) built into their engines. ECMs function very similarly to the black boxes found in commercial airliners and can help determine the cause of an accident. Commercial truck black boxes typically record and store data for a specified amount of time, usually 30 days. The black boxes can track a truck’s gas mileage, average RPMs, time spent traveling at high speeds, overall speed, idling time, airbag deployment, hard stops, GPS coordinates, and many other variables.

Truck manufacturers originally designed ECMs to discourage fraudulent warranty claims but ECMs have recently been more valuable as evidence in truck accident claims to help determine liability. Trucking companies can compare ECM data to driver logs to help with these investigations, and it’s important for injured claimants in truck accidents to secure legal representation as soon as possible. An attorney can help ensure a trucking company preserves potentially crucial black box data for use in a future lawsuit.

Most states generally uphold that the data contained in an ECM is the property of the vehicle’s owner. If a trucking company owns a truck involved in an accident, the trucking company technically has the right to destroy the ECM data. However, some states have enacted laws that prevent trucking companies from destroying ECM data when clear evidence that the data could be crucial to an official investigation exists. Trucking companies may also use tracking modules for their vehicles that record and store additional types of data. An attorney may request protection of these types of recording devices if they contain hours of service logs, pick up and unload times, or other data vital to an ongoing case.

How Can a Black Box Influence My Lawsuit?

A plaintiff’s attorney in a truck accident claim can file for a court order preventing the destruction of crucial data in a truck’s black box or ECM. If the truck driver or the trucking company is liable in any way for the plaintiff’s damages, the ECM data can help establish liability for all parties involved. For example, imagine a plaintiff suing a trucking company after claiming the truck driver made an illegal lane change and crashed into the claimant’s vehicle.

The ECM data may show that the truck’s computer logged a turn signal use right before the collision, countering the claim.

ECM data from consumer vehicles may also come into play in these cases. Many auto manufacturers include systems to record travel and crash data for use in investigations. Following the previous example, the claimant’s vehicle’s ECM data may show the claimant was traveling 20 mph over the speed limit immediately before the crash, establishing the claimant is at least partially liable for the incident.

If you are unsure if or how a black box could come into play for a truck accident claim, your attorney is the best resource for additional information. Your attorney can also file subpoenas for crucial data that can improve your odds of succeeding with a truck accident injury claim and handle insurance issues. Truck accidents often result in significant damages, and a black box is likely to be one of the most crucial forms of material evidence that will come into play in a truck accident lawsuit.

Contact a Dallas Truck Accident Lawyer Today

At Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. we offer a complimentary consultation in which we will examine the facts of your case and advise you on how to proceed.

With 14 years of experience, Texas Board Certification, a client-centered practice focused exclusively on personal injury law, the highest possible AVVO rating, more than 50 jury verdicts, and membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

You will incur no attorney fees, court, or legal expenses unless you recover. Time to file is limited by state law, so call today at (214) 949-1657 to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer who can protect your right to a monetary recovery.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:53 pm

How Many Hours Are Truck Drivers Legally Allowed to Drive?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Commercial truck drivers have special rules and laws they must obey. Since they control vehicles that can exceed 80,000 pounds for a living, they must respect these rules for the safety of everyone on the roadway. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issues these rules for all truck companies and drivers in the country to follow. One of these rules limits the hours of service a truck driver may legally work at a time before taking a break. The hours of service rule aims to reduce the risk of drowsy driving.

FMCSA Hours of Service Regulations

A tired driver is a risk to everyone on the road. Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk or impaired driving. Truck drivers are more at risk of drowsy driving than typical motorists for several reasons: they drive alone for long hours, often work nights, have to sleep on the road and may suffer from sleep apnea. For this reason, the FMCSA enforces strict hours of service regulations.

  • Work vs. duty periods. Work according to the FMCSA is a workweek, while duty period is a workday. Since many truck drivers do not work conventional 9:00 to 5:00 hours, the FMSCA bases its regulations on actual hours worked rather than days or hours of the week.
  • Seven-day work period. Truck drivers may work seven days in a row but cannot work more than 60 hours on duty in those seven days. If they do work seven consecutive days, they must break for at least 34 consecutive hours before beginning another seven-day work period.
  • 14-hour duty period. The maximum duty period for a truck driver is 14 hours. Within this period, a driver may only drive for 11 hours. After 8 hours, the driver must take a 30-minute break. After 14 hours, the driver must take a 10-hour break before another duty period.
  • Rest breaks. A commercial driver may only drive if 8 hours or less have passed since the last 30-minute break. A rest break can refer to time off-duty or in the truck’s sleeper berth.

If a truck driver starts his workday at 6:00 a.m., he must take at least a 30-minute break at 2:00 p.m., after 8 hours on duty. Then, he may drive another three hours with or without additional breaks. Once the trucker reaches 11 driving hours and/or 14 total hours on duty, he must stop and sleep or perform other non-driving duties for at least 10 hours before starting another 14-hour duty period.

What Happens if These Are Violated?

A truck driver needs to obey the hours of service regulations. Otherwise, he or she could run the risk of driving tired. Drowsy driving kills. A drowsy truck driver may not have the reflexes or reaction times to successfully stop or maneuver to avoid an accident. A tired trucker may fall asleep behind the wheel, fail to stop or cause a rear-end collision. Drowsy driving can cause catastrophic truck accidents such as truck rollovers, override accidents and head-on collisions.

If an investigation of an accident or a review of a driver’s electronic logging device finds he or she violated the FMCSA’s hours of service rules, the driver and carrier could face penalties. A police officer or an authority from the federal government could assess penalties such as fines at both the state and federal levels. The driver or trucking company could also suffer a reduction in its safety rating. Finally, the driver could face mandatory revocation of his or her driving privileges until the completion of a rest break.

If a truck driver who has violated the hours of service rule causes a truck accident, the trucking company could be liable for damages. The company could be responsible for the negligent actions of its driver, including hours of service violations. The company may have to pay for victims’ medical expenses, lost income, property damages, and other losses. A Dallas truck accident attorney can help you find compensation for your injuries.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:19 pm